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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for tea
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主 Primary (第一 First) - tea
FL/FR 芦笋 aspalathus 线性 linearis 叶 leaf CO2 提取 extract
 odor: 如意宝茶 rooibos tea
 flavor: 如意宝茶 rooibos tea
FL/FR 芦笋 aspalathus 线性 linearis 叶 leaf CO2 提取 extract
 odor: 如意宝茶 rooibos tea
 flavor: 如意宝茶 rooibos tea
FL/FR 芦笋 aspalathus 线性 linearis 叶 leaf 提取 extract
 odor: 如意宝茶 rooibos tea
 flavor: 茶如意宝茶 tea rooibos tea
FL/FR 芦笋 aspalathus 线性 linearis 叶 leaf 提取 extract
 odor: 如意宝茶 rooibos tea
 flavor: 茶如意宝茶 tea rooibos tea
cs CS 芦笋 aspalathus 线性 linearis 叶 leaf/茎 stalk 提取 extract
 flavor: 如意宝茶 rooibos tea
cs CS 芦笋 aspalathus 线性 linearis 叶 leaf/茎 stalk 提取 extract
 flavor: 如意宝茶 rooibos tea
FL/FR camellia oleifera 叶 leaf 提取 extract
 flavor: 新鲜酿造的茶绿叶苦花香 fresh brewed tea green leafy bitter floral
FL/FR黑 black camellia sinensis 叶 leaf CO2 提取 extract
 odor: 红茶 black tea
 flavor: 红茶 black tea
FL/FR绿 green camellia sinensis 叶 leaf CO2 提取 extract
 odor: 绿茶 green tea
 flavor: 绿茶 green tea
FL/FR camellia sinensis 叶 leaf 提取 extract
 odor: tea
 flavor: tea
FL/FR黑 black camellia sinensis 叶 leaf 提取 extract
 odor: 红茶 black tea
 flavor: 红茶 black tea
FL/FR绿 green camellia sinensis 叶 leaf 提取 extract
 odor: 绿茶 green tea
 flavor: 绿茶 green tea
FL/FR白 white camellia sinensis 叶 leaf 提取 extract
 odor: tea
 flavor: tea
FL/FR绿 green camellia sinensis 叶 leaf tincture
 odor: 绿茶 green tea
 flavor: 绿茶 green tea
FL/FR camellia sinensis 叶 leaf 水 water
 odor: tea
 flavor: tea
FL chai chai 洋甘菊 chamomile flavor
FL 灰色 gray 生姜 ginger flavor
FL 伴侣 mate flavor
FL/FR menthyl acetate
 odor: 茶样 Tea-like, 稍微冷却 slightly cooling, 薄荷和果味 minty and fruity
 flavor: 茶样 Tea-like, 凉爽果味 cooling and fruity
FL tea 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: tea
FL黑 black tea essence 精华
 flavor: 红茶 black tea
FL黑 black tea essence 精华
 flavor: 红茶 black tea
FL绿 green tea essence 精华
 flavor: 绿茶 green tea
FL绿 green tea essence 精华
 flavor: 绿茶 green tea
FLmatcha tea essence 精华
 flavor: tea
FLsri 兰卡 lanka tea essence 精华
 flavor: tea
FL白 white tea essence 精华
 flavor: 白茶 white tea
FL白 white tea essence 精华
 flavor: 白茶 white tea
FL tea flavor
FLassam tea flavor
FL黑 black tea flavor
FL黑 black tea flavor
FLchai chai tea flavor
FL洋甘菊 chamomile tea flavor
FLcinnamon tea flavor
FL酸果蔓 cranberry tea flavor
FLdarjeeling tea flavor
FL伯爵 earl 灰色 grey tea flavor
FL绿 green tea flavor
FL绿 green tea flavor
FL蜜糖 honey tea flavor
FLiced tea flavor
FL茉莉 jasmin tea flavor
FL柠檬 lemon tea flavor
FL柠檬 lemonade tea flavor
FLmint tea flavor
FLoolong tea flavor
FLorange tea flavor
FL桃子 peach chai chai tea flavor
FL桃子 peach tea flavor
FL覆盆子 raspberry tea flavor
FL如意宝 rooibos tea flavor
FL如意宝 rooibos tea flavor
FLthai tea flavor
FL白 white tea flavor
FL白 white tea flavor
FL黑 black tea 隔离 isolate
 flavor: 红茶 black tea
FL黑 black tea 隔离 isolate
 flavor: 红茶 black tea
FL绿 green tea 隔离 isolate
 flavor: 绿茶 green tea
FL绿 green tea 隔离 isolate
 flavor: 绿茶 green tea
FL/FR tea 叶 leaf 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 干燥 dry 草药 herbal 甜 Sweet 木本 Woody
 flavor: tea
