cade油 cade oil
jun草焦油 juniperus oxycedrus tar oil

供应商赞助商 Supplier Sponsors

  • Berjé
    世界在哪里感动 Where the world comes to its senses
    世界在哪里感动 Where the world comes to its senses - Berjé is a global 发行 distributor of 精油 Essential Oils and Aromatic 化学药品 Chemicals.
    Berjé is a 家庭拥有 家庭 family-拥有的 拥有 owned 商业 business that 已 has been been in 操作 operation for 六 six 几十年 decades. The company‘s 起源 origins and strength 位于 lie in a 深刻 pro发现 found 理解 understanding of the 供应 supply and the quality of the 多样的 diverse 原料 raw materials 已消耗 consumed by the flavor and fragrance industries. 这个 This base was 扩大了 expanded 在上面 upon 更多 more than 二 two 几十年 decades 前 ago to 包括 include fragrance 生产 production. The company‘s 无与伦比 unparalleled 生的 raw 材料 material 专长 expertise is 专注 foc用过的 used on the 供应 supply of 精油 Essential Oils and aromatic 化学药品 chemicals. 这个 This is 支持的 支持 supported by our 长期存在 long-standing 关系 relationships with a worldwide 布 fabric of 生产者 producers 确保 ensuring the 最伟大的 大 greatest 前景 prospects for 不间断 uninterrupted 供应 supply in 市场 markets that are 经常 often volatile and 不可预料的 unpredictable.
    电子邮件 Email:供参考 For Information
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    风味成分 Flavor Ingredients
    香水成分 Fragrance Ingredients
    功能成分 Functional Ingredients
    发生在伯杰 Happening at Berje
    产品清单 Products List:视图 View
    产品 Product(s):
    粗油精制 Cade Oil Rectified
    cade油 cade oil
  • Bontoux
    国际主要供应商 Major international supplier
    国际主要的芳香剂生产商,用于生产香料 Major international Producer of aromatic ingredients for the production of fragrances, flavors, 化妆品 Cosmetics, 药物和芳香疗法。 pharmaceuticals and Aromatherapy.
    邦图公司成立于1993年,直接为我们的北美客户提供服务。该设施主要用作销售客户服务 Bontoux Inc. was established in 1993 to directly service our North American clientele. The facility primarily serves as a Sales Customer Service, 北美客户的重新包装和配送中心。 Repacking and Distribution Center for our customers in North America.
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  • Elixens America
    分享大自然的启发 Sharing What Nature Inspires
    自1998年以来提供常规和认证有机精油的美国会员;专攻法国精油。 US affiliate supplying Conventional and Certified Organic Essential Oils since 1998; specializing in French Essential Oils.
    Elixens America, 公司 Inc. 已 has been been 供应 供应 supplying 块 bulk 精油 Essential Oils to the 味道 Flavor &; 香味 Fragrance 行业 Industry 以来 since 1998. We are the US 附属 affiliate of elixens ELIXENS SA (巴黎 Paris, 法国),是您在北美购买散装精油的直接联系 。 France) and are your direct contact for bulk Essential Oils in North America. 我们的 Our 专长 specialties are 薰衣草 Lavandin and 薰衣草 Lavender 精油 Essential Oils 始发 originating from the 普罗旺斯 Provence 区域 Region of 法国 France as we 有 have 长期 long-term 伙伴关系 伙伴 伙伴 partnerships with 种植者 growers and 农民 farmers from the area. 我们的 Our 目录 catalogue of items 范围 range from about 150 to 200 不同 different 精油 Essential Oils 取决于 depending on 可用性 availability and crop 季节 season. In 加成 addition to our 小组&rsquo group’s 生产 production we 也 also 进口 import 各种 various 精油 Essential Oils 直 directly from source from 周围 around the world.
    电子邮件 Email:吉恩·帕斯卡·阿布德利(法国) Jean-Pascal Abdelli (France)
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:亚当·罗马 Adam Roman
    电子邮件 Email:芭芭拉·敏(英国) Barbara Keen (UK)
    语音 Voice:
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    产品 Product(s):
    cade精油西班牙100%纯天然 Cade Essential Oil Spain 100% Pure and Natural
  • Global Essence
    首选合作伙伴 Preferred Partner
    满足每个客户的独特需求。 Accommodate each customers unique needs.
    环球精华成立于1993年,是一家专为纽约/新泽西地区的区域客户提供服务的两 运营公司。从那以后的二十年 Global Essence was founded in 1993 as a two person operation servicing regional customers in the New York/ New Jersey area. In the twenty years since, 它已经发展成为一家在美国设有办事处的跨国公司 it has grown into a multinational operation with offices in the US, uk UK, and 新加坡 Singapore. 这些 These 办事处 关 offices 允许 allow Global to 提供 provide 区域性 区域 regional 支持 support to its 顾客 顾客 习俗 customers worldwide. As the world 继续 继续 continues 成为 become 更多 more 连接的 connected, 这种方法使Global能够继续为其所有客户提供最优质的产品和经验。 this approach positions Global to continue to offer the highest quality products and experience to all of its customers.
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    语音 Voice:
    +44 (0) 1279 876666
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    +44 (0)1279 876646
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    001 732 677 1100
    我们传真 US Fax:
    001 732 677 1107
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    产品 Product(s):
    cade油 cade oil
  • Hermitage Oils
    自1979年以来的香水和香薰材料 Perfumery and Aromatherapy materials since 1979
    Hermitage Oils, 精油的真正家园! the true home of essential oils!
    冬宫精油提供多种选择 Hermitage Oils offers a selection of Absolutes, 精油 Essential Oils, 天然分离物 Natural Isolates, 香气化学品 Aroma Chemicals, 二氧化碳提取物 CO2 Extracts, 乙醇tin剂 Ethanol Tinctures, 并通过兴高采烈的方式获得好处。 and Extraits by Enfleurage.
