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Odor 描述符 Descriptors for violet leaf
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主 Primary (第一 First) - violet leaf
 碳酸乙基庚酯 ethyl heptine carbonate
 odor: 紫罗兰叶油性蜡状 violet leaf oily waxy
FL/FR 堇菜、紫花地丁 viola odorata leaf 提取 extract
 odor: violet leaf
 flavor: violet leaf
FL/FR violet leaf 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 绿油性土状绿叶花卉 green oily earthy leafy floral
 flavor: 绿 Green, 瓜 melon, 花的 floral, 新鲜 fresh, 蜡状的 waxy, 草木 grassy and 绿叶 leafy
FL/FR violet leaf 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute 埃及 egypt
 odor: 油性绿黄瓜叶茂盛新鲜甜花香 oily green cucumber leafy fresh sweet floral
 flavor: 绿叶 green leafy
FR violet leaf 浸膏 concrete
 odor: 绿 Green
FR violet leaf fragrance
FL/FR violet leaf 油 oil (堇菜、紫花地丁 viola odorata)
 odor: violet leaf
 flavor: violet leaf
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - violet leaf
FL2-ethyl 辛酸 octine 碳酸盐 carbonate
 odor: violet 树叶 leaves 绿 Green 黄瓜 cucumber 花的 floral
 flavor: 黄瓜绿 cucumber green
 odor: 绿 Green 黄瓜 cucumber 油腻的 油 oily violet 绿叶 leafy
 flavor: 绿 Green 苹果 apple and 瓜 melon with a 脂肪的 fatty 口 mouth 感觉 feel and a 坚果 坚果 nutty 细微差别 nuance
FR violet 二烯 dienyne
 odor: 绿紫罗兰叶花紫罗兰油腻热带水果鸡妙招 green violet leaf floral violet greasy tropical fruity chicken coup
FR violet 腈 nitrile
 odor: 绿 Green violet 花的 floral 核桃 wal坚果 nut
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - violet leaf
FL/FR methyl 辛酸 octine 碳酸盐 carbonate
 odor: 花卉绿紫罗兰叶瓜黄瓜 floral green violet leaf melon cucumber
 flavor: 绿甜瓜黄瓜紫热带果味 green melon cucumber violet tropical fruity
 odor: 黄瓜紫叶绿 cucumber violet leaf green
 odor: 绿脂肪干黄瓜紫罗兰叶 green fatty dry cucumber violet leaf
 flavor: 绿 Green, 黄瓜 cucumber, 瓜 melon, 脂肪的 fatty and 琳迪 rindy with a 暗示 hint of 肉 meat 脂肪 fat
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - violet leaf
FL tetrahydrofurfuryl propionate
 odor: 油腻的 油 oily 涂料 paint 果味的 fruity violet leaf 热带 tropical
 flavor: 油腻的 Oily, 发霉的 musty, 热带 tropical, 以太 etherial, 拉米 rummy, with a 果味的 fruity 细微差别 nuance
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - violet leaf
FL/FR dibutyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 绿 Green 草木 grassy violet-leaf 草药 herbal 玫瑰 rose geranium
 flavor: 绿 Green, 植物 vegetative, 洋葱大蒜 onion garlic, 辣根 horseradish, savory
FL(E,e)-2 E)-2,4-nonadienal
 odor: 脂肪的 fatty 瓜 melon 蜡状的 waxy 绿 Green violet leaf 黄瓜 cucumber 热带 tropical 果 fruit 鸡 chicken 脂肪 fat
 flavor: 脂肪蜡质鸡肉脂肪柑橘皮油腻马铃薯片坚果肉黄瓜 fatty waxy chicken fat citrus rind greasy potato chip nut flesh cucumber
FL/FR(E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal diethyl acetal
 odor: 绿黄瓜新鲜油性漆 green cucumber fresh oily painty
 flavor: 绿油黄瓜肥瓜猪油 green oily cucumber fatty melon seedy lard
Senary (第六 Sixth) - violet leaf
FL/FR(z Z)-3-hexen-1-yl lactate
 odor: 绿叶甜瓜糯紫罗兰叶热带果味 green leafy sweet melon waxy violet leaf tropical fruity
 flavor: 绿 Green 绿叶 leafy 蜡状的 waxy with 果味的 fruity 热带 tropical 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - violet leaf
FL/FR 咖喱 curry leaf 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 绿叶 leafy 绿 Green 胡椒 pepper 海藻 algae 辣的 spicy 朝鲜蓟 artichoke 鳄梨 avocado violet leaf
 flavor: 新鲜绿叶藻类茶热带干果辛辣木兰 fresh green leafy algae tea tropical dried fruit spicy magnolia
FL/FR m碳酸乙基庚酯 ethyl heptine carbonate
 odor: 绿叶蜡状紫黄瓜 green leafy waxy violet cucumber
 flavor: 绿 Green, 植物 vegetative, 脂肪的 fatty, 果味的 fruity, 琳迪 rindy, 瓜 melon and 黄瓜 cucumber with 蘑菇 mushroom and 乳业 dairy 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR(z Z)-5-octen-1-ol
 odor: 绿甜瓜西瓜泥土蘑菇紫罗兰叶腥 green melon watery watermelon earthy mushroom violet leaf fishy soapy
 flavor: 绿甜瓜蜡质脂肪蘑菇蔬菜芦笋紫罗兰色叶 green melon waxy fatty mushroom vegetable asparagus violet leaf
Octonary (Eighth) - violet leaf
FR 草莓 fragaria 韦斯卡 vesca leaf 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 绿 Green 绿 Green tea tea 杂草 weedy 泥土的 earthy 佛手柑 bergamot 棕色 brown 糖 sugar 洋甘菊 chamomile violet leaf
FL/FR(z Z)-3-hexen-1-yl isobutyrate
 odor: 果味绿梨苹果热带芒果番茄叶紫罗兰色叶 fruity green pear apple tropical mango tomato leaf violet leaf
 flavor: 甜果味辣苹果梨绿芦笋绿豆番石榴 sweet fruity spicy apple pear green asparagus green bean guava