母菊洋甘菊花提取物 matricaria chamomilla flower extract
母菊头花的提取物 extract of the flowerheads of the matricaria, chamomilla recutita( ) chamomilla recutita (l.), 菊科 compositae

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  • Alfrebro
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    用香气化学物质营造出绝佳的味道 Building great taste with aroma chemicals, extracts, 和馏出物 and distillates
    alfrebro品牌是由alex fries& amp; amp; amp; amp; amp;兄弟 The Alfrebro brand was established in the early 1900s by Alex Fries &; Brothers, a cincinnati Cincinnati 味道 Flavor Company. In 1980, the 牌 brand was 重新推出 re-launched as an aroma chemical 制造商 manufacturer. 以来 Since its 起始 inception, alfrebro的主要重点是提供优质的天然和高价值的合成化学品。 Alfrebro’s primary focus has been to provide quality natural and high value synthetic chemicals.
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    产品 Product(s):
    洋甘菊花提取物 Chamomile Flower Extract
  • Horner International
    世界上最好的提取物 The finest extracts in the world
    霍纳国际为全球客户群提供最优质的天然提取物和调味料。 Horner International supplies the finest natural extracts and flavors to a world-wide customer base.
    霍纳国际为全球客户群提供最优质的天然提取物和调味料。我们在达勒姆的新北美生产工厂 Horner International supplies the finest natural extracts and flavors to a world-wide customer base. Our new North American production facility in Durham, 北卡罗来纳州拥有多条生产线,可通过专有技术进行提取和浓缩。具有数十年经验和香基/香型知识的多元化团队 North Carolina features multiple production lines for extraction and concentration via proprietary technology. A diverse team with decades of experience and know-how, 我们将我们的技能应用于自然界中一些最具挑战性的产品。我们致力于以我们希望得到的方式对待客户。我们相信,天然产品可以起到积极作用 we apply our skills to some of the most challenging products found in nature. We are committed to treat our customers in the way we wish to be treated. We believe that natural products play a positive, 在对农民有利的未来中发挥可持续作用 sustainable role in a future that is good for farmers, 社区 communities, 和我们的客户。我们的目标是生产出最美味的 and our customers. Our goal is to produce the best-tasting, 世界上最一致的天然提取物和风味。 most consistent natural extracts and flavors in the world.
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    产品 Product(s):
    洋甘菊提取物 Chamomile Extract
  • SRS Aromatics
    超过25年 For over 25 years
    将风味和芬芳带入您的世界。 Bringing flavour and fragrance into your world.
    作为香精香料行业原料的供应商/分销商 As suppliers / distributors of ingredients to the fragrance and flavour industries, 我们的目标是以具有竞争力的价格提供优质的材料,并提供卓越的服务水平。 our goal is to provide high quality materials at competitive prices with an exceptional level of service. 成立于1984年 Established in 1984, 蒸馏 distillation柏叶和嫩枝蒸馏后的精油收率相对较低。蒸汽蒸馏非常耗时,因为有必要继续蒸馏直到高沸点和更有价值的成分在低蒸汽压力下经过12到18个 。 我们业务的核心目标是与我们的供应商和客户密切合作,以最大程度地提高服务水平,同时最大程度地减少供应中断。 A core aim of our business is to work extremely closely with both our suppliers and customers to maximise service levels with minimum disruption to supply.
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    产品 Product(s):
    洋甘菊提取物hs 2382 g CHAMOMILE EXTRACT HS 2382 G
    洋甘菊提取物ls 2416 g CHAMOMILE EXTRACT LS 2416 G
  • Symrise
    总是诱骗更多 Always Insiring More
    香气分子独特创新香精的化妆品成分 Symrise aroma molecules &; cosmetic ingredients for unique and innovative fragrances, 香料和化妆品。 flavors and cosmetics.
    我们是全球公认的领先香精供应商 We are globally recognized as a leading provider of fragrances, 香水的香精和活性成分以及香气化学物质 flavors and active ingredients as well as aroma chemicals for the perfume, cosmetic, 制药业 pharmaceutical, 食品和饮料行业。 food and beverage industries. 我们结合了有关消费者的知识通过创造力和突破性技术不断变化的需求。在这样做 We combine our knowledge about consumers’ ever- changing needs with creativity and ground-breaking technologies. In doing so, 我们专注于为客户提供附加值的解决方案的开发。 we concentrate on the development of solutions that provide our customers with added value. 我们允许员工和股东分享我们公司的成功,从而确保持续的价值创造。 We ensure sustained value creation by allowing our employees and shareholders to share our Company’s success.
