Typical G.C. analysis

bulnesia sarmientioil
20.07alpha- 佛手柑 bergamotene
1140.54  芸香酚 bulnesol
120.79 芸香酚 bulnesol 异构体 isomer
30.23beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
10.09 dimethyl 十二烯 dodecene
51.19  elemol
70.54  elemol 异构体 isomer
102.2110-epi- -gamma- eudesmol
90.18beta- eudesmol
40.11beta- farnesene
626.78  guaiazulene
81.42 guaiazulene 异构体 isomer

D. 谨慎 Prudent, F. Perineau, R. Bravo M. Delmas, 制备 Preparation et caracterisation d&rsquo d’外在 extraits volatils de bois bois de 愈创木脂 Guaiac (暴食症 Bulnesia sarmienti 劳 Lor.). r Rivista i Ital. EPPOS, (5), 35-43 (1991).

p&amp P&F 17, 6 No. 6, 51, (1992)

cajuput 叶 leafoil 越南 vietnam
49trace  芸香酚 bulnesol
370.4  cadina-1 cadina-1,4-二烯 4-diene
35tracedelta- cadinene
34tracegamma- cadinene
47tracealpha- cadinol
44traceT- cadinol
38trace  菖蒲烯 calamenene
2trace  樟脑 camphene
5tracedelta-3- carene carene
232.5beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
410.3  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
1041.11,8- 桉树脑 cineole
20tracealpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
270.5gamma- 姜黄素 curcumene
156.8para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
170.2para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymenene
220.3beta- elemene
18tracedelta- elemene
25tracegamma- elemene
42trace  elemol
480.7beta- eudesmol
450.6gamma- eudesmol
310.3alpha- farnesene
390.4  香叶醇 geraniol
290.3beta- 愈创木烯 guaiene
431.2  guaiazulene
281.6alpha- 蛇麻烯 humulene
94.1  柠檬烯 limonene
213.6  linalool
40tracealpha- maaliene
46tracealpha- muurolol
60.1  myrcene
14trace(E)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
12trace(Z)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
70.5alpha- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
110.2beta- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
36tracebeta-sesqui 芹菜烯 phellandrene
13.2alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
30.8beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
4trace  桧烯 sabinene
331.5alpha- selinene
321.5beta- selinene
241.5  terpinen-4-ol
80.6alpha- terpinene
134.6gamma- terpinene
308.7alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
165.9  terpinolene
26trace  丁香萜 thujopsene
190.3alpha- ylangene

O. m Motl, J. Hodacova K. Ubik, 组成 Composition of 越南语 Vietnamese cajuput 精油 essential oil. Flav. Fragr. J., 5, 39-42 (1990).

p&amp P&F 25, No. 1, 33, (2000)

