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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for alcoholic
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主 Primary (第一 First) - alcoholic
FL arrack arrack flavor
 flavor: 醇的拉米白兰地机身 alcoholic rummy cognac fusel
FL 白兰地 brandy flavor
FL苹果 apple 白兰地 brandy flavor
FLapricot 白兰地 brandy flavor
FLblackberry 白兰地 brandy flavor
FLcherry 白兰地 brandy flavor
FL咖啡 coffee 白兰地 brandy flavor
FLgrape 白兰地 brandy flavor
FLorange 白兰地 brandy flavor
FLpeach 白兰地 brandy flavor
FL梨 pear 白兰地 brandy flavor
FLplum 白兰地 brandy flavor
FLrum 白兰地 brandy flavor
FL/FR 科涅克白兰地 cognac essence 精华
 odor: 科涅克白兰地 cognac
 flavor: 科涅克白兰地 cognac
FL 科涅克白兰地 cognac flavor
FL/FR白 white 科涅克白兰地 cognac 油 oil
 odor: 酒发酵绿葡萄 winey fermented green grape fusel
 flavor: 酒鬼 Alcoholic, 脂肪的 fatty, fusel, 威士忌酒 whiskey, 发酵的 fermented, 面包和酵母 bready and yeasty
FL/FR 科涅克白兰地 cognac 油 oil 替代者 replacer
 odor: 发酵母的 yeasty alcoholic fusel 威士忌酒 whiskey 发酵的 fermented木本 Woody
 flavor: 醇脂肪杂威士忌发酵面包酵母 alcoholic fatty fusel whiskey fermented bready yeasty
FL 调味的 flavored 伏特加 vodka
FL gin flavor
 odor: fusel, 绿 green, 溶剂性醇 solventy alcoholic, 热带水果的细微差别 with nuances of tropical fruits, 菠萝 pineapple, 苹果,苹果酒和朗姆酒 apple and cider and rum
 flavor: alcoholic 溶剂 solvent 喜欢 like, 朗姆酒的机身音符 fusel notes of rum, 蛋酒和威士忌 egg nogg and whiskey, 绿 green 果味的 fruity 细微差别 细微差别 nuances of 番石榴 guava and 苹果 apple
FL 酒 liqueur flavor
FL 乌佐 ouzo flavor
FL/FR propyl alcohol
 odor: 酒鬼 Alcoholic, 发酵的 fermented, 虚弱的机身和 喜欢 weak fusel and tequila like, 发霉和发霉 musty and yeasty, with a 略 slightly 甜 Sweet 果味的 fruity 细微差别 nuance of 苹果 apple and 梨 pear
 flavor: 酒鬼 Alcoholic, 泥土的 earthy, 发酵的 fermented, 机身状 fusel-like, 花生果味的细微差别以及苹果的水果味的细微差别 with peanut nutty nuances as well as fruity nuances of apple, 梨 pear, 泡泡糖 bubble gum
FL/FR异 isopropyl alcohol
 odor: alcohol 发霉的 musty 木本 Woody
 flavor: 干燥的醇性木质霉菌 dry alcoholic woody musty
cs CS propylene glycol dibenzoate
 odor: 鲑藻金属贝类 salmon algae metallic shellfish
 flavor: 醇类化学酚金盏花香脂粉 alcoholic chemical phenolic nasturtium balsamic powdery
FL 栎属 quercus alba chips 提取 extract
 odor: 木本 Woody, alcoholic, 棕色 brown, 烟 smoky, 威士忌酒 whiskey and 白兰地 brandy with a 辣的 spicy 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 酒鬼 Alcoholic, 木本 Woody, 橡木 oak, 烟 smoky, 威士忌酒 whiskey and rum
FL rum flavor
FL 伏特加 vodka flavor
FL 伏特加 vodka flavor 键 key
 flavor: 伏特加 vodka
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - alcoholic
FL/FR 乙醛 acetaldehyde dimethyl acetal
 odor: 尖锐 sharp 甜 Sweet alcohol ether 绿 green new 被割 mown 干草 hay
 flavor: 锋利的空灵醇果味绿女贞 sharp ethereal alcoholic fruity green privet
FL/FR fusel 油 oil
 odor: 甜 Sweet, alcoholic, 木本 Woody, with an etherial etherial 棕色 brown 果味的 fruity 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 果味的 Fruity, alcoholic, 甜 Sweet, 苹果 apple with a 棕色 brown 发酵的 fermented 细微差别 nuance
 odor: 冲击 impacting, 发霉的 musty, alcoholic, 像 fuesl like, 蔬菜的细微差别 with nuances of vegetables, 苹果酒 cider, cocoa and 起司 cheese
 flavor: 冲击 impacting, 发霉的 musty, alcoholic, 机身像 fusel like, 蔬菜的细微差别 with nuances of vegetables, 苹果酒 cider, cocoa and 起司 cheese
FL  tequila flavor
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - alcoholic
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 棕色 brown, 咖啡 coffee, 发霉的 musty, 粮食- 粮食 grain- and 类吡嗪 pyrazine-喜欢 like with 麦芽 malt and 奶油糖 butterscotch 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 棕色 brown, 油腻的 油 oily and alcoholic with 烤 toasted 粮食 grain 笔记 notes
 odor: alcoholic, fusel, 发酵的 fermented, 弄僵 chocking and 发霉的 musty with 甜 Sweet 白 white 葡萄酒 wine top 笔记 notes with 过度 over 成熟 ripe 香蕉 banana and 黄 yellow 苹果 apple 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 发霉的 musty, fusel, alcoholic, 白葡萄酒,带有成熟香蕉和苹果的水果香气 white wine like with solventy fruity notes of ripe banana and apple, 热带 tropical 细微差别 细微差别 nuances and 瓜 melon 果皮 rind
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - alcoholic
FL/FR异 isobutyl 2-butenoate
 odor: 果味的 fruity 干燥 dry 热带 tropical 拉米 rummy 成熟 ripe 绿 green 梨 pear (焦糖色 caramellic is the 长 long 干燥 干燥 drydown)
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 绿 green, 化学和醇般的甘草味 chemical and alcoholic-like with licorice, 热带 tropical and 果味的 fruity 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 odor: 泼辣 Pungent, fusel, 白兰地和葡萄酒 cognac and wine, cocoa, with 绿 green 果味的 fruity 下注 under笔记 notes
 flavor: 威士忌酒 whiskey, 绿 green, 苹果 apple,with an alcoholic 细微差别 nuance
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - alcoholic
Senary (第六 Sixth) - alcoholic
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - alcoholic
Octonary (Eighth) - alcoholic