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    产品 Product(s):
    817076 Neo Extrapone® Organic Camomile 生活必需品 Life Essentials - 植物药 Botanicals
    Neo Extrapone® Organic Camomile is a 防腐剂 preservative 自由 free 粉 powder 包含 containing the 喷雾干燥 spray-干的 dried extract of organic Chamomilla recutita L. 花卉 flowers 准备好的 prepared with organic 麦芽糊精 maltodextrin. Camomile 用过的 used for our Neo Extrapone® is 有机地 organically cultivated in Egypt. The 花开 blossoms are 收获的 harvested, 清洗,必要时粉碎 cleaned and if necessary comminuted, 水萃取并过滤。滤液通过蒸发浓缩 aqueously extracted and filtrated. The filtrate is concentrated by evaporation, 与有机麦芽糖糊精混合并小心喷雾干燥。所用的甘菊以及麦芽糖糊精均符合欧盟理事会第(ec)号法规的要求。 834/2007及之后的有机农业。 mixed with organic maltodextrin and carefully spray-dried. The used camomile as well as maltodextrin meet the requirements of Council Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 and the following for organic agriculture. 总成分的100%来自有机农业。 100 % of the total ingredients proceed from organic farming. 1 kg kg Neo Extrapone® Organic Camomile 包含 contains the 水性 aqueous ingredients of 大约 approx. 0.3 to 0.4 kg kg 干的 dried 甘菊 camomile 花开 blossoms 分别 回应 respectively of 大约 approx. 2 to 3 kg kg 新鲜 fresh 甘菊 camomile 花开 blossoms. 干的 Dried plant 材料 material - extract (Neo Extrapone® Organic Camomile) - 比 ratio: 0.3-0.4 : 1. 新鲜 Fresh plant 材料 material - extract (Neo Extrapone® Organic Camomile) - 比 ratio: 2-3 : 1
    660155 Extrapone® Camomile 生活必需品 Life Essentials - 植物药 Botanicals
    Extrapone® Camomile 包含 contains a 甘菊 camomile extract in propylene glycol, 丁二醇和水。全世界都种植甘菊植物(chamomilla recutita l。)。花朵盛开 butylene glycol and water. Camomile plants (Chamomilla recutita L.) are cultivated worldwide. The blossoms are harvested, 清洗,必要时粉碎 cleaned and if necessary comminuted, 用水和乙醇萃取(浸渍/渗滤)并过滤。通过蒸馏浓缩滤液,从而完全除去乙醇。在丙二醇的混合物中制备浓缩的提取物 extracted with water and ethanol (maceration/percolation) and filtrated. The filtrate is concentrated by distillation and thereby the ethanol is completely removed. The concentrated extract is prepared in a mixture of propylene glycol, 丁二醇 butylene glycol, 单独的熟化时间后,加入水,防腐剂和澄清的滤液。 water and preservative and clear filtrated after an individual ripening time. 1 kg kg Extrapone® Camomile 包含 contains the ingredients 解决了 solved by by 水 water and ethanol of 大约 approx. 200 g 干的 dried, 分别大约1500克鲜花。 resp. approx. 1500 g fresh blossoms. 干的 Dried plant 材料 material - Extrapone® Camomile - 比 ratio: 0.20 : 1 新鲜 Fresh plant 材料 material - Extrapone® Camomile - 比 ratio: 1.50 : 1
    660398 Extrapone® Camomile gw GW 生活必需品 Life Essentials - 植物药 Botanicals
    Extrapone® Camomile gw GW 包含 contains the extract of Matricaria chamomilla L. 花开 blossoms 准备好的 prepared in glycerin and 水 water. Camomile 用过的 used for our Extrapone® is cultivated worldwide. The 花开 blossoms are 干的 dried, 如有必要则粉碎 if necessary comminuted, 用水萃取并过滤。滤液通过蒸馏浓缩。浓缩提取物是在甘油混合物中制备的 extracted with water and filtrated. The filtrate is concentrated by distillation. The concentrated extract is prepared in a mixture of glycerin, 单独的熟化时间后,加入水和防腐剂并过滤干净。 water and preservatives and clear filtrated after an individual ripening time. 1 kg kg Extrapone® Camomile gw GW 包含 contains the 亲水的 hydrophilic ingredients of 大约 approx. 200 g 干的 dried, 分别大约1500克鲜花。 resp. approx. 1500 g fresh blossoms. 干的 Dried plant 材料 material - Extrapone® Camomile gw GW - 比 ratio: 0.2 : 1. 新鲜 Fresh plant 材料 material - Extrapone® Camomile gw GW - 比 ratio: 1.5 : 1
