对茴香酸 para-anisic acid
4-甲氧基苯甲酸 4-methoxybenzoic acid

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  • Advanced Biotech
    受自然启发 Inspired by Nature
    各种各样的产品 A diverse range of products, 全部符合我们对质量的严格承诺。 all meeting our stringent commitment to quality.
    先进的生物技术公司是优质天然调味料和香精的领先制造商和供应商。用于食品/饮料的植物提取物 Advanced Biotech is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality Natural flavoring ingredients & botanical extracts for the food/beverage, 化妆品和个 护理行业。拥有超过25年的发酵加工和制造经验。植物提取物 cosmetic and personal care industries. With over 25 years of experience working with Fermentation processing & botanical extracts, 我们可以为当今竞争激烈的市场提供新的创新功能产品。我们公司以能够满足客户和贸易的特定需求而感到自豪,同时保持对诚信的关注 we can help develop new innovative and functional products for today�™s competitive marketplace. Our company prides itself in the ability to cater to our customer�™s specific needs while maintaining our focus on integrity, 诚实和对高质量产品标准的承诺。我们自豪地为世界各地的公司提供优质的天然原料。 honesty and the commitment to high quality product standards. We proudly offer our quality Natural ingredients to companies around the world.
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    产品 Product(s):
    1414茴香酸天然98%min。 1414 ANISIC ACID NATURAL 98% min.
  • Beijing Lys Chemicals
    从克到吨 From Grams to Tons
    包含研发的精细化工高科技公司 Fine chemical high-tech company which contains R&D, 生产 production, 和销售。 and sales.
    北京利仕化工有限公司 Beijing Lys Chemicals Co, 公司 LTD., 成立于2004年 established in 2004, 是一家高科技高科技公司,包含研发 is a fine chemical high-tech company which contains R&D, 生产 production, 和销售。我们主要从事香料和香精原料以及医药中间体的出口和技术开发。我们有近500种产品 and sales. We mainly engaged in export and technology development of flavor and fragrance materials and pharmaceutical intermediates. We have nearly 500 kinds of products, 从克到吨 From Grams to Tons, 出口到美国 exported to USA, 欧洲 Europe, 南亚等地区,我们会根据客户定制生产新产品。需要 South Asia and etc. And we custom manufacture new products according to customers’ needs, 并提供优质的产品和服务。我们的目标是成为可以提供特殊产品和服务的精细化工企业。 and serve good quality products and service. Our goal is to become a fine chemical enterprise which could provide special products and services.
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    产品 Product(s):
    10297龙血酸 10297 Draconic acid
  • BOC Sciences
    最好的化学品供应商 Best of Chemicals Supplier
    研究化学品和生化试剂(包括抑制剂)的优质供应商 Quality supplier of research chemicals and biochemicals including inhibitors, 建筑模块 building blocks, gmp产品 GMP Products, 杂质和代谢物 impurities and metabolites, 兽医用api APIs for Veterinary, 天然化合物 Natural Compounds, adcs ADCs, 干细胞分子和手性化合物。 Stem Cell Molecule and chiral compounds.
    卡波普® ultrez 21聚合物是我们用途最广泛的个 护理聚合物。它是一种疏水改性的交联丙烯酸酯共聚物,旨在有效地增稠 BOC Sciences provides a wide range of services to support the pharmaceutical industry through all stages of drug discovery including Custom Synthesis of those chemicals that are not in stock, 同位素标记服务 Isotope Labeling Service, 手性合成与拆分 Chiral Synthesis and Resolution, 生物共轭 Bioconjugation, 聚乙二醇化服务 PEGylation services, 分析服务。 analytical services.
    boc sciences是bocsci inc。的品牌。我们利用我们在发展领域的广泛业务 BOC Sciences is a brand of BOCSCI Inc. We leverage our wide spectrum of business in the fields of development, 制造业 manufacturing, 行销 marketing, 和分销,以帮助您根据不断变化的优质化学品需求制定最明智的决策。我们完整的cro服务套件涵盖了整个分子开发流程,包括用于目标识别的合同研究 and distribution to help you make best-informed decisions tailored to your evolving needs for premium chemicals. Our complete suite of CRO services spans the entire molecule development pipeline including contract research for target identification, 建筑模块 building blocks, 化合物合成 compound synthesis, 生化和细胞分析 biochemical and cellular analysis, 临床前动物试验 preclinical animal tests, 和临床研究。 and clinical studies.
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    产品 Product(s):
    100-09-4 4-甲氧基苯甲酸 100-09-4 4-Methoxybenzoic acid
  • Charkit Chemical
    特种化学专家 The Specialty Chemical Specialists
    浏览此网站以发现charkit为您的行业提供的产品和服务,请直接与我们联系以了解我们如何为您提供服务。 Explore this website to discover the products and services that Charkit provides for your industry and please contact us directly to find out how we can be of service to you.
    about: 自1982年以来 Since 1982, Charkit 已 has been been 承诺的 committed to 扩大 扩大 经验值 expanding the 市场 markets we 服务 serve as our 名册 roster of products and 服务 serv冰 ices 继续 继续 continues to grow with us. 我们的 Our 充实的 substantial 投资组合 portfolio of 个 护理 personal care 配料 成分 ingredients 现在 now 包括 include a wide 数组 array of 豪华 luxury and 异国情调 exotic 组件 components to 赞扬 compliment the key products we 有 have 总是 al道路 ways 提供 提供 offered. We 有 have 扩大了 扩大 经验值 expanded our 产品 提供 offerings to the 营养品 nutraceutical, 产业 industrial, and resin 市场 markets with a 生长 growing 名册 roster of 多才多艺 versatile and 独特 unique 配料 成分 ingredients. We 继续 continue to lead the 道路 way in our 传统的 traditional 市场 markets 这样 such as 金属 Metal and 水 Water 治疗 Treatment, 影像学 Imaging, 风味香味 Flavor & Fragrance, Aroma and Food. 我们的 Our 制药业 Pharmaceutical 产品 提供 offerings 继续 continue to 扩大 经验值 expand, 仍然 still 锚定 anchored by by the 硼的 Boronic 衍生品 Derivatives that 遇到 meet the 需要 demands of 铃木 Suzuki 耦合 coupling 反应 reactions. 请 Please contact us to learn how we can 帮帮我 help you 达到 reach 您的 your 目标 目标 goals.
