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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for tuna
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主 Primary (第一 First) - tuna
FL tuna 提取 extract
 flavor: tuna
FL tuna flavor
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - tuna
FL 鲣 bonito flavor
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - tuna
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - tuna
FL/FR(z Z)-4-hepten-1-ol
 odor: 新鲜油性脂肪奶油蔬菜乳制品绿草 fresh oily fatty creamy vegetable dairy green grassy
 flavor: 甜绿番茄叶油腻金枪鱼奶油蔬菜汤腥 sweet green tomato leaf oily tuna creamy vegetable brothy fishy
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - tuna
FL/FR 鱼 fish 硫醇 thiol
 odor: 认真的 SuIfureous, 多肉的 meaty, 腥 fishy, 金属的 metallic and 烤 roasted chicken-like
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfureous, 腥 fishy, 多肉的 meaty, 鲑鱼和金枪鱼状,略带 salmon and tuna-like with a slight, 烤 roasted 细微差别 nuance
Senary (第六 Sixth) - tuna
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - tuna
Octonary (Eighth) - tuna