Typical G.C. analysis

樟子松叶油 pinus sylvestris leaf oil
也 Also in 1995, Stepen 比较 compared the 组成 composition of Pinus syIvestrisoil produced in Siberia from 针头 needles 收获的 harvested in July September. 他 He 发现 found that theoil varied as follows:
160.2-1.2beta- 比沙泊烯 bisabolene
250.4-0.7  borneol
241.8-2.2异 iso borneol
261.1-3.2  bornyl acetate
45.3-7.0  樟脑 camphene
212.1-2.9  樟脑 camphene
73.4-11.6delta-3- carene carene
130.4-0.9beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
200.1-0.2alpha- 苯酚 fenchol
181.6-1.9  Fenchone fenchone
190.5异 iso Fenchone fenchone
150.1-0.4alpha- humulene
86.1-8.7  柠檬烯 limonene
120.3-0.9  longifolene
170.3-1.4alpha- 茂烯 muurolene
140.1-0.7epsilon- 茂烯 muurolene
64.6-5.9  myrcene
93.5-4.3beta- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
329.2-36.6alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
52.2-4.2beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
11.8-3.4  桑坦 santene
231.2-1.6  terpinen-4-ol
100.9-1.2gamma- terpinene
222.0-2.4alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
110.1-0.2  terpinolene
270.3-0.5alpha- 乙酸叔戊酯 terpinyl acetate
21.6-3.1  tricyclene

R. A. Stepen, The 组成 composition of 精油 essential oil 易挥发的 volatile 萜类化合物 terpenoids of Pinus sylvestris L. 芽 shoots in 中间 middle 西伯利亚 siberia. rast r Rast. r Resur., 31, 63-70 (1995).

p&amp P&F 26, 3 No. 3, 66, (2001)