蒿药草提取物 artemisia absinthium herb extract
从艾蒿的开花药草中提取的提取物 extract obtained from the flowering herb of the wormwort, 苦艾artemisia absinthium l., 菊科 compositae

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  • Advanced Biotech
    受自然启发 Inspired by Nature
    各种各样的产品 A diverse range of products, 全部符合我们对质量的严格承诺。 all meeting our stringent commitment to quality.
    先进的生物技术公司是优质天然调味料和香精的领先制造商和供应商。用于食品/饮料的植物提取物 Advanced Biotech is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality Natural flavoring ingredients &; botanical extracts for the food/beverage, 化妆品和个 护理行业。拥有超过25年的发酵加工和制造经验。植物提取物 cosmetic and personal care industries. With over 25 years of experience working with Fermentation processing &; botanical extracts, 我们可以为当今竞争激烈的市场提供新的创新功能产品。我们公司以能够满足客户和贸易的特定需求而感到自豪,同时保持对诚信的关注 we can help develop new innovative and functional products for today�™s competitive marketplace. Our company prides itself in the ability to cater to our customer�™s specific needs while maintaining our focus on integrity, 诚实和对高质量产品标准的承诺。我们自豪地为世界各地的公司提供优质的天然原料。 honesty and the commitment to high quality product standards. We proudly offer our quality Natural ingredients to companies around the world.
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    产品 Product(s):
    6128艾草提取物天然 6128 WORMWOOD EXTRACT NATURAL

    饮料 Beverages, 药用的 Medicinal, 茶 Tea
  • SRS Aromatics
    超过25年 For over 25 years
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    作为香精香料行业原料的供应商/分销商 As suppliers / distributors of ingredients to the fragrance and flavour industries, 我们的目标是以具有竞争力的价格提供优质的材料,并提供卓越的服务水平。 our goal is to provide high quality materials at competitive prices with an exceptional level of service. 成立于1984年 Established in 1984, distillation柏叶和嫩枝蒸馏后的精油收率相对较低。蒸汽蒸馏非常耗时,因为有必要继续蒸馏直到高沸点和更有价值的成分在低蒸汽压力下经过12到18个 。 SRS Aromatics Ltd is an independent family owned business which has become very well-respected within the fragrance and flavour industry as a reliable and trustworthy partner. Over the years this has allowed the company to develop strong relationships with many global manufacturers; several of whom we represent in the UK. 我们业务的核心目标是与我们的供应商和客户密切合作,以最大程度地提高服务水平,同时最大程度地减少供应中断。 A core aim of our business is to work extremely closely with both our suppliers and customers to maximise service levels with minimum disruption to supply.
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    产品 Product(s):
    普通艾草提取物hs 2850 g COMMON WORMWOOD EXTRACT HS 2850 G
    普通艾草提取物ls 2647克 COMMON WORMWOOD EXTRACT LS 2647 G
CAS号 CAS Number: 84929-19-1
ECHA EC 数 Number:284-503-2
类别 Category:cosmetic, flavor and fragrance agents
美国 US/欧盟 EU/ fda / jecfa / fema / Flavis / 文献 Scholar /专利 Patent :
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谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "flavor"搜索 Search
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fema号 FEMA Number:3115 艾草提取物 wormwood extract
自由贸易区 FDA:不再提供这七种合成调味剂的使用 No longer provide for the use of these seven synthetic flavoring substances
fda mainterm(satf) FDA Mainterm (SATF):977032-37-3 ; ARTEMISIA EXTRACT
自由贸易区法规 FDA Regulation:
Subpart f--调味 F--味道 Flavoring 代理商 Agents and 有关 Related Substances
Sec. 172.510 自然 Natural flavoring 物质 物质 substances and natural 物质 物质 substances 用过的 used in 连词 conjunction with 风味 flavors.