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    产品 Product(s):
    cade木材整流 Cade Wood RECTIFIED
    t是这样说的'cade木精油是清澈的 Arctander has this to say “Cade Wood RECTIFIED Oil is a clear, 橙棕色至深棕色 orange-brown to dark brown, 具有强烈的“焦油状”油性液体 oily liquid with an intense “tar-like”, 烟熏酚醛味。它在香水中的使用仅限于烟熏皮革的情况 smoky-phenolic odour. Its use in perfumery is limited to situations where a smoky-leathery, 木酚醛 woody-phenolic, 需要干燥和温暖的音符 dry and warm note is called for: 森林笔记 forest notes, 皮底 leather-bases, 富勒斯 fougeres, 男士香水等的松树 pine for men’s fragrances etc., 并模仿某些精油 and in the imitation of certain essential oils, 橡苔 oakmoss, 等等 etc.”
  • Indukern F&;F
    对质量的承诺 Commitment to quality
    idukern f& f成分是您芳香和增香成分的合作伙伴。 Idukern F&;F Ingredients is your partner for the fragrance and flavor ingredients.
    indukern f& f特别注重其为客户提供的服务质量 Indukern F&;F focuses in particular on the service it offers its clients in terms of quality, 快速和直接的咨询服务,有1600多种不同的库存产品,可立即发货 speed and direct consultancy with more than 1600 different products in stock ready for prompt shipment: 芳香化学品 Aromachemicals, 精油和天然分离物。 Essential Oils and Natural Isolates.
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    电子邮件 Email:luciana soares(巴西) Luciana Soares (Brazil)
    电子邮件 Email:加布里埃拉·加西亚(墨西哥) Gabriela Garcia (Mexico)
    电子邮件 Email:jorge eduardo clavijo(哥伦比亚) Jorge Eduardo Clavijo (Colombia)
    语音 Voice:
    +34 93 506 91 00
    传真 Fax:
    +34 93 506 91 95
    服务 Services
    质量 Quality
    设备 Facilities
    产品清单 Products List:视图 View
    产品 Product(s):
    cade原油 CADE OIL CRUDE
    粗油精制 Cade Oil Rectified
  • Jiangyin Healthway
    独立成分供应商 Independent Ingredients Supplier
    我们提供从毫克到公吨的定制合成和合同制造。 We provide custom synthesis and contract manufacturing from milligrams to metric tonnes.
    江阴健威国际贸易有限公司 Jiangyin Healthway International Trade Co., 公司 Inc. is a 香基/香型的 professional company, 主要从事制造和出口香气化学品 main engaged in manufacturing and exporting aroma chemicals ,食品添加剂 food additives , 化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient ,医药中间体其他精细化学品;特别是在芳香化学品上 pharmaceutical intermediates &; other fine chemicals; especially on aroma chemicals , 作为杂环和硫磺香气化合物的主要制造商 as the major manufacturer of heterocyclic and sulphur aroma compounds , 我们是中国香精香料行业领先的独立配料供应商 we are the leading independent ingredients supplier to the flavour and fragrance industries in China, 可以提供数百种不同质量的芳香化学品。 can offer hundreds of different high quality aroma chemicals.
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    传真 Fax:
    移动 Mobile0086-13093133011
    服务 Services
    生化 Biochemical
    天然食用色素 Natural Food Colour
    新功能食品成分 New functional food ingredients
    产品 Product(s):
    hl0403 cade油 HL0403 Cade oil , rectified
  • Lluch Essence
    致力于销售和分销的家族公司 A family company dedicated to sales and distribution
    灵活性 Flexibility, 可用性 availability, 价格和质量。 price and quality.
    灵活性 Flexibility, 可用性 availability, 价格和质量使lluch精华s.l.关于精油和香精化学品的欧洲参考文献之一 price and quality make LLUCH ESSENCE S.L. one of Europe’s references when it comes to essential oils and aroma chemicals, 现在它已在世界范围内广为 知。 and it is now well known all around the world.
    电子邮件 Email:Information
    语音 Voice:
    34 93 379 38 49
    传真 Fax:
    34 93 370 65 04
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    产品 Product(s):
    cade粗制萨班宾原油 CADE CRUDE EX-SABINE OIL
  • Esencias Martínez Lozano
    天然精油 Natural essential oils
    高质量的精油和不断改进的服务以及对客户的关注 High quality essential oils and constant improvementing service and attention to our Customers, 作为我们的座右铭,他们的完全满意。 being our maxim the full satisfaction of them.
    自1960年起在Esencias 马丁内斯 Martinez Lozano s.a.我们一直致力于耕种 , 收获和蒸馏不同的西班牙芳香harvest and distillation of the different Spanish aromatic herbs, 并交易大量的优质精油。 and trading a high quantity of first quality essential Oils. 我们位于西班牙的东南部 We are located in the South-East of Spain, 恰在卡拉瓦卡德拉克鲁斯 exactly in Caravaca de la Cruz, 穆尔西亚地区 region of Murcia, 这是西班牙精油生产的主要领域。 which is the main area in Spanish essential oils production. 现在 At present, 我们有自己的种植园 we have own plantations, 我们在那里种植 薰衣草 where we cultivate Spike Lavender, 红百里香 Red Thyme, 牛至 Oregano, 柏 Cypress, 智者 Sage, 薰衣草 Lavender, 和lavandins。 and Lavandins. 我们还收割西葫芦等野生草药 We also harvest wild herbs such as Cistus, 茴香 Fennel, 迷迭香 Rosemary, 马郁兰 Marjoram, 牛至 Oregano, 百里香 Thymes, 后悔 Rue, 等等... etc...
