d-半乳糖-1-阿拉伯聚糖 D-galacto-L-arabinan

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    产品 Product(s):
    9036-66-2落叶松阿拉伯半乳聚糖 9036-66-2 Larch arabinogalactan
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    产品 Product(s):
    01-40750阿拉伯半乳聚糖 01-40750 ARABINOGALACTAN
Name:落叶松胶 larix decidua gum
CAS号 CAS Number: 9036-66-2
其他 Other:113956-37-9
ECHA EC 数 Number:232-910-0
MDL :mfcd00062638 MFCD00062638
代号 CoE Number:10175
XlogP3-AA:-4.20(est) -4.20 (est)
式 Formula:未指定 unspecified
类别 Category:carrier solvents, encapsulating agent for food additives, flavorings, stabilizers and absorbents
美国 US/欧盟 EU/ fda / jecfa / fema / Flavis / 文献 Scholar /专利 Patent :
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谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with 字 word "flavor"搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with 字 word "odor"搜索 Search
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已发布 PubMed:搜索 Search
NCBI:搜索 Search
 FDA/DG SANTE Petitions, 评论 Reviews, 告示 Notices:
GRN 17 Arabinogalactan 视图 View - notice pdf格式 PDF
GRN 84 Arabinogalactan from 东 Eastern 落叶松 Larch (落叶松 Larix 拉里西纳 laricina) 视图 View - notice pdf格式 PDF
GRN 47 Arabinogalactan from 落叶松 Larix occidentalis 视图 View - notice pdf格式 PDF
fema号 FEMA Number:3254 arabinogalactan
自由贸易区 FDA:不再提供这七种合成调味剂的使用 No longer provide for the use of these seven synthetic flavoring substances
fda mainterm(satf) FDA Mainterm (SATF):9036-66-2 ; ARABINOGALACTAN
自由贸易区法规 FDA Regulation:
Sub部分 part c-涂料 C--Coatings, 电影 Films and 有关 Related Substances
Sec. 172.230 微胶囊 Microcapsules for flavoring 物质 物质 substances.

Sub部分 part g--胶 G--胶 Gums, 咀嚼 Chewing 胶 Gum 基地 Bases and 有关 Related Substances
Sec. 172.610 Arabinogalactan.
物理性质 Physical Properties:
出现 Appearance:白粉末(est) white powder (est)
化验 Assay: 78.00 to 98.00
食品化学品法典列表 Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
熔点 Melting Point: 200.00 to 204.00 °C. @ 760.00 mm 汞 Hg
溶于 Soluble in:
 水 water
感官特性 Organoleptic Properties:
气味类型 Odor Type: balsamic
气味强度 Odor Strength:低 low
balsamic resinous pine
气味描述 Odor Description:at 100.00 %. 非常 very 轻度 mild balsam pine resin
Luebke, 威廉 William RBC, (1992)
来自的气味样本 Odor sample from: 西格玛·奥尔德里奇 Sigma-Aldrich
来自其他 的气味和/或风味描述(如果找到)。 Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
化妆品信息 Cosmetic Information:
CosIng:化妆品数据 cosmetic data
化妆品用途 Cosmetic Uses: 电影制片 film formers
供应商 Suppliers:
乙酰苯 Aceto
BOC Sciences
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
落叶松阿拉伯半乳聚糖 Larch arabinogalactan
Parchem Parchem
Penta International
轮回菲希特纳 Reincke & Fichtner
落叶松胶 larix decidua gum
三产业 TRI-K Industries
trispire增强 TRIspire Enhance
气味 For Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: 这是自然的 It is a natural, 轻度 mild, 无刺激性和水分散性聚合物,可减少经皮表皮水分流失(草皮) non-irritating and water dispersible polymer which reduces transepidermal water loss (TEWL), 改善配方中的水分控制并提高sp improves moisture control in formulations and provides SPF enhancement.
安全信息 Safety Information:
欧洲信息 European information :
最重要的危害 Most important hazard(s):
无-找不到。 None - None found.
S 02 - 保持 Keep out of the 达到 reach of 孩子们 children.
S 24/25 - 避免 Avoid contact with skin 皮 and 眼睛 eyes.
危害识别 Hazards identification
物质或混合物的分类 Classification of the substance or mixture
根据29 cfr 1910(osha hcs)进行ghs分类 GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
没有找到。 None found.
ghs标签元素 GHS Label elements, 包括预防性声明 including precautionary statements
象形图 Pictogram
危险说明 Hazard statement(s)
没有找到。 None found.
防范说明 Precautionary statement(s)
没有找到。 None found.
口服/肠胃外毒性 Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
皮肤毒性 Dermal Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
吸入毒性 Inhalation Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
使用安全信息 Safety in Use Information:
类别 Category:
carrier solvents, encapsulating agent for food additives, flavorings, stabilizers and absorbents
阿拉伯半乳聚糖使用水平的推荐值 Recommendation for arabinogalactan usage levels up to:
 不用于香水。 not for fragrance use.
采用 Use 等级 levels for FEMA GRAS flavoring 物质 物质 substances on 哪一个 which the FEMA 专家 Expert 面板 Panel 基于 based its 判断 judgments that the 物质 物质 substances are 通常 基因 generally 公认的 recognized as 安全 safe (GRAS).