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    产品清单 Products List:视图 View
    产品 Product(s):
    茴香酸 Anisic Acid Nat, P-
    茴香酸 Anisic Acid Nat, p-(雪白级) P- (SNOW WHITE GRADE)
  • Foreverest Resources
    领先的松木化学品供应商 Leading pine based chemicals supplier
    提供松节油基和天然/提取的香精香水成分。 Supplying turpentine based and natural/extracted flavor & fragrance ingredients.
    FOREVERESTA® F&F 生的 RAW 材料 MATERIALS is a 范围 range of natural 提取物 extracts and synthetic aroma chemicals 基于 based on the rich 材料 material resources and 大 great supply 网络 ne二 twork from 中国 China, 应用于特种化学品行业。市场涵盖了食品的应用领域 which was applied for specialty chemicals industry. The markets cover application areas on food, 饮料 beverage, 定制香水 custom fragrance, 上等香水 fine perfume, 个 护理 personal care, 化妆品 Cosmetics, 等等 etc.
    永恒资源有限公司是材料供应商 Foreverest Resources Ltd. is a materials supplier, 出口松节油基胶 exporting gum turpentine based, 1988年以来,萜烯衍生物以及来自中国的天然/提取单体和中间体。我们为世界各地的合成香料和香料生产提供高质量的原材料。 terpene derivertives and natural/extracted monomers and intermediates from China since 1988. We offers high quality raw materials for flavors and fragrances synthetic manufacturing in the world.
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    产品清单 Products List:视图 View
    产品 Product(s):
    对茴香酸99% p-Anisic Acid 99%
    对茴香酸 para-anisic acid, 也称为4-甲氧基苯甲酸或龙糖酸 also called 4-methoxybenzoic acid or draconic acid, 是茴香酸异构体之一。它看起来是白至微黄的粉末。 is one of the isomers of anisic acid. It appears white to slight yellowish powder.
  • Natural Advantage
    天然风味成分的制造商 Manufacturer of natural flavor ingredients
    在调味品和食品配料行业拥有超过25年的经验。 With over 25 years experience in the flavor and food ingredient industries.
    技术改善品味 Technology Improving Taste
    自然优势形成于十七年前 Natural Advantage was formed over seventeen years ago to supply 对天然食品和风味成分的需求不断增长。我们雇用了广泛的 the growing demand for natural food and flavor ingredients. We employ a wide 致力于高质量服务的多学科科学家 range of multi-disciplined scientists who are dedicated to high quality service, 客户的满意并为我们的客户创造卓越的价值。 customer satisfaction and creating an outstanding value for our clients.
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    技术 Technology
    里弗赛德芳烃有限公司是英国在欧洲的独家分销商,可用于任何非美国的查询 Riverside Aromatics LTD.is the exclusive distributor for Europe in UK for any non-US based inquiries
    产品清单 Products List:视图 View
    产品 Product(s):
    na3945茴香酸nat NA3945 Anisic Acid Nat
  • Penta International
    化学创新 Chemistry innovation
    在五角 At Penta, 我们的产品和服务可帮助企业更好地开展业务。 our products and services help businesses do business better.
    超过30年 For over 30 years, penta制造业公司在全球化学创新和应用中扮演着越来越重要的角色。作为行业领导者 Penta Manufacturing Company has played a growing role in worldwide chemistry innovations and applications. As an industry leader, penta继续为几乎每个商业领域开拓基于化学的解决方案。我们的产品和香基/香型知识帮助推动了包括调味剂在内的数十种商业应用的技术进步 Penta continues to pioneer chemistry-based solutions for practically every area of commerce. Our products and expertise have helped fuel technical advances in dozens of commercial applications including flavoring, 染色 coloring, 香料和化学工艺。 fragrances and chemical processes.
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:技术服务 Technical Services
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    产品 Product(s):
    01-36100对茴香酸 01-36100 P-ANISIC ACID
    01-36105对茴香酸天然 01-36105 P-ANISIC ACID NATURAL
  • Sigma-Aldrich
    完整的供应链 Complete Supply Chain
    产品和服务的完美融合,将您的创造力带入生活。 The perfect blend of products and services that bring your creativity to life.
    sigma-aldrich是一家领先的生命科学和高科技公司,致力于提供高质量 Sigma-Aldrich is a leading Life Science and High Technology company dedicated to providing high-quality, 安全和经过认证的调味料成分,透明和易于访问的文档对全球客户而言。 sigma-aldrich还提供了一套分析工具,可让食品分析 员简化样品制备 safe and certified flavor ingredients with transparent and easily accessible documentation to customers around the globe. Sigma-Aldrich also provides a suite of analytical tools that allow food analysts to simplify sample preparation, 清理和分析步骤 cleanup and analysis steps, 同时提高对痕量成分和有害物质的敏感性,以符合法规和质量标准。 while increasing sensitivity to trace ingredients and harmful substances to meet regulations and quality standards.