物理性质 Physical Properties:
食品化学品法典列表 Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
感官特性 Organoleptic Properties:
气味类型 Odor Type: herbal
气味强度 Odor Strength:介质 medium
气味描述 Odor Description:at 100.00 %. wormwood
风味类型 Flavor Type: herbal
口味描述 Taste Description: wormwood
来自其他 的气味和/或风味描述(如果找到)。 Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
Advanced Biotech
气味描述 Odor Description:发霉的 Musty, 草本的 Herbaceous, 木本 Woody
口味描述 Taste Description:苦 Bitter, 果味的 Fruity, 草本植物 Herbal
饮料 Beverages, 药用的 Medicinal, 茶 Tea
化妆品信息 Cosmetic Information:
CosIng:化妆品数据 cosmetic data
化妆品用途 Cosmetic Uses: 加香剂 perfuming agents
供应商 Suppliers:
Advanced Biotech
气味 For Odor: 发霉的 Musty, 草本的 Herbaceous, 木本 Woody
味道 Flavor: 苦 Bitter, 果味的 Fruity, 草本植物 Herbal
饮料 Beverages, 药用的 Medicinal, 茶 Tea
AuNutra® 行业 Industries
virgate艾草药材 Virgate Wormwood Herb P.E.
香脂木豆 Carrubba
艾草提取物 wormwood extract
格劳芳香剂 Grau Aromatics
普通艾草提取物hs 2850 g COMMON WORMWOOD EXTRACT HS 2850 G
(水溶性) (hydrosoluble)
格劳芳香剂 Grau Aromatics
普通艾草提取物ls 2647克 COMMON WORMWOOD EXTRACT LS 2647 G
(脂溶性) (liposoluble)
SRS Aromatics
普通艾草提取物hs 2850 g COMMON WORMWOOD EXTRACT HS 2850 G
SRS Aromatics
普通艾草提取物ls 2647克 COMMON WORMWOOD EXTRACT LS 2647 G
安全信息 Safety Information:
首选SDS Preferred SDS: 视图 View
危害识别 Hazards identification
物质或混合物的分类 Classification of the substance or mixture
根据29 cfr 1910(osha hcs)进行ghs分类 GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
没有找到。 None found.
ghs标签元素 GHS Label elements, 包括预防性声明 including precautionary statements
象形图 Pictogram
危险说明 Hazard statement(s)
没有找到。 None found.
防范说明 Precautionary statement(s)
没有找到。 None found.
口服/肠胃外毒性 Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
皮肤毒性 Dermal Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
吸入毒性 Inhalation Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
使用安全信息 Safety in Use Information:
类别 Category: cosmetic, flavor and fragrance agents
采用 Use 等级 水平 levels for FEMA GRAS flavoring 物质 物质 substances on 哪一个 which the FEMA 专家 Expert 面板 Panel 基于 based its 判断 judgments that the 物质 物质 substances are 通常 generally 公认的 recognized as 安全 safe (GRAS).
The 专家 Expert 面板 Panel 也 also 发表 publishes 分离 sepa鼠 rate 广泛 extensive 评论 评论 reviews of 科学的 scientific information on all FEMA GRAS flavoring 物质 物质 substances and can be 发现 found at FEMA 味道 Flavor Ingredient 图书馆 Library
出版编号 publication number: 3
单击此处查看出版物3 Click here to view publication 3
 平均 average 通常 usual 百万分之几 ppm平均 average 最大 maximum 百万分之几 ppm
焙烤食品 baked goods: --
饮料(不含醇) beverages(nonalcoholic): 15.0000043.00000
醇饮料 beverages(alcoholic): 10.0000040.00000
早餐麦片 breakfast cereal: --
起司 cheese: --
口香糖 chewing gum: --
调味品/调味品 condiments / relishes: --
糖果烧烤 confectionery froastings: --
蛋制品 egg products: --
脂肪/油 fats / oils: --
鱼产品 fish products: --
冷冻乳制品 frozen dairy: -170.00000
水果冰 fruit ices: -170.00000
明胶/布丁 gelatins / puddings: --
砂糖 granulated sugar: --
肉汁 gravies: --
硬糖 hard candy: -130.00000
仿乳制品 imitation dairy: --
速溶咖啡/茶 instant coffee / tea: --
果酱/果冻 jams / jellies: --
肉制品 meat products: --
奶制品 milk products: --
坚果产品 nut products: --
其他谷物 other grains: --
家禽 poultry: --
加工水果 processed fruits: --
加工蔬菜 processed vegetables: --
重构蔬菜 reconstituted vegetables: --
调味料 seasonings / flavors: --
休闲食品 snack foods: --
软糖 soft candy: --
汤类 soups: --
糖替代品 sugar substitutes: --
