Typical G.C. analysis

杜松 juniperus communis 叶 leafoil
170.40  bornyl acetate
20.50  樟脑 camphene
200.60beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
94.001,4- 桉树脑 cineole
113.60para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
13<0.10  氧化烯 limonene oxide
14<0.10  linalool
16<0.10  乙酸芳樟酯 linalyl acetate
30.10para- menthane
65.50  myrcene
21<0.10  橙花醇 nerol
220.30  乙酸橙花酯 neryl acetate
71.30alpha- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
103.30beta- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
133.70alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
41.10beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
527.60  桧烯 sabinene
154.60  terpinen-4-ol
81.90alpha- terpinene
123.00gamma- terpinene
180.20alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
19<0.10alpha- 乙酸叔戊酯 terpinyl acetate

H. h Horster, C. Csedo G. Racz, gas Gas 色谱法 chromatographic analysis of the 易挥发的 volatileoil from 杜松 juniper 树叶 leaves (杜松 Juniperus communis L. ) harvsted in 罗马尼亚 Romania, Orvosi Szemle. 20, 78-62 (1974); Revista Medicula, 20, 79-83 (1974).

p&amp P&F 19, No. 1, 31, (1994)