2-甲基十一烷(醛c-12 mna) 2 - Methyl Undecanal (aldehyde C-12 mna)

供应商赞助商 Supplier Sponsors

  • Associate Allied Chemicals
    质量 Quality, 服务与价值观 Service and Values
    我们的目标是为客户提供可靠的一站式服务。 Our aim is to become a reliable one-stop shop for our customers.
    香水高品质原料的分销商和代理商 Distributor and Agents of high quality raw materials for the fragrance, 香料和化妆品工业。直接与一些知名品牌合作和采购原材料,以向我们尊敬的客户提供一致的质量。 flavour and cosmetic industry. Partnering and sourcing raw materials directly from some of the best recognised names to provide consistent quality to our esteemed customers.
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    电子邮件 Email:萨钦·甘地 Sachin Gandhi
    语音 Voice:
    +91 22 2419 8800
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    +91 22 2413 5786
    产品 Product(s):
    醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
  • Augustus Oils
    首要供应商 The Premier Supplier
    奥 都油有限公司 Augustus Oils Ltd, 与自然和谐相处-尽其所能... in harmony with nature - to present it at its best...
    丰富的经验 A wealth of experience, 香基/香型知识和知识使奥 都可以在种植者和天然成分使用者之间的期望和信任之间架起桥梁。 expertise and knowledge has allowed Augustus to bridge the gulf in expectation and trust between growers and users of natural ingredients. 该公司一方面与客户合作 The Company works in partnership with customers on the one hand, 和种植者 and growers, 农民和酿酒厂。用户和制作 都可以专注于他们最擅长的领域 farmers and distillers on the other. Both users and producers can then focus on exactly what they do best, 而熟练的奥 都技术 员则密切监视和控制所交付的产品。这确保用户可以放心,他们将收到适合自己要求的最佳原材料。 while skilled Augustus technicians closely monitor and control the delivered product. This ensures users can have the confidence that they will receive the best raw materials suited to their requirements.
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    服务 Services
    产品 Product(s):
    醛c12 mna Aldehyde C12 MNA
  • Azelis UK
    化学分布 Chemical Distribution
    azelis是特殊化学品的全球领先分销商。 Azelis is a leading global distributor of speciality chemicals.
    azelis是全球领先的特种化学品分销商。我们提供超过20种的产品和创新服务 Azelis is a leading global speciality chemicals distributor. We provide a diverse range of products and innovative services to more than 20,000个客户。我们深入的本地知识得到国际结构和增值服务的支持,其中包括高水平的技术支持和量身定制的解决方案。 000 customers. Our in-depth local knowledge is supported by an international structure and value-added services including high levels of technical support and tailored solutions.
    电子邮件 Email:格雷厄姆·博特 Graham Bott
    语音 Voice:
    +32 3 613 01 20
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    +32 3 613 01 21
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    产品 Product(s):
    1372003醛c12 mna纯 1372003 ALDEHYDE C12 MNA PURE
  • Bedoukian Research
    不断完善 Constantly Improving
    与我们的客户紧密合作以满足他们的要求。 Working closely with our customers to meet their requirements.
    保罗·贝杜克安(paul bedoukian)创立了公司,以高品质的特种香气和风味成分供应商的身份填补了这一空白。 1975年,该公司开始制造昆虫费洛蒙,其化学成分类似于香精和香精成分。今天 Paul Bedoukian founded the company to fill a niche as a supplier of high quality specialty aroma and flavor ingredients. In 1975 the company began manufacturing insect pheromones which are chemically similar to flavor and fragrance ingredients. Today, bedoukian的研究提供了450多种芳香化学物质和50种昆虫信息素 Bedoukian Research offers more than 450 Aroma Chemicals and 50 Insect Pheromones, 同时还提供药品的定制制造服务 while also providing custom manufacturing services to the pharmaceutical, 农药 agrochemical, 和特种化学工业。 and specialty chemical industries.
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    产品 Product(s):
    299 2-甲基十一烷 299 2-METHYL UNDECANAL
    用过的 采用 我们 Used as 琥珀味 amber note in 前记 topnote 复合体 complexes.
    An 有趣 interesting 前记 topnote for 果 fruit flavors 这样 such as 桃子 p每 each and 杏 apricot.
  • Beijing Lys Chemicals
    从克到吨 From Grams to Tons
    包含研发的精细化工高科技公司 Fine chemical high-tech company which contains R&D, 生产 production, 和销售。 and sales.
    北京利仕化工有限公司 Beijing Lys Chemicals Co, 公司 Inc., 成立于2004年 established in 2004, 是一家高科技高科技公司,包含研发 is a fine chemical high-tech company which contains R&D, 生产 production, 和销售。我们主要从事香料和香精原料以及医药中间体的出口和技术开发。我们有近500种产品 and sales. We mainly engaged in export and technology development of flavor and fragrance materials and pharmaceutical intermediates. We have nearly 500 kinds of products, 从克到吨 From Grams to Tons, 出口到美国 exported to USA, 欧洲 Europe, 南亚等地区,我们会根据客户定制生产新产品。需要 South Asia and etc. And we custom manufacture new products according to customers’ needs, 并提供优质的产品和服务。我们的目标是成为可以提供特殊产品和服务的精细化工企业。 and serve good quality products and service. Our goal is to become a fine chemical enterprise which could provide special products and services.
    电子邮件 Email:先生。 jia Mr. Jia
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    先生。 uo Mr. Guo86-10-68483445
    先生。 uo Mr. Guo86-10-68418739
    新闻 News
    产品 Product(s):
    10110 2-甲基十一烷 10110 2-Methyl undecanal
  • Berjé
    世界在哪里感动 Where the world comes to its senses
    世界在哪里感动 Where the world comes to its senses - Berjé is a global 发行 distributor of 必要 Essential Oils and Aromatic Chemicals.
    Berjé is a 家庭拥有 家庭 family-拥有的 owned 商业 business that 已 has been been in 操作 operation for 六 six 几十年 十年 decades. The company's 起源 origins and strength lie in a 深刻 pro发现 found 理解 了解 understanding of the supply and the quality of the 多样的 diverse 原料 raw materials 已消耗 consumed by the flavor and fragrance 行业 industries. 这个 This base was 扩大了 expanded 在上面 upon 更多 more than two 几十年 十年 decades 前 ago to 包括 include fragrance 生产 production. The company's 无与伦比 unparalleled 生的 raw 材料 material 专长 expertise is 专注 焦点 foc用过的 used on the supply of 精油 essential oils and aromatic chemicals. 这个 This is 支持的 支持 supported by our 长期存在 长 long-standing 关系 relation船 ships with a worldwide 布 fabric of 生产者 producers 确保 ensuring the 最伟大的 大 greatest 前景 prospects for 不间断 uninterrupted supply in markets that are 经常 often volatile and 不可预料的 unpredictable.
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    风味成分 Flavor Ingredients
    香水成分 Fragrance Ingredients
    功能成分 Functional Ingredients
    发生在伯杰 Happening at Berje
    产品清单 Products List:视图 View
    产品 Product(s):
    醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
  • BOC Sciences
    最好的化学品供应商 Best of Chemicals Supplier
    研究化学品和生化试剂(包括抑制剂)的优质供应商 Quality supplier of research chemicals and biochemicals including inhibitors, 建筑模块 building blocks, gmp产品 GMP Products, 杂质和代谢物 impurities and metabolites, 兽医用api APIs for Veterinary, 天然化合物 Natural Compounds, adcs ADCs, 干细胞分子和手性化合物。 Stem Cell Molecule and chiral compounds.
    卡波普® ultrez 21聚合物是我们用途最广泛的个 护理聚合物。它是一种疏水改性的交联丙烯酸酯共聚物,旨在有效地增稠 BOC Sciences provides a wide range of services to support the pharmaceutical industry through all stages of drug discovery including Custom Synthesis of those chemicals that are not in stock, 同位素标记服务 Isotope Labeling Service, 手性合成与拆分 Chiral Synthesis and Resolution, 生物共轭 Bioconjugation, 聚乙二醇化服务 PEGylation services, 分析服务。 analytical services.
    boc sciences是bocsci inc。的品牌。我们利用我们在发展领域的广泛业务 BOC Sciences is a brand of BOCSCI Inc. We leverage our wide spectrum of business in the fields of development, 制造业 manufacturing, marketing, 和分销,以帮助您根据不断变化的优质化学品需求制定最明智的决策。我们完整的cro服务套件涵盖了整个分子开发流程,包括用于目标识别的合同研究 and distribution to help you make best-informed decisions tailored to your evolving needs for premium chemicals. Our complete suite of CRO services spans the entire molecule development pipeline including contract research for target identification, 建筑模块 building blocks, 化合物合成 compound synthesis, 生化和细胞分析 biochemical and cellular analysis, 临床前动物试验 preclinical animal tests, 和临床研究。 and clinical studies.