The 专家 Expert 面板 Panel 也 also 发表 publishes 分离 separate 广泛 extensive 评论 评论 reviews of 科学的 scientific information on all FEMA GRAS flavoring 物质 物质 substances and can be 发现 found at FEMA 味道 Flavor Ingredient 图书馆 Library
出版编号 publication number: 5
点击这里查看出版物5 Click here to view publication 5
 平均 average 通常 usual 百万分之几 ppm平均 average 最大 maximum 百万分之几 ppm
焙烤食品 baked goods: --
饮料(不含醇) beverages(nonalcoholic): --
醇饮料 beverages(alcoholic): --
早餐麦片 breakfast cereal: --
起司 cheese: --
口香糖 chewing gum: --
调味品/调味品 condiments / relishes: --
糖果烧烤 confectionery froastings: --
蛋制品 egg products: --
脂肪/油 fats / oils: --
鱼产品 fish products: --
冷冻乳制品 frozen dairy: --
水果冰 fruit ices: --
明胶/布丁 gelatins / puddings: --
砂糖 granulated sugar: --
肉汁 gravies: --
硬糖 hard candy: -9000.00000
仿乳制品 imitation dairy: --
速溶咖啡/茶 instant coffee / tea: --
果酱/果冻 jams / jellies: --
肉制品 meat products: --
奶制品 milk products: --
坚果产品 nut products: --
其他谷物 other grains: --
家禽 poultry: --
加工水果 processed fruits: --
加工蔬菜 processed vegetables: --
重构蔬菜 reconstituted vegetables: --
调味料 seasonings / flavors: --
休闲食品 snack foods: --
软糖 soft candy: --
汤类 soups: --
糖替代品 sugar substitutes: --
甜酱 sweet sauces: --
安全参考 Safety references:
欧洲食品安全局(efsa EFSA)参考 :

科学的 Scientific 意见 Opinion on 富含滑石粉 taxifolin-rich extract from dahurian Dahurian 落叶松 Larch (落叶松 Larix gmelinii gmelinii)
视图 View page or 视图 View pdf

辅助引文 AIDS Citations:搜索 Search
癌症引文 Cancer Citations:搜索 Search
毒理学引文 Toxicology Citations:搜索 Search
环境诱变信息中央 Env. Mutagen Info. Center:搜索 Search
EPA物质注册服务(tsca TSCA) :9036-66-2
EPA ACToR:毒理学资料 Toxicology Data
EPA物质注册服务(SRS) :注册表 Registry
国家过敏和传染病研究所 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:Data
德国wgk WGK Germany:3
落叶松胶 larix decidua gum
chemidplus Chemidplus:0009036662
参考资料 References:
 落叶松胶 larix decidua gum
pubchem(cid) Pubchem (cid):24847856
pubchem(sid) Pubchem (sid):135283020
其他资料 Other Information:
食品中添加的fda物质(以前为af) FDA Substances Added to Food (formerly EAFUS):视图 View
KEGG (GenomeNet):C00569
hmdb(人类代谢组数据库) HMDB (The Human Metabolome Database):HMDB32861
食物 FooDB:FDB020188
出口关税代码 Export Tariff Code:3505.10.0090
fda食品添加剂状况清单 FDA Listing of Food Additive Status:视图 View
维基百科 Wikipedia:视图 View
潜在搅拌机 Potential Blenders and 核心 core components note
气味 For Odor
苏门答腊 sumatra
安息香 benzoin absolute
苏门答腊 sumatra
安息香 benzoin resinoid
cotinus cotinus 瓢虫 coggygria branch branch/叶 leafoil
云杉 spruceoil
绿 green
加仑 galbanum oleoresin
乳香 mastic absolute
萜烯 terpenic
pine needleoil dwarf
松 pinus nigra 枝条 twig 叶 leafoil
木本 woody
木本 woody amylene
用于调味 For Flavor
找不到适合这些的口味组 No flavor group found for these
cotinus cotinus 瓢虫 coggygria branch branch/叶 leafoil
苏门答腊 sumatra
安息香 benzoin resinoid
樟脑的 camphoreous
绿 green
加仑 galbanum oleoresin
薄荷的 minty
pine needleoil dwarf
乳香 mastic absolute
辣的 spicy
苏门答腊 sumatra
安息香 benzoin absolute
潜在用途 Potential Uses:
FL糖果 candy
 电影制片 film formers
FR冷杉 fir balsam
FR冷杉 fir needleoil 替代者 replacer
存在(自然 Occurrence (nature, food, 其他) other):note
 落叶松木 larch wood
搜索 Search Trop 图片 Picture
 蒙特雷松 monterrey pine
搜索 Search pmc PMC 图片 Picture
 松树 pine jack pine
搜索 Search pmc PMC 图片 Picture
 松白 pine white
搜索 Search pmc PMC 图片 Picture
 大豆种子 soybean seed
搜索 Search Trop 图片 Picture
同义词 Synonyms:
 arabino galactan
 arabinogalactan from larix occidentalis
D-半乳化阿拉伯糖 galacto-L-阿拉伯聚糖 arabinan
 半乳化阿拉伯糖 galacto-L-阿拉伯聚糖 arabinan, L-
dextro-galacto-laevo-阿拉伯聚糖 arabinan
 半乳聚糖 galacto阿拉伯聚糖 arabinan
 larch gum
 larch gum (larix decidua)
 落叶松胶 larix decidua gum
larch 松节油 turpentine
venetian 松节油 turpentine

文章 Articles:

已发布 PubMed: abp abp中的结构特异性关系 , 源自嗜热地热芽孢杆菌t6的gh27β-1-阿拉伯吡喃糖苷酶。 a GH27 β-L-arabinopyranosidase from Geobacillus stearothermophilus T6.
