Typical G.C. analysis

缬草根茎油二氧化碳提取物中国 valeriana officinalis rhizome oil CO2 extract china
10.37  acetic acid
170.01  benzoic acid
410.72(E)-alpha- 佛手柑 bergamotol
420.34(Z)-alpha-佛手柑 bergamotol
180.47  borneol
2336.07  bornyl acetate
360.24delta- cadinene
100.02异 iso camphane camphane
52.81  樟脑 camphene
110.03delta-3- carene carene
250.02trans-香芹酮氧化物 carvone oxide
240.14cis- 香芹酮氧化物 carvone oxide
310.65beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
130.021,8- 桉树脑 cineole
210.19  枯木的 cumic acid
80.02para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
290.07beta- elemene
270.08delta- elemene
370.53  elemol
120.013- ethyl-2,5-二甲基-1 5-dimethyl-1,3-己二烯 3-hexadiene
442.45  乙酸烯丁酯 eugenyl acetate
350.66 germacrene germacrene
402.24  globulol
340.23  愈创木烯 guaiene
320.21beta- 古尔烯 gurjunene
330.31alpha- humulene
90.26  柠檬烯 limonene
150.02  linalool
220.12  methyl chavocol
200.02  myrtenol
4326.56  (+)-香柏酮 nootkatone
40.60alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
70.59beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
60.03  桧烯 sabinene
160.01  sabinene hydrate
263.03  醋酸戊酯 sabinyl acetate
380.73 沙宾基 sabinyl valerate
391.84  芦丁烯醇 spathulenol
190.13  terpinen-4-ol
140.02  terpinolene
280.62alpha- 乙酸叔戊酯 terpinyl acetate
300.42 胸腺嘧啶 thymohydroquinone dimethyl ether
30.03  tricyclene
20.21异 iso valeric acid

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p&amp P&F 24, 3 No. 3, 47, (1999)