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Odor 描述符 Descriptors for horseradish
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主 Primary (第一 First) - horseradish
FL horseradish 油 oil
 odor: 泼辣 pungent, 含硫的 sulfuraceous, 咬热 biting hot, 植物 vegetative, with a 尖锐 sharp 新鲜 fresh 绿 green 泥土的 earthy 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 热 Hot with a 绿 green 植物 vegetative 有根 Rooty 金属的 metallic 喉 throat 刺痛 tingle
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - horseradish
FL methyl isothiocyanate
 odor: 辣芥末辣根 pungent mustard horseradish
 odor: 飘渺辣根绿萝卜菊花蔬菜热带水果 ethereal horseradish green radish chrysanthemum vegetable tropical fruity
 flavor: 绿萝卜蔬菜拉米松露油性树脂 green radish vegetable rummy truffle oily resinous
FL4-pentenyl isothiocyanate
 odor: 芥末辣根 mustard horseradish
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - horseradish
FL/FR2-phenethyl isothiocyanate
 odor: 绿辣根醋栗豆瓣 green horseradish gooseberry watercress
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - horseradish
FL allyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 泼辣 pungent, 含硫的 sulfuraceous, 洋葱 onion-大蒜 garlic and 辣根状 horse萝卜样 radish-喜欢 like with a 金属的 metallic 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 含硫的 sulfuraceous, 洋葱 onion-大蒜 garlic and 植物 vegetative 萝卜样 radish-喜欢 like with a 略 slightly 热 hot 细微差别 nuance
FL benzyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 尖锐 Sharp, 含硫的 sulfuraceous, 洋葱 onion, 大蒜 garlic, horseradish, 薄荷 mint and 咖啡 coffee
 flavor: 韭葱 Leek, horseradish, 卷心菜 cabbage, 绿 green, 番茄 tomato and 咖啡 coffee
FL benzyl isothiocyanate
 odor: 轻度 mild 西洋菜 watercress 尘土飞扬 dusty 药用的 medicinal horseradish 油腻的 油 oily
 flavor: 辣绿塑料辣根豆瓣菜金枪鱼刺山柑 spicy green plastic horseradish watercress nasturtium capers
FL 环戊基 cyclopentyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 胶质的 Alliaceous, 洋葱 onion, 大蒜 garlic, horseradish, 蔬菜芹菜 vegetable-celery, 蛋 egg, 炒 sauteed 肉 meat
 flavor: 胶质的 Alliaceous, 洋葱 onion, 大蒜 garlic, horseradish, 肉 meat, 蛋 egg, 烧了 burned, 蔬菜 vegetable, 芹菜 celery
FL/FR dibutyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 绿 green 草木 grassy 紫叶 violet-leaf 草药 herbal 玫瑰 rose geranium
 flavor: 绿 green, 植物 vegetative, 洋葱大蒜 onion garlic, horseradish, savory
FL/FR furfuryl acetate
 odor: 甜果味香蕉辣根 sweet fruity banana horseradish
 flavor: 酯醚绿香蕉皮金莲花 estery ethereal green banana peel nasturtium
FL radish isothiocyanate
 odor: 有根 Rooty, 泼辣 pungent, 植物 vegetative, 含硫的 sulfuraceous and 辣根状 horse萝卜样 radish-喜欢 like
 flavor: 植物 vegetative, 萝卜状含硫 radish-Iike with sulfureous, 泥土的 earthy and 金属的 metallic 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - horseradish
FL furfuryl methyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 洋葱大蒜 onion garlic, 含硫的 sulfuraceous, with a 泼辣 pungent 蔬菜 vegetable horseradish 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 含硫的 sulfuraceous, 大蒜 garlic, 蛋 eggy with a horseradish 芥末 mustard 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR methyl 3-(methyl thio) propionate
 odor: 含硫的 sulfuraceous, 植物 vegetative, 泼辣 pungent, 有根 Rooty, 番茄 tomato, horseradish, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic
 flavor: 大蒜水果大蒜绿芒果木瓜菠萝辣根 alliaceous fruity garlic green mango papaya pineapple horseradish
Senary (第六 Sixth) - horseradish
FL/FR ethyl 3-(2-furyl) propanoate
 odor: 甜 sweet 果味的 fruity 菠萝 pineapple 香脂 balsam
 flavor: 菠萝 Pineapple, 果味的 fruity, 甜略辣 sweet slightly spicy, 热带 tropical, 成熟 ripe and 略 slightly 卡米 jammy
FL/FR2-methyl 5-(methyl thio) 呋喃 furan
 odor: 含硫的 sulfuraceous, 洋葱 onion, 大蒜 garlic, 咖啡 coffee and 芥末 mustard-喜欢 like with 泼辣 pungent horseradish and 胡椒 peppery 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 发霉的 Musty, 芥末 mustard, 洋葱 onion, 大蒜 garlic, 蘑菇 mushroom, 咖啡 coffee and savory 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - horseradish
FL 松露 truffle 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 泼辣 pungent, 金属的 metallic, 胶质的 Alliaceous, 大蒜 garlic and 芥末 mustard 喜欢 like with 蘑菇 mushroom and horseradish 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 胶质的 Alliaceous, 含硫的新鲜洋葱和大蒜样,白菜的十字花科蔬菜有细微差别 sulfurous fresh onion and garlic-like with cruciferous vegetable nuances of cabbage, 辣的 spicy 细微差别 细微差别 nuances of 芥末 mustard and horseradish
Octonary (Eighth) - horseradish