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Odor 描述符 Descriptors for garlic
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主 Primary (第一 First) - garlic
 大蒜素 allicin
FL 葱属 allium 番茄 sativum bulb 鳞基植物 提取 extract
 odor: garlic
 flavor: garlic
FL 葱属 allium 番茄 sativum bulb 鳞基植物 tincture
 odor: garlic
 flavor: garlic
FL/FR 葱属 allium 番茄 sativum 油 oil 埃及 egypt
 odor: 蒜香蒜 alliaceous garlic
 flavor: 蒜香蒜 alliaceous garlic
CS 葱属 allium ursinum ursinum 提取 extract
 odor: 硫磺大蒜 sulfurous alliaceous garlic
FL allyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 多汁的 Alliceous, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic-喜欢 like with 金属的 metallic 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 绿 Green 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic-Iike with 多肉的 meaty 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL1,3-butane 二硫醇 dithiol
 odor: 大蒜 Garlic, 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 烤大蒜和洋葱 roasted garlic and onion, 辣的 spicy, with 坚果 nutty 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 大蒜 Garlic, 蘑菇 mushroom, 血腥的金属 bloody metallic, 烧焦的橡胶细微差别 roasted burnt rubber nuances, hvp和肉 HVP and meaty, garlic
FD 胡芦巴 fenugreek 种子 seed
 odor: 胡芦巴 fenugreek
 flavor: 胡芦巴 fenugreek
FL ferula assa-foetida assa-foetida 体液 fluid 提取 extract
 odor: garlic
 flavor: safe asafetida
FL/FR ferula assa-foetida assa-foetida gum
 odor: safe asafetida
 flavor: safe asafetida
FL/FR ferula assa-foetida assa-foetida gum 提取 extract
 odor: safe asafetida
 flavor: safe asafetida
FL ferula assa-foetida assa-foetida oleoresin
 odor: safe asafetida
 flavor: safe asafetida
FL/FR garlic 油 oil
 odor: 激烈 intense garlic
 flavor: 蒜香蒜 alliaceous garlic
FL/FR garlic 油 oil 中国 china
 odor: 激烈 intense garlic
 flavor: 蒜香蒜 alliaceous garlic
FL/FR garlic 油 oil 墨西哥 mexico
 odor: 蒜香蒜 alliaceous garlic
 flavor: 蒜香蒜 alliaceous garlic
4-methyl-2-[2-(methyl thio)ethyl]-1,3-oxathiane
 odor: 强大 powerful garlic, 动物的 animalic, 洋葱 onion, 绿 green, 草本马铃薯 herbaceous potato, 生的 raw, 蔬菜 vegetable
FL/FR methyl 1-propenyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: garlic, 绿 green, 淀粉状的 starchy, 胡椒 peppery, 香醋 balsamic, 生苔 mossy, 木本白菜 woody cabbage, 硫 sulfur
FL2-pentenyl-4-propyl-1,3-氧杂蒽(异构体的混合物) 3-oxathiane (mixture of isomers)
 odor: 强大 strong garlic
 flavor: garlic
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - garlic
 丙烷亚磺酸烯丙酯 allyl propanesulfinate
 odor: 酸 sour 腌制 pickled 洋葱 onion, 变干成大蒜状 drying out to a garlic character
 flavor: 生的 raw 切碎的 chopped 卷心菜 cabbage
FL allyl propyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 蒜香蒜 alliaceous garlic 绿 green 洋葱 onion
FL 二烯丙基 diallyl 多硫化物 poly硫化物 sulfides
 odor: 大蒜洋葱 garlic onion
 flavor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous
FL 二烯丙基 diallyl tetra硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 强大 strong 大蒜洋葱 garlic onion
 flavor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous
FL diethyl 三硫化物 tri硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 硫磺大蒜洋葱 sulfurous garlic onion
FL 二异丙基 diisopropyl 三硫化物 tri硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 含硫大蒜 sulfurous garlic
FL dimethyl tetra硫化物 sulfide
 odor: garlic 多肉的 meaty
FL dipropyl 硫化物 sulfide
FL ethyl methyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 番茄和卷心菜营养成分为二甲基硫 tomato and cabbage vegetative with dimethyl sulfide, 多肉的 meaty and 金属的 metallic 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 植物 vegetative, 类二甲基硫醚的甜玉米味 dimethyl sulfide-like sweet corn notes, 蛋黄 eggy, 多肉的 meaty and 蛤 clam 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL ethyl methyl 三硫化物 tri硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 蒜香蒜 alliaceous garlic 绿 green 洋葱 onion
FL ethyl propyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 蒜香蒜 alliaceous garlic 绿 green 洋葱 onion
FL/FR ferula assa-foetida assa-foetida 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 大蒜洋葱 garlic onion 甜 sweet 香脂 balsam
 flavor: 硫磺 asafetida sulfurous
FL furfuryl methyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 洋葱大蒜 Onion garlic, 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, with a 泼辣 Pungent 蔬菜 vegetable 辣根 horseradish 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, garlic, 蛋黄 eggy with a 辣根 horseradish 芥末 mustard 细微差别 nuance
FL methyl butyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 硫磺大蒜洋葱蔬菜 sulfurous garlic onion vegetable
FL4-(methyl thio) butanol
 odor: 白菜大蒜 cabbage garlic 硫 sulfury 土豆 potato 绿 green 蔬菜 vegetable
FL1-(methyl thio)-2-butanone
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 萝卜 radish, 芥末 mustard, 辣根 horseradish and 芥末 wasabi 喜欢 like with 葱 Alliaceous onion and savory 金属的 metallic and 植物 vegetative 细微差别 细微差别 nuances.
