玺留香数据库列表 Igreatlife Health Information Listings

Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for cortex
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主 Primary (第一 First) - cortex
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - cortex
FL/FR(E)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate
 odor: 尖锐 sharp 果味的 fruity 绿 green cortex 风信子 hyacinth 水仙 narcissus 拉米 rummy 生 解开 un成熟 ripe 香蕉 banana 梨 pear
 flavor: 绿的皮层,未成熟的香蕉,果味的梨,科涅克白兰地,土状叶茂盛 green cortex unripe banana fruity pear cognac earthy leafy weedy
FL/FR 苯乙基 phenethyl 甲 formate
 odor: 玫瑰绿风信子西洋菜草本 rose green hyacinth watercress herbal
 flavor: 甜绿皮层豆瓣菜未成熟的香蕉水仙酚醛 sweet green cortex watercress unripe banana narcissus phenolic
FR 苯氧乙醛 phenoxyacet醛 aldehyde 50% in benzyl alcohol
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 绿 green cortex 绿叶 叶 leafy 风信子 hyacinth 臭氧 ozone 皮革 leather
 flavor: 绿皮层叶菜瓜皮水酚醛 green cortex leafy melon rind watery phenolic
FL/FR2-phenyl propyl alcohol
 odor: 绿 green 辣的 spicy 风信子 hyacinth 香脂 balsam 紫丁香 lilac 金银花 蜜糖 honeysuckle
 flavor: 甜绿皮层,辛辣,花香,风信子,香脂酚红玫瑰 sweet green cortex spicy floral hyacinth balsamic phenolic red rose
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - cortex
FL/FR acet醛 aldehyde ethyl 苯乙基 phenethyl acetal
 odor: 绿叶金莲花新鲜花卉风信子 leafy green nasturtium fresh floral hyacinth
 flavor: 绿金莲花皮层花香果味 green nasturtium cortex floral fruity
FL 绿 green flavor
 odor: 绿皮质女贞叶茂盛花香花瓣油性土质 green cortex privet leafy floral petal oily earthy
 flavor: 果味绿皮层女贞叶状水仙油腻酚醛 fruity green cortex privet leafy narcissus greasy phenolic
FL/FR phenyl acet醛 aldehyde 二异丁基 diisobutyl acetal
 odor: 甜绿花卉杏仁玫瑰皮质 sweet green floral almond rose cortex
 flavor: 甜绿可可皮质热带水仙杏仁蜂蜜酚类 sweet green cocoa cortex tropical narcissus almond honey phenolic
FL/FR phenyl acet醛 aldehyde dimethyl acetal
 odor: 绿叶花卉玫瑰色土蘑菇 green foliage floral rosy earthy mushroom
 flavor: 干燥的绿皮层花的金莲花热带树脂质杂草油性 dry green cortex floral nasturtium tropical resinous weedy oily
FR 玫瑰 rose 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute pentanol
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 花的 floral 玫瑰 rose 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute geranium 绿 green 穆格 muguet 百合 lily 蜜糖 honey 热带 tropical
 flavor: 花香绿皮质玫瑰辛辣蜡质水润油性 floral green cortex rose spicy waxy watery oily
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - cortex
FL/FR acet醛 aldehyde dipropyl acetal
 odor: 新鲜的绿菊花叶草本 fresh green chrysanthemum leafy herbal
 flavor: 绿叶蔬菜皮层芦笋萝卜 green leafy vegetable cortex asparagus radish
FL/FR 芹菜 apium graveolens 种子油 seed oil
 odor: 新鲜的草药绿酚醛木香芳香辛辣香醋 fresh herbal green phenolic woody aromatic spicy balsamic
 flavor: 草本绿芳香皮层香脂酚辛辣金莲花 herbal green aromatic cortex balsamic phenolic spicy nasturtium
FL/FR 孜然 cumin acet醛 aldehyde
 odor: 泥土的 earthy 蕨类 fern 醛 aldehydic 孜然 cumin 绿 green cortex
 flavor: 绿叶女贞皮层醛小茴香土状杂草 green foliage privet cortex aldehydic cumin earthy weedy
FL/FR ethyl 2-ethyl acetoacetate
 odor: 果味的 fruity 酒红 winey 绿 green 草药 herbal 泥土的 earthy 根啤酒 rootbeer 空灵的 ethereal
