玺留香数据库列表 Igreatlife Health Information Listings

Found in Nature Material Listing : h H
halazuchrome B CAS: 18296-44-1
EC: 242-174-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
金缕梅宁 hamamelitannin CAS: 469-32-9
EC: 207-416-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
harmaline harmaline CAS: 304-21-2
EC: 206-152-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
harmaline harmaline hydrochloride 二水合物 di水合物 hydrate CAS: 6027-98-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
harmalol CAS: 525-57-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
harman CAS: 486-84-0
EC: 207-642-2

使用 Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
harmine CAS: 442-51-3
EC: 207-131-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
harmol CAS: 487-03-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
harpagide CAS: 6926-08-5
EC: 230-050-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
参皂甙 harpagoside CAS: 19210-12-9
EC: 242-881-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hastatoside CAS: 50816-24-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
山楂醇 hawthorn carbinol CAS: 536-50-5
EC: 208-637-8
FEMA: 3139
JECFA: 805
FLAvi v VIS: 02.080

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
榛子吡嗪 hazelnut pyrazine CAS: 18138-04-0
EC: 242-024-6
FEMA: 3336
JECFA: 777
FLAvi v VIS: 14.056

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
赫达拉汀 hederagenin CAS: 465-99-6
EC: 207-369-9

使用 Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
hederin 水合物 hydrate CAS: 27013-91-8
EC: 248-166-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
紫苏醇 hedycaryol CAS: 21657-90-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
海伦纳林 helenalin CAS: 6754-13-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heleniamarin CAS: 66607-74-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heliangin CAS: 13323-48-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heliangolide CAS: 65556-51-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heliannone A CAS: 193411-10-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heliannuol A CAS: 148054-17-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heliannuol B CAS: 161730-07-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heliannuol C CAS: 161730-08-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heliannuol D CAS: 161730-09-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heliannuol E CAS: 241139-49-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
helianol CAS: 178330-51-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异 iso
helianol CAS: 203570-12-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
helianthoside A CAS: 139164-70-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
helianthoside B CAS: 29108-67-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
helianthoside C CAS: 25503-42-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
烯丙三醇 heliantriol A1 CAS: 26540-64-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
烯丙三醇 heliantriol B1 CAS: 74715-48-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
烯丙三醇 heliantriol B2 CAS: 61229-18-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
烯丙三醇 heliantriol C CAS: 71876-60-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
烯丙三醇 heliantriol F CAS: 71876-59-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
helianyl 辛酸 octanoate CAS: 290305-83-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
鹰嘴豆素 helichrysetin CAS: 62014-87-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
helichrysoside CAS: 56343-26-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
helicin CAS: 618-65-5
EC: 210-558-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heliespirone A CAS: 202533-71-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heliotric acid CAS: 25039-18-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heliotrine CAS: 303-33-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heliotrine-N-oxide CAS: 6209-65-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
日光的 heliotropic acid CAS: 94-53-1
EC: 202-342-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
促肾上腺素 heliotropin CAS: 120-57-0
EC: 204-409-7
FEMA: 2911
JECFA: 896
FLAvi v VIS: 05.016

使用 Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
醋酸乙酰苯酯 heliotropyl acetate CAS: 326-61-4
EC: 206-312-5
FEMA: 2912
JECFA: 894
FLAvi v VIS: 09.220

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
巯基丙酮 heliotropyl acetone CAS: 55418-52-5
EC: 259-630-1
FEMA: 2701
JECFA: 2048
FLAvi v VIS: 07.031

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
helipyrone CAS: 29902-01-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
helveticoside CAS: 630-64-8
EC: 211-140-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
血凝素 hematein CAS: 475-25-2
EC: 207-492-8

使用 Use(s): 着色剂 coloring agents
血红素 hematin CAS: 15489-90-4
EC: 239-518-9

使用 Use(s): 头发调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for hair conditioning
hemiariensin CAS: 112448-60-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
半美石 hemimellitene CAS: 526-73-8
EC: 208-394-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异 iso
heneicosane CAS: 52845-08-6

使用 Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
heneicosanol CAS: 51227-32-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heneicosene CAS: 39836-21-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heneicosyl 环戊烷 cyclopentane CAS: 6703-82-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heneicosyl-1,3-benzenediol CAS: 70110-59-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptacosane CAS: 629-94-7
EC: 211-118-9

使用 Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
henicosanoic acid CAS: 2363-71-5
EC: 219-113-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
henicosene CAS: 27400-79-9
EC: 248-443-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
庚三烷 hentriacontane CAS: 630-04-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
庚三烷 hentriacontane-14,16二酮 16-dione CAS: 24724-84-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hentriacontanol CAS: 1070-54-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hentriacontanol CAS: 27759-56-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hentriacontanone CAS: 34136-52-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hentriacontene CAS: 18435-54-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
肝素 heparin CAS: 9005-49-6
EC: 232-681-7

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
heptacosane CAS: 593-49-7
EC: 209-792-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptacosane 二元的 dioic acid CAS: 5638-06-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptacosanedione CAS: 95605-27-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptacosanol CAS: 2004-39-9
EC: 217-906-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptacosanol CAS: 32116-10-2
EC: 250-926-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptacosanone CAS: 7796-19-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptacosene CAS: 15306-27-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z (Z,z Z)-
heptadeca-1,8,11-三烯 11-triene CAS: 56134-03-3
EC: 260-005-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z (Z,z)-8 Z)-8,11-
heptadecadienal CAS: 56797-42-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecadiene CAS: 54264-04-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecadiene-4,6-二炔3 6-diyne-3,10-二醇 10-diol CAS: 63910-76-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
庚运河 heptadecanal CAS: 629-90-3
EC: 211-115-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptacosane CAS: 629-78-7
EC: 211-108-4
FLAvi v VIS: 01.075

使用 Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
heptacosanediol CAS: 66577-59-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptacosanedione CAS: 64042-18-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecanoic acid CAS: 506-12-7
EC: 208-027-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecanol CAS: 1454-85-9
EC: 215-932-5
FLAvi v VIS: 02.154

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecanol CAS: 16813-18-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecanol CAS: 84534-30-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecanol CAS: 2541-75-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecanol CAS: 624-08-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecanolide CAS: 5637-97-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecanone CAS: 2922-51-2
FLAvi v VIS: 07.160

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecanone CAS: 84534-29-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecanone CAS: 540-08-9
EC: 208-734-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z (Z,z Z,z)-8 Z)-8,11,14-
heptadecatrienal CAS: 56797-44-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(全能 all-E)-1,7,9-
heptadecatriene-11,13,15-triyne CAS: 41688-30-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z)-8 Z)-8-
heptadecenal CAS: 56797-41-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecene CAS: 6765-39-5
EC: 229-825-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecene CAS: 138472-85-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecene CAS: 54290-12-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecene CAS: 2579-04-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z)-8 Z)-8-
heptadecene CAS: 16369-12-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecene-4,6-二炔3 6-diyne-3,9-二醇 9-diol CAS: 77084-19-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecenoic acid CAS: 1981-50-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecenyl)-1,3-benzenediol CAS: 103462-06-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecenyl)phenol CAS: 111047-33-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
乙酸十七烷基酯 heptadecyl acetate CAS: 822-20-8
EC: 212-492-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecyl cyclohexane CAS: 19781-73-8
EC: 243-308-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecyl呋喃 furan CAS: 208329-97-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadecyne CAS: 26186-00-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadien-1-ol CAS: 62237-90-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e (E,e)-3 E)-3,5-
heptadien-2-one CAS: 18402-90-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadienal CAS: 5910-85-0
EC: 227-627-4

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
(e (E,e)-2 E)-2,4-
heptadienal CAS: 4313-03-5
EC: 224-328-0
FEMA: 3164
JECFA: 1179
FLAvi v VIS: 05.084

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
(e (E,Z)-2,4-
heptadienal CAS: 4313-02-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z (Z,e)-2 E)-2,4-
heptadienal CAS: 59121-26-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadiene CAS: 1541-23-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e (E,e)-2 E)-2,4-
heptadiene CAS: 628-72-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadiene-3,4-二醇 4-diol CAS: 51945-98-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e (E,e)-2 E)-2,4-
heptadienoic acid CAS: 65518-46-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadienoic acid CAS: 38867-17-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadien-4-ol CAS: 2883-45-6
EC: 220-742-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptadien-1-ol CAS: 62488-55-5

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
(e (E,e)-2 E)-2,4-
heptadien-1-ol CAS: 33467-79-7
EC: 251-535-3
FEMA: 4127
JECFA: 1784
FLAvi v VIS: 02.153

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
(e (E,Z)-2,4-
heptadien-1-ol CAS: 70979-88-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptalactone CAS: 3301-90-4
EC: 221-972-4
FLAvi v VIS: 10.045

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptalactone CAS: 105-21-5
EC: 203-279-9
FEMA: 2539
JECFA: 225
FLAvi v VIS: 10.020

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
庚醛(醛c-7) heptanal (aldehyde C-7) CAS: 111-71-7
EC: 203-898-4
FEMA: 2540
FLAvi v VIS: 05.031

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
庚二乙缩醛 heptanal diethyl acetal CAS: 688-82-4
EC: 211-707-0
FLAvi v VIS: 06.021

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptacosane CAS: 142-82-5
EC: 205-563-8

使用 Use(s): 萃取溶剂 extraction solvents
heptacosane diol CAS: 3710-31-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptacosane dione CAS: 96-04-8
EC: 202-472-5
FEMA: 2543
JECFA: 415
FLAvi v VIS: 07.064

