万寿菊精华(万寿菊 Marigold Absolute)
精华精华 tagetes minuta absolute

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    首要供应商 The Premier Supplier
    奥 都油有限公司 Augustus Oils Ltd, 与自然和谐相处-尽其所能... in harmony with nature - to present it at its best...
    丰富的经验 A wealth of experience, 香基/香型知识和知识使奥 都可以在种植者和天然成分使用者之间的期望和信任之间架起桥梁。 expertise and knowledge has allowed Augustus to bridge the gulf in expectation and trust between growers and users of natural ingredients. 该公司一方面与客户合作 The Company works in partnership with customers on the one hand, 和种植者 and growers, 农民和酿酒厂。用户和制作 都可以专注于他们最擅长的领域 farmers and distillers on the other. Both users and producers can then focus on exactly what they do best, 而熟练的奥 都技术 员则密切监视和控制所交付的产品。这确保用户可以放心,他们将收到适合自己要求的最佳原材料。 while skilled Augustus technicians closely monitor and control the delivered product. This ensures users can have the confidence that they will receive the best raw materials suited to their requirements.
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  • H. Interdonati, Inc.
    创新产品 Innovative products
    因为 Because 您的 your 风味 flavors and fragrances are only as good as their source "以来 Since 1952"
    H. Interdonati, Inc. 开始 began in 1952 with the 传统 tradition of 交付 delivering 质量 quality 药品 pharmaceuticals and 精细 fine chemical 配料 成分 ingredients at 竞争的 competitive 价格 prices. The 任务 mission was 简单 simple: 提供最可靠的 To provide the most reliable, 行业中的个 服务。 personal service in the industry.
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  • Penta International
    化学创新 Chemistry innovation
    在五角 At Penta, 我们的产品和服务可帮助企业更好地开展业务。 our products and services help businesses do business better.
    超过30年 For over 30 years, penta制造业公司在全球化学创新和应用中扮演着越来越重要的角色。作为行业领导者 Penta Manufacturing Company has played a growing role in worldwide chemistry innovations and applications. As an industry leader, penta继续为几乎每个商业领域开拓基于化学的解决方案。我们的产品和香基/香型知识帮助推动了包括调味剂在内的数十种商业应用的技术进步 Penta continues to pioneer chemistry-based solutions for practically every area of commerce. Our products and expertise have helped fuel technical advances in dozens of commercial applications including flavoring, 染色 coloring, 香料和化学工艺。 fragrances and chemical processes.
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    产品 Product(s):
    13-07200万寿菊精华(金盏菊) 13-07200 MARIGOLD ABSOLUTE (Calendula Officinalis)
  • Robertet
    大自然的家园-来自自然资源的天然成分。 HOME OF NATURE – natural ingredients from the source.
    (Robertet)是法国天然食品生产的领导者 Robertet is a leader in the production of natural ingredients with facilities in France, 保加利亚 Bulgaria, 火鸡 Turkey, 南非 South Africa, 印度 India, 中国 China, 新喀里多尼亚 New Caledonia,� 成立于1850年 Founded in 1850, robertet仍然是家族企业(第5代),也是最大的芳香族提取物生产商之一。 Robertet remains a family owned business (5th Generation) and one of the largest producers of aromatic extracts. 品牌收购包括 Brand acquisitions include: 角色机器 Charabot, 萨帕德 Sapad, Hitex Hitex。
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    产品 Product(s):
    106731 tagete pure& t 106731 TAGETE Pure &; Nat
    106731f tagete精华 106731F Tagete Absolute, 无色(用于香水) Colorless (for fragrance)
Name:万塔 精华 tagetes minuta l. absolute
CAS号 CAS Number: 8016-84-0
类别 Category:flavor and fragrance agents
美国 US/欧盟 EU/ fda / jecfa / fema / Flavis / 文献 Scholar /专利 Patent :
谷歌学术 Google Scholar:搜索 Search
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谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "flavor"搜索 Search
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物理性质 Physical Properties:
食品化学品法典列表 Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
溶于 Soluble in:
 水 water, 159.8 mg / l @ 25°c(估 est)
不溶于 Insoluble in:
 水 water
感官特性 Organoleptic Properties:
气味类型 Odor Type: herbal
气味强度 Odor Strength:介质 medium ,
建议在1.00%或更少的溶液中闻到 recommend smelling in a 1.00 % solution or less
气味描述 Odor Description:at 1.00 % in 二丙烯 dipropylene glycol. marigold
风味类型 Flavor Type: herbal
口味描述 Taste Description: marigold
来自其他 的气味和/或风味描述(如果找到)。 Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
化妆品信息 Cosmetic Information:
没找到 None found
供应商 Suppliers:
一个。法赫里 A. Fakhry
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
万寿菊 Marigold Absolute
Augustus Oils
万寿菊 Marigold Absolute
服务 Services
H. Interdonati, Inc.
万寿菊 Marigold Absolute
特色产品 Featured Products
自由天然产物 Liberty Natural Products
Penta International
万寿菊(金盏菊) MARIGOLD ABSOLUTE (Calendula Officinalis)
轮回菲希特纳 Reincke &; Fichtner
万寿菊 Marigold Absolute
精华精华/精粹/精萃 Tagete Absolute, 无色(用于香水) Colorless (for fragrance)
纯& t Pure &; Nat
白莲花芳香剂 White Lotus Aromatics
万寿菊 Marigold Absolute
气味 For Odor: 草本的 Herbaceous, 果味的 Fruity, 皮革的 Leathery, Balsamic
采用 Use: 在天然香料中,用于草药香精 In natural perfumery it is used in herbal accords, 高级花艺 high class florals, 希普雷 chypre, 琥珀 amber bases, 古龙水 colognes
安全信息 Safety Information:
危害识别 Hazards identification
物质或混合物的分类 Classification of the substance or mixture
根据29 cfr 1910(osha hcs)进行ghs分类 GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
没有找到。 None found.
ghs标签元素 GHS Label elements, 包括预防性声明 including precautionary statements
象形图 Pictogram
危险说明 Hazard statement(s)
没有找到。 None found.
防范说明 Precautionary statement(s)
没有找到。 None found.
口服/肠胃外毒性 Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
腹膜内大鼠 intraperitoneal-rat LD50 450 mg/kg
Food and 化学的 Chemical 毒理学 至 Toxicology. 卷 Vol. 20, pg。 829 Pg. 829, 1982.

