军用油 armoise oil
从整个草药中获得的挥发油 volatile oil obtained from the whole herb, 普通艾蒿 common mugwort, 艾草/艾artemisia vulgaris l., 菊科 compositae

供应商赞助商 Supplier Sponsors

  • Associate Allied Chemicals
    质量 Quality, 服务与价值观 Service and Values
    我们的目标是为客户提供可靠的一站式服务。 Our aim is to become a reliable one-stop shop for our customers.
    香水高品质原料的分销商和代理商 Distributor and Agents of high quality raw materials for the fragrance, 香料和化妆品工业。直接与一些知名品牌合作和采购原材料,以向我们尊敬的客户提供一致的质量。 flavour and cosmetic industry. Partnering and sourcing raw materials directly from some of the best recognised names to provide consistent quality to our esteemed customers.
    电子邮件 Email:Information
    电子邮件 Email:萨钦·甘地 Sachin Gandhi
    语音 Voice:
    +91 22 2419 8800
    传真 Fax:
    +91 22 2413 5786
    产品 Product(s):
    军用油 armoise oil
  • Augustus Oils
    首要供应商 The Premier Supplier
    奥 都油有限公司 Augustus Oils Ltd, 与自然和谐相处-尽其所能... in harmony with nature - to present it at its best...
    丰富的经验 A wealth of experience, 香基/香型知识和知识使奥 都可以在种植者和天然成分使用者之间的期望和信任之间架起桥梁。 expertise and knowledge has allowed Augustus to bridge the gulf in expectation and trust between growers and users of natural ingredients. 该公司一方面与客户合作 The Company works in partnership with customers on the one hand, 和种植者 and growers, 农民和酿酒厂。用户和制作 都可以专注于他们最擅长的领域 farmers and distillers on the other. Both users and producers can then focus on exactly what they do best, 而熟练的奥 都技术 员则密切监视和控制所交付的产品。这确保用户可以放心,他们将收到适合自己要求的最佳原材料。 while skilled Augustus technicians closely monitor and control the delivered product. This ensures users can have the confidence that they will receive the best raw materials suited to their requirements.
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    语音 Voice:
    +44 (0)1420 590555
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    +44 (0)1420 592420
    服务 Services
    产品 Product(s):
    护甲精油 Armoise Essential Oil
  • Azelis UK
    化学分布 Chemical Distribution
    azelis是特殊化学品的全球领先分销商。 Azelis is a leading global distributor of speciality chemicals.
    azelis是全球领先的特种化学品分销商。我们提供超过20种的产品和创新服务 Azelis is a leading global speciality chemicals distributor. We provide a diverse range of products and innovative services to more than 20,000个客户。我们深入的本地知识得到国际结构和增值服务的支持,其中包括高水平的技术支持和量身定制的解决方案。 000 customers. Our in-depth local knowledge is supported by an international structure and value-added services including high levels of technical support and tailored solutions.
    电子邮件 Email:格雷厄姆·博特 Graham Bott
    语音 Voice:
    +32 3 613 01 20
    传真 Fax:
    +32 3 613 01 21
    联合的 United 王国 Kingdom+44 1858 545 837
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    产品 Product(s):
    102471有机玛瑙油摩洛哥 102471 Organic Armoise Oil Morocco
  • Berjé
    世界在哪里感动 Where the world comes to its senses
    世界在哪里感动 Where the world comes to its senses - Berjé is a global 发行 distributor of Essential Oils and Aromatic Chemicals.
    Berjé is a 家庭拥有 家庭 family-拥有的 owned 商业 business that 已 has been been in 操作 ope鼠 ration for 六 six 几十年 decades. The company‘s 起源 origins and strength lie in a 深刻 pro发现 found 理解 understanding of the 供应 supply and the 质量 quality of the 多样的 diverse 生的 raw 材料 材料 materials 已消耗 consumed by the flavor and fragrance 行业 industries. 这个 This base was 扩大了 expanded 在上面 upon 更多 more than 二 two 几十年 decades 前 ago to 包括 include fragrance production. The company‘s 无与伦比 unparalleled 生的 raw 材料 material 专长 expertise is 专注 焦点 foc用过的 used on the 供应 supply of 精油 essential oils and aromatic 化学药品 chemicals. 这个 This is 支持的 supported by our 长期存在 long-standing relationships with a worldwide 布 fabric of 生产者 producers 确保 ensuring the 最伟大的 grea测试 t估 est 前景 prospects for 不间断 uninterrupted 供应 supply in markets that are 经常 often volatile and 不可预料的 unpredictable.
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    风味成分 Flavor Ingredients
    香水成分 Fragrance Ingredients
    功能成分 Functional Ingredients
    发生在伯杰 Happening at Berje
    产品清单 Products List:视图 View
    产品 Product(s):
    军用油 armoise oil
    有机蒿草油 Organic Artemesia Oil
  • Bontoux
    国际主要供应商 Major international supplier
    国际主要的芳香剂生产商,用于生产香料 Major international Producer of aromatic ingredients for the production of fragrances, flavors, 化妆品 Cosmetics, 药物和芳香疗法。 pharmaceuticals and Aromatherapy.
    邦图公司成立于1993年,直接为我们的北美客户提供服务。该设施主要用作销售客户服务 Bontoux Inc. was established in 1993 to directly service our North American clientele. The facility primarily serves as a Sales Customer Service, 北美客户的重新包装和配送中心。 Repacking and Distribution Center for our customers in North America.
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    产品 Product(s):
    护甲精油 Armoise Essential Oil
  • Global Essence
    首选合作伙伴 Preferred Partner
    满足每个客户的独特需求。 Accommodate each customers unique needs.
    环球精华成立于1993年,是一家专为纽约/新泽西地区的区域客户提供服务的两 运营公司。从那以后的二十年 Global Essence was founded in 1993 as a two person operation servicing regional customers in the New York/ New Jersey area. In the twenty years since, 它已经发展成为一家在美国设有办事处的跨国公司 it has grown into a multinational operation with offices in the US, UK, and 新加坡 Singapore. 这些 These 办事处 offices 允许 allow Global to 提供 provide 区域性 区域 regional support to its 顾客 customers worldwide. As the world 继续 继续 continues 成为 become 更多 more 连接的 connected, 这种方法使Global能够继续为其所有客户提供最优质的产品和经验。 this approach positions Global to continue to offer the highest quality products and experience to all of its customers.
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    001 732 677 1107
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    产品 Product(s):
    军用油 armoise oil
    军用油多余的部分 Armoise Oil Extra P&;N
  • Hermitage Oils
    自1979年以来的香水和香薰材料 Perfumery and Aromatherapy materials since 1979
    Hermitage Oils, 精油的真正家园! the true home of essential oils!
    冬宫精油提供多种选择 Hermitage Oils offers a selection of Absolutes, Essential Oils, 天然分离物 Natural Isolates, 香气化学品 Aroma Chemicals, 二氧化碳提取物 CO2 Extracts, 乙醇tin剂 Ethanol Tinctures, 并通过兴高采烈的方式获得好处。 and Extraits by Enfleurage.
    电子邮件 Email:Information
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    脸书 Facebook
    产品 Product(s):
    蒿(摩洛哥) Artemisia (MOROCCO)
    亚当·迈克尔(亚当 Adam michael)曾说过关于野生艾蒿的说法。 , 可能更被称为盔甲 Armoise , 艾蒿,在英国也被许多 称为艾草。精油为淡黄 mugwort and also by many here in the UK as common wormwood. The essential oil is pale yellow in colour, 倾倒粘度 of a pourable viscosity, 通过蒸汽蒸馏将首先完全干燥的叶子制成。香气具有真正的力量 and obtained by steam distilling the leaves which are completely dried out first. The aroma has real power, 强度和持久深度;甜 strength and long-lasting depth; sweet, herbal, 苦涩和达瓦娜(Davana)热闹。 bitter and davana boozy throughout.
  • Lluch Essence
    致力于销售和分销的家族公司 A family company dedicated to sales and distribution
    灵活性 Flexibility, 可用性 availability, 价格和质量。 price and quality.
    灵活性 Flexibility, 可用性 availability, 价格和质量使lluch精华s.l.关于精油和香精化学品的欧洲参考文献之一 price and quality make LLUCH ESSENCE S.L. one of Europe’s references when it comes to essential oils and aroma chemicals, 现在它已在世界范围内广为 知。 and it is now well known all around the world.
    电子邮件 Email:Information
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    34 93 379 38 49
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    34 93 370 65 04
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    产品 Product(s):
    铠甲50%油 ARMOISE 50% OIL
    铠甲70%油 ARMOISE 70% OIL
    铠甲15%油 ARMOISE 15% OIL
  • Penta International
    化学创新 Chemistry innovation
    在五角 At Penta, 我们的产品和服务可帮助企业更好地开展业务。 our products and services help businesses do business better.
