Typical G.C. analysis

黄花蒿油法国 artemisia annua herb oil france
300.00-11.05  青蒿醇 artemisyl alcohol
2111.91-55.02  青蒿酮 artemisyl ketone
250.00-0.07  乙酸青蒿酯 artemisyl acetate
490.16-1.28  牛儿烯、双环吉马烯 bicyclogermacrene
450.00-0.16  borneol
40.00-0.29  降bornylene
100.00-0.14  异戊酸丁酯 butyl isovalerate
510.00-1.05delta- cadinene
61.20-7.28  樟脑 camphene
270.00-0.66alpha- 樟脑醛 campholenic aldehyde
291.58-11.52  樟脑 camphene
590.10-1.10  carvacrol
361.63-10.87beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
540.10-1.64  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
530.04-0.39异 iso 石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
570.00-trace  雪松 cedrol
165.07-11.651,8- 桉树脑 cineole
280.00-1.33alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
330.09-2.17beta- 荜澄茄/山苍子 cubebene
19trace-1.23para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
520.08-0.676,6- dimethyl(3.1.1)bicyclohept-2-en-2-methanol
500.00-0.41(E)-(3,3-dimethyl) 亚cyclohexylidene acetaldehyde
50.00-0.17  2-甲基丁酸乙酯 ethyl 2-methyl butyrate
440.00-1.00(E)-beta- farnesene
430.00-1.10(Z)-beta- farnesene
471.99-18.54  germacrene D
482.24-14.73alpha- 愈创木烯 guaiene
310.00-trace(Z)-3- hexen-1-yl butyrate
41trace-0.97alpha- himachalene
420.00-0.74alpha- 蛇麻烯 humulene
150.09-0.57  柠檬烯 limonene
90.00-trace3-methyl bicyclo(3.1.2)oct-2-ene
220.00-0.313- methyl-3-buten-1-yl isovalerate
120.00-3.34  myrcene
38trace-0.42  myrtenal
560.00-0.82  (+)-香柏酮 nootkatone
180.00-0.27(E)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
110.00-tracealpha- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
24.20-15.66alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
70.93-3.35beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
320.00-0.32  pinocamphone
400.35-1.81trans- 松香酚 pinocarveol
350.24-2.19  匹(+)-香柏酮 pinocarvone
80.43-2.80  桧烯 sabinene
260.00-0.43(E)- sabinene hydrate
340.11-0.83(Z)- sabinene hydrate
23trace-0.22  桑托利纳 santolina alcohol
550.00-0.49  芦丁烯醇 spathulenol
370.13-0.38  terpinen-4-ol
130.00-0.18alpha- terpinene
170.07-0.34gamma- terpinene
460.00-0.65alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
200.00-0.33  terpinolene
390.00-2.163- thujen-2-ol
30.00-0.90alpha- 丁烯 thujene
580.00-0.83  thymol
10.01-0.35  tricyclene
240.06-0.64  代木醇 yomogi alcohol

J. C. Chalchat, R. P. Garry J. 拉米 Lamy, 影响 in Influence of 收获 harvest 时间 time on 让 yield 构图 compostion of 蒿 Artemisia annua annuaoil produced in 法国 France. J. 本质 Essent. 油 Oil Res., 6, 261-268 (1994).

p&amp P&F 20, 2 No. 2, 49, (1995)

雪松油中国 cedarwood oil china
270.30 abietadiene abietadiene
70.60alpha- 二十碳三烯 acoradiene
80.30beta- 二十碳三烯 acoradiene
192.60alpha- alaskene
130.10beta- alaskene
180.40beta- 比沙泊烯 bisabolene
240.80alpha- bisabolol
226.40alpha- cedrene
39.20beta- cedrene
219.60  雪松 cedrol
230.106-iso雪松 cedrol
250.10  醋酸柏木 cedryl acetate
260.10  西em cembrene
161.40alpha- 沙米曲尼 chamigrene
92.20beta- 沙米曲尼 chamigrene
173.40  铜烯 cuparene
110.40ar- 姜黄素 curcumene
100.20gamma- 姜黄素 curcumene
200.10(E)-beta- farnesene
60.10(Z)-beta- farnesene
50.20alpha- himachalene
151.40beta- himachalene
10.70  甲基查维醇 methyl chavicol
143.10alpha- selinene
120.20beta- selinene
429.90  丁香萜 thujopsene
229.50  维多罗尔 widdrol

R. P. 亚当斯 Adams, 雪松木 Cedar木 wood 油-oil- 分析 analyses 属性 properties. in In 现代 Modern 方法 methods of plant analysis new 系列 series. 卷 Vol. 12. Essential 油类 油 Oils 蜡 Waxes. Edits., H. F. Linskens J. F. 杰克逊 j Jackson, pp. 159-173, 施普林格 Springer 文字 Verlag. New 约克 York (1991).

p&amp P&F 23, 5 No. 5, 55, (1998)