    电子邮件 Email:josé安东尼奥·马丁内斯 José Antonio Martínez
    电子邮件 Email:销售量 Sales: josé安东尼奥·马丁内斯 José Antonio Martínez
    语音 Voice:
    +34 968 72 53 86
    传真 Fax:
    +34 968 72 55 55
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    产品 Product(s):
    cade油 cade oil
  • M&;U International
    稳定供应需求 Steady supply &; demand
    满足国内外日益增长的客户需求。 Meeting customers increasing demands at home as well as abroad.
    psi-胡萝卜素ci 75125番茄红素vit(全反式)-番茄红素全反式番茄红素反式番茄红素番茄红素10 cwd番茄红素来自大肠杆菌(Blakeslea trispora番茄红素),表达番茄红素生物合成酶番茄红素粉5%番茄红素10%ft %os lycotene 20%tg lycotene pe lycovit天然黄27 c.i. 75125(6e M&;U dedicates itself to the development and production of new products as well as continuously promoting those new products. We’ve maintained a steady supply&;demand relationship with a large number of manufacturers at home and abroad. We’ve developed an extensive network and because of our relationships with these manufacturers, 我们能够提供稳定优质的材料供应。我们位于中国最大的通讯枢纽 we’re able to provide a stable supply of great quality materials. We’re located in China’s largest communications hub, 上海和美国靠近东海岸最大的海港之一。我们设施的战略位置确保方便 Shanghai and in the U.S. near one of the largest sea ports on the East Coast. The strategic locations of our facilities ensure convenient, 及时安全地将我们的产品交付给客户。 prompt and secure delivery of our products to our customers.
    电子邮件 Email:销售量 Sales
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    语音 Voice:
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    新闻 News
    产品 Product(s):
    o1035 cade精油 O1035 Cade Oil
  • Moellhausen
    创新和承诺以卓越的名义。 Innovation and commitment in the name of excellence.
    经过50年的经营 After 50 years in business, 莫尔豪森(Moellhausen)在香料和香精行业中脱颖而出,成为全球领先的家族企业之一 Moellhausen stands out as one of the world’s leading family-run companies in the industry of flavors and fragrances, 原料 raw materials, 和特色菜。 and specialties.
    语音 Voice:
    +39 039.685.6262
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    +39 039.685.6263
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    共同成长的知识网络 A network of knowledge to grow together
    可持续发展是 Sustainability is at the foundation of a
    普及技术和全面控制 Pervasive technology and total control
    产品 Product(s):
    252930 cade eo整流 252930 CADE EO RECTIFIED
    252931cade'eo原油 252931 CADE‘ EO CRUDE
  • Pell Wall Perfumes
    手工香精 Hand-made fragrances
    魔法墙可保持广泛的成分和为了保持库存新鲜&我们也从自己的股票中出售期权。 Pell Wall maintains a broad palette of ingredients &; in order to keep stocks fresh &; the options wide we also sell from our own stock.
    pell wall由香水调香师chris bartlett创立,旨在为少数几个爱他们的 提供独家手工制作的香水。 Pell Wall was founded by perfumer Chris Bartlett to provide exclusive hand-made fragrances to a select few people who love them. 我们所有的产品都是使用优质原料制成的 All our products are created using fine quality ingredients, 其中许多我们还出售给其他调香师和发烧友。 many of which we also offer for sale to other perfumers and enthusiasts. 咒墙为男士制造香水 Pell Wall make fragrances for men, 为妇女和家庭。 for women and for the home.
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    产品 Product(s):
    粗油精制 Cade Oil Rectified
    通过对刺柏的嫩枝和叶片进行破坏性蒸馏而产生,然后进行精馏以满足ifra标准 Produced by destructive distillation of the twigs and leaves of Juniperus oxycedrus and then rectified to meet the IFRA standard: 粗制山油不应用作香料。 crude Cade Oil should not be used in fragrances.
  • Penta International
    化学创新 Chemistry innovation
    在五角 At Penta, 我们的产品和服务可帮助企业更好地开展业务。 our products and services help businesses do business better.
    超过30年 For over 30 years, penta制造业公司在全球化学创新和应用中扮演着越来越重要的角色。作为行业领导者 Penta Manufacturing Company has played a growing role in worldwide chemistry innovations and applications. As an industry leader, penta继续为几乎每个商业领域开拓基于化学的解决方案。我们的产品和香基/香型知识帮助推动了包括调味剂在内的数十种商业应用的技术进步 Penta continues to pioneer chemistry-based solutions for practically every area of commerce. Our products and expertise have helped fuel technical advances in dozens of commercial applications including flavoring, 染色 coloring, 香料和化学工艺。 fragrances and chemical processes.
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:技术服务 Technical Services
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    我们的声音 US Voice:
    (973) 740-2300
    我们传真 US Fax:
    (973) 740-1839
    产品 Product(s):
    03-00300 cade精油 03-00300 CADE OIL
    03-00305 cade油usp 03-00305 CADE OIL USP
  • PerfumersWorld
    感觉……气味! feeeel... the smell!
    创意调香师的一站式资源。 The one-stop resource for the creative perfumer.
    没有最低订购量。香气化学品 No minimum orders. Aroma chemicals, 精油 Essential Oils, 分离物 isolates, 信息素 pheremones, 精华/精粹/精萃 absolutes, 树脂类 resinoids, fleuressenceTM关键基地 FleuressenceTM key bases, pwx factortm PWx FactorTM, 增溶剂 solubilizers, 套件 kits, 创作系统 creation systems, 工作坊 workshops, 训练 training, 远程教育 distance learning, 调香师世界的调香师工作室 The PerfumersWorld Perfumer‘s Studio, 调香师配方公告 The Perfumer’s Formulation Bulletin, 香水软件 perfumery software, 定制创建 bespoke creation, analysis, 咨询服务 consultancy, 项目咨询 project counselling, 故障排除 trouble-shooting, 未加香的产品基础 unperfumed product bases, 瓶子 bottles, 闻带 smelling strips, 秤 scales, 蒸馏 distillation, 设备和灵感! equipment and inspiration!