 flavor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 白菜和萝卜 cabbage and radish, 辣根 horseradish, 烤 toasted 洋葱 onion and 乳业 dairy 喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL4-methyl 硫代丁醛 thiobutyraldehyde
 odor: 白菜大蒜 cabbage garlic
 odor: 胶质的 Alliaceous, 熟的 cooked 多肉的 meaty with 绿 green 蔬菜 vegetable 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 葱洋葱大蒜咖啡细香葱 alliaceous onion garlic coffee chive
 odor: 大蒜烧 burnt garlic
 flavor: 燃烧的化学物质 burnt chemical
FL/FR4-热带 tropical oxathiane
 odor: 洋葱 onion garlic 哪一个 which 发达 developed 进入 into 果味的 fruity and 甜 sweet 笔记 notes with 异国情调 exotic 物 字符 characters of 荔枝 lychee 果 fruit and 亚洲 Asian 梨 pear
 flavor: 菠萝乳状芒果葡萄柑橘泡泡糖瓜橙花黑醋栗黑麦培根 pineapple milky mango grape citrus bubble gum melon orangeflower cassis alliaceous bacon
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - garlic
FL allyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous and 胶质的 Alliaceous, 洋葱和大蒜炒 sauteed onion and garlic, 烤 roasted, 烤 grilled and 烧焦的 charred 多肉的 meaty 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 葱 Alliaceous onion, garlic and 韭葱 leek. it It 已 has 多肉的 meaty 肉汤 bouillon savory 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL allyl methyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 蒜香蒜 alliaceous garlic 绿 green 洋葱 onion
FL allyl methyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 蒜蓉大蒜洋葱 alliaceous garlic onion
 flavor: 咸味的硫磺洋葱 sulfurous alliaceous onion savory
FL allyl propyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 胶质的 Alliaceous 绿 green 洋葱 onion garlic
FL allyl propyl 三硫化物 tri硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 硫磺大蒜 sulfurous alliaceous garlic 洋葱 onion
FL allyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 泼辣 Pungent, 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 洋葱 onion-garlic and 辣根 horseradish-喜欢 like with a 金属的 metallic 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 洋葱 onion-garlic and 植物 vegetative 萝卜 radish-喜欢 like with a 略 轻微 slightly 热 hot 细微差别 nuance
FL allyl 硫代丙酸酯 thiopropionate
 odor: 新鲜 Fresh 洋葱 onion 大蒜样 garlic-喜欢 like with 绿 green 高气的 gassy 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 新鲜 Fresh 洋葱 onion with a 绿 green 甜 sweet 蔬菜 vegetable 细微差别 nuance
FL异 isoamyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous 洋葱 onion 绿 green 洋葱 onion garlic
FL benzyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 尖锐 Sharp, 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 洋葱 onion, garlic, 辣根 horseradish, 薄荷 mint and 咖啡 coffee
 flavor: 韭葱 Leek, 辣根 horseradish, 卷心菜 cabbage, 绿 green, 番茄 tomato and 咖啡 coffee
FL butyl ethyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous 熟的 cooked 洋葱 onion garlic
FL 环戊基 cyclopentyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 胶质的 Alliaceous, 洋葱 onion, garlic, 辣根 horseradish, 蔬菜芹菜 vegetable-celery, 蛋 egg, 炒 sauteed 肉 meat
 flavor: 胶质的 Alliaceous, 洋葱 onion, garlic, 辣根 horseradish, 肉 meat, 蛋 egg, 烧了 burned, 蔬菜 vegetable, 芹菜 celery
FL 二异丙基 diisopropyl 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 硫 sulfury 蔬菜 vegetable garlic
FL ethyl 3-(furfuryl thio) propionate
 odor: 洋葱 onion, garlic, 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 咖啡 coffee and 蔬菜 vegetable 笔记 notes
 flavor: 烤 roasted, 坚果 nutty, 咖啡 coffee, with 格雷厄姆 graham 像饼干 饼干 cracker-喜欢 like 下注 下注 under笔记 notes
FL ethyl propyl 三硫化物 tri硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 蒜香蒜 alliaceous garlic 绿 green 洋葱 onion
FL ethyl isothiocyanate
 odor: 芥末蒜 pungent mustard garlic
FL furfuryl propyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 硫磺大蒜 sulfurous alliaceous garlic
FL/FRtrans-galbanum oxathiane