    超过30年 For over 30 years, penta制造业公司在全球化学创新和应用中扮演着越来越重要的角色。作为行业领导者 Penta Manufacturing Company has played a growing role in worldwide chemistry innovations and applications. As an industry leader, penta继续为几乎每个商业领域开拓基于化学的解决方案。我们的产品和香基/香型知识帮助推动了包括调味剂在内的数十种商业应用的技术进步 Penta continues to pioneer chemistry-based solutions for practically every area of commerce. Our products and expertise have helped fuel technical advances in dozens of commercial applications including flavoring, 染色 coloring, 香料和化学工艺。 fragrances and chemical processes.
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:技术服务 Technical Services
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    我们的声音 US Voice:
    (973) 740-2300
    我们传真 US Fax:
    (973) 740-1839
    产品 Product(s):
    01-41200机油 01-41200 ARMOISE OIL
  • PerfumersWorld
    感觉……气味! feeeel... the smell!
    创意调香师的一站式资源。 The one-stop resource for the creative perfumer.
    没有最低订购量。香气化学品 No minimum orders. Aroma chemicals, 精油 essential oils, 分离物 isolates, 信息素 pheremones, 精华/精粹/精萃 absolutes, 树脂类 resinoids, fleuressenceTM关键基地 FleuressenceTM key bases, pwx factortm PWx FactorTM, 增溶剂 solubilizers, 套件 kits, 创作系统 creation systems, 工作坊 workshops, 训练 training, 远程教育 distance learning, 调香师世界的调香师工作室 The PerfumersWorld Perfumer‘s Studio, 调香师配方公告 The Perfumer’s Formulation Bulletin, 香水软件 perfumery software, 定制创建 bespoke creation, 分析 analysis, 咨询服务 consultancy, 项目咨询 project counselling, 故障排除 trouble-shooting, 未加香的产品基础 unperfumed product bases, 瓶子 bottles, 闻带 smelling strips, 秤 scales, 蒸馏 distillation, 设备和灵感! equipment and inspiration!
    电子邮件 Email:询问 Enquiries
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    软件 Software:Perfumer's 工作簿 Workbook
    产品 Product(s):
    7HH00896机油 7HH00896 Armoise Oil
  • Phoenix Aromas &; Essential Oils
    独特的风味和香气成分。 EXCEPTIONAL Flavor and Fragrance Ingredients.
    凤凰为其客户提供最优质的香精香料成分。 Phoenix sources the finest flavor and fragrance ingredients for its customers.
    凤凰香气精油公司成立于1994年 Phoenix Aromas &; Essential Oils LLC was founded in 1994, 以一套简单的核心价值观为基础 grounded in a simple set of core values: 提供最优质的产品 provide top-quality products, 具有成本效益的价格,个性化地关注所有客户。 cost-effective pricing and personalized attention to all our customers.
    电子邮件 Email:欧盟信息 EU Info
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    全球范围 Global Reach
    产品 Product(s):
    军用油 armoise oil
  • Robertet
    大自然的家园-来自自然资源的天然成分。 HOME OF NATURE – natural ingredients from the source.
    (Robertet)是法国天然食品生产的领导者 Robertet is a leader in the production of natural ingredients with facilities in France, 保加利亚 Bulgaria, 火鸡 Turkey, 南非 South Africa, 印度 India, 中国 China, 新喀里多尼亚 New Caledonia,� 成立于1850年 Founded in 1850, robertet仍然是家族企业(第5代),也是最大的芳香族提取物生产商之一。 Robertet remains a family owned business (5th Generation) and one of the largest producers of aromatic extracts. 品牌收购包括 Brand acquisitions include: 角色机器 Charabot, 萨帕德 Sapad, Hitex Hitex。
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:客户服务 Customer service
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:阿诺德·阿德里安 Arnaud Adrian
    电子邮件 Email:味道 Flavor:
    电子邮件 Email:香味 Fragrance:
    语音 Voice:
    33 4 93 40 33 66
    传真 Fax:
    33 4 93 70 68 09
    我们的声音 US Voice:
    +1 212 710 4600Robertet New 约克 York 有创意的 Creative 中央 Center
    +1 212 245 4092Robertet New 约克 York 有创意的 Creative 中央 Center
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    产品 Product(s):
    102471 o(白)纯& t 102471 Armoise (white) Pure &; Nat
  • SRS Aromatics
    超过25年 For over 25 years
    将风味和芬芳带入您的世界。 Bringing flavour and fragrance into your world.
    作为香精香料行业原料的供应商/分销商 As suppliers / distributors of ingredients to the fragrance and flavour industries, 我们的目标是以具有竞争力的价格提供优质的材料,并提供卓越的服务水平。 our goal is to provide high quality materials at competitive prices with an exceptional level of service. 成立于1984年 Established in 1984, 蒸馏 distillation柏叶和嫩枝蒸馏后的精油收率相对较低。蒸汽蒸馏非常耗时,因为有必要继续蒸馏直到高沸点和更有价值的成分在低蒸汽压力下经过12到18个 。 我们业务的核心目标是与我们的供应商和客户密切合作,以最大程度地提高服务水平,同时最大程度地减少供应中断。 A core aim of our business is to work extremely closely with both our suppliers and customers to maximise service levels with minimum disruption to supply.
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    产品 Product(s):
    军用油 armoise oil
  • Igreatlife Health
    香水创作者 Fragrance Creators
    为您的香水创作。 For your fragrance creations.
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:销售量 Sales
    我们的声音 US Voice:
    产品 Product(s):
    军用油 armoise oil
  • The John D. Walsh Company
    自1942年以来的供应商 Suppliers Since 1942
    在克罗恩斯病小鼠模型中同时抑制th1 / th17。 Supplying the fragrance and flavor industry with high quality products.
    The John D. Walsh Company, 公司从最初的代理商/经纪 发展为精油分销商 Inc. has evolved from its beginnings as an agent/broker into a distributor of essential oils, 香气化学品 Aroma Chemicals, 浸膏 concretes and 精华/精粹/精萃 absolutes. 我们 We 目前 currently 代表 re当下 present the 以下 following 公司 companies, 作为他们的北美分销商 as their North American distributor: 灭蚊 D估 estilerias munoz galvez , s.a. S.A. 国际风味香精 International Flavors &; Fragrances pfw芳香化学品公司 PFW Aroma Chemicals B.V. 唯诺威德有限公司 Innospec Widnes Limited 危地马拉水扩散 Hydrodiffusion de Guatemala, s。一个。 S. A. dsm营养产品 DSM Nutritional Products The John D. Walsh Company, 公司能够成为ifeat的创始成员而感到自豪 Inc. is proud to be a founding member of IFEAT, 伊法拉的活跃成员 an active member of IFRA, 北美 North America, 以及wffc的公司赞助商。 and a corporate sponsor of the WFFC.
    电子邮件 Email:Information
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    电子邮件 Email:芬美意风味查询 Firmenich Flavor inquiries
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    芬美意风味手机 Firmenich Flavor Phone:973-962-1888
    芬美意风味传真 Firmenich Flavor Fax:973-962-1898
    历史 History
    产品 Product(s):
    军用油 armoise oil
香水典型/定制配方-请咨询我们索取 Fragrance Demo Formulas
Name:艾草/艾蒿油 artemisia vulgaris herb oil
CAS号 CAS Number: 68991-20-8
代号 CoE Number:72
还包含 Also Contains:艾草/艾蒿提取物 artemisia vulgaris herb extract
类别 Category:cosmetic and fragrance agents
美国 US/欧盟 EU/ fda / jecfa / fema / Flavis / 文献 Scholar /专利 Patent :
谷歌学术 Google Scholar:搜索 Search
谷歌书 Google Books:搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "volatile"搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "flavor"搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "odor"搜索 Search
调香师和调味师 Perfumer and Flavorist:搜索 Search
谷歌专利 Google Patents:搜索 Search
美国专利 US Patents:搜索 Search
欧盟专利 EU Patents:搜索 Search
已发布 PubMed:搜索 Search
NCBI:搜索 Search
物理性质 Physical Properties:
出现 Appearance: 无色至浅黄琥珀透明液体(估 est)
食品化学品法典列表 Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
比重 Specific Gravity:0.91700 to 0.93500 @ 25.00 °C.
磅每加仑-(估 est)。 : 7.630 to 7.780
折光率 Refractive Index:1.46000 to 1.47200 @ 20.00 °C.
闪点 Flash Point: 131.00 °F. tcc TCC ( 55.00 °C. )
保质期 Shelf Life: 如果正确存储,则为24.00个月或更长时间。 24.00 month(s) or longer if stored properly.
存储 Storage:存放在阴凉处 store in cool, 干燥处,密封容器中 dry place in tightly sealed containers, 免受热和光照。 protected from heat and light.
