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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for fermented
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主 Primary (第一 First) - fermented
1-acetyl 吡咯 pyrrole
 flavor: fermented
 odor: 橙色花香肥桃 orange floral fatty peach
 flavor: 发酵俗气 fermented cheesy
 2-羟乙基乙酯 ethyl 2-thenoate
 flavor: 发酵葡萄 fermented grape, 酸 sour, 酒红 winey
FL fermented flavor
FL methyl thio 异戊酸 isovalerate
 odor: 尖锐 Sharp 成熟 ripe 俗气的 cheesy, 含硫的 sulfureous, 用番茄发酵 acrid fermented with tomato, 蘑菇 mushroom and 土豆 potato 植物 vegetative 笔记 注意 notes and 乳业 dairy 俗气的 cheesy 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 激烈 Intense fermented, 奶油状 creamy 乳业 dairy and 俗气的 cheesy with 植物 vegetative 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - fermented
FL/FR 戊基 amyl alcohol
 odor: 泼辣 Pungent, fermented, 面包 bready, 发酵母的 yeasty, fusel, 酒红 winey and 溶剂 solvent-喜欢 like
 flavor: 激烈 Intense fusel, fermented, 面包 bready and 谷类 cereal with a 果味的 fruity 下注 下 under注意 note
FL/FR异 iso戊基 amyl alcohol
 odor: fusel, 酒鬼 alcoholic, 泼辣 Pungent, 以太 etherial, 科涅克白兰地 cognac, 果味的 fruity, 香蕉和糖蜜 banana and molasses
 flavor: fusel, fermented, 果味的 fruity, 香蕉 banana, 以太 etherial and 科涅克白兰地 cognac
 odor: 发霉的叶紫罗兰色的草药绿甜木本牡丹 musty leafy violet herbal green sweet woody peony
 flavor: 类溶剂 Solvent-like, 发酵有油腻的坚果和油腻的味道 fermented with oily nutty and fatty notes, and a 轻微 slight 绿 green 醛 aldehydic 下 under 注意 note
FL/FR 戊醛 valeraldehyde
 odor: 扩散的 Diffusive, fermented, 面包 bready, 果味的 fruity with berry 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 酒红 winey, fermented, 面包 bready, cocoa 巧克力 chocolate 笔记 注意 notes
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - fermented
FL/FR 肉桂基 cinn戊基 amyl 异戊酸 isovalerate
 odor: 甜 Sweet 香料 spice 瓜 melon 樱桃 cherry 绿 green 苹果 apple
 flavor: 果味的 fruity, 酒红 winey, 梨发酵 fermented with pear, 蜜糖 honey 蓝莓 blueberry 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FRS-(methyl thio) butyrate
 odor: 含硫的 sulfureous, 鸡蛋和奶酪的音符 egg and cheese notes, 番茄 tomato, 热带水果前调 tropical-fruit top notes
 flavor: 发霉的 Musty, 含硫的 sulfureous, 弯腰型奶酪前调 Limburger-type cheese top notes, 金属的 metallic 起司 cheese body
FL/FR propyl alcohol
 odor: 酒鬼 alcoholic, fermented, 虚弱的机身和 喜欢 weak fusel and tequila like, 发霉和发霉 musty and yeasty, with a 略 轻微 slightly 甜 Sweet 果味的 fruity 细微差别 nuance of 苹果 apple and 梨 pear
 flavor: 酒鬼 alcoholic, 泥土的 earthy, fermented, 机身状 fusel-like, 花生果味的细微差别以及苹果的水果味的细微差别 with peanut nutty nuances as well as fruity nuances of apple, 梨 pear, 泡泡糖 bubble gum
FL/FR propyl phenyl acetate
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 蜜糖 honey, 花的 floral, with a 玫瑰般 rose-喜欢 like 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 蜜糖 honey, 花的 floral with a fermented 香醋 香脂 balsamic 细微差别 nuance
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - fermented
FL/FR allyl butyrate
 odor: 甜辛辣果味绿菠萝 Sweet pungent fruity green pineapple, with 蜡状的 Waxy 热带 tropical 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 果味的 fruity 绿 green 热带 tropical with 甜 Sweet fermented 蜡状的 Waxy 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL butyraldehyde
 odor: 辛辣可可霉味绿麦芽面包 pungent cocoa musty green malty bready
 flavor: 可可 Cocoa, 绿 green, 粒状的 grainy, fermented
FL/FR 二氢茉莉酮 dihydrojasmone lactone
 odor: 新鲜糯椰子茉莉香辣天然 fresh waxy coconut jasmin spicy natural
 flavor: 蜡状的 Waxy, lactonic, 奶油状 creamy, 甜 Sweet, fermented and 乳业 dairy-喜欢 like
FL 二异戊基 diiso戊基 amyl 硫代苹果酸 thiomalate
 odor: fermented 咖啡 coffee 酵母 yeast 暗 dark 黑麦 rye 面包 bread
 flavor: 咖啡面包酵母发酵 coffee bready yeasty fermented
