玺留香数据库列表 Igreatlife Health Information Listings

EINECS Number Listng : 开始 Star锡 ting with 231-765-0 to 237-284-2
231-765-0 过氧化氢 hydrogen peroxide CAS: 7722-84-1

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
231-767-1 焦磷酸sodium pyrophosphate CAS: 7722-88-5

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 缓冲剂 buffering agents, 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 螯合剂 chelating agents
231-773-4 胆固醇基 cholesteryl valerate CAS: 7726-03-6

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
231-781-8 过硫酸potassium persulfate CAS: 7727-21-1

Use(s): 涂料 coatings, 电影及相关物质 films and related substances
231-783-9 氮 nitrogen CAS: 7727-37-9

Use(s): 推进剂 propellants, 充气剂 aerating agents, 和煤气 and gas
231-784-4 硫酸钡 barium sulfate CAS: 7727-43-7

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
231-786-5 过硫酸铵 ammonium persulfate CAS: 7727-54-0

Use(s): 食品淀粉改性 food starch-modified
methyl cyclohexanol CAS: 7731-28-4

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
methyl cyclohexanol CAS: 7731-29-5

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
231-791-2 水 water CAS: 7732-18-5

Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-793-3 无水硫酸锌 zinc sulfate anhydrous CAS: 7733-02-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
231-810-4 乙基二环恶唑烷 ethylbicyclooxazolidine CAS: 7747-35-5

Use(s): 防腐剂 anticorrosive agents
piperazine 甲醛 carboxaldehyde CAS: 7755-92-2

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
231-816-7 邻氨基苯甲酸丁酯 butyl anthranilate CAS: 7756-96-9
FEMA: 2181
JECFA: 1536
FLAVIS: 09.717

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-818-8 硝酸potassium nitrate CAS: 7757-79-1

Use(s): 颜色固定剂和防腐剂 color fixatives and preservative agents
231-819-3 山梨酸sodium sorbate CAS: 7757-81-5

Use(s): 防腐剂 anticorrosive agents
231-820-9 硫酸sodium sulfate CAS: 7757-82-6

Use(s): 填充剂 bulking agents, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
231-821-4 亚硫酸sodium sulfite CAS: 7757-83-7

Use(s): 抗褐变剂 antibrowning agents, 抗氧化剂 antioxidants, 防腐剂 anticorrosive agents
231-823-5 磷酸氢magnesium hydrogen phosphate CAS: 7757-86-0

Use(s): 营养辅助 nutrient adjuncts, 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements, 营养剂 nutrient agents, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
231-824-0 磷酸三镁 trimagnesium phosphate CAS: 7757-87-1

Use(s): 防结块剂 anticaking agents, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
231-826-1 磷酸二钙二水合物 dicalcium phosphate dihydrate CAS: 7789-77-7

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
231-826-1 磷酸氢钙 calcium phosphate dibasic CAS: 7757-93-9

Use(s): 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
octenyl succinic anhydride CAS: 7757-96-2

Use(s): 食品淀粉改性 food starch-modified
231-829-8 溴酸potassium bromate CAS: 7758-01-2

Use(s): 大麦麦芽 malting of barley
231-830-3 溴化potassium bromide CAS: 7758-02-3

Use(s): 抗氧化剂和稳定剂 antioxidants and stabilizers
231-831-9 钾盐 potassium 碘酸盐 iodate CAS: 7758-05-6

Use(s): 面团增强剂 dough strengtheners
231-832-4 钾盐 potassium 亚nitrite CAS: 7758-09-0

Use(s): 颜色固定剂和防腐剂 color fixatives and preservative agents
231-834-5 磷酸氢二钾 dipotassium phosphate CAS: 7758-11-4

Use(s): 缓冲剂 buffering agents, 螯合剂 chelating agents, 酵母食品 yeast food, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
231-835-0 焦磷酸二钠 disodium pyrophosphate CAS: 7758-16-9

Use(s): 养育剂 raising agents, 缓冲剂 buffering agents, 螯合剂 chelating agents, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
231-836-6 亚氯酸sodium chlorite CAS: 7758-19-2

Use(s): 抗菌剂 antimicrobial agents
231-837-1 一元磷酸钙 calcium phosphate monobasic CAS: 7758-23-8

Use(s): 缓冲 buffering, 紧肤 firming, 螯合剂 chelating agents, 发酵 leavening, 面团调理剂 dough conditioners, 变形剂 texturizers, 酵母食品 yeast food, 养分 nutrient, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
231-838-7 三聚磷酸sodium tripolyphosphate CAS: 7758-29-4

Use(s): 螯合剂 chelating agents, 变形剂 texturizers, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
231-838-7 戊酸五钠 pentasodium pentetate CAS: 140-01-2

Use(s): 螯合剂 chelating agents
231-840-8 磷酸钙碱性 calcium phosphate basic CAS: 7758-87-4
FEMA: 3081

Use(s): 面粉熟化和漂白 flour maturing and bleaching, 面团调理 dough conditionings, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
231-840-8 骨磷酸盐 bone phosphate CAS: 7758-87-4
FEMA: 3081

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 保湿剂 moisture retaining agents, 螯合剂 chelating agents
231-841-3 cerium tri氟化物 fluoride CAS: 7758-88-5

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
231-847-6 硫酸铜 copper sulfate CAS: 7758-98-7

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements
231-851-8 菱镁矿 magnesite CAS: 7760-50-1

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
231-853-9 硝酸银 silver nitrate CAS: 7761-88-8

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
dihydrocarvone CAS: 7764-50-3
FEMA: 3565
JECFA: 377
FLAVIS: 07.128

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hydroxyphenethyl alcohol CAS: 7768-28-7

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
231-867-5 硫代硫酸sodium thiosulfate CAS: 7772-98-7

Use(s): 抗褐变剂 antibrowning agents, 抗氧化剂 antioxidants, 防腐剂 anticorrosive agents
231-868-0 氯化亚锡 stannous chloride CAS: 7772-99-8

Use(s): 抗氧化剂和防腐剂 antioxidants and preservatives
231-869-6 氯化锰 manganese chloride CAS: 7773-01-5

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements
231-870-1 钾盐 potassium 亚硫酸氢盐 bi亚sulfite CAS: 7773-03-7

Use(s): 防腐剂 anticorrosive agents, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
231-871-7 铵盐 ammonium sulfamidate CAS: 7773-06-0

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
231-872-2 stilbestrol dimethyl ether CAS: 7773-34-4

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
231-874-3 异戊酸环己酯 cyclohexyl isovalerate CAS: 7774-44-9
FEMA: 2355
JECFA: 1096
FLAVIS: 09.464

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
dibutyl dihydro呋喃 furan-2(3H)-one -one CAS: 7774-47-2
FEMA: 2372
JECFA: 227
FLAVIS: 10.018

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
dimethyl benzyl isobutyrate CAS: 7774-60-9
FEMA: 2388
JECFA: 1657
FLAVIS: 09.509

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-878-5 异丁酸叔丁酯 terpinyl isobutyrate CAS: 7774-65-4
FEMA: 3050
JECFA: 371
FLAVIS: 09.425

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
thienyl 硫醇 mercaptan CAS: 7774-73-4
FLAVIS: 15.082

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
噻吩 thiophene 硫醇 thiol CAS: 7774-74-5
FEMA: 3062
JECFA: 1052
FLAVIS: 15.001

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
tridecenal CAS: 7774-82-5
FEMA: 3082
JECFA: 1359
FLAVIS: 05.078

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
甲酸丁香酯 eugenyl formate CAS: 7774-96-1
FEMA: 2474
JECFA: 1261
FLAVIS: 09.089

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-885-3 枯基乙醛 cuminyl acetaldehyde CAS: 7775-00-0
FEMA: 2957
JECFA: 680
FLAVIS: 05.094

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-887-4 氯酸sodium chlorate CAS: 7775-09-9

Use(s): 氧化剂 oxidising agents
231-889-5 sodium 铬酸盐 chromate CAS: 7775-11-3

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
231-890-0 亚硫酸氢sodium hydrosulfite CAS: 7775-14-6

Use(s): 纸和纸板的食品接触面 food-contact surface of paper and paperboard
231-892-1 过硫酸sodium persulfate CAS: 7775-27-1

Use(s): 氧化剂 oxidising agents
231-893-7 甲酰styralyl formate CAS: 7775-38-4
FEMA: 2688
JECFA: 800
FLAVIS: 09.179

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-894-2 异丁酸苯乙烯基酯 styralyl isobutyrate CAS: 7775-39-5
FEMA: 2687
JECFA: 804
FLAVIS: 09.486

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-895-8 银 silver(I) 氟化物 fluoride CAS: 7775-41-9

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 纸和纸板组件 paper and paperboard components
231-896-3 柠檬酸三硬脂基酯 tristearyl citrate CAS: 7775-50-0

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
231-897-9 钙 calcium 肌醇六磷酸 phytate CAS: 7776-28-5

Use(s): 增味剂 flavor enhancers
231-900-3 硫酸钙 calcium sulfate CAS: 7778-18-9

Use(s): 酵母食品 yeast food, 面团调理剂 dough conditioners, 紧肤剂 firming agents, 螯合剂 chelating agents, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
231-906-6 钾盐 potassium 重铬酸盐 di铬酸盐 chromate CAS: 7778-50-9

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
231-907-1 钾盐 potassium phosphate 三元的 tri基本的 basic CAS: 7778-53-2

Use(s): 缓冲剂 buffering agents, 乳液稳定剂 emulsion stabilizers, 螯合剂 chelating agents, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
231-908-7 次氯酸钙 calcium hypochlorite CAS: 7778-54-3

Use(s): 抗菌剂 antimicrobial agents
231-913-4 磷酸二氢potassium phosphate monobasic CAS: 7778-77-0

Use(s): 缓冲剂 buffering agents, 中和剂 neutralizing agents, 固色剂 color fixatives, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
231-915-5 硫酸potassium sulfate CAS: 7778-80-5

Use(s): 盐替代品 salt substitute, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators, 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
231-916-0 肉桂酸丙酯 propyl cinnamate CAS: 7778-83-8
FEMA: 2938
JECFA: 660
FLAVIS: 09.731

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-917-6 庚酸丙酯 propyl heptanoate CAS: 7778-87-2
FEMA: 2948
JECFA: 168
FLAVIS: 09.095

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-919-7 异戊酸罗丹酯 rhodinyl isovalerate CAS: 7778-96-3
FEMA: 2987
FLAVIS: 09.465

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-920-2 邻氨基苯甲酸环己酯 cyclohexyl anthranilate CAS: 7779-16-0
FEMA: 2350
JECFA: 1541
FLAVIS: 09.722

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-921-8 肉桂酸环己基酯 cyclohexyl cinnamate CAS: 7779-17-1
FEMA: 2352
JECFA: 667
FLAVIS: 09.744

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-922-3 己酸芳基酯 linalyl hexanoate CAS: 7779-23-9
FEMA: 2643
JECFA: 364
FLAVIS: 09.068

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-923-9 柠檬酸magnesium citrate CAS: 7779-25-1

Use(s): 皮肤和头发调理的化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin and hair conditioning
triethyl hexahydro-1,3,5-三嗪 5-triazine CAS: 7779-27-3

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 纸和纸板组件 paper and paperboard components
methyl ionone CAS: 7779-30-8
FEMA: 2711
FLAVIS: 07.009

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
trimethyl cyclohexyl methacrylate CAS: 7779-31-9

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 聚合物 polymers
231-928-6 decanal dimethyl acetal CAS: 7779-41-1
FEMA: 2363
JECFA: 945
FLAVIS: 06.009

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-929-1 苯丙内酯 ambrettolide CAS: 7779-50-2
FEMA: 2555
JECFA: 240
FLAVIS: 10.003

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-930-7 铁 iron lincleate CAS: 7779-63-7

Use(s): 纸和纸板的食品接触面 food-contact surface of paper and paperboard
异 iso
戊基 amyl cinnamate CAS: 7779-65-9
FEMA: 2063
JECFA: 665
FLAVIS: 09.742

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
戊基 amyl 3-(2-呋喃 furan) propionate CAS: 7779-67-1
FEMA: 2071
JECFA: 1515
FLAVIS: 13.023

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
戊基 amyl nonanoate CAS: 7779-70-6
FEMA: 2078
FLAVIS: 09.110

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
戊基 amyl 丙酮酸 pyruvate CAS: 7779-72-8
FEMA: 2083
JECFA: 939
FLAVIS: 09.443

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
冰片 bornyl 异戊酸 isovalerate CAS: 7779-73-9
FEMA: 2166
JECFA: 1394
FLAVIS: 09.457

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
butyl acetoacetate CAS: 7779-75-1
FEMA: 2177
JECFA: 597
FLAVIS: 09.404

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
邻氨基苯甲酸丁酯 butyl anthranilate CAS: 7779-77-3
FEMA: 2182
JECFA: 1537
FLAVIS: 09.718

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
butyl benzyl 甲醇 carbinol CAS: 7779-78-4
FEMA: 2208
JECFA: 827
FLAVIS: 02.065

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
butyl heptanoate CAS: 7779-80-8
FEMA: 2200
JECFA: 172
FLAVIS: 09.092

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
当归酸丁酯 butyl angelate CAS: 7779-81-9
FEMA: 2180
JECFA: 1213
FLAVIS: 09.408

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-942-2 锌 zinc 亚硫酸氢盐 hydro亚sulfite CAS: 7779-86-4

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
231-943-8 硝酸锌 zinc nitrate CAS: 7779-88-6

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
231-944-3 三锌 tri锌 zinc bis(正磷酸盐 orthophosphate) CAS: 7779-90-0

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
231-945-9 羟柠檬醛二乙缩醛 hydroxycitronellal diethyl acetal CAS: 7779-94-4
FEMA: 2584
JECFA: 613
FLAVIS: 06.010

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
肉桂酸丙酯 propyl cinnamate CAS: 7780-06-5
FEMA: 2939
JECFA: 661
FLAVIS: 09.732

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
肉桂酸丙酯 propyl cinnamate CAS: 7780-06-5
FEMA: 2939
JECFA: 661
FLAVIS: 09.732

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
231-951-1 乙基3 ethyl 3-hydroxybenzoate CAS: 7781-98-8

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
231-953-2 金刚石粉 diamond powder CAS: 7782-40-3

Use(s): 磨料 abrasives
231-955-3 石墨 graphite 粉 powder CAS: 7782-42-5

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
231-956-9 氧 oxygen CAS: 7782-44-7

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
231-957-4 硒 selenium 粉 powder CAS: 7782-49-2

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
231-959-5 氯 chlorine CAS: 7782-50-5

Use(s): 面粉处理剂 flour treatment agents, 漂白剂 bleaching agents
231-973-1 亚硫酸 sulfurous acid CAS: 7782-99-2

Use(s): 焦糖化 焦糖 caramelization 助攻 assist
231-974-7 亚硒酸 selenious acid CAS: 7783-00-8

Use(s): 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements
231-977-3 硫化氢 hydrogen sulfide CAS: 7783-06-4
FEMA: 3779
FLAVIS: 16.007

Use(s): 食品加工设备消毒剂 sanitizing agents for food processing equipment
231-982-0 铵盐 ammonium 硫代硫酸盐 thiosulfate CAS: 7783-18-8

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
231-984-1 硫酸铵 ammonium sulfate CAS: 7783-20-2

Use(s): 面团增强剂 dough strengtheners, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
231-987-8 磷酸氢二铵 ammonium phosphate dibasic CAS: 7783-28-0