    电子邮件 Email:询问 Enquiries
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    资源 Resources
    软件 Software:Perfumer's 工作簿 Workbook
    产品 Product(s):
    7tw00076 cade油 7TW00076 Cade Oil
    与-百里香+丁香芽+迷迭香+牛至+劳丹脂百里香丁香决明子茶树松树和药用型基质混合在一起。 Blends-well-with - +Thyme +Clove Bud +Rosemary +Origanum +Labdanum thyme origanum clove cassia tea tree pine and medicinal-type bases.
  • Robertet
    大自然的家园-来自自然资源的天然成分。 HOME OF NATURE – natural ingredients from the source.
    (Robertet)是法国天然食品生产的领导者 Robertet is a leader in the production of natural ingredients with facilities in France, 保加利亚 Bulgaria, 火鸡 Turkey, 南非 South Africa, 印度 India, 中国 China, 新喀里多尼亚 New Caledonia,� 成立于1850年 Founded in 1850, robertet仍然是家族企业(第5代),也是最大的芳香族提取物生产商之一。 Robertet remains a family owned business (5th Generation) and one of the largest producers of aromatic extracts. 品牌收购包括 Brand acquisitions include: 角色机器 Charabot, 萨帕德 Sapad, Hitex Hitex。
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:客户服务 Customer service
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:阿诺德·阿德里安 Arnaud Adrian
    电子邮件 Email:味道 Flavor:
    电子邮件 Email:香味 Fragrance:
    语音 Voice:
    33 4 93 40 33 66
    传真 Fax:
    33 4 93 70 68 09
    我们的声音 US Voice:
    +1 212 710 4600Robertet New 约克 York 有创意的 Creative 中央 Center
    +1 212 245 4092Robertet New 约克 York 有创意的 Creative 中央 Center
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    作物卡兰/虾脊兰 Crop Calendar
    产品 Product(s):
    101755f cade整流式。油(用于香水) 101755F Cade Rectified ess. Oil (for fragrance)
  • Sigma-Aldrich
    完整的供应链 Complete Supply Chain
    产品和服务的完美融合,将您的创造力带入生活。 The perfect blend of products and services that bring your creativity to life.
    sigma-aldrich是一家领先的生命科学和高科技公司,致力于提供高质量 Sigma-Aldrich is a leading Life Science and High Technology company dedicated to providing high-quality, 安全和经过认证的调味料成分,透明和易于访问的文档对全球客户而言。 sigma-aldrich还提供了一套分析工具,可让食品分析 员简化样品制备 safe and certified flavor ingredients with transparent and easily accessible documentation to customers around the globe. Sigma-Aldrich also provides a suite of analytical tools that allow food analysts to simplify sample preparation, 清理和分析步骤 cleanup and analysis steps, 同时提高对痕量成分和有害物质的敏感性,以符合法规和质量标准。 while increasing sensitivity to trace ingredients and harmful substances to meet regulations and quality standards.
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    认证食品级产品 Certified Food Grade Products
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    w521000 cade油 W521000 Cade oil
  • The John D. Walsh Company
    自1942年以来的供应商 Suppliers Since 1942
    在克罗恩斯病小鼠模型中同时抑制th1 / th17。 Supplying the fragrance and flavor industry with high quality products.
    The John D. Walsh Company, 公司从最初的代理商/经纪 发展为精油分销商 Inc. has evolved from its beginnings as an agent/broker into a distributor of essential oils, 香气化学品 Aroma Chemicals, 浸膏 concretes and 精华/精粹/精萃 absolutes. We 目前 currently 代表 re当下 present the 以下 following 公司 companies, 作为他们的北美分销商 as their North American distributor: 灭蚊 Destilerias munoz galvez , s.a. S.A. 国际风味香精 International Flavors &; Fragrances pfw芳香化学品公司 PFW Aroma Chemicals B.V. 唯诺威德有限公司 Innospec Widnes Limited 危地马拉水扩散 Hydrodiffusion de Guatemala, s。一个。 S. A. dsm营养产品 DSM Nutritional Products The John D. Walsh Company, 公司能够成为ifeat的创始成员而感到自豪 Inc. is proud to be a founding member of IFEAT, 伊法拉的活跃成员 an active member of IFRA, 北美 North America, 以及wffc的公司赞助商。 and a corporate sponsor of the WFFC.
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    历史 History
    产品 Product(s):
    cade油 cade oil
  • The Lermond Company
    您的采购资源 Your Sourcing Resource
    lermond家族已经为香料和香精行业采购了将近7年的原材料。 The Lermond family has been sourcing raw materials for the flavor and fragrance industry for nearly 7 decades.
    The Lermond Company is a 妇女拥有 女 women-拥有的 拥有 owned 发行 distributor of 原料 raw materials 主要 primarily 维修 servicing the flavor and fragrance 行业 industry. 对于 For 三 three 世代 generations, 成员 会员 members of the Lermond 家庭 family 有 have been been 积分 integral sourcing 伙伴 伙伴 partners for the 北美 North American flavor and fragrance 行业 industry. We 供应 supply 高 high quality 精油 Essential Oils, 香气化学品 Aroma Chemicals, 精华/精粹/精萃 absolutes, 浸膏 concretes, 从世界各地到全球工业的树脂和花卉用水。 resinoids and floral waters from around the world to the global industry.