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    认证食品级产品 Certified Food Grade Products
    产品 Product(s):
    w394505对茴香酸 W394505 p-Anisic acid, ≥99%, fg FG
    w394512对茴香酸 W394512 p-Anisic acid, natural, 99%, fg FG
    推动化学发展 Moving Your Chemistry Forward
    我们不断努力提高技术水平。 We continuously strive to advance our technology.
    与东方&西海岸配送中心 With East & West Coast distribution centers, 依靠tci快速可靠地交付产品。超过28 count on TCI to deliver products quickly and reliably. Over 28,如今,有000种试剂可以台式批量购买。立即注册一个tci帐户,快速免费送货! 000 Reagents available today in benchtop to bulk quantities. Sign up for a TCI account today for fast and free shipping!
    东京化学工业公司 Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., 公司(tci)是一家成立于1946年的全球领先的特种有机化学品制造商。tci提供有机实验室化学品以及制药 Ltd. (TCI) is a leading worldwide manufacturer of specialty organic chemicals founded in 1946. TCI provides organic laboratory chemicals as well as pharmaceutical, 化妆品和功能材料。超过60年的合成经验和多功能工厂使tci可以提供28多种 cosmetic and functional materials. More than 60 years of synthesis experience and multi-purpose plants enable TCI to offer more than 28,000种产品以及定制合成。 tci已在北美建立了海外机构 000 products as well as custom synthesis. TCI has established overseas facilities in North America, 欧洲 Europe, 中国和印度为全球客户提供服务。 China and India to serve customers worldwide.
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    产品 Product(s):
    a0482对茴香酸> 99.0%(gc)(t) A0482 p-Anisic Acid >99.0%(GC)(T)
  • WholeChem
    将创新者连接到宇宙的组成部分 Connecting Innovators To the Building Blocks Of the Universe
    特殊成分的定制制造商和分销商。我们将全球本地化。 Custom manufacturer and distributor of specialty ingredients. We make global local.
    我们的成功归功于我们 We owe our success to our 正直 integrity, 我们的奉献精神 our dedication 对行业 to the industry, and 我们对客户的承诺。 our commitment to our clients. 我们邀请您的询问 We invite your inquiries 关于我们当前的产品 regarding our current product 清单和其他产品 list and any other products 你可能有麻烦 you may be having trouble 采购。 sourcing.
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    认证书 Certification
    产品清单 Products List:视图 View
    产品 Product(s):
    龙脑酸 Draconic acid
Name:4-甲氧基苯甲酸 4-methoxybenzoic acid
CAS号 CAS Number: 100-09-4Picture of molecule3D/INCHI
ECHA EINECS - REACH 预注册 Pre-Reg:202-818-5
nikkaji网站 Nikkaji Web:J3.229H
贝尔斯坦数 Beilstein Number:0508910
MDL :mfcd00002542 MFCD00002542
代号 CoE Number:10077
XlogP3:2.00(est) 2.00 (est)
分子量 Molecular Weight:152.14936000
式 Formula:c8 h8 o3 C8 H8 O3
生物活性总结 BioActivity Summary:清单 listing
核磁共振预测器 NMR Predictor:预测(适用于Chrome或Firefox) Predict (works with chrome or firefox)
类别 Category:flavoring agents
美国 US/欧盟 EU/ fda / jecfa / fema / Flavis / 文献 Scholar /专利 Patent :
谷歌学术 Google Scholar:搜索 Search
谷歌书 Google Books:搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "volatile"搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "flavor"搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "odor"搜索 Search
调香师和调味师 Perfumer and Flavorist:搜索 Search
谷歌专利 Google Patents:搜索 Search
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pubchem专利 Pubchem Patents:搜索 Search
已发布 PubMed:搜索 Search
NCBI:搜索 Search
jecfa食品调味料 JECFA Food Flavoring:883 4-甲氧基苯甲酸 883 4-methoxybenzoic acid
Flavis号码 FLAVIS Number:08.071(旧) 08.071 (Old)
dg sante食品调味料 DG SANTE Food Flavourings:08.071对茴香酸 08.071 p-anisic acid
fema号 FEMA Number:3945 4-甲氧基苯甲酸 4-methoxybenzoic acid
自由贸易区 FDA:不再提供这七种合成调味剂的使用 No longer provide for the use of these seven synthetic flavoring substances
fda mainterm(satf) FDA Mainterm (SATF):100-09-4 ; 4-METHOXYBENZOIC ACID
物理性质 Physical Properties:
出现 Appearance:白晶体(est) white crystals (est)
化验 Assay: 98.00至100.00 98.00 to 100.00
食品化学品法典列表 Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
熔点 Melting Point: 183.00 to 186.00 °C. @ 760.00 mm 汞 Hg
沸点 Boiling Point: 275.00 to 280.00 °C. @ 760.00 mm 汞 Hg
蒸汽压力 Vapor Pressure:0.002000 毫米汞柱 mm汞 Hg @ 25.00 °C. (est)
闪点 Flash Point: 365.00 °F. tcc TCC ( 185.00 °C. )
logp(o / w) logP (o/w): 1.960
保质期 Shelf Life: 如果正确存放,则为36.00个月或更长时间。 36.00 month(s) or longer if stored properly.
存储 Storage:存放在阴凉处 store in cool, 干燥处,密封容器中 dry place in tightly sealed containers, 免受热和光照。 protected from heat and light.