FL/FR黑 black tea 叶 leaf 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 皮革 leather 山金车 arnica 干草 hay 草药 herbal 烟 smoky 角质层 castoreum
 flavor: 红茶 black tea
FL/FR黑 black tea 叶 leaf 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 皮革 leather 山金车 arnica 干草 hay 草药 herbal 烟 smoky 角质层 castoreum
 flavor: 红茶 black tea
FL/FR绿 green tea 叶 leaf 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 甜甜的皮革草本花卉香脂木香 sweet leathery herbal floral balsamic woody
 flavor: 绿茶 green tea
FL/FR绿 green tea 叶 leaf 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 甜甜的皮革草本花卉香脂木香 sweet leathery herbal floral balsamic woody
 flavor: 绿茶 green tea
FL黑 black tea 叶 leaf 浓缩 concentrate
 flavor: 红茶 black tea
FL黑 black tea 叶 leaf 浓缩 concentrate
 flavor: 红茶 black tea
FL绿 green tea 叶 leaf 浓缩 concentrate
 flavor: 绿茶 green tea
FL绿 green tea 叶 leaf 浓缩 concentrate
 flavor: 绿茶 green tea
FL白 white tea 叶 leaf 浓缩 concentrate
 flavor: 白茶 white tea
FL白 white tea 叶 leaf 浓缩 concentrate
 flavor: 白茶 white tea
FL黑 black tea 叶 leaf 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 红茶 black tea
FL黑 black tea 叶 leaf 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 红茶 black tea
FLdarjeeling tea 叶 leaf 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: tea
FL绿 green tea 叶 leaf 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 绿茶 green tea
FL绿 green tea 叶 leaf 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 绿茶 green tea
FLred 如意宝 rooibos tea 叶 leaf 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 如意宝茶 rooibos tea
FLred 如意宝 rooibos tea 叶 leaf 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 如意宝茶 rooibos tea
FL白 white tea 叶 leaf 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 白茶 white tea
FL白 white tea 叶 leaf 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 白茶 white tea
FL/FRdarjeeling tea 叶 leaf 提取 extract
 odor: tea
 flavor: tea
FL/FR茉莉 jasmin tea 叶 leaf 提取 extract
 odor: 茉莉花茶 jasmin tea
 flavor: 茉莉花茶 jasmin tea
FL/FRkee亩 mun tea 叶 leaf 提取 extract
 odor: tea
 flavor: tea
FL/FRpai 亩 mu tan tea 叶 leaf 提取 extract
 odor: tea
fd FD tea 叶 leaf 油 oil
 flavor: tea
FL绿 green tea 芒果 mango flavor
FL绿 green tea 芒果 mango flavor
FL绿 green tea 桃子 peach flavor
FL绿 green tea 桃子 peach flavor
FL白 white tea 桃子 peach 薄荷 spearmint flavor
FL绿 green tea 覆盆子 raspberry flavor
FL绿 green tea 覆盆子 raspberry flavor
FL/FR tea resinoid 树脂
 odor: tea
 flavor: tea
FLchai chai 香草 vanilla flavor
FL/FR 耶尔巴 yerba 伴侣 mate 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 茶 Tea, 草药 herbal, 绿叶和干草状 leafy and hay-like, 轻微 slight 酚醛的 phenolic with 烟草 tobacco 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 茶 Tea, 烟熏酚醛 smoky phenolic, 绿叶 叶 leafy with 木本 Woody 草药 herbal 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL 耶尔巴 yerba 伴侣 mate flavor
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - tea
FL berry 如意宝茶 rooibos tea flavor
FL 酸果蔓 cranberry 伯爵 earl flavor
FL 生姜 ginger 绿茶 green tea flavor
FL 葡萄柚 grape果 fruit 绿 green flavor
FR 冬青 ilex paraguariensis 叶 leaf 固体 solid 提取 extract
 odor: 茶棕色甜叶茂盛干草土蔬菜 tea brown sweet leafy hay earthy vegetable
 flavor: 凉茶棕色涩叶茂盛干草香料 herbal tea brown astringent leafy hay spice
FL marrubium marrubium vulgare 提取 extract