甜酱 sweet sauces: --
安全参考 Safety references:
欧洲食品安全局(efsa EFSA)参考 :

结果 Outcome of the 咨询服务 consultation with 会员 Member 状态 States and efsa EFSA on the 基本的 basic 物质 substance 应用 appli阳离子 卡蒂 cation for Artemisia absinthium for use in plant 保护 protection as 杀菌剂 fungicide in 小麦 wheat and as 杀 剂 nematicide and 杀虫剂 insecticide in 蔬菜 vegetables
视图 View page or 视图 View pdf

癌症引文 Cancer Citations:搜索 Search
毒理学引文 Toxicology Citations:搜索 Search
橙花发育和 毒性 NLM Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity:搜索 Search
EPA物质注册服务(tsca TSCA) :84929-19-1
EPA ACToR:毒理学资料 Toxicology Data
EPA物质注册服务(SRS) :注册表 Registry
国家过敏和传染病研究所 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:数据 Data
德国wgk WGK Germany:2
苦艾蒿草药提取物 artemisia absinthium l. herb extract
chemidplus Chemidplus:0084929191
参考资料 References:
 苦艾蒿草药提取物 artemisia absinthium l. herb extract
加拿大国内分公司。清单 Canada Domestic Sub. List:84929-19-1
pubchem(sid) Pubchem (sid):135300362
其他资料 Other Information:
食品中添加的fda物质(以前为af) FDA Substances Added to Food (formerly EAFUS):视图 View
出口关税代码 Export Tariff Code:1302.19.0000
维基百科 Wikipedia:视图 View
潜在搅拌机 Potential Blenders and 核心组件 core components note
气味 For Odor
找不到这些气味组 No odor group found for these
annus annus
wormwood 花 floweroil america
annus annus
wormwood 叶 leafoil america
香醋 balsamic
香醋 balsamic
annus annus
wormwoodoil france
artemisia absinthium herb tincture
cyclooct-3-enyl ethanone
艾菊 tansy 花 floweroil
艾菊 tansy 花 floweroil dutch
wormwoodoil america
wormwoodoil cuba
wormwoodoil italy
wormwoodoil poland
wormwoodoil replacer
辣的 spicy
黑体 bold oldus 叶 leafoil
annus annus
wormwoodoil vietnam
修罗尼克 thujonic
艾菊 tansyoil canada
用于调味 For Flavor
找不到适合这些的口味组 No flavor group found for these
annus annus
wormwood 花 floweroil america
annus annus
wormwood 叶 leafoil america
annus annus
wormwoodoil france
artemisia absinthium herb tincture
wormwoodoil america
wormwoodoil cuba
wormwoodoil italy
wormwoodoil poland
辣的 spicy
annus annus
wormwoodoil vietnam
潜在用途 Potential Uses:
没找到 None Found
存在自然 Occurrence (nature, food, 其他) other):note
搜索 Search Trop 图片 Picture
同义词 Synonyms:
 从艾蒿的开花药草中提取的提取物 extract obtained from the flowering herb of the wormwort, 苦艾artemisia absinthium l., 菊科 compositae
 艾草提取物 wormwood extract
common 艾草提取物 wormwood extract
virgate wormwood herb P.E.

文章 Articles:

已发布 PubMed:蒿蒿和艾草/艾蒿 Artemisia absinthium and Artemisia vulgaris: 输注多糖的比较研究。 a comparative study of infusion polysaccharides.
已发布 PubMed:gc-ms的化学表征和针对白假丝酵母挥发性成分的白念珠菌体外活性 Chemical characterization by GC-MS and in vitro activity against Candida albicans of volatile fractions prepared from Artemisia dracunculus, 白蒿 Artemisia abrotanum, 蒿蒿和艾草/艾蒿。 Artemisia absinthium and Artemisia vulgaris.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾蒿的抗寄生虫功效 Antiparasitic efficacy of Artemisia absinthium, 托曲亚利和氨苯丙胺对山羊肠道球虫病的抵抗作用。 toltrazuril and amprolium against intestinal coccidiosis in goats.
已发布 PubMed:噻噻嗪隆诱导的生物量参数变化 Thidiazuron-Induced Changes in Biomass Parameters, 总酚含量 Total Phenolic Content, 和苦艾的茧培养中的抗氧化活性 and Antioxidant Activity in Callus Cultures of Artemisia absinthium L.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾茧培养中不同光谱光下的形态发生和生化变化。 Morphogenic and biochemical variations under different spectral lights in callus cultures of Artemisia absinthium L.