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
庚烷腈 heptane nitrile CAS: 629-08-3
EC: 211-071-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptacosane 硫醇 thiol CAS: 628-00-2
FEMA: 4128
JECFA: 1664
FLAvi v VIS: 12.288

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
heptanoic acid CAS: 111-14-8
EC: 203-838-7
FEMA: 3348
FLAvi v VIS: 08.028

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptanol CAS: 53535-33-4
EC: 258-615-7

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptanol CAS: 111-70-6
EC: 203-897-9
FEMA: 2548
FLAvi v VIS: 02.021

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptanol CAS: 543-49-7
EC: 208-844-3
FEMA: 3288
JECFA: 284
FLAvi v VIS: 02.045

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
(r (R)-(-)-2-
heptanol CAS: 6033-24-5

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptanol CAS: 6033-23-4

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptanol CAS: 589-82-2
EC: 209-661-1
FEMA: 3547
JECFA: 286
FLAvi v VIS: 02.044

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptanone CAS: 110-43-0
EC: 203-767-1
FEMA: 2544
JECFA: 283
FLAvi v VIS: 07.002

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptanone CAS: 106-35-4
EC: 203-388-1
FEMA: 2545
JECFA: 285
FLAvi v VIS: 07.003

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptanone CAS: 123-19-3
EC: 204-608-9
FEMA: 2546
JECFA: 287
FLAvi v VIS: 07.058

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptanoyl 噻吩 thiophene CAS: 30711-40-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptaphylline CAS: 17750-35-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptatriacontane CAS: 7194-84-5
EC: 230-559-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptelidic acid CAS: 57710-57-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hepten-1-yl acetate CAS: 83540-70-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptenal CAS: 2463-63-0
EC: 219-563-0
FLAvi v VIS: 05.070

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptenal CAS: 18829-55-5
EC: 242-608-0
FEMA: 3165
JECFA: 1360
FLAvi v VIS: 05.150

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
heptenal CAS: 57266-86-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptenal CAS: 89896-73-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e)-3 E)-3-
heptenal CAS: 21662-20-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptenal CAS: 21662-18-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptenal CAS: 62238-34-0
FEMA: 3289

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptenal CAS: 929-22-6
EC: 213-198-0
FEMA: 3289

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptenal CAS: 6728-31-0
EC: 229-779-7
FEMA: 3289
JECFA: 320
FLAvi v VIS: 05.085

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptene CAS: 14686-14-7
EC: 238-728-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptene CAS: 592-77-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptene CAS: 592-78-9
EC: 209-769-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptenoic acid CAS: 18999-28-5
EC: 242-738-8
FEMA: 3920
FLAvi v VIS: 08.083

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
heptenoic acid CAS: 10352-88-2
EC: 233-769-8
FEMA: 3920
JECFA: 1373
FLAvi v VIS: 08.123

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
heptenoic acid CAS: 1577-31-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptenoic acid CAS: 68676-74-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptenoic acid CAS: 35194-37-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptenoic acid CAS: 41653-95-6
EC: 255-476-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hepten-4-ol CAS: 3521-91-3
EC: 222-535-0

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hepten-1-ol CAS: 22104-77-4

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hepten-1-ol CAS: 33467-76-4
EC: 251-534-8
FLAvi v VIS: 02.151

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hepten-1-ol CAS: 10606-47-0
FLAvi v VIS: 02.152

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
(e)-3 E)-3-
hepten-1-ol CAS: 2108-05-6
EC: 218-292-5

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hepten-1-ol CAS: 1708-81-2
EC: 216-964-2

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hepten-1-ol CAS: 20851-55-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hepten-2-ol CAS: 66642-85-1

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hepten-2-ol CAS: 58927-81-4
EC: 261-500-4

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hepten-2-ol CAS: 34146-55-9
EC: 251-851-1
FLAvi v VIS: 02.255

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hepten-3-ol CAS: 19781-77-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hepten-3-ol CAS: 4938-52-7
EC: 225-579-9
FEMA: 4129
JECFA: 1842
FLAvi v VIS: 02.155

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hepten-3-one CAS: 2918-13-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hepten-4-one CAS: 4643-25-8
EC: 225-070-1
FEMA: 3399
JECFA: 1126
FLAvi v VIS: 07.104

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hepten-2-one CAS: 1119-44-4
EC: 214-278-8
FEMA: 3400
JECFA: 1127
FLAvi v VIS: 07.105

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
(e)-3 E)-3-
hepten-2-one CAS: 5609-09-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hepten-2-one CAS: 24332-22-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hepten-2-one CAS: 38397-37-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hepten-2-one CAS: 6714-00-7
EC: 229-768-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptenyl acetate CAS: 35468-97-4
EC: 252-583-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hepten-3-yl acetate CAS: 35926-06-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hepten-1-yl acetate CAS: 16939-73-4
EC: 241-002-3
FEMA: 4125
JECFA: 1798
FLAvi v VIS: 09.385

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptenyl acetate CAS: 34942-91-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e)-3 E)-3-
hepten-1-yl acetate CAS: 1576-77-8
EC: 216-411-5
FEMA: 3493
JECFA: 135
FLAvi v VIS: 09.275

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hepten-1-yl acetate CAS: 1576-78-9
EC: 216-412-0

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hepten-2-yl acetate CAS: 94088-33-2
EC: 302-032-3
FLAvi v VIS: 09.386

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
heptenyl isothiocyanate CAS: 49776-82-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
乙酸庚酯 heptyl acetate CAS: 112-06-1
EC: 203-932-8
FEMA: 2547
JECFA: 129
FLAvi v VIS: 09.022

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
乙酸庚酯 heptyl acetate CAS: 5921-82-4
EC: 227-647-3
FLAvi v VIS: 09.388

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
苯甲酸庚酯 heptyl benzoate CAS: 7155-12-6
EC: 230-511-6

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptyl 苯并噻唑 benzothiazole CAS: 69938-51-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
丁酸庚酯 heptyl butyrate CAS: 5870-93-9
EC: 227-526-5
FEMA: 2549
JECFA: 154
FLAvi v VIS: 09.166

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
丁酸庚酯 heptyl butyrate CAS: 39026-94-3
FEMA: 3981
JECFA: 1144
FLAvi v VIS: 09.923

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异丁酸庚酯 heptyl isobutyrate CAS: 2349-13-5
EC: 219-076-3
FEMA: 2550
JECFA: 190
FLAvi v VIS: 09.420

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptyl-4,5-dimethyl thiazole CAS: 87262-50-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
甲酸庚酯 heptyl formate CAS: 112-23-2
EC: 203-949-0
FEMA: 2552
JECFA: 121
FLAvi v VIS: 09.074

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptyl 呋喃 furan CAS: 3777-71-7
EC: 223-236-8
FEMA: 3401
JECFA: 1492
FLAvi v VIS: 13.069

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
己酸庚酯 heptyl hexanoate CAS: 6976-72-3
EC: 230-239-8
FLAvi v VIS: 09.390

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
己酸庚酯 heptyl hexanoate CAS: 6624-58-4
EC: 229-582-6
FLAvi v VIS: 09.391

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
异戊酸庚酯 heptyl isovalerate CAS: 238757-71-6
FLAvi v VIS: 09.304

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
庚硫醇 heptyl mercaptan CAS: 1639-09-4
EC: 216-678-8
FEMA: 4259
JECFA: 1663
FLAvi v VIS: 12.130

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
2-甲基丁酸庚酯 heptyl 2-methyl butyrate CAS: 50862-12-9
EC: 256-811-7
FLAvi v VIS: 09.387

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
heptyl 2-methyl pentanoate CAS: 6640-74-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptyl 4-methyl pentanoate CAS: 35852-52-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
辛酸庚酯 heptyl octanoate CAS: 4265-97-8
EC: 224-252-8
FEMA: 2553
JECFA: 176
FLAvi v VIS: 09.118

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
丙酸庚酯 heptyl propionate CAS: 2216-81-1
EC: 218-698-2

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptyl pyridine CAS: 20815-27-4
EC: 244-056-6

使用 Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
heptyl-alpha-pyrone 使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
水杨酸庚酯 heptyl salicylate CAS: 6259-77-4
EC: 228-409-1

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
heptyl thiazolidine CAS: 706-19-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heptyl isothiocyanate CAS: 4426-83-9
EC: 224-610-3

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
heptyl 噻吩 thiophene CAS: 18794-78-0
EC: 242-581-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
戊酸庚酯 heptyl valerate CAS: 5451-80-9
EC: 226-686-3

使用 Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
异戊酸庚酯 heptyl isovalerate CAS: 56423-43-9
EC: 260-170-9
FLAvi v VIS: 09.392

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
亚庚基二乙酸酯 heptylidene diacetate CAS: 56438-09-6
EC: 260-182-4

使用 Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
heptyne CAS: 628-71-7
EC: 211-051-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
赫拉克林 heraclenin CAS: 2880-49-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
十八烯醇 heraclenol CAS: 31575-93-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
除草素 herbacetin CAS: 527-95-7

使用 Use(s): 天然食品 natural food
草药酮 herbal ketone CAS: 67801-33-6
EC: 267-154-0

使用 Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
herbarin CAS: 36379-67-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
herboxidiene CAS: 142861-00-5

使用 Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
herclavine CAS: 539-18-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hericene A CAS: 157207-54-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hericene B CAS: 157207-55-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hericene C CAS: 157207-56-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hericenone A CAS: 126654-52-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hericenone B CAS: 126654-53-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hericenone C CAS: 137592-03-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hericenone D CAS: 137592-04-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hericenone E CAS: 137592-05-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hericenone F CAS: 141996-36-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hericenone G CAS: 141973-36-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hericenone h H CAS: 141973-37-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hericerin CAS: 140381-53-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
herierin iii ii III CAS: 131123-56-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heritonin CAS: 123914-48-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
香兰素 hernandulcin CAS: 95602-94-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
香兰素 hernandulcin CAS: 95672-95-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hesperaline CAS: 15797-38-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
橙皮素 hesperetin CAS: 520-33-2
EC: 208-290-2
JECFA: 2024
FLAvi v VIS: 16.097