溶于 Soluble in:
 水 water, 530毫克/升@ 37摄氏度(经验值 exp)
不溶于 Insoluble in:
 水 water, 热 hot
类似物品 Similar Items:note
偏茴香酸 meta-anisic acid
原茴香酸 ortho-anisic acid
感官特性 Organoleptic Properties:
气味类型 Odor Type: animal
气味强度 Odor Strength:介质 medium ,
建议在10.00%或更少的溶液中闻到 recommend smelling in a 10.00 % solution or less
fecal animal phenolic medicinal
气味描述 Odor Description:at 10.00 % in 二丙烯 dipropylene glycol. 晕 faint 腐烂的 putrid 甜 sweet 尸体的 cadaverous
来自其他 的气味和/或风味描述(如果找到)。 Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
化妆品信息 Cosmetic Information:
CosIng:化妆品数据 cosmetic data
化妆品用途 Cosmetic Uses: 掩蔽剂 masking agents
供应商 Suppliers:
Advanced Biotech
98% min.
安徽海北 Anhui Haibei
气味 For Odor: 淡淡腐烂的甜尸体 Faint putrid sweet cadaverous
Beijing Lys Chemicals
龙脑酸 Draconic acid
BOC Sciences
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
4-甲氧基苯甲酸 4-methoxybenzoic acid
Charkit Chemical
茴香酸 Anisic Acid Nat, p-(雪白级) P- (SNOW WHITE GRADE)
Charkit Chemical
茴香酸 Anisic Acid Nat, P-
供需化学 Demand And Supply Chem
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
4-甲氧基苯甲酸(对茴香酸) 4-Methoxy benzoic acid (p-Anisic acid)
Foreverest Resources
对茴香酸99% p-Anisic Acid 99%
气味 For Odor: 甜 sweet 花 flowe ower
采用 Use: 对茴香酸 para-anisic acid, 也称为4-甲氧基苯甲酸或龙糖酸 also called 4-methoxybenzoic acid or draconic acid, 是茴香酸异构体之一。它看起来是白至微黄的粉末。 is one of the isomers of anisic acid. It appears white to slight yellowish powder.
Natural Advantage
茴香酸 Anisic Acid Nat
味道 Flavor: 辣的 spicy, 甜 sweet
里弗赛德芳烃有限公司是英国在欧洲的独家分销商,可用于任何非美国的查询 Riverside Aromatics LTD.is the exclusive distributor for Europe in UK for any non-US based inquiries
Penta International
Penta International
对茴香酸 para-anisic acid
圣克鲁斯生物技术 Santa Cruz Biotechnology
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
对茴香酸 para-anisic acid
对茴香酸 para-anisic acid, ≥99%, fg FG
认证食品级产品 Certified Food Grade Products
对茴香酸 para-anisic acid, natural, 99%, fg FG
气味 For Odor: animal
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
对茴香酸> 99.0%(gc)(t) p-Anisic Acid >99.0%(GC)(T)
文国际 WEN International
龙脑酸 Draconic acid
安全信息 Safety Information:
首选SDS Preferred SDS: 视图 View
欧洲信息 European information :
最重要的危害 Most important hazard(s):
xi-刺激性 Xi - Irritant
r 36/37/38-刺激眼睛 R 36/37/38 - Irritating to eyes, 呼吸系统 respiratory system, and skin.
S 02 - 保持 Keep out of the 达到 reach of 孩子们 children.
S 26 - In 案件 case of contact with 眼睛 eyes, 冲洗 rinse 立即 immediately with 充裕 plenty of 水 water and 寻求 seek 医疗 medical advice.
S 36 - 穿 Wear 适当 suitable 保护性 protective 服装 clothing.
危害识别 Hazards identification
物质或混合物的分类 Classification of the substance or mixture
根据29 cfr 1910(osha hcs)进行ghs分类 GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
没有找到。 None found.
ghs标签元素 GHS Label elements, 包括预防性声明 including precautionary statements
象形图 Pictogram
危险说明 Hazard statement(s)
没有找到。 None found.
防范说明 Precautionary statement(s)
没有找到。 None found.
口服/肠胃外毒性 Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
皮肤毒性 Dermal Toxicity:
皮下老鼠 subcutaneous-老鼠 mouse LD50 400 mg/kg
Cesko-Slovenska 农场 Farmacie. 卷 Vol. 31, pg。 236 Pg. 236, 1982.

吸入毒性 Inhalation Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
使用安全信息 Safety in Use Information:
类别 Category:
flavoring agents
推荐的对茴香酸使用水平不超过 Recommendation for para-anisic acid usage levels up to:
 不用于香水。 not for fragrance use.
最大化源自调查的每日摄入量(msdi-eu) Maximised Survey-derived Daily Intakes (MSDI-EU): 1.70(微克/ 均/天) 1.70 (μg/capita/day)
最大化源自调查的每日摄入量(msdi-usa) Maximised Survey-derived Daily Intakes (MSDI-USA): 0.10(微克/ 均/天) 0.10 (μg/capita/day)
结构类 Structure Class: I
采用 Use 等级 levels for FEMA GRAS flavoring 物质 substances on which the FEMA 专家 Expert 面板 Panel 基于 based its 判断 judgments that the 物质 substances are 通常 一般 generally 公认的 recognized as safe (GRAS).
