Typical G.C. analysis

桉树球油布隆迪 eucalyptus globulus oil burundia
in In 1994, Dethier et al. screened the 叶 leaf oils ofBururidian 桉树 Eucalyptus 种类 species for their 成分 compositions 使用 using 都 both cc CC cc CC/ms m MS. The 组件 components 特色的 characterized in theoil of E. globulus were as follows:
173.60  芳烃 aromadendrene
180.80allo- 芳烃 aromadendrene
120.20  borneol
200.10gamma- cadinene
210.30  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
663.801,8- 桉树脑 cineole
150.20alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
50.80para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
251.70alpha- eudesmol
241.30beta- eudesmol
230.60gamma- eudesmol
221.30  globulol
160.60alpha- 古尔烯 gurjunene
73.90  柠檬烯 limonene
110.20  linalool
30.30  myrcene
80.10(E)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
40.10alpha- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
18.80alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
20.50beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
190.20alpha- selinene
130.80  terpinen-4-ol
90.10alpha- terpinene
145.80alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
100.10  terpinolene

M. Dethier, A. Nduwimanna, Y. Cordier, C. m Menut G. Lamaty, 芳香 Aromatic 植物 plants of 热带 tropical 非洲 Africa. 十六 XVI. Studies on essential oils of 五 five 桉树 Eucalyptus 种类 species grown in burundi Burundi. J. 本质 Essent. 油 Oil 资源 Res., 6, 469-473 (1994).

p&amp P&F 26, 2 No. 2, 22, (2001)