已发布 PubMed:通过酶改善了土豆中淀粉的回收率,并减少了残留纤维的持水量。 Improved starch recovery from potatoes by enzymes and reduced water holding of the residual fibres.
已发布 PubMed:杏仁胶(杏桃)产生的低聚糖对成年大鼠皮肤伤口的愈合效率。 Healing efficiency of oligosaccharides generated from almond gum (Prunus amygdalus) on dermal wounds of adult rats.
已发布 PubMed:蜂蜜中的蜜蜂芹菜素和植物阿拉伯半乳聚糖可共同刺激单核细胞。 Honeybee apisimin and plant arabinogalactans in honey costimulate monocytes.
已发布 PubMed:藻深埋培养的胞外多糖的表征和免疫调节活性。 Characterisation and immunomodulating activities of exo-polysaccharides from submerged cultivation of Hypsizigus marmoreus.
已发布 PubMed:链霉菌的糖苷水解酶家族62α-1-阿拉伯呋喃糖苷酶的晶体结构和表征。 Crystal structure and characterization of the glycoside hydrolase family 62 α-L-arabinofuranosidase from Streptomyces coelicolor.
已发布 PubMed:在结构上表征了来自变形金刚鹦鹉的阿拉伯半乳聚糖,作为针对balb / c小鼠的ct26结肠癌的免疫调节剂。 Structurally characterized arabinogalactan from Anoectochilus formosanus as an immuno-modulator against CT26 colon cancer in BALB/c mice.
已发布 PubMed:扁桃的zedo胶渗出液的组成和理化性质。 Composition and physicochemical properties of Zedo gum exudates from Amygdalus scoparia.
已发布 PubMed:用过的咖啡渣多糖的热稳定性 Thermal stability of spent coffee ground polysaccharides: 半乳甘露聚糖和阿拉伯半乳聚糖。 galactomannans and arabinogalactans.
已发布 PubMed:一种来自变形小球藻的ii型阿拉伯半乳聚糖,用于巨噬细胞中的g-csf产生和用5-氟尿嘧啶治疗的ct26小鼠中明串球菌减少症的改善。 A Type II Arabinogalactan from Anoectochilus formosanus for G-CSF Production in Macrophages and Leukopenia Improvement in CT26-Bearing Mice Treated with 5-Fluorouracil.
已发布 PubMed:李子多糖 Polysaccharides from prunes: 胃保护活性和生物活性果胶的结构阐明。 gastroprotective activity and structural elucidation of bioactive pectins.
已发布 PubMed:易碎鹰嘴豆基因型之间的差异。第三部分 Differences between easy- and difficult-to-mill chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes. Part III: 游离糖和非淀粉多糖组成。 free sugar and non-starch polysaccharide composition.
已发布 PubMed:菜籽油中细胞壁多糖的特性 Characterisation of cell wall polysaccharides from rapeseed (Brassica napus) meal.
已发布 PubMed:相分离引起阿拉伯树胶-甜菜果胶系统的分子分级分离。 Phase separation induced molecular fractionation of gum arabic--sugar beet pectin systems.
已发布 PubMed:黑麦果实(黑麦谷物)中亚里夫斯沉淀的阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白的表征。 Characterization of a Yariv precipitated arabinogalactan-protein from fruits of rye (Secale cereale L.).
已发布 PubMed:小麦籽粒柔软蛋白-1基因的发生情况综述。 A review of the occurrence of Grain softness protein-1 genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
已发布 PubMed:微波过热水从废咖啡渣中提取多糖。 Microwave superheated water extraction of polysaccharides from spent coffee grounds.
已发布 PubMed:焙烧引起的阿拉伯三糖变化 Roasting-induced changes in arabinotriose, 咖啡阿拉伯半乳聚糖侧链的模型。 a model of coffee arabinogalactan side chains.
已发布 PubMed:桃浆中的多糖 Polysaccharides from peach pulp: 的结构及其对小鼠腹膜巨噬细胞的影响。 structure and effects on mouse peritoneal macrophages.
已发布 PubMed: 船果 sterculia种子中果胶多糖的结构分析。
已发布 PubMed:阿维链霉菌中α-1-鼠李糖苷酶的特征 Characterization of an α-L-Rhamnosidase from Streptomyces avermitilis.
已发布 PubMed:嗜热脂肪地芽孢杆菌半乳聚糖利用系统的功能表征。 Functional characterization of the galactan utilization system of Geobacillus stearothermophilus.
