葵花籽油(固定) sunflower oil (fixed)
向日葵籽油 helianthus annuus seed oil

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  • Augustus Oils
    首要供应商 The Premier Supplier
    奥 都油有限公司 Augustus Oils Ltd, 与自然和谐相处-尽其所能... in harmony with nature - to present it at its best...
    丰富的经验 A wealth of experience, 香基/香型知识和知识使奥 都可以在种植者和天然成分使用者之间的期望和信任之间架起桥梁。 expertise and knowledge has allowed Augustus to bridge the gulf in expectation and trust between growers and users of natural ingredients. 该公司一方面与客户合作 The Company works in partnership with customers on the one hand, 和种植者 and growers, 农民和酿酒厂。用户和制作 都可以专注于他们最擅长的领域 farmers and distillers on the other. Both users and producers can then focus on exactly what they do best, 而熟练的奥 都技术 员则密切监视和控制所交付的产品。这确保用户可以放心,他们将收到适合自己要求的最佳原材料。 while skilled Augustus technicians closely monitor and control the delivered product. This ensures users can have the confidence that they will receive the best raw materials suited to their requirements.
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  • BOC Sciences
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    研究化学品和生化试剂(包括抑制剂)的优质供应商 Quality supplier of research chemicals and biochemicals including inhibitors, 建筑模块 building blocks, gmp产品 GMP Products, 杂质和代谢物 impurities and metabolites, 兽医用api APIs for Veterinary, 天然化合物 Natural Compounds, adcs ADCs, 干细胞分子和手性化合物。 Stem Cell Molecule and chiral compounds.
    卡波普® ultrez 21聚合物是我们用途最广泛的个 护理聚合物。它是一种疏水改性的交联丙烯酸酯共聚物,旨在有效地增稠 BOC Sciences provides a wide range of services to support the pharmaceutical industry through all stages of drug discovery including Custom Synthesis of those chemicals that are not in stock, 同位素标记服务 Isotope Labeling Service, 手性合成与拆分 Chiral Synthesis and Resolution, 生物共轭 Bioconjugation, 聚乙二醇化服务 PEGylation services, 分析服务。 analytical services.
    boc sciences是bocsci inc。的品牌。我们利用我们在发展领域的广泛业务 BOC Sciences is a brand of BOCSCI Inc. We leverage our wide spectrum of business in the fields of development, 制造业 manufacturing, marketing, 和分销,以帮助您根据不断变化的优质化学品需求制定最明智的决策。我们完整的cro服务套件涵盖了整个分子开发流程,包括用于目标识别的合同研究 and distribution to help you make best-informed decisions tailored to your evolving needs for premium chemicals. Our complete suite of CRO services spans the entire molecule development pipeline including contract research for target identification, 建筑模块 building blocks, 化合物合成 compound synthesis, 生化和细胞分析 biochemical and cellular analysis, 临床前动物试验 preclinical animal tests, 和临床研究。 and clinical studies.
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    向日葵葵花籽油8001-21-6 8001-21-6 sunflower seed oil from helianthus annuus
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    国际贸易与分销 International trading and distribution
    ecsa集团为这些业务领域的客户提供了完整的“一站式购物”解决方案。 ECSA Group offers its customers in these business segments a complete 'one-stop shopping' solution.
    成立一百周年 A hundred years on from its establishment, emanuele centonze holding sa已在瑞士和欧洲发展壮大。 the Emanuele Centonze Holding SA has developed a solid presence in Switzerland and in Europe. 该组目前包括 The Group currently includes: ecsa化学品股份公司/ srl社会股份公司– ecsa维护股份公司– ecsa能源sa –提契诺州门户网站easy stop sa。 ECSA Chemicals AG/ECSA Italia SRL Societ� con Unico Socio – ECSA Maintenance AG – ECSA Energy SA – Porta Ticino Easy Stop SA.
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  • Glentham Life Sciences
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    glentham Life Sciences是精细化学品和原材料的仓库供应商 Glentham Life Sciences is a supplier of fine chemicals and raw materials with warehousing, 英国的实验室和包装设施。 laboratories and packaging facilities in the UK.
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  • Lluch Essence
    致力于销售和分销的家族公司 A family company dedicated to sales and distribution
    灵活性 Flexibility, 可用性 availability, 价格和质量。 price and quality.
