玺留香数据库列表 Igreatlife Health Information Listings

Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for grassy
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主 Primary (第一 First) - grassy
FL 雪茄 cigar flavor
FL/FR 棕榈油 palmarosa 油 oil
 odor: 甜花香的柑橘类草香茅草天竺葵金属番茄叶茂盛 sweet floral citrus grassy citronella geranium metallic tomato leafy
 flavor: 甜草般的杂草香辣草药香茅柑橘柠檬马鞭草 sweet grassy weedy spicy herbal citronella citrus lemon verbena
FL 烟草 tobacco flavor
FL/FR 烟草 tobacco 叶 leaf 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 甜 sweet 干草 hay 烟草 tobacco 苔藓 moss 绿叶 叶 leafy 草药 herbal old old 木 wood 干的 dried 果 fruit tea tea 蜜糖 honey
 flavor: 绿叶茶涩干草烟草棕色干果树脂状 grassy leafy tea astringent hay tobacco brown dried fruit resinous
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - grassy
FL/FR acet醛 aldehyde dihexyl acetal
 odor: 甜绿的空灵蜡状草药 sweet green ethereal waxy herbal
 flavor: 绿草如茵的绿叶甜瓜热带香菜金属 green grassy leafy melon tropical cilantro metallic
FL/FR 苜蓿 alfalfa 油 oil
 odor: 绿草如茵的干草 green grassy hay
 flavor: 苜蓿 alfalfa
FL/FR 苜蓿 alfalfa resinoid 树脂
 odor: 绿草如茵的干草 green grassy hay
 flavor: 苜蓿 alfalfa
FR 姜草 生姜 gingergrass 油 oil
 odor: 脂肪甜草本草地玫瑰木质辛辣 fatty sweet herbal grassy rose woody spicy
 flavor: 辛辣草本醛草药柑橘姜天竺葵木质 spicy grassy aldehydic herbal citrus ginger geranium woody
FL/FR(z Z)-3-hexenal
 odor: 绿脂肪草地杂草水果苹果 green fatty grassy weedy fruity apple
 flavor: 锋利的绿草熟的苹果苹果皮 sharp green grassy cooked apple apple skin
 odor: 甜蜜蜡质柑橘花香香脂干多尘粉状辛辣 sweet waxy citrus floral balsamic dry dusty powdery spicy
 flavor: 甜花香草香醋柑橘蜡质脂肪辛辣萜烯 sweet floral grassy balsamic citrus waxy fatty spicy terpenic
FL/FR phenyl 丙酮酸 pyruvic acid
 odor: 甜酸性蜂蜜杏仁杂草酚醛绿 sweet acidic honey almond weedy phenolic green
 flavor: 甜酚类草蜂蜜蔬菜 sweet phenolic grassy honey vegetable
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - grassy
FL/FR 绿 green hexanal
 odor: 醛干燥草杂草绿柑橘脂肪自然 aldehydic dry grassy weedy green citrus fatty natural
 flavor: 绿杂草草草本醛柑橘脂肪 green weedy grassy herbal aldehydic citrus fatty
FL 猕猴桃 kiwi 馏出物 distillates
 odor: 猕猴桃 kiwi 绿 green 果味的 果 fruity un成熟 ripe 香蕉 banana grassy 瓜 melon
 flavor: 猕猴桃绿果味草地种子香蕉未成熟香蕉芒果瓜苹果 kiwi green fruity grassy seedy banana unripe banana mango melon apple
FL/FR(z Z)-叶 leaf acetal
 odor: 绿 green 紫色 violet 自然 natural 绿 green 叶 leaf 蘑菇 mushroom 泥土的 earthy
 flavor: 绿 Green, 植物 vegetative, grassy, 发霉的 musty and 萝卜样 radish-like with a 果味的 果 fruity 细微差别 nuance
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - grassy
FL 苜蓿 alfalfa 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 干草水果绿草地杂草 hay fruity green grassy weedy