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    产品 Product(s):
    110-41-8醛c-12 mna 95% 110-41-8 Aldehyde C-12 Mna 95%
  • CJ Latta & Associates
    粗线 Extensive Line
    芳香族化学品和有机酸。 Aromatic Chemicals and Organic Acids.
    CJ Latta & Associates is a 发行 distributor of 香基/香型 特别 specialty aromatics and organic acids acids 用过的 used in the 公式 formulation of flavors and fragrance 制造的 制造 manufactured worldwide. 我们 We 自豪 pride 我们自己 ourselves on our 声誉 reputation for, 公平定价 fair pricing, 质量和可靠性。我们的业务建立在为客户成功地采购和开发许多具有挑战性的特种化学品和精细成分上。 quality and reliability. We’ve built our business on successfully sourcing and developing many challenging specialty chemicals and fine ingredients for our clients.
    电子邮件 Email:Information
    我们的电子邮件 US Email: 芯片 Chip Latta
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    我们的电子邮件 US Email: 芯片 Chip Latta
    语音 Voice:
    (630) 240-8079
    产品 Product(s):
  • ECSA Chemicals
    国际贸易与分销 International trading and distribution
    ecsa集团为这些业务领域的客户提供了完整的“一站式购物”解决方案。 ECSA Group offers its customers in these business segments a complete 'one-stop shopping' solution.
    成立一百周年 A hundred years on from its establishment, emanuele centonze holding sa已在瑞士和欧洲发展壮大。 the Emanuele Centonze Holding SA has developed a solid presence in Switzerland and in Europe. 该组目前包括 The Group currently includes: ecsa化学品股份公司/ srl社会股份公司– ecsa维护股份公司– ecsa能源sa –提契诺州门户网站简单 easy stop sa。
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    产品 Product(s):
    醛c 12 mna Aldehyde C 12 MNA
  • Firmenich
    我们创造 We Create
    我们为世界上最理想的品牌生产香水和香精。 We create perfumes and flavors for the World's most desirable brands.
    芬美意是香水和香精业务中最大的私 公司。瑞士和家族所有 Firmenich is the largest privately-owned company in the perfume and flavor business. Swiss and family owned, 一百多年来,我们创造了许多世界上最受欢迎的香水,并生产出许多我们每天喜欢的最著名的香料。 we have created many of the world’s favorite perfumes for over 100 years and produced a number of the most well known flavors we enjoy each day.
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:弗雷德·凯弗 Fred Keifer
    我们的声音 US Voice:
    +1 609 452 1000
    我们传真 US Fax:
    +1 609 452 6077
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    产品 Product(s):
    907771醛mna犹太洁食 907771 ALDEHYDE MNA Kosher, 清真 Halal
    持久清新的音符,带来绽放和明亮感。 A long-lasting fresh and clean note that brings bloom and brightness 适用于几乎所有类型的香水。 to virtually all fragrance types.
    乙醛 ALDEHYDE MNA is key in citrus to 加强 reinforce 有皮的笔记。它也加强了 the peely notes. It also strenghten 水果和坚果口味的背景说明。 background notes for fruit and nut flavors.
  • Indukern F&F
    对质量的承诺 Commitment to quality
    idukern f& f成分是您芳香和增香成分的合作伙伴。 Idukern F&F Ingredients is your partner for the fragrance and flavor ingredients.
    indukern f& f特别注重其为客户提供的服务质量 Indukern F&F focuses in particular on the service it offers its clients in terms of quality, 快速和直接的咨询服务,有1600多种不同的库存产品,可立即发货 speed and direct consultancy with more than 1600 different products in stock ready for prompt shipment: 芳香化学品 Aromachemicals, 精油和天然分离物。 Essential Oils and Natural Isolates.
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    电子邮件 Email:luciana soares(巴西) Luciana Soares (Brazil)
    电子邮件 Email:加布里埃拉·加西亚(墨西哥) Gabriela Garcia (Mexico)
    电子邮件 Email:jorge eduardo clavijo(哥伦比亚) Jorge Eduardo Clavijo (Colombia)
    语音 Voice:
    +34 93 506 91 00
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    +34 93 506 91 95
    服务 Services
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    产品 Product(s):
    醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
  • Lluch Essence
    致力于销售和分销的家族公司 A family company dedicated to sales and distribution
    灵活性 Flexibility, 可用性 availability, 价格和质量。 price and quality.
    灵活性 Flexibility, 可用性 availability, 价格和质量使lluch精华s.l.关于精油和香精化学品的欧洲参考文献之一 price and quality make LLUCH ESSENCE S.L. one of Europe’s references when it comes to essential oils and aroma chemicals, 现在它已在世界范围内广为 知。 and it is now well known all around the world.
    电子邮件 Email:Information
    语音 Voice:
    34 93 379 38 49
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    34 93 370 65 04
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    产品 Product(s):
    醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
  • M&U International
    稳定供应需求 Steady supply & demand
    满足国内外日益增长的客户需求。 Meeting customers increasing demands at home as well as abroad.
    psi-胡萝卜素ci 75125番茄红素vit(全反式)-番茄红素全反式番茄红素反式番茄红素番茄红素10 cwd番茄红素来自大肠杆菌(Blakeslea trispora番茄红素),表达番茄红素生物合成酶番茄红素粉5%番茄红素10%ft %os lycotene 20%tg lycotene pe lycovit天然黄27 c.i. 75125(6e M&U dedicates itself to the development and production of new products as well as continuously promoting those new products. We’ve maintained a steady supply&demand relationship with a large number of manufacturers at home and abroad. We’ve developed an extensive network and because of our relationships with these manufacturers, 我们能够提供稳定优质的材料供应。我们位于中国最大的通讯枢纽 we’re able to provide a stable supply of great quality materials. We’re located in China’s largest communications hub, 上海和美国靠近东海岸最大的海港之一。我们设施的战略位置确保方便 Shanghai and in the U.S. near one of the largest sea ports on the East Coast. The strategic locations of our facilities ensure convenient, 及时安全地将我们的产品交付给客户。 prompt and secure delivery of our products to our customers.
    电子邮件 Email:销售量 Sales
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    语音 Voice:
    +86-21-32515501 60762991 60762992
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    +86-21-32515502 64204960
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    新闻 News
    产品 Product(s):
    a0482醛c-12 mna A0482 Aldehyde C-12 MNA
  • Moellhausen
    创新和承诺以卓越的名义。 Innovation and commitment in the name of excellence.
    经过50年的经营 After 50 years in business, 莫尔豪森(Moellhausen)在香料和香精行业中脱颖而出,成为全球领先的家族企业之一 Moellhausen stands out as one of the world’s leading family-run companies in the industry of flavors and fragrances, 原料 raw materials, 和特色菜。 and specialties.
    语音 Voice:
    +39 039.685.6262
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    共同成长的知识网络 A network of knowledge to grow together
    可持续发展是 Sustainability is at the foundation of a
    普及技术和全面控制 Pervasive technology and total control
    产品 Product(s):
    101257醛C12 MNA 101257 ALDEHYDE C12 MNA
    专注于提供最高水平的服务 With a focus on providing the highest level of service
    oqema已站在全球化学工业的最前沿。 OQEMA has established itself at the forefront of the global chemical industry.
