玺留香数据库列表 Igreatlife Health Information Listings

Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for clean
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主 Primary (第一 First) - clean
FL 果糖 levulose
 flavor: clean, 很甜 very sweet
FLlaevo-menthone 1,2-甘油缩酮 2-glycerol ketal
 odor: 小 Little or no odor
 flavor: A clean 脆 crisp 凉爽 coolness on 口感 palate 开始 starting out 低 low but 生长 growing. The 凉爽 coolness is 容易 readily 明显的 apparent in the 喉 throat. A 轻微 slight 刺痛 tingling or 燃烧的 burning 感觉 sensation 伴随 accompanies the 凉爽 coolness
FL/FR 四氢芳樟醇 tetrahydrolinalool
 odor: 花卉百合bois bois de玫瑰木质丁香茶油腻
 flavor: 清洁 Clean and 新鲜 fresh, 花的 floral, 茶样 tea tea-like with 柑橘类 citrus and 草药 herbal 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - clean
FL/FR betula betula 伦塔 lenta 皮 bark 油 oil 美国 america
 odor: 甜 sweet wintergreen 香料 spice 草药 herbal
 flavor: 水杨酸甲酯 Methyl salicylate, clean and re新鲜 freshing with a 冷却 cooling 酚醛的 phenolic 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR 十六烷醇 hexadecanol
 odor: 蜡质清洁油腻花香油性 waxy clean greasy floral oily
 flavor: 蜡质清洁洗过的布油腻油腻 waxy clean laundered cloth greasy oily fatty
FL/FR 十三can tridecanal
 odor: 新鲜干净的醛类香皂柑橘花瓣蜡状柚子皮 fresh clean aldehydic soapy citrus petal waxy grapefruit peel
 flavor: 新鲜的蜡质干净的布洗过的布肥皂香的柑橘皮柚子皮 fresh waxy clean cloth laundered cloth soapy aldehydic citrus rind grapefruit peel
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - clean
 odor: 土状肥皂蜡质脂肪蜂蜜椰子 earthy soapy waxy fatty honey coconut
 flavor: 肥皂蜡状清洁醛土状香菜水状脂肪油腻 soapy waxy clean aldehydic earthy cilantro watery fatty greasy
FL/FR黑 black 胡椒 pepper 油 oil CO2 提取 extract
 odor: 黑胡椒 Black pepper, 新鲜 fresh, 草药 herbal, 略带辛辣和木质味 spicy and woody with a slight, 绿 green, 特皮 terpy 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 黑胡椒粉 Fresh ground black pepper, 草本和木质,干净 herbal and woody with a clean, 咬 biting, 辣的 spicy 细微差别 nuance
 odor: 新鲜的蜡质清洁布棉质洋菝契 sarsaparilla
 flavor: 蜡质脂肪清洁油腻新鲜的腥坚果肉固体油 waxy fatty clean oily fresh fishy nut flesh tallow
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - clean
FL/FR dodecyl acetate
 odor: 甜 sweet 新鲜 fresh 洗衣的 laundared 布 布 cloths clean 蜡状的 waxy
 flavor: 甜油性蜡质香皂清洁奶油蘑菇 sweet oily waxy soapy clean creamy mushroom
 odor: 薄荷冷却薄荷薄荷 peppermint cooling mentholic minty
 flavor: 冷却樟脑薄荷清洁辣 cooling camphoreous minty clean spicy
FL/FR 凉鞋 sandal cyclopropane
 odor: 热带木质脂肪檀香草药古龙水花香 tropical woody fatty sandalwood herbal cologne floral
 flavor: 琥珀麝香木质清洁草药花香鼠尾草檀香木 amber musk woody clean herbal floral clary sage sandalwood
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - clean
FL/FR 羟基香茅醇 hydroxycitronellol
 odor: 轻度 mild clean 花的 floral 百合 lily 绿 green 牡丹 peony
 flavor: 甜甜的粉状花香绿尘土清洁苦 sweet powdery floral green dusty clean bitter
FL/FR methyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 植物油 Vegetable oil, 胶质的 alliaceous, 蛋黄 eggy, 奶油状 creamy with savory 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfurous, 胶质的 alliaceous, 奶油状 creamy with a 表面成熟的 surface-ripened 起司 cheese 前记 topnote and a clean savory 多肉的 meaty 深度 depth
FL/FR 内罗利 neroli 油 oil bigarde bigarde
 odor: 甜 sweet 花的 floral 橙花 orangeblossom 柑橘类 citrus 小颗粒 petitgrain 香橙 mandarin 草药 herbal
 flavor: 新鲜 fresh, 花的 floral, 柑橘类 citrus and 绿 green with a 蜡状的 waxy and clean 草药 herbal 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR 薄荷 Peppermint 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 薄荷 Peppermint, 冷却 cooling, 薄荷的 minty, 绿 green, 新鲜 fresh, clean, 绿叶 leafy, 双重薄荷 double-mint and 糖果 candy 甜 sweet
 flavor: 冷却 cooling, 薄荷 Peppermint, 薄荷的 minty, 绿和绿叶与清洁 green and leafy with a clean, 草药 herbal, 双重薄荷 double-mint 细微差别 nuance
Senary (第六 Sixth) - clean
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - clean
Octonary (Eighth) - clean