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    产品 Product(s):
    15010 cade粗原油 15010 CADE OIL CRUDE P&;N
    15015 cade精油 15015 CADE OIL, 校正后的P& n RECTIFIED P&;N
  • Ernesto Ventós
    持续的客户满意度 Continued Customer Satisfaction
    我们运用五种感官来做好我们的工作。 We employ our five senses to do our job well.
    ventós专门从事香料和香料行业的原材料分配。永久有超过1700份参考文献有现货供应 Ventós has specialized in the distribution of raw materials for the flavour and fragrance industry. With more than 1700 references permanently available from stock, 我们会及时响应客户需求 we offer a just-in-time response to our customer needs, 存在 being able to 交付 deliver from 1kg to several 公吨 tonnes all 过度 over the world.
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    产品 Product(s):
    cade油 cade oil, 原油 CRUDE
    cade油 cade oil, 纠正的 RECTIFIED
香水典型/定制配方-请咨询我们索取 Fragrance Demo Formulas
风味演示配方 Flavor Demo Formulas
Name:刺柏焦油 juniperus oxycedrus l. tar oil
CAS号 CAS Number: 8013-10-3
还包含 Also Contains:刺柏木提取物 juniperus oxycedrus wood extract
类别 Category:fragrance agents
美国 US/欧盟 EU/ fda / jecfa / fema / Flavis / 文献 Scholar /专利 Patent :
谷歌学术 Google Scholar:搜索 Search
谷歌书 Google Books:搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "volatile"搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "flavor"搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "odor"搜索 Search
调香师和调味师 Perfumer and Flavorist:搜索 Search
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已发布 PubMed:搜索 Search
NCBI:搜索 Search
物理性质 Physical Properties:
出现 Appearance:深棕色液体(est) dark brown liquid (est)
食品化学品法典列表 Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
比重 Specific Gravity:0.95000 to 1.05500 @ 25.00 °C.
磅每加仑-(est)。 Pounds per Gallon - (est).: 7.905 to 8.779
折光率 Refractive Index:1.51000 to 1.52500 @ 20.00 °C.
沸点 Boiling Point: 184.00 °C. @ 760.00 mm 汞 Hg
闪点 Flash Point:> 200.00 °F. tcc TCC ( > 93.33 °C. )
溶于 Soluble in:
 水 water, 0.02173 mg / l @ 25°C(est) 0.02173 mg/L @ 25 °C (est)
不溶于 Insoluble in:
 水 water
感官特性 Organoleptic Properties:
气味类型 Odor Type: smoky
气味强度 Odor Strength:高 high ,
建议在1.00%或更少的溶液中闻到 recommend smelling in a 1.00 % solution or less
实体性 Substantivity:400 于100.00% 400 hour(s) at 100.00 %
smoky burnt grilled leathery resinous
气味描述 Odor Description:at 1.00 % in 二丙烯 dipropylene glycol. smoky 桦木 birch tar burnt grilled leather resinous
Luebke, 威廉 William RBC, (1989)
来自的气味样本 Odor sample from: 温格公司 Ungerer &; Company, 公司 Inc.
来自其他 的气味和/或风味描述(如果找到)。 Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
cade油 cade oil
气味描述 Odor Description:桦木 birch tar 抽烟 smoke burnt 木本 woody 抽烟 smoke tar leather burnt 木本 woody smoky leather-like
与-百里香+丁香芽+迷迭香+牛至+劳丹脂百里香丁香决明子茶树松树和药用型基质混合在一起。 Blends-well-with - +Thyme +Clove Bud +Rosemary +Origanum +Labdanum thyme origanum clove cassia tea tree pine and medicinal-type bases.
Pell Wall Perfumes
粗油精制 Cade Oil Rectified
气味描述 Odor Description:smoky, 酚醛的 phenolic, bonfire
通过对刺柏的嫩枝和叶片进行破坏性蒸馏而产生,然后进行精馏以满足ifra标准 Produced by destructive distillation of the twigs and leaves of Juniperus oxycedrus and then rectified to meet the IFRA standard: 粗制山油不应用作香料。 crude Cade Oil should not be used in fragrances.
化妆品信息 Cosmetic Information:
CosIng:化妆品数据 cosmetic data
化妆品用途 Cosmetic Uses: 头发调理 hair conditioning
供应商 Suppliers:
ambles自然与化学 Ambles Nature et Chimie
cade CADE
安徽海北 Anhui Haibei
cade油 cade oil
气味 For Odor: 烟熏桦木焦油烧焦的皮革 Smoky birch tar burnt grilled leather
粗油精制 Cade Oil Rectified
发生在伯杰 Happening at Berje
cade油 cade oil
扩散香气 Diffusions Aromatiques
cade huile essentielle bio CADE HUILE ESSENTIELLE BIO
扩散香气 Diffusions Aromatiques
cade huile essentielle rectifiee espagne CADE HUILE ESSENTIELLE RECTIFIEE ESPAGNE
Elixens America
cade精油西班牙 Cade Essential Oil Spain
100%纯天然 100% Pure and Natural
Ernesto Ventós
cade油 cade oil, 原油 CRUDE
气味 For Odor: 塔里 TARRY, 淡淡的芳香 FAINTLY AROMATIC
Ernesto Ventós
cade油 cade oil, 纠正的 RECTIFIED
气味 For Odor: 烟 SMOKY, 塔里 TARRY, 臭的 STINKY
Esencias Martínez Lozano
cade油 cade oil
Global Essence
cade油 cade oil
Hermitage Oils
cade木材整流 Cade Wood RECTIFIED
气味 For Odor: characteristic
采用 Use: t是这样说的'cade木精油是清澈的 Arctander has this to say “Cade Wood RECTIFIED Oil is a clear, 橙棕色至深棕色 orange-brown to dark brown, 具有强烈的“焦油状”油性液体 oily liquid with an intense “tar-like”, 烟熏酚醛味。它在香水中的使用仅限于烟熏皮革的情况 smoky-phenolic odour. Its use in perfumery is limited to situations where a smoky-leathery, 木酚醛 woody-phenolic, 需要干燥和温暖的音符 dry and warm note is called for: 森林笔记 forest notes, 皮底 leather-bases, 富勒斯 fougeres, 男士香水等的松树 pine for men’s fragrances etc., 并模仿某些精油 and in the imitation of certain essential oils, 橡苔 oakmoss, 等等 etc.”