    无色(用于香精)(robertet)安息香树脂精华/精粹/精萃暹 siam安息香树脂精华/精粹/精萃暹 siam 100安息香树脂精华/精粹/精萃暹 siam clair安息香暹 siam精华/精粹/精萃安息香暹 siam精华/精粹/精萃50%bb 安息香 benzoin 暹 siam精华/精粹/精萃50%dpg安息香暹 siam精华/精粹/精萃50%mpg苯甲酸暹 siam精华/精粹/精萃50%pe 安息香 benzoin暹罗精华/精粹/精萃50%三醋精安息香暹罗ht 100 abs安息香型暹罗ht超精华/精粹/精萃01安息香型暹 siam超精华/精粹/精萃01安息香型暹 siam超级精华/精粹/精萃02 styrax hyglaucus精华/精粹/精萃styrax macrothyrsus精华/精粹/精萃styrax subniveus精华/精粹/精萃styrax tonkinensis精华/精粹/精萃 , 该公司将把这种商业模式扩展到现有和新的战略领域。 the company will be expanding this business model into existing and new strategic territories.
    电子邮件 Email:联系我们 Contact Us:
    我们的电子邮件 US Email: 迪恩·马蒂安佐(院长 Dean Matienzo Matienzo)
    电子邮件 Email:销售量 Sales
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:院长matienzo-销售经理 Dean Matienzo - Sales Manager
    语音 Voice:
    +44 1993 843081
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    全球分布 Global Distribution
    产品 Product(s):
    醛c12 mna Aldehyde C12 MNA
  • Pell Wall Perfumes
    手工香精 Hand-made fragrances
    魔法墙可保持广泛的成分和为了保持库存新鲜&我们也从自己的股票中出售期权。 Pell Wall maintains a broad palette of ingredients & in order to keep stocks fresh & the options wide we also sell from our own stock.
    pell wall由香水调香师chris bartlett创立,旨在为少数几个爱他们的 提供独家手工制作的香水。 Pell Wall was founded by perfumer Chris Bartlett to provide exclusive hand-made fragrances to a select few people who love them. 我们所有的产品都是使用优质原料制成的 All our products are created using fine quality ingredients, 其中许多我们还出售给其他调香师和发烧友。 many of which we also offer for sale to other perfumers and enthusiasts. 咒墙为男士制造香水 Pell Wall make fragrances for men, 为妇女和家庭。 for women and for the home.
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    产品 Product(s):
    醛c12 mna Aldehyde C12 MNA
    arctander对此充满热情 Arctander writes enthusiastically about it, 包含 including: 就醛清香而言,这种醛可能是最优选的香料醛之一。它与加蓬很好地融合 “This aldehyde is probably one of the most preferred perfumery aldehydes with respect to �aldehydic topnote’. It blends very well with Galbanum, 己烯基家族或甲基苯基羰基酯 the Hexenyl family or the Methyl phenyl carbinyl esters, the 甲基紫罗兰酮 Methyl-ionones or with 橡苔 Oakmoss. � it It 借 lends 优秀的 excellent notes to a tabac&rsquo �Tabac’ base and 混合 b借 lends well with 香根草 Vetiver for 这样 such 目的 purpose. In 含羞草 Mimosa it 将 will supply 部分 part of the 特有 peculiar 干燥 dry notes, 在安布雷香水中,它几乎是不可避免的成分。姜油和鼠尾草可达到有趣的效果。 and in Ambre fragrances it is an almost inevitable component. Interesting effects are achieved with Ginger oil and Clary Sage.”
  • Penta International
    化学创新 Chemistry innovation
    在五角 At Penta, 我们的产品和服务可帮助企业更好地开展业务。 our products and services help businesses do business better.
    超过30年 For over 30 years, penta制造业公司在全球化学创新和应用中扮演着越来越重要的角色。作为行业领导者 Penta Manufacturing Company has played a growing role in worldwide chemistry innovations and applications. As an industry leader, penta继续为几乎每个商业领域开拓基于化学的解决方案。我们的产品和香基/香型知识帮助推动了包括调味剂在内的数十种商业应用的技术进步 Penta continues to pioneer chemistry-based solutions for practically every area of commerce. Our products and expertise have helped fuel technical advances in dozens of commercial applications including flavoring, 染色 coloring, 香料和化学工艺。 fragrances and chemical processes.
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:技术服务 Technical Services
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    (973) 740-1839
    产品 Product(s):
    01-14600醛C-12 MNA 01-14600 ALDEHYDE C-12 MNA
    01-14610醛C-12 MNA fcc FCC
  • PerfumersWorld
    感觉……气味! feeeel... the smell!
    创意调香师的一站式资源。 The one-stop resource for the creative perfumer.
    没有最低订购量。香气化学品 No minimum orders. Aroma chemicals, 精油 essential oils, 分离物 isolates, 信息素 pheremones, 精华/精粹/精萃 absolutes, 树脂类 resinoids, fleuressenceTM关键基地 FleuressenceTM key bases, pwx factortm PWx FactorTM, 增溶剂 solubilizers, 套件 kits, 创作系统 creation systems, 工作坊 workshops, 训练 training, 远程教育 distance learning, 调香师世界的调香师工作室 The PerfumersWorld Perfumer's Studio, 调香师配方公告 The Perfumer’s Formulation Bulletin, 香水软件 perfumery software, 定制创建 bespoke creation, 分析 analysis, 咨询服务 consultancy, 项目咨询 project counselling, 故障排除 trouble-shooting, 未加香的产品基础 unperfumed product bases, 瓶子 bottles, 闻带 smelling strips, 秤 scales, 蒸馏 distillation, 设备和灵感! equipment and inspiration!
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    产品 Product(s):
    4ag00022 2-醛c-12 mna 4AG00022 2-Aldehyde C-12 MNA
    叶绿素双荧光激发能用于评估光梯度下温带树种叶片中吸收紫外线的酚类化合物含量的变化吗? Blends-well-with - +Clary Sage Fixer For This Aldehyde +Olibanum Fixer For This Aldehyde +Labdanum Fixer For This Aldehyde +Oakmoss Fixer For This Aldehyde +Musks Fixer For This Aldehyde
    5ag07528 2-醛c-12 mna的dpg DPG含量为10%
  • SRS Aromatics
    超过25年 For over 25 years
    将风味和芬芳带入您的世界。 Bringing flavour and fragrance into your world.
    作为香精香料行业原料的供应商/分销商 As suppliers / distributors of ingredients to the fragrance and flavour industries, 我们的目标是以具有竞争力的价格提供优质的材料,并提供卓越的服务水平。 our goal is to provide high quality materials at competitive prices with an exceptional level of service. 成立于1984年 Established in 1984, 蒸馏 distillation柏叶和嫩枝蒸馏后的精油收率相对较低。蒸汽蒸馏非常耗时,因为有必要继续蒸馏直到高沸点和更有价值的成分在低蒸汽压力下经过12到18个 。 我们业务的核心目标是与我们的供应商和客户密切合作,以最大程度地提高服务水平,同时最大程度地减少供应中断。 A core aim of our business is to work extremely closely with both our suppliers and customers to maximise service levels with minimum disruption to supply.
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    产品 Product(s):
    醛c-12(mna) ALDEHYDE C-12 (MNA)
  • Symrise
    总是诱骗更多 Always Insiring More
    香气分子独特创新香精的化妆品成分 Symrise aroma molecules & cosmetic ingredients for unique and innovative fragrances, 香料和化妆品。 flavors and cosmetics.
    我们是全球公认的领先香精供应商 We are globally recognized as a leading provider of fragrances, 香水的香精和活性成分以及香气化学物质 flavors and active ingredients as well as aroma chemicals for the perfume, 化妆品 Cosmetics, 制药业 pharmaceutical, 食品和饮料行业。 food and beverage industries. 我们结合了有关消费者的知识通过创造力和突破性技术不断变化的需求。在这样做 We combine our knowledge about consumers’ ever- changing needs with creativity and ground-breaking technologies. In doing so, 我们专注于为客户提供附加值的解决方案的开发。 we concentrate on the development of solutions that provide our customers with added value. 我们允许员工和股东分享我们公司的成功,从而确保持续的价值创造。 We ensure sustained value creation by allowing our employees and shareholders to share our Company’s success.
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:生活必需品 Life Essentials
    电子邮件 Email:香气分子 Aroma Molecules
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    产品 Product(s):
    656021醛c12 mna 656021 Aldehyde C12 MNA
  • Taytonn
    供应亚太 Supplying Asia Pacific
    我们充分了解餐饮行业的需求,并努力提供优质的产品 We fully understand the demands of the F&F industry and we endeavour to supply quality products, 随时可用,并提供个性化服务。 with ready availability and a personalised service.