    灵活性 Flexibility, 可用性 availability, 价格和质量使lluch精华s.l.关于精油和香精化学品的欧洲参考文献之一 price and quality make LLUCH ESSENCE S.L. one of Europe’s references when it comes to essential oils and aroma chemicals, 现在它已在世界范围内广为 知。 and it is now well known all around the world.
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    产品 Product(s):
    葵花籽油 Sunflower Seed Oil
  • Penta International
    化学创新 Chemistry innovation
    在五角 At Penta, 我们的产品和服务可帮助企业更好地开展业务。 our products and services help businesses do business better.
    超过30年 For over 30 years, penta制造业公司在全球化学创新和应用中扮演着越来越重要的角色。作为行业领导者 Penta Manufacturing Company has played a growing role in worldwide chemistry innovations and applications. As an industry leader, penta继续为几乎每个商业领域开拓基于化学的解决方案。我们的产品和香基/香型知识帮助推动了包括调味剂在内的数十种商业应用的技术进步 Penta continues to pioneer chemistry-based solutions for practically every area of commerce. Our products and expertise have helped fuel technical advances in dozens of commercial applications including flavoring, 染色 coloring, 香料和化学工艺。 fragrances and chemical processes.
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    产品 Product(s):
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  • Sigma-Aldrich
    完整的供应链 Complete Supply Chain
    产品和服务的完美融合,将您的创造力带入生活。 The perfect blend of products and services that bring your creativity to life.
    sigma-aldrich是一家领先的生命科学和高科技公司,致力于提供高质量 Sigma-Aldrich is a leading Life Science and High Technology company dedicated to providing high-quality, 安全和经过认证的调味料成分,透明和易于访问的文档对全球客户而言。 sigma-aldrich还提供了一套分析工具,可让食品分析 员简化样品制备 safe and certified flavor ingredients with transparent and easily accessible documentation to customers around the globe. Sigma-Aldrich also provides a suite of analytical tools that allow food analysts to simplify sample preparation, 清理和分析步骤 cleanup and analysis steps, 同时提高对痕量成分和有害物质的敏感性,以符合法规和质量标准。 while increasing sensitivity to trace ingredients and harmful substances to meet regulations and quality standards.
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    认证食品级产品 Certified Food Grade Products
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    w530285葵花籽油 W530285 Sunflower oil, 认证有机(点) Certified organic (NOP)
    根据ph.eur测试了来自向日葵的21种葵花籽油。 21 Sunflower seed oil from Helianthus annuus tested according to Ph.Eur.
  • Vigon International
    对简单的热情 Passion for Simplicity
    优质香精香料成分的制造商和供应商。 Manufacturer and supplier of high quality flavor and fragrance ingredients.
    vigon的增长和成功很大程度上归功于vigon在行业内发展并建立的独特的企业理念 The growth and success of Vigon is due in large part to a unique corporate concept that Vigon has developed and established within the industry: 创新的伙伴关系。这种伙伴关系概念一直并将继续是vigon所有活动的基础和指导原则。 Creative Partnerships. This partnership concept has been and continues to be the foundation and guiding principle for all of Vigon's activities.
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    产品 Product(s):
    502711葵花籽油 502711 Sunflower Oil
Name:向日葵籽油 helianthus annuus seed oil
CAS号 CAS Number: 8001-21-6
echa ECHA EC Number:232-273-9
MDL :mfcd00132403 MFCD00132403
类别 Category:emollients
美国 US/欧盟 EU/ fda / jecfa / fema / Flavis / 文献 Scholar /专利 Patent :
谷歌学术 Google Scholar:搜索 Search
谷歌书 Google Books:搜索 Search
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 FDA/DG SANTE Petitions, 评论 Reviews, 告示 Notices:
GRN 41 d已 hasco DHASCO (二十二碳六烯 docosahexaenoic 富含酸 acid-rich 单细胞 single-细胞 cell oil) and arasco ARASCO (arachidonic 富含酸 acid-rich 单细胞 single-细胞 cell oil) 视图 View - notice pdf格式 PDF
GRN 80 A arasco ARASCO (arachidonic 富含酸 acid-rich 单细胞 single-细胞 cell oil) 视图 View - notice pdf格式 PDF
GRN 80 B arasco ARASCO (arachidonic 富含酸 acid-rich 单细胞 single-细胞 cell oil) 视图 View - notice pdf格式 PDF
fda 主要 mainterm(iaufc) :8001-21-6 ; 葵花籽油 Sunflower Seed Oil

物理性质 Physical Properties:
出现 Appearance:无色至浅黄油状液体(est) colorless to pale yellow oily liquid (est)
食品化学品法典列表 Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
比重 Specific Gravity:0.92200 to 0.99600 @ 25.00 °C.