缩进组 Indenta Group
缩进组 Indenta Group
粗油精制 Cade Oil Rectified
印度精油 India Essential Oils
cade油 cade oil
Indukern F&;F
气味 For Odor: 烟 SMOKY, 酚醛的 phenolic, 药用的 MEDICINAL, 塔里 TARRY
Indukern F&;F
粗油精制 Cade Oil Rectified
气味 For Odor: 酚醛的 phenolic, 药用的 MEDICINAL, 烟 SMOKY
Jiangyin Healthway
cade油 cade oil , rectified
新功能食品成分 New functional food ingredients
Lluch Essence
Lluch Essence
M&;U International
cade油 cade oil
气味 For Odor: 酚醛的 phenolic, 药用的 MEDICINAL, 抽烟 smoke
味道 Flavor: 酚醛的 phenolic, 抽烟 smoke, 辣的 spicy
贵族分子研究 Noble Molecular Research
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
粗油精制 Cade Oil Rectified
Payand Payand betrand Betrand
cade油精制西班牙 Cade Oil Rectified Spain
用于香水 For fragrance use
Pell Wall Perfumes
粗油精制 Cade Oil Rectified
气味 For Odor: smoky, 酚醛的 phenolic, bonfire
采用 Use: 通过对刺柏的嫩枝和叶片进行破坏性蒸馏而产生,然后进行精馏以满足ifra标准 Produced by destructive distillation of the twigs and leaves of Juniperus oxycedrus and then rectified to meet the IFRA standard: 粗制山油不应用作香料。 crude Cade Oil should not be used in fragrances.
Penta International
cade油usp CADE OIL USP
Penta International
cade油 cade oil
cade油 cade oil
气味 For Odor: 桦木 birch tar 抽烟 smoke burnt 木本 woody 抽烟 smoke tar leather burnt 木本 woody smoky leather-like
采用 Use: 与-百里香+丁香芽+迷迭香+牛至+劳丹脂百里香丁香决明子茶树松树和药用型基质混合在一起。 Blends-well-with - +Thyme +Clove Bud +Rosemary +Origanum +Labdanum thyme origanum clove cassia tea tree pine and medicinal-type bases.
轮回菲希特纳 Reincke &; Fichtner
cade油有机+ nop Cade Oil organic + NOP
轮回菲希特纳 Reincke &; Fichtner
cade油 cade oil
cade纠正的ess。油(用于香水) Cade Rectified ess. Oil (for fragrance)
感性的香气 Sensient Flavor and Fragrances
cade油 cade oil, 原油 CRUDE
感性的香气 Sensient Flavor and Fragrances
cade油 cade oil, 蒸馏的 Distilled
cade油 cade oil
认证食品级产品 Certified Food Grade Products
The John D. Walsh Company
cade油 cade oil
The Lermond Company
The Lermond Company
cade油 cade oil, 校正后的P& n RECTIFIED P&;N
白莲花芳香剂 White Lotus Aromatics
气味 For Odor: 强烈的焦油状 intense tar-like, smoky, 带有干燥气味 phenlic odor with a dry, 暖 warm, 木本 woody-resinous undertone
采用 Use: 在天然香料中,用于皮革基底 In natural perfumery it is used in leather bases, 福格勒 fougere, 琥珀 amber, 麝香协定 musk accords, 森林笔记 forest notes, 男士香水。 men‘s perfumes.
安全信息 Safety Information:
首选SDS Preferred SDS: 视图 View
欧洲信息 European information :
最重要的危害 Most important hazard(s):
xi-刺激性 Xi - Irritant
r 36/37/38-刺激眼睛 R 36/37/38 - Irritating to eyes, 呼吸系统 respiratory system, and skin 皮.
S 02 - 保持 Keep out of the 达到 r每 each of 孩子们 children.
S 26 - In 案件 case of contact with 眼睛 眼睛 eyes, 冲洗 rinse 立即 immediately with 充裕 plenty of 水 water and 寻求 seek 医疗 medical 忠告 advice.
S 36 - 穿 Wear 适当 suitable 保护性 protective 服装 clothing.
危害识别 Hazards identification
物质或混合物的分类 Classification of the substance or mixture
根据29 cfr 1910(osha hcs)进行ghs分类 GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
皮肤刺激(类别2) Skin irritation (Category 2), H315
Eye 刺激 irritation (类别 Category 2A), H319
浸膏 Specific 目标 target organ 毒性 toxicity - single 接触 exposure (类别 Category 3), 呼吸系统 respiratory system, h335 H335
ghs标签元素 GHS Label elements, 包括预防性声明 including precautionary statements
象形图 Pictogramexclamation-mark.jpg
信号 Signal word 警告 Warning
危险说明 Hazard statement(s)
H315 - 原因 Causes skin 皮 刺激 irritation
H319 - 原因 Causes 严重 serious 眼睛 eye 刺激 irritation
h335 H335 - 可以 May 原因 cause 呼吸的 respiratory 刺激 irritation
防范说明 Precautionary statement(s)
P261 - 避免 Avoid 呼吸 breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/蒸气 vapours/喷雾 spray.
P264 - 洗 Wash skin 皮 彻底地 t houroughly 后 after 处理 handling.
P271 - 采用 Use only 户外活动 outdoors or in a 通风良好 好 well-ventilated area.
P280 - 穿 Wear 保护性 protective 手套 g爱 loves/保护性 protective 服装 clothing/眼睛 eye 保护 protection/face 保护 protection.