 flavor: 果味的空灵绿皮层热带酒木瓜洋蓟 fruity ethereal green cortex tropical winey papaya artichoke
FL/FR heptanal (醛 aldehyde C-7)
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 醛 aldehydic 脂肪的 fatty 绿 green 草药 herbal 酒李 wine-lee 臭氧 ozone
 flavor: 绿乙醛油性皮质草三叶草香菜 green aldehydic oily cortex grassy clover cilantro
FL/FRpara-methyl benzyl acetate
 odor: 甜 sweet 花的 floral 果味的 fruity 绿 green 女贞 privet 风信子 hyacinth 山楂 hawthorn 香菜 cilantro 草药 herbal
 flavor: 甜果味花香绿皮层辣山楂草药香菜 sweet fruity floral green cortex spicy hawthorn herbal cilantro
FL/FR(z Z)-3-octen-1-yl propionate
 odor: 梨水果甜瓜绿皮层甜瓜外皮蜜瓜哈密瓜朝鲜蓟 pear fruity melon green cortex melon rind honeydew cantaloupe artichoke
 flavor: 果味梨绿皮层瓜皮热带葡萄酒 fruity pear green cortex melon rind tropical grape winey
FL/FR 苯乙基 phenethyl tiglate
 odor: 绿甜玫瑰天然油性叶草药 green sweet rose natural oily leaf herbal
 flavor: 甜绿叶皮质玫瑰天竺葵 sweet green leafy cortex rose geranium
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - cortex
FL/FR 戊基 amyl 甲 formate
 odor: 强大 powerful 空灵的 ethereal 果味的 fruity 解开 unrip 香蕉 banana 绿 green 泥土的 earthy
 flavor: 甜果味新鲜干邑白兰地酒 sweet fruity fresh cognac banana peel vinous
FL/FR benzyl methyl ether
 odor: 果味的空灵依兰绿花卉风信子 fruity ethereal ylang green floral hyacinth
 flavor: 果味的空灵绿的风信子皮层酚醛叶 fruity ethereal green hyacinth cortex phenolic foliage
FL/FR(E)-2-hexen-1-yl butyrate
 odor: 绿果味杏成熟的香蕉皮兰花发酵 green fruity apricot ripe banana cortex orchid fermented
 flavor: 绿油腻水果热带皮质成熟草地 green oily fruity tropical cortex ripe grassy
FL/FR 薄荷 pennyroyal 油 oil
 odor: 薄荷薄荷薄荷薄荷迷迭香草本木本酚醛 peppermint mentholic minty rosemary herbal woody phenolic
 flavor: 薄荷薄荷凉爽薄荷迷迭香酚醛 minty cooling mentholic herbal cortex rosemary phenolic
Senary (第六 Sixth) - cortex
FL 芹菜 celery 种子 seed oleoresin
 odor: 芹菜绿草药皮质辣酚醛香脂东方 celery green herbal cortex spicy phenolic balsamic oriental
 flavor: 绿香脂草本辣酚醛树脂树脂 green balsamic herbal spicy phenolic cortex resinous
FL/FR 联苯 diphenyl oxide
 odor: 天竺葵叶绿酚醛 geranium leaf green phenolic
 flavor: 绿酚醛花卉玫瑰天竺葵皮层金属药用 green phenolic floral rose geranium cortex metallic medicinal
FL/FR2,4-ivy 甲醛 carb醛 aldehyde
 odor: 绿醛叶皮质art花香 green aldehydic leafy cortex tart floral peely
 flavor: 绿多叶醛新鲜金莲花皮草 green leafy aldehydic fresh nasturtium cortex grassy
FL2,3-octane dione
 odor: 莳萝芦笋香菜草药醛土质脂肪皮层 dill asparagus cilantro herbal aldehydic earthy fatty cortex
 flavor: 绿辣香菜脂肪多叶皮质草药 green spicy cilantro fatty leafy cortex herbal
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - cortex
FL/FR 仙客来 cyclamen 醛 aldehyde
 odor: 花卉仙客来新鲜大黄发霉绿 floral cyclamen fresh rhubarb musty green
 flavor: 绿热带大黄含水油性仙客来皮质酚醛 green tropical rhubarb watery oily cyclamen cortex phenolic
FL/FR nonanal dimethyl acetal
 odor: 新鲜花卉塑料柑橘绿 fresh floral plastic citrus green
 flavor: 绿塑料蜡状香菜金莲花番茄叶皮层 green plastic waxy cilantro nasturtium tomato leaf cortex
Octonary (Eighth) - cortex
FL/FR methyl (E)-3-hexenoate
 odor: 甜 sweet 绿 green 蜜糖 honey 果味的 fruity 风信子 hyacinth cortex 番木瓜 papaya 番石榴 guava 菠萝 pineapple 热带 tropical
 flavor: 绿水果热带番石榴菠萝菠萝木瓜蜂蜜皮层 green fruity tropical guava pineapple papaya honey cortex