Use(s): 面团增强剂 dough strengtheners
231-995-1 氟化magnesium fluoride CAS: 7783-40-6

Use(s): 防斑剂 antiplaque agents
231-999-3 氟化锡(ii ii) CAS: 7783-47-3

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-033-3 氯化银 silver chloride CAS: 7783-90-6

Use(s): 防腐剂 anticorrosive agents
232-051-1 氟化铝 aluminum fluoride CAS: 7784-18-1

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-055-3 硫酸铝铵 aluminum ammonium sulfate CAS: 7784-25-0

Use(s): 缓冲剂 buffering agents, 中和剂 neutralizing agents, 固色剂 color fixatives
232-072-6 乙基异丁香酚 ethyl isoeugenol CAS: 7784-67-0
FEMA: 2472
JECFA: 1267
FLAVIS: 04.017

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
methyl ionone CAS: 7784-98-7
FEMA: 2713
JECFA: 400
FLAVIS: 07.088

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
l- L-(-)-alpha-
松树 pinene CAS: 7785-26-4
FEMA: 2902

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-078-9 香叶基香叶酯 geranyl tiglate CAS: 7785-33-3
FEMA: 4044
JECFA: 1822
FLAVIS: 09.383

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
松油醇 ter松树 pineol CAS: 7785-53-7

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
(1r R)-alpha-
terpinyl acetate CAS: 7785-54-8

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-083-6 戊酸戊酯 amyl angelate CAS: 7785-63-9
FLAVIS: 09.680

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
232-084-1 当归酸丁酯 butyl angelate CAS: 7785-64-0
FLAVIS: 09.321

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-085-7 戊酸戊酯 amyl angelate CAS: 7785-65-1

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
d- D-(+)-alpha-
松树 pinene CAS: 7785-70-8
FEMA: 2902

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-088-3 三偏磷酸sodium trimetaphosphate CAS: 7785-84-4

Use(s): 食品添加剂和美容剂 food additive and cosmetic agents
232-089-9 无水硫酸锰 manganese sulfate anhydrous CAS: 7785-87-7

Use(s): 食品添加剂和美容剂 food additive and cosmetic agents
232-090-4 sodium 铝 aluminum phosphate CAS: 7785-88-8

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
methylene bis(6-nonyl-para-cresol) CAS: 7786-17-6

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
methyl octanal CAS: 7786-29-0
FEMA: 2727
JECFA: 270
FLAVIS: 05.024

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-094-6 无水氯化magnesium chloride anhydrous CAS: 7786-30-3

Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants, 紧肤剂 firming agents
nonadien-1-ol CAS: 7786-44-9
FEMA: 2780
JECFA: 1184
FLAVIS: 02.049

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-098-8 异戊酸壬酯 nonyl isovalerate CAS: 7786-47-2
FEMA: 2791
JECFA: 201
FLAVIS: 09.452

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-099-3 辛酸壬酯 nonyl octanoate CAS: 7786-48-3
FEMA: 2790
JECFA: 178
FLAVIS: 09.115

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-100-7 异戊酸辛酯 octyl isovalerate CAS: 7786-58-5
FEMA: 2814
JECFA: 200
FLAVIS: 09.451

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
methoxy-4-vinyl phenol CAS: 7786-61-0
FEMA: 2675
JECFA: 725
FLAVIS: 04.009

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
pulegol CAS: 7786-67-6
FEMA: 2962

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
fenchone CAS: 7787-20-4
FEMA: 4519
JECFA: 2200

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
fenchone CAS: 7787-20-4
FEMA: 4519
JECFA: 2200

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-122-7 氯氧化铋(ii iii) CAS: 7787-59-9

Use(s): 着色剂(仅表面) coloring agents (for surface only)
232-131-6 铜 copper 溴化物 bromide CAS: 7787-70-4

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
232-151-5 氟化potassium fluoride CAS: 7789-23-3

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-160-4 溴酸sodium bromate CAS: 7789-38-0

Use(s): 氧化剂 oxidising agents
232-164-6 钙 calcium 溴化物 bromide 无水的 an含水的 hydrous CAS: 7789-41-5

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 佐剂 adjuvants, 生产助剂 production aids, 消毒剂 sanitizers
232-170-9 溴化magnesium bromide CAS: 7789-48-2

Use(s): 粘度控制剂 viscosity controlling agents
232-178-2 磷 phosphorus 三溴化物 tri溴化物 bromide CAS: 7789-60-8

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
232-187-1 一氟磷酸钙 calcium monofluorophosphate CAS: 7789-74-4

Use(s): 斑块 antiplaque, 口腔护理 oral care
232-188-7 氟化钙 calcium fluoride CAS: 7789-75-5

Use(s): 色剂 color agents, 营养补品 nutrient supplements
232-190-8 钙 calcium 次磷酸盐 hypophosphite CAS: 7789-79-9

Use(s): 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements
232-191-3 钙 calcium 碘酸盐 iodate CAS: 7789-80-2

Use(s): 烘焙食品 bakery products
ethoxypropanal diethyl acetal CAS: 7789-92-6
FLAVIS: 06.097

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
232-197-6 高碘酸sodium periodate CAS: 7790-28-5

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-221-5 焦磷酸钙 calcium pyrophosphate CAS: 7790-76-3

Use(s): 缓冲剂 buffering agents, 中和剂 neutralizing agents, 酵母食品 yeast food, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
232-232-5 次氯酸 hypochlorous acid CAS: 7790-92-3

Use(s): 抗皮脂溢剂 antiseborrhoeic agents
232-236-7 碘 iodine 一氯化物 monochloride CAS: 7790-99-0

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 佐剂 adjuvants, 生产助剂 production aids, 消毒剂 sanitizers
232-245-6 硫磺基 sulfuryl chloride CAS: 7791-25-5

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 聚合物 polymers
232-261-3 钒酸铵 ammonium vanadate CAS: 7803-55-6

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements: efsa EFSA: 无法建立安全性 safety cannot be established
232-265-5 铵盐 ammonium 硫酸氢盐 bisulfate CAS: 7803-63-6

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-266-0 铵盐 ammonium 次磷酸盐 hypophosphite CAS: 7803-65-8

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-271-8 鸡蛋油 egg oil CAS: 8001-17-0

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents
232-273-9 葵花籽油(固定) sunflower oil (fixed) CAS: 8001-21-6

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents
232-273-9 葵花籽油 sunflower oil CAS: 8001-21-6

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-273-9 向日葵种子粉 helianthus annuus seed flour CAS: 8001-21-6

Use(s): 磨料 abrasives, 吸收剂 absorbents
232-273-9 向日葵种子油不皂化 helianthus annuus seed oil unsaponifiables CAS: 8001-21-6

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents
臭氧化 ozonized
向日葵 sunflower 种子油 seed oil CAS: 8001-21-6

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-274-4 豆油 soybean oil CAS: 8001-22-7

Use(s): 食用油脂 edible fats and oils
232-274-4 大豆提取物 glycine soja germ extract CAS: 8001-22-7

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
232-274-4 甘氨酸大豆芽提取物 glycine soja sprout extract CAS: 8001-22-7

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
232-274-4 甘氨酸大豆提取物 glycine soja extract CAS: 8001-22-7

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-274-4 甘氨酸大豆油 glycine soja seed oil CAS: 8001-22-7

Use(s): 食用油脂 edible fats and oils
232-276-5 红花油 safflower oil CAS: 8001-23-8

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
232-276-5 红花油质脂质体 carthamus tinctorius oleosomes CAS: 8001-23-8

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents, 乳液稳定 emulsion stabilising
氢化的 氢 hydrogenated
红花 saflower 种子油 seed oil CAS: 8001-23-8

Use(s): 粘度控制剂 viscosity controlling agents
232-277-0 橄榄油 olive oil CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 调味剂和/或香料的溶剂/稀释剂 solvents/deluents for flavor and/or fragrance agents
232-277-0 橄榄叶精华 olive leaf absolute CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-277-0 油橄榄果 olea europaea fruit CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-277-0 油橄榄壳粉 olea europaea husk powder CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-277-0 油橄榄叶粉 olea europaea leaf powder CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-277-0 油橄榄种子 olea europaea seed CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-277-0 油橄榄种子粉 olea europaea seed powder CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-277-0 油橄榄叶提取物 olea europaea leaf extract CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 化妆品和香料 cosmetic and fragrance agents
232-277-0 油橄榄叶油 olea europaea leaf oil CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-277-0 橄榄油精华 olive oil absolute CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-277-0 油橄榄叶细胞提取物 olea europaea leaf cell extract CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
232-277-0 油橄榄果提取物 olea europaea fruit extract CAS: 8001-25-0
FEMA: 4801

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents, 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements
232-277-0 油橄榄皮提取物 olea europaea bark extract CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-277-0 油橄榄花提取物 olea europaea flower extract CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-277-0 油橄榄壳油 olea europaea husk oil CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 溶剂 Solvents
232-277-0 油橄榄叶 olea europaea leaf 酊 锡 tincture CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-277-0 olea 木犀科 europaea 浆 pulp extract CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 抗氧化剂 antioxidants
232-277-0 油橄榄分支提取物 olea europaea branch extract CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-277-0 油橄榄芽提取物 olea europaea bud extract CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 抗氧化剂 antioxidants, 润肤剂 emollient agents
232-277-0 油橄榄木兰花花水 olea europaea flower water CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 抗氧化剂 antioxidants
232-277-0 油橄榄果汁 olea europaea fruit juice CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 抗氧化剂 antioxidants
232-277-0 油橄榄果实不可皂化 olea europaea fruit unsaponifiables CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 抗氧化剂 antioxidants, 润肤剂 emollient agents, 头发调理 hair conditioning
232-277-0 油橄榄水果水 olea europaea fruit water CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-277-0 油橄榄叶 olea europaea leaf CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-277-0 油橄榄油不皂化物 olea europaea oil unsaponifiables CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents
水解 hydrolyzed
橄榄 olive 叶 leaf extract CAS: 8001-25-0

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-278-6 亚麻提取物 linum usitatissimum seed extract CAS: 8001-26-1

Use(s): 化妆品和香料 cosmetic and fragrance agents
232-278-6 亚麻籽油 linseed oil CAS: 8001-26-1

Use(s): 化妆品和香料 cosmetic and fragrance agents
232-278-6 亚麻us子粉 linum usitatissimum seed powder CAS: 8001-26-1

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-278-6 亚麻籽油 linseed oil 蜡 wax CAS: 8001-26-1

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-278-6 亚麻壳提取物 linum usitatissimum hull extract CAS: 8001-26-1

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-278-6 num麻花提取物 linum usitatissimum flower extract CAS: 8001-26-1

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-278-6 亚麻籽粉 linum usitatissimum seed flour CAS: 8001-26-1

Use(s): 磨料 abrasives, 吸收剂 absorbents
232-280-7 棉籽油 cottonseed oil CAS: 8001-29-4

Use(s): 食用油脂 edible fats and oils
232-280-7 陆地棉提取物 gossypium hirsutum extract CAS: 8001-29-4

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-280-7 陆地棉种子提取物 gossypium hirsutum seed extract CAS: 8001-29-4

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-281-2 玉米油 corn oil CAS: 8001-30-7

Use(s): 食用油脂 edible fats and oils
232-282-8 椰子油 coconut oil CAS: 8001-31-8

Use(s): 食用油脂 edible fats and oils
232-282-8 椰子精华 coconut absolute CAS: 8001-31-8

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-282-8 椰子果实提取物 cocos nucifera fruit extract CAS: 8001-31-8

Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
232-282-8 可可粉 cocos nucifera fruit juice CAS: 8001-31-8

Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
232-282-8 松油醇(未分类)(混合异构体) terpineols (unspec.) (mixed isomers) CAS: 8000-41-7
FLAVIS: 02.230

Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-282-8 可可粉 cocos nucifera fruit juice CAS: 8001-31-8

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-282-8 椰子壳粉 cocos nucifera shell powder CAS: 8001-31-8

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-282-8 cocos 核仁 nucifera 牛奶 milk extract CAS: 8001-31-8

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-282-8 可可粉 cocos nucifera fruit juice CAS: 8001-31-8

Use(s): 掩蔽剂 masking agents
232-282-8 椰子果粉 cocos nucifera fruit powder CAS: 8001-31-8

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-282-8 椰子果/果汁提取物 cocos nucifera fruit/fruit juice extract CAS: 8001-31-8

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-282-8 可可粉种子黄油 cocos nucifera seed butter CAS: 8001-31-8

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-285-4 甘比尔 gambir CAS: 8001-48-7

Use(s): flavor 质地 texture 修饰语 modifiers
232-285-4 钩藤提取物 uncaria gambir extract CAS: 8001-48-7

Use(s): 收敛剂 astringent agents
232-287-5 杂酚油 creosote CAS: 8001-58-9

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-288-0 copaiba 古巴香脂油 CAS: 8013-97-6

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-288-0 网纹提取物 copaifera reticulata extract CAS: 8001-61-4

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-289-6 gadus gadus 莫尔瓦 morrhua肝油(固定) CAS: 8001-69-2

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-290-1 蜡质蛋白 ceresin CAS: 8001-75-0

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
232-291-7 刺槐相思提取物 acacia catechu extract CAS: 8001-76-1
FEMA: 2264

Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
232-291-7 刺槐相思种子粉 acacia catechu seed powder CAS: 8001-76-1
FEMA: 2265

Use(s): 载体溶剂 carrier solvents, 食品添加剂包封剂 encapsulating agent for food additives, 调味料 Flavorings, 稳定剂和吸收剂 stabilizers and absorbents
232-291-7 刺槐胶 acacia catechu gum CAS: 8001-76-1

Use(s): 成膜剂 film forming agents
232-291-7 刺槐皮皮粉 acacia catechu bark powder CAS: 8001-76-1

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-291-7 刺槐木/木粉 acacia catechu leaf/wood powder CAS: 8001-76-1

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-291-7 刺槐种子提取物 acacia catechu seed extract CAS: 8001-76-1

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-291-7 刺槐木木材提取物 acacia catechu wood extract CAS: 8001-76-1

Use(s): 抗氧化剂 antioxidants
氢化的 氢 hydrogenated
蓖麻油 castor oil CAS: 8001-78-3

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-292-2 鱼肝油 cod liver oil CAS: 8001-69-2

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents
232-293-8 蓖麻油 castor oil CAS: 8001-79-4
FEMA: 2263

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
232-293-8 蓖麻提取物 ricinus communis root extract CAS: 8001-79-4

Use(s): 掩蔽剂 masking agents
232-296-4 花生油 peanut oil CAS: 8002-03-7

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
232-296-4 花生提取物 arachis hypogaea fruit extract CAS: 8002-03-7

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
花生 peanut
面粉 flour CAS: 8002-03-7

Use(s): 磨料 abrasives
232-296-4 花生低聚糖油CO2提取物 arachis hypogaea oil CO2 extract CAS: 8002-03-7

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
232-296-4 花生叶皮种皮提取物 arachis hypogaea seedcoat extract CAS: 8002-03-7

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-299-0 菜籽油 rapeseed oil CAS: 8002-13-9

Use(s): 化妆品用溶剂/稀释剂 solvents/deluents for cosmetic, 调味剂和/或香料 flavor and/or fragrance agents
232-302-5 十六烷基酯 cetyl esters CAS: 8002-23-1

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-303-0 胚芽 sperm 油 oil CAS: 8002-24-2

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
232-304-6 妥尔油 tall oil CAS: 8002-26-4

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
硫酸化 sulfated
蓖麻油 castor oil CAS: 8002-33-3

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 表面活性剂 surfactant agents
232-307-2 lecithin CAS: 8002-43-5

Use(s): 结合剂 binding agents, 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 和防结块剂 and anticaking agents
232-307-2 phosphatidylcholine, 蛋黄 egg yolk CAS: 8002-43-5