The 专家 Expert 面板 Panel 也 also 发表 publishes 分离 separate 广泛 extensive 评论 reviews of scientific information on all FEMA GRAS flavoring 物质 substances and can be 发现 found at FEMA 味道 Flavor Ingredient 图书馆 Library
出版编号 publication number: 19
单击此处查看出版物19 Click here to view publication 19
 平均 average 通常 usual 百万分之几 ppm平均 average 最大 maximum 百万分之几 ppm
焙烤食品 baked goods: 2.500005.00000
饮料(不含醇) beverages(nonalcoholic): 0.500001.00000
醇饮料 beverages(alcoholic): --
早餐麦片 breakfast cereal: --
起司 cheese: --
口香糖 chewing gum: --
调味品/调味品 condiments / relishes: --
糖果烧烤 confectionery froastings: --
蛋制品 egg products: --
脂肪/油 fats / oils: --
鱼产品 fish products: --
冷冻乳制品 frozen dairy: 1.000003.00000
水果冰 fruit ices: --
明胶/布丁 gelatins / puddings: 2.000004.00000
砂糖 granulated sugar: --
肉汁 gravies: --
硬糖 hard candy: --
仿乳制品 imitation dairy: --
速溶咖啡/茶 instant coffee / tea: --
果酱/果冻 jams / jellies: --
肉制品 meat products: --
奶制品 milk products: --
坚果产品 nut products: --
其他谷物 other grains: --
家禽 poultry: --
加工水果 processed fruits: --
加工蔬菜 processed vegetables: --
重构蔬菜 reconstituted vegetables: --
调味料 seasonings / flavors: --
休闲食品 snack foods: --
软糖 soft candy: 3.000006.00000
汤类 soups: --
糖替代品 sugar substitutes: --
甜酱 sweet sauces: --
安全参考 Safety references:
欧洲食品安全法规(efsa) European Food Safety Athority(efsa):风味使用水平;亚急性 Flavor usage levels; Subacute, 亚慢性 Subchronic, 慢性和致癌性研究;发育/ 毒性研究;遗传毒性研究... Chronic and Carcinogenicity Studies; Developmental / Reproductive Toxicity Studies; Genotoxicity Studies...

欧洲食品安全局(efsa EFSA)参考 :

食品添加剂科学小组的意见 Opinion of the Scientific Panel on food additives, 调味料 seasonings / flavors, 与调味品组评估有关的委员会的要求20(fge.20)与食品接触的加工助剂和材料(afc) processing aids and materials in contact with food (AFC) on a request from the Commission related to Flavouring Group Evaluation 20 (FGE.20): 苄醇 Benzyl alcohols, benzaldehydes, 相关的乙a related acetal, benzoic acids, and 有关 related esters from chemical group 23
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调味组评估52(fge.52) Flavouring Group Evaluation 52 (FGE.52): 通过与构烷醇相关的jecfa(第五十七次会议)评估的羟基和烷氧基取代的苄基衍生物的考虑 Consideration of hydroxy- and alkoxy-substituted benzyl derivatives evaluated by JECFA (57th meeting) structurally related to benzyl alcohols, benzaldehydes, 相关的乙a related acetal, benzoic acids, efsa EFSA在fg FGE.20(2005)(委员会法规(ec EC)2000年7月18日第1565/2000号)中评估的食品及相关酯-食品添加剂科学小组的意见 , 调味料 seasonings / flavors, 处理中 Processing 艾滋病 Aids and 材料 Materials in contact with Food (AFC)
视图 View page or 视图 View pdf

调味组评估20 Flavouring Group Evaluation 20, 版本1(fge.20rev1) Revision 1 (FGE.20Rev1): 苄醇 Benzyl alcohols, benzaldehydes, 相关的乙a related acetal, benzoic acids and 有关 related esters from chemical group 23
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调味品组评价的科学见解20 Scientific Opinion on Flavouring Group Evaluation 20, 版本2(fge.20rev2) Revision 2 (FGE.20Rev2): 苄醇 Benzyl alcohols, benzaldehydes, 相关的乙a related acetal, benzoic acids, and 有关 related esters from chemical 团体 groups 23 and 30
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调味品组评价的科学见解20 Scientific Opinion on Flavouring Group Evaluation 20, 版本3(fge.20rev3) Revision 3(FGE.20Rev3): 苄醇 Benzyl alcohols, benzaldehydes, 相关的乙a related acetal, benzoic acids, and 有关 related esters from chemical 团体 groups 23 and 30
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关于调味剂组评估的科学意见96(fge.96) Scientific Opinion on Flavouring Group Evaluation 96 (FGE.96): 核酸酶p1富集和32p后标记分析后,检测经n-羟基-4-氨基联苯处理的 尿道上皮细胞dna中的脱氧腺苷-4-氨基联苯加合物。 Consideration of 88 flavouring substances considered by EFSA for which EU production volumes / anticipated production volumes have been submitted on request by DG SANCO. Addendum to FGE. 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 76, 77, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85 and 87.
