二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol

供应商赞助商 Supplier Sponsors

  • Augustus Oils
    首要供应商 The Premier Supplier
    奥 都油有限公司 Augustus Oils Ltd, 与自然和谐相处-尽其所能... in harmony with nature - to present it at its best...
    丰富的经验 A wealth of experience, 香基/香型知识和知识使奥 都可以在种植者和天然成分使用者之间的期望和信任之间架起桥梁。 expertise and knowledge has allowed Augustus to bridge the gulf in expectation and trust between growers and users of natural ingredients. 该公司一方面与客户合作 The Company works in partnership with customers on the one hand, 和种植者 and growers, 农民和酿酒厂。用户和制作 都可以专注于他们最擅长的领域 farmers and distillers on the other. Both users and producers can then focus on exactly what they do best, 而熟练的奥 都技术 员则密切监视和控制所交付的产品。这确保用户可以放心,他们将收到适合自己要求的最佳原材料。 while skilled Augustus technicians closely monitor and control the delivered product. This ensures users can have the confidence that they will receive the best raw materials suited to their requirements.
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    产品 Product(s):
    二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
  • BOC Sciences
    最好的化学品供应商 Best of Chemicals Supplier
    研究化学品和生化试剂(包括抑制剂)的优质供应商 Quality supplier of research chemicals and biochemicals including inhibitors, 建筑模块 building blocks, gmp产品 GMP Products, 杂质和代谢物 impurities and metabolites, 兽医用api APIs for Veterinary, 天然化合物 Natural Compounds, adcs ADCs, 干细胞分子和手性化合物。 Stem Cell Molecule and chiral compounds.
    卡波普® ultrez 21聚合物是我们用途最广泛的个 护理聚合物。它是一种疏水改性的交联丙烯酸酯共聚物,旨在有效地增稠 BOC Sciences provides a wide range of services to support the pharmaceutical industry through all stages of drug discovery including Custom Synthesis of those chemicals that are not in stock, 同位素标记服务 Isotope Labeling Service, 手性合成与拆分 Chiral Synthesis and Resolution, 生物共轭 Bioconjugation, 聚乙二醇化服务 PEGylation services, 分析服务。 analytical services.
    boc sciences是bocsci inc。的品牌。我们利用我们在发展领域的广泛业务 BOC Sciences is a brand of BOCSCI Inc. We leverage our wide spectrum of business in the fields of development, 制造业 manufacturing, marketing, 和分销,以帮助您根据不断变化的优质化学品需求制定最明智的决策。我们完整的cro服务套件涵盖了整个分子开发流程,包括用于目标识别的合同研究 and distribution to help you make best-informed decisions tailored to your evolving needs for premium chemicals. Our complete suite of CRO services spans the entire molecule development pipeline including contract research for target identification, 建筑模块 building blocks, 化合物合成 compound synthesis, 生化和细胞分析 biochemical and cellular analysis, 临床前动物试验 preclinical animal tests, 和临床研究。 and clinical studies.
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    产品 Product(s):
    25265-71-8二丙二醇95% 25265-71-8 Dipropylene glycol 95%
  • Charkit Chemical
    特种化学专家 The Specialty Chemical Specialists
    浏览此网站以发现charkit为您的行业提供的产品和服务,请直接与我们联系以了解我们如何为您提供服务。 Explore this website to discover the products and services that Charkit provides for your industry and please contact us directly to find out how we can be of service to you.
    about: 自1982年以来 Since 1982, Charkit 已 has been been 承诺的 committed to 扩大 扩大 经验值 expanding the 市场 markets we 服务 serve as our 名册 roster of products and services 继续 继续 continues to grow with us. 我们的 Our 充实的 substantial 投资组合 portfolio of 个 personal care ingredients 现在 now 包括 include a wide 数组 array of 豪华 luxury and 异国情调 exotic 组件 components to 赞扬 compliment the key products we 有 have 总是 al道路 ways 提供 提供 offered. We 有 have 扩大了 扩大 经验值 expanded our 产品 提供 offerings to the 营养品 nutraceutical, 产业 industrial, and resin 市场 markets with a 生长 growing 名册 roster of 多才多艺 versatile and 独特 unique ingredients. We 继续 continue to lead the 道路 way in our 传统的 traditional 市场 markets 这样 such as 金属 Metal and 水 Water 治疗 Treatment, 影像学 Imaging, 风味香味 Flavor & Fragrance, Aroma and Food. 我们的 Our 制药业 Pharmaceutical 产品 提供 offerings 继续 continue to 扩大 经验值 expand, 仍然 still 锚定 anchored by by the 硼的 Boronic 衍生品 Derivatives that 遇到 meet the 需要 demands of 铃木 Suzuki 耦合 coupling 反应 reactions. 请 Please contact us to learn how we can 帮帮我 help you 达到 r每 each 您的 your 目标 goals.