已发布 PubMed:哈萨克斯坦儿童和青少年的出生日期和花粉症风险。 Date of birth and hay fever risk in children and adolescents of Kazakhstan.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾蒿对大鼠模型中金黄熊果感染的手术伤口的抗菌活性。 Antimicrobial Activity of Artemisia absinthium Against Surgical Wounds Infected by Staphylococcus aureus in a Rat Model.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾提取物对犬横纹肌的杀螨活性。 Acaricidal activity of extract of Artemisia absinthium against Rhipicephalus sanguineus of dogs.
已发布 PubMed:系统评价 Systematic review: 的功效炎症性肠病的草药疗法。 the efficacy of herbal therapy in inflammatory bowel disease.
已发布 PubMed:草药和抗炎药舒林酸对balb / c小鼠l-1肉瘤生长和肿瘤血管生成的抑制作用。 Inhibitory effect of herbal remedy PERVIVO and anti-inflammatory drug sulindac on L-1 sarcoma tumor growth and tumor angiogenesis in Balb/c mice.
已发布 PubMed:[苦艾的历史]。 [History of absinthe].
已发布 PubMed:乐观的响应面法超声辅助从苦艾中提取抗氧化剂的研究 Optimisation of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of antioxidant compounds from Artemisia absinthium using response surface methodology.
已发布 PubMed:哈萨克斯坦儿童和青少年不同类型的慢性鼻炎的特点。 The peculiarities of different types of chronic rhinitis in children and adolescents in Kazakhstan.
已发布 PubMed:蒿菊与华法令相互作用继发的胃肠道出血。 Gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to interaction of Artemisia absinthium with warfarin.
已发布 PubMed:一些菊科植物的抗氧化/乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制活性。 Antioxidative/acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of some Asteraceae plants.
已发布 PubMed:西北 塔克邦西高止山脉地区生长的蒿草苦艾挥发油的挥发性成分和抑菌活性 Volatile composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Artemisia absinthium growing in Western Ghats region of North West Karnataka, 印度。 India.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾蒿水提取物逆转sprague-dawley大鼠的四氯化碳诱导的肝损伤。 Reversal of carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatic injury by aqueous extract of Artemisia absinthium in Sprague-Dawley rats.
已发布 PubMed:毒 引起的黄tiv感染(灰色) Viper venom induced inflammation with Montivipera xanthina (Gray, (1849)和苦艾蒿的抗 活性。在老鼠 1849) and the anti-snake venom activities of Artemisia absinthium L. in rat.
已发布 PubMed:cyp71av1自然变异的比较功能分析揭示了amorpha-4连续氧化的重要残基 Comparative functional analysis of CYP71AV1 natural variants reveals an important residue for the successive oxidation of amorpha-4,11-二烯。 11-diene.
已发布 PubMed:[苦艾蒿。炎性牙周疾病的综合治疗] [Artemisia absinthium L. in complex treatment of inflammatory periodontal disease].
已发布 PubMed:山金车的抗氧化和细胞保护活性的评价和苦艾蒿。乙醇提取物。 Evaluation of antioxidant and cytoprotective activities of Arnica montana L. and Artemisia absinthium L. ethanolic extracts.
已发布 PubMed:灰球菌(坚果)灰色的rdna的基因间隔区。 The intergenic spacer region of the rDNA in Haplopappus gracilis (Nutt.) Gray.
已发布 PubMed:[意大利西北部小儿科肠炎 [Enterobiasis in pediatric subjects in north-western Italy: 对家庭疗法的研究]。 a study of home remedies].
已发布 PubMed:菊科某些药用植物对j-45.01白血病细胞系的细胞毒作用-中试研究。 Cytotoxic effect of some medicinal plants from Asteraceae family on J-45.01 leukemic cell line--pilot study.
已发布 PubMed:有 要开胃酒吗?是 Anyone for an aperitif? Yes, 但只有具有认证蛋白质组的braulio文档。 but only a Braulio DOC with its certified proteome.
已发布 PubMed:艾蒿(aa) Artemisia absinthium (AA): 一种新型的潜在的乳腺癌替代疗法。 a novel potential complementary and alternative medicine for breast cancer.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾的抗氧化剂和自由基清除能力的评估。 Evaluation of antioxidant and free-radical scavenging potential of Artemisia absinthium.
已发布 PubMed:丁香酮作为糖尿病药物的选择。 The choice of thujone as drug for diabetes.
已发布 PubMed:三种巴基斯坦药用植物的抗疟活性。 Antimalarial activity of three Pakistani medicinal plants.