 flavor: 恐怖猎犬 horehound
FL/FR 牛至 origanum 少校 majorana 油 oil
 odor: 辣草药绿薄荷热带樟脑茶 spicy herbal green minty tropical camphoreous tea
 flavor: 草药 herbal, tea, 香料 spice, 薄荷的 minty, with a 绿 green 咖喱 curry 注意 note
FLchai chai 香料 spice flavor
FLblueberry 绿 green tea flavor
FL草药 herbal tea flavor
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - tea
FL 冬青 ilex paraguariensis 叶 leaf 提取 extract
 flavor: 凉果茶 herbal fruity tea
FL/FR(z Z)-jasmone
 odor: 木本草药花香辣茉莉芹菜 woody herbal floral spicy jasmin celery
 flavor: 木本 Woody, 苦 bitter, tea, with a 柑橘类 citrus and 花的 floral 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR methyl 柠檬酸 citronellate
 odor: 花香干杂草尘土飞扬蜡质天竺葵脂肪果味酒味 floral dry weedy dusty waxy geranium fatty fruity winey
 flavor: 花香香茶佛手柑玫瑰酒杂草 floral waxy tea bergamot rose winey weedy
FRN-methyl ionone
 odor: 鸢尾紫罗兰粉状木质 orris violet powdery woody
 flavor: 花鸢尾茶粉状干木本 floral orris tea powdery dry woody
FLblueberry 绿 green tea flavor
FL草药 herbal-热带 tropical tea flavor
FL 烟草 tobacco flavor
FL/FR 烟草 tobacco 叶 leaf 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 甜 Sweet 干草 hay 烟草 tobacco 苔藓 moss 绿叶 叶 leafy 草药 herbal old old 木 wood 干的 dried 果 fruit tea 蜜糖 honey
 flavor: 绿叶茶涩干草烟草棕色干果树脂状 grassy leafy tea astringent hay tobacco brown dried fruit resinous
FL香草 vanilla chai chai flavor
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - tea
FL/FR anthemis anthemis nobilis 花 flower 提取 extract
 odor: 绿 Green, 草药 herbal, 干草 hay, tea, 木质和花香与热带 woody and floral with a tropical, 果味的 果 fruity 下注 under注意 note
 flavor: 绿 Green, 草药 herbal, 花的 floral, 茶和木香与热带 tea and woody with a tropical, 果味的 果 fruity 细微差别 nuance
3-n-butyl-2,5-二甲基-2-氧杂双环(2.2.2)辛烷 5-dimethyl-2-oxabicyclo(2.2.2)octane
 odor: 辣的 spicey, 黑胡椒状 black pepper-like, 草本的 herbaceous, 石灰和红茶香气 lime and black tea aroma
 flavor: 辣的 spicey, 黑胡椒样 black pepper- like, 草本的 herbaceous, 酸橙和红茶般的味道 lime and black tea-like flavor
FL/FR 欢乐 clary 智者 sage 油 oil 美国 america
 odor: 新鲜草药干绿茶辛辣杂草木本粉状 fresh herbal dry green tea spicy weedy woody powdery
 flavor: 草药辣绿茶干草鼠尾草粉状木质 herbal spicy green tea hay sage powdery woody
FL/FR 欢乐 clary 智者 sage 油 oil 法国 france
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 草药 herbal 绿茶 green tea 木本 Woody 杂草 weedy 干燥 dry 辣的 spicy 智者 sage 粉状的 powdery
 flavor: 草药绿辣茶干草鼠尾草木本粉状 herbal green spicy tea hay sage woody powdery
FL/FR 欢乐 clary 智者 sage 油 oil 俄国 russia
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 草药 herbal 绿茶 green tea 木本 Woody 杂草 weedy 干燥 dry 辣的 spicy 智者 sage 粉状的 powdery
 flavor: 草药辣绿茶干草鼠尾草粉状木质 herbal spicy green tea hay sage powdery woody
FL 咖喱 curry flavor
FL/FR 咖喱 curry 叶 leaf 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 绿叶 叶 leafy 绿 green 胡椒 pepper 海藻 algae 辣的 spicy 朝鲜蓟 artichoke 鳄梨 avocado 紫色 violet 叶 leaf
 flavor: 新鲜绿叶藻类茶热带干果辛辣木兰 fresh green leafy algae tea tropical dried fruit spicy magnolia
FL/FR 基因 genet 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 甜干草蜂蜜晚香玉茶热带烟草 sweet hay honey tuberose tea tropical tobacco
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 干草 hay, 温暖的草药 warm herbal, tea, with a 木本 Woody 草药 herbal 细微差别 nuance
FL/FRalpha-isomethyl ionone (80% min.)