    自2001年以来,taytonn一直在向亚洲的香料和香精行业分销关键成分。 Since 2001 TAYTONN has been distributing key ingredients to the Fragrance and Flavor industry in Asia. 我们与客户紧密合作 We work closely with customers, 委托 和供应商。我们一起预测需求并将其与芳香化学品的供应匹配 principals and vendors. Together we forecast demand and match it with supply of aroma chemicals, 香精油和天然分离物提取物。 essential oils and natural isolates & extracts. 来自世界各地 Sourced from around the world, 我们在新加坡的f& f原料库存可随时运至亚洲及其他地区。 our F&F ingredient inventory in Singapore is ready to ship to any location in Asia and beyond. 一次又一次 Time and again, 我们帮助校长向餐饮市场引入新发现-激发创造力并为客户带来增值主张。 we help our principals introduce new discoveries to the F&F market - stimulating creativity and bringing value added proposition to our customers.
    电子邮件 Email:Information
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    语音 Voice:
    + 65 - 6861 8113
    传真 Fax:
    + 65 - 6861 8115
    产品 Product(s):
    醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
  • Igreatlife Health
    香水创作者 Fragrance Creators
    为您的香水创作。 For your fragrance creations.
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:销售量 Sales
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    产品 Product(s):
    2-甲基十一烷(醛c-12 mna) 2 - Methyl Undecanal (aldehyde C-12 mna)
  • The John D. Walsh Company
    自1942年以来的供应商 Suppliers Since 1942
    在克罗恩斯病小鼠模型中同时抑制th1 / th17。 Supplying the fragrance and flavor industry with high quality products.
    The John D. Walsh Company, 公司从最初的代理商/经纪 发展为精油分销商 Inc. has evolved from its beginnings as an agent/broker into a distributor of essential oils, 香气化学品 aroma chemicals, 浸膏 concretes and 精华/精粹/精萃 absolutes. 我们 We 目前 当前 currently 代表 re当下 present the 以下 following 公司 companies, 作为他们的北美分销商 as their North American distributor: 灭蚊 Destilerias munoz galvez , s.a. S.A. 国际风味香精 International Flavors & Fragrances pfw芳香化学品公司 PFW Aroma Chemicals B.V. 唯诺威德有限公司 Innospec Widnes Limited 危地马拉水扩散 Hydrodiffusion de Guatemala, s。一个。 S. A. dsm营养产品 DSM Nutritional Products The John D. Walsh Company, 公司能够成为ifeat的创始成员而感到自豪 Inc. is proud to be a founding member of IFEAT, 伊法拉的活跃成员 an active member of IFRA, 北美 North America, 以及wffc的公司赞助商。 and a corporate sponsor of the WFFC.
    电子邮件 Email:Information
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    电子邮件 Email:芬美意风味查询 Firmenich Flavor inquiries
    语音 Voice:
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    芬美意风味手机 Firmenich Flavor Phone:973-962-1888
    芬美意风味传真 Firmenich Flavor Fax:973-962-1898
    历史 History
    产品 Product(s):
    醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
  • The Lermond Company
    您的采购资源 Your Sourcing Resource
    lermond家族已经为香料和香精行业采购了将近7年的原材料。 The Lermond family has been sourcing raw materials for the flavor and fragrance industry for nearly 7 decades.
    The Lermond Company is a 妇女拥有 女 women-拥有的 owned 发行 distributor of 原料 raw materials 主要 primarily 维修 servicing the flavor and fragrance 行业 industry. For 三 three 世代 generations, 成员 会员 members of the Lermond 家庭 family 有 have been been 积分 integral 采购 sourcing 伙伴 伙伴 部分 partners for the 北美 North American flavor and fragrance 行业 industry. 我们 We supply 高 high quality 精油 essential oils, 香气化学品 aroma chemicals, 精华/精粹/精萃 absolutes, 浸膏 concretes, 从世界各地到全球工业的树脂和花卉用水。 resinoids and floral waters from around the world to the global industry.
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    产品 Product(s):
    10472醛c-12 mna 10472 ALDEHYDE C-12 MNA
  • R C Treatt & Co Ltd
    创新成分解决方案 Innovative ingredient solutions
    世界领先的风味创新配料解决方案提供商 World-leading innovative ingredient solutions provider for the flavour, 香水和fmcg行业。 fragrance and FMCG industries.
    我们为客户提供创新和引领潮流的产品概念 We offer innovative and trend-setting product concepts for our customers, 与他们合作,为他们的产品创造真正的价值。 collaborating with them to create true value for their products.
    电子邮件 Email:询问 Enquiries
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    产品 Product(s):
    醛c-12 m.n.a. Aldehyde C-12 M.N.A.
  • Ernesto Ventós
    持续的客户满意度 Continued Customer Satisfaction
    我们运用五种感官来做好我们的工作。 We employ our five senses to do our job well.
    ventós专门从事香料和香料行业的原材料分配。永久有超过1700份参考文献有现货供应 Ventós has specialized in the distribution of raw materials for the flavour and fragrance industry. With more than 1700 references permanently available from stock, 我们会及时响应客户需求 we offer a just-in-time response to our customer needs, 存在 being able to 交付 deliver from 1kg to several 公吨 tonnes all 过度 over the world.
    电子邮件 Email:Information
    电子邮件 Email:杰玛帕拉蒙(欧洲) Gemma Parramon (Europe)
    我们的电子邮件 US Email:jordi sort(北欧和我们) Jordi Sort (Northern Europe and US)
    电子邮件 Email:奥利维亚·高铁(亚洲 Olivia Gautier (Asia, 非洲和大洋洲) Africa and Oceania )
    电子邮件 Email:拉蒙·鲁保(拉丁美洲) Ramon Rubau (Latin America)
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    产品 Product(s):
    醛c-12 mna firmenich 907771 ALDEHYDE C-12 MNA FIRMENICH 907771
    醛c-12 mna kao ALDEHYDE C-12 MNA KAO
  • Vigon International
    对简单的热情 Passion for Simplicity
    优质香精香料成分的制造商和供应商。 Manufacturer and supplier of high quality flavor and fragrance ingredients.
    vigon的增长和成功很大程度上归功于vigon在行业内发展并建立的独特的企业理念 The growth and success of Vigon is due in large part to a unique corporate concept that Vigon has developed and established within the industry: 创新的伙伴关系。这种伙伴关系概念一直并将继续是vigon所有活动的基础和指导原则。 Creative Partnerships. This partnership concept has been and continues to be the foundation and guiding principle for all of Vigon's activities.
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    产品 Product(s):
    502732醛c-12 mna 502732 Aldehyde C-12 MNA
  • WholeChem
    将创新者连接到宇宙的组成部分 Connecting Innovators To the Building Blocks Of the Universe
    特殊成分的定制制造商和分销商。我们将全球本地化。 Custom manufacturer and distributor of specialty ingredients. We make global local.
    我们的成功归功于我们 We owe our success to our 正直 integrity, 我们的奉献精神 our dedication 对行业 to the industry, and 我们对客户的承诺。 our commitment to our clients. 我们邀请您的询问 We invite your inquiries 关于我们当前的产品 regarding our current product 清单和其他产品 list and any other products 你可能有麻烦 you may be having trouble 采购。 sourcing.