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
232-309-3 肝提取物 liver extract CAS: 8002-47-9

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
大麦 barley
麦芽 malt extract CAS: 8002-48-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents, 调味剂 flavoring agents, 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements
232-311-4 薄荷油 menhaden oil CAS: 8002-50-4

Use(s): 特殊的饮食和营养添加剂 special dietary and nutritional additives
232-313-5 蒙坦 montan cera CAS: 8002-53-7

Use(s): 抗静电 antistatic, 结合剂 binding agents
232-314-0 净脚油 neats foot oil CAS: 8002-64-0

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents, 溶剂 Solvents
232-315-6 石蜡 paraffin wax CAS: 8002-74-2
FEMA: 3216

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
232-316-1 棕榈油 palm oil CAS: 8002-75-3

Use(s): 食用油脂 edible fats and oils
232-316-1 油 petroleum CAS: 8002-05-9

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-316-1 几内亚黄油 elaeis guineensis butter CAS: 8002-75-3

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning, 粘度控制 viscosity controlling
232-316-1 油ela果油 elaeis oleifera fruit oil CAS: 8002-75-3

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents, 头发调理 hair conditioning, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
232-316-1 ela油 elaeis oleifera kernel oil CAS: 8002-75-3

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents, 头发调理 hair conditioning
232-317-7 麸质 gluten CAS: 8002-80-0

Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
232-318-2 ci 47000 ci 47000 CAS: 8003-22-3

Use(s): 着色剂(仅表面) coloring agents (for surface only)
232-318-2 黄11 yellow 11 CAS: 83-08-9

Use(s): 着色剂(仅表面) coloring agents (for surface only)
232-337-6 樟脑苏木提取物 haematoxylum campechianum wood extract CAS: 8005-33-2

Use(s): 抗菌剂 antimicrobial agents, 收敛剂 astringent agents
232-337-6 樟木 haematoxylum campechianum wood CAS: 8005-33-2

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-337-6 樟脑粉 haematoxylon campechianum powder CAS: 8005-33-2

Use(s): 抗菌剂 antimicrobial agents, 收敛剂 astringent agents
232-347-0 小烛树蜡 candelilla wax CAS: 8006-44-8
FEMA: 3479

Use(s): 上光剂 glazing agents, 口香糖基料的膨化剂 texturizer for chewing gum bases, 表面处理剂 surface-finishing agents, 载体 carriers
232-348-6 羊毛脂 lanolin CAS: 8006-54-0

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
232-348-6 自然 natural gas gas CAS: 8006-14-2

Use(s): 燃烧产物气 combustion product gas
232-350-7 松节油 turpentine oil CAS: 8006-64-2
FEMA: 3089

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-352-8 秘鲁香脂 peru balsam CAS: 8007-00-9
FEMA: 2116

Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
232-352-8 秘鲁香脂油 peru balsam oil CAS: 8007-00-9
FEMA: 2117

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-352-8 秘鲁香脂精华 peru balsam absolute CAS: 8007-00-9

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-355-4 腰果壳液 cashew nutshell liquid CAS: 8007-24-7

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-357-5 醋酸松油醇 terpineol acetate CAS: 8007-35-0
FEMA: 3047
JECFA: 368
FLAVIS: 09.830

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
黑 black
芥末 mustard 种子油 seed oil CAS: 8007-40-7

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
白 white
芥末 mustard 种子油 seed oil CAS: 8007-40-7

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
232-360-1 脱水山梨醇倍半油酸酯(2 sorbitan sesquioleate (2:3) CAS: 8007-43-0

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents
232-361-7 焦油 coal tar CAS: 8007-45-2

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
232-362-2 冷杉香脂精华 fir balsam absolute CAS: 8007-47-4

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-362-2 冷杉香脂浸膏 fir balsam concrete CAS: 8007-47-4

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents, 溶剂 Solvents
232-364-3 大花西番莲花提取物 selenicereus grandiflorus flower extract CAS: 8007-78-1

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-364-3 太子参提取物 selenicereus grandiflorus extract CAS: 8007-78-1

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-364-3 大花硒叶籽粉 selenicereus grandiflorus seed powder CAS: 8007-78-1

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-364-3 硒 selenicereus 大花 grandiflorus CAS: 8007-78-1

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-364-3 硒 selenicereus 大花 grandiflorus 酊 锡 tincture CAS: 8007-78-1

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-365-9 belladonna 酊 锡 tincture CAS: 8007-93-0

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-365-9 atropa belladonna 根 root extract CAS: 8007-93-0

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
除臭 deodorized
煤油 kerosene CAS: 8008-20-6

Use(s): 溶剂 Solvents
232-370-6 芝麻油 sesame seed oil CAS: 8008-74-0

Use(s): 化妆品用溶剂/稀释剂 solvents/deluents for cosmetic, 调味剂和/或香料 flavor and/or fragrance agents
烤 roasted
芝麻油 sesame seed oil CAS: 8008-74-0

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
232-370-6 芝麻籽提取物 sesamum indicum seed extract CAS: 8008-74-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-370-6 芝麻精华 sesame absolute CAS: 8008-74-0

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-370-6 芝麻籽芽提取物 sesamum indicum sprout extract CAS: 8008-74-0

Use(s): 湿润剂 humectants
232-370-6 芝麻精华二氧化碳提取物 sesame absolute CO2 extract CAS: 8008-74-0

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-370-6 芝麻种子 sesamum indicum seed CAS: 8008-74-0

Use(s): 磨料 abrasives
232-370-6 芝麻籽油不皂化物 sesamum indicum oil unsaponifiables CAS: 8008-74-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-370-6 芝麻籽黄油 sesamum indicum seed butter CAS: 8008-74-0

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents
232-370-6 芝麻籽粉 sesamum indicum seed powder CAS: 8008-74-0

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-371-1 大蒜油中国 garlic oil china CAS: 8000-78-0
FEMA: 2503

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-371-1 大蒜油墨西哥 garlic oil mexico CAS: 8000-78-0
FEMA: 2503

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-371-1 大蒜鳞茎提取物 allium sativum bulb extract CAS: 8008-99-9

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents, 调味剂 flavoring agents, 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements
232-371-1 大蒜油埃及 allium sativum oil egypt CAS: 8000-78-0
FEMA: 2503

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-371-1 大蒜油 garlic oil CAS: 8000-78-0
FEMA: 2503

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-371-1 大蒜鳞茎锡 tin CAS: 8008-99-9

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
232-371-1 大蒜鳞茎粉 allium sativum bulb powder CAS: 8008-99-9

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-372-7 香精油 piscum lecur oil CAS: 8009-00-5

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents
232-373-2 petrolatum CAS: 8009-03-8

Use(s): 润滑剂 lubricants, 脱模剂 release agents, 防护涂料 protective coatings, 消泡剂 antifoaming agents
232-374-8 松柏油 pinus palustris tar CAS: 8011-48-1

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
白 white
蜜蜡精华 beeswax absolute CAS: 8012-89-3
FEMA: 2126

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-383-7 蜜蜡精华 beeswax absolute CAS: 8012-89-3
FEMA: 2126

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
白 white
蜂蜡 bees蜡 wax CAS: 8012-89-3

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
黄 yellow
蜂蜡 bees蜡 wax 漂白的 bleached CAS: 8012-89-3

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
黄 yellow
蜂蜡 bees蜡 wax CAS: 8012-89-3

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
232-384-2 矿物油 mineral oil CAS: 8012-95-1

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
232-386-3 松油烯 terpinene CAS: 8013-00-1

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
232-387-9 faex 酵母提取物 CAS: 8013-01-2

Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
232-388-4 蓖麻酸potassium castorate CAS: 8013-05-6

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 表面活性剂 surfactant agents
232-390-5 蓖麻酸sodium castorate CAS: 8013-06-7

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 表面活性剂 surfactant agents
232-392-6 甲苯磺酸提取物 myroxylon toluiferum extract CAS: 8013-12-5
FEMA: 3069

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-395-2 杂油 fusel oil CAS: 8013-75-0
FEMA: 2497

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-396-8 紫罗兰酮混合异构体 ionone mixed isomers CAS: 8013-90-9

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-399-4 巴西棕榈蜡 carnauba wax CAS: 8015-86-9

Use(s): 上光剂 glazing agents, 填充剂 bulking agents, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators, 载体 carriers
232-400-8 睫毛膏提取物 cascara sagrada extract CAS: 8015-89-2

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
232-400-8 cascara cascara 圣家堂 sagrada 酊 锡 tincture CAS: 8015-89-2

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
232-402-9 鱼油 fish oil CAS: 8016-13-5

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents, 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements
白 white
科涅克白兰地 cognac 油 oil CAS: 8016-21-5
FEMA: 2332

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
绿 green
科涅克白兰地 cognac 油 oil CAS: 8016-21-5
FEMA: 2331

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-403-4 白兰地精华 cognac essence CAS: 8016-21-5
FEMA: 2332

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
红 red
grape 叶 leaf 油 oil CAS: 8016-21-5

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-405-5 lard 油 oil CAS: 8016-28-2

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
232-406-0 oiticica 油 oil CAS: 8016-35-1

Use(s): 食品接触树脂和聚合物涂料 food contact resinous and polymeric coatings
232-409-7 米糠蜡 rice bran wax CAS: 8016-60-2

Use(s): 口香糖胶基及相关物质 chewing gum bases and related substances
232-409-7 水oryza sativa cera CAS: 8016-60-2

Use(s): 头发调理 hair conditioning, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning, 皮肤保护 skin protecting
232-409-7 水稻稻脂 oryza sativa lipids CAS: 8016-60-2

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
氢化的 氢 hydrogenated
豆油 soybean oil CAS: 8016-70-4

Use(s): 食用油脂 edible fats and oils
环氧化 epoxidized
豆油 soybean oil CAS: 8013-07-8

Use(s): 溴化大豆油中的卤素稳定剂 halogen stabilizer in brominated soybean oil
232-416-5 蔬菜 vegetable 油类 油 oils 溴化的 brominated CAS: 8016-94-2
FEMA: 2168

Use(s): 稳定剂 stabilising agents for 调味料 flavoring 油类 油 oils
232-417-0 多磷酸 polyphosphoric acids CAS: 8017-16-1

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
232-418-6 羊毛脂 lanolin 含水的 hydrous CAS: 8020-84-6

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
232-418-6 妥尔油 tall oil 沥青 pitch CAS: 8016-81-7

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
232-419-1 山毛榉木杂酚油 beech wood creosote CAS: 8021-39-4

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-420-7 几内亚 elaeis guineensis kernel cera CAS: 8021-56-5

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents
232-423-3 貂油 mink oil CAS: 8023-74-3

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-423-3 鼬鼬 mustela cera CAS: 8023-74-3

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents, 成膜 film forming
232-425-4 棕榈仁油 palm kernel oil CAS: 8023-79-8

Use(s): 食用油脂 edible fats and oils
232-425-4 杜鹃花提取物 elaeis guineensis extract CAS: 8023-79-8

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-425-4 杜鹃花花提取物 elaeis guineensis flower extract CAS: 8023-79-8

Use(s): 保护皮肤的化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
232-425-4 杜鹃花果实提取物 elaeis guineensis fruit extract CAS: 8023-79-8

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-427-5 蓖麻提取物 ricinus communis root extract CAS: 8023-83-4

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-427-5 精华锥 castoreum absolute CAS: 8023-83-4

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-427-5 树脂树脂 castoreum resinoid CAS: 8023-83-4

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-427-5 蓖麻汁 castoreum liquid CAS: 8023-83-4
FEMA: 2262

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-428-0 四季油 persea gratissima oil CAS: 8024-32-6

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-428-0 Persea gratissima水果粉 CAS: 8024-32-6

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-428-0 Persea gratissima种子黄油 CAS: 8024-32-6

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-428-0 永久性免费 persea gratissima cera CAS: 227200-57-9

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents
232-428-0 多年生 persea gratissima水果水 CAS: 8024-32-6

Use(s): 掩蔽剂 masking agents
232-428-0 四季草叶提取物 persea gratissima leaf extract CAS: 8024-32-6

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-428-0 多年生禾本科种子 persea gratissima seed CAS: 8024-32-6

Use(s): 磨料 abrasives
232-428-0 四季性无水甾醇 persea gratissima sterols CAS: 8024-32-6

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents
232-430-1 羊毛脂醇 lanolin alcohol CAS: 8027-33-6

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-432-2 焦木酸提取物 pyroligneous acids extracts CAS: 8028-47-5
FEMA: 2968

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil c.p. brazil CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil c.p. brazil CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil 折叠的 folded CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil c.p. 加州 california CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil c.p. florida CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil c.p. valencia CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil c.p. 中国 china CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil 折叠的 folded brazil CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil 折叠的 folded valencia CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil 折叠的 folded 以色列 israel CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil 无倍半萜 sesquiterpeneless CAS: 8028-48-6
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
血液 blood
橙子 orange 油 oil 意大利 italy CAS: 8028-48-6
FEMA: 4856

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil c.p. 法国 french guinea CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil c.p. 意大利 italy CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil c.p. 西方 west 印度 indian CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil c.p. 西班牙 spain CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
小颗粒 petitgrain 油 oil CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil 无倍半萜 sesquiterpeneless CAS: 8028-48-6
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil c.p. 埃及 egypt CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil 折叠的 folded 加州 california CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil 脱色 de颜色 colorized CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil 折叠的 folded florida CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
甜 sweet
橙子 orange 皮 peel 油 oil CAS: 8008-57-9
FEMA: 2825

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-435-9 焦糖色 caramel color CAS: 8028-89-5
FEMA: 2235

Use(s): 着色剂 coloring agents
232-436-4 玉米糖浆 corn syrups CAS: 8029-43-4

Use(s): 多用途鹅肝食品 multiple purpose GRAS food substances
232-438-5 棉籽橙花醇酯 cottonseed glyceride CAS: 8029-44-5

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-439-0 鱼腥草 ichthammol CAS: 8029-68-3

Use(s): 抗菌剂 antimicrobial agents
羟基化 羟 hydroxylated
lecithin CAS: 8029-76-3

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning, 表面活性剂 surfactant agents
232-441-1 枫糖浆 maple syrup CAS: 8029-81-0

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
氢化的 氢 hydrogenated
tallow CAS: 8030-12-4

Use(s): 纸和纸板的食品接触面 food-contact surface of paper and paperboard
骨 bone
木炭 char煤 coal CAS: 8021-99-6

Use(s): 着色剂(仅表面) coloring agents (for surface only)
232-444-8 古尔干香脂 gurjun balsam CAS: 8030-55-5

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-444-8 古君香脂油 gurjun balsam oil CAS: 8030-55-5

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-444-8 古尔干香脂木油 gurjun balsam wood oil CAS: 8030-55-5

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-445-3 妥尔油 tall oil 脂肪的 fatty acids acids 锰 manganese 盐 盐 salts CAS: 8030-70-4

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
232-447-4 固体油三氯化铵 tallowtrimonium chloride CAS: 8030-78-2

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-449-5 朗姆醚 rum ether CAS: 8030-89-5
FEMA: 2996

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-450-0 焦木酸 pyroligneous acids CAS: 8030-97-5
FEMA: 2967

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
氢化的 氢 hydrogenated
羊毛脂 lanolin CAS: 8031-44-5

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-453-7 油醚 petroleum ether CAS: 8032-32-4

Use(s): 萃取溶剂 extraction solvents
232-454-2 龙涎香天然 ambergris natural CAS: 8038-65-1

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-454-2 龙涎香锡 tin CAS: 8038-65-1
FEMA: 2049

