Typical G.C. analysis

瑞士奶酪 cheese swiss cheese
瑞士 Swiss 起司 Cheese (起司 cheese age: 6 月 months). 量 Amount (per kg 干燥 dry 材料 material)
248.00 ± 2 mmol  acetic acid
21720.00 ± 160 µg  氨 ammonia
11605.00 ± 354 µg2,3- butane dione
170.05 ± 0.03 µg2-sec- butyl-3-methoxypyrazine
41.00 ± 0.5 mmol  butyric acid
191680.00 ± 97 µgdelta+gamma- decalactone
150.16 ± 0.08 µg  三硫化dimethyl trisulfide
70.80 ± 0.3 µg  3-甲基丁酸乙酯 ethyl 3-methyl butyrate
673.00 ± 23 µg  丁酸乙酯 ethyl butyrate
8164.00 ± 63 µg  己酸乙酯 ethyl hexanoate
14770.00 ± 57 µg2- heptanone
568.00 ± 22 µg  方法 methional
12251.00 ± 43 µg2- methyl butanal
13167.00 ± 16 µg3- methyl butanal
2030.00 ± 10 µg3- methyl butyric acid
160.05 ± 0.02 µg1- octen-3-one octen-3-one
160.00 ± 5 mmol  propionic acid
10255.00 ± 86 µg  酱油呋喃酮 shoyu furanone
1834.00 ± 6 µg  粪臭素 skatole
9658.00 ± 297 µg  草莓呋喃酮 strawberry furanone
34.00 ± 1 mmol  succinic acid
瑞士型 瑞士 Swiss-type 起司 cheese 味道 flavor 成分 compositions 餐饮 food products 制作 made with 相同 same their 流程 processes of 制造 manufacture. 专利 Patent WO2006098972 A1