P303 + P361 + P353 - IF on ON 皮肤 SKin IN (or hair): 去掉 Remove/采取 Take 关 off 立即 Immediately all 污染 contaminated 服装 clothing. 冲洗 Rinse 皮肤 SKin IN with 水 water/淋浴 shower.
P304 + P340 - IF 吸入 in INHALED: 去掉 Remove 受害者 victim to 新鲜 fresh air and 保持 Keep at 休息 rest in a position 自在 comfortable for 呼吸 breathing.
P305 + P351 + P338 - IF in IN 眼睛 EYES: 用水小心冲洗几分钟。摘下隐形眼镜 Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if 当下 present and 简单 easy to do. 继续 Continue 漂洗 rinsing.
P312 - 呼叫 Call a 毒 POISon ON 中央 CENTER or 医生 doctor/医师 physician if you 感觉 feel 不适 un好 well.
P332 + P313 - IF 皮肤 SKin IN 刺激 irritation 发生 occurs: 得到 Get 医疗 medical 忠告 advice/注意 attention.
P337 + P313 - IF 眼睛 eye 刺激 irritation 坚持 persists: 得到 Get 医疗 medical 忠告 advice/注意 attention.
P362 - 采取 Take 关 off 污染 contaminated 服装 clothing and 洗 wash before 重用 reuse.
P403 + P233 - 商店 Store in a 通风良好 好 well-ventilated 地点 place. 保持 Keep 容器 container 紧紧 tightly 关闭 closed.
P403 + P235 - 商店 Store in a 通风良好 好 well-ventilated 地点 place. 保持 Keep 凉 cool.
P405 - 商店 Store 已锁定 locked up.
P501 - 处置 Dispose of 内容 contents/ 容器 container to an 已批准 approved 浪费 waste 处置 disposal plant.
口服/肠胃外毒性 Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
口鼠 oral-rat LD50 8014 mg/kg
Food and 化妆品 Cosmetics Toxicology. 卷 Vol. 2, pg。 327 Pg. 327, 1964.

皮肤毒性 Dermal Toxicity:
皮肤兔子 skin 皮-rabbit LD50 > 5000 mg/kg
Food and 化妆品 Cosmetics Toxicology. 卷 Vol. 13, pg。 733 Pg. 733, 1975.

吸入毒性 Inhalation Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
使用安全信息 Safety in Use Information:
类别 Category:
fragrance agents
IFRA 码 Code of 实践 Practice 通知 not Notification of the 49th 修正案 Amendment to the IFRA 码 Code of 实践 Practice
关键影响 IFRA Critical Effect:
致癌性 Carcinogenicity, 释放多核碳氢化合物(帕 PAH)的遗传毒性
IFRA fragrance 材料 material 规格 specification:
 限制根据良好生产规范使用精制油所产生的多核芳香烃(pah)的含量。 Limit content of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) resulting from the use of rectified oils according to Good Manufacturing Practice. 如果单独使用或与精制桦木焦油组合使用 If used alone or in combination with rectified birch tar oils, 苯并re和1 benzopyrene and 1, 2-苯并蒽被用作pah的标记。最终产品中两者的总浓度不应超过1 ppb ppb。
包含 contains the 以下 following IFRA (annex Annex) 受限制的 休息 restricted 组件 components: (仅非分析最高水平参考) (non-analysis max. level reference only)
二氢丁香酚 dihydroeugenol 最高 Max. 发现 Found: 0.5%和原因 0.5 % and Reason: 敏化 Sensitization
 查看ifra标准 View the IFRA Standard
cade油使用水平的建议 Recommendation for cade oil usage levels up to:
  0.50香料浓缩物中的00%。 0.5000 % in the fragrance concentrate.
最高建议使用山用法 usage油的风味 :
 不用于调味料。 not for flavor use.
安全参考 Safety references:
Epi系统 EPI System: 视图 View
nlm NLM有害物质数据库 :搜索 Search
癌症引文 Cancer Citations:搜索 Search
毒理学引文 Toxicology Citations:搜索 Search
环境诱变信息中央 Env. Mutagen Info. Center:搜索 Search
EPA物质注册服务(tsca TSCA) :8013-10-3
EPA ACToR:毒理学资料 Toxicology Data
EPA物质注册服务(SRS) :注册表 Registry
国家过敏和传染病研究所 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:数据 Data
sccnfp SCCNFP:意见 opinion
明智的 WISER:1993年 UN 1993
德国wgk WGK Germany:2
刺柏焦油 juniperus oxycedrus l. tar oil
chemidplus Chemidplus:0008013103
技术 RTECS:ny9872000 for CAS#8013-10-3 NY9872000 for cas# 8013-10-3
参考资料 References:
 刺柏焦油 juniperus oxycedrus l. tar oil
加拿大国内分公司。清单 Canada Domestic Sub. List:8013-10-3
pubchem(sid) Pubchem (sid):135304422
其他资料 Other Information:
出口关税代码 Export Tariff Code:3301.29.6000
维基百科 Wikipedia:视图 View
潜在搅拌机 Potential Blenders and 核心组件 core components note
气味 For Odor
醛 aldehydic
methyl undecanal (aldehyde C-12 mna mna)
undecenal (aldehyde C-11 undecylenic)
琥珀 amber
ambrette 种子 seed oil
当归 angelica 根 root oil
岩蔷薇 cistus ladaniferus resinoid
异 iso
butyl quinoline
闭鞘姜/云木香 costus valerolactone
烦 的 anisic
香醋 balsamic
异 iso
amyl benzoate
阿米香树、西印度檀香 amyris wood oil
暹 siam
安息香 benzoin resinoid
benzyl salicylate
异 iso
butyl benzoate
