玺留香数据库列表 Igreatlife Health Information Listings

Odor 描述符 Descriptors for seaweed
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主 Primary (第一 First) - seaweed
FL/FR绿 green 海藻 algae 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 新鲜的海洋绿沙质油性橡苔 fresh marine green sandy oily painty oakmoss
(z (Z,z Z,z)-8 Z)-8,11,14-heptadecatrienal
 odor: seaweed
FR 海洋的 marine fragrance
FR 海洋的 marine 香基/香型 specialty
 odor: 海洋的 marine 海洋 ocean seaweed
FL/FR seaweed 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute (fucus vesiculosus et 锯齿兽 serratus)
 odor: 绿草本酚醛木质干海藻 green herbal phenolic woody dry seaweed
FR seaweed 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute 替代者 replacer
 odor: 新鲜的海洋绿沙质油性橡苔 fresh marine green sandy oily painty oakmoss
FR seaweed 树脂样 树脂 resinoid
 odor: 生苔 mossy 海洋的 marine
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - seaweed
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - seaweed
FR 海藻 algae fragrance
 odor: 海洋绿海藻藻类海洋海滨 ocean green seaweed algae marine seashore
FR 海洋的 marine fragrance
FR 海洋的 marine 香基/香型 specialty
 odor: 海洋的 marine 海洋 ocean seaweed
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - seaweed
FL/FR 乙醛 acetaldehyde dibutyl acetal
 odor: 花玫瑰绿氯仿 floral rose green chloroform
FL pyrrolidine
 odor: 氨 Ammonia, 腥 fishy, 贝类 shellfish and 像海藻一样 seaweed-like
 flavor: 氨 Ammonia and 腥 fishy 类amine-like with seaweed and 贝类 shellfish 细微差别 nuances
FR 苔藓 treemoss 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 木质干燥森林海藻草药绿 woody dry forest seaweed herbal green
FR 苔藓 treemoss 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute 替代者 replacer
 odor: 木质干燥森林海藻草药绿 woody dry forest seaweed herbal green
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - seaweed
FL/FR 橡苔 oakmoss 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute 颜色 color 减少 reduced
 odor: 长满青苔的橡树苔绿泥土木质海藻 mossy oakmoss green earthy woody seaweed
 flavor: 橡苔 oakmoss
FR 橡苔 oakmoss 树脂 resin
 odor: 甜 sweet 绿 green 喹啉 quinoline 草木 grassy 油腻的 oily
FR 柑橘 tangerine acetate
 odor: 绿柑橘碘橘海藻蜡质新鲜苦味 green citrus iodine tangerine seaweed waxy fresh bitter
Senary (第六 Sixth) - seaweed
FR 琥珀 amber carane carane
 odor: 琥珀木质香辣醛绿海藻 amber woody spicy aldehydic green seaweed
FL/FRpara-anisyl 甲 formate
 odor: 果味花香香草淡淡的 fruity floral anisic vanilla seaweed
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 香草 vanilla, 香料 spice, with 果味的 fruity 类海洛因 heliotropine-like 细微差别 nuances
FRpara-methyl 苯氧乙醛 phenoxy乙醛 acetaldehyde
 odor: 强大 powerful 干草 hay 瓜 melon 臭氧 ozone 花的 floral
FL/FR 蘑菇 mushroom 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 真菌土质苔藓生根蔬菜海藻海洋干草 fungal earthy mossy rooty vegetable seaweed marine hay
 flavor: 蘑菇 mushroom
FR 橡苔 oakmoss 树脂 resin 替代者 replacer
 odor: 绿 green 叶子 foliage 生苔 mossy 草木 grassy 油腻的 oily
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - seaweed
Octonary (Eighth) - seaweed
 odor: 琥珀天然麝香amber natural musk animal
 flavor: 琥珀木质土质根本草动物老木腐殖质茶 amber woody earthy rooty herbal animal old wood humus tea