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-455-8 矿物油白 mineral oil white CAS: 8042-47-5

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
232-457-9 季戊四醇硬脂酸酯 pentaerythrityl stearate CAS: 8045-34-9

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents
232-458-4 安息香屬 styrax树脂样(液体腰椎戟) CAS: 8046-19-3

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-458-4 安息香屬 styrax胶(枫香styraciflua) CAS: 8046-19-3
FEMA: 3036

Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants
232-458-4 stylax精华型(枫香styraciflua) CAS: 8046-19-3

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-458-4 安息香屬 styrax(液体腰椎戟) CAS: 8046-19-3
FEMA: 3036

Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
232-458-4 安息香屬 styrax(东方枫香) CAS: 8046-19-3
FEMA: 3036

Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
232-458-4 安息香屬 styrax胶(东方枫香) CAS: 8046-19-3
FEMA: 3036

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-460-5 零陵香豆精华 tonka bean absolute CAS: 8046-22-8

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-460-5 零陵香豆类树脂 tonka bean resinoid CAS: 8046-22-8

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-463-1 香草豆锡 tin CAS: 8047-24-3

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-463-1 香子兰豆油(香草 vanilla 扁平叶 planifolia) CAS: 8047-24-3

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-463-1 香草精 vanilla extract CAS: 8047-24-3

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-468-9 猪胰腺中的胰酶 pancreatin from porcine pancreas CAS: 8049-47-6

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-473-6 黑素 melanin CAS: 8049-97-6

Use(s): 保护皮肤的化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
232-474-1 乳香树脂 frankincense resinoid CAS: 8050-07-5

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-474-1 乳香胶 frankincense gum CAS: 8050-07-5

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-474-1 乳香树脂 frankincense resinoid CAS: 8050-07-5

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-475-7 松香酸酐 abietic anhydride CAS: 8050-09-7

Use(s): 颜料添加剂混合物中的稀释剂 diluents in color additive mixtures
232-476-2 氢化松香酸甲酯 methyl hydrogenated rosinate CAS: 8050-15-5

Use(s): 调味剂和/或香料的溶剂/稀释剂 solvents/deluents for flavor and/or fragrance agents
232-478-3 三甘醇松香酸酯 triethylene glycol rosinate CAS: 8050-25-7

Use(s): 成膜 film forming, 增塑剂 plasticiser agents
232-479-9 季戊四醇松香酸酯 pentaerythrityl rosinate CAS: 8050-26-8

Use(s): 成膜剂 film forming agents
232-479-9 石脑油 naphtha CAS: 8030-30-6

Use(s): 溶剂 Solvents
232-480-4 rosin 马来酸 maleated CAS: 8050-28-0

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
232-482-5 树脂酸和松香酸酯与甘油的酯 resin acids and rosin acids esters with glycerol CAS: 8050-31-5
FEMA: 4226

Use(s): 食品接触树脂和聚合物涂料 food contact resinous and polymeric coatings
232-484-6 rosin 妥尔油 tall oil CAS: 8052-10-6

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
232-487-2 糖蜜黑带 molasses blackstrap CAS: 8052-35-5

Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
232-491-4 固体油酸sodium tallowate CAS: 8052-48-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-494-0 牛脂硫酸sodium tallow sulfate CAS: 8052-50-4

Use(s): 表面活性剂 surfactant agents
232-496-1 糖蜜 molasses 玉米 corn CAS: 8052-91-3

Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
232-497-7 七叶树河三萜皂苷混合物提取物 aesculus hippocastanum triterpene saponins mixture extract CAS: 8053-39-2

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-497-7 七叶树七叶皮提取物 aesculus hippocastanum bark extract CAS: 8053-39-2

Use(s): 涩 astringent, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
232-497-7 七叶树 花水 aesculus hippocastanum flower water CAS: 8053-39-2

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-497-7 七叶树七叶树种子提取物 aesculus hippocastanum seed extract CAS: 8053-39-2

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-497-7 七叶树 芽提取物 aesculus hippocastanum bud extract CAS: 8053-39-2

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-497-7 七叶树 花提取物 aesculus hippocastanum flower extract CAS: 8053-39-2

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-497-7 七叶树 叶提取物 aesculus hippocastanum leaf extract CAS: 8053-39-2

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-497-7 七叶树 提取物 aesculus hippocastanum extract CAS: 8053-39-2

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-497-7 七叶树 aesculus hippocastanum 油 oil CAS: 8053-39-2

Use(s): 化妆品和香料 cosmetic and fragrance agents
232-497-7 七叶树果实粉末 aesculus hippocastanum fruit powder CAS: 8053-39-2

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents
232-497-7 七叶树 aesculus hippocastanum 种子 seed CAS: 8053-39-2

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-498-2 洋葱鳞茎提取物 allium cepa bulb extract CAS: 8054-39-5

Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents, 抗氧化剂 antioxidants
232-498-2 洋葱籽油 onion seed oil CAS: 8054-39-5

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-498-2 葱头根提取物 allium cepa root extract CAS: 8054-39-5

Use(s): 抗氧化剂 antioxidants
232-499-8 刺檗/欧洲小檗根提取物 berberis vulgaris root extract CAS: 8054-40-8

Use(s): 抗菌剂 antimicrobial agents
232-501-7 缬草根提取物 valeriana officinalis root extract CAS: 8057-49-6
FEMA: 3099

Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents, 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements
232-501-7 缬草根 valerian rhizome/root CAS: 8057-49-6

Use(s): 舒缓剂 soothing agents
232-501-7 缬草根茎/根提取物 valeriana officinalis rhizome/root extract CAS: 8057-49-6
FEMA: 3099

Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-501-7 缬草根茎提取物 valeriana officinalis rhizome extract CAS: 8057-49-6
FEMA: 3099

Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-501-7 缬草根茎精华 valerian rhizome essence CAS: 8057-49-6

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-501-7 缬草根茎锡 tin CAS: 8057-49-6

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-504-3 草提取物 humulus lupulus cone extract CAS: 8060-28-4
FEMA: 2578

Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-504-3 精华跳数 hop absolute CAS: 8060-28-4

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-504-3 草提取物 humulus lupulus cone extract CAS: 8060-28-4

Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-504-3 hu草花提取物 humulus lupulus flower extract CAS: 8060-28-4

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-504-3 剑叶str humulus lupulus strobile CAS: 8060-28-4

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-504-3 humulus humulus 七倍体 lupulus 花 flower CAS: 8060-28-4

Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
232-504-3 hu药 humulus lupulus tincture CAS: 8060-28-4

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-504-3 草茎提取物 humulus lupulus stem extract CAS: 8060-28-4
FEMA: 2578

Use(s): 保护皮肤的化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
232-514-8 glyceryl 棕榈硬脂酸酯 棕榈 palmitostearate CAS: 8067-32-1

Use(s): 配方助剂 formulation aids
232-519-5 阿拉伯胶 arabic gum CAS: 9000-01-5
FEMA: 2001

Use(s): 载体溶剂 carrier solvents, 食品添加剂包封剂 encapsulating agent for food additives, 调味料 Flavorings, 稳定剂和吸收剂 stabilizers and absorbents
232-520-0 琥珀粉 amber powder CAS: 9000-02-6

Use(s): 除臭剂 deodorants
232-521-6 ammoniacum gum CAS: 9000-03-7

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-522-1 阿魏胶 ferula assa-foetida gum CAS: 9000-04-8
FEMA: 2107

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-522-1 ferula assa-foetida absolute CAS: 9000-04-8

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-522-1 ferula assa-foetida absolute CAS: 9000-04-8

Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
232-522-1 阿魏- ferula assa-foetida tincture CAS: 9000-04-8

Use(s): 香料 spices, 其他天然调味料和调味料 other natural seasonings and flavorings
232-522-1 阿魏阿油酸酯树脂 ferula assa-foetida oleoresin CAS: 9000-04-8

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
苏门答腊 sumatra
安息香 benzoin 精华 absolute CAS: 9000-05-9

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
苏门答腊 sumatra
安息香 benzoin resinoid 树脂 CAS: 9000-05-9
FEMA: 2133

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
苏门答腊 sumatra
安息香 benzoin gum CAS: 9000-05-9

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
苏门答腊 sumatra
安息香 benzoin resin CAS: 9000-05-9
FEMA: 2133

Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
苏门答腊 sumatra
安息香 benzoin 酊 锡 tincture CAS: 9000-05-9

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-523-7 安息香屬 styrax安息香胶提取物 CAS: 9000-05-9

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-524-2 角叉菜胶 carrageenan CAS: 9000-07-1
FEMA: 2596

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
232-524-2 角叉菜胶 carrageenan with 聚山梨酯 polysorbate 80 CAS: 9000-07-1

Use(s): 口香糖胶基及相关物质 chewing gum bases and related substances
232-526-3 copaiba 古巴树脂 CAS: 9000-12-8

Use(s): 化妆品和香料 cosmetic and fragrance agents
232-526-3 苦配巴种树脂提取物 copaifera species resin extracts CAS: 9000-12-8

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-526-3 苦配巴种树脂油 copaifera species resin oils CAS: 9000-12-8

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-527-9 copal CAS: 9000-14-0

Use(s): 成膜 film forming, 粘度控制剂 viscosity controlling agents
232-527-9 处女膜香脂皮提取物 hymenaea courbaril bark extract CAS: 9000-14-0

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-527-9 膜生冠油提取物 hymenaea courbaril extract CAS: 9000-14-0

Use(s): 保护皮肤的化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
232-527-9 处女膜豆荚提取物 hymenaea courbaril pod extract CAS: 9000-14-0

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-527-9 处女膜香脂液 hymenaea courbaril sap extract CAS: 9000-14-0

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-527-9 处女膜花冠提取物 hymenaea courbaril seed extract CAS: 9000-14-0

Use(s): 保护皮肤的化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
232-528-4 达马尔 damar CAS: 9000-16-2
FEMA: 4820

Use(s): 混浊剂 clouding agents, 上光剂 glazing agents, 稳定剂 stabilising agents
232-530-5 daemonorops daemonorops德拉科提取物 CAS: 9000-19-5
FEMA: 2404

Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
232-530-5 daemonorops daemonorops draco draco resin CAS: 9000-19-5

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-531-0 furcelleran CAS: 9000-21-9

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 稳定剂 stabilising agents, 增稠剂 thickeners
232-532-6 脂类树脂 galbanum resinoid CAS: 9000-24-2
FEMA: 2502

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-532-6 精华替代品 galbanum absolute replacer CAS: 8023-91-4

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-532-6 阿古拉胶提取物 ferula kokanica gum extract CAS: 9000-24-2

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-532-6 阿古拉胶油 ferula kokanica resin oil CAS: 9000-24-2

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-534-7 加蒂胶 ghatti gum CAS: 9000-28-6
FEMA: 2519

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners
232-535-2 愈创木脂 guaiac gum CAS: 9000-29-7

Use(s): 抗氧化剂 antioxidants
232-536-8 瓜尔胶 guar gum CAS: 9000-30-0
FEMA: 2537

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
水解 hydrolyzed
瓜尔 guar CAS: 9000-30-0

Use(s): 粘度控制剂 viscosity controlling agents
232-537-3 gutta percha CAS: 9000-32-2

Use(s): 成膜 film forming, 头发调理剂 hair conditioning agents
232-538-9 番薯树脂 ipomoea purga resin CAS: 9000-35-5

Use(s): 掩蔽剂 masking agents
232-539-4 sterculia urens urens口香糖 CAS: 9000-36-6
FEMA: 2605

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
232-541-5 刺槐豆胶 locust bean gum CAS: 9000-40-2
FEMA: 2648

Use(s): 载体溶剂 carrier solvents, 食品添加剂包封剂 encapsulating agent for food additives, 调味料 Flavorings, 稳定剂和吸收剂 stabilizers and absorbents
232-541-5 沥青 asphalt CAS: 8052-42-4

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 纸和纸板组件 paper and paperboard components
232-541-5 角豆豆精华 carob bean absolute CAS: 9000-40-2

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-542-0 copal 马尼拉 manila CAS: 9000-42-4

Use(s): 颜料添加剂混合物中的稀释剂 diluents in color additive mixtures for 餐饮 food 采用 use
232-543-6 没药类树脂 myrrh resinoid CAS: 9000-45-7

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-543-6 没药也门 myrrh absolute yemen CAS: 9000-45-7

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-543-6 没药树脂 myrrh resin CAS: 9000-45-7
FEMA: 2765

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-543-6 没药油也门 myrrh oil yemen CAS: 9000-45-7

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-543-6 commiphora aby byssinica extract CAS: 9000-45-7

Use(s): 化妆品和香料 cosmetic and fragrance agents
232-543-6 combiphora aby byssinica树脂提取物 CAS: 9000-45-7

Use(s): 化妆品和香料 cosmetic and fragrance agents
232-546-2 鬼臼 荚 podophyllum emodi emodi resin CAS: 9000-55-9

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-547-8 檀香树脂 sandarac resin CAS: 9000-57-1

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-549-9 虫胶 shellac CAS: 9000-59-3

Use(s): 上光剂 glazing agents, 脱模剂 release agents
232-550-4 吐鲁香脂 tolu balsam CAS: 9000-64-0
FEMA: 3070

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-550-4 吐鲁香脂精华 tolu balsam absolute CAS: 9000-64-0
FEMA: 3070

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-550-4 甲苯卢香脂树脂 tolu balsam resinoid CAS: 9000-64-0
FEMA: 3070

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-550-4 吐鲁香脂树脂 tolu balsam resin CAS: 9000-64-0
FEMA: 3070

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-552-5 胶 tragacanth gum CAS: 9000-65-1
FEMA: 3079

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
232-553-0 果胶 pectin CAS: 9000-69-5

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
食用 edible
明胶 gela锡 tin CAS: 9000-70-8

Use(s): 稳定剂 stabilising agents, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 结晶抑制剂 crystallization inhibitors
232-555-1 酪蛋白 casein CAS: 9000-71-9

Use(s): 冷冻甜点 frozen desserts
暹 siam
安息香 benzoin resin CAS: 9000-72-0
FEMA: 2133

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
暹 siam
安息香 benzoin resinoid 树脂 CAS: 9000-72-0
FEMA: 2133

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
暹 siam
安息香 benzoin 精华 absolute CAS: 9000-72-0

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
暹 siam
安息香 benzoin resin 油 oil CAS: 9000-72-0

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
暹 siam
安息香 benzoin CO2 extract CAS: 9000-72-0

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-557-2 埃莱米精华 elemi absolute CAS: 9000-75-3

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-557-2 卡南公社提取物 canarium commune extract CAS: 9000-75-3

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-557-2 芥花胶 canarium luzonicum gum CAS: 8023-89-0
FEMA: 2407

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-557-2 卡那鲁公社胶 canarium commune gum CAS: 9000-75-3
FEMA: 2407

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-558-8 代没药 opoponax树脂(红景天变种glabrescens engler engler) CAS: 9000-78-6

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-558-8 精华代没药 opoponax(香脂 balsamodendron 香脂 balsamodendron 卡法尔 kafal) CAS: 9000-78-6

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-558-8 鸦片类树脂(香脂 balsamodendron 香脂 balsamodendron 卡法尔 kafal) CAS: 9000-78-6

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
232-558-8 鸦片胶 opoponax gum CAS: 9000-78-6

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
淀粉酶 amylase (热稳定的 thermostable) from bacillus licheniformis CAS: 9000-85-5

Use(s): 淀粉 starch 水解 hydrolysis
淀粉酶 amylase from bacillus megaterium megaterium 表达 expressed in bacillus subtilis CAS: 9000-85-5