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  • ECSA Chemicals
    国际贸易与分销 International trading and distribution
    ecsa集团为这些业务领域的客户提供了完整的“一站式购物”解决方案。 ECSA Group offers its customers in these business segments a complete 'one-stop shopping' solution.
    成立一百周年 A hundred years on from its establishment, emanuele centonze holding sa已在瑞士和欧洲发展壮大。 the Emanuele Centonze Holding SA has developed a solid presence in Switzerland and in Europe. 该组目前包括 The Group currently includes: ecsa化学品股份公司/ srl社会股份公司– ecsa维护股份公司– ecsa能源sa –提契诺州门户网站easy stop sa。 ECSA Chemicals AG/ECSA Italia SRL Societ� con Unico Socio – ECSA Maintenance AG – ECSA Energy SA – Porta Ticino Easy Stop SA.
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    产品 Product(s):
    二丙二醇香料 Dipropylenglycole Perfumery
  • Glentham Life Sciences
    化学物质 The Chemical, 生化研究必需品供应商 Biochemical & Research Essentials Supplier
    glentham Life Sciences是精细化学品和原材料的仓库供应商 Glentham Life Sciences is a supplier of fine chemicals and raw materials with warehousing, 英国的实验室和包装设施。 laboratories and packaging facilities in the UK.
    略带泥土和蜡质的细微差别,带有陈旧的乳白干外露钢琴 With a Glentham Life Sciences account you can view more product details, 在线请求报价和订购产品。 request quotes and order products online.
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    产品 Product(s):
    gd3668二丙二醇 GD3668 Dipropylene glycol
  • Global Essence
    首选合作伙伴 Preferred Partner
    满足每个客户的独特需求。 Accommodate each customers unique needs.
    环球精华成立于1993年,是一家专为纽约/新泽西地区的区域客户提供服务的两 运营公司。从那以后的二十年 Global Essence was founded in 1993 as a two person operation servicing regional customers in the New York/ New Jersey area. In the twenty years since, 它已经发展成为一家在美国设有办事处的跨国公司 it has grown into a multinational operation with offices in the US, uk UK, and 新加坡 Singapore. 这些 These 办事处 offices 允许 allow Global to 提供 provide 区域性 regional 支持 support to its 顾客 顾客 习俗 customers worldwide. As the world 继续 继续 continues 成为 become 更多 more 连接的 connected, 这种方法使Global能够继续为其所有客户提供最优质的产品和经验。 this approach positions Global to continue to offer the highest quality products and experience to all of its customers.
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  • Moellhausen
    创新和承诺以卓越的名义。 Innovation and commitment in the name of excellence.
    经过50年的经营 After 50 years in business, 莫尔豪森(Moellhausen)在香料和香精行业中脱颖而出,成为全球领先的家族企业之一 Moellhausen stands out as one of the world’s leading family-run companies in the industry of flavors and fragrances, 原料 raw materials, 和特色菜。 and specialties.
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    共同成长的知识网络 A network of knowledge to grow together
    可持续发展是 Sustainability is at the foundation of a
    普及技术和全面控制 Pervasive technology and total control
    产品 Product(s):
    308000二丙二醇 308000 DIPROPYLEN GLYCOL
  • Pell Wall Perfumes
    手工香精 Hand-made fragrances
    魔法墙可保持广泛的成分和为了保持库存新鲜&我们也从自己的股票中出售期权。 Pell Wall maintains a broad palette of ingredients & in order to keep stocks fresh & the options wide we also sell from our own stock.
    pell wall由香水调香师chris bartlett创立,旨在为少数几个爱他们的 提供独家手工制作的香水。 Pell Wall was founded by perfumer Chris Bartlett to provide exclusive hand-made fragrances to a select few people who love them. 我们所有的产品都是使用优质原料制成的 All our products are created using fine quality ingredients, 其中许多我们还出售给其他调香师和发烧友。 many of which we also offer for sale to other perfumers and enthusiasts. 咒墙为男士制造香水 Pell Wall make fragrances for men, 为妇女和家庭。 for women and for the home.