已发布 PubMed:吸入-哺乳动物(未指定物种)lc50 2500 mg / m3toksikologiya novykh promyshlennykh khimicheskikh veshchestv。新工业化学物质的毒理学。英文翻译 In vitro antioxidant and radical-scavenging capacities of Citrullus colocynthes (L) and Artemisia absinthium extracts using promethazine hydrochloride radical cation and contemporary assays.
已发布 PubMed:姜对大鼠唾液分泌的影响 Evaluation of effects of Zingiber officinale on salivation in rats.
已发布 PubMed:罗马尼亚药用植物水醇提取物对浮游细胞和粘附细胞的体外抗菌活性。 In vitro antimicrobial activity of Romanian medicinal plants hydroalcoholic extracts on planktonic and adhered cells.
已发布 PubMed:根据chilandar医学法典(15至16世纪)的药理手稿,在中世纪的塞尔维亚医学中进行植物疗法。 Phytotherapy in medieval Serbian medicine according to the pharmacological manuscripts of the Chilandar Medical Codex (15-16th centuries).
已发布 PubMed:苦艾蒿对自然感染猫的弓形虫的抗寄生虫效果。 Antiparasitic efficiency of Artemisia absinthium on Toxocara cati in naturally infected cats.
已发布 PubMed:青蒿粗醇提物的体外杀菌作用 In vitro trematocidal effects of crude alcoholic extracts of Artemisia annua, 一个。苦艾酒 A. absinthium, 阿西米娜·三叶 Asimina triloba, 和紫锥菊 and Fumaria officinalis: 杀螨植物醇提取物。 trematocidal plant alcoholic extracts.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾蒿中咖啡酰奎尼酸对革兰氏阳性病原菌的抑菌和外排泵抑制活性。 Antimicrobial and efflux pump inhibitory activity of caffeoylquinic acids from Artemisia absinthium against gram-positive pathogenic bacteria.
已发布 PubMed:菊苦艾和刺柏的香精油的体外抗衰老活性和毒性的体外评估。 In vitro evaluation of antileishmanial activity and toxicity of essential oils of Artemisia absinthium and Echinops kebericho.
已发布 PubMed:提取物对空肠弯曲杆菌的抗粘连性研究。 Investigations into the antiadhesive activity of herbal extracts against Campylobacter jejuni.
已发布 PubMed:所选南非和国际同种疗法母亲tin的质量。 The quality of selected South African and international homoeopathic mother tinctures.
已发布 PubMed: 青蒿素和青蒿提取物对沙鼠中的弯曲扭曲的影响(meriones 虚假的 unguiculatus)。
已发布 PubMed:卡罗卢斯·林奈 Carolus Linnaeus, 灰烬 the ash, worm木和其他抗疟疾植物。 worm-wood and other anti-malarial plants.
已发布 PubMed:倍半萜内酯的分析 Analysis of Sesquiterpene Lactones, 木脂素 Lignans, 高效液相色谱(hplc)-质谱法测定艾草中的艾草和黄酮 and Flavonoids in Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.) Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)-Mass Spectrometry, 反相高压液相色谱 Reversed Phase HPLC, hplc-固相萃取-核磁共振。 and HPLC-Solid Phase Extraction-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
已发布 PubMed:艾草(艾蒿)用于早期反应较差的早期伊加肾病 Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) for poorly responsive early-stage IgA nephropathy: 飞行员不受控制的审判。 a pilot uncontrolled trial.
已发布 PubMed:[植物多糖对th1依赖性免疫反应的影响 [Effect of plant polysaccharides on TH1-dependent immune response: 筛选调查]。 screening investigation].
已发布 PubMed:苦艾蒿水提物的体内保肝活性抵抗化学和免疫学引起的小鼠肝损伤。 In vivo hepatoprotective activity of the aqueous extract of Artemisia absinthium L. against chemically and immunologically induced liver injuries in mice.
已发布 PubMed:饲喂生物活性饲料对羊粪粪便中的弯曲变形杆菌和随后发育的影响 Effect of feeding bioactive forages on infection and subsequent development of Haemonchus contortus in lamb faeces.
已发布 PubMed:艾草(艾蒿)-具有橙花毒性和橙花保护特性的奇特植物吗? Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.)--a curious plant with both neurotoxic and neuroprotective properties?