Use(s): 淀粉 starch 水解 hydrolysis
淀粉酶 amylase from bacillus 嗜热链球菌 stear其他 othermophilus 表达 expressed in bacillus subtilis CAS: 9000-85-5

Use(s): 淀粉 starch 水解 hydrolysis
淀粉酶 amylase from bacillus subtilis CAS: 9000-85-5

Use(s): 淀粉 starch 水解 hydrolysis
淀粉酶 amylase CAS: 9000-90-2

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
淀粉酶 amylase CAS: 9000-91-3

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-567-7 淀粉酶 amylase CAS: 9000-92-4

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-572-4 菠萝蛋白酶 bromelain CAS: 9001-00-7

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-574-5 激肽释放酶 kallikrein CAS: 9001-01-8

Use(s): 皮肤和头发调理的化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin and hair conditioning
232-577-1 过氧化氢酶 catalase CAS: 9001-05-2

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-588-1 淀粉酶 diastase from 曲霉 aspergillus 水oryzae CAS: 9001-19-8

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-599-1 ficin CAS: 9001-33-6

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-601-0 葡萄糖氧化酶 glucose oxidase CAS: 9001-37-0

Use(s): 稳定剂 stabilising agents
232-604-7 麦芽糖酶 麦芽 maltase CAS: 9001-42-7

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-615-7 转化酶 invertase from 酵母菌 saccharomyces 酿酒酵母 cerevisiae CAS: 9001-57-4

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-617-8 乳酸脱氢酶 lactate dehydrogenase CAS: 9001-60-9

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-619-9 脂肪酶 lipase CAS: 9001-62-1

Use(s): 特殊的饮食和营养添加剂 special dietary and nutritional additives
232-620-4 村酰胺酶 muramidase CAS: 9001-63-2

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-627-2 木瓜蛋白酶 papain CAS: 9001-73-4

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-629-3 胃蛋白酶a pepsin A CAS: 9001-75-6

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
碱性的 alkaline
磷酸酶 phosphatase CAS: 9001-78-9

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-642-4 蛋白酶 proteinase CAS: 9001-92-7

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-645-0 牛奶 milk 凝结 clot锡 ting 酵素 enzyme from 克鲁维酵母 kluyveromyces 乳酸菌 lactis CAS: 9001-98-3

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-650-8 胰蛋白酶 trypsin CAS: 9002-07-7

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-653-4 酪氨酸酶 tyrosinase CAS: 9002-10-2

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-656-0 脲酶 urease CAS: 9002-13-5

Use(s): 粘度控制剂 viscosity controlling agents
232-658-1 琼脂胶 agar gum CAS: 9002-18-0
FEMA: 2012

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
232-667-0 脱氧核糖核酸酶i deoxyribonuclease I CAS: 9003-98-9

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-668-6 乳过氧化物酶 lactoperoxidase CAS: 9003-99-0

Use(s): 抗菌剂 antimicrobial agents
232-668-6 大豆过氧化物酶 soybean peroxidase CAS: 9003-99-0

Use(s): 抗氧化剂 antioxidants, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
chymo胰蛋白酶 trypsin CAS: 9004-07-3

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-674-9 纤维素微晶 cellulose microcrystalline CAS: 9004-34-6

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 稳定剂 stabilising agents, 防结块剂 anticaking agents, 分散剂 dispersing agents
232-674-9 纤维素 cellulose CAS: 9004-34-6

Use(s): 吸收剂 absorbents, 填充剂 bulking agents
232-675-4 糊精 dextrin CAS: 9004-53-9

Use(s): 稳定剂 stabilising agents, 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 乳化剂 emulsifying agents
232-677-5 葡聚糖 dextrans CAS: 9004-54-0

Use(s): 纸和纸板的食品接触面 food-contact surface of paper and paperboard
232-678-0 透明质酸 hyaluronic acid CAS: 9004-61-9

Use(s): 营养辅助 nutrient adjuncts, 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements, 营养剂 nutrient agents
232-679-6 淀粉食品 starch food CAS: 9005-25-8

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
232-679-6 土豆 potato CAS: 9005-25-8

Use(s): 天然食品 natural food
232-679-6 葛根淀粉 pueraria lobata starch CAS: 9005-25-8

Use(s): 吸收剂 absorbents, 遮光剂 opacifying agents
232-679-6 马铃薯淀粉 solanum tuberosum starch CAS: 9005-25-8

Use(s): 吸收剂 absorbents, 结合剂 binding agents
232-680-1 海藻酸 alginic acid CAS: 9005-32-7

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
232-681-7 肝素 heparin CAS: 9005-49-6

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-682-2 木质素 lignin CAS: 9005-53-2

Use(s): 特殊的饮食和营养添加剂 special dietary and nutritional additives
232-683-8 糖原 glycogen CAS: 9005-79-2

Use(s): 湿润剂 humectants, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
232-684-3 菊粉 inulin CAS: 9005-80-5

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
232-685-9 直链淀粉 amylose CAS: 9005-82-7

Use(s): 湿润剂 humectants
232-686-4 淀粉糊精 amylodextrin CAS: 9005-84-9

Use(s): 吸收剂 absorbents, 填充剂 bulking agents
232-688-5 松节油 turpentine oil CAS: 9005-90-7
FEMA: 3088

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
232-689-0 天然橡胶 rubber natural CAS: 9006-04-6

Use(s): 口香糖胶基及相关物质 chewing gum bases and related substances
232-692-7 白蛋白 albumins CAS: 9006-59-1

Use(s): 冷包装 cold-pack 起司 cheese 餐饮 food
232-694-8 钙 calcium 树脂化 resinate CAS: 9007-13-0

Use(s): 颜料添加剂混合物中的稀释剂 diluents in color additive mixtures
232-695-3 软骨素 chondroitin CAS: 9007-27-6

Use(s): 特殊的饮食和营养添加剂 special dietary and nutritional additives
232-696-9 软骨素 chondroitin sulfates CAS: 9007-28-7

Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives, 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements
232-697-4 胶原 collagen CAS: 9007-34-5

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
232-700-9 细胞色素c cytochrome C CAS: 9007-43-6

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-701-4 弹性蛋白 elastin CAS: 9007-58-3

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-705-6 纤维蛋白 fibroin CAS: 9007-76-5

Use(s): 填充剂 bulking agents
232-706-1 球蛋白 globulin CAS: 9007-83-4

Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
232-707-7 麦醇溶蛋白 gliadin CAS: 9007-90-3

Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
232-712-4 拉米纳兰 laminaran CAS: 9008-22-4

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
232-720-8 甘氨酸大豆蛋白 glycine soya protein CAS: 9010-10-0

Use(s): 食品添加剂和美容剂 food additive and cosmetic agents
232-722-9 玉米蛋白粉 zein powder CAS: 9010-66-6

Use(s): 表面处理剂 surface-finishing agents
232-723-4 松香酸锌 zinc rosinate CAS: 9010-69-9

Use(s): 粘度控制剂 viscosity controlling agents
232-726-0 鱼精蛋白 protamine CAS: 9012-00-4

Use(s): 防腐剂 anticorrosive agents
232-731-8 琼脂糖 agarose CAS: 9012-36-6

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-732-3 氨酰酶 aminoacylase CAS: 9012-37-7

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-750-1 乳白蛋白 lactalbumin CAS: 9013-90-5

Use(s): 特殊的饮食和营养添加剂 special dietary and nutritional additives
232-752-2 枯草杆菌蛋白酶 subtilisin CAS: 9014-01-1

Use(s): 溶角蛋白剂 keratolytic agents
rosin 木 wood CAS: 9014-63-5

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 密度 density 调整 adjustment 代理 agent for 调味料 flavoring 油类 油 oils in 饮料 beverages
232-765-3 天冬酰胺酶 asparaginase from 曲霉 aspergillus 尼日尔 niger 表达 expressed in 曲霉 aspergillus 尼日尔 niger CAS: 9015-68-3

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-765-3 天冬酰胺酶 asparaginase from 曲霉 aspergillus 水oryzae 表达 expressed in 曲霉 aspergillus 水oryzae CAS: 9015-68-3

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-766-9 果胶 pectate 裂解酶 lyase 酵素 enzyme 制备 preparation from bacillus subtilis CAS: 9015-75-2

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
galactosidase CAS: 9025-35-8

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-793-6 keratinase CAS: 9025-41-6

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-799-9 hemi纤维素酶 cellulase from 曲霉 aspergillus 尼日尔 niger CAS: 9025-56-3

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-800-2 木聚糖酶 xylanase, β-葡聚糖酶 beta-glucanase 酵素 enzyme 制备 preparation, 生产的 produced by by a strain of hunicola 无能为力 insolens CAS: 9025-57-4

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-800-2 木聚糖酶 xylanase 酵素 enzyme 制备 preparation 派生的 derived from bacillus licheniformis CAS: 9025-57-4

Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
232-803-9 葡聚糖酶 dextranase CAS: 9025-70-1

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
232-807-0 果胶 pectinesterase CAS: 9025-98-3

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-837-4 半乳糖脱氢酶 galactose dehydrogenase CAS: 9028-54-0

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-839-5 羟类固醇氧化还原酶 hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase CAS: 9028-56-2

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
232-853-1 脂氧化酶 lip氧化酶 oxidase CAS: 9029-60-1

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
232-864-1 tilactase CAS: 9031-11-2

Use(s): 特殊的饮食和营养添加剂 special dietary and nutritional additives
232-874-6 乳酸乳球菌的氨肽酶 aminopeptidase from lactococcus lactis CAS: 9031-94-1

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-875-1 肽酶 peptidase CAS: 9031-96-3

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-877-2 黑曲霉的淀粉葡糖苷酶 amyloglucosidase from aspergillus niger CAS: 9032-08-0

Use(s): 在制备淀粉糖浆中将淀粉转化为糊精和葡萄糖 convert starches to dextrins and glucose in the preparation of starch syrups, 葡萄糖 dextrose, 水果汁 fruit juices
232-885-6 聚半乳糖醛酸酶 polygalacturonase CAS: 9032-75-1

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-890-3 糖基转移酶 glycosyltransferase CAS: 9033-07-2

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
232-894-5 果胶 pectin 裂解酶 lyase CAS: 9033-35-6

Use(s): 加工助剂 processing aids
232-910-0 阿拉伯半乳聚糖 arabinogalactan CAS: 9036-66-2
FEMA: 3254

Use(s): 载体溶剂 carrier solvents, 食品添加剂包封剂 encapsulating agent for food additives, 调味料 Flavorings, 稳定剂和吸收剂 stabilizers and absorbents
232-911-6 支链淀粉 amylopectin CAS: 9037-22-3

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
232-921-0 聚甘油聚醚-10 polyglycerin-10 CAS: 9041-07-0

Use(s): 湿润剂 humectants, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
232-926-8 凝乳酶 rennet CAS: 9042-08-4

Use(s): 多用途添加剂 multipurpose additives
lacto球蛋白 globulin CAS: 9045-23-2

Use(s): 抗静电和调理剂 antistatic and conditioning agents
232-936-2 血清白蛋白 serum albumin CAS: 9048-46-8

Use(s): 成膜 film forming, 头发调理剂 hair conditioning agents
232-940-4 麦芽糊精 maltodextrin CAS: 9050-36-6

Use(s): 载体溶剂 carrier solvents, 食品添加剂包封剂 encapsulating agent for food additives, 调味料 Flavorings, 稳定剂和吸收剂 stabilizers and absorbents
232-943-0 超氧化物歧化酶 superoxide dismutase CAS: 9054-89-1

Use(s): 抗氧化剂 antioxidants
232-944-6 葡萄糖 glucose 异构酶 isomerase from 放线飞机 ac锡 tinoplanes 密苏里州 missouriensis CAS: 9055-00-9

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
232-944-6 葡萄糖 glucose 异构酶 isomerase from 链霉菌 streptomyces violaceo尼日尔 niger CAS: 9055-00-9

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
角叉菜胶 carrageenan CAS: 9062-07-1

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
232-949-3 菠菜提取物 eucheuma spinosum extract CAS: 9062-07-1

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
角叉菜胶 carrageenan CAS: 9064-57-7

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
232-954-0 溶菌酶 lysozyme hydrochloride CAS: 9066-59-5

Use(s): 防腐剂 anticorrosive agents
异 iso
淀粉酶 amylase from 假单胞菌 pseudomonas 戊基 amyloderamosa CAS: 9067-73-6

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
alpha-l- L-
arabino呋喃 furanosidase CAS: 9067-74-7

Use(s): 处理中 处理 processing 援助 aid to 增加 increase the 让 yield of 淀粉 starch 麸质 gluten 膳食 meal 中 during the 玉米 corn 湿 wet 铣削 milling 处理 process
232-973-4 嗜热菌素 thermolysin CAS: 9073-78-3

Use(s): 处理中 处理 processing 援助 aid in the 生产 产品 production of 酵母 yeast extract
glucanase CAS: 9074-98-0

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
cyclo糊精 dextrin CAS: 10016-20-3

Use(s): 载体溶剂 carrier solvents, 食品添加剂包封剂 encapsulating agent for food additives, 调味料 Flavorings, 稳定剂和吸收剂 stabilizers and absorbents
233-018-4 辛醛二甲基乙缩醛 octanal dimethyl acetal CAS: 10022-28-3
FEMA: 2798
JECFA: 942
FLAVIS: 06.008

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-020-5 钡 barium nitrate CAS: 10022-31-8

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
异 iso
butyl cleate CAS: 10024-47-2

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
233-023-1 肉桂酸叔丁基酯 terpinyl cinnamate CAS: 10024-56-3
FEMA: 3051
JECFA: 669
FLAVIS: 09.737

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
cresyl 月桂酸酯 laurate CAS: 10024-57-4
FEMA: 3076
JECFA: 704
FLAVIS: 09.102

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-026-8 辛酸芳基酯 linalyl octanoate CAS: 10024-64-3
FEMA: 2644
JECFA: 365
FLAVIS: 09.116

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-027-3 柠檬酸锰 manganese citrate CAS: 10024-66-5

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements
233-032-0 笑气 nitrous oxide CAS: 10024-97-2
FEMA: 2779

Use(s): 推进剂 propellants, 充气剂 aerating agents, 和煤气 and gas
233-046-7 磷 phosphorus 氯oxychloride CAS: 10025-87-3

Use(s): 食品淀粉改性 food starch-modified
233-060-3 纤维素酶 cellulase CAS: 9012-54-8

Use(s): 酶制剂和微生物 enzyme preparations and microorganisms
233-069-2 臭氧 ozone CAS: 10028-15-6

Use(s): 抗菌剂 antimicrobial agents
mannose CAS: 10030-80-5

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
233-092-8 木瓜异丁酸酯 papaya isobutyrate CAS: 10031-71-7
FEMA: 2736
JECFA: 1461
FLAVIS: 09.484

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
anisaldehyde CAS: 10031-82-0
FEMA: 2413
JECFA: 879
FLAVIS: 05.056

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
phenyl propyl butyrate CAS: 10031-86-4
FEMA: 2424
JECFA: 823
FLAVIS: 09.189

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
ethyl butyl acetate CAS: 10031-87-5
FEMA: 2425
JECFA: 140
FLAVIS: 09.025

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-097-5 3-(2-呋喃基)丙酸乙酯 ethyl 3-(2-furyl) propanoate CAS: 10031-90-0
FEMA: 2435
JECFA: 1513
FLAVIS: 13.022

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
ethyl 辛酸 oc锡 tine 碳酸盐 carbonate CAS: 10031-92-2
FEMA: 2448
JECFA: 1352
FLAVIS: 09.157

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
233-099-6 甲酸丁香酯 eugenyl formate CAS: 10031-96-6
FEMA: 2473
JECFA: 1530
FLAVIS: 09.088