澳大利亚callitris callitris 柱状 columellaris木油
130.90  芸香酚 bulnesol
160.80  卡达琳 cadalene
220.90  茧/愈合组织 callitrisin
272.10  茧/愈合组织 callitrisin
300.40 茧/愈合组织 callitrisin 异构体 isomer 1
225.70  香茅酸 citronellic acid
286.70  香豆素 columellarin
180.90(-)- -gamma-costol
310.50 dihydro茧/愈合组织 callitrisin
243.40  二氢小柱蛋白 dihydrocolumellarin
210.30 香叶内酯 elemanolide
90.20  elemol
60.20  eudesma-1 eudesma-1,4(15),11-三烯 11-triene
231.00 eudesmanolide 异构体 isomer
157.10alpha- eudesmol
147.50beta- eudesmol
110.2010-epi- -gamma- eudesmol
123.70gamma- eudesmol
290.50  杀菌剂 germacranolide
1014.60  guaiazulene
250.40异 isokhusenic acid 异构体 isomer 1
260.20异 isokhusenic acid 异构体 isomer 2
200.30 methyl (E)-isocosticate
190.30 methyl (Z)-isocosticate
10.80  香茅酸甲酯 methyl citronellate
40.30(E,E)-methyl dihydrogeranate
30.10  香叶酸甲酯 methyl geranate
50.90  selina-4,11-diene
70.90beta- selinene
80.60alpha- selinene
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 13, No. 1, 25, (2001)
Callitris 青叶 glaucophylla木油澳大利亚
130.60  芸香酚 bulnesol
163.30  卡达琳 cadalene
231.60  茧/愈合组织 callitrisin
271.00  茧/愈合组织 callitrisin
300.20 茧/愈合组织 callitrisin 异构体 isomer 1
240.30  香茅酸 citronellic acid
282.60  香豆素 columellarin
180.80(+)- -gamma-costol
200.70(+)-beta- costol
310.70 dihydro茧/愈合组织 callitrisin
253.00  二氢小柱蛋白 dihydrocolumellarin
220.50 香叶内酯 elemanolide
90.80  elemol
50.20  eudesma-1 eudesma-1,4(15),11-三烯 11-triene
241.40 eudesmanolide 异构体 isomer
153.00alpha- eudesmol
1410.00beta- eudesmol
110.3010-epi- -gamma- eudesmol
122.80gamma- eudesmol
33.90  geranic acid
290.60  杀菌剂 germacranolide
106.20  guaiazulene
60.90alpha- guaiazulene
261.00异 isokhusenic acid 异构体 isomer 1
210.60 methyl (E)-isocosticate
190.40 methyl (Z)-isocosticate
10.40  香茅酸甲酯 methyl citronellate
40.70(E,E)-methyl dihydrogeranate
70.30beta- selinene
80.10alpha- selinene
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 13, No. 1, 25, (2001)
Callitris intratropica木油澳大利亚
160.60  芸香酚 bulnesol
192.30  卡达琳 cadalene
282.40  茧/愈合组织 callitrisin
341.40  茧/愈合组织 callitrisin
370.10 茧/愈合组织 callitrisin 异构体 isomer 1
235.60  查马祖烯 chamazulene
10.10  香茅酸 citronellic acid
352.90  香豆素 columellarin
220.10(-)- -gamma-costol
380.50 dihydro茧/愈合组织 callitrisin
3014.00  二氢小柱蛋白 dihydrocolumellarin
270.60 香叶内酯 elemanolide
40.50beta- elemene
121.30  elemol
90.70  eudesma-1 eudesma-1,4(15),11-三烯 11-triene
290.10 eudesmanolide 异构体 isomer
187.60alpha- eudesmol
1714.40beta- eudesmol
140.4010-epi- -gamma- eudesmol
159.10gamma- eudesmol
50.20  geranic acid
360.30  杀菌剂 germacranolide
256.20  guaiazulene
60.60alpha- 愈创木烯 guaiene
1313.70  guaiazulene
310.60异 isokhusenic acid 异构体 isomer 1
320.20异 isokhusenic acid 异构体 isomer 2
330.10异 isokhusenic acid 异构体 isomer 3
260.60 methyl (E)-isocosticate
240.90 methyl (Z)-isocosticate
70.20(E,E)-methyl dihydrogeranate
20.20  香叶酸甲酯 methyl geranate
30.90  橙花性 neric acid
80.80  selina-4,11-diene
102.20beta- selinene
111.50alpha- selinene
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 13, No. 1, 25, (2001)
澳洲花椰菜花油澳大利亚 cassinia laevis flower oil australia
140.10  牛儿烯、双环吉马烯 bicyclogermacrene
300.40  芸香酚 bulnesol
172.40delta- cadinene
292.50T- cadinol
102.10beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
42.801,8- 桉树脑 cineole
60.40  香茅醛 citronellal
91.90alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
123.60beta- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
130.90  germacrene D
201.20  globulol
110.30alpha- 愈创木烯 guaiene
222.20  guaiazulene
250.70  humulene oxide I
271.00  humulene oxide II
2419.30  ledol
34.30  柠檬烯 limonene
167.70alpha- 茂烯 muurolene
280.40alpha- muurolol
180.70  喇叭茶醇 palustrol
113.60alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
20.50beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
210.40  紫杉醇 rosifoliol
50.70(Z)- sabinene hydrate
152.20beta- selinene
198.00  芦丁烯醇 spathulenol
70.90  terpinen-4-ol
81.00alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
311.20 未知 unknown a
230.40  viridiflorol
265.30  维多罗尔 widdrol
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 13, 2 No. 2, 78, (2001)
