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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for plum
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主 Primary (第一 First) - plum
FR 愈创木脂 guaiyl butyrate
 odor: 玫瑰梅花动物香脂木质 rose plum animal balsamic woody
 flavor: plum
FL methyl 甲 formate
 odor: 果味李子酯 fruity plum estery
 flavor: plum
CS2-octyl 辛酸 octanoate
FL plum berry flavor
FL plum 肉桂 cinnamon flavor
FL/FR plum essence 精华
 flavor: plum
FL plum flavor
FLasian 五香 spiced plum flavor
FL绿 greengage plum flavor
FLmirabelle plum flavor
FL/FR plum 输液 infusions
 odor: plum
FL plum 果汁 juice 浓缩 concentrate
 flavor: plum
FL plum 覆盆子 raspberry flavor
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - plum
FL/FR 芳樟基 linalyl benzoate
 odor: 花香佛手柑基因草药晚香玉热带百合李子依兰葡萄 floral bergamot genet herbal tuberose tropical lily plum ylang grape
 flavor: 果味李子热带葡萄花香百合佛手柑依兰 fruity plum tropical grape floral lily bergamot ylang
FL 桃子 peach plum flavor
FL 桃子 peach plum 覆盆子 raspberry flavor
FL/FR styralyl butyrate
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 果味的 fruity, 像浆果 berry-喜欢 like with a 多汁的 juicy 果 fruit and 气泡 bubble gum 字符 character and a 热带 tropical 果味的 fruity 稀烂 pulpy and 过度 over 成熟 ripe 果 fruit 花蜜 nectar 喜欢 like 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 重 Heavy, 果味的 fruity, 像李子 plum-喜欢 like with a 丰富 rich 热带 tropical 花蜜 nectar 细微差别 nuance. it It 已 has 多汁的 juicy 果 fruit and 合奏 tutti frutti frutti 气泡 bubble 胶状 gum-喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR terpinyl butyrate
 odor: 酸迷迭香果香香脂花 sour rosemary fruity balsamic floral
 flavor: 酸甜李子 bittersweet plum
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - plum
FL 杏 apricot flavor
FL/FR benzyl butyrate
 odor: 新鲜水果茉莉花杏洛根莓 fresh fruity jasmin apricot loganberry
 flavor: 果味的 fruity, 甜 Sweet, 热带 tropical, plum, 梨 pear, 菠萝 pineapple, 杏 apricot
FLplum 白兰地 brandy flavor
FL/FR 芳樟基 linalyl 异戊酸 isovalerate
 odor: 柑橘佛手柑薰衣草桃杏鼠尾草 citrus bergamot lavender peach apricot sage
 flavor: 甜果味苹果李子桃子 sweet fruity apple plum peach
FL loquat loquat flavor
FL2-methyl allyl butyrate
 odor: 强大 powerful 果味的 fruity ether
 flavor: 甜菠萝苹果李子 sweet pineapple apple plum
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - plum
FLprickly 梨 pear flavor
FL/FR 小颗粒 petitgrain 香橙 mandarin 油 oil
 odor: 甜 Sweet 深 deep 果味的 fruity grape 花的 floral plum 水仙 narcissus 酚醛的 phenolic
 flavor: 柑橘香橙橘子李子花葡萄酚醛 citrus mandarin tangerine plum floral grape phenolic
FL/FR 小颗粒 petitgrain 香橙 mandarin 油 oil 替代者 replacer
 odor: 甜 Sweet 深 deep 果味的 fruity grape 花的 floral plum 水仙 narcissus 酚醛的 phenolic
 flavor: 柑橘香橙橘子李子花葡萄酚醛 citrus mandarin tangerine plum floral grape phenolic
FL 柚子 yuzu 生姜 ginger plum flavor
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - plum