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-101-5 乙酰乙酸香叶酯 geranyl acetoacetate CAS: 10032-00-5
FEMA: 2510
JECFA: 599
FLAVIS: 09.405

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-102-0 香叶酸香叶酯 geranyl hexanoate CAS: 10032-02-7
FEMA: 2515
FLAVIS: 09.067

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-103-6 庚醛二甲基乙缩醛 heptanal dimethyl acetal CAS: 10032-05-0
FEMA: 2541
JECFA: 947
FLAVIS: 06.028

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexenyl 异戊酸 isovalerate CAS: 10032-11-8
FEMA: 3498
JECFA: 202
FLAVIS: 09.505

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-105-7 异戊酸己酯 hexyl isovalerate CAS: 10032-13-0
FEMA: 3500
JECFA: 199
FLAVIS: 09.529

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-106-2 2-甲基丁酸己酯 hexyl 2-methyl butyrate CAS: 10032-15-2
FEMA: 3499
JECFA: 208
FLAVIS: 09.507

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-106-2 2-甲基丁酸己酯 hexyl 2-methyl butyrate CAS: 10032-15-2
FEMA: 3499
JECFA: 208
FLAVIS: 09.507

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-109-9 氢碘酸 hydriodic acid CAS: 10034-85-2

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 佐剂 adjuvants, 生产助剂 production aids, 消毒剂 sanitizers
233-113-0 氢溴酸 hydrobromic acid CAS: 10035-10-6

Use(s): 缓冲剂 buffering agents
233-115-1 乙酰氨基葡萄糖 acetyl glucosamine CAS: 10036-64-3

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
233-117-2 di-n-octyl锡 tin bis(2-ethylhexyl maleate) CAS: 10039-33-5

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
233-118-8 硫酸羟胺 hydroxyl amine sulfate CAS: 10039-54-0

Use(s): 抗氧化剂 antioxidants
233-129-8 硬脂酸酯 TIPA-stearate CAS: 10042-67-8

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 表面活性剂 surfactant agents
233-131-9 锶 strontium nitrate CAS: 10042-76-9

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
233-135-0 无水硫酸铝 aluminum sulfate anhydrous CAS: 10043-01-3

Use(s): 紧肤剂 firming agents
233-136-6 氮化硼粉 boron nitride powder CAS: 10043-11-5

Use(s): 吸收剂 absorbents, 遮光剂 opacifying agents
233-139-2 硼酸 boric acid CAS: 10043-35-3

Use(s): 仅用作包装运输和盛放食品胶粘剂成分的物质 substances for use only as components of adhesives for food packaging, transporting, or holding food
233-140-8 氯化钙 calcium chloride CAS: 10043-52-4

Use(s): 紧肤剂 firming agents
233-140-8 硫酸铁 ferric sulfate CAS: 10028-22-5

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
233-141-3 硫酸铝钾 aluminum potassium sulfate CAS: 10043-67-1

Use(s): 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators, 紧肤剂 firming agents, 养育剂 raising agents
233-142-9 磷酸magnesium phosphate CAS: 10043-83-1

Use(s): 稳定剂 stabilising agents
233-143-4 锰 manganese 次磷酸盐 hypophosphite CAS: 10043-84-2

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements
233-149-7 铁的 ferric phosphate CAS: 10045-86-0

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements
233-150-2 sodium 铁的 ferric 焦pyrophosphate CAS: 10045-87-1

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements
233-151-8 硫酸亚铁铵 ferrous ammonium sulfate CAS: 10045-89-3

Use(s): 抗菌剂 antimicrobial agents
233-156-5 巯基乙酸丁酯 butyl thioglycolate CAS: 10047-28-6

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
233-158-6 熊果毒素 sterigmatocystin CAS: 10048-13-2

Use(s): 有毒的 toxic 自然 natural 物质 substances
233-162-8 二氧化氯 chlorine dioxide CAS: 10049-04-4

Use(s): 面粉处理剂 flour treatment agents, 漂白剂 bleaching agents
233-184-8 磷酸肉豆蔻基酯 myristyl phosphate CAS: 10054-29-2

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
233-187-4 碳酸potassium caroate CAS: 10058-23-8

Use(s): 氧化剂 oxidising agents
233-190-0 铁的 ferric 焦pyrophosphate CAS: 10058-44-3

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements
diethyl-1,3-propane 二胺 diamine CAS: 10061-68-4

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
233-202-4 邻氨基苯甲酸二甲酯 methyl dimethyl anthranilate CAS: 10072-05-6
FEMA: 4169
JECFA: 1551
FLAVIS: 09.648

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-221-8 丁烯酸苄基二甲酯 dimethyl benzyl carbinyl butyrate CAS: 10094-34-5
FEMA: 2394
JECFA: 1656
FLAVIS: 09.232

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-221-8 丁烯酸苄基二甲酯 dimethyl benzyl carbinyl butyrate CAS: 10094-34-5
FEMA: 2394
JECFA: 1656
FLAVIS: 09.232

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-222-3 环己烷丙酸乙酯 ethyl cyclohexane propionate CAS: 10094-36-7
FEMA: 2431
JECFA: 966
FLAVIS: 09.488

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexenyl acetate CAS: 10094-40-3

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexenyl 2-methyl butyrate CAS: 10094-41-4
FEMA: 3497
JECFA: 211
FLAVIS: 09.506

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-226-5 硬脂基芥酸酰胺 stearyl erucamide CAS: 10094-45-8

Use(s): 遮光剂 opacifying agents
propyl phenyl ethyl alcohol CAS: 10099-57-7

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
233-237-5 氯化镧 lanthanum chloride CAS: 10099-58-8

Use(s): 收敛剂 astringent agents
233-255-3 黑金属 ferrous 铵盐 ammonium phosphate CAS: 10101-60-7

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements
233-257-4 ci 77742 ci 77742 CAS: 10101-66-3

Use(s): 着色剂(仅表面) coloring agents (for surface only)
233-267-9 亚硒酸sodium selenite CAS: 10102-18-8

Use(s): 特殊的饮食和营养添加剂 special dietary and nutritional additives
233-271-0 钙 calcium 偏硅酸盐 meta硅酸盐 silicate CAS: 10101-39-0

Use(s): 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements
233-277-3 硫酸钠铝(alna(so4)2) aluminum sodium sulfate (AlNa(SO4)2) CAS: 10102-71-3

Use(s): 缓冲剂和中和剂 buffering agents and neutralizing agents
233-278-9 钙 calcium 溴酸盐 bromate CAS: 10102-75-7

Use(s): 烘焙食品 bakery products
233-283-6 磷酸钙 calcium phosphate CAS: 10103-46-5

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
233-298-8 丙二醇二propylene glycol dipropionate CAS: 10108-80-2
FEMA: 4465
JECFA: 1978

Use(s): 调味剂和/或香料的溶剂/稀释剂 solvents/deluents for flavor and/or fragrance agents
233-321-1 亚硫酸potassium sulfite CAS: 10117-38-1

Use(s): 抗褐变剂 antibrowning agents, 抗氧化剂 antioxidants, 防腐剂 anticorrosive agents, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
233-332-1 钙 calcium nitrate CAS: 10124-37-5

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
233-334-2 硫酸钴 cobalt sulfate CAS: 10124-43-3

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
233-335-8 氨化 ammoniated 汞 mercuric chloride CAS: 10124-48-8

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
233-341-0 磷酸 phosphoric acid, 锰 manganese 盐 salt CAS: 10124-54-6

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
233-343-1 六偏磷酸sodium hexametaphosphate CAS: 10124-56-8
FEMA: 3027

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 螯合剂 chelating agents, 变形剂 texturizers
233-344-7 月桂酸potassium laurate CAS: 10124-65-9

Use(s): 黏合剂 binders, 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 和防结块剂 and anticaking agents
benzoxazinyl 石脑油 naphthalene sulfoanilide CAS: 10128-55-9

Use(s): 化妆品紫外线吸收剂 cosmetic UV absorber
pinocamphone CAS: 10136-65-9

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
233-396-0 锌 zinc 碘化物 iodide CAS: 10139-47-6

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
异 iso
dipropylene glycol ethyl ether CAS: 10143-32-5

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
233-422-0 烯丙基甲基硫 allyl methyl sulfide CAS: 10152-76-8
FLAVIS: 12.096

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
233-423-6 butyl 2,4-dioxovalerate CAS: 10153-83-0

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
233-433-0 一氟磷酸sodium monofluorophosphate CAS: 7631-97-2

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements
233-463-4 sodium aristolate 1 CAS: 10190-99-5

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
tocopherol CAS: 10191-41-0

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements, 抗氧化剂 antioxidants
tetracosene CAS: 10192-32-2

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
硅质的 silicic acid CAS: 10193-36-9

Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives: efsa EFSA: as 胆碱稳定的 choline-stabilised 正硅 ortho硅质的 silicic acid only
233-484-9 亚硫酸铵 ammonium sulfite CAS: 10196-04-0

Use(s): 彩色佐剂 color adjuvant agents
terpinyl acetate CAS: 10198-23-9

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
dodecanol CAS: 10203-28-8
FLAVIS: 02.148

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
dodecanol CAS: 10203-32-4

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
dodecanol CAS: 10203-33-5

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanol CAS: 10210-17-0

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
cyclocytidine hydrochloride CAS: 10212-25-6

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
233-520-3 peg-2硬脂胺 peg-2 stearamine CAS: 10213-78-2

Use(s): 抗静电 antistatic, 结合剂 binding agents
dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide CAS: 10222-01-2

Use(s): 控制微生物和杀粘剂 control of microorganisms and as slimicides
pentyn-1-ol CAS: 10229-10-4

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
异 iso
propyl 月桂酸酯 laurate CAS: 10233-13-3
FLAVIS: 09.605

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
terpinyl acetate CAS: 10235-63-9

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-565-9 乙酸植酸酯 phytyl acetate CAS: 10236-16-5
FEMA: 4197
JECFA: 1833
FLAVIS: 09.691

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-566-4 柚皮苷 naringin CAS: 10236-47-2
FEMA: 2769
FLAVIS: 16.058

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
233-570-6 亚硫酸氢铵 ammonium bisulfite CAS: 10192-30-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
233-588-4 乙酸二异丁酯 diisobutyl carbinyl acetate CAS: 10250-45-0

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
naphthyl caprylate CAS: 10251-17-9

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
233-594-7 sodium mercapto丙酮酸 pyruvate CAS: 10255-67-1
FEMA: 3901
JECFA: 563

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
233-620-7 辛酸苄酯 benzyl octanoate CAS: 10276-85-4
FLAVIS: 09.318

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
pinane CAS: 10281-53-5

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
233-632-2 二水合铝 aluminum dichlorohydrate CAS: 10284-64-7

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
233-634-3 乙基二甲基爸爸 ethyl dimethyl PABA CAS: 10287-53-3

Use(s): 稳定剂 stabilising agents
233-653-7 硫酸银 silver sulfate CAS: 10294-26-5

Use(s): 抗菌剂 antimicrobial agents
233-693-5 methoxyacetaldehyde CAS: 10312-83-1

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
methyl-2-pentenoic acid CAS: 10321-71-8
FEMA: 4180
JECFA: 1818
FLAVIS: 08.099

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
arabinose CAS: 10323-20-3

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
lactic acid CAS: 10326-41-7
FEMA: 2611

Use(s): 调味剂和佐剂 flavoring agents and adjuvants, 固化和酸洗剂 curing and pickling agents, 增味剂 flavor enhancers
233-732-6 乙基芳樟醇 ethyl linalool CAS: 10339-55-6

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
decen-1-ol CAS: 10339-60-3

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z Z)-3-
decen-1-ol CAS: 10340-22-4

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z Z)-3-
nonen-1-ol CAS: 10340-23-5
FEMA: 4412
JECFA: 2177
FLAVIS: 02.234

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-760-9 2-羟基-4-甲基戊酸乙酯 ethyl 2-hydroxy-4-methyl valerate CAS: 10348-47-7

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
233-768-2 巴豆酸丙酯 propyl crotonate CAS: 10352-87-1
FLAVIS: 09.699

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
heptenoic acid CAS: 10352-88-2
FEMA: 3920
JECFA: 1373
FLAVIS: 08.123

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
233-782-9 偏磷酸sodium metaphosphate CAS: 10361-03-2

Use(s): 缓冲剂 buffering agents, 螯合剂 chelating agents
233-786-0 碳酸铵 ammonium carbonate CAS: 506-87-6

Use(s): 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators, 养育剂 raising agents
233-788-1 钡 barium chloride CAS: 10361-37-2

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
233-789-7 戊酸苄酯 benzyl valerate CAS: 10361-39-4
FLAVIS: 09.152

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-792-3 铋 bismuth nitrate oxide CAS: 10361-46-3

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
233-814-1 冰片二酮 bornanedione CAS: 10373-78-1

Use(s): 成膜剂 film forming agents
233-818-3 碳酸 carbonic acid, lithium salt CAS: 10377-37-4

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
233-822-5 lithium 碘化物 iodide CAS: 10377-51-2

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
233-829-3 米硼酸盐 MEA borate CAS: 10377-81-8

Use(s): 缓冲剂 buffering agents
233-841-9 铜 copper 8-quinolinolate CAS: 10380-28-6

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
233-842-4 propyl (E)-2-hexenoate CAS: 10380-79-7

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
233-850-8 天门冬氨酸钙 calcium aspartate CAS: 10389-10-3

Use(s): 特殊的饮食和营养添加剂 special dietary and nutritional additives
233-864-4 十六烷基蓖麻油酸酯 cetyl ricinoleate CAS: 10401-55-5

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
233-868-6 乙酸烯丙酯 eugenyl phenyl acetate CAS: 10402-33-2

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-869-1 戊酸香叶酯 geranyl valerate CAS: 10402-47-8
FEMA: 4123
JECFA: 1821
FLAVIS: 09.150

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-870-7 香叶基香叶酸甲基酯 geranyl methyl tiglate CAS: 10402-48-9

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
phenyl propyl acetate CAS: 10402-52-5

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
木 woody acetate CAS: 10411-92-4

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
butyl cyclohexyl propionate CAS: 10411-93-5

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
butyl cyclohexyl propionate CAS: 10411-95-7

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
cresyl valerate CAS: 10415-86-8

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
233-889-0 丁香戊醇 lilac pentanol CAS: 10415-87-9
FEMA: 2883
JECFA: 1649
FLAVIS: 02.037

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
phenyl-2-butyl acetate CAS: 10415-88-0
FEMA: 2882
JECFA: 816
FLAVIS: 09.200

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-897-4 硝酸magnesium nitrate CAS: 10377-60-3

Use(s): 头发调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for hair conditioning
233-929-7 柠檬酸丙二醇缩醛 citral propylene glycol acetal CAS: 10444-50-5
FLAVIS: 06.035

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-932-3 癸酸己酯 hexyl decanoate CAS: 10448-26-7
FEMA: 4342
JECFA: 1874

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
iodic acid CAS: 10450-60-9

Use(s): 定影 fixing 代理商 代理 agents in the 固定 immobilization of 酵素 enzyme 准备工作 制备 preparations
233-940-7 菊酯 resmethrin CAS: 10453-86-8

Use(s): 抗菌剂 antimicrobial agents
menthan-3-one -one CAS: 10458-14-7
FLAVIS: 07.059

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-959-0 乙醛乙基甲基acetaldehyde ethyl methyl acetal CAS: 10471-14-4
FLAVIS: 06.084

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-961-1 戊酸芳基酯 linalyl valerate CAS: 10471-96-2
FLAVIS: 09.614