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous 绿 green 洋葱 onion garlic 热带 tropical
FL garlic oleoresin
 odor: 烤 roasted, 洋葱 onion, garlic, with 硫 sulfury savory 类hvp HVP-喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 烧了 burned, 烤 roasted, 炒 sauteed, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic
FLbis(1-mercaptopropyl) 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 胶质的 Alliaceous 果味的 fruity garlic 绿 green 洋葱 onion
FLS-methyl 苯甲硫醇 benzothioate
 odor: 甘蓝大蒜马铃薯蔬菜 sulfurous cabbage garlic potato vegetable
FL/FR2-methyl 5-(methyl thio) 呋喃 furan
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 洋葱 onion, garlic, 咖啡 coffee and 芥末 mustard-喜欢 like with 泼辣 Pungent 辣根 horseradish and 胡椒 peppery 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 发霉的 Musty, 芥末 mustard, 洋葱 onion, garlic, 蘑菇 mushroom, 咖啡 coffee and savory 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL methyl propyl 三硫化物 tri硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 洋葱 onion, garlic, 绿 green, 金属的 metallic and 清洁 clean with a 熟的 cooked 葱 Alliaceous onion 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 洋葱 onion, garlic, 新鲜 fresh and 金属的 metallic with a 起司 cheese 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR2-(methyl thio) phenol
 odor: 肉洋葱大蒜硫鸡蛋味 meaty onion garlic sulfurous eggy
 flavor: 多肉的 meaty
FL/FR 洋葱 onion 油 oil
 odor: 令 讨厌的 obnoxious 硫化物 sulfide 洋葱 onion
 flavor: 葱 Alliaceous onion
FL propyl 硫代乙酸酯 thioacetate
 odor: 亚硫酸葱 Sulfureous green onion, garlic, 葱 Alliaceous onion, 绿新鲜 green fresh, 植物 vegetative
 flavor: 洋葱 onion, 大蒜硫 garlic sulfureous, 胶质的 Alliaceous with a 新鲜 fresh 绿 green 细微差别 nuance
FL3-thienyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 熟的 cooked 肉 meat garlic
FL 噻吩 thiophene
 odor: 蒜香蒜 alliaceous garlic
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - garlic
FL allyl methyl 三硫化物 tri硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 蒜香奶油大蒜洋葱 alliaceous creamy garlic onion
FL dimethyl 亚砜 sulfoxide
 odor: 脂肪的 Fatty, 油腻的 oily, 俗气的 cheesy, 煮过度的炒 over-cooked stir-fry, 咸和大蒜 salty and garlic, 蘑菇 mushroom, garlic with a 饼干 cracker and soy 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 脂肪的 Fatty, 咸 salty, garlic and 奶油 cream 玉米 corn
FL dipropyl 三硫化物 tri硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 胶质的 Alliaceous, 泼辣 Pungent, 绿 green and 洋葱 onion-喜欢 like with 轻微 slight 热带 tropical and 植物 vegetative 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 胶质的 Alliaceous, 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 绿 green and 大蒜样 garlic-喜欢 like with a 类锡 tin-喜欢 like 金属的 metallic 下注 undernote and with 薄荷的 薄荷 minty and 热带 tropical 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 odor: 海鲜般 Seafood-喜欢 like, 溶剂 solvent, 大蒜和洋葱 garlic and onion, pyridine 喜欢 like
 flavor: 海鲜般 Seafood-喜欢 like, 蛤and和牡蛎发酵的大蒜和洋葱 clam and oyster fermented garlic and onion, 蘑菇 mushroom and turkey 土耳其
FLS-ethyl 硫代乙酸酯 thioacetate
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 果味的 fruity, 洋葱 onion / garlic with 多肉的 meaty 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 洋葱 onion / garlic with a 甜 sweet 果味的 fruity 回味 aftertaste
FL/FR ethyl vinyl ketone
 odor: 泼辣 Pungent, 以太 etherial, 起重 lifting, 胡椒 peppery, garlic, 芥末 mustard and 洋葱 onion
 flavor: 泼辣 Pungent, 以太 etherial, 胡椒 peppery, garlic, 洋葱 onion, 腥 fishy and 芥末 mustard with a 热 hot 细微差别 nuance
FL furfuryl 硫代丙酸酯 thiopropionate
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 像咖啡 coffee-like, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic, with a 炒 sauteed savory 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 咖啡 coffee, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic-喜欢 like with 多肉的 meaty savory 烤 roast 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL2-methyl 硫代乙醛 thioacetaldehyde