磅每加仑-(est)。 Pounds per Gallon - (est).: 7.672 to 8.288
折光率 Refractive Index:1.46630 to 1.68400 @ 20.00 °C.
皂化值 Saponification Value:188.00至195.00 188.00 to 195.00
闪点 Flash Point:> 230.00° tcc(> 110.00°c。) > 230.00 °F. TCC ( > 110.00 °C. )
溶于 Soluble in:
 水 water, 6.328e-020 mg / l @ 25°C(est) 6.328e-020 mg/L @ 25 °C (est)
感官特性 Organoleptic Properties:
气味类型 Odor Type: waxy
气味强度 Odor Strength:low
waxy fatty
气味描述 Odor Description:at 100.00 %. 非常 very 轻度 mild 蜡质脂肪 waxy fatty
Luebke, 威廉 William RBC, (1997)
来自的气味样本 Odor sample from: 角色机器 公司 Charabot & Co., 公司 Inc.
来自其他 的气味和/或风味描述(如果找到)。 Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
化妆品信息 Cosmetic Information:
CosIng:化妆品数据 cosmetic data
化妆品用途 Cosmetic Uses: emollients
掩蔽剂 masking agents
皮肤调理 skin conditioning
供应商 Suppliers:
adm ADM
味道 Flavor: characteristic
Frying, 喷油 spray oil, 烘烤。 baking.
Augustus Oils
葵花籽固定油 Sunflower Seed Fixed Oil
服务 Services
BOC Sciences
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
向日葵葵花籽油 sunflower seed oil from helianthus annuus
布里斯托尔植物药 Bristol Botanicals
葵花籽油向日葵 Sunflower seed oil Helianthus annuus
布里斯托尔植物药 Bristol Botanicals
葵花籽油向日葵 Sunflower seed oil Helianthus annuus
化学导航-尼克尔 Chemical-navi - Nikkol
尼克尔葵花籽油 NIKKOL Sunflower Oil
气味 Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: 甘油三酸酯主要成分是亚油酸 Triglyceride; main component is linoleic acid
ECSA Chemicals
葵花籽仁油 Sunflower Seed Kernel Oil
公司简介 Company Profile
F。 p。新加坡芳烃 F. P. Aromatics Singapore
葵花籽油 Sunflower Seed Oil
植物科技 FloraTech
植物群90 Florasun 90
气味 Odor: 非常 very 轻度 mild 蜡质脂肪 waxy fatty
采用 Use: 植物群90 Florasun 90在前氧化环境中提供优雅的皮肤感觉和卓越的氧化稳定性。这种精制油是透明的 , 无臭,色泽极低。 odorless and has very low color.
Glentham Life Sciences
葵花籽油 Sunflower Seed Oil
Jarchem Jarchem行业
精油 jaroil™细管
牛皮纸化学 Kraft Chemical
kraftsun高油酸葵花籽油 Kraftsun High Oleic Sunflower Oil
脂类化学品 Lipo Chemicals
脂 Lipovol® SUN
气味 Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: 脂 Lipovol® SUN is 派生的 derived from sunflower 种子 seeds. 主 Primary fatty acids acids 包括 include oleic and linoleic. it It 点差 spreads 迅速地 rapidly and is 推荐的 recommended for 头发 hair products, 口红 lipsticks, 香脂和光泽 balms and gloss, 以及洗澡 as well as bath, 身体和眼睛产品。 body and eye products.
Lluch Essence
葵花籽油 Sunflower Seed Oil
Penta International
葵花籽油 Sunflower Seed Oil
植物力量 Plants Power
葵花籽油有机 Sunflower seed oil Organic
葵花籽油 Sunflower Seed Oil, 认证有机(点) Certified organic (NOP)
认证食品级产品 Certified Food Grade Products
根据ph.eur测试的向日葵葵花籽油。 Sunflower seed oil from Helianthus annuus tested according to Ph.Eur.