FL/FR 苹果 apple 缩ketal
 odor: 甜果味苹果绿热带李子木质 sweet fruity apple green tropical plum woody
 flavor: 甜美的果味热带苹果杏梅酒 sweet fruity tropical apple apricot plum winey
FL/FR 法尼醇 farnesol
 odor: 轻度 mild 新鲜 fresh 甜 Sweet linden 花的 floral 当归 angelica
 flavor: 花卉多汁绿热带李子梨桃香菜金属 floral juicy green tropical plum pear peach cilantro metallic
FL/FR 果味的 fruity 缩ketal
 odor: 新鲜水果苹果草莓甘草 fresh fruity apple strawberry licorice
 flavor: 果味甘草热带茴香梅 fruity licorice tropical anise plum
FL/FR 巯基 heliotropyl isobutyrate
 odor: 果味的 fruity berry 果酱 jam plum 热带 tropical 鸡血石 heliotrope 粉状的 powdery
 flavor: 甜果味热带波森莓浆果李子杏子泡泡糖 sweet fruity tropical boysenberry berry plum apricot bubble gum
FL/FR hexyl 甲 formate
 odor: 苹果 apple 生 un成熟 ripe plum 香蕉 banana 甜 Sweet
 flavor: 空灵的绿未成熟的香蕉金莲花李子皮 ethereal green unripe banana nasturtium plum skin
Senary (第六 Sixth) - plum
FL/FRalpha,alpha-dimethyl benzyl isobutyrate
 odor: 甜果味杏桃桃李绿干 sweet fruity apricot peach plum green dry
 flavor: 果味柑橘绿干香蕉李 fruity citrus green dry banana plum
FL/FRbeta-naphthyl methyl ether
 odor: 甜萘花香橙花相思橙 sweet naphthyl floral orange blossom acacia neroli
 flavor: 萘基花香桔梗相思葡萄李子粉状 naphthyl floral orangeflower acacia grape plum powdery
FL/FR 溴化物 tuberolide
 odor: 蜡质内酯金属晚香玉梅 waxy lactonic metallic tuberose plum
 flavor: 蜡质内酯椰子脂肪花香李子皮肤肮脏酒 waxy lactonic coconut fatty floral plum skin dirty winey
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - plum
FL/FR allyl cinnamate
 odor: 果香黑醋菠萝辛辣肉桂李杏桃 fruity balsamic pineapple spicy cinnamyl plum apricot peach
 flavor: 果香香脂杂草肉桂肉桂热带辛辣李子杏 fruity balsamic weedy cinnamyl tropical spicy plum apricot
 odor: 果味的 fruity 花的 floral berry plum 黑醋栗 黑 black黑醋栗 currant 蜜糖 honey 玫瑰 rose 烟草 tobacco
 flavor: 果味绿果酱浆果热带烟草李子蜂蜜 fruity green jammy berry tropical tobacco plum honey
FL/FR(z Z)-beta-damascone
 odor: 果味的 fruity 花的 floral 黑醋栗 黑 black黑醋栗 currant 烟草 tobacco
 flavor: 果味绿果酱浆果热带烟草李子蜂蜜 fruity green jammy berry tropical tobacco plum honey
FL/FR methyl 3-nonenoate
 odor: 果味绿西瓜皮梨皮蜜露多汁脂肪干燥 fruity green watermelon rind pear skin honeydew juicy fatty dry
 flavor: 果味绿瓜皮苹果皮脂肪毛李子皮 fruity green melon rind apple skin fatty hairy plum skin rindy
Octonary (Eighth) - plum
FL/FR artemisia 帕伦斯 pallens herb 草本植物 油 oil
 odor: 果味的 fruity berry 成熟 ripe 果 fruit 黑 black 黑醋栗 currant 热带 tropical 果 fruit 干的 dried 果 fruit 杏 apricot 标签 tagette
 flavor: 甜美的果味果酱花的木兰热带干果杏李子桃子 sweet fruity jammy floral magnolia tropical dried fruit apricot plum peach
FR dimethyl benzyl 羰基 carbinyl propionate
 odor: 甜茉莉花毛茶天然 sweet jasmin hairy tea natural
 flavor: 果味浆果,种子味,绿,女贞,花香,热带,李子,葡萄干 fruity berry seedy green privet floral tropical plum raisin
FL/FR tagete 油 oil 南 south 非洲 africa
 odor: 腐烂的绿草药果味 rancid green herbal fruity
 flavor: 果味热带多汁绿柑橘草药干苹果李子皮 fruity tropical juicy green citrus herbal dried apple plum skin