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
(r (R,S)-
橙皮素 hesperetin CAS: 69097-99-0
FEMA: 4313

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
橙皮苷 hesperidin CAS: 520-26-3
EC: 208-288-1

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
(r (R)-
橙皮苷 hesperidin CAS: 369593-42-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heteroartonin A CAS: 170894-23-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heterobetulin CAS: 74715-49-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heterodendrin CAS: 66465-22-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heterodendrin CAS: 57103-47-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heteroflavanone A CAS: 151171-28-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heteroflavanone B CAS: 151171-29-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heteroflavanone C CAS: 156127-36-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heteronemin CAS: 62008-04-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heterophylliin A CAS: 87687-52-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heterophylol CAS: 152841-81-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
六乙醛 hexacosanal CAS: 26627-85-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
六烷 hexacosane CAS: 630-01-3
EC: 211-124-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
六烷 hexacosanediol CAS: 15541-01-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexacosanol CAS: 506-52-5
EC: 208-044-4

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexacosene CAS: 18835-33-1
EC: 242-615-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z (Z,z Z)-11,13-
hexadecadienal CAS: 71317-73-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexadecadienoic acid CAS: 2936-83-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e (E,e)-10 E)-10,12-
hexadecadien-1-ol CAS: 765-19-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e (E,z Z)-10,12-
hexadecadien-1-ol CAS: 1002-94-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z (Z,e)-10 E)-10,12-
hexadecadien-1-ol CAS: 765-17-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z (Z,z Z)-11,13-
hexadecadien-1-ol CAS: 71720-83-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z (Z,z Z)/(z (Z,E)-7-11-
hexadecadien-1-yl acetate CAS: 50933-33-0
EC: 256-857-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
十六醛 hexadecanal CAS: 629-80-1
EC: 211-111-0
FLAvi v VIS: 05.152

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异 iso
十六醛 hexadecanal CAS: 62028-96-0
EC: 263-377-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
十六烷 hexadecane CAS: 544-76-3
EC: 208-878-9
FLAvi v VIS: 01.072

使用 Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
十六烷 hexadecane 二元的 dioic acid CAS: 505-54-4
EC: 208-013-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异 iso
hexadecanoic acid CAS: 32844-67-0
EC: 251-256-7

使用 Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
十六醇 hexadecanol CAS: 36653-82-4
EC: 253-149-0
FEMA: 2554
JECFA: 114
FLAvi v VIS: 02.009

使用 Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
十六醇 hexadecanol CAS: 14852-31-4
EC: 238-917-5

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
十六醇 hexadecanolide CAS: 69297-56-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexadecanone CAS: 18787-63-8
EC: 242-571-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexadecanone CAS: 18787-64-9
EC: 242-572-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexadecanoylpyrrolidine CAS: 70974-48-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z (Z,z Z,z)-7 Z)-7,10,13-
hexadecatrienal CAS: 56797-43-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e)-1 (E)-11-
hexadecenal CAS: 57491-33-5
EC: 260-765-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexadecenal CAS: 22644-96-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z)-7 Z)-7-
hexadecenal CAS: 56797-40-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexadecenal CAS: 56219-04-6
EC: 260-064-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z)-1 (Z)-11-
hexadecenal CAS: 53939-28-9
EC: 258-876-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
十六碳烯 hexadecene CAS: 26952-14-7
EC: 248-131-4

使用 Use(s): 溶剂 Solvents
十六碳烯 hexadecene CAS: 629-73-2
EC: 211-105-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
十六碳烯 hexadecene CAS: 26741-29-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
十六碳烯 hexadecene CAS: 53137-47-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
十六碳烯 hexadecene CAS: 18899-19-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e)-3 E)-3-
hexadecenoic acid CAS: 2457-70-7

使用 Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
hexadecenoic acid CAS: 17004-51-2

使用 Use(s): 润肤剂 emollients, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
hexadecenoic acid CAS: 28290-76-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z)-7 Z)-7-
hexadecenoic acid CAS: 2416-19-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexadecenoic acid CAS: 10030-73-6

使用 Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
hexadecenoic acid CAS: 373-49-9
EC: 206-765-9

使用 Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
(e)-1 (E)-11-
hexadecenoic acid CAS: 2271-34-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z)-1 (Z)-11-
hexadecenoic acid CAS: 2416-20-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z)-1 (Z)-11-
hexadecen-1-ol CAS: 56683-54-6
EC: 260-337-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z)-1 (Z)-11-
hexadecen-1-yl acetate CAS: 34010-21-4
EC: 251-791-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z)-1 (Z)-13-
hexadecen-11-yn-1-yl acetate CAS: 78617-58-0

使用 Use(s): 除草剂/农药 herbicides / pesticides
十六烷基 hexadecyl ferulate CAS: 64190-80-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
十六烷基 hexadecyl hexadecenoate CAS: 71788-99-3
EC: 276-019-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexadecyne CAS: 629-74-3
EC: 211-106-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexadien-3-ol CAS: 924-41-4
EC: 213-102-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexadienal CAS: 80466-34-8

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
(e (E,e)-2 E)-2,4-
hexadienal CAS: 142-83-6
EC: 205-564-3
FEMA: 3429
JECFA: 1175
FLAvi v VIS: 05.057

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
(e (E,Z)-2,4-
hexadienal CAS: 53398-76-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z)-1 (Z)-1,3-
hexadiene CAS: 14596-92-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e)-1 (E)-1,4-
hexadiene CAS: 7319-00-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexadien-1-ol CAS: 111-28-4
EC: 203-853-9
FEMA: 3922
JECFA: 1174
FLAvi v VIS: 02.162

使用 Use(s): 调味剂和化妆品香料 flavoring agents and cosmetic fragrance agents
(e (E,e)-2 E)-2,4-
hexadien-1-ol CAS: 17102-64-6
EC: 241-173-4

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexadiyne CAS: 628-16-0
EC: 211-029-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexadiynylidene)-1,6-dioxaspiro(4.4)non-3-ene CAS: 16863-61-9
EC: 240-885-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexadiynylidene)-1,6-dioxaspiro[4.5]dec-3-ene CAS: 3306-40-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexahydro-2,5,5,8a-tetramethyl-7h H-1-benzopyran-7-one CAS: 20194-67-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexahydro-6,7-dihydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)-3-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-2H-pyrano[2,3-d]oxazol-2-one CAS: 396714-67-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
六氢法尼醇 hexahydrofarnesol CAS: 6750-34-1

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
六氢法呢基丙酮 hexahydrofarnesyl acetone CAS: 502-69-2
EC: 207-950-7
FLAvi v VIS: 07.205

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
(15z Z,9'z)-7 Z)-7,7',8,8',11,12-
hexahydrolycopene CAS: 72746-34-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexahydroxydiphenoylarabinose CAS: 19833-16-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexahydroxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 90332-28-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexalactone CAS: 823-22-3
EC: 212-511-8
FEMA: 3167
JECFA: 224
FLAvi v VIS: 10.010

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexalactone CAS: 695-06-7
EC: 211-778-8
FEMA: 2556
JECFA: 223
FLAvi v VIS: 10.021

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexamethoxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 29043-07-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
六亚甲基二胺 hexamethylene diamine CAS: 124-09-4
EC: 204-679-6

使用 Use(s): 间接食品添加剂 indirect food additives: 胶粘剂和涂料成分 adhesives and components of coatings
hexamethylgossypetin CAS: 7741-47-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
己醛(醛c-6) hexanal (aldehyde C-6) CAS: 66-25-1
EC: 200-624-5
FEMA: 2557
FLAvi v VIS: 05.008

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异 iso
hexanal CAS: 1119-16-0
EC: 214-273-0
FLAvi v VIS: 05.166

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
己二缩醛 hexanal diethyl acetal CAS: 3658-93-3
EC: 222-911-4
FLAvi v VIS: 06.023

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
己二甲基缩醛 hexanal dimethyl acetal CAS: 1599-47-9
EC: 216-488-5
FLAvi v VIS: 06.073

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
己醛丙二醇缩醛 hexanal propylene glycol acetal CAS: 1599-49-1
EC: 216-489-0
FEMA: 3630
JECFA: 928
FLAvi v VIS: 06.094

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
己醛丙二醇缩醛 hexanal propylene glycol acetal CAS: 26563-75-7
EC: 247-808-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexane diol CAS: 2935-44-6
EC: 220-910-3

使用 Use(s): 溶剂 Solvents
hexane dione CAS: 4437-51-8
EC: 224-651-7
FEMA: 3168
JECFA: 413
FLAvi v VIS: 07.077

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexane 二硫醇 di硫醇 thiol CAS: 1191-43-1
EC: 214-735-1
FEMA: 3495
JECFA: 540
FLAvi v VIS: 12.067

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexane 腈 nitrile CAS: 628-73-9
EC: 211-052-0

使用 Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
hexane硫醇 thiol CAS: 1679-06-7
FEMA: 4782

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexanoic acid CAS: 142-62-1
EC: 205-550-7
FEMA: 2559
FLAvi v VIS: 08.009

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexanoic anhydride CAS: 2051-49-2
EC: 218-121-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexanol CAS: 111-27-3
EC: 203-852-3
FEMA: 2567
FLAvi v VIS: 02.005

使用 Use(s): 化妆品 cosmetic, 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexanol CAS: 626-93-7
EC: 210-971-4
FLAvi v VIS: 02.163

