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Odor 描述符 Descriptors for burnt
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主 Primary (第一 First) - burnt
FL acetaldehyde diethyl 硫醇盐 mercaptal
 odor: 烧焦的橡胶状胶质 burnt rubbery alliaceous
FL3-acetyl-2,5-二甲基噻吩 5-dimethyl thiophene
 odor: 烧烤多肉 burnt roasted meaty
 flavor: 甜榛子杏仁杏仁小杏仁饼 sweet dried hazelnut almond marzipan
FL4-acetyl-2-methyl 嘧啶 pyrimidine
 odor: 烧肉烤 burnt meaty roasted
FR 琥珀油 amber oil
 odor: burnt 皮革 leather 烟 smoky tar 喜欢 like 琥珀 amber
FL2-isobutyl-4,5-二甲基恶唑 5-dimethyl oxazole
 odor: 烧烤 burnt roasted
FR cocoa fragrance
FL dimethyl 二氢环戊哌嗪 dihydrocyclopenta吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 烧焦土坚果烤 burnt earthy nutty roasted 咖啡 coffee
FL6,7-dimethyl 二氢环戊哌嗪 dihydrocyclopenta吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 烧焦土坚果烤 burnt earthy nutty roasted
FL2,5-dimethyl-4-ethyl oxazole
 odor: 烧烤 burnt roasted
 flavor: 绿的空灵榛子 green ethereal hazelnut
FL4,5-dimethyl-2-ethyl thiazole
 odor: burnt 榛子坚果 hazel nut cocoa
FL4,5-dimethyl-2-propyl oxazole
 odor: 烤烧 roasted burnt
 flavor: 脂肪金属 fatty metallic
FL ethyl dimethyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 烧爆米花烤可可 burnt popcorn roasted cocoa
FL/FR2-ethyl-3,5(或6)-二甲基吡嗪 5(or 6)-dimethyl pyrazine
 odor: 烧咖啡坚果烤木本 burnt coffee nutty roasted woody
FL hexyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 激烈 Intense 烤 roasted 多肉的 meaty, 含硫的 sulfureous and 略 轻微 slightly 胶质的 alliaceous with 烤 roasted 多肉的 meaty and 坚果 nutty 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 烤 roasted burnt 肉 meat with a 脂肪的 fatty, 橡胶的 rubbery and 含硫的 sulfureous 植物 vegetative 细微差别 nuance
 odor: 甜焦的强力辛辣香气般的焦糖枫枫咖啡面包甘草 sweet burnt powerful spicy corylone-like caramel maple coffee bread licorice
FL/FR 哌啶 lepidine
 odor: 烧了油腻的草药花香甜 burnt oily herbal floral sweet
 flavor: 甜 sweet 花的 floral 油腻的 油 oily 略 轻微 slightly burnt
异 iso麦芽酚 maltol
 odor: 焦糖焦果味 burnt caramellic fruity
FL2-methyl 苯并呋喃 benzo呋喃 furan
 odor: 酚醛烧 burnt phenolic
 flavor: 酚烧 phenolic burnt
(R)-2-methyl butyraldehyde
 odor: 烧可可咖啡 burnt cocoa coffee
6-isopropyl-1,3,3-三甲基-2 3-trimethyl-2,9-二氧杂双环[3.3.1]壬基-4-醇 9-dioxa-bicyclo[3.3.1] nonan-4-ol
 odor: burnt, animal
FL tea tea 吡咯 pyrrole
 odor: 烧烟熏烟熏 burnt roasted smoky
 flavor: burnt
 odor: 大蒜烧 burnt garlic
 flavor: 燃烧的化学物质 burnt chemical
FL2-噻吩 thiophene 硫醇 thiol
 odor: burnt 焦糖 caramel 烤 roasted 咖啡 coffee
 flavor: 咖啡 coffee
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - burnt
FL/FR 山毛榉 beech 木 wood 杂酚油 creosote
 odor: 烟 smoky
 flavor: 烟熏烧 smoky burnt
FL benzyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 烟熏烧 smoky burnt 泥土的 earthy 绿 green 焦糖 caramel
FL benzyl methyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 烤烧 roasted burnt 牛肉 beef 猪肉 pork 羊肉 lamb 鸡 chicken
FL/FR 桦木 birch tar 油 oil
 odor: 烟熏烧 smoky burnt 木 wood 皮革的 皮革 leathery 酚醛的 phenolic
FL2-butenoic acid
 odor: 烤烧 roasted burnt
FL/FR5-sec-butyl-2,3-二甲基吡嗪 3-dimethyl pyrazine