已发布 PubMed:伊朗5种蒿属植物的体外抗血浆和植物化学研究以及两种植物的体内活性。 In vitro antiplasmodial and phytochemical study of five Artemisia species from Iran and in vivo activity of two species.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾蒿的橙花保护作用。对局灶性缺血和再灌注所致的脑损伤。 Neuroprotective effect of Artemisia absinthium L. on focal ischemia and reperfusion-induced cerebral injury.
已发布 PubMed:一些蒿属提取物的抗菌活性。 Antibacterial activity of some Artemisia species extract.
已发布 PubMed:葡萄牙芳香植物区系的精油和挥发物对松材 的杀 活性 Nematicidal activity of essential oils and volatiles derived from Portuguese aromatic flora against the pinewood nematode, bursaphelenchus 木糖 xylophilus。
已发布 PubMed:墨西哥用于治疗胃肠道疾病的植物对木炭胶合欢诱发的大鼠过度蠕动的影响。 Effect of plants used in Mexico to treat gastrointestinal disorders on charcoal-gum acacia-induced hyperperistalsis in rats.
已发布 PubMed:蒿 Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) 压制 suppresses 瘤 tumour 坏死 necrosis 因子 factor α alpha and 加速 accele鼠 rates 康复 healing in 耐心 patients with Crohn's 疾病 disease - A 受控 controlled 临床 clinical 试用 trial.
已发布 PubMed: 苦艾的精油成分分析来自cc CC的立陶宛 , gc(ri) GC(RI), gc-ms和13c nmr。 GC-MS and 13C NMR.
已发布 PubMed:四种埃塞俄比亚蒿提取物的挥发性成分及其体外抗锥虫和细胞毒活性。 Volatile components of four Ethiopian Artemisia species extracts and their in vitro antitrypanosomal and cytotoxic activities.
已发布 PubMed:多肽骨架和翻译后修饰在交叉反应中的作用v 1 Role of the polypeptide backbone and post-translational modifications in cross-reactivity of Art v 1, 主要的艾蒿花粉过敏原。 the major mugwort pollen allergen.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾蒿提取物对羊 的驱虫活性。 Anthelmintic activity of extracts of Artemisia absinthium against ovine nematodes.
已发布 PubMed: 古巴药用植物simarouba glauca dc的体外抗菌活性 , 千层白粉病和苦艾蒿。 Melaleuca leucadendron L and Artemisia absinthium L.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾蒿的精油的化学组成,在伊朗野外生长。 Chemical composition of the essential oil of Artemisia absinthium growing wild in Iran.
已发布 PubMed:蒿(菊科)中35s和5s rrna基因的连锁 Linkage of 35S and 5S rRNA genes in Artemisia (family Asteraceae): 来自被子植物的第一批证据。 first evidence from angiosperms.
已发布 PubMed:化学成分筛选 Screening of chemical composition, 青蒿精油的抗菌和抗氧化活性。 antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Artemisia essential oils.
已发布 PubMed:草药中某些必需和有毒元素的生物利用度研究。 Investigation on bioavailability of some essential and toxic elements in medicinal herbs.
已发布 PubMed:艾草对铅中毒动物模型中脂质过氧化的预防作用。 Prophylactic effects of Wormwood on lipid peroxidation in an animal model of lead intoxication.
已发布 PubMed:比较在西安那托利亚生长的艾草/艾蒿和苦艾对大鼠的 病( )的作用。 Comparison of the effects of Artemisia vulgaris and Artemisia absinthium growing in western Anatolia against trichinellosis (Trichinella spiralis) in rats.
已发布 PubMed:热带美洲植物用于治疗 。 Tropical American plants in the treatment of infectious diseases.
已发布 PubMed:艾草(苦艾)提取物在氧化应激中改善铅诱导的血液毒性的作用。 Role of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) extract on oxidative stress in ameliorating lead induced haematotoxicity.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾酒和烟草-重新看一个老问题? (给某事物发表意见 Absinthe and tobacco--a new look at an old problem? (Comment on: 苦艾酒-它的历史与当前的公共卫生有关吗?) Absinthe--is its history relevant for current public health?).
已发布 PubMed:植物水提物对 红细胞渗透稳定性的影响 Influence of aqueous crude extracts of medicinal plants on the osmotic stability of human erythrocytes.
已发布 PubMed:特立尼达和多巴哥用于 问题的民族药。 Ethnomedicines used in Trinidad and Tobago for reproductive problems.