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Epi系统 EPI System: 视图 View
辅助引文 AIDS Citations:搜索 Search
癌症引文 Cancer Citations:搜索 Search
毒理学引文 Toxicology Citations:搜索 Search
EPA物质注册服务(tsca TSCA) :100-09-4
EPA ACToR:毒理学资料 Toxicology Data
EPA物质注册服务(SRS) :注册表 Registry
实验室化学安全摘要 Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary :7478
国家过敏和传染病研究所 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:Data
德国wgk WGK Germany:1
4-甲氧基苯甲酸 4-methoxybenzoic acid
chemidplus Chemidplus:0000100094
技术 Technology:CAS#100-09-4的bz4395000 BZ4395000 for cas# 100-09-4
参考资料 References:
 4-甲氧基苯甲酸 4-methoxybenzoic acid
NIST化学网络书籍 NIST Chemistry WebBook: 搜索INCHI
加拿大国内分公司。清单 Canada Domestic Sub. List:100-09-4
pubchem(cid) Pubchem (cid):7478
pubchem(sid) Pubchem (sid):134972227
信息基 Pherobase:视图 View
其他资料 Other Information:
(iupac) (IUPAC):元素的原子量2009 Atomic Weights of the Elements 2009
(iupac) (IUPAC):元素的原子量2009(pdf) Atomic Weights of the Elements 2009 (pdf)
影片 Videos:元素周期表 The Periodic Table of Videos
RBC :本网站使用的原子量 Atomic Weights use for this web site
(iupac) (IUPAC):元素周期表 Periodic Table of the Elements
食品中添加的fda物质(以前为af) FDA Substances Added to Food (formerly EAFUS):视图 View
CHEBI:视图 View
CHEMBL:视图 View
代谢组学数据库 Metabolomics Database:搜索 Search
嗯bbd UM BBD:搜索 Search
KEGG (GenomeNet):C02519
hmdb(人类代谢组数据库) HMDB (The Human Metabolome Database):HMDB01101
食物 FooDB:FDB010587
出口关税代码 Export Tariff Code:2918.99.0500
雾度图 Haz-Map:视图 View
vcf在线 VCF-Online:食品中的挥发性有机化合物 VCF Volatile Compounds in Food
化学蜘蛛 ChemSpider:视图 View
维基百科 Wikipedia:视图 View
rsc学习化学 RSC Learn Chemistry:视图 View
潜在搅拌机 Potential Blenders and core 组件 components note
气味 For Odor
灵猫 civet (natural)
cresyl caprylate
俗气的 cheesy
s- S-(
methyl thio) butyrate
valeric acid
阿久旺 ajowan seed oil
matricaria 洋甘菊 chamomilla 花 flowe ower oil
白 white
百里香 thyme oil
百里香 thyme oil (thymus 齐格斯 zygis 细纹 gracillis) spain
百里香 thyme oil spain
皮革的 leathery
castoreum ab溶质 solute
propyl phenol
vinyl phenol
辣的 spicy
methyl guaiacol
木本 woody
岩蔷薇 cistus 枝条 twig/叶 leaf oil 分子 molecular di仍然 stilled
用于调味 For Flavor
找不到适合这些的口味组 No flavor group found for these
dimethoxy-4-vinyl phenol
propyl phenol
酸性的 acidic
酸性的 acidic
valeric acid
灵猫 civet (natural)
cresyl caprylate
烧了 burnt
阿久旺 ajowan seed oil
matricaria 洋甘菊 chamomilla 花 flowe ower oil
白 white
百里香 thyme oil
百里香 thyme oil (thymus 齐格斯 zygis 细纹 gracillis) spain
百里香 thyme oil spain
皮革的 leathery
castoreum ab溶质 solute
发霉的 musty
s- S-(
methyl thio) butyrate
vinyl phenol
辣的 spicy
冬季 winter
savory oil
methyl guaiacol
木本 woody
岩蔷薇 cistus 枝条 twig/叶 leaf oil 分子 molecular di仍然 stilled
潜在用途 Potential Uses:
 固定器 fixer
存在(自然 Occurrence (nature, food, 其他) other):note
 茴香籽油 fennel seed oil
搜索 Search Trop Picture
 可可豆 cacao bean
搜索 Search Trop Picture
搜索 Search pmc PMC Picture
 洋甘菊甜假洋甘菊植物 chamomile sweet false chamomile plant
搜索 Search Trop Picture
 茴香籽油 fennel seed oil
搜索 Search Trop Picture
 香草豆 vanilla beans
搜索 Search Trop Picture
 毛枣 zizyphus mauritiana
搜索 Search Trop Picture
同义词 Synonyms:
4-anisic acid
p-anisic acid
p-anisic acid natural
 benzoic acid, 4-methoxy-
 龙的 draconic acid
4-methoxy benzoic acid
4-methoxybenzoic acid
p-methoxybenzoic acid
para-methoxybenzoic acid

文章 Articles:

已发布 PubMed:氯化胆碱对荞麦植物酚酸积累和多酚形成的影响 Effect of chlorocholine chlorid on phenolic acids accumulation and polyphenols formation of buckwheat plants.
已发布 PubMed:通过在大肠杆菌中共表达恶臭假单胞菌yr-1的反式茴香脑加氧酶和对茴香醛脱氢酶基因生产天然芳香族芳香酸。 Production of natural fragrance aromatic acids by coexpression of trans-anethole oxygenase and p-anisaldehyde dehydrogenase genes of Pseudomonas putida JYR-1 in Escherichia coli.
已发布 PubMed:伯克霍尔德氏菌的筛选wgb31从茴香脑生产茴香酸并优化发酵条件。 Screening of Burkholderia sp. WGB31 producing anisic acid from anethole and optimization of fermentation conditions.
已发布 PubMed:改进的猝灭器方法和超高效液相色谱-串联质谱联用技术开发啤酒饮料中的多种真菌毒素分析方法。 Development and validation of a liquid chromatographic method for the simultaneous determination of aniracetam and its related substances in the bulk drug and a tablet formulation.
已发布 PubMed:香料化学 Chemistry of spices: 来自 阿维那( )boiss的4-甲氧基苯甲酸冰片酯。 (apiaceae)诱导小鼠痛觉过敏。 bornyl 4-methoxybenzoate from Ferula ovina (Boiss.) Boiss. (Apiaceae) induces hyperalgesia in mice.
已发布 PubMed:[稀土与对茴香酸合成及光谱性质 [Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of rare earth and p-anisic acid with 1, 10-菲咯啉]。 10-phenanthroline].
已发布 PubMed:伏立康唑类似物与模型膜的dssc和nmr分子间相互作用 Intermolecular interaction of voriconazole analogues with model membrane by DSC and NMR, 使用基于nmr的代谢谱分析及其抗真菌活性。 and their antifungal activity using NMR based metabolic profiling.
已发布 PubMed: 抑制磷脂酶a2的毒性作用以合成印度草药化合物为特征的印度带状 (bungarus Bungarus 筋膜 fasciatus)毒液为特征。
已发布 PubMed:反式-2-壬烯(t2n)的细胞毒性和遗传毒性作用 The crystal structures of 4-methoxybenzoate bound CYP199A2 and CYP199A4: 底物结合的结构变化和阴离子结合位点的鉴定。 structural changes on substrate binding and the identification of an anion binding site.