已发布 PubMed:阿拉伯胶的阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白的结构 Structure of arabinogalactan-protein from Acacia gum: 从多孔椭圆体到超分子体系结构。 from porous ellipsoids to supramolecular architectures.
已发布 PubMed:枸杞果实中的阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白的结构表征。 Structural characterization of an arabinogalactan-protein from the fruits of Lycium ruthenicum.
已发布 PubMed:洞察力 Insight 进入 into the 机制 mechanism of 咖啡 coffee 黑素 melanoidin formation 使用 using 改性 modified "in bean" 楷模 模型 models.
已发布 PubMed:葡萄细胞壁的组织特异性和发育修饰影响原花色素的吸附。 Tissue-specific and developmental modifications of grape cell walls influence the adsorption of proanthocyanidins.
已发布 PubMed:变形金龟水提取物和难消化的多糖的特性和益生元活性。 Characterization and prebiotic activity of aqueous extract and indigestible polysaccharide from Anoectochilus formosanus.
已发布 PubMed: 嗜热地热芽孢杆菌t-6中的abp abp基因编码gh27β-1-阿拉伯吡喃糖苷酶。
已发布 PubMed:绿藻的细胞壁 The Cell Walls of Green Algae: 进化与多样性的旅程。 A Journey through Evolution and Diversity.
已发布 PubMed:豆渣多糖的分离和结构表征。 Isolation and structural characterisation of okara polysaccharides.
已发布 PubMed:阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白有助于新西兰蜂蜜的免疫刺激特性。 Arabinogalactan proteins contribute to the immunostimulatory properties of New Zealand honeys.
已发布 PubMed:重组谷氨酸棒杆菌中乙胺丁醇介导的细胞壁修饰可提高环己酮衍生物的生物转化率。 Ethambutol-mediated cell wall modification in recombinant Corynebacterium glutamicum increases the biotransformation rates of cyclohexanone derivatives.
已发布 PubMed:分子重构模型起泡酒的起泡性和泡沫稳定性。 Foamability and foam stability of molecular reconstituted model sparkling wines.
已发布 PubMed:富含组氨酸阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白用于谷物微营养素生物强化的研究。 Investigation of a His-rich arabinogalactan-protein for micronutrient biofortification of cereal grain.
已发布 PubMed:效果 影响 Effects of 烹饪 cooking on the 细胞 cell 墙 壁 walls (饮食上的 dietary 纤维 fiber) of '猩红 Scarlet 沃伦 Warren' 冬季 winter 壁球 squash ( 西葫芦 Cucurbita 最大值 maxima ) 研究过 studied by by 多糖 polysaccharide 连锁 linkage 分析 analysis and 固体状态 solid-state (13)C 核磁共振 NMR.
已发布 PubMed:[从亚美尼亚的杏树中收集的古米亚美尼亚-阿拉伯半乳聚糖的透视来源]。 [Gummi armeniacae collected from apricot trees in armenia - perspective source of arabinogalactan].
已发布 PubMed:阿拉伯木聚糖和阿拉伯半乳聚糖 Arabinoxylans and arabinogalactans: 全面的论文。 a comprehensive treatise.
已发布 PubMed:存在于山芹菜籽提取物中的阿拉伯半乳聚糖增强了仓鼠中共存的多酚的降血脂生物活性。 Arabinogalactan present in the mountain celery seed extract potentiated hypolipidemic bioactivity of coexisting polyphenols in hamsters.
已发布 PubMed: 半乳糖甘露聚糖低聚糖(ggmo)来自松树(田田 taeda 田田 taeda)纤维板生产的糖蜜副产品。
已发布 PubMed: 白皮甘薯(ipomoea 红薯 batatas。)结节皮中阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白的结构表征和降血糖作用。
已发布 PubMed:大豆豆腐中的生物活性成分的首次表征,可保护 和动物肠道细胞免受肠毒素性大肠埃希氏菌(etec)感染。 First characterization of bioactive components in soybean tempe that protect human and animal intestinal cells against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) infection.
已发布 PubMed:富含植物多糖的膳食补充剂对 胃肠道微生物群落的体外调节。 In vitro modulation of the human gastrointestinal microbial community by plant-derived polysaccharide-rich dietary supplements.
已发布 PubMed:柿叶中果胶多糖的特征及其对淋巴细胞增殖的调节活性。 Characterization of a pectic polysaccharide from the leaves of Diospyros kaki and its modulating activity on lymphocyte proliferation.
已发布 PubMed:小麦阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白的结构研究 Structural investigations on arabinogalactan-protein from wheat, 用亚里夫试剂分离。 isolated with Yariv reagent.
已发布 PubMed:阿拉伯半乳聚糖-叶酸-药物偶联物,用于靶向递送和靶向激活的抗癌药物释放至叶酸受体过表达的细胞。 Arabinogalactan-folic acid-drug conjugate for targeted delivery and target-activated release of anticancer drugs to folate receptor-overexpressing cells.
已发布 PubMed:半乳糖氧化酶氧化多糖。 Oxidation of polysaccharides by galactose oxidase.