 odor: 海洋烧烤 marine burnt roasted
FR cade cade 油 oil
 odor: 烟 smoky 桦木 birch tar burnt 烤 grilled 皮革 leather 树脂的 resinous
FR cade cade 油 oil replacer 替代
 odor: 烟 smoky 桦木 birch tar burnt 烤 grilled 皮革 leather 树脂的 resinous
FR 雪松木 cedar木 wood 油 oil 中国 china
 odor: 木质烧焦的雪松 woody burnt musty cedar
FR 巧克力 chocolate fragrance
FL/FR烤 roasted 阿拉伯咖啡 arabica 咖啡 coffee bean 油 oil CO2 提取 extract
 odor: 咖啡烧豆 coffee burnt beany
 flavor: 烤浓咖啡 roasted espresso coffee burnt
FL2-ethyl-5-methyl 呋喃 furan
 odor: 新鲜瓦斯烧 fresh gassy burnt
FL/FR ethyl 香草 vanillate
 odor: 酚醛愈创木酚烟熏粉状金属 phenolic burnt guaiacol smoky powdery metallic
 flavor: 甜奶油酚醛辣愈创木酚烧木粉状香草 sweet creamy phenolic spicy guaiacol burnt wood powdery vanilla
4-methoxy-alpha-toluene 硫醇 thiol
 odor: 含硫的 sulfureous 略 轻微 slightly burnt 花的 floral 香醋 balsamic 茴香 anise 种子 seed
FL/FR methyl 苯并 benzoxole
 odor: 烟熏酚醛肉状刺山柑 tobacco burnt phenolic meaty powdery capers
 flavor: 坚果榛子烟草烧肉肉汤烤酚醛 nutty hazelnut tobacco burnt meaty brothy roasted phenolic
FL2-propyl-3,5-dimethyl pyrazine
 odor: 榛子烧 hazelnut burnt
FD propyl 对羟基苯甲酸酯 paraben
 odor: 甜烟熏烧木本山楂 sweet smoky burnt woody hawthorn
(R)-稻草 st生的 rawberry furanone methyl ether
 odor: burnt, 浓焦糖 intensive caramel
FL/FR 热带 tropical 三巯烷 trithiane
 odor: 含硫的 sulfureous, 烧肉 burnt meaty, 绿 green, 果味的 fruity, 黑醋栗 blackcurrant, 黑莓 black berry, 冷却 cooling, catty catty and 热带 tropical with a 葡萄柚 grapefruit 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 果味的 fruity, 含硫的 sulfureous, 浓郁的浆果 tangy berry, with 冷却 cooling catty catty 薄荷的 minty 黑醋栗 blackcurrant and 热带 tropical 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - burnt
FL acer spicatum 皮 bark 提取 extract
 odor: 甜烟草枫烧 sweet tobacco maple burnt
 flavor: 棕色烤枫木香苦 brown roasted maple woody bitter
FL4-allyl-2,6-二甲氧基苯酚 6-dimethoxyphenol
 odor: 烟 smoky, 多肉的 meaty, 酚醛的 phenolic, 甜 sweet, ham and 木本 woody
 flavor: 多肉的 meaty, 酚醛的 phenolic, 烟熏和沉闷 smoky and bacony, with 奶油状 creamy 香草 vanilla 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR 环戊烯 cyclotene
 odor: 甜 sweet 焦糖 caramel 枫 maple 糖 sugar 咖啡 coffee 木本 woody
 flavor: 甜 sweet, 枫 maple, 面包 bready, 焦糖色 caramellic with 坚果 nutty 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FR1,4-双-(1 4-bis-(1,2-dimethyl propyl)-6,8-二氧杂双环(3.2.1)辛烷 8-dioxabicyclo(3.2.1)octane
 odor: 脏 Dirty, 化学的 chemical, 烧了 and burnt
FL 联苯 diphenyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 硫磺土烧 sulfurous earthy burnt
 flavor: 含硫土 sulfurous earthy
FL2-ethyl 呋喃 furan
 odor: 类化学物质 Chemical-喜欢 like with a beany beany 面包 bready 麦芽 malty 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 类溶剂 Solvent-喜欢 like with a 脏 dirty 发霉的 Musty 棕色 brown 泥土的 earthy 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR furfuryl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 烤咖啡 Roasted coffee, 含硫的 sulfureous, 带有燃烧的比赛音符。鸡肉和炸洋葱的细腻风味。 with a burnt match note. It is savory meaty with chicken and fried onion nuances.