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    语音 Voice:
    +1 (262) 995.8668
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    产品清单 Products List:视图 View
    产品 Product(s):
    2-甲基十一烷 2-Methyl undecanal
香水典型/定制配方-请咨询我们索取 Fragrance Demo Formulas
风味演示配方 Flavor Demo Formulas
CAS号 CAS Number: 110-41-8Picture of molecule3D/INCHI
其他 Other:135026-96-9
echa ECHA einecs EINECS - REACH 预注册 Pre-Reg:203-765-0
nikkaji网站 Nikkaji Web:J127.230F
贝尔斯坦数 Beilstein Number:1758291
MDL :mfcd00006990 MFCD00006990
代号 CoE Number:2010
XlogP3-AA:4.90(est) 4.90 (est)
分子量 Molecular Weight:184.32248000
式 Formula:c12 h24 o C12 H24 O
核磁共振预测器 NMR Predictor:预测(适用于Chrome或Firefox) Predict (works with chrome or firefox)
 (s)-2-甲基十一烷 (S)-2-methyl undecanal
类别 Category:flavor and fragrance agents
美国 US/欧盟 EU/ fda / jecfa / fema / Flavis / 文献 Scholar /专利 Patent :
谷歌学术 Google Scholar:搜索 Search
谷歌书 Google Books:搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "volatile"搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "flavor"搜索 Search
谷歌学术 Google Scholar: with word "odor"搜索 Search
调香师和调味师 Perfumer and Flavorist:搜索 Search
谷歌专利 Google Patents:搜索 Search
美国专利 US Patents:搜索 Search
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pubchem专利 Pubchem Patents:搜索 Search
已发布 PubMed:搜索 Search
NCBI:搜索 Search
jecfa食品调味料 JECFA Food Flavoring:275 2-甲基十一碳烷醛 275 2-methylundecanal
Flavis号码 FLAVIS Number:05.077(旧) 05.077 (Old)
dg sante食品调味料 DG SANTE Food Flavourings:05.077 2-甲基十一烷 05.077 2-methylundecanal
fema号 FEMA Number:2749 2-methylundecanal
自由贸易区 FDA:不再提供这七种合成调味剂的使用 No longer provide for the use of these seven synthetic flavoring substances
fda mainterm(satf) FDA Mainterm (SATF):110-41-8 ; 2-METHYLUNDECANAL
自由贸易区法规 FDA Regulation:
Sub部分 part f--调味 F--调味料 味道 Flavoring 代理商 Agents and 有关 Related Substances
Sec. 172.515 合成的 Synthetic flavoring 物质 substances and adjuvants.
物理性质 Physical Properties:
出现 Appearance:无色至浅黄澄清液体(est) colorless to pale yellow clear liquid (est)
化验 Assay: 98.00至100.00 98.00 to 100.00
食品化学品法典列表 Food Chemicals Codex Listed: 是 Yes
比重 Specific Gravity:0.82200 to 0.83000 @ 25.00 °C.
磅每加仑-(est)。 Pounds per Gallon - (est).: 6.840 to 6.906
比重 Specific Gravity:0.82300 to 0.83100 @ 20.00 °C.
磅每加仑-est。 Pounds per Gallon - est.: 6.856 to 6.923
折光率 Refractive Index:1.43000 to 1.43600 @ 20.00 °C.
沸点 Boiling Point: 171.00 °C. @ 760.00 mm 汞 Hg
沸点 Boiling Point: 233.00 °C. @ 760.00 mm 汞 Hg
酸值 Acid Value: 最多2.00酸/克 2.00 max. KOH/g
蒸汽压力 Vapor Pressure:1.428000 毫米汞柱 mm汞 Hg @ 25.00 °C. (est)
蒸气密度 Vapor Density:>1 ( 空气 Air = 1 )
闪点 Flash Point: 200.00 °F. tcc TCC ( 93.33 °C. )
logp(o / w) logP (o/w): 4.834(est) 4.834 (est)
保质期 Shelf Life: 如果正确存放,则为12.00个月或更长时间。 12.00 month(s) or longer if stored properly.
存储 Storage:存放在阴凉处 store in cool, 干燥处,密封容器中 dry place in tightly sealed containers, 免受热和光照。在氮气下储存。 protected from heat and light. store under nitrogen.
存储 Storage:在氮气下储存。 store under nitrogen.
溶于 Soluble in:
 二丙烯 dipropylene glycol
 fixed oils
 石蜡 paraffin oil
 水 water, 5.372 mg / l @ 25°c(est) 5.372 mg/L @ 25 °C (est)
不溶于 Insoluble in:
 水 water
 甘油 glycerin
稳定性 Stability:
 碱 alkalis
 胺类 amines
 氨 ammonia
 止汗药 antiperspirant
 奶油 cream
 除臭剂 deodorant 喷雾 spray
 洗涤剂 detergent 粉 powder
 头发 hair 喷雾 spray
 家庭 household product
 non-dis染色 coloring in most media
 洗头 shampoo
 肥皂 soap
 滑石粉 talcum 粉 powder
感官特性 Organoleptic Properties:
气味类型 Odor Type: aldehydic
气味强度 Odor Strength:高 high ,
建议在1.00%或更少的溶液中闻到 recommend smelling in a 1.00 % solution or less
实体性 Substantivity:388 于100.00% 388 hour(s) at 100.00 %
fresh amber aldehydic mossy citrus tuberose metallic waxy coumarinic
气味描述 Odor Description:at 1.00 % in 二丙烯 dipropylene glycol. 新鲜的琥珀醛苔藓柑橘晚香玉金属蜡状香豆素 fresh amber aldehydic mossy citrus tuberose metallic waxy coumarinic
Luebke, 威廉 William RBC, (1984)
来自的气味样本 Odor sample from: 奇华顿公司 Givaudan Corporation
gassy metallic waxy coumarinic citrus
气味描述 Odor Description:高气的 Gassy, 扩散的 diffusive, metallic, waxy, with coumarin and 柑橘细微差别 citrus nuances
Mosciano, 杰拉德·皮芙19 Gerard P&F 19, 2 No. 2, 55, (1994)
风味类型 Flavor Type: waxy
waxy fatty metallic citrus
口味描述 Taste Description: at 2.00 百万分之几 ppm. 蜡状的 Waxy, fatty, metallic, with 柑橘细微差别 citrus nuances
Mosciano, 杰拉德·皮芙19 Gerard P&F 19, 2 No. 2, 55, (1994)
来自其他 的气味和/或风味描述(如果找到)。 Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
Bedoukian Research
2-甲基十一烷 2-Methyl undecanal
气味描述 Odor Description:A 干燥 dry 琥珀 amber-喜欢 like 草本的 herbaceous odor
用过的 采用 我们 Used as 琥珀味 amber note in 前记 topnote 复合体 complexes.
口味描述 Taste Description:waxy fatty
An 有趣 interesting 前记 topnote for 果 fruit flavors 这样 such as 桃子 p每 each and 杏 apricot.
醛mna犹太洁食 ALDEHYDE MNA Kosher, 清真 Halal
气味描述 Odor Description:柑橘的经典而有力的醛 A classical and powerful aldehyde with citrus, fresh, 臭氧的 ozonic and 略 s光 lightly 琥珀 ambery tones
持久清新的音符,带来绽放和明亮感。 A long-lasting fresh and clean note that brings bloom and brightness 适用于几乎所有类型的香水。 to virtually all fragrance types.
口味描述 Taste Description:有皮的 Peely, citrus, aldehydic and fatty notes
乙醛 ALDEHYDE MNA is key in citrus to 加强 reinforce 有皮的笔记。它也加强了 the peely notes. It also strenghten 水果和坚果口味的背景说明。 background notes for fruit and nut flavors.
奇华顿 Givaudan
醛c 12 mna纯 Aldehyde C 12 MNA Pure
气味描述 Odor Description:醛 Aldehydic, 干燥 dry , 琥珀 AMBERY, Warm
该产品是脂肪醛家族中的经典产品。它广泛用于所有类型的香水中,但与花香特别融合 This product is a classic in the family of fatty aldehydes. It is widely used in all types of perfumery but blends particularly well with floral, 木本 woody, 琥珀和烟草协定。良好的织物直接性。 amber and tobacco accords. Good fabric substantivity.