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-962-7 carbomethoxycyclopentanone CAS: 10472-24-9

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
dimethyl-3-buten-2-ol CAS: 10473-13-9

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
methyl-3-buten-2-ol CAS: 10473-14-0

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
233-971-6 氯化锶 strontium chloride CAS: 10476-85-4

Use(s): 口腔护理剂 oral care agents
异 iso
戊酸戊酯 amyl angelate CAS: 10482-55-0
FLAVIS: 09.596

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
松油醇 ter松树 pineol CAS: 10482-56-1

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-987-3 戊酸肉桂酯 cinnamyl valerate CAS: 10482-65-2

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-988-9 香茅酸苯甲酸酯 citronellyl benzoate CAS: 10482-77-6

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
233-989-4 肉桂酸香茅酯 citronellyl cinnamate CAS: 10482-79-8

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
233-992-0 水杨酸烯丙酯 allyl salicylate CAS: 10484-09-0

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
233-994-1 四氢萘-1-乙醛 tetrahydronaphthalene-1-acetaldehyde CAS: 10484-23-8

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
233-995-7 戊基 amyl myristate CAS: 10484-35-2

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
233-996-2 戊基异丁香酚 amyl isoeugenol CAS: 10484-36-3

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
233-998-3 丁基2-萘醚 butyl 2-naphthyl ether CAS: 10484-56-7
FEMA: 4634
JECFA: 2141

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
234-001-4 苯甲酸铑 rhodinyl benzoate CAS: 10486�12�1

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
234-003-5 罗丹酰苯基乙酸酯 rhodinyl phenyl acetate CAS: 10486-14-3
FEMA: 2985
JECFA: 1018
FLAVIS: 09.791

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
234-004-0 十三can tridecanal CAS: 10486-19-8
FEMA: 4335

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
234-005-6 香根草甲酸酯 vetiveryl formate CAS: 10486-25-6

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
234-006-1 香根草丙酸酯 vetiveryl propionate CAS: 10486-26-7

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
hydroxy-2-cyclopenten-1-one -one CAS: 10493-98-8

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
234-053-8 丁基对甲酚醚 butyl para-cresol ether CAS: 10519-06-9

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
decalinyl acetate CAS: 10519-11-6

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
decalinyl 甲 formate CAS: 10519-12-7

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
234-056-4 碳酸癸二乙酯 ethyl decine carbonate CAS: 10519-17-2

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
234-058-5 碳酸乙基庚酯 ethyl heptine carbonate CAS: 10519-20-7

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
decen-2-one -one CAS: 10519-33-2
FEMA: 3532
JECFA: 1130
FLAVIS: 07.121

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
234-064-8 苯phenyl amyl alcohol CAS: 10521-91-2
FEMA: 3618
JECFA: 675
FLAVIS: 02.051

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
234-065-3 醋酸苯乙烯酯 styryl acetate CAS: 10521-96-7

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
methyl undecanol CAS: 10522-26-6

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
234-069-5 乙酸乙烯基苯基酯 neryl phenyl acetate CAS: 10522-32-4

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
234-070-0 橙皮 neryl valerate CAS: 10522-33-5

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
undecen-2-one -one CAS: 10522-37-9

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
234-072-1 乙酸苯乙二醇酯 phenyl glycol acetate CAS: 10522-41-5

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
234-077-9 肉豆蔻酰胺 myristamide MIPA CAS: 10525-14-1

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
pentyl glycol 月桂酸酯 di月桂酸酯 laurate CAS: 10525-39-0

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
234-125-9 ethyl crotonate CAS: 10544-63-5
FEMA: 3486
JECFA: 1806

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
acetoxymethyl-2-furaldehyde CAS: 10551-58-3

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
ethyl propylene 二胺 diamine CAS: 10563-23-2

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
aminopropyl)diaminoethane CAS: 10563-26-5

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 纸和纸板组件 paper and paperboard components
234-169-9 硬脂酸苯甲酸酯 stearyl benzoate CAS: 10578-34-4

Use(s): 溶剂 Solvents
234-175-1 己酸香茅酯 citronellyl hexanoate CAS: 10580-25-3
FLAVIS: 09.341

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
propyl cyanoacrylate CAS: 10586-17-1

Use(s): 成膜剂 film forming agents
异 iso
butyl valerate CAS: 10588-10-0
FLAVIS: 09.250

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
pulegyl 甲 formate CAS: 10588-15-5

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
234-206-9 十二烷基硫代二丙酸酯 ditridecyl thiodipropionate CAS: 10595-72-9

Use(s): 抗氧化剂 antioxidants
234-207-4 磺乙基 sulfoethyl methacrylate CAS: 10595-80-9

Use(s): 纸和纸板的食品接触面 food-contact surface of paper and paperboard
234-209-5 双didecyl succinate CAS: 10595-82-1

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
methyl-2-furyl) propan-1-one -one CAS: 10599-69-6
FLAVIS: 13.155

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
acetyl-2,5-二甲基呋喃 5-dimethyl furan CAS: 10599-70-9
FEMA: 3391
JECFA: 1506
FLAVIS: 13.066

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
234-223-1 乙基3 ethyl 3,3-diethoxypropionate CAS: 10601-80-6

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
234-224-7 巴豆醛二乙缩醛 crotonaldehyde diethyl acetal CAS: 10602-34-3

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
l- L-
ascorby byl stearate CAS: 10605-09-1

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
234-232-0 多菌灵 carbendazim CAS: 10605-21-7

Use(s): 除草剂/农药 herbicides / pesticides
234-242-5 叶绿素铜三钠盐 chlorophyllin coppered trisodium salt CAS: 11006-34-1

Use(s): 着色剂 coloring agents
234-246-7 flavomycin CAS: 11015-37-5

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
234-251-4 参皂甙 ginsenoside r Rb2 CAS: 11021-13-9

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
234-253-5 参皂甙rc ginsenoside Rc CAS: 11021-14-0

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
234-257-7 cedrene CAS: 11028-42-5

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
234-262-4 三醇 santalol CAS: 11031-45-1
FEMA: 3006
JECFA: 984

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
234-270-8 苯乙烯甲基三氯化铵交联聚合物 styrene methyltrimonium chloride crosspolymer CAS: 11041-12-6

Use(s): 吸收剂 absorbents
异 iso
jasmone CAS: 11050-62-7
FEMA: 3552
JECFA: 1115
FLAVIS: 07.033

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
234-299-6 决明胶 cassia gum CAS: 11078-30-1

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
234-310-4 三氯化四铝九水 tetraaluminum trichloride nonahydroxide CAS: 11089-92-2

Use(s): 止汗药 antiperspirant, 收敛剂 astringent agents
234-316-7 十酸十橙花醇酯 polyglyceryl-10 decaoleate CAS: 11094-60-3

Use(s): 油包水型和油包水型乳液中的非离子型乳化剂 nonionic emulsifiers in both water-in-oil and water-in-oil emulsions
234-319-3 镁/铝/氢氧化物/碳酸盐 magnesium/aluminum/hydroxide/carbonate CAS: 11097-59-9

Use(s): 粘度控制剂 viscosity controlling agents
234-324-0 聚硅酸乙酯 ethyl polysilicate CAS: 11099-06-2

Use(s): 成膜剂 film forming agents
234-325-6 硬脂酸glyceryl stearate SE CAS: 11099-07-3

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents
234-328-2 维生素A vitamin A CAS: 68-26-8

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements
234-334-5 钴 cobalt oxide CAS: 11104-61-3

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
角叉菜胶 carrageenan CAS: 11114-20-8

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
234-365-4 铝 aluminum 硼酸盐 borate CAS: 11121-16-7

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
234-378-5 氧化锰 manganese oxide CAS: 11129-60-5

Use(s): 化妆品紫外线吸收剂 cosmetic UV absorber
234-384-8 ligno纤维素 cellulose CAS: 11132-73-3

Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives, 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements
234-386-9 铝镁氧化物 aluminum magnesium oxide CAS: 11137-98-7

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
234-390-0 过硼酸sodium perborate CAS: 15120-21-5

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
234-391-6 铝 aluminum sodium oxide CAS: 11138-49-1

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
234-394-2 黄原胶 xanthan gum CAS: 11138-66-2

Use(s): 增稠剂 thickeners, 胶凝剂 gelling agents, 稳定剂和乳化剂 stabalizers and emulsifiers
234-394-2 三羟甲基丙烷三辛酸酯/三癸酸酯 trimethylolpropane tricaprylate/tricaprate CAS: 11138-60-6

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
234-408-7 维生素k K CAS: 12001-79-5

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements
234-409-2 环烷 naphthenic acids acids, 锌盐 zinc salts CAS: 12001-85-3

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
合成的 synthetic
氟金云母 fluorphlogopite CAS: 12003-38-2

Use(s): 膨大 bulking, 粘度控制剂 viscosity controlling agents
234-429-1 铝 aluminum 钾盐 potassium 硅酸盐 silicate(1:1:1) CAS: 12003-49-5

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
234-618-9 氧化钛钴 cobalt titanium oxide CAS: 12017-38-8

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
234-670-2 铁 iron 硅化物 silicide CAS: 12022-95-6

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
234-717-7 碘化铵 ammonium iodide CAS: 12027-06-4

Use(s): 抗菌剂 antimicrobial agents
234-722-4 铵盐 ammonium hepta钼酸盐 molybdate CAS: 12027-67-7

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
234-771-1 硫化magnesium sulfide CAS: 12032-36-9

Use(s): 脱毛剂 depilatory agents
234-933-1 氯水合铝 aluminum chlorohydrate CAS: 12042-91-0

Use(s): 止汗药 antiperspirant, 收敛剂 astringent agents
234-988-1 钛酸钙 calcium titanate CAS: 12049-50-2

Use(s): 保护皮肤的化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
235-015-3 氧化oxide CAS: 12055-62-8

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
235-030-5 锡酸sodium stannate CAS: 12058-66-1

Use(s): 稳定剂 stabilising agents
235-088-1 甲苯磺酸sodium toluene sulfonate CAS: 12068-03-0

Use(s): 水溶助长剂 hydrotrope, 表面活性剂 surfactant agents
235-098-6 硅质的 silicic acid (H2SiO3), 铝 aluminum lithium salt (2:1:1) CAS: 12068-40-5

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
235-101-0 铝氧化锌 aluminum zinc oxide CAS: 12068-53-0

Use(s): 捆绑 binding, 填充剂 bulking agents
235-113-6 氢氧化碳酸铜 copper carbonate hydroxide CAS: 12069-69-1

Use(s): 抗菌剂 antimicrobial agents
235-137-7 pro松树 pineb CAS: 12071-83-9

Use(s): 除草剂/农药 herbicides / pesticides
235-183-8 铵盐 ammonium 溴化物 bromide CAS: 12124-97-9

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
235-184-3 铵盐 ammonium 二硫化物 bi硫化物 sulfide CAS: 12124-99-1
FLAVIS: 16.059

Use(s): 抗氧化剂和防腐剂 antioxidants and preservatives
235-185-9 氟化铵 ammonium fluoride CAS: 12125-01-8

Use(s): 口腔护理剂 oral care agents
235-186-4 氯化铵 ammonium chloride CAS: 12125-02-9
FEMA: 4494
FLAVIS: 16.048

Use(s): 消毒解决方案 sanitizing solutions, 面团增强剂 dough strengtheners, 增味剂 flavor enhancers, 膨松剂 leavening agents
235-186-4 锌 zineb CAS: 12122-67-7

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
235-192-7 氢氧化碳酸magnesium carbonate hydroxide CAS: 12125-28-9

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
235-223-4 硫化铵水溶液20% ammonium sulfide 20% in water CAS: 12135-76-1
FEMA: 2053
FLAVIS: 16.002

Use(s): 合成调味剂和佐剂 synthetic flavoring substances and adjuvants
235-227-6 氧化potassium oxide CAS: 12136-45-7

Use(s): 缓冲剂 buffering agents
235-228-1 硫化lithium sulfide CAS: 12136-58-2

Use(s): 脱毛剂 depilatory agents
235-255-9 钾盐 potassium 锡酸盐 stannate CAS: 12142-33-5

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
235-285-2 铜 copper 氢氧化物 hydroxide phosphate CAS: 12158-74-6

Use(s): 着色剂 coloring agents
235-330-6 磷酸三钙 calcium phosphate tribasic CAS: 12167-74-7

Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
235-336-9 三钙 tri钙 calcium 硅酸盐 silicate CAS: 12168-85-3

Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
235-340-0 hectorite CAS: 12173-47-6

Use(s): 缓冲剂 buffering agents
235-374-6 盘根 argilla CAS: 12199-37-0

Use(s): 磨料 abrasives, 填充剂 bulking agents
235-390-3 铁链素 sutilains CAS: 12211-28-8

Use(s): 溶角蛋白剂 keratolytic agents
235-428-9 fd& c黄编号5铝 (c.i. 19140(al)) fd&;c yellow no. 5 aluminum lake (c.i. 19140 (Al)) CAS: 12225-21-7

Use(s): 着色剂 coloring agents
235-437-8 酸性红27铝色淀 acid red 27 aluminum lake CAS: 12227-62-2

Use(s): 染发剂 hair dyeing agents
235-438-3 酸红18铝色淀 acid red 18 aluminum lake CAS: 12227-64-4

Use(s): 染发剂 hair dyeing agents
235-440-4 fd& c红编号3铝 (c.i. 45430(al)) fd&;c red no. 3 aluminum lake (c.i. 45430 (Al)) CAS: 12227-78-0

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
异 iso
戊基 amyl 十一碳烯酸酯 undecylenate CAS: 12262-03-2

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
235-546-0 基本的 basic 蓝色 blue 41 (c.i. 11105) CAS: 12270-13-2

Use(s): 着色剂(仅表面) coloring agents (for surface only)
235-671-0 sorbitan CAS: 12441-09-7

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
235-697-2 dihydrodicyclopentadienyl acrylate CAS: 12542-30-2

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
235-730-0 lithium 聚硅酸盐 poly硅酸盐 silicate CAS: 12627-14-4

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
235-747-3 溶菌酶 lysozyme CAS: 12650-88-3

Use(s): 防腐剂 anticorrosive agents
235-777-7 聚甘油聚醚-2硬脂酸酯 polyglyceryl-2 stearate CAS: 12694-22-3

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents
235-795-5 蔗糖苯甲酸酯 sucrose benzoate CAS: 12738-64-6

Use(s): 成膜 film forming, 增塑剂 plasticiser agents
235-798-1 铁 iron 磷化物 phosphide CAS: 12751-22-3

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
235-799-7 磷酸月桂酯 lauryl phosphate CAS: 12751-23-4

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents
235-800-0 page propagermanium CAS: 12758-40-6

Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
235-838-8 乙醛二戊acetaldehyde diamyl acetal CAS: 13002-08-9
FLAVIS: 06.100

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
235-839-3 乙醛二异戊基acetaldehyde diisoamyl acetal CAS: 13002-09-0
FEMA: 4024
JECFA: 1729
FLAVIS: 06.055

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
butylidene-bis(6-tert-butyl-3-methylphenyl-迪十三烷基 ditridecyl phosphite) CAS: 13003-12-8

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
235-849-8 葡萄糖酸sodium gluceptate CAS: 13007-85-7

Use(s): 螯合剂 chelating agents
235-866-0 methyl 4-nitrobutyrate CAS: 13013-02-0

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
methyl-3-heptanone CAS: 13019-20-0
FEMA: 4000
JECFA: 1156
FLAVIS: 07.240

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
decen-1-ol CAS: 13019-22-2
FLAVIS: 02.138

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
decen-1-ol CAS: 13019-22-2
FLAVIS: 02.138