溶于 Soluble in:
 水 water, 407.7 mg / l @ 25°c(估 est)
不溶于 Insoluble in:
 水 water
感官特性 Organoleptic Properties:
气味类型 Odor Type: thujonic
气味强度 Odor Strength:介质 medium ,
建议在1.00%或更少的溶液中闻到 recommend smelling in a 1.00 % solution or less
实体性 Substantivity:16 于100.00% 16 hour(s) at 100.00 %
fresh cedar thujonic minty camphoreous sage herbal bitter
气味描述 Odor Description:at 1.00 % in 二丙烯 dipropylene glycol. 新鲜的雪松薄荷薄荷樟脑鼠尾草草药苦甜 fresh cedarleaf minty camphor sage herbal bitter-sweet
Luebke, 威廉 William RBC, (1996)
来自的气味样本 Odor sample from: 角色机器 公司 Charabot &; Co., 公司 Inc.
来自其他 的气味和/或风味描述(如果找到)。 Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
化妆品信息 Cosmetic Information:
CosIng:化妆品数据 cosmetic data
化妆品用途 Cosmetic Uses: 加香剂 perfuming agents
供应商 Suppliers:
ambles自然与化学 Ambles Nature et Chimie
Associate Allied Chemicals
军用油 armoise oil
Augustus Oils
护甲精油 Armoise Essential Oil
服务 Services
Azelis UK
有机军用油摩洛哥 Organic Armoise Oil Morocco
服务 Services
军用油 armoise oil
发生在伯杰 Happening at Berje
有机蒿草油 Organic Artemesia Oil
比奥兰德斯香料厂 Biolandes Parfumerie
军用油 armoise oil
照片库 Photo Gallery
护甲精油 Armoise Essential Oil
布里斯托尔植物药 Bristol Botanicals
艾蒿精油蒿 Mugwort essential oil Artemisia vulgaris, 摩洛哥 Morocco
扩散香气 Diffusions Aromatiques
盔甲 Armoise huile essentielle
扩散香气 Diffusions Aromatiques
盔甲 Armoise huile essentielle
Global Essence
军用油多余的部分 Armoise Oil Extra P&;N
Global Essence
军用油 armoise oil
Hermitage Oils
蒿(摩洛哥) Artemisia (MOROCCO)
气味 For Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: 亚当·迈克尔(亚当 Adam michael)曾说过关于野生艾蒿的说法。 , 可能更被称为盔甲 Armoise , 艾蒿,在英国也被许多 称为艾草。精油为淡黄 mugwort and also by many here in the UK as common wormwood. The essential oil is pale yellow in colour, 倾倒粘度 of a pourable viscosity, 通过蒸汽蒸馏将首先完全干燥的叶子制成。香气具有真正的力量 and obtained by steam distilling the leaves which are completely dried out first. The aroma has real power, 强度和持久深度;甜 strength and long-lasting depth; sweet, herbal, 苦涩和达瓦娜(Davana)热闹。 bitter and davana boozy throughout.
印度精油 India Essential Oils
军用油 armoise oil
康达企业 Kanta Enterprises
军用油(40% Armoise Oil (40%, 70%)
自由天然产物 Liberty Natural Products
Lluch Essence
铠甲15%油 ARMOISE 15% OIL
Lluch Essence
铠甲50%油 ARMOISE 50% OIL
Lluch Essence
铠甲70%油 ARMOISE 70% OIL
贵族分子研究 Noble Molecular Research
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
军用油 armoise oil
Penta International
军用油 armoise oil
军用油 armoise oil
Phoenix Aromas &; Essential Oils
军用油 armoise oil
轮回菲希特纳 Reincke &; Fichtner
军用油有机+点胶 Armoise Oil organic + NOP
轮回菲希特纳 Reincke &; Fichtner
军用油 armoise oil
盔甲(白) Armoise (white)
纯& t Pure &; Nat
SRS Aromatics
军用油 armoise oil
Igreatlife Health
军用油 armoise oil
气味 For Odor: 新鲜的雪松薄荷薄荷樟脑鼠尾草草药苦甜 fresh cedarleaf minty camphor sage herbal bitter-sweet
The John D. Walsh Company
军用油 armoise oil
调香师的学徒 The Perfumers Apprentice
盔甲 Armoise
气味 For Odor: 新鲜的雪松薄荷薄荷樟脑鼠尾草草药 fresh cedarleaf minty camphor sage herbal
调香师的学徒 The Perfumers Apprentice
艾蒿(有机摩洛哥蒿) Mugwort (Organic Morocco Artemesia Vulgaris) J.Steele
白莲花芳香剂 White Lotus Aromatics
艾蒿精油 Mugwort essential oil
气味 For Odor: 强效新鲜 potent fresh, 绿 green, 刺鼻的辛辣气味 herbacous odor with a pungent, bitter 树脂的 resinous undertone
采用 Use: 在天然香料中用于西普酒 In natural perfumery is used in chypre, 福格勒 fougere, 绿协议 green accords, 草药堆肥 herbal compostions, 森林笔记 forest notes, 古龙水。 colognes.
安全信息 Safety Information:
欧洲信息 European information :
最重要的危害 Most important hazard(s):
xn-有害。 Xn - Harmful.
R 10 - 易燃的 Flammable.
R 22 - 有害 Harmful if 吞下 sw允许的 允许 allowed.
R 36/37/38 - 烦 的 Irritating to 眼睛 眼睛 eyes, 呼吸系统 respiratory system, and skin 皮.
R 43 - 可以 May 原因 cause 敏化 sensitisation by skin 皮 contact.
S 02 - 保持 Keep out of the 达到 r每 each of 孩子们 children.
S 23 - do Do not 呼吸 breath 汽 vapour.
S 24/25 - 避免 Avoid contact with skin 皮 and 眼睛 眼睛 eyes.
S 26 - In 案件 case of contact with 眼睛 眼睛 eyes, 冲洗 rinse 立即 immediately with 充裕 plenty of 水 water and 寻求 seek 医疗 medical 忠告 advice.
S 36/37/39 - 穿 我们 Wear 适当 suitable 服装 clothing, 手套和眼睛/面部防护。 gloves and eye/face protection.
危害识别 Hazards identification
物质或混合物的分类 Classification of the substance or mixture
根据29 cfr 1910(osha hcs)进行ghs分类 GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
急性毒性 Acute toxicity, 口头(类别4) Oral (Category 4), H302
Skin 刺激 irritation (类别 Category 2), H315
Skin 敏化 sensitisation (类别 Category 1), H317
Serious 眼睛 eye 损伤 damage/眼睛 eye 刺激 irritation (类别 Category 2A), h320 H320
ghs标签元素 GHS Label elements, 包括预防性声明 including precautionary statements
象形图 Pictogramexclamation-mark.jpg
信号 Signal 字 word 危险 Danger
危险说明 Hazard statement(s)
H302 - 有害 Harmful if 吞下 sw允许的 允许 allowed
H315 - 原因 Causes skin 皮 刺激 irritation
H317 - 可以 May 原因 cause an 过敏的 allergic skin 皮 反应 reaction
h320 H320 - 原因 Causes 眼睛 eye 刺激 irritation
防范说明 Precautionary statement(s)
P102 - 保持 Keep out of 达到 r每 each of 孩子们 children.
P103 - 读 Read 标签 label before use
P264 - 洗 Wash skin 皮 彻底地 t houroughly 后 after 处理 handling.
P270 - do Do not eat, 喝 drink or 抽烟 smoke 什么时候 when 使用 using 这个 this product.
P280 - 穿 我们 Wear 保护性 protective 手套 gloves/保护性 protective 服装 clothing/眼睛 eye 保护 protection/face 保护 protection.
P301 + P312 - if IF 吞下 SWALLOWED: call a 毒 POISon ON 中央 CENTER or 医生 doctor/医师 physician if IF you 感觉 feel 不适 un好 well.
P302 + P352 - if IF on ON 皮肤 Ski KIN: 洗 wash with 充裕 plenty of 肥皂 soap and 水 water.
P330 - 冲洗 Rinse 口 mouth.
P337 + P313 - if IF 眼睛 eye 刺激 irritation 坚持 persists: 得到 Get 医疗 medical 忠告 advice/注意 attention.
P501 - 处置 Dispose of 内容 contents/ 容器 container to an 已批准 approved 浪费 waste 处置 disposal plant.
口服/肠胃外毒性 Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
老鼠 oral-mouse LD50 370 mg/kg
Food and 化妆品 Cosmetics Toxicology. 卷 Vol. 13, pg。 719 Pg. 719, 1975.

皮肤毒性 Dermal Toxicity:
几内亚皮肤病 skin 皮-guinea 猪 pig LD50 > 5000 mg/kg
Food and 化妆品 Cosmetics Toxicology. 卷 Vol. 13, pg。 719 Pg. 719, 1975.

吸入毒性 Inhalation Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
使用安全信息 Safety in Use Information:
类别 Category:
cosmetic and fragrance agents
IFRA if IFRA 码 Code of 实践 Practice 通知 not Notification of the 49th 修正案 Amendment to the IFRA if IFRA 码 Code of 实践 Practice
包含 contains the 以下 following IFRA if IFRA (annex Annex) 受限制的 r估 estricted 组件 components: (仅非分析最高水平参考) (non-analysis max. level reference only)
citronellol 最高 Max. 发现 Found: <0.20 % and Reason: Sensitization
methyl eugenol 最高 Max. 发现 Found: 追踪到 trace to <0.10 % and Reason: Potential carcinogenic activity in animals
eugenol 最高 Max. 发现 Found: 1.00%和原因 1.00 % and Reason: Sensitization
香叶醇 geraniol 最高 Max. 发现 Found: 1.00%和原因 1.00 % and Reason: Sensitization
甲硫磺酮 alpha-崖柏 thujone 最高 Max. 发现 Found: 50.00%和原因 50.00 % and Reason: 橙花毒性 Neurotoxicity
(+)-异硫酮 -iso崖柏 thujone 最高 Max. 发现 Found: 7.5%和原因 7.5 % and Reason: 橙花毒性 Neurotoxicity
推荐的机油用量不超过 Recommendation for armoise oil usage levels up to:
  0.50香料浓缩物中的00%。 0.5000 % in the fragrance concentrate.
推荐的食用油风味水平最高为 Recommendation for armoise oil flavor usage levels up to:
 不用于调味料。 not for flavor use.
安全参考 Safety references:
欧洲食品安全局(efsa EFSA)参考 :

与成员国和欧洲食品安全局就欧型青蒿素在植物保护中用作果园的杀虫剂/驱虫剂的基本物质磋商的结果 Outcome of the consultation with Member States and EFSA on the basic substance application for Artemisia vulgaris for use in plant protection as insecticide/repellent on orchards, 葡萄园 vineyards and 蔬菜 vegetables
视图 View page or 视图 View pdf

Epi系统 EPI System: 视图 View
癌症引文 Cancer Citations:搜索 Search
毒理学引文 Toxicology Citations:搜索 Search
橙花发育和 毒性 NLM Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity:搜索 Search
EPA物质注册服务(tsca TSCA) :68991-20-8
EPA ACToR:毒理学资料 Toxicology Data
EPA物质注册服务(SRS) :注册表 Registry
国家过敏和传染病研究所 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:数据 Data
艾草/艾蒿油 artemisia vulgaris herb oil
chemidplus Chemidplus:0068991208
参考资料 References:
 艾草/艾蒿油 artemisia vulgaris herb oil
加拿大国内分公司。清单 Canada Domestic Sub. List:68991-20-8
pubchem(sid) Pubchem (sid):135314906
其他资料 Other Information:
出口关税代码 Export Tariff Code:3301.29.6000
维基百科 Wikipedia:视图 View
Potential 搅拌机 Blenders and 核心组件 core components note
气味 For Odor
醛 aldehydic
十二醛 dodecanal (aldehyde C-12 月桂酸 lauric)
琥珀 amber
ambrette 种子 seed oil
当归 angelica 根 root oil
岩蔷薇 cistus ladaniferus resinoid
烦 的 anisic
香醋 balsamic
阿米香树、西印度檀香 amyris 木 wood oil
暹 siam
安息香 benzoin resinoid
异 iso
bornyl acetate
异 iso
bornyl formate
ethyl cinnamate
冷杉 fir 香脂 balsam 精华 absolute
冷杉 fir needle oil siberia
没药 myrrh oil
phenyl propyl alcohol
raspberry ketone acetate
崖柏 thujyl alcohol
脂肪的 fatty
花的 floral
amyl cinnamaldehyde
异 iso
amyl salicylate
bois bois de 玫瑰 rose oil brazil
仙客来 cyclamen aldehyde
花的 floral pyranol
hexyl cinnamaldehyde
methyl dihydrojasmonate
海洋 ocean propanal
鸢尾 orris rhizome 根茎 精华 absolute (鸢尾 iris pallida)
苯乙基 phenethyl phenyl acetate
玫瑰 rose pyran
绿 green
styralyl acetate
artemisia alba oil
barosma 白桦 betulina 叶 leaf oil
carum carvi carvi 果 fruit oil
欢乐 clary sage concrete
欢乐 clary sage oil france
daucus carota 果 fruit oil
geranic oxide
herbal undecanol
hop fragrance
阿伯里亚利斯 abrialis
薰衣草 lavandin oil
槲寄生 mistletoe fragrance
oxathiane, 2-乙基-4 2-ethyl-4,4-dimethyl-
松树 pine hexanol
迷迭香 玫瑰 rosemary oil spain
百里香 thyme undecane
生苔 mossy
橡苔精华 oakmoss absolute
维拉莫斯 veramoss (iff if IFF)
辣的 spicy
决明子 cassia 皮 bark oil china
丁香 clove 芽 bud oil
异 iso
eugenyl acetate
萜烯 terpenic
乳香 frankincense oil
sage oil dalmatian
通卡 tonka
通卡 tonka bean 精华 absolute
香草 vanilla
ethyl vanillin
香草 vanilla bean 精华 absolute (香草 vanilla 扁平叶 planifolia)
蜡状的 waxy
ethyl lau鼠 rate
木本 woody
岩蔷薇 cistus 枝条 twig/叶 leaf oil
愈创木 guaiac木 wood oil
古尔军 gurjun 香脂 balsam oil
methyl 雪松 ce干燥 dryl ketone
广藿香 patchouli ethanol
广藿香 patchouli ethanone
广藿香 patchouli hexanol
广藿香 patchouli oil
金钟柏 thuja occidentalis 叶 leaf oil
用于调味 For Flavor
找不到适合这些的口味组 No flavor group found for these
岩蔷薇 cistus ladaniferus resinoid
崖柏 thujyl alcohol
琥珀 amber
琥珀 amber
ambrette 种子 seed oil
香醋 balsamic
暹 siam
安息香 benzoin resinoid
ethyl cinnamate
冷杉 fir needle oil siberia
没药 myrrh oil
raspberry ketone acetate
geranic oxide
樱桃 cherry
冷却 cooling
奶油状 creamy
花的 floral
bois bois de 玫瑰 rose oil brazil
methyl dihydrojasmonate
海洋 ocean propanal
果味的 fruity
styralyl acetate
绿 green
异 iso
amyl salicylate
当归 angelica 根 root oil
仙客来 cyclamen aldehyde
橡苔精华 oakmoss absolute
barosma 白桦 betulina 叶 leaf oil
carum carvi carvi 果 fruit oil
欢乐 clary sage concrete
欢乐 clary sage oil france
daucus carota 果 fruit oil
阿伯里亚利斯 abrialis
薰衣草 lavandin oil
迷迭香 玫瑰 rosemary oil spain
蜜糖 honey
苯乙基 phenethyl phenyl acetate
粉状的 powdery
肥皂的 soapy
十二醛 dodecanal (aldehyde C-12 月桂酸 lauric)
辣的 spicy
决明子 cassia 皮 bark oil china
丁香 clove 芽 bud oil
异 iso
eugenyl acetate
phenyl propyl alcohol
甜 sweet
鸢尾 orris rhizome 根茎 精华 absolute (鸢尾 iris pallida)
sage oil dalmatian
热带 tropical
amyl cinnamaldehyde
香草 vanilla
ethyl vanillin
香草 vanilla bean 精华 absolute (香草 vanilla 扁平叶 planifolia)
蜡状的 waxy
ethyl lau鼠 rate
hexyl cinnamaldehyde
木本 woody
阿米香树、西印度檀香 amyris 木 wood oil
异 iso
bornyl acetate
异 iso
bornyl formate
岩蔷薇 cistus 枝条 twig/叶 leaf oil
乳香 frankincense oil
愈创木 guaiac木 wood oil
methyl 雪松 ce干燥 dryl ketone
广藿香 patchouli oil
金钟柏 thuja occidentalis 叶 leaf oil
潜在用途 Potential Uses:
 瞄准者 aimant
FR香脂 balsam
FRcedar 森林 for估 est
FRcedar木 wood
FRchypre 素心兰/法国西普
 冷杉 fir
FR冷杉 fir 香脂 balsam
FR干草 hay new 被割 mown 干草 hay
FR热 heather
FRjuniper berry
FR薰衣草 lavandin
FRfresh 户外活动 outdoors
FR松树 pine
FR松树 pine 森林 for估 est
FRred木 wood
FR甜 sweetgrass
FL/FRtansy oil 替代者 re地点 placer
 杂草 weedy
FR木 woodruff
FR木本 woody
FR蒿 虫 worm木 wood oil 替代者 re地点 placer
存在自然 Occurrence (nature, 餐饮 food, 其他) other):note
 艾草野生艾草 wormwood wild wormwood
搜索 Search Trop 图片 Picture
同义词 Synonyms:
 armoise eo EO
 armoise ess bm BM 02
 armoise essential oil
 armoise marocco eo EO
 军用油 armoise oil
 军用油 armoise oil (artemisia vulgaris)
 军用油 armoise oil (蒿属 artemisisa alba 50% / 崖柏 thujone 70%)
 军用油 armoise oil 70 pct PCT 金钟柏 thuyone
 artemisia oil 尼泊尔 nepal organic
 artemisia 奥普伦塔 opulenta herb oil
 艾草/艾蒿油 artemisia vulgaris herb oil
 artemisia vulgaris oil
 artemisia vulgaris var. glabra herb oil
 artemisia vulgaris var. 卡姆卡蒂察 kamschatica herb oil
共同 common mugwort oil
 mugwort oil (artemisia vulgaris)
 从整个草药中获得的挥发油 volatile oil obtained from the whole herb, 普通艾蒿 common mugwort, 艾草/艾artemisia vulgaris l., 菊科 compositae
 代木 yomugi oil (artemisia vulgaris)

文章 Articles:

已发布 PubMed:广州变态反应患者对蚕蛾和9种吸入性过敏原的共敏化 Co-Sensitization to Silkworm Moth (Bombyx mori) and 9 Inhalant Allergens among Allergic Patients in Guangzhou, 中国南方。 Southern China.
已发布 PubMed:艾草/艾蒿(艾灸)刺激穴位ki 1治疗原发性高血压的疗效 Effectiveness of Stimulation of Acupoint KI 1 by Artemisia vulgaris (Moxa) for the Treatment of Essential Hypertension: 随机对照试验的系统评价。 A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.
已发布 PubMed:艾草/艾蒿叶对雌性wistar大鼠的抗生育活性。 Antifertility activity of Artemisia vulgaris leaves on female Wistar rats.
已发布 PubMed:[职业接触性过敏性皮炎患者特应性疾病的患病率 [Prevalence of atopic conditions in patients with occupational contact allergic dermatitis: 诊断工具之间的比较]。 comparison between diagnostic tool].
已发布 PubMed:色谱指纹图谱的探索和分类,作为鉴定和质量控制几种蒿属的附加工具。 Exploration and classification of chromatographic fingerprints as additional tool for identification and quality control of several Artemisia species.
已发布 PubMed:蒿蒿和艾草/艾蒿 Artemisia absinthium and Artemisia vulgaris: 输注多糖的比较研究。 a comparative study of infusion polysaccharides.
已发布 PubMed:艾草/艾蒿的抗疟特性伯氏疟原虫鼠疟疾模型中的乙醇叶提取物。 Antimalarial properties of Artemisia vulgaris L. ethanolic leaf extract in a Plasmodium berghei murine malaria model.
已发布 PubMed:gc-ms的化学表征和针对白假丝酵母挥发性成分的白念珠菌体外活性 Chemical characterization by GC-MS and in vitro activity against Candida albicans of volatile fractions prepared from Artemisia dracunculus, 白artemisia alba oilFR, 蒿蒿和艾草/艾蒿。 Artemisia absinthium and Artemisia vulgaris.
已发布 PubMed:成 安卡拉哮喘和鼻炎患者的最低点刺试验小组 Minimum prick test panel for adult patients with asthma and rhinitis in Ankara, 火鸡。 Turkey.
已发布 PubMed:药用的 Medicinal 植物 plants for 女 women's 卫生保健 健康 healthcare in 东南 southeast 亚洲 Asia: 对传统用法的荟萃分析 a meta-analysis of their traditional use, 化学成分 chemical constituents, 和药理学。 and pharmacology.
已发布 PubMed:从普通蜥蜴/壁虎粪便粪便中分离出的肠道细菌中的抗菌和草药耐药性。 Antimicrobial and Herbal Drug Resistance in Enteric Bacteria Isolated from Faecal Droppings of Common House Lizard/Gecko (Hemidactylus frenatus).
已发布 PubMed:从土壤到叶子-在受污染和受保护的地区通过一步萃取法分离铝。 From soil to leaves--aluminum fractionation by single step extraction procedures in polluted and protected areas.
已发布 PubMed:对草杂草花粉的致敏率 Prevalence of sensitization to weed pollens of Humulus scandens, 艾草/艾artemisia vulgaris l., 和中国北方的青蒿。 and Ambrosia artemisiifolia in northern China.
已发布 PubMed:植物提取物的鉴定使乳腺癌细胞敏感。 Identification of plant extracts sensitizing breast cancer cells to TRAIL.
已发布 PubMed:皮肤点刺测试-欧洲标准。 The skin prick test - European standards.
已发布 PubMed:杀灭来自东北巴西精油的伊蚊的杀幼虫活性。 Larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti of essential oils from northeast Brazil.
已发布 PubMed:三基因杂交技术结合菊花野生近缘种的多种抗性性状。 Combination of multiple resistance traits from wild relative species in Chrysanthemum via trigeneric hybridization.
已发布 PubMed:植物精油对樟脑病(双翅目)的熏蒸毒性 Fumigant toxicity of plant essential oils against Camptomyia corticalis (Diptera: cecidomyiidae)。 Cecidomyiidae).
已发布 PubMed:地中海地区花粉病患者的植物食物过敏。 Plant food allergy in patients with pollinosis from the Mediterranean area.
已发布 PubMed:伊利野生蒿蒿挥发油的成分 Composition of the essential oil of wild growing Artemisia vulgaris from Erie, 宾夕法尼亚州。 Pennsylvania.
已发布 PubMed:对城市棕地湿地中有毒金属易位的地球化学研究。 A geochemical study of toxic metal translocation in an urban brownfield wetland.
已发布 PubMed:蒿花粉主要变应原的结构糖生物学 Structural glycobiology of the major allergen of Artemisia vulgaris pollen, 艺术v 1 Art v 1: o-糖基化对蛋白质动力学和变应原性的影响。 O-glycosylation influence on the protein dynamics and allergenicity.
已发布 PubMed:艾草花粉过敏原艺术v 1在烟草植物和细胞培养中的表达 Expression of the major mugwort pollen allergen Art v 1 in tobacco plants and cell cultures: 植物过敏原产生的问题和前景。 problems and perspectives for allergen production in plants.
已发布 PubMed:致敏率 Sensitization prevalence, api g 2的抗体交叉反应和免疫原性肽谱 antibody cross-reactivity and immunogenic peptide profile of Api g 2, 芹菜的非特异性脂质转移蛋白1。 the non-specific lipid transfer protein 1 of celery.
已发布 PubMed:过敏敏感性程度对中国过敏患者鼻炎和哮喘严重程度的影响 Influence of degree of specific allergic sensitivity on severity of rhinitis and asthma in Chinese allergic patients.
已发布 PubMed:蒿提取物和分离的倍半萜内酯对介导豚鼠回肠和气管收缩的受体的作用。 Actions of Artemisia vulgaris extracts and isolated sesquiterpene lactones against receptors mediating contraction of guinea pig ileum and trachea.
已发布 PubMed:杂草花粉诱导的过敏性鼻炎患者的特定反应性模式。 The specific IgE reactivity pattern of weed pollen-induced allergic rhinitis patients.
已发布 PubMed:高原花粉过敏原 Platanus pollen allergen, 解放军1 Pla a 1: 大气中的量化及其对致敏种群的影响。 quantification in the atmosphere and influence on a sensitizing population.
已发布 PubMed:艾灸治疗高血压 Moxibustion for hypertension: 系统的审查。 a systematic review.
已发布 PubMed: 豚草(ambrosia 青artemisiifolia)的一种新过敏原,与艾蒿的art v 1具有同源性。
已发布 PubMed:蜂花粉 Bee pollen: 过敏儿童的危险食品。识别负责任的过敏原。 a dangerous food for allergic children. Identification of responsible allergens.
已发布 PubMed:艾灸治疗癌症 Moxibustion for cancer care: 系统的审查和荟萃分析。 a systematic review and meta-analysis.
已发布 PubMed:一些蒿属提取物的抗菌活性。 Antibacterial activity of some Artemisia species extract.
已发布 PubMed:艾蒿相关的过敏性接触性皮炎。 Allergic contact dermatitis associated with mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris).
已发布 PubMed:小麦粉衍生食品过敏反应和脂质转移蛋白综合征 Anaphylaxis to wheat flour-derived foodstuffs and the lipid transfer protein syndrome: 小麦脂质转移蛋白tri a 14.的潜在作用 a potential role of wheat lipid transfer protein Tri a 14.
已发布 PubMed: 毛皮和欧型蒿之间的种间 的生产和鉴定,表现出对菊花蚜虫(macrosiphoniella 山武杉 sanbourni)增强的抗性。
已发布 PubMed:植物饲料添加剂在猪scar虫接种中的驱虫作用。 Anthelmintic effects of phytogenic feed additives in Ascaris suum inoculated pigs.
已发布 PubMed:番茄与其他植物过敏原之间的体外交叉反应。 In vitro cross-reactivity between tomato and other plant allergens.
已发布 PubMed:芒果果实过敏和与蒿花粉的交叉反应。 Anaphylaxis to mango fruit and crossreactivity with Artemisia vulgaris pollen.
已发布 PubMed:影响将臀法作为外部头颅型的初步治疗方法的成功的因素。 Factors affecting the success of moxibustion in the management of a breech presentation as a preliminary treatment to external cephalic version.
已发布 PubMed:欧性蒿的抗痉挛和支气管扩张剂的活性通过毒蕈碱受体和钙流入的双重阻滞来介导。 Antispasmodic and bronchodilator activities of Artemisia vulgaris are mediated through dual blockade of muscarinic receptors and calcium influx.
已发布 PubMed:序列特异性1h Sequence-specific 1H, v 1的15n和13c共振分配 15N and 13C resonance assignments of Art v 1: 一种富含脯氨酸艾草/艾蒿花粉过敏原。 a proline-rich allergen of Artemisia vulgaris pollen.
已发布 PubMed:v 3的同工型识别和表征 Isoform identification and characterization of Art v 3, 艾蒿花粉的脂质转移蛋白。 the lipid-transfer protein of mugwort pollen.
已发布 PubMed:中药中的艾蒿燃烧会危害健康吗? Does the burning of moxa (Artemisia vulgaris) in traditional Chinese medicine constitute a health hazard?
已发布 PubMed:多肽骨架和翻译后修饰在交叉反应中的作用v 1 Role of the polypeptide backbone and post-translational modifications in cross-reactivity of Art v 1, 主要的艾蒿花粉过敏原。 the major mugwort pollen allergen.
已发布 PubMed:从哥伦比亚生长的植物中获得的精油对黄热病 体外复制的抑制作用。 Inhibitory effect of essential oils obtained from plants grown in Colombia on yellow fever virus replication in vitro.
已发布 PubMed:一项评估中国哮喘和/或鼻炎患者致敏率的多中心研究。 A multicentre study assessing the prevalence of sensitizations in patients with asthma and/or rhinitis in China.
已发布 PubMed:对瑞士的ambrosia过敏 Sensitisation to Ambrosia in Switzerland: 等待公共卫生的威胁。 a public health threat on the wait.
已发布 PubMed:临床 Clinical, 葡萄牙桃子变态反应的记忆和血清学特征。 anamnestic and serological features of peach allergy in portugal.
已发布 PubMed:蒿提取物的抗氧化活性的表征。 Characterization of antioxidant activity of extract from Artemisia vulgaris.
已发布 PubMed:豚草和艾蒿花粉过敏原的基于阵列的分析。 Array-based profiling of ragweed and mugwort pollen allergens.
已发布 PubMed:chill骨的抗伤害性外周作用和艾草/艾蒿。 Antinociceptive peripheral effect of Achillea millefolium L. and Artemisia vulgaris L.: 两种植物均以止痛药的商标名广为 知。 both plants known popularly by brand names of analgesic drugs.
已发布 PubMed:不列颠哥伦比亚省猫狗的跳蚤和耳朵问题的药用植物疗法 Medicinal plant treatments for fleas and ear problems of cats and dogs in British Columbia, 加拿大。 Canada.
已发布 PubMed:对松子过敏 Anaphylaxis to pine nut: 与欧型蒿有交叉反应? cross-reactivity to Artemisia vulgaris?
已发布 PubMed:一种来自艾草/艾蒿的新倍半萜。 A new sesquiterpene from Artemisia vulgaris.
已发布 PubMed:艾草/艾蒿的大量繁殖和精油分析。 Mass propagation and essential oil analysis of Artemisia vulgaris.
已发布 PubMed:比较在西安那托利亚生长的艾草/艾蒿和苦艾对大鼠的 病( )的作用。 Comparison of the effects of Artemisia vulgaris and Artemisia absinthium growing in western Anatolia against trichinellosis (Trichinella spiralis) in rats.
已发布 PubMed:揭示了两种非本土植物物种的历史入侵模式和潜在入侵地点。 Revealing historic invasion patterns and potential invasion sites for two non-native plant species.
已发布 PubMed: 番茄(lycopersicon esculentum esculentum)致敏患者群体中对大麻苜蓿叶的致敏和过敏反应。
已发布 PubMed:菊科花粉的交叉致敏性 Cross-allergenicity of pollens from the Compositae family: 艾草/艾artemisia vulgaris l., 巨大树突 Dendranthema grandiflorum, 和蒲公英。 and Taraxacum officinale.
已发布 PubMed:v 1特异性辅助性t淋巴细胞抗原受体的分子和功能分析。 Molecular and functional analysis of the antigen receptor of Art v 1-specific helper T lymphocytes.
已发布 PubMed:对西班牙地中海沿岸的番茄皮和果肉提取物的致敏作用 Sensitization to tomato peel and pulp extracts in the Mediterranean Coast of Spain: 流行和与空气过敏原共敏化。 prevalence and co-sensitization with aeroallergens.
已发布 PubMed:ige绑定对艺术v 1的流行 Prevalence of IgE-binding to Art v 1, 艺术v 4和amb a 1在艾蒿过敏患者中。 Art v 4 and Amb a 1 in mugwort-allergic patients.
已发布 PubMed:欧洲玉米bore的同胞寄主比赛 Sympatric host races of the European corn borer: 适应宿主植物和杂交表现。 adaptation to host plants and hybrid performance.
已发布 PubMed:用于治疗不列颠哥伦比亚省猪和宠物的体内寄生虫和胃病的 类新药 Ethnoveterinary medicines used to treat endoparasites and stomach problems in pigs and pets in British Columbia, 加拿大。 Canada.
已发布 PubMed:克隆 Cloning, 艾蒿花粉过敏原艺术v 2的表达与表征 expression and characterization of mugwort pollen allergen Art v 2, 家族1中与发病相关的蛋白 a pathogenesis-related protein from family group 1.
已发布 PubMed:易北河中游平原(德国)土壤和相应植被中的金属和砷。 Metals and arsenic in soils and corresponding vegetation at Central Elbe river floodplains (Germany).
已发布 PubMed:栗子过敏中有或没有相关乳胶水果综合征的差异性过敏原敏化模式。 Differential allergen sensitization patterns in chestnut allergy with or without associated latex-fruit syndrome.
已发布 PubMed:通过家庭寄送冲绳蔬菜的饮食干预,健康的日本女性的钾排泄量增加。 Potassium excretion in healthy Japanese women was increased by a dietary intervention utilizing home-parcel delivery of Okinawan vegetables.
已发布 PubMed:塞尔维亚野生生长的苦艾,苦艾和蒿的精油的化学成分。 Chemical composition of the essential oils of serbian wild-growing Artemisia absinthium and Artemisia vulgaris.
已发布 PubMed:用于现场监测工业区附近的空气和城市固体废物的工厂生物测定 Plant bioassays for an in situ monitoring of air near an industrial area and a municipal solid waste: 齐利纳(斯洛伐克)。 Zilina (Slovakia).
已发布 PubMed:[生理生化特性变异性对滨藜的放射敏感性的影响。和艾草/艾蒿。生态形式]。 [Effect of the physiological-biochemical characteristics variability on a radiosensitiveness of the Atriplex patula L. and Artemisia vulgaris L. ecoforms].
已发布 PubMed:[对艾蒿的职业过敏]。 [Occupational allergy to mugwort].
已发布 PubMed:药用植物的抗降血糖潜力比较。 Comparative anti-hyperglycemic potentials of medicinal plants.
已发布 PubMed:[前往西非的一群 对欧性蒿属的抗疟疾预防的无效改变]。 [Ineffective change of antimalaria prophylaxis to Artemisia vulgaris in a group travelling to West Africa].
已发布 PubMed:小儿科瓦达贝拉州过敏性 群的顶空过敏原致敏 Aeroallergens sensitization in an allergic paediatric population of Cova da Beira, 葡萄牙。 Portugal.
已发布 PubMed:[2002年萨拉热窝地区 口的花粉过敏发生频率]。 [The frequency of pollen allergy at the population of Sarajevo region during the 2002 year].
已发布 PubMed:[对西班牙北部极地栗的花粉和花粉症的敏感性]。 [Sensitization to Castanea sativa pollen and pollinosis in northern Extremadura (Spain)].
已发布 PubMed:艾灸治疗臀位的随机对照试验。 A randomised controlled trial of moxibustion for breech presentation.
已发布 PubMed:一项超快(20-25分钟)舌下吞咽免疫疗法在679例(699次治疗)过敏性鼻炎和/或哮喘患者中的可行性的初步研究。 A pilot study of feasibility of ultra-rush (20-25 minutes) sublingual-swallow immunotherapy in 679 patients (699 sessions) with allergic rhinitis and/or asthma.
已发布 PubMed:氮的供应会影响磷酸盐污染的田地中欧性蒿的丛枝菌根定植。 Nitrogen supply affects arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of Artemisia vulgaris in a phosphate-polluted field site.
已发布 PubMed:从艾蒿(欧的蒿)中分离和鉴定化感挥发物。 Isolation and characterization of allelopathic volatiles from mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris).
已发布 PubMed:艾草/艾蒿的甲醇水溶液提取物的保肝活性。 Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous-methanol extract of Artemisia vulgaris.
已发布 PubMed:食物过敏在安卡拉的季节性鼻炎患者中。 Food hypersensitivity in patients with seasonal rhinitis in Ankara.