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    产品 Product(s):
    dpg DPG
    最广泛使用的中性溶剂之一 One of the most widely used neutral solvents, 不可燃,但有粘性。 non-flammable but sticky.
  • Penta International
    化学创新 Chemistry innovation
    在五角 At Penta, 我们的产品和服务可帮助企业更好地开展业务。 our products and services help businesses do business better.
    超过30年 For over 30 years, penta制造业公司在全球化学创新和应用中扮演着越来越重要的角色。作为行业领导者 Penta Manufacturing Company has played a growing role in worldwide chemistry innovations and applications. As an industry leader, penta继续为几乎每个商业领域开拓基于化学的解决方案。我们的产品和香基/香型知识帮助推动了包括调味剂在内的数十种商业应用的技术进步 Penta continues to pioneer chemistry-based solutions for practically every area of commerce. Our products and expertise have helped fuel technical advances in dozens of commercial applications including flavoring, 染色 coloring, 香料和化学工艺。 fragrances and chemical processes.
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:技术服务 Technical Services
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    产品 Product(s):
    04-83500二丙二醇 04-83500 DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL
  • PerfumersWorld
    感觉……气味! feeeel... the smell!
    创意调香师的一站式资源。 The one-stop resource for the creative perfumer.
    没有最低订购量。香气化学品 No minimum orders. Aroma chemicals, 精油 essential oils, 分离物 isolates, 信息素 pheremones, 精华/精粹/精萃 absolutes, 树脂类 resinoids, fleuressenceTM关键基地 FleuressenceTM key bases, pwx factortm PWx FactorTM, 增溶剂 solubilizers, 套件 kits, 创作系统 creation systems, 工作坊 workshops, 训练 training, 远程教育 distance learning, 调香师世界的调香师工作室 The PerfumersWorld Perfumer's Studio, 调香师配方公告 The Perfumer’s Formulation Bulletin, 香水软件 perfumery software, 定制创建 bespoke creation, 分析 analysis, 咨询服务 consultancy, 项目咨询 project counselling, 故障排除 trouble-shooting, 未加香的产品基础 unperfumed product bases, 瓶子 bottles, 闻带 smelling strips, 秤 scales, 蒸馏 distillation, 设备和灵感! equipment and inspiration!
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    软件 Software:Perfumer's 工作簿 Workbook
    产品 Product(s):
    0zw00165 dpg(二丙二醇) 0ZW00165 DPG (Dipropylene Glycol)
    推动化学发展 Moving Your Chemistry Forward
    我们不断努力提高技术水平。 We continuously strive to advance our technology.
    与东方&西海岸配送中心 With East & West Coast distribution centers, 依靠tci快速可靠地交付产品。超过28 count on TCI to deliver products quickly and reliably. Over 28,如今,有000种试剂可以台式批量购买。立即注册一个tci帐户,快速免费送货! 000 Reagents available today in benchtop to bulk quantities. Sign up for a TCI account today for fast and free shipping!
    东京化学工业公司 Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., 公司(tci)是一家成立于1946年的全球领先的特种有机化学品制造商。tci提供有机实验室化学品以及制药 Ltd. (TCI) is a leading worldwide manufacturer of specialty organic chemicals founded in 1946. TCI provides organic laboratory chemicals as well as pharmaceutical, 化妆品和功能材料。超过60年的合成经验和多功能工厂使tci可以提供28多种 cosmetic and functional materials. More than 60 years of synthesis experience and multi-purpose plants enable TCI to offer more than 28,000种产品以及定制合成。 tci已在北美建立了海外机构 000 products as well as custom synthesis. TCI has established overseas facilities in North America, 欧洲 Europe, 中国和印度为全球客户提供服务。 China and India to serve customers worldwide.
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    产品 Product(s):
    d0933二丙二醇(异构体混合物)> 95.0%(gc) D0933 Dipropylene Glycol (mixture of isomers) >95.0%(GC)
  • Igreatlife Health
    香水创作者 Fragrance Creators
    为您的香水创作。 For your fragrance creations.
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    产品 Product(s):
    二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
  • The John D. Walsh Company
    自1942年以来的供应商 Suppliers Since 1942
    在克罗恩斯病小鼠模型中同时抑制th1 / th17。 Supplying the fragrance and flavor industry with high quality products.