 odor: 木本紫罗兰色花鸢尾粉 woody violet floral orris powdery
 flavor: 花香鸢尾粉状茶伍迪果酱 floral orris powdery tea woody jammy
 odor: 发霉的 Musty, 木本 Woody, 甜 Sweet, tea, 柑橘类 citrus 柠檬 lemon with si sI. 棕色 brown 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 柑橘类 Citrus, 花的 floral, 发霉的 Musty, tea 喜欢 like with 绿 green 甜 Sweet 果味的 果 fruity 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR 四氢芳樟醇 tetrahydrolinalool
 odor: 花卉百合bois bois de玫瑰木质丁香茶油腻
 flavor: 清洁 Clean and 新鲜 fresh, 花的 floral, 茶样 tea-喜欢 like with 柑橘类 citrus and 草药 herbal 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - tea
FL/FR anthemis anthemis nobilis 花 flower 油 oil roman
 odor: 甜草药绿科涅克白兰地辛辣木质 sweet herbal green cognac spicy woody
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 花的 floral, 香料 spice-喜欢 like with a 温暖的草药 warm herbal 绿茶 green tea 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR 冰片 bornyl valerate
 odor: 木本 Woody 橡木 oak and 锯末 sawdust, 浆果种子 berry seedy, 辣的 spicy with a 樟脑的camphoreous 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 木本 Woody, 像锯末 sawdust-like, with 干燥 dry 烟草 tobacco and tea 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
fd FDred 金鸡纳 cinchona 皮 bark
 odor: 棕色 brown 枫 maple 木本 Woody 植物 botanical 有根 rooty
 flavor: 苦涩枫棕色茶木质 bitter astringent maple brown tea woody
FL/FRalpha-isomethyl ionone (50% min.)
 odor: 紫罗兰色甜鸢尾花粉状花香木质味 violet sweet orris powdery floral woody
 flavor: 花香紫罗兰色粉状干茶草本浆果木质 floral violet powdery dry tea herbal berry woody
Senary (第六 Sixth) - tea
FL/FR(E)-citronellyl tiglate
 odor: 玫瑰果味天竺葵叶茶 rose fruity floral geranium leafy tea
 flavor: 绿叶玫瑰天竺葵香皂茶果味柑橘 green leafy rose geranium soapy tea fruity citrus
FR geranium cyclohexane
 odor: 花的 floral, 玫瑰 rose , 香叶醇与草药 geraniol with herbal, 绿 green 薰衣草 lavender and tea 喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 花的 floral, 玫瑰 rose , 香叶醇与草药 geraniol with herbal, 绿 green 薰衣草 lavender and tea 喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR(E)-alpha-methyl ionone (74-80%)
 odor: 甜甜的花香果味粉状紫罗兰香气 sweet floral fruity powdery violet orris woody
 flavor: 花卉蜡状鸢尾紫罗兰色木质茶果酱,粉状 floral waxy orris violet woody tea jammy powdery
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - tea
FL/FR2-acetyl 吡咯 pyrrole
 odor: 发霉的 Musty 坚果 nut skin 皮 樱桃酒 maraschino 樱桃 cherry 香豆素 coumarinic 甘草 licorice 核桃 wal坚果 nut 面包 bready
 flavor: 甜果味霉味樱桃坚果芥末芥末茶 sweet fruity musty cherry nutty wasabi mustard tea
FL 雪茄 cigar flavor
FL/FR(z Z)-4-heptenal
 odor: 油性脂肪绿乳制品乳状奶油 oily fatty green dairy milky creamy
 flavor: 锋利的绿乳白奶油乳制品脂肪奶酪茶 sharp green milky creamy dairy fatty cheesy tea
Octonary (Eighth) - tea
 odor: 琥珀天然麝香amber natural musk animal
 flavor: 琥珀木质土质根本草动物老木腐殖质茶 amber woody earthy rooty herbal animal old wood humus tea
FL/FR2-ethyl 苯酚 fenchol
 odor: 泥土的 earthy 地面 ground 有根 rooty 潮湿 damp 发霉的 Mustycamphor
 flavor: 土质薄荷冷杉针根腐殖质蘑菇土豆茶 earthy minty fir needle rooty humus mushroom potato tea
FL/FRalpha-isomethyl ionone (90% min.)
 odor: 花香果味粉状紫罗兰色木质茶 floral fruity powdery violet woody tea
 flavor: 花香果味浆果鸢尾木香紫罗兰果酱茶 floral fruity berry orris woody violet jammy tea