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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for pepper black pepper
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主 Primary (第一 First) - pepper black pepper
1,5-dimethyl-3-n-propyl-2-oxabicyclo(2.2.2)辛烷 octane
 odor: black pepper and 辣的 spicey 香气 aroma
 flavor: black pepper, 辛辣刺鼻的味道 spicey and biting flavor
1,5-dimethyl-3-n-pentyl-2-oxabicyclo(2.2.2)辛烷 octane
 odor: 木本 woody, 香料和黑胡椒香气 spicey and black pepper aroma
 flavor: 黑胡椒味 black pepper flavor
FL/FRblack pepper 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 黑胡椒粉 Fresh ground black pepper, 辣的 spicey, 木本 woody and 泼辣 pungent with an 草药 herbal 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 地面 Ground pepper, 木本 woody and 辣的 spicey with a 轻微 slight 热 heat and 咬 bite
FL/FRblack pepper 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 胡椒辣木质土萜类草药 peppery spicy woody earthy terpenic herbal
FL/FRblack pepper essence 精华
 odor: black pepper
 flavor: black pepper
FLblack pepper flavor
FLblack pepper 腌料 marinade
FL/FRblack pepper 油 oil
 odor: 温暖的辣萜类草本胡椒木香 warm spicy terpenic herbal peppery woody
 flavor: 辛辣的木质土状萜烯胡椒草药 spicy woody earthy terpenic peppery herbal
FL/FR萜烯 terpeneless black pepper 油 oil
 odor: black pepper 萜烯 terpene
 flavor: 胡椒 peppery
FL/FRblack pepper 油 oil CO2 提取 extract
 odor: 黑胡椒 Black pepper, 新鲜 fresh, 草药 herbal, 略带辛辣和木质味 spicy and woody with a slight, 绿 green, 特皮 terpy 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 黑胡椒粉 Fresh ground black pepper, 草本和木质,干净 herbal and woody with a clean, 咬 biting, 辣的 spicey 细微差别 nuance
FL/FRblack pepper 油 oil 马达加斯加 madagascar
 odor: 暖 warm 辣的 spicey black pepper
 flavor: 胡椒 peppery
FL/FRblack pepper oleoresin
 odor: 黑胡椒粉 Fresh ground black pepper
 flavor: black pepper
FDblack piper 黑龙 nigrum 果 fruit
 odor: black pepper
 flavor: black pepper
FL/FRblack piper 黑龙 nigrum 果 fruit 提取 extract
 odor: 胡椒 peppery
 flavor: 胡椒 peppery
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - pepper black pepper
3-n-butyl-2,5-二甲基-2-氧杂双环(2.2.2)辛烷 5-dimethyl-2-oxabicyclo(2.2.2)octane
 odor: 辣的 spicey, 黑胡椒状 black pepper-like, 草本的 herbaceous, 石灰和红茶香气 lime and black tea aroma
 flavor: 辣的 spicey, 黑胡椒样 black pepper- like, 草本的 herbaceous, 酸橙和红茶般的味道 lime and black tea-like flavor
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - pepper black pepper
FL/FR 巴豆 croton 选民 eluteria 皮 bark 油 oil
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 香料 spice 木本 woody black pepper 甜 sweet 茴香 anise
 flavor: 辣的 spicey, 木本 woody, 胡椒 peppery, 可乐喜欢 cola like, 用肉桂 with cinnamon, 生姜 ginger, 肉豆蔻 nutmeg and 丁香 clove 笔记 注意 notes and a 烟 smoky 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR2-phenyl propyl butyrate
 odor: 甜 sweet 果味的 果 fruity rum 杏 apricot
 flavor: 辣黑胡椒蔬菜 spicy black pepper vegetable
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - pepper black pepper
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - pepper black pepper
Senary (第六 Sixth) - pepper black pepper
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - pepper black pepper
FLbis(2-methyl-3-furyl) 二硫化物 disulfide
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfurous, 强烈的烤味,带有让 联想到硫醇的香气 strong roasted meaty with a note reminiscent of sulfurol, savory, au 精华/精粹/精萃 jus and 鸡 chicken 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 强大 Strong 多肉的 meaty, 含硫的 Sulfurous, 含硫胺素的肉汤 brothy with a hint of thiamin, 烤香 roasted savory, 与洋葱的细微差别 with nuances of cooked onion, 炒 sauteed 大蒜 garlic and black pepper
Octonary (Eighth) - pepper black pepper