已发布 PubMed:在基尔克拉雷利省(土耳其)使用的药用植物。 Medicinal plants used in Kirklareli Province (Turkey).
已发布 PubMed:激素类固醇 Steroid-sparing 影响 effect of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) in Crohn's 疾病 disease: 一项双盲安慰剂对照研究。 a double-blind placebo-controlled study.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾酒-评论。 Absinthe--a review.
已发布 PubMed:塞尔维亚野生生长的苦艾,苦艾和蒿的精油的化学成分。 Chemical composition of the essential oils of serbian wild-growing Artemisia absinthium and Artemisia vulgaris.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾酒 Absinthe: 拉费韦尔 la fée vert.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾主义 Absinthism: 一种虚拟的19世纪综合症,目前具有影响力。 a fictitious 19th century syndrome with present impact.
已发布 PubMed:青蒿(菊科)的基因组大小变化 Genome size variation in the Artemisia arborescens complex (Asteraceae, the科)及其品种。 Anthemideae) and its cultivars.
已发布 PubMed:瑞典的抗虱子植物提取物和油脂的评价。 Evaluation of extracts and oils of tick-repellent plants from Sweden.
已发布 PubMed:蒿油的化学成分和抗氧化活性的测定以及土耳其苦艾的抗真菌和抗菌活性的测定 Determination of the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of the essential oil of Artemisia dracunculus and of the antifungal and antibacterial activities of Turkish Artemisia absinthium, 一个。蜻蜓 A. dracunculus, 黄花蒿 Artemisia santonicum, 和青蒿挥发油。 and Artemisia spicigera essential oils.
已发布 PubMed:金钟柏-苦艾酒吗? Thujone--cause of absinthism?
已发布 PubMed:筛选三种土耳其蒿属植物精油的化学成分以及抗真菌和抗氧化活性。 Screening of chemical composition and antifungal and antioxidant activities of the essential oils from three Turkish artemisia species.
已发布 PubMed:意大利中部的传统植物疗法(马尔什 Traditional phytotherapy in Central Italy (Marche, 阿布鲁佐 Abruzzo, 和latium)。 and Latium).
已发布 PubMed:四甲氧基羟基黄酮p7f通过抑制核因子kappab来下调炎症介质。 Tetramethoxy hydroxyflavone p7F downregulates inflammatory mediators via the inhibition of nuclear factor kappaB.
已发布 PubMed:苦参素的全合成。 Total synthesis of absinthin.
已发布 PubMed:萨卡里亚省(土耳其)的传统医学和所选物种的抗菌活性。 Traditional medicine in Sakarya province (Turkey) and antimicrobial activities of selected species.
已发布 PubMed:[苦涩的治疗能力]。 [Bitter healing power].
已发布 PubMed:从巴拉圭和泰国的药用植物中搜索具有增强橙花营养因子活性的成分。 Search for constituents with neurotrophic factor-potentiating activity from the medicinal plants of paraguay and Thailand.
已发布 PubMed:桦树花粉过敏原多克隆抗血清用于空气过敏原筛选 [Polyclonal antisera to birch pollen allergen for the air allergen screening].
已发布 PubMed:苦艾蒿提取物对大鼠的十三周重复剂量毒性研究。 Thirteen-week repeated dose toxicity study of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) extract in rats.
已发布 PubMed:紫杉 Puccinia tanaceti: 专家还是通才? specialist or generalist?
已发布 PubMed:克罗地亚和法国的苦艾蒿精油的组成和抑菌活性。 Composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Artemisia absinthium from Croatia and France.
已发布 PubMed:[苦艾酒和艺术创造力]。 [Absinthe and the artistic creativeness].
已发布 PubMed:苦艾酒 Absinthe: 在年轻 中享有新的知名度? enjoying a new popularity among young people?
已发布 PubMed:亚洲一些常见食用植物提取物的抗菌活性。 Antibacterial activity of extracts from some edible plants commonly consumed in Asia.
已发布 PubMed:多米尼加的肠道蠕虫的民族生理学和草药治疗 Ethnophysiology and herbal treatments of intestinal worms in Dominica, 西印度群岛。 West Indies.
已发布 PubMed:盐卤测定方法的比较研究。和小鼠中等致死剂量(ld50值)的估计 Comparative study of the assay of Artemia salina L. and the estimate of the medium lethal dose (LD50 value) in mice, 以确定植物提取物的口服急性毒性。 to determine oral acute toxicity of plant extracts.