 odor: 绿花香杂草皮果味 green floral weedy cortex fruity
 flavor: 绿水果草生菜杂草花香 green fruity grassy lettuce weedy floral
FL/FR ethyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate
 odor: 果味的 果 fruity grape burnt burnt 木 wood 干草 hay 辣的 spicy 菠萝 pineapple 酸果蔓 cranberry 尘土飞扬 dusty 木本 woody
 flavor: 甜果味热带葡萄草干草蔓越莓柑橘 sweet fruity tropical grape grassy hay cranberry citrus
FL 绿 green flavor
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 绿 green 绿叶 叶 leafy 果味的 果 fruity un成熟 ripe 香蕉 banana
 flavor: 绿叶 Green leafy, 新鲜 fresh, 脂肪的 fatty, grassy with 果味的 果 fruity and 多汁的 juicy 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 odor: 新鲜甜茉莉香辣叶草药果味 fresh sweet jasmin spicy leaf herbal fruity
 flavor: 绿辣草药草香菜叶 green spicy herbal grassy cilantro leafy
FL rice 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 坚果 nutty
FL rice flavor
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - grassy
FL/FR 芹菜 celery ketone
 odor: 新鲜芹菜绿孜然 fresh celery green cumin
 flavor: 绿草药芹菜辣草 green herbal celery spicy grassy
FL/FR 香茅 citronella 油 oil ceylon ceylon
 odor: 柑橘类 citrus 柠檬味 柠檬 lemony grassy 木本 woody 玫瑰 rose 新鲜 fresh 湿 wet 树叶 leaves 杂草 weedy
 flavor: 柑橘柠檬脂肪木质象草萜类热带露水 citrus lemon fatty woody grassy terpenic tropical dewy
FL/FR heptanal (醛 aldehyde C-7)
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 醛 aldehydic 脂肪的 fatty 绿 green 草药 herbal 酒李 wine-lee 臭氧 ozone
 flavor: 绿乙醛油性皮质草三叶草香菜 green aldehydic oily cortex grassy clover cilantro
FL/FR hexanal (醛 aldehyde C-6)
 odor: 新鲜的绿脂肪醛草多叶水果多汗 fresh green fatty aldehydic grass leafy fruity sweaty
 flavor: 绿 Green, 木本 woody, 植物 vegetative, 苹果 apple, grassy, 柑橘和橙子与新鲜 citrus and orange with a fresh, 挥之不去 lingering 回味 aftertaste
FL(E)-2-hexenal diethyl acetal
 odor: 绿 green 胡椒 pepper 干燥 dry 有根 根 rooty 脂肪的 fatty 辣的 spicy 芹菜 celery 香芹籽 caraway
 flavor: 绿香菜脂肪瓜皮草酒 green caraway fatty melon rind grassy winey
FL/FR3,6-ivy 甲醛 carb醛 aldehyde
 odor: 绿art柑橘草药皮质醛 green tart citrus herbal cortex aldehydic
 flavor: 绿醛草药柑橘皮果皮女贞芦笋三叶草 green aldehydic herbal citrus rind grassy privet asparagus clover
FL4-penten-1-yl acetate
 odor: 绿 green 塑料 plastic 杂草 weedy acrylate 蔬菜 vegetable 金属的 metallic 熟的 cooked 肉 meat 硫化物 sulfide
 flavor: 甜绿蔬菜杂草塑料干草 sweet green vegetable weedy plastic grassy hay
 odor: 薄荷凉爽药用木质 minty cooling medicinal woody
 flavor: 薄荷薄荷凉爽薄荷草草本热带 minty cooling mentholic peppermint grassy herbal tropical
FL/FR 紫色 violet 叶 leaf 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 绿油性土状绿叶花卉 green oily earthy leafy floral
 flavor: 绿 Green, 瓜 melon, 花的 floral, 新鲜 fresh, 蜡状的 waxy, grassy and 绿叶 叶 leafy