    The John D. Walsh Company, 公司从最初的代理商/经纪 发展为精油分销商 Inc. has evolved from its beginnings as an agent/broker into a distributor of essential oils, 香气化学品 aroma chemicals, 浸膏 concretes and 精华/精粹/精萃 absolutes. We 目前 currently 代表 re当下 present the 以下 following 公司 companies, 作为他们的北美分销商 as their North American distributor: 灭蚊 Destilerias munoz galvez , s.a. S.A. 国际风味香精 International Flavors & Fragrances pfw芳香化学品公司 PFW Aroma Chemicals B.V. 唯诺威德有限公司 Innospec Widnes Limited 危地马拉水扩散 Hydrodiffusion de Guatemala, s。一个。 S. A. dsm营养产品 DSM Nutritional Products The John D. Walsh Company, 公司能够成为ifeat的创始成员而感到自豪 Inc. is proud to be a founding member of IFEAT, 伊法拉的活跃成员 an active member of IFRA, 北美 North America, 以及wffc的公司赞助商。 and a corporate sponsor of the WFFC.
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    芬美意风味手机 Firmenich Flavor Phone:973-962-1888
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    历史 History
    产品 Product(s):
  • The Lermond Company
    您的采购资源 Your Sourcing Resource
    lermond家族已经为香料和香精行业采购了将近7年的原材料。 The Lermond family has been sourcing raw materials for the flavor and fragrance industry for nearly 7 decades.
    The Lermond Company is a 妇女拥有 女 women-拥有 owned distributor of 原料 raw materials 主要 primarily 维修 servicing the flavor and fragrance industry. For 三 three 世代 generations, 成员 会员 members of the Lermond 家庭 family 有 have been been 积分 integral 采购 sourcing 伙伴 部分 partners for the 北美 North American flavor and fragrance industry. We 供应 supply 高 high 质量 quality 精油 essential oils, 香气化学品 aroma chemicals, 精华/精粹/精萃 absolutes, 浸膏 concretes, 从世界各地到全球工业的树脂和花卉用水。 resinoids and floral waters from around the world to the global industry.
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    产品 Product(s):
    19624二丙二醇 19624 DIPROPYLENE GLYCOL
  • Ernesto Ventós
    持续的客户满意度 Continued Customer Satisfaction
    我们运用五种感官来做好我们的工作。 We employ our five senses to do our job well.
    ventós专门从事香料和香料行业的原材料分配。永久有超过1700份参考文献有现货供应 Ventós has specialized in the distribution of raw materials for the flavour and fragrance industry. With more than 1700 references permanently available from stock, 我们会及时响应客户需求 we offer a just-in-time response to our customer needs, 存在 being able to 交付 deliver from 1kg to several 公吨 tonnes all 过度 over the world.
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    电子邮件 Email:奥利维亚·高铁(亚洲 Olivia Gautier (Asia, 非洲和大洋洲) Africa and Oceania )
    电子邮件 Email:拉蒙·鲁保(拉丁美洲) Ramon Rubau (Latin America)
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    产品 Product(s):
  • Vigon International
    对简单的热情 Passion for Simplicity
    优质香精香料成分的制造商和供应商。 Manufacturer and supplier of high quality flavor and fragrance ingredients.
    vigon的增长和成功很大程度上归功于vigon在行业内发展并建立的独特的企业理念 The growth and success of Vigon is due in large part to a unique corporate concept that Vigon has developed and established within the industry: 创新的伙伴关系。这种伙伴关系概念一直并将继续是vigon所有活动的基础和指导原则。 Creative Partnerships. This partnership concept has been and continues to be the foundation and guiding principle for all of Vigon's activities.