    659770 Phytoconcentrole® Camomile 生活必需品 Life Essentials - 植物药 Botanicals
    Phytoconcentrole® Camomile 包含 contains the extract of Matricaria chamomilla L. 花开 blossoms 准备好的 prepared in 大豆 soybean oil. Camomile 用过的 used for Phytoconcentrole® Camomile is cultivated worldwide. The 花开 blossoms are 干的 dried, 如有必要则粉碎 if necessary comminuted, 使用临床上可用的近红外荧光发射吲哚菁绿在体内进行的全集成高速血管内光学相干断层扫描/近红外荧光结构/分子成像,以检测冠状血管中发炎的富含脂质的动脉粥样硬化。 extracted with isopropyl alcohol and filtrated. The filtrate is concentrated by distillation and thereby the isopropyl alcohol is completely removed. The concentrated extract is prepared in a mixture of soybean oil and antioxidant and clear filtrated after an individual ripening time. 1 kg kg Phytoconcentrole® Camomile 包含 contains the 亲脂的 lipophilic ingredients of 大约 approx. 210 g 干的 dried, 分别大约1570克鲜花。 resp. approx. 1570 g fresh blossoms. 干的 Dried plant 材料 material - Phytoconcentrole® Camomile - 比 ratio: 0.210 : 1. 新鲜 Fresh plant 材料 material - Phytoconcentrole® Camomile - 比 ratio: 1.570 : 1
  • Vigon International
    对简单的热情 Passion for Simplicity
    优质香精香料成分的制造商和供应商。 Manufacturer and supplier of high quality flavor and fragrance ingredients.
    vigon的增长和成功很大程度上归功于vigon在行业内发展并建立的独特的企业理念 The growth and success of Vigon is due in large part to a unique corporate concept that Vigon has developed and established within the industry: 创新的伙伴关系。这种伙伴关系概念一直并将继续是vigon所有活动的基础和指导原则。 Creative Partnerships. This partnership concept has been and continues to be the foundation and guiding principle for all of Vigon's activities.
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    产品 Product(s):
Name:母菊花提取物 matricaria chamomilla l. flower extract
CAS号 CAS Number: 84082-60-0
ECHA EC 数 Number:282-006-5
类别 Category:flavor and fragrance agents
美国 US/欧盟 EU EU/ fda / jecfa / fema / Flavis / 文献 Scholar /专利 Patent :
谷歌学术 Google Scholar:搜索 Search
谷歌书 Google Books:搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with 字 word "volatile"搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with 字 word "flavor"搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with 字 word "odor"搜索 Search
调香师和调味师 Perfumer and Flavorist:搜索 Search
谷歌专利 Google Patents:搜索 Search
美国专利 US Patents:搜索 Search
欧盟专利 EU Patents:搜索 Search
已发布 PubMed:搜索 Search
NCBI:搜索 Search
物理性质 Physical Properties:
出现 Appearance:深琥珀至深棕色液体(est) dark amber to dark brown liquid (est)
食品化学品法典列表 Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
闪点 Flash Point: 6.00 °F. tcc TCC ( -14.44 °C. ) (est)
感官特性 Organoleptic Properties:
来自其他 的气味和/或风味描述(如果找到)。 Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
化妆品信息 Cosmetic Information:
CosIng:化妆品数据 cosmetic data
化妆品用途 Cosmetic Uses: 掩蔽剂 masking agents
皮肤调理 skin conditioning
供应商 Suppliers:
洋甘菊花提取物 Chamomile Flower Extract
气味 Odor: 洋甘菊花 Chamomile Floral
阿玛克斯营养资源公司 Amax Nutrasource
洋甘菊提取物 Chamomile Extract, 1.2%芹菜素 1.2% Apigenin
Chamomile Floraceutical® – 9831
洋甘菊花洋甘菊recutita(母菊)花提取物 Chamomile Flower Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract
洋甘菊花 Chamomile Floral, pe – 4144sd PE – 4144SD
洋甘菊橄榄油– 3689c Chamomile in Olive Oil – 3689C
红花油中的洋甘菊– 3689年代 Chamomile in Safflower Oil – 3689S
Chamomile, af AF – 5435
Chamomile, fe – 5026 FE – 5026
甘油中的有机洋甘菊– 3230org Organic Chamomile in Glycerin – 3230ORG
香脂木豆 Carrubba
洋甘菊提取物 Chamomile Extract
东莞市美荷生物科技有限公司 Dongguan Meiherb Biotech
洋甘菊提取物 Chamomile Extract
气味 Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: 洋甘菊是从菊科家庭植物matricaria recutita的花中提取的,具有极好的安慰作用。主要缓解焦虑 Chamomile is extracted from the flower of Asteraceae family plant Matricaria recutita and has the excellent comforting effect. It mainly relieves anxiety, 张力 tension, 愤怒与恐惧 anger and fear, 使 们放松和耐心。 make people relaxed and patient. 洋甘菊提取物还可以平衡油脂分泌 Chamomile extract can also balance oil secretion, 去除粉刺 remove acne, 去除斑点 remove spots, 美白肌肤 whiten skin, 还抑制引起病原性皮肤的真菌。 also inhibit fungi which causes pathogenic skin.
弗鲁塔罗姆 Frutarom
格劳芳香剂 Grau Aromatics
洋甘菊提取物hs 2382 g CHAMOMILE EXTRACT HS 2382 G
(水溶性) (hydrosoluble)
格劳芳香剂 Grau Aromatics
洋甘菊提取物ls 2416 g CHAMOMILE EXTRACT LS 2416 G
(脂溶性) (liposoluble)
H。埃哈德·瓦格纳 H. Erhard Wagner
植物性洋甘菊 PhytoVital Chamomile
Horner International
洋甘菊提取物 Chamomile Extract
lipotec美国 Lipotec USA
Actiphyte® of 洋甘菊花提取物 Chamomile Flower Extract
自然的 Naturex
洋甘菊提取物 Chamomile Extract
nat NAT arom®, 液体或粉末形式 liquid or powder forms
SRS Aromatics
洋甘菊提取物hs 2382 g CHAMOMILE EXTRACT HS 2382 G
SRS Aromatics
洋甘菊提取物ls 2416 g CHAMOMILE EXTRACT LS 2416 G
Extrapone® Camomile gw GW
生活必需品 Life Essentials - 植物药 Botanicals
气味 Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: Extrapone® Camomile gw GW 包含 contains the extract of Matricaria chamomilla L. 花开 blossoms 准备好的 prepared in glycerin and 水 water. Camomile 用过的 used for our Extrapone® is cultivated worldwide. The 花开 blossoms are 干的 dried, 如有必要则粉碎 if necessary comminuted, 用水萃取并过滤。滤液通过蒸馏浓缩。浓缩提取物是在甘油混合物中制备的 extracted with water and filtrated. The filtrate is concentrated by distillation. The concentrated extract is prepared in a mixture of glycerin, 单独的熟化时间后,加入水和防腐剂并过滤干净。 water and preservatives and clear filtrated after an individual ripening time. 1 kg kg Extrapone® Camomile gw GW 包含 contains the 亲水的 hydrophilic ingredients of 大约 approx. 200 g 干的 dried, 分别大约1500克鲜花。 resp. approx. 1500 g fresh blossoms. 干的 Dried plant 材料 material - Extrapone® Camomile gw GW - 比 ratio: 0.2 : 1. 新鲜 Fresh plant 材料 material - Extrapone® Camomile gw GW - 比 ratio: 1.5 : 1
Extrapone® Camomile
生活必需品 Life Essentials - 植物药 Botanicals
气味 Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: Extrapone® Camomile 包含 contains a 甘菊 camomile extract in propylene glycol, 丁二醇和水。全世界都种植甘菊植物(chamomilla recutita l。)。花朵盛开 butylene glycol and water. Camomile plants (Chamomilla recutita L.) are cultivated worldwide. The blossoms are harvested, 清洗,必要时粉碎 cleaned and if necessary comminuted, 用水和乙醇萃取(浸渍/渗滤)并过滤。通过蒸馏浓缩滤液,从而完全除去乙醇。在丙二醇的混合物中制备浓缩的提取物 extracted with water and ethanol (maceration/percolation) and filtrated. The filtrate is concentrated by distillation and thereby the ethanol is completely removed. The concentrated extract is prepared in a mixture of propylene glycol, 丁二醇 butylene glycol, 单独的熟化时间后,加入水,防腐剂和澄清的滤液。 water and preservative and clear filtrated after an individual ripening time. 1 kg kg Extrapone® Camomile 包含 contains the ingredients 解决了 solved by by 水 water and ethanol of 大约 approx. 200 g 干的 dried, 分别大约1500克鲜花。 resp. approx. 1500 g fresh blossoms. 干的 Dried plant 材料 material - Extrapone® Camomile - 比 ratio: 0.20 : 1 新鲜 Fresh plant 材料 material - Extrapone® Camomile - 比 ratio: 1.50 : 1