已发布 PubMed:通过三种提取方法获得的蒿蒿和艾菊(菊科)精油的杀螨特性。 Acaricidal properties of Artemisia absinthium and Tanacetum vulgare (Asteraceae) essential oils obtained by three methods of extraction.
已发布 PubMed:传统上用于改善衰竭记忆的欧洲药用植物中的cns乙酰胆碱受体活性。 CNS acetylcholine receptor activity in European medicinal plants traditionally used to improve failing memory.
已发布 PubMed:传统抗蠕虫药 Traditional antihelmintic, 意大利中部植物的抗寄生虫和驱虫剂用途。 antiparasitic and repellent uses of plants in Central Italy.
已发布 PubMed:丁香酮对大麻素受体的亲和力低,但不能引起大麻素的反应。 Thujone exhibits low affinity for cannabinoid receptors but fails to evoke cannabimimetic responses.
已发布 PubMed:功能性上腹部不适的植物疗法是几种植物制剂的临床研究结果。 Phytotherapy in functional upper abdominal complaints Results of a clinical study with a preparation of several plants.
已发布 PubMed:捕获测定放射性液体过敏原的多中心评估,以测量特定的ige抗体。 Multicentre evaluation of Capture Assay Radim Liquid Allergen for measurement of specific IgE antibodies.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾蒿对乙酰氨基酚和ccl4诱导的肝毒性的预防和治疗作用。 Preventive and curative effects of Artemisia absinthium on acetaminophen and CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity.
已发布 PubMed:抑制5-羟色胺从牛血小板中释放的生物测定法。 A bioassay for inhibition of serotonin release from bovine platelets.
已发布 PubMed:白花蒿和苦艾蒿提取物在体外能抑制家禽的生长。 Extracts of Artemisia abrotanum and Artemisia absinthium inhibit growth of Naegleria fowleri in vitro.
已发布 PubMed:苦艾蒿对小鼠疟原虫疟疾的抗疟作用的筛选 Screening of Artemisia absinthium for antimalarial effects on Plasmodium berghei in mice: 初步报告。 a preliminary report.
已发布 PubMed: 文森特·梵高(文森特 Vincent Van 高 Gogh)与崖柏 thujone的联系。
已发布 PubMed:从巴塔哥尼亚(阿根廷)收集的蒿蒿油的化学特性。 Chemical Characteristics of the Oil from Artemisia absinthium Collected in Patagony (Argentina).
已发布 PubMed:24 Zeta-ethylcholesta-7 24zeta-Ethylcholesta-7,22-dien-3beta-ol 22-Dien-3beta-ol: 可能是蒿艾菊的解热成分。 A Possibly Antipyretic Constituent of Artemisia absinthium.
已发布 PubMed:蒿属植物花粉的生化研究 [Biochemical study of pollens of the genus Artemisia].
已发布 PubMed:对一些巴基斯坦本土药用植物的解热研究。 Antipyretic studies on some indigenous Pakistani medicinal plants.
已发布 PubMed:从艾草中分离出一种促进衰老的物质(艾蒿)。 Isolation and Identification of a Senescence-promoting Substance from Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.).
已发布 PubMed:对花粉和微生物的联合致敏过程中对蒿花粉的过敏反应的发展 [Development of allergic reactivity to Artemesia pollen during combined sensitization to pollen and microbes].
已发布 PubMed:[关于艾草对 的 和胰液分泌的影响的研究]。 [Studies on the effects of wormwood (Artemisia absinthium L.) on bile and pancreatic juice secretion in man].
已发布 PubMed:[苦艾的化学变种l。 [Chemical varieties of Artemisia absinthium L., 菊科]。 compositae].
已发布 PubMed: [对含有普maz素 prochamazulenogen的植物a粉虱的药理学检查。和艾蒿l]。
已发布 PubMed:[对工作的评论g。申克和舒斯特 [Comments on the work of G. Schenk and N.E. Schuster, 苦艾的苦味]。 Bitter principles of Artemisia absinthium].
已发布 PubMed:[苦艾蒿的苦味]。 [The bitter principles of Artemisia absinthium].
已发布 PubMed:[苦艾蒿。 [Artemisia absinthium L., 真正的艾草]。 the true wormwood].
已发布 PubMed:遇艾草(蒿蒿)油中毒。 Case of Poisoning by Oil of Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium).
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