Typical G.C. analysis

当归大黄根油 angelica archangelica root oil
350.19  borneol
271.78  bornyl acetate
80.48异 iso 丁基苯 butyl benzene
400.07delta- cadinene
620.06alpha- cadinol
610.04T- cadinol
51.88  樟脑 camphene
90.20delta-2- carene carene
1016.24delta-3- carene carene
420.21  carvyl acetate
480.04  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
54tracealpha- copaen-11-ol
560.24alpha- copaen-8-ol
240.57alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
280.16beta- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
520.04  copaenol
430.03  铜烯 cuparene
640.85  环十五烷内酯 cyclopentadecanolide
460.23meta- cymen-8-ol
450.65para- cymen-8-ol
196.39para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
360.42delta- elemene
440.06gamma- elemene
630.05  elemol
330.41  eucarvone
600.49beta- eudesmol
40.05alpha- 芬烯 fenchene
370.64  germacrene D
650.37  heptadecanolide
320.54alpha- 蛇麻烯 humulene
510.39  蛇麻烯 humulene oxide
490.09  腐殖酚 humulenol
146.56  柠檬烯 limonene
250.14  linalool
230.07  长环 longicyclene
300.09(E)-para- menth-2-en-1-ol
260.50(Z)-para- menth-2-en-1-ol
201.57para-mentha-2,8-二烯 8-diene
220.08  menthone
55trace methyl tridecanolide
380.10alpha- 茂烯 muurolene
580.08alpha- muurolol
590.03T- muurolol
125.28  myrcene
18trace(E)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
160.05(Z)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
470.10  紫苏醇 perillyl alcohol
112.02alpha- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
151.26beta- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
232.19alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
61.54beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
390.28(E)- 胡椒醇 piperitol
70.46  桧烯 sabinene
410.15  醋酸戊酯 sabinyl acetate
570.14  芦丁烯醇 spathulenol
290.08  terpinen-4-ol
130.26alpha- terpinene
173.07gamma- terpinene
340.40alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
210.87  terpinolene
30.13alpha- 丁烯 thujene
10.04  tricyclene
530.56 tridecanolide
310.39  醋酸马来酸 verbenyl acetate

J. C. Chalchat R. P. Garry, 必要 本质 Essentialoil of 当归 Angelica roots (当归 Angelica 大天使 歐白芷 angelica L.). 优化 Optimization of 蒸馏 distillation, 位置 location in plant chemical 组成 composition. J. 本质 Essent. 油 Oil Res., 9, 311-319 (1997).

p&amp P&amp &F 24, 6 No. 6, 45, (1999)

阿魏油 ferula cupularis stem oil
化学的 Chemical 组成 composition 抗菌的 antibacterial 活动 activity of the essential oils from 花 flower, 叶 leaf stem of Ferula cupularis 生长 growing 野生 wild in 伊朗 Iran
1647.45  降冰片烯丙酸酯 bornyl angelate
1501.421-endo- bourbonanol
1422.70beta- 波旁烯 bourbonene
1203.03  樟脑 camphene
1128.38delta-3- carene carene
1710.43  乙酸石竹烯 caryophyllene acetate
1582.57  丁酸香茅酯 citronellyl butyrate
1600.49  铜烯 cuparene
1321.89(Z)-dihydro-alpha-乙酸叔戊酯 terpinyl acetate
1690.62  乙酸二氢丁烯dihydroeugenyl acetate
1781.75gamma- eudesmol acetate
1821.6614- hydroxy-alpha-蛇麻烯 humulene
1131.89  氧化烯 limonene oxide
1383.41  异丁酸芳基酯 linalyl isobutyrate
1392.65para- menth-1-en-9-yl acetate
1182.39  月桂烯酮 myrcenone
1280.38(E)- ocimenone
2135.96  甾醇 osthol
1161.57trans- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene 水合物 hydrate
1156.87(E)- 沙宾醇 sabinol
1332.19(E)- 醋酸戊酯 sabinyl acetate
1220.86alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
1371.23alpha- 乙酸叔戊酯 terpinyl acetate
1255.19  乙酸叔戊酯 terpinyl acetate
1538.69alpha- 异丁酸叔丁酯 terpinyl isobutyrate
1300.523-thujul acetate
1140.30(Z)- 马鞭草酚 verbenol
1475.20  醋酸马来酸 verbenyl acetate
1462.18异 iso 醋酸马来酸 verbenyl acetate
1245.53para- cymen-9-ol
Ziba Alipour, Poroshat Taheri, Nasrin Samadi 部 Department of 生物学 Biology, Faculty of Science, r Roudehen 伊斯兰的 Islamic azad Azad 大学 University, 德黑兰 Tehran, 伊朗 Iran, 2部 Department of 化学 Chemistry, 学校 School of Art &amp & Science, 案件 Case 西 Western 保留 Reserve 大学 University, 克利夫兰 Cleveland, oh OH, 联合的 United 州 State, 3部 Department of 药品 Drug Food 控制 Control, Faculty of 药店 Pharmacy 生物技术 Biotechnology 研究 Research 中央 Center, 德黑兰 Tehran 大学 University of 医疗 Medical Sciences, 德黑兰 Tehran, 伊朗 Iran