雪松油得克萨斯州 cedarwood oil texas
70.70alpha- 二十碳三烯 acoradiene
80.60beta- 二十碳三烯 acoradiene
190.70alpha- alaskene
140.20beta- alaskene
250.40alpha- bisabolol
10.20  樟脑 camphene
260.908- cedren-13-ol
230.70alpha- cedrene
35.50beta- cedrene
2019.10  雪松 cedrol
220.406-iso雪松 cedrol
171.20alpha- 沙米曲尼 chamigrene
91.10beta- 沙米曲尼 chamigrene
230.20  cubenol
181.70  铜烯 cuparene
120.10ar- 姜黄素 curcumene
110.10gamma- 姜黄素 curcumene
50.50alpha- himachalene
161.40beta- himachalene
100.10gamma- himachalene
151.50alpha- selinene
60.10  硫杂二烯 thujopsadiene
425.00  丁香萜 thujopsene
130.10  瓦伦斯 valencene
211.60  维多罗尔 widdrol

R. P. 亚当斯 Adams, 雪松木 Cedar木 wood 油-oil- 分析 analyses 属性 properties. in In 现代 Modern 方法 methods of plant analysis new 系列 series. 卷 Vol. 12. Essential 油类 油 Oils 蜡 Waxes. Edits., H. F. Linskens J. F. 杰克逊 j Jackson, pp. 159-173, 施普林格 Springer 文字 Verlag. New 约克 York (1991).

p&amp P&F 23, 5 No. 5, 55, (1998)

雪松油弗吉尼亚州 cedarwood oil virginia
[8000-27-9] 页 Page 298 ri r RI 1.506 d .952 fp Fp 224#F 默克 Merck 指数 in Index 11,6708 FTNMr R 1,316C 安全 Safety 1,707B r RTECS# Fj J1520050 Disp. A 和谐 h Harmony 1515.90.4000 刺激性的 Ir Rri r RITANT 光敏的 LIGh HT-SENSITIVE 保持 KEEP 紧紧 TIGh HTLY 关闭 CLOSED
60.20alpha- 二十碳三烯 acoradiene
70.30beta- 二十碳三烯 acoradiene
180.90alpha- alaskene
130.10beta- alaskene
230.60alpha- bisabolol
121.10alpha- cedrene
28.20beta- cedrene
1922.20  雪松 cedrol
210.206-iso雪松 cedrol
161.60alpha- 沙米曲尼 chamigrene
81.80beta- 沙米曲尼 chamigrene
220.10  荜澄茄醇 cubebol
171.60  铜烯 cuparene
100.10ar- 姜黄素 curcumene
90.10gamma- 姜黄素 curcumene
50.10(Z)-beta- farnesene
40.20alpha- himachalene
152.10beta- himachalene
143.00alpha- selinene
110.10beta- selinene
321.30  丁香萜 thujopsene
120.10  瓦伦斯 valencene
202.30  维多罗尔 widdrol

R. P. 亚当斯 Adams, 雪松木 Cedar木 wood 油-oil- 分析 analyses 属性 properties. in In 现代 Modern 方法 methods of plant analysis new 系列 series. 卷 Vol. 12. Essential 油类 油 Oils 蜡 Waxes. Edits., H. F. Linskens J. F. 杰克逊 j Jackson, pp. 159-173, 施普林格 Springer 文字 Verlag. New 约克 York (1991).

p&amp P&F 23, 5 No. 5, 55, (1998)

雪松 cedrus libanensis 木 woodoil
350.80 大西洋酮 atlantone
382.80(E)-alpha- 大西洋酮 atlantone
340.60(E)- -gamma- 大西洋酮 atlantone
370.30(Z)-alpha- 大西洋酮 atlantone
360.60(Z)-beta-大西洋酮 atlantone
330.40(Z)- -gamma- 大西洋酮 atlantone
220.40(Z)-alpha- 比沙泊烯 bisabolene
27>0.10alpha- 甘草 calacorene
1>0.10  樟脑 camphene
14>0.10  樟脑 camphene
3>0.10delta-3- carene carene
170.20alpha- cedrene
211.40 沙米曲尼 chamigrene
7>0.10para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
240.80alpha- dehydro-ar-himachalene
261.40gamma- dehydro-ar-himachalene
280.60oxido himachalene
9>0.10  Fenchone fenchone
320.10  guaiazulene
10>0.10alpha- 古尔烯 gurjunene
13>0.10beta- 古尔烯 gurjunene
1814.20alpha- himachalene
2031.30beta- himachalene
196.90gamma- himachalene
300.50 himachalene oxide
292.20beta- himachalene oxide
5>0.10  柠檬烯 limonene
310.80  长冰片 longiborneol
160.50  longifolene
110.10alpha- longi松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
395.60  马诺 manool
2>0.104- methyl-3-penten-2-one
230.80 occidentalol acetate
150.10  茜素 sativene
4>0.10alpha- terpinene
6>0.10gamma- terpinene
8>0.10  terpinolene
250.40beta- 香根草 vetivenene
12>0.10alpha- ylangene
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 12, 6 No. 6, 763, (2000)