已发布 PubMed:富含半乳糖的饮食成分可抑制ab5型肠毒素lt-i和霍乱毒素与橙花节苷脂gm1的结合。 Inhibition of binding of the AB5-type enterotoxins LT-I and cholera toxin to ganglioside GM1 by galactose-rich dietary components.
已发布 PubMed:口服fag e 1-glucomannan缀合物对balb / c小鼠免疫应答的调节作用。 Modulation of immunoresponse in BALB/c mice by oral administration of Fag e 1-glucomannan conjugate.
已发布 PubMed:阿维链霉菌中的β-1-阿拉伯吡喃糖苷酶是糖苷水解酶家族27的新成员。 A beta-l-Arabinopyranosidase from Streptomyces avermitilis is a novel member of glycoside hydrolase family 27.
已发布 PubMed:用于从绿茶(茶花)中提取的阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白(agp)的质量控制的ft-ir方法学。 FT-IR methodology for quality control of arabinogalactan protein (AGP) extracted from green tea (Camellia sinensis ).
已发布 PubMed:酸水解单糖谱定量预测葡萄(葡萄)和苹果(苹果)的细胞壁多糖组成。 Quantitative prediction of cell wall polysaccharide composition in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) and apple (Malus domestica) skins from acid hydrolysis monosaccharide profiles.
已发布 PubMed:全麦黑麦粉和面包中膳食纤维成分的含量和分子量分布。 Content and molecular-weight distribution of dietary fiber components in whole-grain rye flour and bread.
已发布 PubMed: 参多糖抑制病原体粘附于宿主细胞。 Inhibition of pathogen adhesion to host cells by polysaccharides from Panax ginseng.
已发布 PubMed:从泰国芒果品种的果皮中提取的果胶的产量和质量取决于水果的成熟度。 Yield and quality of pectins extractable from the peels of thai mango cultivars depending on fruit ripeness.
已发布 PubMed:非淀粉多糖用于小麦粉线切割曲奇制作中。 Nonstarch polysaccharides in wheat flour wire-cut cookie making.
已发布 PubMed:对阿拉伯胶的阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白(agp)组分的结构特征的新见解。 New insights into the structural characteristics of the arabinogalactan-protein (AGP) fraction of gum arabic.
已发布 PubMed:run藜-小球藻丛生的丛枝菌根共生中新的植物和真菌类agp样蛋白。 Novel plant and fungal AGP-like proteins in the Medicago truncatula-Glomus intraradices arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis.
已发布 PubMed:焙烤作用对咖啡冲煮黑素的形成机理的影响。 Roasting effects on formation mechanisms of coffee brew melanoidins.
已发布 PubMed:exo-1模块化酶的表征 Characterization of a modular enzyme of exo-1,阿维链霉菌nbrc14893的5-α-1-阿拉伯呋喃糖苷酶和阿拉伯聚糖结合模块。 5-alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase and arabinan binding module from Streptomyces avermitilis NBRC14893.
已发布 PubMed:电子自旋共振(esr)研究咖啡在不同烘焙程度下的烘焙诱导的抗氧化结构的形成。 Electron spin resonance (ESR) studies on the formation of roasting-induced antioxidative structures in coffee brews at different degrees of roast.
已发布 PubMed:beta-1的特征 Characterization of an endo-beta-1,来自阿维链霉菌nbrc14893的6-半乳糖酶。 6-Galactanase from Streptomyces avermitilis NBRC14893.
已发布 PubMed:咖啡的膳食纤维含量和结构特征受咖啡类型,工艺和酿造程序的影响。 Coffee dietary fiber contents and structural characteristics as influenced by coffee type and technological and brewing procedures.
已发布 PubMed:双歧杆菌糖酶-它们在(潜在的)益生元分解和合成中的作用。 Bifidobacterium carbohydrases-their role in breakdown and synthesis of (potential) prebiotics.
已发布 PubMed:tempranillo红葡萄酒的酿造和陈化过程中的多糖分布和含量。 Polysaccharide profile and content during the vinification and aging of Tempranillo red wines.
已发布 PubMed:谷物非纤维素多糖 Cereal non-cellulosic polysaccharides: 结构和功能关系-概述。 structure and function relationship - an overview.
已发布 PubMed:茶多糖对四氧嘧啶糖尿病小鼠高血糖的影响 Effects of soluble tea polysaccharides on hyperglycemia in alloxan-diabetic mice.
已发布 PubMed:通过饮食来源的果胶多糖抑制galectin-3介导的细胞相互作用。 Inhibition of galectin-3 mediated cellular interactions by pectic polysaccharides from dietary sources.
已发布 PubMed:咖啡浸出液中的黑素。分馏 Melanoidins from coffee infusions. Fractionation, 化学表征 chemical characterization, 和烘烤程度的影响。 and effect of the degree of roast.
已发布 PubMed:咖啡碳水化合物的印象。 An impression of coffee carbohydrates.
已发布 PubMed:阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白被掺入带负电荷的咖啡冲煮类黑素中。 Arabinogalactan proteins are incorporated in negatively charged coffee brew melanoidins.
已发布 PubMed:exo-beta-1的表征 Characterization of an exo-beta-1,来自阿维链霉菌nbrc14893的3-d-半乳聚糖酶作用于阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白。 3-D-galactanase from Streptomyces avermitilis NBRC14893 acting on arabinogalactan-proteins.