 flavor: 含硫的 sulfureous 烤 roasted 咖啡 coffee, 像火柴一样烧 burnt match-like, 橡胶的 rubbery, and 略 轻微 slightly 坚果 nutty with 蛋黄 eggy and savory 多肉的 meaty 细微差别 细微差别 nuances.
FL/FR furfuryl 硫代乙酸酯 thioacetate
 odor: 认真的 SuIfureous, 烤 roasted, savory, 胶质的 alliaceous, 植物 vegetative and 像咖啡 coffee-like
 flavor: 烤 roasted, 胶质的 alliaceous, 大蒜 garlic, 咖啡 coffee, 多肉的 meaty, savory and 含硫的 sulfureous
FL1,6-hexane 二硫醇 di硫醇 thiol
 odor: 燃烧脂肪的肉类真菌含硫 burnt fatty meaty fungal sulfurous
 flavor: 烧脂肪多肉 burnt fatty meaty
FL 糖蜜 molasses 黑带 黑 blackstrap
 odor: 棕色 brown 糖蜜 molasses burnt 含硫的 sulfury 甜 sweet 面包 bready 咖啡 coffee 枫 maple
 flavor: 甜蜜糖蜜棕色硫面包味 sweet molasses brown sulfury bready malty
FL 烤 roasted butanol
 odor: 烤 roasted, 肉质和含硫的脂肪 meaty and sulfureous with a fatty, 肉汤 brothy 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 含硫的 sulfureous, 烤和肉烧 roasted and meaty with a burnt, savory 注意 note
FL/FR rum ether
 odor: 凭空的 Empyromatic, 酸性的 acidic, 木本 woody, burnt, with 多肉的 meaty and 威士忌酒 whiskey 笔记 注意 notes
 flavor: 烧了 and burnt, 烟 smoky, 木本 woody, 焦糖色 caramellic with rum and 白兰地 brandy 笔记 注意 notes
FL/FR 胸腺嘧啶 thymyl methyl ether
 odor: 木本烟熏烧 woody smoky burnt
 flavor: 发霉的绿土咖啡豆 musty green earthy coffee beany
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - burnt
FL 咖啡 coffee 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 咖啡 coffee
 odor: 发霉的 Musty, 植物 vegetative, 绿 green, 酚醛的 phenolic, 坚果 nutty, 咖啡 coffee and 肉汤 brothy
 flavor: 发霉的 Musty, 植物 vegetative, 肉汤 brothy, 坚果 nutty and 咖啡 coffee with a 轻微 slight 橡胶的 rubbery 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR 糠醛 furfural
 odor: 甜 sweet 木本 woody almond 香 fragrant 烤的 baked 面包 bread
 flavor: 棕色 Brown, 甜 sweet, 木本 woody, 面包 bready, 坚果 nutty, 焦糖色 caramellic with a burnt 涩 astringent 细微差别 nuance
 odor: 香草甜油 herbal sweet oily
 flavor: 果味柑橘 fruity citrus
FL/FR methyl nonane dione
 odor: 果味的 fruity 稻草 st生的 raw 焦糖 caramel burnt
FR 抽烟 smoke fragrance
FL 硫代乙酸 thioacetic acid
 odor: 煮熟的烤肉烧 cooked roasted meaty burnt
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - burnt
FL1-ethyl-2-acetyl 吡咯 pyrrole
 odor: 坚果烤 nutty roasted
 flavor: 辛辣的尘土 pungent dusty, 有点坚果 somewhat nutty
FL2-ethyl-5-methyl 噻吩 thiophene
 odor: 硫醚溶剂水果味燃烧 sulfurous ethereal solvent fruity burnt
 flavor: 绿油性多叶天竺葵酚醛 green oily leafy geranium phenolic
FL/FR 麦芽酚 maltol
 odor: 甜 sweet 焦糖 caramel 棉花糖 cotton candy 果酱 jam 果味的 fruity 烤的 baked 面包 bread
