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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for rooty
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主 Primary (第一 First) - rooty
FL 瓜拉那 guarana flavor
2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3-二硫 3-dithiane
 flavor: 有根蔬菜含硫 rooty vegetable sulfurous
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - rooty
FL/FR 加仑 galbanum 油 oil
 odor: 新鲜的绿皮质,土质,有根,木质,香脂金属 fresh green cortex earthy rooty woody balsamic metallic
 flavor: 绿根杂草土质香脂杜松木本 green rooty weedy earthy balsamic juniper woody
 flavor: 洋葱生菜 onion rooty vegetable
4-methyl-1,3-二硫杂环戊烷 3-dithiolane
 odor: 硫磺蒜香番茄 sulfurous alliaceous tomato
 flavor: 洋葱生菜 onion rooty vegetable
FL/FR 香根草 vetiver 油 oil 海地 haiti md MD
 odor: 木质土质生香香脂琥珀愈创木杂草粉状 woody earthy rooty balsamic amber guaiacwood weedy powdery
 flavor: 木本生根香脂檀香木蔬菜老木土状粉状 woody rooty balsamic sandalwood vegetable old wood earthy powdery
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - rooty
FL 三叶草 clover herb 草本植物 馏出物 distillate (melilotus 厚朴 officinalis)
FL  panax 西洋参 quinquefolius root 提取 extract
 odor: linalool 柑橘类 citrus 新鲜 fresh
 flavor: 土菜根涩 earthy vegetable rooty astringent
FL 大头菜 rutabaga flavor
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - rooty
FL/FR2-ethyl 苯酚 fenchol
 odor: 泥土的 earthy 地面 ground rooty 潮湿 damp 发霉的 mustycamphor
 flavor: 土质薄荷冷杉针根腐殖质蘑菇土豆茶 earthy minty fir needle rooty humus mushroom potato tea
FL 辣根 horseradish flavor
FL 辣根 horseradish 油 oil
 odor: 泼辣 pungent, 含硫的 sulfureous, 咬热 biting hot, 植物 vegetative, with a 尖锐 sharp 新鲜 fresh 绿 green 泥土的 earthy 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 热 Hot with a 绿 green 植物 vegetative rooty 金属的 metallic 喉 throat 刺痛 tingle
 防风草油 parsnip oil
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - rooty
FR2-phenoxyethyl 甲 formate
 odor: 香脂粉肉桂粉甜蜜甜肉桂 balsamic powdery cinnamyl sweet storax cinnamon
 flavor: 辛辣肉桂肉桂香脂生根 spicy cinnamyl cinnamon balsamic rooty
FLbaked 土豆 potato flavor
Senary (第六 Sixth) - rooty
FL/FR 雪松醇 cedrenol
 odor: 雪松木香甜软 cedarwood woody sweet soft
 flavor: 木质雪松老木锯末琥珀根有树脂的龙涎香 woody cedar old wood sawdust amber rooty resinous ambergris
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - rooty
FL 保利尼亚 paullinia cupana cupana 种子 seed 提取 extract
 odor: 有根可可烟草 rooty cocoa tobacco
 flavor: 涩苦谷物坚果可可木本生根 astringent bitter cereal nutty cocoa woody rooty
Octonary (Eighth) - rooty
FL/FRalpha-dihydroter松树 pineol
 odor: 甜松木萜烯石灰木质 sweet pine terpenic lime woody
 flavor: 木本萜烯石灰涩本草土腐殖质生根 woody terpenic lime astringent herbal earthy humus rooty