已发布 PubMed:酒果胶多糖对单宁浓缩与唾液蛋白相互作用的影响 Influence of wine pectic polysaccharides on the interactions between condensed tannins and salivary proteins.
已发布 PubMed:来自咖啡冲泡的高分子量黑素。 High molecular weight melanoidins from coffee brew.
已发布 PubMed:细胞壁成分对小麦面筋功能的影响 Effects of cell wall components on the functionality of wheat gluten.
已发布 PubMed:咖啡豆细胞壁的有效消化和结构特征。 Efficient digestion and structural characteristics of cell walls of coffee beans.
已发布 PubMed:从白菜中分离的果胶-结构和补体固定活性。 Pectin isolated from white cabbage--structure and complement-fixing activity.
已发布 PubMed:exo-beta-1的表征 Characterization of an exo-beta-1,来自热纤梭菌的3-半乳糖酶。 3-galactanase from Clostridium thermocellum.
已发布 PubMed:热稳定的内beta-1的表征 Characterization of a thermostable endo-beta-1,嗜热嗜热菌中的4-d-半乳糖酶。 4-D-galactanase from the hyperthermophile Thermotoga maritima.
已发布 PubMed:阿拉伯半乳聚糖和岩藻依聚糖的体外免疫调节活性。 Immunomodulating activity of arabinogalactan and fucoidan in vitro.
已发布 PubMed:当归的水溶性多糖 Water-soluble polysaccharides from Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels: 制备 Preparation, 表征和生物活性。 characterization and bioactivity.
已发布 PubMed:I型阿拉伯半乳聚糖含有β-d-galp-(1→3)-β-d-galp结构元件。 Type I arabinogalactan contains beta-D-Galp-(1-->3)-beta-D-Galp structural elements.
已发布 PubMed:膳食纤维作为多功能食品成分 Dietary fiber as a versatile food component: 工业角度。 an industrial perspective.
已发布 PubMed:一个exo-beta-1 An exo-beta-1,具有新型beta-1的3-半乳糖酶 3-galactanase having a novel beta-1, phanerochaete 金孢子 chrysosporium的3-半乳聚糖结合模块。
已发布 PubMed:β-d-葡萄糖基和α-d-半乳糖基亚里夫试剂 Beta-D-glucosyl and alpha-D-galactosyl Yariv reagents: 通过甲酸铵转移还原从对硝基苯基-d-糖苷合成。 syntheses from p-nitrophenyl-D-glycosides by transfer reduction using ammonium formate.
已发布 PubMed:绿阿拉比卡咖啡豆的胚乳中多糖和蛋白聚糖的细胞化学和免疫定位。 Cytochemistry and immunolocalisation of polysaccharides and proteoglycans in the endosperm of green Arabica coffee beans.
已发布 PubMed:阿拉伯半乳聚糖补充对血脂和血糖无长期益处。 No long-term benefits of supplementation with arabinogalactan on serum lipids and glucose.
已发布 PubMed:落叶松阿拉伯半乳聚糖的形态学。 Morphology of Western larch arabinogalactan.
已发布 PubMed:受烘焙程度影响的从生咖啡豆和烘焙罗布斯塔咖啡中热水提取的高分子量材料的化学表征。 Chemical characterization of the high-molecular-weight material extracted with hot water from green and roasted robusta coffees as affected by the degree of roast.
已发布 PubMed:beta-1 The beta-1,来自黑曲霉的4-烯基内酰胺酶基因是在阿拉伯糖和半乳糖醛酸上特异性诱导的,并且在果胶毛状区的降解中起重要作用。 4-endogalactanase A gene from Aspergillus niger is specifically induced on arabinose and galacturonic acid and plays an important role in the degradation of pectic hairy regions.
已发布 PubMed:1对多糖和植物细胞壁的修饰 Modification of polysaccharides and plant cell wall by endo-1,4-β-葡聚糖酶和纤维素结合域。 4-beta-glucanase and cellulose-binding domains.
已发布 PubMed:两次阿拉比卡咖啡冲泡中半乳甘露聚糖和阿拉伯半乳聚糖的化学表征,受烘焙程度的影响。 Chemical characterization of galactomannans and arabinogalactans from two arabica coffee infusions as affected by the degree of roast.
已发布 PubMed:焙烧对阿拉比卡咖啡豆多糖降解和结构特征的影响 Effect of roasting on degradation and structural features of polysaccharides in Arabica coffee beans.
已发布 PubMed:阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白 Arabinogalactan-proteins: 结构体 structure, 表达和功能 expression and function.
已发布 PubMed:阿拉伯半乳糖饮食对健康 胃肠道和血液参数的影响。 Effects of dietary arabinogalactan on gastrointestinal and blood parameters in healthy human subjects.
已发布 PubMed: Pereskia 针叶草 aculeata的阿拉伯半乳聚糖与co2 +的复合物 , cu2 + Cu2+, mn2 + Mn2+, 和ni2 +。 and Ni2+.
已发布 PubMed:硬粒小麦的行为。工业面食加工过程中的阿拉伯木聚糖和阿拉伯半乳聚糖肽。 Behavior of Triticum durum Desf. arabinoxylans and arabinogalactan peptides during industrial pasta processing.