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    产品清单 Products List:视图 View
    产品 Product(s):
    500803二丙二醇 500803 Dipropylene Glycol
香水典型/定制配方-请咨询我们索取 Fragrance Demo Formulas
Name:3-(3-羟基丙氧基)丙-1-醇 3-(3-hydroxypropoxy)propan-1-ol
CAS号 CAS Number: 25265-71-8Picture of molecule3D/INCHI
echa ECHA einecs EINECS - REACH 预注册 Pre-Reg:246-770-3
nikkaji网站 Nikkaji Web:J19.828E
贝尔斯坦数 Beilstein Number:1698372
MDL :mfcd00004538 MFCD00004538
XlogP3-AA:-0.60(est) -0.60 (est)
分子量 Molecular Weight:134.17518000
式 Formula:c6 h14 o3 C6 H14 O3
生物活性总结 BioActivity Summary:清单 listing
核磁共振预测器 NMR Predictor:预测(适用于Chrome或Firefox) Predict (works with chrome or firefox)
也可以包含 Also(can) Contains:二丙二醇(异构体的混合物) di(propylene glycol) (mixture of isomers)
类别 Category:solvents/deluents for flavor and/or fragrance agents
美国 US/欧盟 EU/ fda / jecfa / fema / Flavis / 文献 Scholar /专利 Patent :
谷歌学术 Google Scholar:搜索 Search
谷歌书 Google Books:搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "volatile"搜索 Search
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 FDA/DG SANTE Petitions, 评论 Reviews, 告示 Notices:
fcn FCN 1830 二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol 视图 View - 注意 notice
dg sante食品接触材料 DG SANTE Food Contact Materials:二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
fda mainterm(iaufc) FDA Mainterm (IAUFC):25265-71-8 ; 二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol

物理性质 Physical Properties:
出现 Appearance:无色透明油状液体(est) colorless clear oily liquid (est)
化验 Assay: 异构体总和为99.00至100.00 99.00 to 100.00 sum of isomers
食品化学品法典列表 Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
比重 Specific Gravity:1.01900 to 1.02100 @ 25.00 °C.
磅每加仑-(est)。 Pounds per Gallon - (est).: 8.479 to 8.496
折光率 Refractive Index:1.43000 to 1.45000 @ 20.00 °C.
沸点 Boiling Point: 230.00 to 231.00 °C. @ 760.00 mm 汞 Hg
蒸汽压力 Vapor Pressure:0.031900 毫米汞柱 mm汞 Hg @ 25.00 °C.
蒸气密度 Vapor Density:4.6 ( 空气 Air = 1 )
闪点 Flash Point: 245.00 °F. tcc TCC ( 118.33 °C. )
logp(o / w) logP (o/w): -0.589(est) -0.589 (est)
保质期 Shelf Life: 如果正确存储,则为24.00个月或更长时间。 24.00 month(s) or longer if stored properly.
存储 Storage:存放在阴凉处 store in cool, 干燥处,密封容器中 dry place in tightly sealed containers, 免受热和光照。 protected from heat and light.
溶于 Soluble in:
 阿米香树、西印度檀香 amyris 木 wood oil
 benzyl alcohol
 benzyl benzoate
 isopropyl myristate
 水 water, 3.107e+005 mg/L @ 25 &deg °C (est)
 水 water, 1.00e + 06 mg / l @ 25°C(实验) 1.00E+06 mg/L @ 25 °C (exp)
不溶于 Insoluble in:
 水 water
感官特性 Organoleptic Properties:
气味强度 Odor Strength:没有 none
实体性 Substantivity:400 400 Hour(s)
气味描述 Odor Description:at 100.00 %. 轻微醇 slight alcoholic
Luebke, 威廉 William RBC, (1981)
来自的气味样本 Odor sample from: 伯杰公司 Berje Inc.
来自其他 的气味和/或风味描述(如果找到)。 Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
化妆品信息 Cosmetic Information:
CosIng:化妆品数据 cosmetic data
化妆品用途 Cosmetic Uses: 掩蔽剂 masking agents
加香剂 perfuming agents
粘度控制剂 viscosity controlling agents
供应商 Suppliers:
艰巨的 Acme-Hardesty
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
气味 Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: 用于食用色素和调味料的溶剂。 A Solvent for Food Color and Flavoring.
艾伦化学 Allan Chemical
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
Augustus Oils
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
服务 Services
巴斯夫 BASF
二丙二醇护理 Dipropylenglycol Care
BOC Sciences
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
二丙二醇95% Dipropylene glycol 95%
Charkit Chemical
共价化学 Covalent Chemical
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
扩散香气 Diffusions Aromatiques
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
陶氏化学 Dow Chemical
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
lo +(dpg lo +) LO+ (DPG LO+)
ECSA Chemicals
二丙二醇香料 Dipropylenglycole Perfumery
公司简介 Company Profile
Emd 微孔 Millipore
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
Ernesto Ventós
气味 Odor: 几乎没有气味 ALMOST NO ODOR
Glentham Life Sciences
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
Global Essence
格雷厄姆化学 Graham Chemical
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
缩进组 Indenta Group
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
金永生物技术 Kingyoung Bio Technical
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
利昂德尔巴塞尔工业 LyondellBasell Industries
二丙二醇工业级 Dipropylene Glycol Industrial Grade
利昂德尔巴塞尔工业 LyondellBasell Industries
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol, 香水等级 Fragrance Grade
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
气味 Odor: 几乎无味 practically odourless, 略 轻微 s光 lightly 空灵的 ethereal.