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
(r (R)-(-)-2-
hexanol CAS: 26549-24-6

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexanol CAS: 52019-78-0

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexanol CAS: 623-37-0
EC: 210-790-0
FEMA: 3351
JECFA: 282
FLAvi v VIS: 02.089

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexanone CAS: 589-38-8
EC: 209-645-4
FEMA: 3290
JECFA: 281
FLAvi v VIS: 07.096

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexathiepane CAS: 17233-71-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexathionane CAS: 103439-80-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexathionane CAS: 81531-38-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexatriacontane CAS: 630-06-8
EC: 211-127-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenal CAS: 505-57-7
EC: 208-014-0
FEMA: 2560
FLAvi v VIS: 05.189

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexenal CAS: 85761-70-2

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexenal CAS: 6728-26-3
EC: 229-778-1
FEMA: 2560
JECFA: 1353
FLAvi v VIS: 05.073

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexenal CAS: 16635-54-4

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexenal CAS: 4440-65-7
EC: 224-659-0
JECFA: 1271
FLAvi v VIS: 05.192

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
(e)-3 E)-3-
hexenal CAS: 69112-21-6
EC: 273-874-6

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexenal CAS: 6789-80-6
EC: 229-854-4
FEMA: 2561
JECFA: 316
FLAvi v VIS: 05.075

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexenal CAS: 2100-19-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenal CAS: 25166-87-4
FEMA: 4046
JECFA: 1622
FLAvi v VIS: 05.224

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexenal CAS: 2492-43-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenal CAS: 4634-89-3
EC: 225-058-6
FEMA: 3496
JECFA: 319
FLAvi v VIS: 05.113

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexenal CAS: 764-59-0
EC: 212-127-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenal dimethyl acetal CAS: 18318-83-7
EC: 242-204-4
FEMA: 4098
JECFA: 1728
FLAvi v VIS: 06.072

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexene CAS: 592-41-6
EC: 209-753-1

使用 Use(s): 溶剂 Solvents
hexene 腈 nitrile CAS: 5048-19-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenoic acid CAS: 1191-04-4
EC: 214-727-8
FLAvi v VIS: 08.119

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexenoic acid CAS: 13419-69-7
EC: 236-528-5
FEMA: 3169
JECFA: 1361
FLAvi v VIS: 08.054

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexenoic acid CAS: 1577-28-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenoic acid CAS: 4219-24-3
EC: 224-157-1
FEMA: 3170
JECFA: 317
FLAvi v VIS: 08.050

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
(e)-3 E)-3-
hexenoic acid CAS: 1577-18-0
EC: 216-417-8
FEMA: 3170

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexenoic acid CAS: 1775-43-5
EC: 217-205-8
FEMA: 4493
JECFA: 2181

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexenoic acid CAS: 35194-36-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenoic acid CAS: 1577-20-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenoic acid CAS: 13855-41-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenoic acid CAS: 1577-22-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-3-ol CAS: 4798-44-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-1-ol CAS: 2305-21-7
EC: 218-972-1
FEMA: 2562
JECFA: 1354
FLAvi v VIS: 02.020

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-ol CAS: 928-95-0
EC: 213-191-2
FEMA: 2562
FLAvi v VIS: 02.157

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-ol CAS: 928-94-9
EC: 213-190-7
FEMA: 3924
JECFA: 1374
FLAvi v VIS: 02.156

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-ol CAS: 544-12-7
EC: 208-860-0
FLAvi v VIS: 02.159

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
(e)-3 E)-3-
hexen-1-ol CAS: 928-97-2
EC: 213-193-3
FEMA: 4356
JECFA: 1621

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-ol CAS: 928-96-1
EC: 213-192-8
FEMA: 2563
JECFA: 315
FLAvi v VIS: 02.056

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexenol CAS: 6126-50-7
FEMA: 3430
JECFA: 318
FLAvi v VIS: 02.074

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-ol CAS: 928-92-7
EC: 213-188-6
FLAvi v VIS: 02.161

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-1-ol CAS: 928-91-6
EC: 213-187-0
FEMA: 3430
FLAvi v VIS: 02.160

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexenol CAS: 821-41-0
EC: 212-477-4
FEMA: 4351
JECFA: 1623

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexen-2-ol CAS: 626-94-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-3-ol CAS: 4798-44-1
EC: 225-355-0
FEMA: 3608
JECFA: 1151
FLAvi v VIS: 02.104

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-4-olide CAS: 2407-43-4
EC: 219-304-1
FLAvi v VIS: 10.046

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexen-3-one CAS: 1629-60-3
EC: 216-625-9
FLAvi v VIS: 07.161

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexen-2-one CAS: 763-93-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e)-3 E)-3-
hexen-2-one CAS: 4376-23-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-3-one CAS: 2497-21-4
EC: 219-681-2
FEMA: 3352
JECFA: 1125
FLAvi v VIS: 07.048

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexenyl 3-hydroxybutanoate CAS: 85762-21-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenyl acetate CAS: 32797-50-5
EC: 251-225-8

使用 Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
hexenyl acetate CAS: 10094-40-3
EC: 233-223-9

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl acetate CAS: 2497-18-9
EC: 219-680-7
FEMA: 2564
JECFA: 1355
FLAvi v VIS: 09.394

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl acetate CAS: 56922-75-9
EC: 260-440-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenyl acetate CAS: 1708-82-3
EC: 216-965-8

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
(e)-3 E)-3-
hexen-1-yl acetate CAS: 3681-82-1
EC: 222-962-2
FEMA: 4413
JECFA: 2180
FLAvi v VIS: 09.928

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl acetate CAS: 3681-71-8
EC: 222-960-1
FEMA: 3171
JECFA: 134
FLAvi v VIS: 09.197

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl acetate CAS: 42125-17-7
FLAvi v VIS: 09.572

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexen-1-yl acetate CAS: 42125-34-8
FLAvi v VIS: 09.572

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexenyl acetate CAS: 5048-26-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-3-yl acetate CAS: 35926-04-6
EC: 252-794-5

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexen-1-yl angelate CAS: 84060-80-0
EC: 281-904-4

使用 Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
(e)-3 E)-3-
hexen-1-yl benzoate CAS: 76841-70-8

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl benzoate CAS: 25152-85-6
EC: 246-669-4
FEMA: 3688
JECFA: 858
FLAvi v VIS: 09.806

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl butyrate CAS: 53398-83-7
EC: 258-515-3
FEMA: 3926
JECFA: 1375
FLAvi v VIS: 09.396

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl isobutyrate CAS: NF007

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexen-1-yl butyrate CAS: 56922-77-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e)-3 E)-3-
hexen-1-yl butyrate CAS: 53398-84-8
EC: 258-516-9

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
(e)-3 E)-3-
hexen-1-yl isobutyrate CAS: 84682-20-2
EC: 283-582-0

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl butyrate CAS: 16491-36-4
EC: 240-553-7
FEMA: 3402
JECFA: 157
FLAvi v VIS: 09.270

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl isobutyrate CAS: 41519-23-7
EC: 255-424-0
FEMA: 3929
JECFA: 1275
FLAvi v VIS: 09.563

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexenyl isobutyrate CAS: 57859-47-9
EC: 260-993-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-1-yl butyrate CAS: 69727-41-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenyl butyrate CAS: 108058-75-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-1-yl (E)-巴豆酸 -巴豆酸盐 crotonate CAS: 65405-80-3
EC: 265-746-3
FEMA: 3982
JECFA: 1276
FLAvi v VIS: 09.566

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl decanoate CAS: 85554-69-4
EC: 287-601-3
FLAvi v VIS: 09.567

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl 甲 formate CAS: 53398-78-0
EC: 258-512-7
FEMA: 3927
JECFA: 1376
FLAvi v VIS: 09.397

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexenyl 甲 formate CAS: 2315-09-5
EC: 219-017-1
JECFA: 1272
FLAvi v VIS: 09.846

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl 甲 formate CAS: 33467-73-1
EC: 251-532-7
FEMA: 3353
JECFA: 123
FLAvi v VIS: 09.240

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl heptanoate CAS: 61444-39-1
EC: 262-798-9
FLAvi v VIS: 09.575

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexenyl hexanoate CAS: 10448-24-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-1-yl hexanoate CAS: 53398-86-0
EC: 258-519-5
FEMA: 3983
JECFA: 1381
FLAvi v VIS: 09.398

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl hexanoate CAS: 56922-79-3
EC: 260-441-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e)-3 E)-3-
hexen-1-yl hexanoate CAS: 56922-82-8
EC: 260-444-8
FLAvi v VIS: 09.855

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl hexanoate CAS: 31501-11-8
EC: 250-662-0
FEMA: 3403
JECFA: 165
FLAvi v VIS: 09.271

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl hexanoate CAS: NF0170

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-1-yl hexanoate CAS: 88552-98-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenyl hexanoate CAS: 108058-81-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-1-yl (E)-2-hexenoate CAS: 53398-87-1
FEMA: 3928
JECFA: 1279
FLAvi v VIS: 09.568

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl (e)-3 E)-3-hexenoate CAS: 74638-19-0

使用 Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
hexen-1-yl (Z)-3-hexenoate CAS: 61444-38-0
EC: 262-797-3
FEMA: 3689
JECFA: 336
FLAvi v VIS: 09.291

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl 5-hexenoate CAS: 106917-24-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexenyl 5-hexenoate CAS: 77131-17-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-1-yl 异戊酸 isovalerate CAS: 54675-77-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e)-3 E)-3-
hexen-1-yl 异戊酸 isovalerate CAS: 88296-26-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-1-yl lactate CAS: 61931-81-5
EC: 263-337-4
FEMA: 3690
JECFA: 934
FLAvi v VIS: 09.545