Vigon International
葵花籽油 Sunflower Seed Oil
韦尔奇 Welch, 霍姆&克拉克 Holme & Clark
气味 Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: 我们批发葵花籽油 We wholesale sunflower oil, 以及其他动植物油脂 as well as other animal and vegetable oils and fats, 自1838年以来。请以非常优惠的价格联系我们 since 1838. Please contact us for very competitive prices, 而在厌氧条件下为两个乳酸分子(α羟基酸)。克雷布斯循环(也称为柠檬酸循环;三羧酸循环)是随后的酶促反应过程,其中两碳乙酰基单元氧化为二氧化碳和水,以高能磷酸键的形式提供能量。 proven quality and quick delivery everywhere in the United States. Export services are available too. The pale yellow mild-flavored oil derived from sunflower seeds. This oil is high in polyunsaturated fat and low in saturated fat. Used in cooking and in salad dressings. Not well suited for frying because of its low smoke point.
安全信息 Safety Information:
首选SDS Preferred SDS: 视图 View
欧洲信息 European information :
最重要的危害 Most important hazard(s):
无-找不到。 None - None found.
S 02 - 保持 Keep out of the 达到 reach of 孩子们 children.
S 24/25 - 避免 Avoid contact with skin and 眼睛 眼睛 eyes.
危害识别 Hazards identification
物质或混合物的分类 Classification of the substance or mixture
根据29 cfr 1910(osha hcs)进行ghs分类 GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
没有找到。 None found.
ghs标签元素 GHS Label elements, 包括预防性声明 including precautionary statements
象形图 Pictogram
危险说明 Hazard statement(s)
没有找到。 None found.
防范说明 Precautionary statement(s)
没有找到。 None found.
口服/肠胃外毒性 Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
皮肤毒性 Dermal Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
吸入毒性 Inhalation Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
使用安全信息 Safety in Use Information:
类别 Category:
向日葵油(固定)用量建议 Recommendation for sunflower oil (fixed) usage levels up to:
 不用于香水。 not for fragrance use.
推荐的葵花籽油(固定的)风味使用水平最高为 Recommendation for sunflower oil (fixed) flavor usage levels up to:
 不用于调味料。 not for flavor use.
安全参考 Safety references:
Epi系统 EPI System: 视图 View
Clinicaltrials.gov ClinicalTrials.gov:search
每日医学 Daily Med:search
辅助引文 AIDS Citations:搜索 Search
癌症引文 Cancer Citations:搜索 Search
毒理学引文 Toxicology Citations:搜索 Search
环境诱变信息中央 Env. Mutagen Info. Center:搜索 Search
橙花发育和 毒性 NLM Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity:搜索 Search
EPA物质注册服务(tsca TSCA) :8001-21-6
EPA ACToR:毒理学资料 Toxicology Data
EPA物质注册服务(SRS) :注册表 Registry
国家过敏和传染病研究所 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:Data
德国wgk WGK Germany:w nwg
向日葵籽油 helianthus annuus seed oil
chemidplus Chemidplus:0008001216
参考资料 References:
 向日葵籽油 helianthus annuus seed oil
加拿大国内分公司。清单 Canada Domestic Sub. List:8001-21-6
pubchem(sid) Pubchem (sid):135274444
其他资料 Other Information:
用于食品接触物质的fda间接添加剂 FDA Indirect Additives used in Food Contact Substances:视图 View
出口关税代码 Export Tariff Code:1512.19.0020
家庭用品 Household Products:搜索 Search
维基百科 Wikipedia:视图 View
潜在搅拌机 Potential Blenders and 核心 core components note
没找到 None Found
潜在用途 Potential Uses:
 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
存在(自然 Occurrence (nature, food, 其他) other):note
搜索 Search Trop 图片 Picture
同义词 Synonyms:
 植物群 florasun 90
 向日葵籽油 helianthus annuus seed oil
 精油 jaroil 细管 HOSO
 lipovol sun
 尼克尔 nikkol sunflower oil
 rbd RBD 女神 nusun
明确 clear 谷 valley 高 high oleic sunflower oil
高 high oleic (单不饱和 monoun饱和的 saturated) sunflower oil
kraftsun 高 high oleic sunflower oil
odyssey 90/95 高 high 稳定性 stability sunflower oil
精制 re精细 fined sunflower oil
 葵花籽油(固定) sunflower oil (fixed)
女神 nusun 油中 mid-oleic sunflower oil (natural)
偏爱 preference 100 sunflower oil (natural)
偏爱 preference 100W sunflower oil (natural)
 sunflower oil 法国 france organic
 sunflower oil 高油酸 hi-oleic organic
 sunflower oil organic
 sunflower seed oil

文章 Articles:

已发布 PubMed:蛋白质对葵花籽油体胃肠道命运的影响 Impact of extraneous proteins on the gastrointestinal fate of sunflower seed (Helianthus annuus) oil bodies: 模拟胃肠道研究。 a simulated gastrointestinal tract study.