澳洲花椰菜叶油澳大利亚 cassinia laevis leaf oil australia
140.10  牛儿烯、双环吉马烯 bicyclogermacrene
280.90  芸香酚 bulnesol
170.70delta- cadinene
270.10T- cadinol
102.30beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
41.101,8- 桉树脑 cineole
60.50  香茅醛 citronellal
91.60alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
124.30beta- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
130.60  germacrene D
200.40  globulol
110.50alpha- 愈创木烯 guaiene
211.30  guaiazulene
231.30  humulene oxide I
250.70  humulene oxide II
2239.50  ledol
30.80  柠檬烯 limonene
169.60alpha- 茂烯 muurolene
260.30alpha- muurolol
181.20  喇叭茶醇 palustrol
19.80alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
20.20beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
50.10(Z)- sabinene hydrate
153.50beta- selinene
194.00  芦丁烯醇 spathulenol
70.50  terpinen-4-ol
80.70alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
243.80  维多罗尔 widdrol
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 13, 2 No. 2, 78, (2001)
香茅 cymbopogon schoenanthus 叶 leafoil
160.30  芸香酚 bulnesol
122.30delta-2- carene carene
9tracebeta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
20.10para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
8tracebeta- elemene
115.80  elemol
151.30alpha- eudesmol
141.10beta- eudesmol
121.10gamma- eudesmol
33.90  柠檬烯 limonene
51.10(E)-para- menth-2-en-1-ol
40.70(Z)-para- menth-2-en-1-ol
10trace3- methyl butyl octanoate
130.20T- muurolol
759.10  piperitone
61.10alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 12, 2 No. 2, 207, (2000)
蜡菊花卉油 helichrysum italicum flower oil
142.01(E)-alpha- 佛手柑 bergamotene
150.87(Z)-alpha- 佛手柑 bergamotene
170.03(E)-alpha- 比沙泊烯 bisabolene
240.19(E)- -gamma- 比沙泊烯 bisabolene
230.07(Z)- -gamma- 比沙泊烯 bisabolene
210.25beta- 比沙泊烯 bisabolene
340.81  芸香酚 bulnesol
161.85beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
300.08  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
251.08ar- 姜黄素 curcumene
1915.98gamma- 姜黄素 curcumene
80.13para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
330.1110-epi- -gamma- eudesmol
350.20alpha- eudesmol
360.41beta- eudesmol
290.45  异戊酸香叶基酯 geranyl isovalerate
321.65  guaiazulene
100.05(Z)-3- 己烯-1-基乙酸酯 hexen-1-yl acetate
180.06alpha- 蛇麻烯 humulene
131.84  italicene
41.09  柠檬烯 limonene
121.04  linalool
110.136- 甲基-5-庚-2-酮 methyl-5-hepten-2-one
220.37alpha- 茂烯 muurolene
20.17  myrcene
274.47  橙花醇 nerol
310.20(Z)- 橙花醇 nerolidol
2016.60  乙酸橙花酯 neryl acetate
280.18  异戊酸酯 neryl isovalerate
266.53  丙酸橙花酯 neryl propionate
60.05(Z)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
70.40(E)-beta-罗勒烯 ocimene + gamma-terpinene
50.09beta- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
13.41alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
30.22alpha- terpinene
90.39  terpinolene
A. 0, Tucker, M. J. m Maciarello, D, J. charles Charles j J, E, Simon, 易挥发的 Volatile 叶 leafoil of the 咖喱 curry plant (Helichtysurn italicurn (罗斯 r Roth) G. don Don subsp. italicum) 侏儒 dwarf 咖喱 curry plant (子空间 subsp, 小叶 microphyllum (意志 Willd.) 尼曼 Nyman) in the 北 North 美国 American herb 贸易 trade, J. 本质 Essent. 油 Oil, Res,, 9,583-565 (1997). p&amp P&F 23, 5 No. 5, 55, (1998)
cernum cernum 维尔 vell。变种cercks 尤克 yuncker叶油巴西
191.60alpha- 琼脂呋喃 agarofuran
260.20  芸香酚 bulnesol
181.30delta- cadinene
242.40alpha- cadinol
25.30  樟脑 camphene
60.40delta-3- carene carene
142.30beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
120.20alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
100.30alpha- 荜澄茄/山苍子 cubebene
1732.30(Z)-dihydro琼脂呋喃 agarofuran
130.60beta- elemene
90.20delta- elemene
206.70beta- elemol
217.1010-epi- -gamma- eudesmol
231.60beta- eudesmol
221.00gamma- eudesmol
150.90alpha- 蛇麻烯 humulene
70.70  柠檬烯 limonene
80.30para- mentha-1,3,8-triene
162.90gamma- 茂烯 muurolene
50.50  myrcene
110.20alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
47.40beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
33.50  桧烯 sabinene
252.10  戊醇 valerianol
110.90alpha- ylangene
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 12, 4 No. 4, 443, (2000)