已发布 PubMed:艾草/艾蒿和长发百合花粉粒中过敏原的非扩散释放主要取决于过敏原的类型。 Nondiffusional release of allergens from pollen grains of Artemisia vulgaris and Lilium longiflorum depends mainly on the type of the allergen.
已发布 PubMed:甲幼虫作为杂草种子的天敌 Carabid larvae as predators of weed seeds: amara Amara eurynota eurynota(鞘翅目)的幼虫中的肉食 : 蜘蛛科)。 Carabidae).
已发布 PubMed:艾灸对任十二穴的影响 Effect of moxibustion at acupoints Ren-12 (Zhongwan), ST-25(天树) St-25 (Tianshu), 和st-36(zuzanli)预防吲哚美辛在wistar大鼠中引起的胃部损伤。 and St-36 (Zuzanli) in the prevention of gastric lesions induced by indomethacin in Wistar rats.
已发布 PubMed:日本传统草药的抗突变性 Antimutagenicity of Japanese traditional herbs, 玄野升子 gennoshoko, 代木 yomogi, 森布里和岩田烟草。 senburi and iwa-tobacco.
已发布 PubMed:传统日本草药的抗氧化活性。 The antioxidative activity of traditional Japanese herbs.
已发布 PubMed:艾蒿花粉变应原艺术v 1上的两种新型o-聚糖及其在抗体结合中的作用。 Two novel types of O-glycans on the mugwort pollen allergen Art v 1 and their role in antibody binding.
已发布 PubMed:欧洲玉米bore的两个同胞寄主植物种族之间的遗传隔离 Genetic isolation between two sympatric host plant races of the European corn borer, ostrinia 脐核 nubilalis hubner。 ii : 产卵的交配和寄主植物偏好。 assortative mating and host-plant preferences for oviposition.
已发布 PubMed:对蒿变应原致敏性艺术的患病率v 1 Prevalence of sensitization to Artemisia allergens Art v 1, art v 3和art v 60 kda。 v 3和其他相关脂质转移蛋白过敏原之间的交叉反应。 Art v 3 and Art v 60 kDa. Cross-reactivity among Art v 3 and other relevant lipid-transfer protein allergens.
已发布 PubMed:越南药用植物的黄嘌呤氧化酶抑制活性。 Xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity of Vietnamese medicinal plants.
已发布 PubMed:基于单克隆抗体的酶联免疫吸附法定量欧性蒿花粉的主要过敏原 Monoclonal antibody-based ELISA to quantify the major allergen of Artemisia vulgaris pollen, 艺术v 1。 Art v 1.
已发布 PubMed:对亚得里亚海海岸的花粉过敏原过敏。 Hypersensitivity to pollen allergens on the Adriatic coast.
已发布 PubMed: 在法国欧洲玉米bore ostrinia 脐核 nubilalis信息素菌株的寄主植物香基/香型化。
已发布 PubMed:不同生物材料对映选择性催化氧化和还原反应的能力。 Ability of different biomaterials to enantioselectively catalyze oxidation and reduction reactions.
已发布 PubMed:蒿根茎提取物对孵化的影响 Effect of Artemisia vulgaris Rhizome Extracts on Hatching, 死亡 Mortality, 根结 的繁殖力和植物感染力 and Plant Infectivity of Meloidogyne megadora.
已发布 PubMed: 特应性哮喘的hla HLA ii II类基因型频率 : drb1 * 01-dqb1 * 0501基因型与欧型过敏性哮喘的相关性。 association of DRB1*01-DQB1*0501 genotype with Artemisia vulgaris allergic asthma.
已发布 PubMed:特定 群中乳胶致敏的特应性和危险因素。 Atopy and risk factors for latex sensitization in a selected population.
已发布 PubMed:[从艾蒿开花顶部得到的不同批次的羟基肉桂酸水平]。 [Hydroxycinnamic acid levels of various batches from mugwort flowering tops].
已发布 PubMed:在杜伊斯堡北部一个前工业区进行的微真菌调查。 Surveys of microfungi in a former industrial area in Duisburg-Nord.
已发布 PubMed:欧洲玉米bore的两个同胞寄主植物之间的遗传隔离 Genetic isolation between two sympatric host-plant races of the European corn borer, 欧氏tri一世。性信息素 Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner. I. Sex pheromone, 蛾出现时间 moth emergence timing, 和寄生。 and parasitism.
已发布 PubMed:法国北部欧洲玉米bore种群中与寄主植物相关的遗传分化。 Host-plant-associated genetic differentiation in Northern French populations of the European corn borer.
已发布 PubMed:t细胞对艺术v 1的反应 The T cell response to Art v 1, 主要艾蒿花粉过敏原 the major mugwort pollen allergen, 由一个表位控制。 is dominated by one epitope.
已发布 PubMed:低分子量花粉蒿变应原中残留基团对其致敏性的影响 The influence of a residual group in low-molecular-weight allergoids of Artemisia vulgaris pollen on their allergenicity, ige和igg绑定属性。 IgE- and IgG-binding properties.
已发布 PubMed:芥菜超敏反应患者的临床特征。 Clinical characteristics of patients with mustard hypersensitivity.
已发布 PubMed:桃子过敏患者对艾蒿(艾草/艾蒿)超敏反应是由于常见的脂质转移蛋白过敏原引起的,并且通常没有临床表达。 Hypersensitivity to mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) in patients with peach allergy is due to a common lipid transfer protein allergen and is often without clinical expression.
已发布 PubMed:柳叶菜艾蒿(欧的蒿)的棒状分离物的特征。 Characterization of a coryneform isolate from fasciated mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris).
已发布 PubMed:臀位灸法-描述性评论。 Moxibustion in breech version--a descriptive review.
已发布 PubMed:欧型蒿和洋甘菊洋甘菊(洋甘菊)之间的临床交叉反应。 Clinical cross-reactivity between Artemisia vulgaris and Matricaria chamomilla (chamomile).
已发布 PubMed:艾草/艾蒿中的主要二咖啡酰奎尼酸。 Major dicaffeoylquinic acids from Artemisia vulgaris.
已发布 PubMed:艾草/艾蒿的植物化学分析和血流动力学作用。 Phytochemical analysis and hemodynamic actions of Artemisia vulgaris L.
已发布 PubMed:艾草/艾蒿的体内微血管作用l。在大鼠肠系膜的缺血-再灌注损伤模型中。 In vivo microvascular actions of Artemisia vulgaris L. in a model of ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat intestinal mesentery.
已发布 PubMed:爱斯基谢希尔(纳托利亚)过敏患者对花粉的致敏类型 The type of sensitization to pollens in allergic patients in Eskisehir (Anatolia), 火鸡。 Turkey.
已发布 PubMed:氰苷 The cyanogenic glucoside, 修剪素(D-扁桃腈-β-D-葡萄糖苷) prunasin (D-mandelonitrile-beta-D-glucoside), 是dna聚合酶β的新型抑制剂。 is a novel inhibitor of DNA polymerase beta.
已发布 PubMed:[抗原特异性免疫球蛋白球蛋白对季节性过敏性鼻炎患者血浆中草和杂草花粉的吸收] [Antigen specific immunoglobulin E to grass and weed pollens in the plasma of patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis].
已发布 PubMed:烟草过敏 Tobacco allergy: 与茄科其他成员和艾蒿花粉的交叉反应的演示。 demonstration of cross-reactivity with other members of Solanaceae family and mugwort pollen.
已发布 PubMed:萨拉曼卡市(西班牙)的花粉卡兰/虾脊兰。 1981-1982年和1991-1992年的顶空古生物学分析。 Pollen calendar of the city of Salamanca (Spain). Aeropalynological analysis for 1981-1982 and 1991-1992.
已发布 PubMed:艾灸矫正臀位 Moxibustion for correction of breech presentation: 一项随机对照试验。 a randomized controlled trial.
已发布 PubMed:对莴苣过敏的研究。 Study of a case of hypersensitivity to lettuce (Lactuca sativa).
已发布 PubMed:马拉加学生中特应性患病率 Prevalence of atopy in students from Málaga, 西班牙。 Spain.
已发布 PubMed: 对两种提取物均敏感的患者血清中的艾蒿花粉(艾草/艾蒿)和榛子(abellana 努克斯 nux)之间具有交叉反应性。
已发布 PubMed:尾花 Mercurialis annua: 主要过敏原的特征以及与其他物种的交叉反应性。 characterization of main allergens and cross-reactivity with other species.
已发布 PubMed:对花粉单敏的患者对食物过敏。 Allergy to foods in patients monosensitized to Artemisia pollen.
已发布 PubMed:菊苣(菊苣)引起的吸入性职业和食入型即时过敏。 Inhalative occupational and ingestive immediate-type allergy caused by chicory (Cichorium intybus).
已发布 PubMed:摄入花粉化合物引起的过敏反应。 Anaphylaxis induced by ingestion of a pollen compound.
