Typical G.C. analysis

薰衣草干油立陶宛 lavandula angustifolia stem oil lithuania
 1.15beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
 3.73  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
 9.311,8- 桉树脑 cineole
 1.45  乙酸香叶酯 geranyl acetate
 4.10  醋酸薰衣草 lavand andulyl
 26.45  linalool
 1.49(E)- linalool oxide furanoid
 1.93(Z)- linalool oxide furanoid
 3.37 linalool oxide pyranoid + borneol
 7.07  乙酸芳樟酯 linalyl acetate
 0.97  myrcene
 5.76alpha-terpineol + methyl chavicol chavicol
P. R. Venskutonis, 必要 Essentialoil 组成 composition of some herbs cultivated in Lithuania. in In: 风味 Flavours, 香精 fragrances essential oils. Proceedings of the 13th in International Congress of 风味 Flavours, 香精 Fragrances 必要 Essential 油类 Oils, 伊斯坦布尔 Istanbul, 火鸡 Turkey, 十月 October 1995, Edit., K. H. C. Baser, 卷 Vol. 2, pp. 108-123, Anadolu 大学 Univ. 按 Press, eskisehir Eskisehir, 火鸡 Turkey (1995). p&amp P&F 25, 4 No. 4, 55, (2000)