玺留香数据库列表 Igreatlife Health Information Listings

Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for nasturtium
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主 Primary (第一 First) - nasturtium
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - nasturtium
FL/FR 乙醛 acetaldehyde ethyl 苯乙基 phenethyl acetal
 odor: 绿叶金莲花新鲜花卉风信子 leafy green nasturtium fresh floral hyacinth
 flavor: 绿金莲花皮层花香果味 green nasturtium cortex floral fruity
FL/FRcis-加仑 galbanum oxathiane
 odor: 含硫的 sulfurous 绿 green 加仑 galbanum 果味的 fruity 热带 tropical 菠萝 pine苹果 apple
 flavor: 绿旱金菊花菊土生菜热带卷心菜 green nasturtium chrysanthemum galbanum earthy lettuce tropical cabbage
FL/FR hexyl tiglate
 odor: 新鲜绿天然油性草药果味 fresh green natural oily herbal fruity
 flavor: 绿金莲花油性奶油中草药塑料 green nasturtium oily creamy herbal plastic
FR 私 色调 女贞 privetone
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 绿 green 女贞 privet stem
 flavor: 绿金莲花芥末瓜皮豆瓣松露芦笋 green nasturtium wasabi melon rind watercress truffle asparagus
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - nasturtium
FL/FR(z Z)-beta-ocimene
 odor: 暖 warm 花的 floral herb 草本植物 花 flower 甜 sweet
 flavor: 绿热带金莲花金属辣花卉木质 green tropical nasturtium metallic spicy floral woody
FL/FR octanal dimethyl acetal
 odor: 柑橘花香绿叶玫瑰紫罗兰 citrus floral green leafy rose violet
 flavor: 绿香菜金柑桔皮女贞 green cilantro nasturtium citrus peel privet
FL/FR(z Z)-2-penten-1-ol
 odor: 绿酚醛旱金莲药用醛樱桃水仙金属果味 green phenolic nasturtium ethereal medicinal aldehydic cherry narcissus metallic fruity
 flavor: 空灵的绿金枪鱼辣芥末辣根 ethereal green nasturtium spicy mustard horseradish
FL/FR2-pentyl butyrate
 odor: 果味甜香蕉杏草本腰果 fruity sweet banana apricot herbal cashew
 flavor: 甜美的水果香蕉绿豆金莲花金属 sweet fruity banana green bean nasturtium metallic
FR 玫瑰花红素 rosacyanthin
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 绿 green 叶 leaf 皮层 cortex 风信子 hyacinth 菊花 chrysanthemum 蜡状的 waxy 茉莉 jasmin 油腻的 油 oily
 flavor: 绿花卉金莲花菊花豆瓣芥末芥末辣塑料 green floral nasturtium chrysanthemum watercress wasabi spicy plastic
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - nasturtium
FL/FR Adoxal adoxal (奇华顿 Givaudan)
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 醛 aldehydic 花的 floral 蜡状的 waxy 水汪汪的 watery
 flavor: 蜡质醛花旱金莲肥皂水状金属 waxy aldehydic floral nasturtium soapy watery metallic
FL/FR butyl 2-decenoate
 odor: 脂肪的 fatty 油腻的 油 oily 绿 green 乳业 dairy nasturtium 清洁 clean 柑橘类 citrus
 flavor: 果味绿脂肪金莲花油香菜香皂朝鲜蓟 fruity green fatty nasturtium oily cilantro soapy artichoke
cs CS glyceryl 三苯甲酸酯 tribenzoate
 odor: 塑料 plastic 二苯甲酮 benzophenone 香醋 香脂 balsamic 清洁 clean 绿 green
 flavor: 塑料酚醛黑金莲花绿 plastic phenolic balsamic nasturtium green
FL/FR 绿 green ether
 odor: 新鲜的绿金属春天风信子凉爽绿叶 fresh green metallic spring hyacinth cool leafy
 flavor: 绿叶金属金莲花朝鲜蓟热带水果菠萝 green leafy metallic nasturtium artichoke tropical fruity pineapple
FL/FR hexyl 甲 formate
 odor: 苹果 apple 生 unripe 李子 plum 香蕉 banana 甜 sweet
 flavor: 空灵的绿未成熟的香蕉金莲花李子皮 ethereal green unripe banana nasturtium plum skin
 odor: 新鲜香辣绿木质草本土质 fresh spicy green woody herbal earthy
 flavor: 草本辣绿金莲花土状未成熟的香蕉蘑菇 herbal spicy green nasturtium earthy unripe banana mushroom
FL/FR(z Z,E)-phytol
 odor: 温和的淡花香脂绿茉莉 mild light floral balsam green jasmin
 flavor: 温和的香脂绿金属金莲花蔬菜蜡状 mild balsamic green metallic nasturtium vegetable waxy
cs CS propylene glycol dibenzoate
 odor: 鲑藻金属贝类 salmon algae metallic shellfish
 flavor: 醇类化学酚金盏花香脂粉 alcoholic chemical phenolic nasturtium balsamic powdery
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - nasturtium
FL/FR 菊花 chrysanthemum oxide
 odor: 绿花卉菊花茉莉金属玫瑰 green floral chrysanthemum jasmin metallic rose
 flavor: 绿菊花草本花卉金莲花泥土金属香菜 green chrysanthemum herbal floral nasturtium earthy metallic cilantro
FL/FR furfuryl acetate
 odor: 甜果味香蕉辣根 sweet fruity banana horseradish
 flavor: 酯醚绿香蕉皮金莲花 estery ethereal green banana peel nasturtium
FL/FR2,4-ivy 甲醛 carbaldehyde
 odor: 绿醛叶皮质art花香 green aldehydic leafy cortex tart floral peely
 flavor: 绿多叶醛新鲜金莲花皮草 green leafy aldehydic fresh nasturtium cortex grassy
FL/FR nonanal dimethyl acetal
 odor: 新鲜花卉塑料柑橘绿 fresh floral plastic citrus green
 flavor: 绿塑料蜡状香菜金莲花番茄叶皮层 green plastic waxy cilantro nasturtium tomato leaf cortex
FL/FR phenyl 乙醛 acetaldehyde dimethyl acetal
 odor: 绿叶花卉玫瑰色土蘑菇 green foliage floral rosy earthy mushroom
 flavor: 干燥的绿皮层花的金莲花热带树脂质杂草油性 dry green cortex floral nasturtium tropical resinous weedy oily
Senary (第六 Sixth) - nasturtium
FL/FR异 isoamyl salicylate
 odor: 花香草本木本兰花金属 floral herbal woody orchid metallic
 flavor: 草本绿花卉海藻油性金莲花蜡状肥皂 herbal green floral seaweed oily nasturtium waxy soapy
FL benzyl isothiocyanate
 odor: 轻度 mild 西洋菜 watercress 尘土飞扬 dusty 药用的 medicinal 辣根 horseradish 油腻的 油 oily
 flavor: 辣绿塑料辣根豆瓣菜金枪鱼刺山柑 spicy green plastic horseradish watercress nasturtium capers
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - nasturtium
Octonary (Eighth) - nasturtium
FL/FR 芹菜 apium graveolens 种子油 seed oil
 odor: 新鲜的草药绿酚醛木香芳香辛辣香醋 fresh herbal green phenolic woody aromatic spicy balsamic
 flavor: 草本绿芳香皮层香脂酚辛辣金莲花 herbal green aromatic cortex balsamic phenolic spicy nasturtium