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl 2-methyl butyrate CAS: 94089-01-7
EC: 302-103-9
FEMA: 4274
JECFA: 1797

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl 2-methyl butyrate CAS: 53398-85-9
EC: 258-517-4
FEMA: 3497
FLAvi v VIS: 09.854

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexenyl 2-methyl butyrate CAS: 10094-41-4
EC: 233-224-4
FEMA: 3497
JECFA: 211
FLAvi v VIS: 09.506

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl nonanoate CAS: 88191-46-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-1-yl 辛酸 octanoate CAS: 85554-72-9
EC: 287-605-5
FEMA: 4135
JECFA: 1796
FLAvi v VIS: 09.841

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl 辛酸 octanoate CAS: 61444-41-5
EC: 262-799-4
FLAvi v VIS: 09.569

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl palmitate CAS: 117210-57-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexen-1-yl phenyl acetate CAS: 42436-07-7
EC: 255-826-6
FEMA: 3633
JECFA: 1016
FLAvi v VIS: 09.805

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl propionate CAS: 53398-80-4
EC: 258-513-2
FEMA: 3932
JECFA: 1378
FLAvi v VIS: 09.395

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl propionate CAS: 33467-74-2
EC: 251-533-2
FEMA: 3933
JECFA: 1274
FLAvi v VIS: 09.564

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl 丙酮酸 pyruvate CAS: 68133-76-6
EC: 268-703-7
FEMA: 3934
JECFA: 1846
FLAvi v VIS: 09.565

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl salicylate CAS: 65405-77-8
EC: 265-745-8
FEMA: 4750
FLAvi v VIS: 09.570

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexenyl isothiocyanate CAS: 49776-81-0
FEMA: 4421
JECFA: 1894

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexen-1-yl tiglate CAS: 67883-79-8
EC: 267-554-5
FEMA: 3931
JECFA: 1277
FLAvi v VIS: 09.559

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl valerate CAS: 56922-74-8
EC: 260-439-0
FEMA: 3935
JECFA: 1379

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl 异戊酸 isovalerate CAS: 68698-59-9
EC: 272-088-0
FEMA: 3930
JECFA: 1377
FLAvi v VIS: 09.399

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl valerate CAS: 35852-46-1
EC: 252-761-5
FEMA: 3936
JECFA: 1278
FLAvi v VIS: 09.571

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexen-1-yl 异戊酸 isovalerate CAS: 35154-45-1
EC: 252-404-3
FEMA: 3498

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexenyl 异戊酸 isovalerate CAS: 10032-11-8
EC: 233-104-1
FEMA: 3498
JECFA: 202
FLAvi v VIS: 09.505

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexoxy-5-pentyl 四氢呋喃 tetrahydro呋喃 furan CAS: 78054-02-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl 乙酰胺 acetamide CAS: 7501-79-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
乙酸己酯 hexyl acetate CAS: 142-92-7
EC: 205-572-7
FEMA: 2565
JECFA: 128
FLAvi v VIS: 09.006

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
乙酸己酯 hexyl acetate CAS: 5953-49-1
EC: 227-716-8

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexyl alcohol CAS: 97-95-0
EC: 202-621-4
FLAvi v VIS: 02.043

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
苯hexyl benzoate CAS: 6789-88-4
EC: 229-856-5
FEMA: 3691
JECFA: 854
FLAvi v VIS: 09.768

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl 苯并噻唑 benzothiazole CAS: 65718-88-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
丁酸己酯 hexyl butyrate CAS: 2639-63-6
EC: 220-136-6
FEMA: 2568
JECFA: 153
FLAvi v VIS: 09.045

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
丁酸己酯 hexyl butyrate CAS: 6963-52-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异丁酸己酯 hexyl isobutyrate CAS: 2349-07-7
EC: 219-075-8
FEMA: 3172
JECFA: 189
FLAvi v VIS: 09.478

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl 肉桂醛 cinnam醛 aldehyde CAS: 165184-98-5
FEMA: 2569

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl 肉桂醛 cinnam醛 aldehyde CAS: 101-86-0

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl 肉桂醛 cinnam醛 aldehyde CAS: 101-86-0
EC: 202-983-3
FEMA: 2569
JECFA: 686
FLAvi v VIS: 05.041

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl 巴豆酸盐 crotonate CAS: 1617-25-0
FLAvi v VIS: 09.578

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexyl cyclohexane CAS: 4292-75-5
EC: 224-294-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl 环戊烷 cyclopentane CAS: 4457-00-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl 环戊烯 cyclopentene CAS: 4291-99-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl (e (E,Z)-2,4-decadienoate CAS: 28380-11-2
EC: 248-998-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
癸酸己酯 hexyl decanoate CAS: 10448-26-7
EC: 233-932-3
FEMA: 4342
JECFA: 1874

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl-2-decenal CAS: 13893-39-5
FEMA: 4786

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
肉桂酸二氢己酯 hexyl dihydrocinnamate CAS: 220766-75-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl-4,5-二甲基恶唑 5-dimethyl oxazole CAS: 20662-87-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl-2,5-二甲基恶唑 5-dimethyl oxazole CAS: 20662-86-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl-2,4-dimethyl oxazole CAS: 20662-85-5

使用 Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
hexyl-4,5-dimethyl thiazole CAS: 87262-49-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl docosanoate CAS: 26720-37-6
EC: 247-942-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl formate CAS: 629-33-4
EC: 211-087-1
FEMA: 2570
JECFA: 120
FLAvi v VIS: 09.161

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl 呋喃 furan CAS: 3777-70-6
EC: 223-235-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
己酸己酯 hexyl hexanoate CAS: 6378-65-0
EC: 228-952-4
FEMA: 2572
JECFA: 164
FLAvi v VIS: 09.066

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl 5-hexenoate CAS: 106917-23-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e)-2-己酸己酯 hexyl (E)-2-hexenoate CAS: 33855-57-1
FEMA: 3692
JECFA: 1810
FLAvi v VIS: 09.292

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexyl (Z)-3-hexenoate CAS: 89352-68-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl 3-hydroxybutanoate CAS: 87128-51-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
乳酸己酯 hexyl lactate CAS: 20279-51-0
EC: 243-676-4
FLAvi v VIS: 09.580

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
己硫醇 hexyl mercaptan CAS: 111-31-9
EC: 203-857-0
FEMA: 3842
JECFA: 518
FLAvi v VIS: 12.132

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
3-巯基丁酸己酯 hexyl 3-mercaptobutanoate CAS: 796857-79-9
FEMA: 4136
JECFA: 1704
FLAvi v VIS: 12.292

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
2-甲基丁酸己酯 hexyl 2-methyl butyrate CAS: 10032-15-2
EC: 233-106-2
FEMA: 3499
JECFA: 208
FLAvi v VIS: 09.507

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl-5-methyl-3(2h H)-呋喃酮 -呋喃 furanone CAS: 33922-66-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl-2-methyl pyridine CAS: 710-40-7

使用 Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
hexyl-2-methyl thiazolidine CAS: 702-87-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
烟酸己酯 hexyl nicotinate CAS: 23597-82-2
EC: 245-767-4

使用 Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
辛酸己酯 hexyl octanoate CAS: 1117-55-1
EC: 214-247-9
FEMA: 2575
JECFA: 175
FLAvi v VIS: 09.113

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl 7-octenoate CAS: 108058-84-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl octyl 环戊烷 cyclopentane CAS: 55044-77-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl oxyacetophenone CAS: 37062-71-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl 十五烷 pentadecane CAS: 13475-75-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
乙酸己基苯酯 hexyl phenyl acetate CAS: 5421-17-0
EC: 226-537-2
FEMA: 3457
JECFA: 1015
FLAvi v VIS: 09.804

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl propionate CAS: 2445-76-3
EC: 219-495-1
FEMA: 2576
JECFA: 144
FLAvi v VIS: 09.139

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl pyridine CAS: 1129-69-7
EC: 214-454-4
FLAvi v VIS: 14.117

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexyl pyridine CAS: 6311-92-8

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
水杨酸己酯 hexyl salicylate CAS: 6259-76-3
EC: 228-408-6
FLAvi v VIS: 09.581

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl senecioate CAS: 17627-41-7
EC: 241-608-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hexyl senecioate CAS: 16931-10-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异硫氰酸己酯 hexyl isothiocyanate CAS: 4404-45-9
EC: 224-549-2
FEMA: 4422
JECFA: 1895

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hexyl 噻吩 thiophene CAS: 18794-77-9
EC: 242-579-4
FEMA: 4137
JECFA: 1764
FLAvi v VIS: 15.076

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
己酯 hexyl tiglate CAS: 16930-96-4
EC: 240-997-1

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
己基-戊酸酯 hexyl (E)-tiglate CAS: 19089-92-0
EC: 242-808-8
FEMA: 3354
JECFA: 1807
FLAvi v VIS: 09.266

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
己基(z)惕各酸 -tiglate CAS: 65652-33-7
EC: 265-857-7

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
戊酸己酯 hexyl valerate CAS: 1117-59-5
EC: 214-248-4
FLAvi v VIS: 09.583

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
异戊酸己酯 hexyl isovalerate CAS: 10032-13-0
EC: 233-105-7
FEMA: 3500
JECFA: 199
FLAvi v VIS: 09.529

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hexyl-5-[2-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]呋喃 furan CAS: 143114-91-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
heyderiol CAS: 96447-67-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
h Hibaene CAS: 2359-73-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异 iso
h Hibaene CAS: 5975-53-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
himachaladiene CAS: NF0181

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
himachalene CAS: 3853-83-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
himachalene CAS: 76739-27-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
himachalene CAS: 1461-03-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
himachalene CAS: 53111-25-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
himachalene CAS: 64825-84-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
himachalene oxide CAS: NF0468