已发布 PubMed:大豆果胶物质在阿拉伯半乳聚糖侧链中内部(1→5)连接的阿拉伯呋喃糖和阿拉伯吡喃糖残基的出现。 The occurrence of internal (1 --> 5)-linked arabinofuranose and arabinopyranose residues in arabinogalactan side chains from soybean pectic substances.
已发布 PubMed:落叶松阿拉伯半乳聚糖。 Larch arabinogalactan.
已发布 PubMed:荚膜毕赤酵母x91的新型α-1-阿拉伯呋喃糖苷酶的纯化和鉴定。 Purification and characterization of a novel alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase from Pichia capsulata X91.
已发布 PubMed:用朗缪尔膜天平表征两种阿拉伯胶的特性。 Characterization of two Acacia gums and their fractions using a langmuir film balance.
已发布 PubMed:肠细菌发酵植物细胞壁衍生的多糖及其相应的低聚糖。 Fermentation of plant cell wall derived polysaccharides and their corresponding oligosaccharides by intestinal bacteria.
已发布 PubMed:通过从小麦粉解聚阿拉伯半乳聚糖肽生产半乳糖氧化酶的底物。 Production of substrate for galactose oxidase by depolymerization of an arabinogalactan-peptide from wheat flour.
已发布 PubMed:酒结构上不同的多糖对模型系统中香气物质挥发性的影响。 Influence of wine structurally different polysaccharides on the volatility of aroma substances in a model system.
已发布 PubMed:大肠中生物膜和无柄生长的后果。 Consequences of biofilm and sessile growth in the large intestine.
已发布 PubMed:一种来自青春双歧杆菌的新型阿拉伯呋喃糖水解酶,能够从阿拉伯木聚糖中的双取代木糖单元中去除阿拉伯糖基残基。 A new arabinofuranohydrolase from Bifidobacterium adolescentis able to remove arabinosyl residues from double-substituted xylose units in arabinoxylan.
已发布 PubMed:金合欢/刺槐/阿拉伯阿拉伯胶(阿拉伯胶)和西撒阿拉伯胶(塔赫拉胶)的植物胶渗出物的理化和免疫学性质的比较。 A comparison of the physicochemical and immunological properties of the plant gum exudates of Acacia senegal (gum arabic) and Acacia seyal (gum tahla).
已发布 PubMed:beta-1的纯化和性质 Purification and properties of endo-beta-1,黑曲霉的4-d-半乳糖酶。 4-D-galactanase from Aspergillus niger.
已发布 PubMed:双歧杆菌属物种降解复合物碳水化合物。 Degradation of complex carbohydrates by Bifidobacterium spp.
已发布 PubMed:覆盆子汁中胶体可溶性多糖的分离与鉴定 [Isolation and characterization of colloidal soluble polysaccharides in raspberry juice].
已发布 PubMed:鸟分枝杆菌的抗原 Antigens of the Mycobacterium avium, 分枝杆菌胞内复合物。 Mycobacterium intracellulare complex.
已发布 PubMed:在连续培养中生长的 类结肠细菌菌株对落叶松阿拉伯半乳聚糖的消化。 Digestion of larch arabinogalactan by a strain of human colonic Bacteroides growing in continuous culture.
已发布 PubMed:[定量的 Quantitative 判定 determination of some 增稠剂 thickeners in 乳业 dairy products (author's 翻译 transl)].
已发布 PubMed:从黑克(菜豆)中分离和表征阿拉伯半乳聚糖。 Isolation and characterization of arabinogalactan from black gram (Phaseolus mungo).