Senary (第六 Sixth) - grassy
FL/FRpara-anisyl methyl ketone
 odor: 甜果味奶油香辣绿茴香香欧亚甘草茴香 sweet fruity creamy spicy green anisic balsamic licorice fennel
 flavor: 甜辣茴香茴香甘草绿草薄荷根啤酒 sweet spicy anisic fennel licorice green grassy minty root beer
FL/FR(z Z)-3-hexen-1-yl 异戊酸 isovalerate
 odor: 新鲜的青苹果果味热带菠萝 fresh green apple fruity tropical pineapple
 flavor: 青苹果皮肤果味热带草绿豆 green apple skin fruity tropical grassy green bean
FL/FR 山苍、豆豉姜、木姜子、山胡椒、山鸡椒 litsea 荜澄茄/山苍子 cubeba 果 fruit 油 oil
 odor: 甜新鲜柠檬醛绿草 sweet fresh lemon citral green grassy
 flavor: 柑橘柠檬香茅醛蜡状水果味草味 citrus lemon lemongrass aldehydic waxy fruity grassy
FL/FR 苯乙基 phenethyl 新奇的 pivalate
 odor: 玫瑰 rose 香料 spice 罗丹诺 rhodinol geranium 蓝莓 blueberry
 flavor: 香脂茶,玫瑰,辛辣的天竺葵,绿,草状,蜡状 balsamic tea rose spicy geranium green grassy waxy
FL 菠菜 spinach flavor
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - grassy
FL/FR(E)-2-hexen-1-yl butyrate
 odor: 绿果味杏成熟的香蕉皮兰花发酵 green fruity apricot ripe banana cortex orchid fermented
 flavor: 绿油腻水果热带皮质成熟草地 green oily fruity tropical cortex ripe grassy
FL/FR(E)-2-hexen-1-yl propionate
 odor: 绿果味苹果梨香蕉未成熟香蕉热带果肉大黄 green fruity apple pear banana unripe banana tropical pulpy rhubarb
 flavor: 绿果味油性多叶热带果肉草类蔬菜 green fruity oily leafy tropical pulpy grassy vegetable
FL/FR2,4-ivy 甲醛 carb醛 aldehyde
 odor: 绿醛叶皮质art花香 green aldehydic leafy cortex tart floral peely
 flavor: 绿多叶醛新鲜金莲花皮草 green leafy aldehydic fresh nasturtium cortex grassy
FL 香菜 parsley flavor
FL/FRcurled 香菜 parsley 叶 leaf 油 oil
 odor: 新鲜的绿草药辛辣叶茂盛的酚醛木质 fresh green herbal spicy leafy phenolic woody
 flavor: 绿辛辣草药木本绿叶酚醛草地金属 green spicy herbal woody leafy phenolic grassy metallic
FLcurled 香菜 parsley oleoresin
 odor: 绿草药辣叶酚醛木质 green herbal spicy leafy phenolic woody
 flavor: 绿辛辣草药木本绿叶酚醛草地金属 green spicy herbal woody leafy phenolic grassy metallic
Octonary (Eighth) - grassy
FL/FR hexyl isobutyrate
 odor: 绿 green 果味苹果 fruity apple 梨 pear 酸 tart grape 成熟 ripe berry 酒红 winey 桃子 peach
 flavor: 绿果味苹果成熟水果梨香蕉酒象草 green fruity apple ripe fruit pear banana winey grassy
FL/FR propyl heptanoate
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 成熟 ripe, 果味苹果 fruity apple, 梨 pear, 菠萝 pineapple, grape and 草莓 strawberry 笔记 notes. it It 传授 imparts a 略 轻微 slightly 发酵的 fermented 科涅克白兰地 cognac 细微差别 nuance and 已 has 多汁的 juicy 合奏 tutti frutti frutti and 多汁的 juicy 像水果 果 fruit-like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 蜡状的 waxy, 果味菠萝 fruity pineapple, 梨 pear, 苹果 apple and 柑橘类 citrus 笔记 notes with a 轻微 slight 绿 green grassy 细微差别 nuance
FL 葡萄干 raisin flavor