口味描述 Taste Description:蜡质脂肪金属柑橘 waxy fatty metallic citrus
醛c12 mna Aldehyde C12 MNA
气味描述 Odor Description:非常密集 very intensive, 韧性比较好 relatively good tenacity, 醛香,带有细腻的龙涎香和香气。 aldehydic with nuances reminiscent of ambergris and incense
口味描述 Taste Description:干果味,带蜂蜜果味 dry fruit taste with honey-nut note
醛c12 mna Aldehyde C12 MNA
气味描述 Odor Description:花的 floreal,新鲜(橙色) fresh (orange), 琥珀味 amber note
口味描述 Taste Description:waxy, fatty, metallic, 柑橘细微差别 citrus nuances
2-醛c-12 mna 2-Aldehyde C-12 MNA
气味描述 Odor Description:fresh amber citrus moss tuberose fresh 橙子 o范围 range amber 扩散的 diffusive 针叶树 conifer 干燥 dry-果味的 fruity 蜜糖 Honey Nut
叶绿素双荧光激发能用于评估光梯度下温带树种叶片中吸收紫外线的酚类化合物含量的变化吗? Blends-well-with - +Clary Sage Fixer For This Aldehyde +Olibanum Fixer For This Aldehyde +Labdanum Fixer For This Aldehyde +Oakmoss Fixer For This Aldehyde +Musks Fixer For This Aldehyde
Pell Wall Perfumes
醛c12 mna Aldehyde C12 MNA
气味描述 Odor Description:fresh, amber, aldehydic, moss, 出汗的麝香 sweaty-musk, citrus, tuberose, metallic, waxy, coumarinic
arctander对此充满热情 Arctander writes enthusiastically about it, 包含 including: 就醛清香而言,这种醛可能是最优选的香料醛之一。它与加蓬很好地融合 “This aldehyde is probably one of the most preferred perfumery aldehydes with respect to �aldehydic topnote’. It blends very well with Galbanum, 己烯基家族或甲基苯基羰基酯 the Hexenyl family or the Methyl phenyl carbinyl esters, the 甲基紫罗兰酮 Methyl-ionones or with 橡苔 Oakmoss. … it It 借 lends 优秀的 excellent notes to a tabac&rsquo �Tabac’ base and 混合 b借 lends well with 香根草 Vetiver for 这样 such 目的 purpose. In 含羞草 Mimosa it 将 will supply 部分 part of the 特有 peculiar 干燥 dry notes, 在安布雷香水中,它几乎是不可避免的成分。姜油和鼠尾草可达到有趣的效果。 and in Ambre fragrances it is an almost inevitable component. Interesting effects are achieved with Ginger oil and Clary Sage.”
化妆品信息 Cosmetic Information:
CosIng:化妆品数据 cosmetic data
化妆品用途 Cosmetic Uses: 加香剂 perfuming agents
供应商 Suppliers:
Associate Allied Chemicals
醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
Augustus Oils
醛c12 mna Aldehyde C12 MNA
服务 Services
Azelis UK
服务 Services
Bedoukian Research
2-甲基十一烷 2-Methyl undecanal
气味 For Odor: A 干燥 dry 琥珀 amber-喜欢 like 草本的 herbaceous odor
采用 我们 Use: 用过的 采用 我们 Used as 琥珀味 amber note in 前记 topnote 复合体 complexes.
味道 Flavor: waxy fatty
An 有趣 interesting 前记 topnote for 果 fruit flavors 这样 such as 桃子 p每 each and 杏 apricot.
Beijing Lys Chemicals
2-甲基十一烷 2-Methyl undecanal
醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
发生在伯杰 Happening at Berje
BOC Sciences
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
醛c-12 mna 95% Aldehyde C-12 Mna 95%
CJ Latta & Associates
创建 creationperfume.com
醛c-12 mna(firmenich) Aldehyde C-12 MNA (Firmenich)
扩散香气 Diffusions Aromatiques
醛c12 mna Aldehyde C12 MNA
ECSA Chemicals
醛c 12 mna Aldehyde C 12 MNA
公司简介 Company Profile
Ernesto Ventós
醛c-12 mna firmenich 907771 ALDEHYDE C-12 MNA FIRMENICH 907771
气味 For Odor: CITRUS, 新鲜 FRESH, 臭氧的 OZONIC, 琥珀 AMBERY
Ernesto Ventós
醛c-12 mna kao ALDEHYDE C-12 MNA KAO
气味 For Odor: 草药 HERBAL, 膨胀的 EXPANSIVE, 干燥 dry
犹太洁食 Kosher, 清真 Halal
气味 For Odor: 柑橘的经典而有力的醛 A classical and powerful aldehyde with citrus, fresh, 臭氧的 ozonic and 略 s光 lightly 琥珀 ambery tones
采用 我们 Use: 持久清新的音符,带来绽放和明亮感。 A long-lasting fresh and clean note that brings bloom and brightness 适用于几乎所有类型的香水。 to virtually all fragrance types.
味道 Flavor: 有皮的 Peely, citrus, aldehydic and fatty notes
乙醛 ALDEHYDE MNA is key in citrus to 加强 reinforce 有皮的笔记。它也加强了 the peely notes. It also strenghten 水果和坚果口味的背景说明。 background notes for fruit and nut flavors.
奇华顿 Givaudan
醛c 12 mna纯 Aldehyde C 12 MNA Pure
气味 For Odor: 醛 Aldehydic, 干燥 dry , 琥珀 AMBERY, Warm
采用 我们 Use: 该产品是脂肪醛家族中的经典产品。它广泛用于所有类型的香水中,但与花香特别融合 This product is a classic in the family of fatty aldehydes. It is widely used in all types of perfumery but blends particularly well with floral, 木本 woody, 琥珀和烟草协定。良好的织物直接性。 amber and tobacco accords. Good fabric substantivity.
Indukern F&F
醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
气味 For Odor: 醛 Aldehydic, 橙子 ORANGE
花王公司 Kao Corporation
醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
气味 For Odor: 强大的干琥珀 Powerful dry amber like
Lluch Essence
醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
气味 For Odor: 像 AMBAR LIKE, 新鲜 FRESH, 橙子 ORANGE
M&U International
醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
醛c12 mna Aldehyde C12 MNA
气味 For Odor: 花的 floreal,新鲜(橙色) fresh (orange), 琥珀味 amber note
味道 Flavor: waxy, fatty, metallic, 柑橘细微差别 citrus nuances
纳加尔 Nagar 哈维利 Haveli香水和芳香剂
2-甲基十一烷(醛c-12 mna) 2 - Methyl Undecanal (aldehyde C-12 mna)
气味 For Odor: 新鲜的琥珀醛苔藓柑橘晚香玉金属蜡状香豆素 fresh amber aldehydic mossy citrus tuberose metallic waxy coumarinic
醛c12 mna Aldehyde C12 MNA
Pell Wall Perfumes
醛c12 mna Aldehyde C12 MNA
气味 For Odor: fresh, amber, aldehydic, moss, 出汗的麝香 sweaty-musk, citrus, tuberose, metallic, waxy, coumarinic
采用 我们 Use: arctander对此充满热情 Arctander writes enthusiastically about it, 包含 including: 就醛清香而言,这种醛可能是最优选的香料醛之一。它与加蓬很好地融合 “This aldehyde is probably one of the most preferred perfumery aldehydes with respect to �aldehydic topnote’. It blends very well with Galbanum, 己烯基家族或甲基苯基羰基酯 the Hexenyl family or the Methyl phenyl carbinyl esters, the 甲基紫罗兰酮 Methyl-ionones or with 橡苔 Oakmoss. � it It 借 lends 优秀的 excellent notes to a tabac&rsquo �Tabac’ base and 混合 b借 lends well with 香根草 Vetiver for 这样 such 目的 purpose. In 含羞草 Mimosa it 将 will supply 部分 part of the 特有 peculiar 干燥 dry notes, 在安布雷香水中,它几乎是不可避免的成分。姜油和鼠尾草可达到有趣的效果。 and in Ambre fragrances it is an almost inevitable component. Interesting effects are achieved with Ginger oil and Clary Sage.”
Penta International
醛C-12 MNA fcc FCC
Penta International
醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
调料供应屋 Perfumer Supply House
醛c12 mna(2-甲基十一碳烯醛) Aldehyde C12 MNA (2-Methyl Undecanal)
气味 For Odor: 琥珀 AMBERY, mossy, citrus, tuberose, 香豆素有点金属质感,带有蜡状底色 coumarin somewhat metallic with waxy undertones
2-醛C-12甲基丙烯酸钠10%于dpg DPG
2-醛c-12 mna 2-Aldehyde C-12 MNA
气味 For Odor: fresh amber citrus moss tuberose fresh 橙子 o范围 range amber 扩散的 diffusive 针叶树 conifer 干燥 dry-果味的 fruity 蜜糖 Honey Nut
采用 我们 Use: 叶绿素双荧光激发能用于评估光梯度下温带树种叶片中吸收紫外线的酚类化合物含量的变化吗? Blends-well-with - +Clary Sage Fixer For This Aldehyde +Olibanum Fixer For This Aldehyde +Labdanum Fixer For This Aldehyde +Oakmoss Fixer For This Aldehyde +Musks Fixer For This Aldehyde
prasad有机物 Prasad Organics
醛c12 mna Aldehyde C12 MNA
R C Treatt & Co Ltd
醛c-12 m.n.a. Aldehyde C-12 M.N.A.