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 消极的 vegatative, 洋葱 onion, garlic, 芥末 mustard and 坚果 nutty with a 土豆 potato 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 胶质的 Alliaceous and 植物 vegetative with a 好 good 口感 mouthfeel and 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic-喜欢 like with a 土豆 potato and 面包 bready 细微差别 nuance
 odor: 多肉的 meaty,含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 洋葱 onion, garlic, 蛋 egg, 化学的 chemical, 橡胶 rubber, naphthyl and 发霉的 musty
 flavor: 多肉的 meaty, 洋葱 onion, garlic, 化学的 chemical and 金属的 metallic
FL 松露 truffle 硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 泼辣 Pungent, 金属的 metallic, 胶质的 Alliaceous, garlic and 芥末 mustard 喜欢 like with 蘑菇 mushroom and 辣根 horseradish 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 胶质的 Alliaceous, 含硫的新鲜洋葱和大蒜样,白菜的十字花科蔬菜有细微差别 sulfurous fresh onion and garlic-like with cruciferous vegetable nuances of cabbage, 辣的 spicy 细微差别 细微差别 nuances of 芥末 mustard and 辣根 horseradish
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - garlic
FL diethyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 肥腻的成熟洋葱油腻的大蒜 gassy ripe onion greasy garlic
 flavor: 高气的 gassy 洋葱 onion
FL hexyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 激烈 Intense 烤肉 roasted meaty, 含硫的 meaty sulfurous and 略 轻微 slightly 胶质的 Alliaceous with 烤肉 roasted meaty and 坚果 nutty 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 烤 roasted burnt burnt 肉 meat with a 脂肪的 Fatty, 橡胶 rubbery and 含硫的 meaty sulfurous 植物 vegetative 细微差别 nuance
Senary (第六 Sixth) - garlic
 odor: 认真的 SuIfureous, 烤肉 roasted meat, 胶质的 Alliaceous, 洋葱和大蒜炒 sauteed onion and garlic
 flavor: 多肉的 meaty, savory, 洋葱和大蒜炒 sauteed onion and garlic
FL/FR methyl furfuryl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 烤咖啡 Roasted coffee, 含硫的熟肉和肝 sulfurous cooked meat and liver, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic 细微差别 细微差别 nuances. 轻微 Slight 蛋黄 eggy 底色 undertones
 flavor: 烤咖啡 Roasted coffee, 烤洋葱和大蒜 toasted onion and garlic, with 烤 roasted 牛肉 beef and 油炸 fried 猪肉 pork 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL methyl 4-(methyl thio) butyrate
 odor: 硫 sulfury 卷心菜 cabbage 果味的 fruity 菠萝 pineapple 起司 cheese
 flavor: 硫大蒜葱细香葱绿俗气 sulfurous garlic green onion chive green cheesy
FL/FR methyl 3-(methyl thio) propionate
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 植物 vegetative, 泼辣 Pungent, 有根 rooty, 番茄 tomato, 辣根 horseradish, 洋葱和大蒜 onion and garlic
 flavor: 大蒜水果大蒜绿芒果木瓜菠萝辣根 alliaceous fruity garlic green mango papaya pineapple horseradish
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - garlic
FL butyl 硫醇 mercaptan
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 脂肪的 Fatty, 炖牛肉 stewed beef, 炒洋葱 sauteed onion, 蛋 egg, 咖啡 coffee and garlic
 flavor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 植物 vegetative, 咸肉 savory meaty, 大蒜和洋葱 garlic and onion
FL3-mercapto-2-methyl 戊醛的 pentanal
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, , savory 烤 grilled or 烤 roasted 牛肉 beef and 熟的 cooked 鸡 chicken 喜欢 like, 胶质的 Alliaceous, garlic with 热带 tropical 果 fruit and 养成的 cultured 乳业 dairy 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 胶质的 Alliaceous, 烤 roasted savory with 熟的 cooked 洋葱 onion and 炒 sauteed garlic 笔记 notes and 热带 tropical 果 fruit 细微差别 细微差别 nuances of 芒果 mango and 百香果 passion果 fruit
FL methyl propyl 二硫化物 di硫化物 sulfide
 odor: 含硫的 meaty sulfurous, 胶质的 Alliaceous, 萝卜 radish, 芥末 mustard, 番茄 tomato, 土豆和大蒜 potato and garlic
 flavor: 洋葱 onion, garlic, 番茄 tomato, 土豆 potato, 胶质的 Alliaceous and 植物 vegetative
Octonary (Eighth) - garlic