 flavor: 甜 sweet, 棉花糖 cotton candy, 焦糖色 caramellic, with 卡米 果酱 jammy 果味的 fruity and berry 笔记 注意 notes
FL3-methyl-2-butane 硫醇 thiol
 odor: 含硫的 sulfureous, 咸烧橡胶 savory burnt rubber, 烤鸡肉和猪肉,带有细微的烤咖啡 roasted chicken and pork meaty with nuances of roasted coffee, 养成的 cultured 起司 cheeses and 烤 roasted 腰果 cashew 坚果 坚果 nuts.
 flavor: 含硫的 sulfureous, 咸炒肉 savory fried meaty, 油炸 fried 脂肪的 fatty with 咖啡 coffee and 熟的 cooked 洋葱 onion 细微差别 细微差别 nuances with a 轻微 slight 舌 tongue 咬 bite
FLS-(2-methyl-3-furyl) 乙烷 ethane thioate
 odor: 烤 roasted 肉 meat 含硫的 sulfureous 蛋黄 eggy burnt 熟的 cooked 油炸 fried
 flavor: 肉厚鸡肉培根 meaty beefy chicken bacon
FL 吡嗪基 pyrazinyl 乙烷 ethane 硫醇 thiol
 odor: 含硫的 sulfureous, 多肉的 meaty, savory, 烤 roasted 烧了 and burnt with 牛肉 beef and 鸡 chicken 笔记 注意 notes
 flavor: 多肉的 meaty, 含硫的 sulfureous, 锅 pot 烤 roast and savory with 细微差别 细微差别 nuances 适当 suitable for 鸡 chicken and 猪肉 pork
FL/FR 酱油 shoyu furanone
 odor: 甜 sweet, 焦糖色 caramellic, 面包 bready, 枫 maple, 棕色 brown 糖 sugar with burnt 下注 under笔记 注意 notes
 flavor: 烧了 and burnt, 焦糖色 caramellic, 甜 sweet, 果味的 fruity
Senary (第六 Sixth) - burnt
FL/FR 角质层 castoreum 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 皮革的 皮革 leathery 烟 smoky animal 酚醛的 phenolic old old 木 wood burnt 树脂的 resinous
 flavor: 皮革动物树脂烟熏老木酚醛烧 leathery animal resinous smoky old wood phenolic burnt
FR 角质层 castoreum 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute replacer 替代
 odor: 皮革的 皮革 leathery 烟 smoky animal 酚醛的 phenolic old old 木 wood burnt 树脂的 resinous
FR 角质层 castoreum fragrance
FR 咖啡 coffee fragrance
FL/FR dipropyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 含硫的 sulfureous, 胶质的 alliaceous, 新鲜 fresh, 葱 green onion, 葱 scallion and 金属的 metallic with a 轻微 slight 热带 tropical 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 胶质的 alliaceous, 含硫的 sulfureous, 绿 green, 植物 vegetative and asafetida asafetida 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR 榛子 filbert 吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 坚果 nutty, 花生 peanut, 发霉的 Musty, 玉米样 玉米 corn-喜欢 like with 生的 raw 泥土的 earthy and 面包 bready 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 坚果花生 Nutty peanut, 发霉的 Musty 玉米样 玉米 corn-喜欢 like with 生的 raw and 油腻的 油 oily 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL 大蒜 garlic oleoresin
 odor: 烤 roasted, 洋葱 onion, 大蒜 garlic, with 含硫的 sulfury savory 类hvp HVP-喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 烧了 and burnt, 烤 roasted, 炒 sauteed, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic
FL/FRortho-methyl acetophenone
 odor: 甜山楂粉状茴香香豆素酚烧坚果蜂蜜 sweet hawthorn powdery anisic coumarinic phenolic burnt nutty honey
 flavor: 甜茴香香豆素酚烧坚果坚果肉杏仁粉 sweet anisic coumarinic phenolic burnt nutty nut flesh almond powdery
FL/FR2-isopropyl phenol
 odor: 溶剂 solvent 喜欢 like, 酚醛的 phenolic, 烟 smoky with 烤 toasted 木本 woody 烧了 and burnt 橡胶 rubber 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 溶剂 solvent 喜欢 like, 鞋油 shoe polish, 木本烟熏 woody smoky, 老龄化 aged 苏格兰 scotch and 威士忌酒 whiskey 喜欢 like with tar 烧了 and burnt 橡胶 rubber 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR vinyl 硫醇 sulfurol
 odor: 扩散的 Diffusive, 发霉的 Musty, 坚果 nutty, 根 root 像蔬菜 vegetable-喜欢 like
 flavor: 坚果 nutty, 发霉的 Musty, 泥土的 earthy, cocoa 粉 powder 喜欢 like
FL/FR 威士忌酒 whiskey lactone
 odor: 通卡 tonka 香豆素 coumarin 椰子 coconut 烤 toasted 坚果 nutty 芹菜 celery burnt
 flavor: 木本 woody, 香豆素 coumarinic, 椰子 coconut, 同质的 Iactonic, 奶油状 creamy and 坚果 nutty with a 烤 toasted 细微差别 nuance
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - burnt
FL hexyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 激烈 Intense 烤 roasted 多肉的 meaty, 含硫的 sulfureous and 略 轻微 slightly 胶质的 alliaceous with 烤 roasted 多肉的 meaty and 坚果 nutty 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 烤 roasted burnt 肉 meat with a 脂肪的 fatty, 橡胶的 rubbery and 含硫的 sulfureous 植物 vegetative 细微差别 nuance
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 茉莉 jasmin 芹菜 celery
 flavor: 脂肪辣花香 fatty spicy floral
Octonary (Eighth) - burnt
FL furfuryl 硫代丙酸酯 thiopropionate
 odor: 含硫的 sulfureous, 像咖啡 coffee-like, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic, with a 炒 sauteed savory 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 含硫的 sulfureous, 咖啡 coffee, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic-喜欢 like with 多肉的 meaty savory 烤 roast 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR5-methyl 甘菊花 quinoxaline
 odor: 坚果壳 Nut shell, 发霉的 Musty, 烤和类似吡嗪的咖啡 roasted and pyrazine-like with coffee, 榛子坚果 hazel nut and 土豆 锅 potato 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 坚果 nutty, 烤 roasted, 花生 peanut and 类吡嗪 吡嗪 pyrazine-喜欢 like with a 发酵母的 yeasty 玉米 corn 芯片 chip 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR2,3,5,6-tetramethyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 坚果发霉巧克力咖啡可可棕色猪油烧 nutty musty chocolate coffee cocoa brown lard burnt
 flavor: 坚果霉杂草土状可可花生咖啡芦笋 nutty musty weedy earthy cocoa peanut coffee asparagus