轮回菲希特纳 Reincke & Fichtner
圣克鲁斯生物技术 Santa Cruz Biotechnology
仅供实验/研究使用。 For experimental / research use only.
SRS Aromatics
醛c-12(mna) ALDEHYDE C-12 (MNA)
气味 For Odor: 新鲜 FRESH, CITRUS, 金属的 Metallic, 蜡状的 Waxy
醛c12 mna Aldehyde C12 MNA
气味 For Odor: 非常密集 very intensive, 韧性比较好 relatively good tenacity, 醛香,带有细腻的龙涎香和香气。 aldehydic with nuances reminiscent of ambergris and incense
味道 Flavor: 干果味,带蜂蜜果味 dry fruit taste with honey-nut note
醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
气味 For Odor: 琥珀/琥珀 Amber/ Ambery, 干燥 dry , 草药/草本 Herbal/ Herbaceous
Igreatlife Health
2-甲基十一烷(醛c-12 mna) 2 - Methyl Undecanal (aldehyde C-12 mna)
气味 For Odor: 新鲜的琥珀醛苔藓柑橘晚香玉金属蜡状香豆素 fresh amber aldehydic mossy citrus tuberose metallic waxy coumarinic
The John D. Walsh Company
醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
The Lermond Company
醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
调香师的学徒 The Perfumers Apprentice
醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
气味 For Odor: 强大而扩散的干安布雷像 Powerful and diffusive dry ambre like
Vigon International
醛c-12 mna Aldehyde C-12 MNA
气味 For Odor: 非常密集 very intensive, 韧性比较好 relatively good tenacity, 醛香,带有细腻的龙涎香和香气。 aldehydic with nuances reminiscent of ambergris and incense
2-甲基十一烷 2-Methyl undecanal
安全信息 Safety Information:
首选SDS Preferred SDS: 视图 View
欧洲信息 European information :
最重要的危害 Most important hazard(s):
n-对环境有害。 N - Dangerous for the environment.
r 52/53-对水生生物有害 R 52/53 - Harmful to qauatic organisms, 可以 may 原因 cause 长期 长 long-term 不利的 adverse 效果 effects in the 水 aquatic 环境 environment.
S 02 - 保持 Keep out of the 达到 r每 each of 孩子们 children.
S 26 - In 案件 case of contact with 眼睛 眼睛 eyes, 冲洗 rinse 立即 immediately with 充裕 plenty of 水 water and 寻求 seek 医疗 medical advice.
S 36 - 穿 我们 Wear 适当 suitable 保护性 protective 服装 clothing.
S 61 - 避免 Avoid release to the 环境 environment. 参考 Refer to 特别 special 指示 instructions/safety data sheet.
危害识别 Hazards identification
物质或混合物的分类 Classification of the substance or mixture
根据29 cfr 1910(osha hcs)进行ghs分类 GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
皮肤刺激(类别2) Skin irritation (Category 2), H315
皮肤 Skin 敏化 sensitisation (类别 Category 1), H317
Eye 刺激 irritation (类别 Category 2A), H319
Chronic 水 aquatic 毒性 toxicity (类别 Category 3), h412 H412
ghs标签元素 GHS Label elements, 包括预防性声明 including precautionary statements
象形图 Pictogramexclamation-mark.jpg
信号 Signal word 警告 Warning
危险说明 Hazard statement(s)
H315 - 原因 Causes skin 皮 刺激 irritation
H317 - 可以 May 原因 cause an 过敏的 allergic skin 皮 reaction
H319 - 原因 Causes 严重 serious 眼睛 eye 刺激 irritation
H330 - 致命 Fatal if inhaled
h412 H412 - 有害 Harmful to 水 aquatic 生活 life with 长 long 持久 持续 lasting 效果 effects
防范说明 Precautionary statement(s)
P261 - 避免 Avoid 呼吸 breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/蒸气 vapours/喷雾 spray.
P264 - 洗 Wash skin 皮 彻底地 t houroughly 后 after 处理 handling.
P272 - 污染 Contaminated 工作 work 服装 clothing 应该 should not be 允许的 allowe owed out of the 工作场所 工作 work地点 place.
P273 - 避免 Avoid release to the 环境 environment.
P280 - 穿 我们 Wear 保护性 protective 手套 g爱 loves/保护性 protective 服装 clothing/眼睛 eye 保护 protection/face 保护 protection.
P302 + P352 - if IF ON 皮肤 SKIN: 洗 wash with 充裕 plenty of 肥皂 soap and 水 water.
P305 + P351 + P338 - if IF IN 眼睛 EYES: 用水小心冲洗几分钟。摘下隐形眼镜 Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if 当下 present and 简单 easy to do. 继续 Continue 漂洗 rinsing.
P333 + P313 - if IF 皮肤 SKIN 刺激 irritation or 皮疹 rash 发生 occurs: 得到 Get 医疗 medical advice/注意 attention.
P337 + P313 - if IF 眼睛 eye 刺激 irritation 坚持 persists: 得到 Get 医疗 medical advice/注意 attention.
P362 - 采取 Take 关 off 污染 contaminated 服装 clothing and 洗 wash before 重用 reuse.
P501 - 处置 Dispose of contents/容器 container in 按照 accordance with local/区域性 regional/national/international regulations.
类经验 Human Experience:
4%溶液 4 % solution: 没有刺激或过敏。 no irritation or sensitization.
口服/肠胃外毒性 Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
口鼠 oral-rat LD50 > 5000 mg/kg
Food and 化妆品 Cosmetics 毒理学 至 Toxicology. 卷 Vol. 11, pg。 485 Pg. 485, 1973.

皮肤毒性 Dermal Toxicity:
皮肤兔子 skin 皮-rabbit LD50 > 10000 mg/kg
Food and 化妆品 Cosmetics 毒理学 至 Toxicology. 卷 Vol. 11, pg。 485 Pg. 485, 1973.

吸入毒性 Inhalation Toxicity:
未定 Not determined
使用安全信息 Safety in Use Information:
类别 Category:
flavor and fragrance agents
IFRA if IFRA 码 Code of 实践 Practice 通知 not Notification of the 49th 修正案 Amendment to the IFRA if IFRA 码 Code of 实践 Practice
推荐使用2-甲基十一烷(醛c-12 mna)的使用水平 Recommendation for 2-methyl undecanal (aldehyde C-12 mna) usage levels up to:
  在香料浓缩物中为2.000%。 2.0000 % in the fragrance concentrate.
采用 我们 Use 等级 水平 levels for FEMA GRAS flavoring 物质 substances on 哪一个 which the FEMA 专家 Expert 面板 Panel 基于 based its its 判断 judgments that the 物质 substances are 通常 generally 公认的 recognized as safe (GRAS).
The 专家 Expert 面板 Panel 也 also 发表 publishes 分离 separate 广泛 extensive 评论 reviews of scientific information on all FEMA GRAS flavoring 物质 substances and can be 发现 found at FEMA 味道 Flavor Ingredient 图书馆 Library
出版编号 publication number: 3
单击此处查看出版物3 Click here to view publication 3
 平均 average 通常 usual 百万分之几 ppm平均 average 最大 最高 maximum 百万分之几 ppm
焙烤食品 baked goods: -1.30000
饮料(不含醇) beverages(nonalcoholic): -0.31000
醇饮料 beverages(alcoholic): --
早餐麦片 breakfast cereal: --
起司 cheese: --
口香糖 chewing gum: -0.20000
调味品/调味品 condiments / relishes: --
糖果烧烤 confectionery froastings: --
蛋制品 egg products: --
脂肪/油 fats / oils: --
鱼产品 fish products: --
冷冻乳制品 frozen dairy: -0.11000
水果冰 fruit ices: -0.11000
明胶/布丁 gelatins / puddings: 0.500002.50000
砂糖 granulated sugar: --
肉汁 gravies: --
硬糖 hard candy: -0.94000
仿乳制品 imitation dairy: --
速溶咖啡/茶 instant coffee / tea: --
果酱/果冻 jams / jellies: -0.33000
肉制品 meat products: --
奶制品 milk products: --
坚果产品 nut products: --
其他谷物 other grains: --
家禽 poultry: --
加工水果 processed fruits: --
加工蔬菜 processed vegetables: --
重构蔬菜 reconstituted vegetables: --
调味料 seasonings / flavors: --
休闲食品 snack foods: --
软糖 soft candy: --
汤类 soups: --
糖替代品 sugar substitutes: --
甜酱 sweet sauces: --
安全参考 Safety references:
Epi系统 EPI System: 视图 View
EPA物质注册服务(tsca TSCA) :110-41-8
EPA ACToR:毒理学资料 Toxicology Data
EPA物质注册服务(SRS) :注册表 Registry
实验室化学安全摘要 Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary :61031
国家过敏和传染病研究所 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases:Data
德国wgk WGK Germany:1
chemidplus Chemidplus:0000110418
技术 RTECS:cas#110-41-8的yq1509000 YQ1509000 for cas# 110-41-8
参考资料 References:
莱芬韦尔 Leffingwell:手性或物品 Chirality or Article
NIST化学网络书籍 NIST Chemistry WebBook: 搜索INCHI
加拿大国内分公司。清单 Canada Domestic Sub. List:110-41-8
pubchem(cid) Pubchem (cid):61031
pubchem(sid) Pubchem (sid):135018442
其他资料 Other Information:
(iupac) (IUPAC):元素的原子量2009 Atomic Weights of the Elements 2009
(iupac) (IUPAC):元素的原子量2009(pdf) Atomic Weights of the Elements 2009 (pdf)
影片 Videos:元素周期表 The Periodic Table of Videos
RBC:本网站使用的原子量 Atomic Weights use for this web site
(iupac) (IUPAC):元素周期表 Periodic Table of the Elements
食品中添加的fda物质(以前为af) FDA Substances Added to Food (formerly EAFUS):视图 View
CHEMBL:视图 View
hmdb(人类代谢组数据库) HMDB (The Human Metabolome Database):HMDB31734
食物 FooDB:FDB008401
出口关税代码 Export Tariff Code:2912.30.0000
vcf在线 VCF-Online:食品中的挥发性有机化合物 VCF Volatile Compounds in Food
化学蜘蛛 ChemSpider:视图 View
维基百科 Wikipedia:视图 View
rsc学习化学 RSC Learn Chemistry:视图 View
潜在搅拌机 Potential Blenders and core components note
气味 For Odor
找不到这些气味组 No odor group found for these
decanal (aldehyde C-10)
十二醛 dodecanal (aldehyde C-12 月桂酸 lauric)
fresh carbaldehyde
methyl undecanal dimethyl acetal
undecenal (aldehyde C-11 undecylenic)
当归 angelica 根 root oil
闭鞘姜/云木香 costus valerolactone
香醋 balsamic
阿米香树、西印度檀香 amyris 木 wood oil
暹 siam
安息香 benzoin resinoid
benzyl salicylate
ethyl cinnamate
fir 香脂 balsam absolute
phenyl propyl alcohol
raspberry ketone acetate
黄油的 buttery
butyl butyryl lactate
焦糖色 caramellic
蜡菊 immortelle absolute
citronellyl nitrile
香叶基 geranyl nitrile
椰子 FRcoconut
壬内酯 nonalactone (aldehyde C-18 )
乳业 dairy lactone
ethyl undecylenate
juniper lactone
methyl octanoic acid
花的 floreal
异 iso
amyl salicylate
cresyl laurate
dimethyl anthranilate
dimethyl benzyl carbinol
dimethyl octanol
花的 floreal pyranol
茉莉 jasmin pyranone
linalool oxide
海洋 ocean propanal
undecen-1-yl acetate
果味的 fruity
decyl butyrate
undecalactone (aldehyde C-14 )
绿 green
香菜 cilantro 叶 leaf oil
ethyl (E)-4-decenoate
heptanal dimethyl acetal
heptyl formate
瓜 melon
水 water瓜 melon ketone
维拉莫斯 veramoss (iff if IFF)
麝香 FRmusk
异 iso
安布雷 ambrettolide
通卡 tonka
通卡 tonka bean absolute
异 iso
amyl decanoate
ethyl laurate
heptyl octanoate
myristic acid
nonanoic acid
木本 woody
岩蔷薇 cistus 枝条 twig/叶 leaf oil
愈创木 guaiac木 wood oil
methyl 雪松 ce干燥 dryl ketone
广藿香 patchouli ethanone
用于调味 For Flavor
找不到适合这些的口味组 No flavor group found for these
香醋 balsamic
香醋 balsamic
暹 siam
安息香 benzoin resinoid
benzyl salicylate
ethyl cinnamate
raspberry ketone acetate
苦 bitter
glyceryl tributyrate
香菜 cilantro 叶 leaf oil
椰子 FRcoconut
壬内酯 nonalactone (aldehyde C-18 )
奶油状 creamy
butyl butyryl lactate
茉莉 jasmin pyranone
undecalactone (aldehyde C-14 )
乳业 dairy lactone
dimethyl octanol
(e (E,e)-2 E)-2,4-
ethyl (E)-4-decenoate
ethyl undecylenate
heptyl formate
juniper lactone
methyl octanoic acid
nonanoic acid
(e (E,e)-2 E)-2,4-
undecenal (aldehyde C-11 undecylenic)
花的 floreal
海洋 ocean propanal
果味的 fruity
decyl butyrate
dimethyl anthranilate
腻 greasy
undecen-1-yl acetate
绿 green
异 iso
amyl salicylate
当归 angelica 根 root oil
heptanal dimethyl acetal
蜡菊 immortelle absolute
linalool oxide
药用的 medicinal
dimethyl benzyl carbinol
麝香 FRmusk
异 iso
安布雷 ambrettolide
成熟 ripe
肥皂的 soapy
十二醛 dodecanal (aldehyde C-12 月桂酸 lauric)
辣的 spicy
phenyl propyl alcohol
异 iso
amyl decanoate
cresyl laurate
decanal (aldehyde C-10)
ethyl laurate
heptyl octanoate
myristic acid
octyl 2-furoate
木本 woody
阿米香树、西印度檀香 amyris 木 wood oil
岩蔷薇 cistus 枝条 twig/叶 leaf oil
愈创木 guaiac木 wood oil
methyl 雪松 ce干燥 dryl ketone
潜在用途 Potential Uses:
 瞄准者 aimant
 恋情 amour-amour
FR杏 apricot
 恳求 arpege
 香奈儿#5 chanel #5
  cinq cinq 鸢尾花 fleurs forvil forvil
FR椰子 FRcoconut
FRfir 香脂 balsam
FRfir needle oil 替代者 re地点 placer
FR干草 hay new 被割 mown 干草 hay
FR香 incense
FR茉莉 jasmin
FR皮革 leather 俄语 russian 皮革 leather
FRlinden 花 flowe ower
FR麝香 FRmusk
 我的罪过 my sin
FR橙子 o范围 range
FR橙子 o范围 range 开花 blossom
FR桃子 p每 each
 庞培 pompeia
 里维·戈什 rive gauche
 蔷薇 rochas
FRsandal木 wood
 丑闻 scandal
FRspring 雨 rain
FR甜 sweet pea
 浪潮 tide
FR通卡 tonka bean
 白麻 white linen
FR木本 woody
存在(自然 Occurrence (nature, food, 其他) other):note
 金桔油 kumquat oil
搜索 Search Trop Picture
搜索 Search Trop Picture
同义词 Synonyms:
 aldehyde C 12 MNA pure
 aldehyde C-12 M.N.A.
 aldehyde C-12 mna
 aldehyde C-12 MNA fcc FCC
 aldehyde C12 MNA
 aldehyde M.N.A.
 aldehyde MNA
2-methyl 亨德 尔 hendecanal
 methyl 正壬基 N-nonyl acetaldehyde
 methyl 正壬基 N-nonyl acetic aldehyde
 methyl nonyl acetaldehyde
 methyl nonyl acetic aldehyde
2-methyl undecanal (aldehyde C-12 mna)
2-methyl undecanal MNA
 甲基正壬基 methyl-正壬基 N-nonyl acetaldehyde
 甲基正壬基 methyl-正壬基 N-nonylacetaldehyde
2-methyl亨德 尔 hendecanal
 甲基壬基乙酸 methylnonylacetic aldehyde
 undecanal, 2-methyl-
笔记 Notes:
用作食品添加剂[eafus] Used as a food additive [EAFUS]
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