口鼠 口服 oral-rat LD50 3700 mg/kg
Food and 化学的 Chemical 毒理学 至 Toxicology. 卷 Vol. 20, pg。 829 Pg. 829, 1982.

皮肤毒性 Dermal Toxicity:
皮肤兔子 skin 皮-rabbit LD50 > 5000 mg/kg
Food and 化学的 Chemical 毒理学 至 Toxicology. 卷 Vol. 20, pg。 829 Pg. 829, 1982.

吸入毒性 Inhalation Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
使用安全信息 Safety in Use Information:
类别 Category:
flavor and fragrance agents
IFRA 码 Code of 实践 Practice 通知 not Notification of the 49th 修正案 Amendment to the IFRA 码 Code of 实践 Practice
关键影响 IFRA Critical Effect:
光毒性 Phototoxicity
包含 contains the 以下 following IFRA (annex Annex) 受限制的 r估 estricted 组件 components: (仅非分析最高水平参考) (non-analysis max. level reference only)
eugenol 最高 Max. 发现 Found: <0.20 % and Reason: Sensitization
 查看ifra标准 View the IFRA Standard
视图 View IFRA 标准 标准 Standards 图书馆 Library for 完成 complete information.
请 Please 评论 review 修正案 Amendment 49 IFRA 文件资料 documentation for 完成 complete information.
1类 Category 1: 产品涂在嘴唇上 Products applied to the lips
0.010 %
2类 Category 2: 产品应用于腋窝 Products applied to the axillae
0.010 %
3类 Category 3: 用指尖涂抹在面部/身体上的产品 Products applied to the face/body using fingertips
0.010 %
4类 Category 4: 与精美香水有关的产品 Products related to fine fragrance
0.010 %
 5类 Category 5: 用手(手掌)涂在脸部和身体上的产品 Products applied to the face and body using the hands (palms), 主要是免修 primarily leave-on
5a类 Category 5A: 用手(手掌)涂抹在身体上的润肤露产品 Body lotion products applied to the body using the hands (palms), 主要是免修 primarily leave-on
0.010 %
5b类 Category 5B: 用手(手掌)涂在脸上的面部保湿产品 Face moisturizer products applied to the face using the hands (palms), 主要是免修 primarily leave-on
0.010 %
5c类 Category 5C: 使用手(手掌)涂在手上的护手霜产品 Hand cream products applied to the hands using the hands (palms), 主要是免修 primarily leave-on
0.010 %
5d类别 Category 5D: 婴儿面霜 Baby Creams, 婴儿油和婴儿滑石粉 baby Oils and baby talc
0.010 %
6类 Category 6: 口腔和嘴唇暴露的产品 Products with oral and lip exposure
0.010 %
 7类 Category 7: 用手接触头发的产品 Products applied to the hair with some hand contact
7a类 Category 7A: 用手接触头发上的可冲洗产品 Rinse-off products applied to the hair with some hand contact
0.010 %
7b类 Category 7B: 用手接触头发上的免洗产品 Leave-on products applied to the hair with some hand contact
0.010 %
8类 Category 8: 肛门 器暴露严重的产品 Products with significant anogenital exposure
0.010 %
9类 Category 9: 身体和手部暴露的产品 Products with body and hand exposure, 主要冲洗掉 primarily rinse off
0.010 %
 10类 Category 10: 大部分用手接触的家用护理产品 Household care products with mostly hand contact
10a类 Category 10A: 家居护理,不包括气雾剂产品(不包括气雾剂/喷雾产品) Household care excluding aerosol products (excluding aerosol/spray products)
0.010 %
10b类 Category 10B: 家用喷雾剂 Household aerosol/spray products
0.010 %
 11类 Category 11: 预期与皮肤接触的产品,但从惰性底物到皮肤的香气转移最少 Products with intended skin contact but minimal transfer of fragrance to skin from inert substrate
11a类 Category 11A: 具有预期的皮肤接触特性的产品,但在不暴露于紫外线的情况下,香料从惰性底物到皮肤的转移最少 Products with intended skin contact but minimal transfer of fragrance to skin from inert substrate without UV exposure
没有限制 % No Restriction %
类别11b Category 11B: 预期与皮肤接触的产品,但从惰性底物到皮肤的香料转移最少,可能会暴露于紫外线 Products with intended skin contact but minimal transfer of fragrance to skin from inert substrate with potential UV exposure
0.010 %
类别12 Category 12: 非直接接触皮肤的产品 Products not intended for direct skin contact, 转移至皮肤的微不足道或微不足道 minimal or insignificant transfer to skin
没有限制 No Restriction
 笔记 Notes:

由于在第1类和第6类产品中使用时可能会摄入少量的香料成分 Due to the possible ingestion of small amounts of fragrance ingredients from their use in products in Categories 1 and 6, 这些材料不仅必须符合ifra标准,而且还必须作为爱奥菲 iofi行为准则(www.爱奥菲 iofi.org)所定义的调味成分被认为是安全的。有关更多详细信息,请参见有关使用ifra标准的指南的第1章。

安全参考 Safety references:
Epi系统 EPI System: 视图 View
EPA物质注册服务(tsca TSCA) :8016-84-0
EPA ACToR:毒理学资料 Toxicology Data
EPA物质注册服务(SRS) :注册表 Registry
国家过敏和传染病研究所 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:数据 Data
sccnfp SCCNFP:意见 opinion
万塔 精华 tagetes minuta l. absolute
chemidplus Chemidplus:0008016840
参考资料 References:
 万塔 精华 tagetes minuta l. absolute
加拿大国内分公司。清单 Canada Domestic Sub. List:8016-84-0
pubchem(sid) Pubchem (sid):135332907
其他资料 Other Information:
出口关税代码 Export Tariff Code:3301.90.5000
维基百科 Wikipedia:视图 View
潜在搅拌机 Potential Blenders and 核心组件 core components note
气味 For Odor
找不到这些气味组 No odor group found for these
金盏花 calendula 厚朴 关 officinalis 花 flower 水 water
花的 floral
花的 floral
紫色 violet methyl carbonate
果味的 Fruity
marigold absolute (tagetes glandulifera)
tagete oil replacer
绿 green
but butyl heptanoate
marigold 锅 pot absolute
干草 hay
蜂蜡 beeswax absolute
金盏花 calendula 厚朴 关 officinalis 花 flower extract
金盏花 calendula 厚朴 关 officinalis 花 flower oil CO2 extract
洋甘菊 chamomile octenone
marigold absolute (tagetes patula)
marigold concrete
marigold concrete (tagetes glandulifera) mexico
marigold oil mexico
marigold 锅 pot concrete
marigold 锅 pot 花 flower oil
oxathiane, 2-乙基-4 2-ethyl-4,4-dimethyl-
tagete oil CO2 extract
tagete oil egypt
tagete oil india
tagete oil madagascar
tagete oil rwanda
tagete oil rwanda
tagete oil 南 south africa
tagete oil turkey
tagete oil zambia
标签 tagette carboxylate
木本 woody
humulus humulus 七倍体 lupulus extract
用于调味 For Flavor
找不到适合这些的口味组 No flavor group found for these
金盏花 calendula 厚朴 关 officinalis 花 flower 水 water
marigold 锅 pot 花 flower oil
棕色 brown
棕色 brown
蜂蜡 beeswax absolute
果味的 Fruity
but butyl heptanoate
tagete oil CO2 extract
tagete oil madagascar
tagete oil rwanda
tagete oil rwanda
tagete oil 南 south africa
tagete oil turkey
tagete oil zambia
绿 green
marigold 锅 pot absolute
marigold oil mexico
tagete oil egypt
tagete oil india
木本 woody
humulus humulus 七倍体 lupulus extract
潜在用途 Potential Uses:
存在自然 Occurrence (nature, 餐饮 food, 其他) other):note
 万寿菊 Marigold Absolute
搜索 Search Trop 图片 Picture
同义词 Synonyms:
 marigold absolute natural
 tagete absolute, 无色 color减 less (for fragrance) (Robertet)
 精华精华 tagetes minuta absolute
笔记 Notes:
tsca定义2008 tsca definition 2008: 提取物及其经物理修饰的衍生物。万寿菊 extractives and their physically modified derivatives. tagetes, 菊科 compositae
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