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
类胡萝卜素 himachalol CAS: 1891-45-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
类胡萝卜素 himachalol CAS: 19435-77-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
类胡萝卜素 himachalol CAS: NF0183

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hinesene CAS: NF0126

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
欣异黄酮 hinokiflavone CAS: 19202-36-9
EC: 242-877-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hinokiol CAS: 564-73-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hinokione CAS: 472-37-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hinokiresinol CAS: 17676-24-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hinokiresinol CAS: 79056-22-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
马尿酸 hippuric acid CAS: 495-69-2
EC: 207-806-3

使用 Use(s): 头发调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for hair conditioning
hirudin CAS: 113274-56-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(r (R)-
hispaglabridin A CAS: 68978-03-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(r (R)-
hispaglabridin B CAS: 68978-02-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hispolone CAS: 173933-40-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
组胺 histamine CAS: 51-45-6
EC: 200-100-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
histidine CAS: 351-50-8
EC: 206-513-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
histidine CAS: 71-00-1
EC: 200-745-3
FEMA: 3694
JECFA: 1431
FLAvi v VIS: 17.008

使用 Use(s): 特殊的饮食和营养添加剂 special dietary and nutritional additives
hoduloside iii ii III CAS: 146503-30-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hoduloside iv Iv V CAS: 146445-91-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hoduloside ix Ix X CAS: 154971-13-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hoduloside v V CAS: 146445-92-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hoduloside vi v VI CAS: 154971-10-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hoduloside 七 vi v Vii II CAS: 154971-11-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hoduloside 八 v Viii ii III CAS: 154971-12-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hoduloside x X CAS: 154971-14-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
holocalin CAS: 41753-54-2
EC: 255-533-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
厚朴酚 honokiol CAS: 35354-74-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
honyucitrin CAS: 114542-44-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
honyudisin CAS: 114542-45-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
honyumine CAS: 100595-86-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
跳 hop ether CAS: 19901-95-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hordatine A CAS: 7073-64-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hordatine B CAS: 10502-21-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
大麦碱 hordenine CAS: 539-15-1

使用 Use(s): 保护皮肤的化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin protecting
丁烯醇 hotrienol CAS: 20053-88-7
JECFA: 1154

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hovenidulcigenin A CAS: 171499-81-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hovenidulcigenin B CAS: 182173-50-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hovenidulcioside A1 CAS: 171499-79-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hovenidulcioside B1 CAS: 174902-16-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hovenidulcioside B2 CAS: 174902-17-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hovenine A CAS: 52309-78-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hovenitin I CAS: 71106-82-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hovenolactone CAS: 85206-97-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hovenoside D CAS: 68144-22-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
huajiaosimuline CAS: 155416-21-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hulupone CAS: 468-62-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异 iso
humbertiol A CAS: NF0186

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异 iso
humbertiol B CAS: NF0184

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异 iso
humbertiol C CAS: NF0187

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异 iso
humbertiol D CAS: NF0185

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
腐殖酸 humic acids CAS: 1415-93-6
EC: 215-809-6

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
腐殖酚 huminol M CAS: 84681-92-5
EC: 283-553-2

使用 Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
humuladienone CAS: 24405-90-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(1e (1E,6E)-gamma-
humulene CAS: 26259-79-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
humulene CAS: 6753-98-6
EC: 229-816-7
FLAvi v VIS: 01.043

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
humulene CAS: 116-04-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异 iso
humulene CAS: NF0188

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
humulene diepoxide CAS: 11066-50-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
humulene diepoxide A CAS: 118899-63-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hu烯环氧化合物iii humulene epoxide III CAS: 21624-36-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
氧化hu humulene oxide I CAS: 19888-33-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hu草烯二 humulene oxide II CAS: 19888-34-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
humulene-1,2-环氧 2-epoxide CAS: NF0331

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
humulene-8-hydroperoxide CAS: 228565-88-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
腐殖酚 huminol M CAS: 19888-01-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
腐殖酚 huminol M ii II CAS: 19888-00-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
humulinic acid CAS: 520-40-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
humulinic acid A CAS: 24184-12-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
humulinic acid B CAS: 26892-78-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
humulinone CAS: 981-03-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异 iso
humulinone A CAS: 83680-60-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
humulol CAS: 24405-58-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(r (R)-
humulon CAS: 26472-41-3
EC: 247-725-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
humulone CAS: 23510-81-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
异 iso
humulone CAS: 25522-96-7
EC: 247-072-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
透明质酸 hyaluronic acid CAS: 9004-61-9
EC: 232-678-0

使用 Use(s): 营养辅助 nutrient adjuncts, 膳食补充剂 dietary supplements, 营养剂 nutrient agents
透明质酸酶 hyaluronidase CAS: 37326-33-3
EC: 253-464-3

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
hydnocarpin CAS: 51419-48-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydnocarpin CAS: 71417-57-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydnowightin CAS: 71392-06-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
苯酚 hydrangenol CAS: 480-47-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydratopyrrhoxanthinol CAS: 120416-68-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
氢氰酸 hydrocyanic acid CAS: 74-90-8
EC: 200-821-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
氢 hydrogen pentyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide CAS: 86849-52-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
硫化氢 hydrogen sulfide CAS: 7783-06-4
EC: 231-977-3
FEMA: 3779
FLAvi v VIS: 16.007

使用 Use(s): 食品加工设备消毒剂 sanitizing agents for food processing equipment
hydroquinine CAS: 522-66-7
EC: 208-334-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroquinone CAS: 123-31-9
EC: 204-617-8
FLAvi v VIS: 04.083

使用 Use(s): 稳定剂 stabilizing agents
hydrorobinetin CAS: 4382-33-6
EC: 224-486-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydrox香豆素 coumarin CAS: 93-35-6
EC: 202-240-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
羟考拉巴明 hydroxocobalamin CAS: 13422-51-0
EC: 236-533-2

使用 Use(s): 特殊的饮食和营养添加剂 special dietary and nutritional additives
hydroxy-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanone CAS: 53170-93-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-1-methoxy-3-methyl蒽醌 anthraquinone CAS: 67116-22-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e)-1 (E)-13-
hydroxy-10-oxo-11-octadecenoic acid CAS: 28979-44-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-10-oxohexadecanoic acid CAS: 53833-25-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-12-oxo-13-abieten-18-oic acid CAS: 130252-62-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-16-tritriacontanone CAS: 97191-42-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-16b-kauran-19-al CAS: 41756-43-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-biphenylcarboxylic acid CAS: 67526-82-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-decenoic acid CAS: 1422-28-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-methyliso黄酮 flavone CAS: 2859-88-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-nonenal CAS: 18286-49-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-piperidinecarboxylic acid CAS: 63088-78-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-piperidinecarboxylic acid CAS: 50439-45-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2,3-二甲基-1 3-dimethyl-1,4-萘醌 4-naphthoquinone CAS: 80596-51-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2,4(18),11(13)-eudesmatrien-12-oic acid CAS: 135594-81-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-4h H-1-benzopyran-4-one CAS: 38412-47-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2',3',4'-trimethoxyisoflavan CAS: 136027-12-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-22-methyltetracosanoic acid CAS: 52900-16-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one CAS: 3690-05-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-'-methoxymaysin CAS: 169132-06-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-(16-methylheptadecyl)-2H-pyran-2-one CAS: 203300-23-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl)-5-methoxy-4-chromanone CAS: 107585-73-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-7,8-dimethoxy-4-chromanone CAS: 93078-82-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)propanoic acid CAS: 28030-15-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methoxy-1-methyl蒽醌 anthraquinone-2-carboxylic acid CAS: 176327-86-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methoxy-1,3,5,7-cadinatetraen-9-one CAS: 72843-51-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,2-丙二醇 2-propanediol CAS: 220006-74-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-5-methoxy-1-phenyl-3-庚酮 3-heptanone CAS: 83161-95-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-7-phenyl-3,5-庚二酮 5-heptanedione CAS: 83161-94-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]-5-octyl呋喃 furan CAS: 143114-92-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
methyl 水杨醛 salicyl醛 aldehyde CAS: 824-42-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-phenyl 香豆素 coumarin CAS: 1786-05-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3,3',4',5,6,8-六甲氧基黄酮 -hexamethoxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 185678-89-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3,3',4',6,7,8-六甲氧基黄酮 -hexamethoxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 1176-88-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(s-(r * (S-(R*,r * r R*))-1-(4-
hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-7-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3,5-heptacosanediol CAS: 145888-84-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3,6-二甲基-2 6-dimethyl-2H-pyran-2-one CAS: 5192-62-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3,6,7-trimethoxy-2,8-diprenylxanthone CAS: 15404-76-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3,7-二甲基-2 7-dimethyl-2,7-octadienyloxy)-7-methoxy香豆素 coumarin CAS: 40520-59-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3',4',5,6-tetramethoxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 40983-99-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3',4',5,6,8-pentamethoxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 149402-88-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3',4',5',7,8-pentamethoxyflavan CAS: 133342-92-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3',4',7,8-tetramethoxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 13003-74-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3',5,6,7,8-pentamethoxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 34810-62-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-4-methoxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2-(2-phenylethenyl)benzoic acid CAS: 87402-83-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-1,2-乙二醇 2-ethanediol CAS: 213466-88-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-3-庚-2-一 3-hepten-2-one CAS: 83348-17-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-4',5,6,7,8-pentamethoxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 112448-39-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-4',5',7,8-tetramethoxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 133342-98-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
h Hydroxy-5,6,7,8-tetramethoxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 36950-98-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-6-(8,11,14-pentadecatrienyl)benzoic acid CAS: 103904-73-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-6-methoxy-alpha-pyru呋喃 furan CAS: 167278-45-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-6-methyl-3-(1-oxobutyl)-2H-pyran-2-one CAS: 22073-85-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-6-methyl-5-tritriacontanone CAS: 239091-54-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-7-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1-phenyl-3-庚酮 3-heptanone CAS: 79559-61-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-7-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-phenyl-3-庚酮 3-heptanone CAS: 83161-96-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-7-methoxy-2-tritriacontyl-4h H-1-benzopyran-4-one CAS: 144049-68-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-7-methoxy-6-methyl黄酮 flavone CAS: 55969-57-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-7-octacosanone CAS: 138416-85-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-7-phenyl-6-heptenyl)-1,2-苯二醇 2-benzenediol CAS: 158697-56-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-7,8-dimethoxyflavonol CAS: 22399-73-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e)-10 E)-10-
hydroxy-8-decenoic acid CAS: 106541-97-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-8-methoxy-2H-furo[2,3-h]-1-benzopyran-2-one CAS: 196503-96-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-9-methoxy-10-oxo-11-octadecenoic acid CAS: 150147-08-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-9-tridecenoic acid CAS: 105798-56-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-alpha-pyru呋喃 furan CAS: 167278-43-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
羟基-α-山梨醇 hydroxy-alpha-sanshool CAS: 83883-10-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-beta-ionol CAS: 27185-80-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-gamma-sanshool CAS: 78886-66-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyacet醛 aldehyde CAS: 141-46-8
EC: 205-484-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyacetophenone CAS: 118-93-4
EC: 204-288-0
FEMA: 3548
JECFA: 727
FLAvi v VIS: 07.124

