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Odor 描述符 Descriptors for passion fruit
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主 Primary (第一 First) - passion fruit
FL/FR(z Z)-buchu 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 自然百香果 natural passion fruit
FL/FR 西番莲 passiflora edulis fruit 提取 extract
 odor: 甜蜜的热带水果成熟多汁 sweet tropical fruity ripe juicy
 flavor: passion fruit
FL/FR 西番莲 passiflora edulis fruit 水 water
 odor: 甜蜜的热带水果成熟多汁 sweet tropical fruity ripe juicy
 flavor: passion fruit
CS 西番莲 passiflora 月桂花 lauriflora fruit 提取 extract
 odor: 成熟的西番莲果香 ripe passion fruit fruity
FL/FR passion fruit essence 精华
 odor: passion fruit
 flavor: passion fruit
FR passion fruit fragrance
FR passion fruit 香基/香型 specialty
 odor: passion fruit 果味的 fruity 热带 tropical fruit 花的 floral 热带 tropical 合奏 tutti frutti frutti 桑 mulberry berry 粉状的 powdery
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - passion fruit
FL3-mercaptohexyl butyrate
 odor: 含硫的 sulfurous passion fruit 果味的 fruity 热带 tropical 太熟 over成熟 ripe fruit
 flavor: 热带水果烤香 tropical fruity roasted savory
(R)-mercapto-3-methyl hexan-1-ol
 odor: 葡萄柚 grapefruit passion fruit 黑醋栗 黑 black黑醋栗 currant 洋葱 onion
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - passion fruit
FL/FR ethyl (E)-3-hexenoate
 odor: 甜 sweet 绿 green 果味的 fruity passion fruit 番石榴 guava 菠萝 pine苹果 apple 番木瓜 papaya 杂草 weedy 蜜糖 honey
 flavor: 甜果味绿百香果菠萝拉米蜂蜜木瓜杂草 sweet fruity green passion fruit pineapple rummy honey papaya weedy
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - passion fruit
FL3-mercaptohexyl hexanoate
 odor: 果味含硫热带百香果 fruity sulfurous tropical passion fruit
 flavor: 热带水果热带水果 tropical fruity tropical fruit
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfurous, 原来 initially 果味的 fruity 然后 then 变得 becoming savory and 鸡 chicken 多肉的 meaty with a 轻微 slight 烤 roasted 咖啡 coffee 细微差别 nuance and a 暗示 hint of 果味 fruitiness on 干燥 dry out
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfurous, 番石榴热带果味 guava tropical fruity, with a 暗示 hint of 肉汤 brothy savory and 蛋 egg
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - passion fruit
FL/FR3-mercaptohexyl acetate
 odor: 花的 floral 果味的 fruity 梨 pear 热带 tropical passion fruit 黑莓 黑 blackberry 覆盆子 raspberry 黑 black 黑醋栗 currant 芽 bud
 flavor: 含硫的热带水果百香果黑醋栗芽烤洋葱榴莲 sulfurous tropical fruit passion fruit black currant bud roasted meaty onion durian
FLS-prenyl 硫代异丁酸酯 thioisobutyrate
 odor: 含硫水果热带榴莲百香果 sulfurous fruity tropical durian passion fruit
FLS-prenyl 硫代异戊酸酯 thioisovalerate
 odor: 含硫水果热带榴莲百香果 sulfurous fruity tropical durian passion fruit
FR 热带 tropical 香基/香型 specialty
 odor: 强大 strong 绿 green 果味的 fruity 热带 tropical 柑橘类 citrus 柑橘 tangerine 百香果 passionfruit
Senary (第六 Sixth) - passion fruit
FL/FR(z Z)-3-hepten-1-yl acetate
 odor: 绿热带香蕉蔬菜脂肪百香果 green tropical banana vegetable fatty passion fruit
FL/FR 热带 tropical 二元 dienoate
 odor: 甜空灵多汁菠萝梨芒果百香果 sweet ethereal juicy pineapple pear mango passion fruit
 flavor: 成熟多汁的新鲜菠萝 ripe juicy fresh pineapple
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - passion fruit
 odor: 强大 powerful 柑橘类 citrus 草药 herbal 绿 green tea tea 柑橘 tangerine 葡萄柚 grapefruit 芒果 mango passion fruit
FL/FR ethyl (z Z)-4-heptenoate
 odor: 绿 green 绿 green 苹果 apple 果味的 fruity 热带 tropical grape skin 皮 番木瓜 papaya passion fruit 菠萝 pine苹果 apple
 flavor: 水果百香果绿热带苹果芒果蔬菜 fruity passion fruit green tropical apple mango vegetable
FL/FRO-methyl S-1-methoxyhexan-3-yl 硫代碳酸盐 carbonothioate
 odor: 硫蘑菇洋葱绿脂肪水果芒果百香果黑醋栗 sulfurous mushroom onion green fatty fruity mango passion fruit blackcurrant
 flavor: 新鲜黑烤 fresh dark roasted
Octonary (Eighth) - passion fruit
FR 芙蓉 hibiscus fragrance