Typical G.C. analysis

缬草根茎油 valeriana officinalis rhizome oil
360.2-0.8beta- 比沙泊烯 bisabolene
160.1-0.6  borneol
15trace-0.1异 iso borneol
252.3-33.5  bornyl acetate
430.5-1.2  异戊酸bornyl isovalerate
460.1-0.3delta- cadinene
30.1-6.4  樟脑 camphene
14trace-0.1  樟脑 camphene
21trace-0.1trans- carveol
200.1-0.2cis- carveol
8trace-0.21,8- 桉树脑 cineole
31trace-0.1  醋酸香茅酯 citronellyl acetate
510.2-2.1  香柠檬酸citronellyl isovalerate
33trace-0.2alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
570.4-3.9  隐氟龙酚 cryptofauronol
70trace-2.9  醋酸呋喃丙酯 cryptofauronyl acetate
22trace-0.1  异丙苯甲醛 cuminaldehyde
400.7-2.1ar- 姜黄素 curcumene
70.1-1.5para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
340.2-1.42,6- dimethoxy-paracymene
620.1-0.4  十二烯醇 drimenol
350.1-0.4beta- elemene
300.2-2.9delta- elemene
420.1-0.4gamma- elemene
75trace-0.6  棕榈酸乙酯 ethyl palmitate
380.5-7.6  eudesma-2 eudesma-2,6,8-triene
530.6-6.9beta- eudesmol
29trace-0.1  eugenol
610.1-0.4  异戊烯酸戊烯基酯 eugenyl isovalerate
670.1-1.1异 iso 异戊烯酸戊烯基酯 eugenyl isovalerate
480.4-0.6  紫草酮 faurinone
410.2-1.4  germacrene D
44trace-1.0beta- 古尔烯 gurjunene
370.1-0.9alpha- 蛇麻烯 humulene
390.1-0.7beta- ionone
450.2-3.8  kessane
380.1-3.5  kesanyl kessanyl acetate
730.1-0.7  酮糖基 kessoglycyl monoacetate
630.1-12.6alpha- kessyl acetate
520.5-2.1  ledol
100.1-1.2  柠檬烯 limonene
13trace  linalool
500.1-1.6  maaliol
240.1-0.2  甲基香芹酚 methyl carvacrol
710.1-0.9  棕榈酸甲酯 methyl palmitate
23trace-0.4  甲基百里酚 methyl thymol
650.1-0.2  methyl valerenate
6trace-0.1  myrcene
190.1-4.0  myrtenol
28trace-9.1  乙酸十四烯基酯 myrtenyl acetate
560.1-0.2 myrtenyl hexanoate
491.6-10.5  异戊酸异戊烯基 myrtenyl isovalerate
26trace-0.8  醋酸 nojigiku acetate
470.5-3.2  紫杉醇 pacifigorgiol
720.1-1.9  棕榈酸 palmitic acid
9trace-2.4beta- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
20.1-0.2alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
5trace-0.9beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
4trace-0.1  桧烯 sabinene
170.1-0.6  terpinen-4-ol
11trace-0.2gamma- terpinene
18trace-0.1alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
12trace-0.1  terpinolene
270.1  thymol
1trace-0.1  tricyclene
550.5-8.2  缬草酮 valeranone
660.1-1.5(E)-valeren-1-yl acetate
640.2-0.8(Z)-valeren-1-yl acetate
76trace-1.6(E)-valeren-1-yl isovalerate
74trace-0.7(Z)-valeren-1-yl isovalerate
590.4-12.4  缬草烯 valerenal
690.3-2.8  valerenic acid
600.3-1.2(Z+E)- 戊戊烯醇 valerenol
541.5-14.2  戊醇 valerianol
320.1-0.4alpha- ylangene

R. bos Bos H. J. Woerdenbag, 分析型 Analytical 方面 aspects of the 精油 essential oil, valerenic acid 衍生品 derivatives 紫杉 valepotriates in Valeriana officinalis 根源 roots 根茎 rhizome 根茎s. in In: Proceedings, in International 座谈会 Symposium on 配种 breeding 研究 research 药用的 medicinal aromatic 植物 plants. Edits., F. Pank, p. 355-358, Beitr�ge zur Zuchtungsforschung, Quedlinburg, Germany (1996).

p&amp P&F 24, 3 No. 3, 47, (1999)

缬草根茎油中国 valeriana officinalis rhizome oil china
101.31异 iso borneol
1246.22  bornyl acetate
130.61异 iso bornyl acetate
260.72  异戊酸bornyl isovalerate
323.50  樟脑 camphene
90.33  樟脑 camphene
141.64  carvyl acetate
220.50beta- 石竹烯醇 caryophyllene alcohol
50.40para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
210.32  十氢-1 decahydro-1,1,4,7-tetramethyl cyclopropazulen-4-ol
200.44  decahydro-2,2,4,8-四甲基-4 8-tetramethyl-4,8-methanazulen-9-ol
170.331,1- dimethoxy-3,7-二甲基-2 7-dimethyl-2,6-辛二烯 6-octadiene
71.377,7- 二甲基-2 dimethyl-2-methylene bicyclo(3.1.1)heptane
281.52(2Z)-3,7- 二甲基-2 dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1-ol isovalerate
230.602,6- dimethyl-6(4-methyl-3-pentenyl)-2-cyclohexene-1-甲醛 carboxaldehyde
241.934-ethyl-2,2,4-trimethyl-3-(1-methyl ethenyl) cyclohexene 甲醇 methanol
270.61  异戊酸香叶基酯 geranyl isovalerate
180.38beta- 古尔烯 gurjunene
250.53  ledol
60.77  柠檬烯 limonene
80.353-methyl 2-norbornane 甲醛 carboxaldehyde
25.46alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
43.50beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
110.282-iso propyl-5-methyl anisole
10.43alpha- 丁烯 thujene
190.984(2,6,6- trimethyl cyclohexa-1,3-二烯基)but-2-en-4-one 3-dienyl)but-2-en-4-one
150.612,2,4-trimethyl-3-cyclohexene-1-methyl acetate

Y-D. chen Chen - C-H. gu Gu, 研究 Study on the chemical 组成 composition of 精油 essential oil from Valeriana officinalis. Lincnan h Huaxue yu Yu Gongye, 9(1), 59-64 (1989).

p&amp P&F 24, 3 No. 3, 47, (1999)