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hydroxyacetophenone CAS: 121-71-1
EC: 204-494-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyacetophenone CAS: 99-93-4
EC: 202-802-8
FEMA: 4330
JECFA: 2040
FLAvi v VIS: 07.243

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
hydroxyacetophenone CAS: 582-24-1
EC: 209-480-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyachillin CAS: 10180-88-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyacorenone CAS: 185154-98-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyacorenone CAS: 185154-94-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyalantolactone CAS: 68776-45-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyalantolactone CAS: 68776-47-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyanigorufone CAS: 56252-02-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyanthranilic acid CAS: 548-93-6
EC: 208-962-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
羟基磷灰石 hydroxyapatite CAS: 1306-06-5
EC: 215-145-7

使用 Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
hydroxyarbusculin A CAS: 50301-94-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyasimicinone CAS: 255900-36-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyaspartic acid CAS: 1860-87-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy苯甲醛 benz醛 aldehyde CAS: 90-02-8
EC: 201-961-0
FEMA: 3004
JECFA: 897
FLAvi v VIS: 05.055

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hydroxy苯甲醛 benz醛 aldehyde CAS: 123-08-0
EC: 204-599-1
FEMA: 3984
JECFA: 956
FLAvi v VIS: 05.047

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid CAS: 495-78-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy苯并噻唑 benzothiazole CAS: 934-34-9
EC: 213-281-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxybenzyl alcohol CAS: 90-01-7
EC: 201-960-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxybenzyl alcohol CAS: 620-24-6
EC: 210-633-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxybenzyl alcohol CAS: 623-05-2
EC: 210-768-0
FEMA: 3987
JECFA: 955
FLAvi v VIS: 02.165

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hydroxybenzyl amine CAS: 696-60-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxybenzyl 氰化物 cyanide CAS: 14191-95-8
EC: 238-046-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxybenzyl ethyl ether CAS: 57726-26-8
EC: 260-918-4
FLAvi v VIS: 04.091

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate CAS: 2086-86-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-E-gamma-bisabolene CAS: 99112-26-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-butanone CAS: 5077-67-8
EC: 225-790-6
FEMA: 3173
JECFA: 1717
FLAvi v VIS: 07.090

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hydroxy-2-butanone CAS: 590-90-9
EC: 209-693-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxybutyric acid CAS: 565-70-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxybutyric acid CAS: 300-85-6
EC: 206-099-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-delta-cadinene CAS: 153408-92-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxycalamene-8,9-环氧化物 9-epoxide CAS: NF0469

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxycalamenene CAS: 95908-33-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
羟基癸酸 hydroxycapric acid CAS: 5393-81-7

使用 Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
hydroxycarvone CAS: 56423-48-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxycarvone CAS: 51200-86-3
FEMA: 4523
JECFA: 2244

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hydroxycarvotanacetone CAS: 131486-99-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxycarvotanacetone CAS: 7712-46-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-9-epi-(E)-石竹烯 -caryophyllene CAS: 79768-25-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-9-epi-beta-石竹烯 -caryophyllene CAS: NF0192

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-beta-石竹烯 -caryophyllene CAS: NF0193

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxycaryophyllene oxide CAS: 73510-14-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxycastavinol CAS: 183607-17-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxychalcone CAS: 644-78-0
EC: 211-422-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxychalcone CAS: 1214-47-7
EC: 214-928-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxychalcone CAS: 20426-12-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxychalcone CAS: 2657-25-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxychavicol CAS: 1126-61-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxychavicol acetate CAS: 101135-02-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxycineole CAS: 18679-48-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy肉桂醛 cinnam醛 aldehyde CAS: 3541-42-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxycinnamic acid CAS: 14755-02-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxycinnamic acid CAS: 495-79-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxycinnamic acid CAS: 501-98-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxycinnamic acid CAS: 4501-31-9
EC: 224-813-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy香豆素 coumarin CAS: 939-19-5
EC: 213-355-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy香豆素 coumarin CAS: 1076-38-6
EC: 214-060-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy香豆素 coumarin CAS: 6093-68-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-6,11-cyclofarnes-3(15)-en-2-one CAS: 145631-62-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-cyclohexenone CAS: 10316-66-2
FEMA: 3458
JECFA: 424
FLAvi v VIS: 07.119

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxy-2-cyclopenten-1-one CAS: 10493-98-8
EC: 234-020-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-cyclopentenone CAS: 5870-62-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-cyclopentenone CAS: 59995-49-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-beta-damascone CAS: 56915-02-7
EC: 260-430-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydavanone CAS: 73395-08-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydecane 二元的 dioic acid CAS: 68812-93-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydecanoic acid CAS: 14292-26-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydecanoic acid CAS: 17369-51-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydecanoic acid CAS: 1422-27-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydecanoic acid CAS: 1679-53-4
EC: 216-848-1

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
hydroxydecenoic acid CAS: 765-01-5

使用 Use(s): 美容剂 cosmetic agents
(e)-10 E)-10-
hydroxy-2-decenoic acid CAS: 14113-05-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-7-decenoic acid lactone CAS: 100428-67-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydehydrokawain CAS: 39986-86-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyderricin CAS: 55912-03-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydestruxin B CAS: 250250-96-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydihydroagaro呋喃 furan CAS: NF0470

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydihydrobovolide CAS: 6067-11-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydihydroformononetin CAS: 67492-31-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-7,8-dihydro-beta-ionone 使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydihydromaltol CAS: 28564-83-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydihydromelleolide CAS: 130396-92-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydihydrotheaspirane (混合物 mixture of 异构体 isomers) CAS: 65620-50-0
FEMA: 3549
JECFA: 1648
FLAvi v VIS: 13.076

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hydroxydihydrotheaspirane CAS: 53398-90-6

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
羟二甲基环戊hydroxydimethyl cyclopentenone CAS: 21835-00-7
EC: 244-604-4

使用 Use(s): 芳香剂 fragrance agents
hydroxy-2,6-二甲基-2 6-dimethyl-2,7-辛二烯-4 7-octadien-4-one CAS: 64661-54-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydodecanoic acid CAS: 32459-66-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydodecanoic acid CAS: 505-95-3
EC: 208-025-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxydolineone CAS: 28617-71-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyemodin CAS: 481-73-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyepiacorone CAS: 185154-96-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyerosone CAS: 66322-32-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyerythrodiol CAS: 20475-26-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyestragole CAS: 51410-44-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-benzopyran CAS: 71822-00-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyflavanone CAS: 17348-76-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyflavanone CAS: 6515-37-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyflavanone CAS: 4250-77-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyflavanone CAS: 6515-36-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 577-85-5
EC: 209-416-9

使用 Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
hydroxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 491-78-1
EC: 207-743-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 6665-83-4
EC: 229-704-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy黄酮 flavone CAS: 6665-86-7
EC: 229-705-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyflavonol CAS: 492-00-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-9-fluorenone CAS: 1986-00-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxygenistein CAS: 13539-27-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyglabrol CAS: 74148-41-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyglabrolide CAS: 98063-18-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyglycyrrhetic acid CAS: 17991-67-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyguai-1,3,5,9,11-pentaene stearate CAS: 52898-98-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyguaia-1(10),11-dien-15-油酸 11-dien-15-oic acid CAS: NF0471

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyheptanoic acid CAS: 17587-29-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyheptaphylline CAS: 170663-15-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyhexacosanoic acid CAS: 14176-13-7
EC: 238-029-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyhexadecanoic acid CAS: 2398-34-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyhexadecanoic acid CAS: 506-13-8
EC: 208-028-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyhexanoic acid CAS: 1191-25-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-己酮 3-hexanone CAS: 4984-85-4
EC: 225-637-3
FLAvi v VIS: 07.167

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxyhexenal CAS: 17427-08-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy马尿酸 hippuric acid CAS: 487-54-7
EC: 207-661-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-α-腐植烯 alpha-humulene CAS: 75678-90-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-6-hydromelodienone CAS: 135626-21-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyhyperforin 8,1-hemiacetal CAS: 262857-89-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-beta-ionone CAS: NF0194