已发布 PubMed:异纤溶酶原链激酶激活剂复合物的临床前毒理学。 The preclinical toxicology of anisoylated plasminogen streptokinase activator complex.
已发布 PubMed:丹参叶片渗出液中的植物毒性化合物的鉴定和作用 Identification and effects of interaction phytotoxic compounds from exudate of Cistus ladanifer leaves.
已发布 PubMed:游离和茴香酸结合的磷脂酶a2的三重突变体的晶体结构。 Crystal structures of the free and anisic acid bound triple mutant of phospholipase A2.
已发布 PubMed:阿尼西坦通过shrsp中的胆碱能和谷氨酸能机制增强皮质多巴胺和5-羟色胺的释放。 Aniracetam enhances cortical dopamine and serotonin release via cholinergic and glutamatergic mechanisms in SHRSP.
已发布 PubMed:白腐真菌还原芳基酸用于生物催化生产芳基醛和醇。 Reduction of aryl acids by white-rot fungi for the biocatalytic production of aryl aldehydes and alcohols.
已发布 PubMed: 甲肟的血清和尿液的液相色谱分析。 Liquid-chromatographic assay of cefmenoxime in serum and urine.
已发布 PubMed:阿尼西坦及其代谢产物在大鼠体内的药代动力学。 Pharmacokinetics of aniracetam and its metabolites in rats.
已发布 PubMed:大鼠对茴香酸代谢。 Metabolism of p-anisic acid by the rat.
已发布 PubMed:咖啡酸通过清除单线态氧并淬灭黄素单核苷酸激发态,在黄素单核苷酸光敏作用下抑制油酸形成7-羧基庚基自由基。 Caffeic acid inhibits the formation of 7-carboxyheptyl radicals from oleic acid under flavin mononucleotide photosensitization by scavenging singlet oxygen and quenching the excited state of flavin mononucleotide.
已发布 PubMed:使用hs-spme-gc / ms和uhplc-pda-ms / ms区分麦卢卡蜂蜜与卡努卡蜂蜜和果冻灌木蜂蜜。 Differentiation of manuka honey from kanuka honey and from jelly bush honey using HS-SPME-GC/MS and UHPLC-PDA-MS/MS.
已发布 PubMed:木质素降解涉及的芳基醇氧化酶 Aryl-alcohol oxidase involved in lignin degradation: 基于稳态和稳态前动力学以及两种醇底物的主要和溶剂同位素效应的机理研究。 a mechanistic study based on steady and pre-steady state kinetics and primary and solvent isotope effects with two alcohol substrates.
已发布 PubMed:化妆品保存的新替代方法。 New alternatives to cosmetics preservation.
已发布 PubMed:在与抑制剂结合的磷脂酶a2中发现的第三个钙离子。 Third calcium ion found in an inhibitor-bound phospholipase A2.
已发布 PubMed:4-羧基-2的热分解动力学 Kinetics of thermal decomposition of 4-carboxyl-2,6-二硝基苯重氮离子(cdnbd)。 6-dinitrobenzenediazonium ion (CDNBD).
已发布 PubMed:酪氨酸酶抑制茴香酸动力学。 Tyrosinase inhibition kinetics of anisic acid.
已发布 PubMed:海鞘poly果的新的4-甲氧基苯甲酰基衍生物。 New 4-methoxybenzoyl derivatives from the ascidian Polycarpa aurata.
已发布 PubMed:底物和溶剂的同位素对Putidamonooxin底物调节反应中活性氧物种命运的影响。 Substrate and solvent isotope effects on the fate of the active oxygen species in substrate-modulated reactions of putidamonooxin.
已发布 PubMed:刺槐中对甲氧基苯甲酸抗肝毒性活性 Antihepatotoxic activity of p-methoxy benzoic acid from Capparis spinosa.
已发布 PubMed:固相萃取聚合物和基于c8的材料的性能比较。 Comparison of the properties of polymeric and C8 based materials for solid phase extraction.
已发布 PubMed:阿尼西坦对受体类型和海马突触促进形式的选择性作用。 Selective effects of aniracetam across receptor types and forms of synaptic facilitation in hippocampus.
已发布 PubMed:香柳叶菜杆菌中反茴香的降解途径 The trans-anethole degradation pathway in an Arthrobacter sp.
已发布 PubMed:一种使用少量半抗原-载体偶联物生产亲脂性羧酸半抗原抗体的改进方法。 An improved method for the production of antibodies to lipophilic carboxylic hapten using small amount of hapten-carrier conjugate.
已发布 PubMed:对甲氧基苯甲酸肽基反相酯 Peptidyl inverse esters of p-methoxybenzoic acid: 新型有效的丝氨酸蛋白酶灭活剂。 a novel class of potent inactivator of the serine proteases.
已发布 PubMed:4-甲氧基和4-氯苯甲酸酰肼的铂(ii)配合物。合成 Platinum(II) complexes of 4-methoxy- and 4-chlorobenzoic acid hydrazides. Synthesis, 表征 characterization, 和细胞毒性作用。 and cytotoxic effect.
已发布 PubMed:特性和浓度对溶致液晶的影响 Effects of solute characteristics and concentration on a lyotropic liquid crystal: 溶质引起的相变。 solute-induced phase change.
已发布 PubMed:可以降解2-乙氧基苯酚和4-甲氧基苯甲酸酯的红球菌红球菌菌株中的两个独立调节的细胞色素p-450。 Two independently regulated cytochromes P-450 in a Rhodococcus rhodochrous strain that degrades 2-ethoxyphenol and 4-methoxybenzoate.