已发布 PubMed:对哮喘儿童母亲中橙花过敏原的影响。 Sensitization to neumoallergens influence in mothers of asthmatic children.
已发布 PubMed:捕获测定放射性液体过敏原的多中心评估,以测量特定的ige抗体。 Multicentre evaluation of Capture Assay Radim Liquid Allergen for measurement of specific IgE antibodies.
已发布 PubMed:腺瘤切除术后膀胱充血 [Phytoperfusion of the bladder after adenomectomy].
已发布 PubMed:火鸡支气管哮喘患者过敏状况调查 Survey of the allergic status of patients with bronchial asthma in Turkey: 多中心研究。 a multicenter study.
已发布 PubMed:双盲 A double-blind, 一项随机研究,研究欧性青蒿或草静脉吸虫/疣状疣免疫疗法的疗效和特异性。 randomized study investigating the efficacy and specificity of immunotherapy with Artemisia vulgaris or Phleum pratense/betula verrucosa.
已发布 PubMed:艾草/艾蒿的实验研究-一种可能的抗生育药。 Experimental studies on artemisia vulgaris - a possible antifertility drug.
已发布 PubMed:皮肤点刺试验测定法和反向酶免疫测定法竞争(reina-c)对变应原生物活性的比较。 Comparison of skin-prick test assay and reverse enzyme immunoassay competition (REINA-C) for biological activity of allergens.
已发布 PubMed:通过一次血清学检查评估对空气中过敏原的总体敏感性程度 Evaluation of the overall degree of sensitization to airborne allergens by a single serologic test: 对过敏的流行病学研究具有重要意义。 implications for epidemiologic studies of allergy.
已发布 PubMed:[对西替利嗪10至20 mg在对症治疗季节性变应性鼻结膜炎的对症治疗中的比较研究]。 [Comparative study between 10 and 20 mg of cetirizine in the symptomatic treatment of seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis].
已发布 PubMed:艾蒿花粉的Ige结合位点的免疫电子显微镜定位。 Immunoelectron-microscopic localization of IgE binding site of mugwort pollen.
已发布 PubMed:艾蒿架子的切割会影响空气中的花粉浓度吗? Does cutting of mugwort stands affect airborne pollen concentrations?
已发布 PubMed:脯氨酸蛋白构成功能性植物泛过敏原的新家族。 Profilins constitute a novel family of functional plant pan-allergens.
已发布 PubMed:艾法鉴别和鉴定艾蒿花粉中的重要过敏原 Identification and characterization of important allergens from mugwort pollen by IEF, sds sds 页和免疫印迹。
已发布 PubMed:大叶黄杨(纺锤树)对职业木粉尘的敏感性以及e.e.之间的交叉反应性研究木材和蒿的花粉(艾蒿)。 Occupational wood-dust sensitivity from Euonymus europaeus (spindle tree) and investigation of cross reactivity between E.e. wood and Artemisia vulgaris pollen (mugwort).
已发布 PubMed:艾蒿(花蒿)花粉糖蛋白过敏原第五条的结构分析。 Structural analysis of the glycoprotein allergen Art v II from the pollen of mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.).
已发布 PubMed:伴刀豆球蛋白亲和色谱法从艾蒿花粉中纯化糖蛋白过敏原ag7。 Purification of the glycoprotein allergen Ag7 from mugwort pollen by concanavalin A affinity chromatography.
已发布 PubMed:[对艾蒿花粉过敏原(艾草/艾蒿)的敏感性]。 [Sensitivity to mugwort pollen allergens (Artemisia vulgaris)].
已发布 PubMed:糖蛋白过敏原的分离与表征 Isolation and characterization of a glycoprotein allergen, 第五条 Art v II, 从艾蒿的花粉中提取(艾蒿)。 from pollen of mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.).
已发布 PubMed:过敏性结膜炎以甘菊茶为主。 Allergic conjunctivitis to chamomile tea.
已发布 PubMed:艺术净化 Purification of Art v I, 蒿花粉的相关过敏原。 a relevant allergen of Artemisia vulgaris pollen.
已发布 PubMed:对华沙地区的欧型蒿过敏。 Allergy to Artemisia vulgaris in the region of Warsaw.
已发布 PubMed:台湾粗药对变形链球菌的抗菌活性的筛选。 Screening of Taiwanese crude drugs for antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans.
已发布 PubMed:摄入甘菊茶后的过敏反应 Anaphylactic reaction after the ingestion of chamomile tea: 与其他复合花粉的交叉反应性研究。 a study of cross-reactivity with other composite pollens.
已发布 PubMed:地中海南部地区的致敏花粉。 Allergenic pollens in the southern Mediterranean area.
已发布 PubMed:鼻粘膜和外周血明串球菌的变应原诱导白三烯产生。 Allergen-induced leukotriene production by nasal mucosa and peripheral blood leukocytes.
已发布 PubMed:[使用交叉放射免疫电泳和放射变态吸附试验抑制法分析艾蒿花粉(蒿)的变应原]。 [Allergen analysis of mugwort pollen (Artemisia vulgaris) using crossed radioimmunoelectrophoresis and radioallergosorbent test inhibition].
已发布 PubMed:过敏原特异性明串球菌粘附抑制(lai)测定 Allergen-specific leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) assay: 灵敏度 sensitivity, 特异性和机制。 specificity and mechanism.
已发布 PubMed:蒿属植物花粉的生化研究 [Biochemical study of pollens of the genus Artemisia].
已发布 PubMed:[1982年至1985年里昂布朗的花粉计数(来自失语症和蒿属)]。 [Pollen counts (from Ambrosia and Artemisia) in Lyon-Bron from 1982 to 1985].
已发布 PubMed:[蒿的植物]。 [Botany of Artemisia].
已发布 PubMed:艾蒿(花蒿)的花粉中的过敏原。 ii。艾蒿花粉的粗提物和部分纯化的提取物的特征,特别强调糖蛋白过敏原ag7。 Allergens in pollen from mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.). II. Characterization of a crude and a partly purified extract of mugwort pollen with particular emphasis on the glycoprotein allergen Ag7.
已发布 PubMed:[对水果和蔬菜及花粉症立即过敏]。 [Immediate hypersensitivity to fruits and vegetables and pollenosis].
已发布 PubMed:艾蒿(花蒿)花粉提取物的免疫化学和生物学特性。 Immunochemical and biological characterization of a mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) pollen extract.
已发布 PubMed:参考过敏原提取物在过敏原产品评估中的用途。 The use of a reference allergenic extract in the evaluation of allergen products.
已发布 PubMed:艾蒿(花蒿)的花粉中的过敏原。一世。艾蒿花粉过敏原制品的部分表征,重点是碳水化合物部分。 Allergens in pollen from mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.). I. Partial characterization of allergen preparations from mugwort pollen with emphasis on the carbohydrate moiety.
已发布 PubMed:[艾蒿 [The mugwort: 艾草/艾蒿和蒿蒿。 Artemisia vulgaris L. and Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte].
已发布 PubMed:艾草/艾蒿油的成分 On the composition of some oils from Artemisia vulgaris.
已发布 PubMed:[花粉症 Pollinosis of "代木 Yomogi" (艾草/艾artemisia vulgaris l. L. var. 欧型 vulgatissima bess Bess) in 鼻 nasal 过敏 allergy. 1].
已发布 PubMed:[来自艾草/艾蒿油的色谱分析。在不同季节获得]。 [Chromatographic analysis of oils from Artemisia vulgaris L. obtained in different seasons].
已发布 PubMed:[艾草/艾蒿油的研究。在不同季节获得]。 [Studies of the oils of Artemisia vulgaris L. obtained in different seasons].
已发布 PubMed:艾草/艾蒿的初步药理筛选。 A preliminary pharmacological screening of Artemisia vulgaris Linn.
已发布 PubMed:[艾草/艾蒿。 [Artemisia vulgaris L., 艾蒿]。 the mugwort].
笔记 Notes:
蒿的植物似乎起源于东欧和西亚。在世界的温带和寒冷温带地区,发现这些物种中的大多数都在野生地区大量繁殖。在欧洲中部非常常见的杂草 Artemisia Vulgaris plants seem to have originated in Eastern Europe and Western Asia. Most of these species are found growing wild and abundantly all over the temperate and cold temperate zones of the world. A very common weed in Central Europe, 东南欧洲 Southeastern Europe, 印度 India, 中国和日本是欧的蒿。精油是从法国南部的干草干中蒸馏出的蒸汽 China and Japan is the Artemisia Vulgaris. An essential oil is steam distilled from the dried herb in the South of France, 在摩洛哥 in Morocco, Germany, 匈牙利 Hungary, 印度 India, 中国 China and 日本 Japan. The 法国 French oil is k现在 nown as essence d'盔甲 Armoise. oil from artemisia 苦艾酒 absinthium or 虫 worm 木 wood oil. tsca 定义 definition 2008: 提取物及其经物理修饰的衍生物。苦艾蒿 extractives and their physically modified derivatives. artemisia absinthium, 菊科。 compositae.
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