Neo Extrapone® Organic Camomile
生活必需品 Life Essentials - 植物药 Botanicals
气味 Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: Neo Extrapone® Organic Camomile is a 防腐剂 preservative 自由 free 粉 powder 包含 containing the 喷雾干燥 spray-干的 dried extract of organic Chamomilla recutita L. 花卉 flowers 准备好的 prepared with organic 麦芽糊精 maltodextrin. Camomile 用过的 used for our Neo Extrapone® is 有机地 organically cultivated in Egypt. The 花开 blossoms are 收获的 harvested, 清洗,必要时粉碎 cleaned and if necessary comminuted, 水萃取并过滤。滤液通过蒸发浓缩 aqueously extracted and filtrated. The filtrate is concentrated by evaporation, 与有机麦芽糖糊精混合并小心喷雾干燥。所用的甘菊以及麦芽糖糊精均符合欧盟理事会第(ec)号法规的要求。 834/2007及之后的有机农业。 mixed with organic maltodextrin and carefully spray-dried. The used camomile as well as maltodextrin meet the requirements of Council Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 and the following for organic agriculture. 总成分的100%来自有机农业。 100 % of the total ingredients proceed from organic farming. 1 kg kg Neo Extrapone® Organic Camomile 包含 contains the 水性 aqueous ingredients of 大约 approx. 0.3 to 0.4 kg kg 干的 dried 甘菊 camomile 花开 blossoms 分别 回应 respectively of 大约 approx. 2 to 3 kg kg 新鲜 fresh 甘菊 camomile 花开 blossoms. 干的 Dried plant 材料 material - extract (Neo Extrapone® Organic Camomile) - 比 ratio: 0.3-0.4 : 1. 新鲜 Fresh plant 材料 material - extract (Neo Extrapone® Organic Camomile) - 比 ratio: 2-3 : 1
Phytoconcentrole® Camomile
生活必需品 Life Essentials - 植物药 Botanicals
气味 Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: Phytoconcentrole® Camomile 包含 contains the extract of Matricaria chamomilla L. 花开 blossoms 准备好的 prepared in 大豆 soybean oil. Camomile 用过的 used for Phytoconcentrole® Camomile is cultivated worldwide. The 花开 blossoms are 干的 dried, 如有必要则粉碎 if necessary comminuted, 使用临床上可用的近红外荧光发射吲哚菁绿在体内进行的全集成高速血管内光学相干断层扫描/近红外荧光结构/分子成像,以检测冠状血管中发炎的富含脂质的动脉粥样硬化。 extracted with isopropyl alcohol and filtrated. The filtrate is concentrated by distillation and thereby the isopropyl alcohol is completely removed. The concentrated extract is prepared in a mixture of soybean oil and antioxidant and clear filtrated after an individual ripening time. 1 kg kg Phytoconcentrole® Camomile 包含 contains the 亲脂的 lipophilic ingredients of 大约 approx. 210 g 干的 dried, 分别大约1570克鲜花。 resp. approx. 1570 g fresh blossoms. 干的 Dried plant 材料 material - Phytoconcentrole® Camomile - 比 ratio: 0.210 : 1. 新鲜 Fresh plant 材料 material - Phytoconcentrole® Camomile - 比 ratio: 1.570 : 1
欧洲的 Vevy Europe
欧洲的 Vevy Europe
气味 Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: 天然油溶性馏分 natural oil soluble fractions, 已证明其局部功效已针对每种来源类型分别定义。对于其中一些 whose topical efficacy has been shown to be individually defined for each type of origin. For some of these, 存在用于洗涤剂的特殊版本(tensioplastidine)。根据要求 special version for detergents exist (Tensioplastidine). Upon request, 可以产生其他脂质体 other Lipoplastidines can be produced, 即使是专用。 even for exclusive use.