笔记 Notes:
落叶松松节油或威尼斯松节油是天然油脂树脂的松节油类型。它作为落叶松树的生理分泌物出现 Larch Turpentine or Venetian Turpentine is a turpentine type of a natural oleoresin. It occurs as a physiological secretion in the larch tree, 落叶松 Larix Decidua, 针叶树。这棵树在中欧和南欧很常见 a conifer. The tree is quite common in Central and Southern Europe, 奥地利 Austria, 意大利 Italy, 希腊 Greece, 南斯拉夫 Yugoslavia, 等等 etc. 落叶松松节油是一种非常粘的液体 Larch Turpentine is a very viscous liquid, 只能在室温下倒它是浅琥珀或淡黄,具有柔软的 just pourable at room temperature. It is of light amber or pale yellow color and possesses a soft, 香脂的萜烯气味 balsamic terpenic odor, 让 联想到新鲜的针叶树树脂和球果。 reminiscent of fresh conifer resins and cones. 落叶松松节油在欧洲使用 Larch Turpentine is used in Europe, 何时何地可用 when and where it is available, 作为松树或冷杉针状香料的固定剂 as a fixative for pine or fir needle fragrances, 低成本的香水和工业香水。这是一个非常好的固定剂。 low cost fougeres and industrial perfumes. It is an very good fixative. 诺卡氏小行星细胞壁中的多糖;也存在于植物中。乳化剂 polysaccharide in cell wall of nocardia asteroides; also found in plants. Emulsifier, 稳定剂 stabiliser 与半乳聚糖链相连的三个阿拉伯糖基链中大约有一个含有琥珀酰基。尽管一个琥珀酰基最常见 Approximately one of the three arabinosyl chains attached to the galactan chain contains succinyl groups. Although one succinyl group is most common, 在阿拉伯低聚糖上,每个释放的阿拉伯聚糖片段最多具有三个琥珀酰基。然而 up to three succinyl groups per released arabinan fragment can be found on oligo-arabinans. However, 用galnh2取代的阿拉伯聚糖片段未被琥珀酰化。重要的 arabinan fragments substituted with GalNH2 are not succinylated. Importantly, 在m的情况下。结核 in the case of M. tuberculosis, 并且最有可能在所有缓慢的种植者中 and most likely in all slow growers, 阿拉伯聚糖的中间区域同时存在正电荷(质子化的galnh2 +为galnh3 +)和负电荷(琥珀酰) both positive charge (protonated GalNH2 as GalNH3+) and negative charge (succinyl) are present in the middle regions of the arabinan, 特别是内部3的o-2 specifically at O-2 of the inner 3,嘧啶核苷,由与5碳糖d-核糖连接的碱基胞嘧啶组成。胞苷是一种核苷,由连接至五碳糖d-核糖的碱基胞嘧啶组成。胞嘧啶是嘧啶,除了被掺入核酸 5-?-D-Araf units. The succinyl residues are on the non-mycolylated chain. Recently a complete primary model of arabinogalactan has been proposed.; Arabinogalactan is a biopolymer consisting of arabinose and galactose monosaccharides. Two classes of arabinogalctans are found in nature: 植物阿拉伯半乳聚糖和微生物阿拉伯半乳聚糖。在植物中 plant arabinogalactan and microbial arabinogalactan. In plants, 它是许多口香糖的主要成分 it is a major constituents of many gums, 包括阿拉伯胶 including gum arabic, 1--1-丁醇正丁醇伯丁醇丁醇(丁醇)正丁醇fcc丁醇fcc犹太逾越节丁醇天然丁醇天然丁醇普通天然丁醇普通合成丁基氢氧化丁醇丁醇1-羟丁烷羟甲基丙烷伯丁醇丙基甲醇丙基丙基甲醇丙基甲醇甲醇丙基甲醇 gum gutti and so on. It occasionally attached to proteins and the resulted proteoglycan functions as signaling molecules betweens cells as well as glue to seal wounded part of plants.; The microbial arabinogalactan is a major structural component of the mycobacterial cell wall. Both the arabinose and galactose are solely in the furanose configuration. The galactan portion of the microbial arabinogalactan is linear, 由大约30个具有交替的β-(1-5)和β-(1-6)糖苷键的单元组成。阿拉伯链 consisting of approximately 30 units with alternating ?-(1-5) and ?-(1-6) glycosidic linkages. The arabinan chain, 由大约30个残基组成 which consist of about 30 residues, 连接在半乳聚糖链的三个分支点(据信位于残基8 are attached at three branch points within the galactan chain (believed to be at residues 8, 10和12)。聚合物的阿拉伯聚糖部分是复合物的分支结构 10 and 12).The arabinan portion of the polymer is a complex branched structure, 通常用霉菌酸封端。阿拉伯糖苷键为α-(1-3) usually capped with mycolic acids. The arabinan glycosidic linkages are ?-(1-3), ?-(1-5), 和α-(1-2)。阿拉伯半乳聚糖的非还原端与外膜的霉菌酸共价连接。霉菌酸疏水性是药物进入的障碍。另外 and ?-(1-2).; The non-reducing end of arabinogalactan is covalently attached to the mycolic acids of the outer membrane. The hydrophobicity of mycolic acids is a barrier to drug entry. Additionally, 1-甲基-4-(4-甲基戊基)-1-甲酰基-1-甲基-4-(4-甲基-3-戊烯-1-基)-3-环己烯1-甲酰基-1-甲基-4-(4 -甲基戊基)-3-环己烯-1-甲酰基-1-甲基-4-(甲基戊基)-3-环己烯绿甲醛1-甲基-4-(4-甲基戊基)环己-3-烯-1-甲醛1-甲基-4 -(4-甲基戊基)-3-环己烯-1-甲醛1-甲基-4-(4-甲基戊基)环己-3-烯-1-甲醛戊醛(奇华单)vernaldeide verolin the mycolyl arabinogalactan peptidiglycan is responsible for aspects of disease pathogenesis and much of the antibody response in infections. The mycolyl substituents are selectively and equally distributed on the 5-hydroxyl functions of terminal- and the penultimate 2-linked Araf residues. The mycolyl residues are clustered in groups of four on the non reducing terminal pentaarabinosyl unit (?-Araf-(1?2)-?-Araf)2-3,5-α-阿拉伯。从而 5-?-Araf. Thus, 戊阿拉伯糖基单元的大部分(66%)被霉菌酸取代 the major part (66%) of the pentaarabinosyl units are substituted by mycolic acids, 留下未取代的小区域(33%) leaving the unsubstituted minor region (33%), 可用于与免疫系统的相互作用。 that is available for interaction with the immune system.
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