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
235-899-0 dimethyl 5-hydroxyisophthalate CAS: 13036-02-7

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
235-907-2 辛酰乙酸sodium capryloamphoacetate CAS: 13039-35-5

Use(s): 表面活性剂 surfactant agents
235-910-9 癸酸potassium decanoate CAS: 13040-18-1

Use(s): 黏合剂 binders, 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 和防结块剂 and anticaking agents
235-911-4 蓖麻油酸锌 zinc ricinoleate CAS: 13040-19-2

Use(s): 防结块剂 anticaking agents
异 iso
butyl 丙酮酸 pyruvate CAS: 13051-48-4

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
235-946-5 季戊四醇四月桂酸酯 pentaerythrityl tetralaurate CAS: 13057-50-6

Use(s): 润肤剂 emollient agents
235-948-6 香叶酸乙酯 ethyl geranate CAS: 13058-12-3
FLAVIS: 09.831

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
235-969-0 四氢茉莉酮 tetrahydrojasmone CAS: 13074-63-0

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
235-970-6 茉莉环戊酮 jasmin cyclopentanone CAS: 13074-65-2

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
235-991-0 季戊四醇二硬脂酸酯 pentaerythrityl distearate CAS: 13081-97-5

Use(s): 乳化剂 emulsifying agents
tetra-O-acetyl-beta-d- D-glucopyranose CAS: 13100-46-4

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
236-036-0 丁酸冰片酯 bornyl butyrate CAS: 13109-70-1
FEMA: 3907
JECFA: 1412
FLAVIS: 09.319

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
236-080-0 他克莫司 tacrolimus CAS: 13144-88-2

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
236-088-4 全景的 pangamic acid CAS: 13149-69-4

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
236-114-4 麝香二甲基茚满 musk dimethyl indane CAS: 13171-00-1
FEMA: 3653
JECFA: 812

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
octen-1-ol CAS: 13175-44-5

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
236-136-4 香草基乙醚 vanillyl ethyl ether CAS: 13184-86-6
FEMA: 3815
JECFA: 887
FLAVIS: 04.094

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
236-149-5 单月桂基磺基琥珀酸二钠 disodium monolauryl sulfosuccinate CAS: 13192-12-6

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
236-164-7 月桂基羟基磺基甜菜碱 lauryl hydroxysultaine CAS: 13197-76-7

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
236-167-3 提香酸 tiglic acid CAS: 13201-46-2
FLAVIS: 08.120

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
methyl 苯 benzene 碳硫 car都 bothioic 酸 S-acid CAS: 13205-48-6

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
236-179-9 樟脑酮 camphenilone CAS: 13211-15-9

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e (E,e/e E/E,z Z)-
tobacco 环己烯酮 cyclohexenone CAS: 13215-88-8
FEMA: 4663
JECFA: 2057

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
柠檬酸橙花醇酯 eriocitrin CAS: 13241-32-2

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hesperidin CAS: 13241-33-3

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
236-228-4 乙基2 ethyl 2,4-dioxohexanoate CAS: 13246-52-1
FEMA: 3278
JECFA: 603
FLAVIS: 09.514

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
236-236-8 propanoic acid, 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-2-(1,1,2,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropoxy)- CAS: 13252-13-6

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
236-243-6 pro carpronium chloride CAS: 13254-33-6

Use(s): 抗静电 antistatic, 头发调理 hair conditioning
236-244-1 小苍兰庚醇 freesia heptanol CAS: 13254-34-7
FLAVIS: 02.219

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
nonyn-1-al dimethyl acetal CAS: 13257-44-8

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
hexene CAS: 13269-52-8

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
236-304-7 olitoriside CAS: 13289-20-8

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
236-370-7 巯基丙酸乙酯 ethyl methyl mercaptopropionate CAS: 13327-56-5
FEMA: 3343
JECFA: 476
FLAVIS: 12.053

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
236-374-9 羟基硬脂酸sodium hydroxystearate CAS: 13329-67-4

Use(s): 清洁 cleansing, 表面活性剂 surfactant agents
236-390-6 薄荷内酯 mint lactone CAS: 13341-72-5
FEMA: 3764
JECFA: 1162
FLAVIS: 10.036

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
furyl)-3-(2-thienyl)-2-propen-1-one -one CAS: 13343-95-8

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
236-400-9 异丙醇 muguet propanol CAS: 13351-61-6

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
pentadecene CAS: 13360-61-7

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
236-416-6 咖啡吡嗪 coffee pyrazine CAS: 13360-64-0
FEMA: 3154
JECFA: 770
FLAVIS: 14.017

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
ethyl-5-methyl 吡嗪 pyrazine 2-ethyl-6-methyl 吡嗪 pyrazine 混合物 mixture CAS: 13360-64-0
FEMA: 3154
JECFA: 770

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
cocoa 吡嗪 pyrazine CAS: 13360-65-1
FEMA: 3149
JECFA: 775
FLAVIS: 14.111

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
methyl cyclohexanone CAS: 13368-65-5

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
236-449-6 肉桂醛肟 cinnamaldehyde oxime CAS: 13372-81-1

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
melozol CAS: 13380-89-7

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
236-458-5 三环癸烷-8-一 tricyclodecane-8-one CAS: 13380-94-4

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
octene CAS: 13389-42-9

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one -one CAS: 13395-73-8

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyphenethyl alcohol CAS: 13398-94-2

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
236-492-0 cetyl acrylate CAS: 13402-02-3

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
236-524-3 磺基琥珀酸三钠 trisodium sulfosuccinate CAS: 13419-59-5

Use(s): 缓冲剂 buffering agents
236-526-4 巯基乳酸铵 ammonium thiolactate CAS: 13419-67-5

Use(s): 脱毛剂 depilatory agents
hexenoic acid CAS: 13419-69-7
FEMA: 3169
JECFA: 1361
FLAVIS: 08.054

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
236-531-1 ci 24790 ci 24790 CAS: 13421-53-9

Use(s): 着色剂(仅表面) coloring agents (for surface only)
236-533-2 羟考拉巴明 hydroxocobalamin CAS: 13422-51-0

Use(s): 特殊的饮食和营养添加剂 special dietary and nutritional additives
236-537-4 tetrahydro-3-methyl 呋喃 furan CAS: 13423-15-9

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
236-546-3 亚硫酸盐 MEA-sulfite CAS: 13427-63-9

Use(s): 头发固定剂 hair fixing agents
236-547-9 ppg-2甲醚 ppg-2 methyl ether CAS: 34590-94-8

Use(s): 化妆品和香料 cosmetic and fragrance agents
236-550-5 肉豆蔻酸potassium myristate CAS: 13429-27-1

Use(s): 黏合剂 binders, 乳化剂 emulsifying agents, 和防结块剂 and anticaking agents
methoxytetrahydro呋喃 furan CAS: 13436-45-8

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
ethoxytetrahydro呋喃 furan CAS: 13436-46-9

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异 iso
valeraldehyde 二异丁基 di异丁基 isobutyl acetal CAS: 13439-98-0
FLAVIS: 06.124

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
236-580-9 acetaldehyde ethyl 戊基 amyl acetal CAS: 13442-89-2
FLAVIS: 06.085

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
236-581-4 acetaldehyde ethyl 异戊基 iso戊基 amyl acetal CAS: 13442-90-5
FLAVIS: 06.083

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
236-595-0 magnesium 焦pyrophosphate CAS: 13446-24-7

Use(s): 膨松剂 leavening agents, 酸度调节剂 acidity regulators
236-599-2 钾盐 potassium 钼酸盐 molybdate CAS: 13446-49-6

Use(s): 营养补品 nutrient supplements
236-668-7 柠檬酸橙花醇酯 eriocitrin CAS: 13463-28-0

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
236-671-3 巯氧吡啶锌 zinc pyrithione CAS: 13463-41-7

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
236-675-5 二氧化titanium dioxide CAS: 13463-67-7

Use(s): 着色剂 coloring agents
carene CAS: 13466-78-9
FEMA: 3821
JECFA: 1342
FLAVIS: 01.029

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
236-743-4 sodium 钨酸盐 tungstate CAS: 13472-45-2

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
236-747-6 溶剂红48 solvent red 48 CAS: 13473-26-2

Use(s): 着色剂(仅表面) coloring agents (for surface only)
236-751-8 铝 aluminum nitrate CAS: 13473-90-0

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
pentamethyl heptane CAS: 13475-82-6

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
236-760-7 钡 barium 氯酸盐 chlorate CAS: 13477-00-4

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
236-770-1 二氢氧化玫瑰 dihydrorose oxide CAS: 13477-62-8

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
236-784-8 四氢-2-(4-甲基苯氧基)-2h-吡喃 tetrahydro-2-(4-methyl phenoxy)-2H-pyran CAS: 13481-09-9

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
236-786-9 3-壬烯酸甲酯 methyl 3-nonenoate CAS: 13481-87-3
FEMA: 3710
JECFA: 340
FLAVIS: 09.298

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
236-798-4 环己基甲基羧乙酸酯 cyclohexyl methyl carbinyl acetate CAS: 13487-27-9

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
236-806-6 松树己醇 pine hexanol CAS: 13491-79-7

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
236-810-8 焦糖戊二酮 caramel pentadione CAS: 13494-06-9
FEMA: 3268
JECFA: 420
FLAVIS: 07.075

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
236-811-3 焦糖二酮 caramel dione CAS: 13494-07-0
FEMA: 3269
JECFA: 421
FLAVIS: 07.076

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
ethyl-1,2-环戊二酮 2-cyclopentadione CAS: 13494-08-1

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
236-855-3 guaza锡 tine CAS: 13516-27-3

Use(s): 除草剂/农药 herbicides / pesticides
236-872-6 糠醛二乙缩醛 furfural diethyl acetal CAS: 13529-27-6
FLAVIS: 13.126

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
236-878-9 锌 zinc 铬酸盐 chromate CAS: 13530-65-9

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 佐剂 adjuvants, 生产助剂 production aids, 消毒剂 sanitizers
236-883-6 3-(甲硫基)丙酸甲酯 methyl 3-(methyl thio) propionate CAS: 13532-18-8
FEMA: 2720
JECFA: 472
FLAVIS: 12.002

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hydroxypentanoic acid CAS: 13532-37-1

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
236-921-1 铬 chromium nitrate 无水的 an含水的 hydrous CAS: 13548-38-4

Use(s): 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements
236-935-8 triundecanoin CAS: 13552-80-2

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
(e (E,z Z,Z)-2,4,7-
tridecatrienal CAS: 13552-96-0
FEMA: 3638
JECFA: 1198
FLAVIS: 05.064

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
236-942-6 月桂酰乳酸sodium lauroyl lactylate CAS: 13557-75-0

Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
236-945-2 樟脑 camphor 肟 oxime CAS: 13559-66-5

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
aminocrotonic acid, diester with 硫代比 thiobis (2-hydroxyethyl) ether CAS: 13560-49-1

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
236-953-6 乙酰乙酸己酯 hexyl acetoacetate CAS: 13562-84-0

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
236-967-2 六偏磷酸锌 zinc hexametaphosphate CAS: 13566-15-9

Use(s): 防腐剂 anticorrosive agents
cedrene epoxide CAS: 13567-39-0

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
cedranol CAS: 13567-44-7

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
237-016-4 钴 cobalt stearate, 未指定 unspecified CAS: 13586-84-0

Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
237-066-7 phosphorous acid CAS: 13598-36-2

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
237-081-9 sodium 亚铁氰化物 ferrocyanide CAS: 13601-19-9

Use(s): 防结块剂 anticaking agents
异 iso
nico锡 tinic acid N-oxide CAS: 13602-12-5

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
dimethyl pyridin-4-ol CAS: 13603-44-6

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
237-099-7 米诺环素 minocycline hydrochloride 水合物 hydrate CAS: 13614-98-7

Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
dimethyl 硫酚 thiophenol CAS: 13616-82-5

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
trimethyl thiazole CAS: 13623-11-5
FEMA: 3325
JECFA: 1036
FLAVIS: 15.019

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
methyl thio)-2-butanone CAS: 13678-58-5
FEMA: 3207
JECFA: 496
FLAVIS: 12.041

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
methyl 5-(methyl thio) 呋喃 furan CAS: 13678-59-6
FEMA: 3366
JECFA: 1062
FLAVIS: 13.065

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
237-171-8 糠酸异戊酸酯 furfuryl isovalerate CAS: 13678-60-9
FEMA: 3283
JECFA: 743
FLAVIS: 13.057

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
237-172-3 二糠硫醚 difurfuryl sulfide CAS: 13678-67-6
FEMA: 3238
JECFA: 1080
FLAVIS: 13.056

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
237-173-9 糠基硫代乙酸酯 furfuryl thioacetate CAS: 13678-68-7
FEMA: 3162
JECFA: 1074
FLAVIS: 13.033

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
thienyl)-1,2-丙烷二酮 2-propane dione CAS: 13678-69-8

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
237-176-5 糠基甲基醚 furfuryl methyl ether CAS: 13679-46-4
FEMA: 3159
JECFA: 1520
FLAVIS: 13.052

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
237-177-0 2-硫代糠酸甲酯 methyl 2-thiofuroate CAS: 13679-61-3
FEMA: 3311
JECFA: 1083
FLAVIS: 13.142

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
237-178-6 面包噻吩 bread thiophene CAS: 13679-70-4
FEMA: 3209
JECFA: 1050
FLAVIS: 15.004

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
acetyl-3-methyl 噻吩 thiophene CAS: 13679-72-6
FLAVIS: 15.037

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
acetyl-4-methyl 噻吩 thiophene CAS: 13679-73-7

Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
acetyl-5-methyl 噻吩 thiophene CAS: 13679-74-8
FEMA: 4643
JECFA: 2107

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
propanoyl 噻吩 thiophene CAS: 13679-75-9
FLAVIS: 15.097

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
237-183-3 黑莓噻吩 blackberry thiophenone CAS: 13679-85-1
FEMA: 3512
JECFA: 499
FLAVIS: 15.023

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
237-184-9 脱氧芳樟醇氧化物 dehydroxylinalool oxide CAS: 13679-86-2
FEMA: 3759
JECFA: 1455
FLAVIS: 13.097

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
237-193-8 甘氨酸铝 aluminum glycinate CAS: 13682-92-3

Use(s): 收敛剂 astringent agents
237-198-5 desmedipham CAS: 13684-56-5

Use(s): 除草剂/农药 herbicides / pesticides
237-199-0 苯丙胺 phenmedipham CAS: 13684-63-4

Use(s): 除草剂/农药 herbicides / pesticides
237-241-8 乙酰异戊基 acetyl isovaleryl CAS: 13706-86-0
FEMA: 3190
JECFA: 414
FLAVIS: 07.093

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
heptane dione CAS: 13706-89-3

Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
237-243-9 邻苯酚钾盐 potassium o-phenylphenate CAS: 13707-65-8

Use(s): 防腐剂 anticorrosive agents
methyl 甘菊花 quinoxaline CAS: 13708-12-8
FEMA: 3203
JECFA: 798
FLAVIS: 14.028

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
5 6-
methyl 甘菊花 quinoxaline CAS: 13708-12-8
JECFA: 798

Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
237-249-1 sodium phosphite CAS: 13708-85-5

Use(s): 除草剂/农药 herbicides / pesticides
异 iso
麦芽 maltulose CAS: 13718-94-0

Use(s): 甜味剂 sweeteners, 增味剂 flavor enhancers
237-283-7 二氢γ-紫罗兰酮 dihydro-gamma-ionone CAS: 13720-12-2

Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
237-284-2 二氢γ-紫罗兰醇 dihydro-gamma-ionol CAS: 13720-13-3

Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
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