raspberry ketone
花的 floral
amyl cinnamaldehyde
异 iso
amyl salicylate
异 iso
butyl salicylate
苯乙基 phenethyl phenyl acetate
牛至 origanum oil greece
迷迭香 rosemary oil spain
百里香 thyme oil (thymus 齐格斯 zygis 细纹 gracillis) spain
胸腺嘧啶 thymyl methyl ether
生苔 mossy
维拉莫斯 veramoss (IFF)
naphthyl ethyl ether
山毛榉 beech wood creosote
桦木 birch tar oil
cade油 cade oil re地点 placer
辣的 spicy
决明子 cassia 皮 bark oil china
丁香 c爱 love 芽 bud oil
methyl cinnamaldehyde
萜烯 terpenic
乳香 frankincense oil
通卡 tonka
通卡 tonka bean 精华 absolute
香草 vanilla
ethyl vanillin
香草 vanilla bean 精华 absolute (香草 vanilla 扁平叶 planifolia)
蜡状的 waxy
ethyl laurate
木本 woody
岩蔷薇 cistus 枝条 twig/叶 leaf oil
methyl 雪松 ce干燥 dryl ketone
广藿香 patchouli ethanone
广藿香 patchouli oil
用于调味 For Flavor
找不到适合这些的口味组 No flavor group found for these
桦木 birch tar oil
岩蔷薇 cistus ladaniferus resinoid
琥珀 amber
琥珀 amber
ambrette 种子 seed oil
香醋 balsamic
暹 siam
安息香 benzoin resinoid
benzyl salicylate
raspberry ketone
樱桃 cherry
冷却 cooling
异 iso
butyl salicylate
奶油状 creamy
脂肪的 fatty
undecenal (aldehyde C-11 undecylenic)
果味的 fruity
异 iso
amyl benzoate
异 iso
butyl benzoate
绿 green
异 iso
amyl salicylate
当归 angelica 根 root oil
牛至 origanum oil greece
迷迭香 rosemary oil spain
百里香 thyme oil (thymus 齐格斯 zygis 细纹 gracillis) spain
蜜糖 honey
苯乙基 phenethyl phenyl acetate
发霉的 musty
胸腺嘧啶 thymyl methyl ether
粉状的 powdery
naphthyl ethyl ether
山毛榉 beech wood creosote
辣的 spicy
决明子 cassia 皮 bark oil china
丁香 c爱 love 芽 bud oil
methyl cinnamaldehyde
热带 tropical
amyl cinnamaldehyde
香草 vanilla
ethyl vanillin
香草 vanilla bean 精华 absolute (香草 vanilla 扁平叶 planifolia)
蜡状的 waxy
ethyl laurate
methyl undecanal (aldehyde C-12 mna mna)
木本 woody
阿米香树、西印度檀香 amyris wood oil
岩蔷薇 cistus 枝条 twig/叶 leaf oil
乳香 frankincense oil
methyl 雪松 ce干燥 dryl ketone
广藿香 patchouli oil
潜在用途 Potential Uses:
FR森林 fo休息 rest
FRleather 俄语 russian leather
FR抽烟 smoke
存在自然 Occurrence (nature, 餐饮 food, 其他) other):note
 刺柏 juniperus oxycedrus
搜索 Search Trop 图片 Picture
同义词 Synonyms:
 cade essential oil
 cade油 cade oil
 cade油 cade oil 原油 crude
 cade油 cade oil rectified
 cade油 cade oil 美国邮政 USP
 cade rectified ess. oil (for fragrance) (Robertet)
 cade。 cade� eo EO rectified
 cade‘ eo 原油 crude
prickly 雪松 cedar tar oil
spanish 雪松 cedar tar oil
 荷兰 holland balsam
prickly juniper tar oil
red juniper tar oil
 juniper tar oil (刺柏 juniperus oxycedrus)
 jun草焦油 juniperus oxycedrus tar oil

文章 Articles:

已发布 PubMed:摩洛哥芹菜油的副作用 Side effects of cade oil in Morocco: 对2004年至2012年摩洛哥草药产品数据库中报告的分析。 an analysis of reports in the Moroccan herbal products database from 2004 to 2012.
已发布 PubMed:杜松焦油(粗制油)在皮肤应用后新生儿中毒。 Juniper tar (cade oil) poisoning in new born after a cutaneous application.
已发布 PubMed:杜松柏油中毒。 Juniper tar poisoning.
已发布 PubMed:蓖麻油中的活性成分,可增强α-紫罗兰对雄性小球藻(双歧杆菌)的吸引力 Active ingredients in cade oil that synergize attractiveness of alpha-ionol to male Bactrocera latifrons (Diptera: eph科)。 Tephritidae).
已发布 PubMed:刺柏提取物安全性评估的最终报告 Final report on the safety assessment of Juniperus communis Extract, 刺柏提取物 Juniperus oxycedrus Extract, 刺柏草焦油 Juniperus oxycedrus Tar, 刺柏菲提取物 Juniperus phoenicea extract, 和藜提取物。 and Juniperus virginiana Extract.
已发布 PubMed:增强α-紫罗兰对雄性双歧杆菌(双歧杆菌)的吸引力 Enhancement of attraction of alpha-ionol to male Bactrocera latifrons (Diptera: 增效剂) Tephritidae) by addition of a synergist, cade油。 cade oil.
笔记 Notes:
仅通过对蒸馏 distillation木的木材和细枝进行破坏性蒸馏而获得的精馏油(在真空下进行分馏)。应该使用。 cade油与杜松柏油相同 Cade Oil is identical to Juniper Tar, 通过从杜松木中木材的破坏性蒸馏获得 obtained by destructive distillation of the wood from Juniperus Oxycedrus, 与普通杜松有关的灌木。 a shrub related to the common juniper. tsca定义2008 tsca definition 2008: 提取物及其经物理修饰的衍生物。刺柏 extractives and their physically modified derivatives. juniperus oxycedrus, 菊科。 cupressaceae.
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