已发布 PubMed:向日葵系ha-r6和油料系rha 397中抗锈基因的遗传图谱。 Genetic mapping of rust resistance genes in confection sunflower line HA-R6 and oilseed line RHA 397.
已发布 PubMed:聪明的向日葵突变种群和逆向遗传工具以改善作物。 SMART--Sunflower Mutant population And Reverse genetic Tool for crop improvement.
已发布 PubMed:瓜瓜种子油的评价与表征 Evaluation and characterisation of Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad seed oil: 与向日葵(葵花籽)籽油的比较。 Comparison with Helianthus annuus (sunflower) seed oil.
已发布 PubMed:发育中种子的糖酵解酶活性涉及标准向日葵和低油向日葵(向日葵)之间的差异。 Glycolytic enzymatic activities in developing seeds involved in the differences between standard and low oil content sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.).
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已发布 PubMed:葵花籽油体内生育酚和脂肪酸生物可及性的体外评估。 In vitro assessment of the bioaccessibility of tocopherol and fatty acids from sunflower seed oil bodies.
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已发布 PubMed:钻bore的影响 Impact of the stem borer, 德州 Dectes texanus, 栽培向日葵的产量 on yield of the cultivated sunflower, 向日葵。 Helianthus annuus.
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已发布 PubMed:向日葵突变体cas-14中高硬脂酸含量的分子分析。 Molecular analysis of the high stearic acid content in sunflower mutant CAS-14.
已发布 PubMed:从葵花籽油精制厂和种子壳中获得的纯化蜡和粗蜡的物理行为。 Physical behavior of purified and crude wax obtained from sunflower (Helianthus annuus) seed oil refineries and seed hulls.
已发布 PubMed:向日葵(性菊)数量性状的比较遗传分析。 2.鉴定涉及发育和农艺性状的qtl。 Comparative genetic analysis of quantitative traits in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). 2. Characterisation of QTL involved in developmental and agronomic traits.
已发布 PubMed:向日葵(向日葵)中使用aflp和ssr绘制的籽粒油含量和农艺性状的数量性状位点图和分析。 Mapping and analysis of quantitative trait loci for grain oil content and agronomic traits using AFLP and SSR in sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.).
已发布 PubMed:温度对高硬脂酸向日葵突变体的影响。 Temperature effect on a high stearic acid sunflower mutant.
已发布 PubMed:向日葵种子的酰基-酰基载体蛋白硫酯酶活性。 Acyl-acyl carrier protein thioesterase activity from sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seeds.
已发布 PubMed: 从红花(红花 Carthamus 菘蓝 tinctorius l。)和向日葵(helianthus annuus l。)的种子中分离出的油体中油质蛋白的二级结构。
已发布 PubMed:向日葵(向日葵)群体中 优势与酶多态性之间的关系。 Relations between heterosis and enzymatic polymorphism in populations of cultivated sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.).
已发布 PubMed:向日葵种植种群(向日葵)中的组合群体及其与原产国的关系。 Combining-groups in cultivated sunflower populations (Helianthus annuus L.) and their relationships with the country of origin.
已发布 PubMed:向日葵种子对夜间温度的不饱和脂肪酸合成 Unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) seeds in response to night temperature.
已发布 PubMed:长时间存放后,葵花籽油中的油脂会氧化成脂肪酸。 Oxygenated fatty acids of oil from sunflower seeds after prolonged storage.
笔记 Notes:
c16 C16 棕榈的 Palmitic 6.4% c16 C16:1 棕榈油酸 Palmitoleic 0.1% c18 C18 硬脂的 Stearic 4.2% c18 C18:1 油质的 Oleic 14.2% c18 C18:2 亚油酸 Linoleic 73.5% c18 C18:3 亚麻酸 Linolenic 0.2% 总 Total 饱和的 Saturated acids Acids 11%. 总 Total 单不饱和 Monoun饱和的 saturated acids Acids 20%. 总 Total 多不饱和 Polyun饱和的 saturated acids Acids 69%. tsca定义2008 tsca definition 2008: 提取物及其经物理修饰的衍生物。它主要由亚油酸和油酸脂肪酸橙花酯组成。 (向日葵) extractives and their physically modified derivatives. it consists primarily of the glycerides of the fatty acids linoleic and oleic. (helianthus annuus, 菊科)。 compositae).
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