味道 Flavor: 有点甜。 slightly sweet.
Pell Wall Perfumes
dpg DPG
气味 Odor: 最小的 Minimal 气味 odour – 用过的 used as a solvent
采用 Use: 最广泛使用的中性溶剂之一 One of the most widely used neutral solvents, 不可燃,但有粘性。 non-flammable but sticky.
Penta International
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
dpg(二丙二醇) DPG (Dipropylene Glycol)
香水实验室 Perfumery Laboratory
轮回菲希特纳 Reincke & Fichtner
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
湿婆化学药品和制药 Shiva Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
西格玛·奥尔德里奇 Sigma-Aldrich: 奥尔德里奇 Aldrich
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
二丙二醇99% Dipropylene Glycol 99%, 异构体混合物 mixture of isomers
银蕨化学 Silver Fern Chemical
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
气味 Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: 二丙二醇可以用作增塑剂 Dipropylene glycol finds many uses as a plasticizer, 工业化学反应的中间体 an intermediate in industrial chemical reactions, 作为聚合引发剂或单体 as a polymerization initiator or monomer, 并作为溶剂。它也可用于化妆品 and as a solvent. It also has uses in cosmetics, 和商业雾剂。 and commercial fog fluid.
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
二丙二醇(异构体混合物)> 95.0%(gc) Dipropylene Glycol (mixture of isomers) >95.0%(GC)
Igreatlife Health
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
气味 Odor: 轻微醇 slight alcoholic
The John D. Walsh Company
The Lermond Company
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
调香师的学徒 The Perfumers Apprentice
温格公司 Ungerer & Company
二丙二醇f / g Dipropylene Glycol F/G
Vigon International
二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
气味 Odor: 无味的 Odorless
安全信息 Safety Information:
首选SDS Preferred SDS: 视图 View
欧洲信息 European information :
最重要的危害 Most important hazard(s):
无-找不到。 None - None found.
S 02 - 保持 Keep out of the 达到 r每 each of 孩子们 children.
S 24/25 - 避免 Avoid contact with skin and 眼睛 eyes.
危害识别 Hazards identification
物质或混合物的分类 Classification of the substance or mixture
根据29 cfr 1910(osha hcs)进行ghs分类 GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
急性毒性 Acute toxicity, 口头(类别4) Oral (Category 4), h302 H302
ghs标签元素 GHS Label elements, 包括预防性声明 including precautionary statements
象形图 Pictogramexclamation-mark.jpg
信号 标志 Signal word 警告 Warning
危险说明 Hazard statement(s)
h302-吞咽有害 H302 - Harmful if swallowed
防范说明 Precautionary statement(s)
P264 - 洗 Wash skin 彻底地 thouroughly 后 after 处理 handling.
P270 - do Do not eat, 喝 drink or 抽烟 smoke 什么时候 when 使用 using 这个 this product.
P301 + P312 - if IF 吞下 SWALlo LOWED: call a 毒 POISON 中央 CENTER or 医生 doctor/医师 physician if IF you 感觉 feel 不适 un好 well.
P330 - 冲洗 Rinse 口 mouth.
P501 - 处置 Dispose of contents/ 容器 container to an 已批准 approved 浪费 waste 处置 disposal plant.
口服/肠胃外毒性 Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
口鼠 oral-rat LD50 14850 mg/kg
"Toxicology of 毒品 Drugs and Chemicals," 德希曼 Deichmann, w.b. W.B., 纽约 New York, 学术出版社 Academic Press, 公司 Inc., 1969卷-- 1969Vol. -, pg。 731 Pg. 731, 1969.

哺乳动物 oral-mammal (种类 species 未指定 unspecified) LD50 15000 mg/kg
Gigiena i 萨尼塔利亚 Sanitariya. For 英语 English translation, 见hysaav。卷39(4) see HYSAAV. Vol. 39(4), pg。 86 Pg. 86, 1974.