Vigon International
安全信息 Safety Information:
危害识别 Hazards identification
物质或混合物的分类 Classification of the substance or mixture
根据29 cfr 1910(osha hcs)进行ghs分类 GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
没有找到。 None found.
ghs标签元素 GHS Label elements, 包括预防性声明 including precautionary statements
象形图 Pictogram
危险说明 Hazard statement(s)
没有找到。 None found.
防范说明 Precautionary statement(s)
没有找到。 None found.
口服/肠胃外毒性 Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
皮肤毒性 Dermal Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
吸入毒性 Inhalation Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
使用安全信息 Safety in Use Information:
类别 Category:
flavor and fragrance agents
IFRA IFRA 码 Code of 实践 Practice 通知 not Notification of the 49th 修正案 Amendment to the IFRA IFRA 码 Code of 实践 Practice
安全参考 Safety references:
Clinicaltrials.gov ClinicalTrials.gov:search
每日医学 Daily Med:search
癌症引文 Cancer Citations:搜索 Search
毒理学引文 Toxicology Citations:搜索 Search
EPA ACToR:毒理学资料 Toxicology Data
EPA物质注册服务(SRS) :注册表 Registry
国家过敏和传染病研究所 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:数据 Data
德国wgk WGK Germany:1
母菊花提取物 matricaria chamomilla l. flower extract
chemidplus Chemidplus:0084082600
参考资料 References:
 母菊花提取物 matricaria chamomilla l. flower extract
pubchem(sid) Pubchem (sid):135291752
其他资料 Other Information:
维基百科 Wikipedia:视图 View
潜在搅拌机 Potential Blenders and 核心组件 core components note
没找到 None Found
潜在用途 Potential Uses:
没找到 None Found
存在(自然 Occurrence (nature, 餐饮 food, 其他) other):note
搜索 Search Trop 图片 Picture
同义词 Synonyms:
升麻 actiphyte of 升麻 actiphyte of chamomile flower extract
extrapone 甘菊 camomile (Symrise)
新 neo extrapone organic 甘菊 camomile (Symrise)
phytoconcentrole 甘菊 camomile (Symrise)
extrapone 甘菊 camomile gw GW (Symrise)
 洋甘菊提取物 Chamomile Extract hs HS 2382 G
 洋甘菊提取物 Chamomile Extract ls LS 2416 G
 chamomile flower extract
 chamomilla courrantiana courrantiana flower extract
 chamomilla recutita flower extract
 母菊头花的提取物 extract of the flowerheads of the matricaria, chamomilla recutita( ) chamomilla recutita (l.), 菊科 compositae
 氢塑体 hydroplastidine matricaria (委婉的 Vevy)
 脂质体 lipoplastidine matricaria (委婉的 Vevy)
 matricaria chamomilla var. recutita flower extract
 matricaria courrantiana courrantiana flower extract
 matricaria recutita flower extract
 植物活力 phytovital chamomile

文章 Articles:

已发布 PubMed:审查甘菊茶的生物活性和对健康的潜在益处。 A review of the bioactivity and potential health benefits of chamomile tea (Matricaria recutita L.).
已发布 PubMed:黄芩的结扎小花中黄酮7-o-葡萄糖苷特异的葡糖苷酶的纯化和鉴定。 Purification and Characterization of a Flavone 7-O-Glucoside-Specific Glucosidase from Ligulate Florets of Chamomilla recutita.
已发布 PubMed:一种生产洋甘菊提取物的新方法。 A new approach to the production of chamomile extracts.
笔记 Notes:
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