已发布 PubMed:在有硫酸盐存在或不存在的情况下,利用甲氧基化的苯甲酸酯的利用和由热苯甲酸脱硫母体形成中间体。 Utilization of methoxylated benzoates and formation of intermediates by Desulfotomaculum thermobenzoicum in the presence or absence of sulfate.
已发布 PubMed:厌氧细菌代谢3-甲氧基苯甲酸和其他未标记的甲氧基苯甲酸18-甲氧基取代基。 Metabolism of the 18O-methoxy substituent of 3-methoxybenzoic acid and other unlabeled methoxybenzoic acids by anaerobic bacteria.
已发布 PubMed:阿尼西坦代谢物2-吡咯烷酮通过camkii途径长期诱导ampa受体反应增强。 The aniracetam metabolite 2-pyrrolidinone induces a long-term enhancement in AMPA receptor responses via a CaMKII pathway.
已发布 PubMed:体外大鼠肝细胞溶胶中砷的单和二甲基化。 Mono- and dimethylation of arsenic in rat liver cytosol in vitro.
已发布 PubMed: 在 工培养基和云杉f1地平线针垫中,迈锡纳 Mycena galopus galopus菌丝体产生酶。
已发布 PubMed:阿尼西坦在三种不同的小鼠焦虑模型中的抗焦虑作用及其潜在机制。 Anxiolytic effects of aniracetam in three different mouse models of anxiety and the underlying mechanism.
已发布 PubMed:测定 甲肟的非常精确的高效液相色谱方法 A very precise high-performance liquid chromatographic procedure for the determination of cefmenoxime, 一种新的 菌素抗生素 a new cephalosporin antibiotic, 在血浆中。 in plasma.
已发布 PubMed:第一将军 First general, direct, 和通过邻金属化的区域选择性合成取代的甲氧基苯甲酸。 and regioselective synthesis of substituted methoxybenzoic acids by ortho metalation.
已发布 PubMed:合成和反茴香脑2的鉴定 Identification of syn- and anti-anethole-2,新分离出的细菌假单胞菌恶臭假单胞菌jyr-1在反式茴香脑代谢中的3-环氧化物。 3-epoxides in the metabolism of trans-anethole by the newly isolated bacterium Pseudomonas putida JYR-1.
已发布 PubMed:阿尼西坦及其代谢产物在大鼠脑中的药代动力学。 Pharmacokinetics of aniracetam and its metabolites in rat brain.
已发布 PubMed:分子 Molecular 机制 mechanism of 肺 lung 出血 hemorrhage 感应 induction by by vrv-pl-viiia VRV-PL-VIIIa from Russell's 毒蛇 viper (毒蛇 Vipera 罗塞利 russelli) 毒液 venom.
已发布 PubMed:ii类代谢型谷氨酸受体是正戊基-gaba和1s的共同靶标 Group II metabotropic glutamate receptors are a common target of N-anisoyl-GABA and 1S,3r-acpd可增强自由移动的shrsp的前额叶皮层中的ach释放。 3R-ACPD in enhancing ACh release in the prefrontal cortex of freely moving SHRSP.
已发布 PubMed:阿尼西坦的主要代谢产物激活网状丘脑胆碱能途径。 Activation of the reticulothalamic cholinergic pathway by the major metabolites of aniracetam.
已发布 PubMed:合成 Synthesis, 3-(3-溴-4-甲氧基苯基)-4-氨基-5-巯基-1衍生的一些n-桥联杂环的表征和抗真菌活性 characterisation and antifungal activity of some N-bridged heterocycles derived from 3-(3-bromo-4-methoxyphenyl)-4-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-三唑。 4-triazole.
已发布 PubMed:法国 口中的硫嘌呤甲基转移酶活性 Thiopurine methyltransferase activity in a French population: h.p.l.c.分析条件以及药物和抑制剂的作用。 h.p.l.c. assay conditions and effects of drugs and inhibitors.
已发布 PubMed:富木质素环境中的诺卡氏菌降解甲氧基化苯甲酸 Degradation of methoxylated benzoic acids by a Nocardia from a lignin-rich environment: 对木质素降解的重要性以及氯取代基的作用。 significance to lignin degradation and effect of chloro substituents.
笔记 Notes:
调味剂。食品添加剂列在eafus食品添加剂数据库中(2001年1月) Flavouring agent. Food additive listed in the EAFUS Food Additive Database (Jan. 2001) 4-甲氧基苯甲酸 4-methoxybenzoic acid, 或茴香酸 or anisic acid, 是在茴香中天然发现的一种有机化合物,是一种羧酸。它是白结晶固体,不溶于水,溶于醇 is an organic compound which is a carboxylic acid found naturally in anise. It is a white crystalline solid which is insoluble in water and soluble in alcohols, ether, 和乙酸乙酯。茴香酸是酚酸 and ethyl acetate.; Anisic acid is a phenolic acid, 茴香籽中常见的有机分子 an organic molecule commonly found in anis-seed, 普通的食品香料。 的生物流体中偶尔会发现茴香酸。茴香酸已被表征为l-3氧化的经典非竞争性抑制剂 a common food spice. Anisic acid is occasionally found in human biofluids. Anisic acid has been characterized as a classical non-competitive inhibitor of the oxidation of L-3,4-二羟基苯丙氨酸(1-多巴) 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA), 和酪氨酸酶催化的1-酪氨酸羟基化(ec。另外 and the hydroxylation of L-tyrosine catalyzed by tyrosinase (EC Additionally, 茴香酸是阿尼西坦的代谢产物 anisic acid is a metabolite of aniracetam, 认知增强剂。 (pmid a cognition enhancer. (PMID: 14577637, 6480763, 6511847, 11597608)
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