皮肤毒性 Dermal Toxicity:
皮肤兔子 skin-rabbit LD50 > 20 ml/kg
"Toxicology of 毒品 Drugs and Chemicals," 德希曼 Deichmann, w.b. W.B., 纽约 New York, 学术出版社 Academic Press, 公司 Inc., 1969卷-- 1969Vol. -, pg。 731 Pg. 731, 1969.

吸入毒性 Inhalation Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
使用安全信息 Safety in Use Information:
类别 Category:
solvents/deluents for flavor and/or fragrance agents
推荐的双丙二醇用量水平不超过 Recommendation for dipropylene glycol usage levels up to:
 不用于香水。 not for fragrance use.
推荐的二丙二醇风味剂使用水平最高为 Recommendation for dipropylene glycol flavor usage levels up to:
 不用于调味料。 not for flavor use.
安全参考 Safety references:
Epi系统 EPI System: 视图 View
nlm NLM有害物质数据库 :搜索 Search
化学致癌研究信息系统 Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System:搜索 Search
癌症引文 Cancer Citations:搜索 Search
毒理学引文 Toxicology Citations:搜索 Search
致癌力数据库 Carcinogenic Potency Database:搜索 Search
橙花发育和 毒性 NLM Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity:搜索 Search
EPA物质注册服务(tsca TSCA) :25265-71-8
EPA ACToR:毒理学资料 Toxicology Data
EPA物质注册服务(SRS) :注册表 Registry
实验室化学安全摘要 Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary :32857
国家过敏和传染病研究所 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:Data
德国wgk WGK Germany:1
3-(3-羟基丙氧基)丙-1-醇 3-(3-hydroxypropoxy)propan-1-ol
chemidplus Chemidplus:0025265718
epa / noaa客串 EPA/NOAA CAMEO:有害物质 hazardous materials
技术 RTECS:适用于CAS#25265-71-8的ub8765000 UB8765000 for cas# 25265-71-8
参考资料 References:
 3-(3-羟基丙氧基)丙-1-醇 3-(3-hydroxypropoxy)propan-1-ol
NIST化学网络书籍 NIST Chemistry WebBook: 搜索INCHI
加拿大国内分公司。清单 Canada Domestic Sub. List:25265-71-8
pubchem(cid) Pubchem (cid):32857
pubchem(sid) Pubchem (sid):134996077
其他资料 Other Information:
(iupac) (IUPAC):元素的原子量2009 Atomic Weights of the Elements 2009
(iupac) (IUPAC):元素的原子量2009(pdf) Atomic Weights of the Elements 2009 (pdf)
影片 Videos:元素周期表 The Periodic Table of Videos
RBC:本网站使用的原子量 Atomic Weights use for this web site
(iupac) (IUPAC):元素周期表 Periodic Table of the Elements
用于食品接触物质的fda间接添加剂 FDA Indirect Additives used in Food Contact Substances:视图 View
hmdb(人类代谢组数据库) HMDB (The Human Metabolome Database):搜索 Search
出口关税代码 Export Tariff Code:2909.49.6000
雾度图 Haz-Map:视图 View
家庭用品 Household Products:搜索 Search
化学蜘蛛 ChemSpider:视图 View
维基百科 Wikipedia:视图 View
rsc学习化学 RSC Learn Chemistry:视图 View
配方/制剂 Formulations/Preparations:
年级 grade: technical
潜在搅拌机 Potential Blenders and core 组件 components note
没找到 None Found
潜在用途 Potential Uses:
 增溶剂 solubilizers
 粘度控制剂 viscosity controlling agents
存在(自然 Occurrence (nature, food, 其他) other):note
 自然界中找不到 not found in nature
同义词 Synonyms:
2,2'-dihydroxydipropyl ether
2,2'-dihydroxyisopropyl ether
1,1'-dimethyl 二乙烯 diethylene glycol
1,3-二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
1,2-二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol ethers
 二丙二醇 Di-propylene Glycol
 dpg DPG
1-(2-hydroxypropoxy) propan-2-ol
bis(2-hydroxypropyl) ether
2-(2-hydroxypropyl)-1-methyl ethanol
 hydroxyprpyl oxypropanol
 propanol, 3,3'-双氧- 3'-oxybis-
1-propanol, 3,3'-双氧- 3'-oxybis-
笔记 Notes:
非常好的香料稀释剂和淬灭剂。但它是合成的。 Very good fragrance diluent and quencher. But it is synthetic.
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