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-gamma-ionone CAS: 116296-75-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyisocarvomenthol CAS: 33669-76-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyiso黄酮 flavone CAS: 13057-72-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyisoglabrolide CAS: 18184-25-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
羟基异亮氨酸 hydroxyisoleucine CAS: 55399-93-4

使用 Use(s): 湿润剂 humectants, 皮肤调理 skin conditioning
hydroxyisophorone CAS: 4883-60-7
FEMA: 3459
JECFA: 426
FLAvi v VIS: 07.120

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxyisosafrole CAS: 17581-86-1

使用 Use(s): 有毒的 toxic 自然 natural 物质 substances
hydroxyisovaleric acid CAS: 4026-18-0
EC: 223-697-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyisovaleryl 紫草素 shikonin CAS: 7415-78-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyladanifer-10-one(9(10(1))-abeo-9-hydroxyaromadendran-10-one) CAS: NF0472

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyleptocarpin CAS: 121541-07-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxylinalool CAS: 64142-78-5

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hydroxylinalool CAS: 75991-61-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(z)-8 Z)-8-
hydroxylinalool CAS: 103619-06-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxymaltol CAS: 1073-96-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-13-manoyl oxide CAS: 122757-60-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-para-menthan-3-one CAS: 3304-24-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-6-methoxyacetophenone CAS: 703-23-1
EC: 211-872-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-methoxy苯甲醛 benz醛 aldehyde CAS: 18278-34-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methoxybenzene propanol CAS: 2305-13-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-8-methoxy香豆素 coumarin CAS: 485-90-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) butan-2-ol CAS: 39728-80-8
EC: 254-607-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl) propion醛 aldehyde CAS: 80638-48-8
EC: 279-524-9
FLAvi v VIS: 05.156

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxy-2-methyl acetophenone CAS: 875-59-2
EC: 212-874-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methyl acetophenone CAS: 876-02-8
EC: 212-880-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxymethyl) 蒽醌 anthraquinone CAS: 17241-59-7
EC: 241-274-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methyl 苯甲醛 benz醛 aldehyde CAS: 15174-69-3

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxymethyl) benzoic acid CAS: 3006-96-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butanone CAS: 3393-64-4
EC: 222-238-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methyl butyric acid CAS: 600-37-3
EC: 209-994-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-6-methyl 香豆素 coumarin CAS: 13252-83-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-4-methyl 香豆素 coumarin CAS: 90-33-5
EC: 201-986-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-5-methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one CAS: 3250-08-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-methyl-2-cyclopentenone CAS: 5870-63-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-methyl-1,3-dioxane CAS: 3674-23-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-methyl-1,3-dioxane CAS: 3674-24-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxymethyl 丁香酚 eugenol CAS: 31706-95-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-5-methyl 黄酮 flavone CAS: 15235-99-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxymethyl 糠醛 furfural CAS: 67-47-0
EC: 200-654-9
FLAvi v VIS: 13.139

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxy-5-methyl-3-己酮 3-hexanone CAS: 246511-74-0
FEMA: 3989

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxy-5-methyl-2-己酮 -hexanone CAS: 163038-04-8
FEMA: 3989
FLAvi v VIS: 07.260

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxy-5-methyl-2(3)-己酮 -hexanone CAS: 163038-04-8
FEMA: 3989
JECFA: 2034

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxy-5-methyl-2-己酮 -hexanone CAS: 38836-21-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-4-methylphenyl)-2-butanone CAS: 83810-64-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-4-methyl phenyl)-3-pentanone CAS: 86843-15-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-methyl pyridine CAS: 1121-25-1
EC: 214-327-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-methyl pyridine CAS: 1121-78-4
EC: 214-337-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-methyl 喹啉 quinoline CAS: 2721-59-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxymethyl-2(5h H)-呋喃酮 -呋喃 furanone CAS: 78508-96-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxymethyl)benzoic acid CAS: 612-20-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxymethylene tanshinquinone CAS: 83145-47-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxymugineic acid CAS: 74235-23-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-alpha-muurolene CAS: 135118-51-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxymyristic acid CAS: 2507-55-3
EC: 219-714-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxymyristic acid CAS: 1961-72-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxynaringenin CAS: 58124-18-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxynonanophenone CAS: 14392-69-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxynonenal CAS: 29343-52-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxynorbornadiene CAS: 822-80-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-9-octadecanoic acid CAS: 7431-95-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-9-octadecenoic acid CAS: 3329-38-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyoctanoic acid CAS: 14292-27-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-octanone CAS: 37160-77-3
FEMA: 4139
JECFA: 2035
FLAvi v VIS: 07.238

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxypachyrrhizone CAS: 28768-44-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxypelenolide CAS: 17909-94-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxypentanoic acid CAS: 617-31-2
EC: 210-509-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2-pentanone CAS: 4161-60-8
EC: 224-003-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-penten-2-one CAS: 52704-36-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-4-pentene 腈 nitrile CAS: 27451-36-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-5-pentyl 四氢呋喃 tetrahydro呋喃 furan CAS: 78053-99-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxypeucedanin CAS: 2643-85-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyphenethyl alcohol CAS: 7768-28-7
EC: 231-863-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyphenethyl alcohol CAS: 501-94-0
EC: 207-930-8
FLAvi v VIS: 02.166

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxyphenethyl 传递 trans-ferulate CAS: 84873-15-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyphenyl acetic acid CAS: 614-75-5
EC: 210-393-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyphenyl acetic acid CAS: 156-38-7
EC: 205-851-3

使用 Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
hydroxy-4-phenyl-2-butanone CAS: 5355-63-5
FEMA: 4052
JECFA: 2041
FLAvi v VIS: 07.242

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxyphenyl) ethyl acetate CAS: 58556-55-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenyl hexa-2,4-地牛 4-dienoate CAS: 50480-67-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyphenyl)-1-propanol CAS: 10210-17-0
EC: 233-511-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyphenyl) propyl acetate CAS: 80373-18-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyphenyl)-1-phenyl-4-hepten-3-one CAS: 100667-52-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(e)-3 E)-3-(4-
hydroxyphenyl)-2-propenal CAS: 2538-87-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
(-)-(e)-1 (E)-1-(4-
hydroxyphenyl)-7-phenyl-6-hepten-3-ol CAS: 158697-54-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyphthalide CAS: 13161-32-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyphysalolactone CAS: 118194-16-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxypinoresinol CAS: 81426-17-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxypiperitone CAS: 41853-05-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxypropanal acetate CAS: 22094-23-1
EC: 244-775-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxypropiovanillone CAS: 2196-18-1

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxypropyl 2-ethyl hexanoate CAS: 58921-10-1
EC: 261-499-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-propyl-2-己酮 -hexanone CAS: 134332-15-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3-(isopropyl)-6-methyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one CAS: 54783-36-7
EC: 259-345-2

使用 Use(s): 仅不用于香料或香精的信息 information only not used for fragrances or flavors
hydroxy-2-pyrone CAS: 496-64-0

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxypyruv醛 aldehyde CAS: 997-10-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxypyruvic acid CAS: 1113-60-6
FEMA: 3843
JECFA: 635
FLAvi v VIS: 08.086

使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
hydroxysafranal CAS: 35692-94-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxysafrole CAS: 5208-87-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxysafrole CAS: 63785-57-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxysand andoricin CAS: 133585-56-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxysclareol CAS: 132796-57-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxysecophenol CAS: 79683-94-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyselina-4,11-dien-14-油酸 11-dien-14-oic acid CAS: 92911-82-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyshogaol CAS: 143114-93-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyspheroidene CAS: 1191-20-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxysubspinosin CAS: 80557-10-4

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxytanshinone CAS: 18887-18-8

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-gamma-tetradecalactone CAS: 122629-53-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxytetradecanoic acid CAS: 2034-56-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3,5,6-trimethyl-4-(3-oxo-1-butenyl)-2-cyclohexen-1-one CAS: 77846-84-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2,6,6-trimethyl-3-oxo-1,4-cyclohexadiene 甲醛 carb醛 aldehyde CAS: 35692-95-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-4,4,6-三甲基-2 6-trimethyl-2,5-环己烯-1-酮 5-cyclohexadien-1-one CAS: 28750-52-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-2,6,6-trimethyl-4-oxo-2-cyclohexene 甲醛 carb醛 aldehyde CAS: 33399-08-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3,5,5-三甲基-2-环己烯-1 5-trimethyl-2-cyclohexene-1,4-二酮 4-dione CAS: 35692-98-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxy-3,4,5-trimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one CAS: 109682-87-3

使用 Use(s): 香精香料 flavor and fragrance agents
hydroxy-3,5,5-trimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one CAS: 53263-56-2

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxytropinone CAS: 5932-53-6
EC: 227-677-7

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxytryptophan CAS: 56-69-9
EC: 204-039-6

使用 Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
羟基酪醇 hydroxytyrosol CAS: 10597-60-1

使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
羟基戊烯 hydroxyvalerenic acid CAS: 1619-16-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hydroxyxanthone CAS: 719-41-5

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hyenanchin CAS: 3484-46-6

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hymenolane CAS: 62121-29-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hymentherene CAS: 6876-07-9

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
hyoscyamine CAS: 101-31-5
EC: 202-933-0

使用 Use(s): 有毒的 toxic 自然 natural 物质 substances
金丝桃素 hypericin CAS: 548-04-9
EC: 208-941-0

使用 Use(s): 药品/化学合成 pharmaceuticals / chemical synthisis
金丝桃苷 hyperoside CAS: 482-36-0
EC: 207-580-6

使用 Use(s): 食品添加剂 Food Additives
黄嘌呤 hypoxanthine CAS: 68-94-0
EC: 200-697-3

使用 Use(s): 天然物质和提取物 natural substances and extractives
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