 odor: 海鲜般 Seafood-喜欢 like, 溶剂 solvent, 大蒜和洋葱 garlic and onion, pyridine 喜欢 like
 flavor: 海鲜般 Seafood-喜欢 like, 蛤and和牡蛎发酵的大蒜和洋葱 clam and oyster fermented garlic and onion, 蘑菇 mushroom and turkey 土耳其
FL/FR ethyl palmitate
 odor: 蜡状的 Waxy, 果味的 fruity, 奶油状 creamy and 乳白 milky with a 香醋 香脂 balsamic 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 蜡状的 Waxy, 果味的 fruity, 奶油和香草发酵 creamy and fermented with a vanilla, 香醋 香脂 balsamic 细微差别 nuance
 odor: 果味浆果脂肪油性酮杂草辛辣甘草 fruity berry fatty oily ketonic weedy spicy licorice
 flavor: 油性辛辣酮发酵蓝汁奶酪蜡质脂肪木质味 oily spicy ketonic fermented bleu cheese waxy fatty woody
 odor: 甜 Sweet 果味的 fruity 空灵的 ethereal 葡萄酒 wine 香蕉 banana 木本 woody
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 果味的 fruity and 香蕉 banana-喜欢 like with a fermented 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR异 isopropyl phenyl acetate
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 蜜糖 honey, 花的 floral, with a 玫瑰般 rose-喜欢 like 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 蜜糖 honey, 花的 floral with a fermented 香醋 香脂 balsamic 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR异 isovaleric acid
 odor: 酸 sour 臭的 stinky 脚 feet 满头大汗 sweaty 起司 cheese 热带 tropical
 flavor: 干酪味 Cheesey, 乳业 dairy, 奶油状 creamy, fermented, 甜 Sweet, 蜡状的 Waxy and berry
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - fermented
FL/FR 肉桂基 cinn戊基 amyl alcohol
 odor: 甜苦瓜风信子香辣绿粉状肉桂 sweet balsam hyacinth spicy green powdery cinnamic
 flavor: 绿 green, 花的 floral, 辣的 spicy and 蜜糖 honey with a fermented 发酵母的 yeasty 细微差别 nuance
FL 科涅克白兰地 cognac flavor
FL/FRwhite 科涅克白兰地 cognac 油 oil
 odor: 酒发酵绿葡萄 winey fermented green grape fusel
 flavor: 酒鬼 alcoholic, 脂肪的 fatty, fusel, 威士忌酒 whiskey, fermented, 面包和酵母 bready and yeasty
FL/FR 科涅克白兰地 cognac 油 oil 替代者 replacer
 odor: 发酵母的 yeasty 酒鬼 alcoholic fusel 威士忌酒 whiskey fermented木本 woody
 flavor: 醇脂肪杂威士忌发酵面包酵母 alcoholic fatty fusel whiskey fermented bready yeasty
FL furfuryl valerate
 odor: 甜果味菠萝菠萝苹果热带俗气 sweet fruity pineapple apple tropical cheesy
 flavor: 果味的 fruity, 菠萝 pineapple and 苹果 apple with 甜 Sweet fermented and 焦糖色 caramellic 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR linalool oxide
 odor: 花卉草本土绿 floral herbal earthy green
 flavor: 绿 green, 花的 floral, 脂肪的 fatty, 木本 woody, fermented, 草药 herbal, 果味的 fruity and berry
Senary (第六 Sixth) - fermented
FL/FR butyl hexanoate
 odor: 果味的 fruity, 菠萝 pineapple, 蜡状的 Waxy, 绿 green, 多汁的 juicy, 苹果 apple
 flavor: 果味的 fruity, 菠萝 pineapple, 绿 green, 蜡状的 Waxy, 图蒂-弗鲁蒂 tutti-frutti, 多汁的 juicy with a 轻微 slight fermented 果 fruit 注意 note
FL/FR fusel 油 oil
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 酒鬼 alcoholic, 木本 woody, with an 以太 etherial 棕色 brown 果味的 fruity 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 果味的 fruity, 酒鬼 alcoholic, 甜 Sweet, 苹果 apple with a 棕色 brown fermented 细微差别 nuance
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - fermented
FL2-pentyl 噻吩 thiophene
 odor: 脂肪的 fatty 鸡 chicken 政变 coup 酸果蔓 cranberry 烤 roasted 榛子坚果 hazel nut 玉米 corn 烤 roasted 大麦 barley fermented 多肉的 meaty 血腥 bloody
 flavor: 脂肪鸡妙招热带坚果肉烤大麦果味发酵薄荷 fatty chicken coup tropical nut flesh roasted barley fruity fermented minty
Octonary (Eighth) - fermented
FL/FR3-phenyl propyl isobutyrate
 odor: 甜 Sweet 丰富 rich 果味的 fruity, 多汁的水果 juicy fruit, 蜜糖 honey, 热带水果和发酵糖 tropical fruity with fermented sugar, and 卡米 jammy 桂花 osmanthus 喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 甜 Sweet 丰富 rich 果味的 fruity, 成熟的多汁笔记,让 联想到黑莓 ripe juicy notes reminiscent of blackberry, 蓝莓 blueberry, 无花果和葡萄 fig and grape, 略 轻微 slightly fermented 味噌 miso 喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances