玺留香数据库列表 Igreatlife Health Information Listings

Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for nut flesh
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主 Primary (第一 First) - nut flesh
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - nut flesh
FL/FR2-acetyl-3-methyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 坚果 nutty nut flesh 烤 roasted 榛子 hazelnut 烤 toasted 粮食 grain 玉米 corn 芯片 chip 蔬菜 vegetable nut skin 皮 焦糖色 caramellic
 flavor: 坚果坚果肉烤榛子烤谷物土豆片烤土豆坚果皮蔬菜 nutty nut flesh roasted hazelnut toasted grain potato chip baked potato nut skin vegetable
FL nut flavor
FL 花生 peanut flavor
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - nut flesh
FL/FR geranium thiazole
 odor: geranium 绿 green 红 red 玫瑰 rose 坚果 nutty 蔬菜 vegetable nut skin 皮 泥土的 earthy beany beany
 flavor: 绿蔬菜坚果果肉泥土坚果皮肤甘草红玫瑰茴香 green vegetable nut flesh earthy nut skin licorice red rose fennel
FL烤 roasted 花生 peanut flavor
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - nut flesh
FL2-pentyl 噻吩 thiophene
 odor: 脂肪的 脂肪 fatty 鸡 chicken 政变 coup 酸果蔓 cranberry 烤 roasted 榛子 hazelnut 玉米 corn 烤 roasted 大麦 barley 发酵的 fermented 多肉的 meaty 血腥 bloody
 flavor: 脂肪鸡妙招热带坚果肉烤大麦果味发酵薄荷 fatty chicken coup tropical nut flesh roasted barley fruity fermented minty
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - nut flesh
FL 花生 peanut 固体油 butter flavor
FL 花生 peanut 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 花生坚果干奶油油性坚果肉脂肪坚果皮 peanut nutty dry creamy oily nut flesh fatty nut skin
Senary (第六 Sixth) - nut flesh
FL/FR2-acetyl-3,5(或6)-二甲基吡嗪 5(or 6)-dimethyl pyrazine
 odor: 坚果 nutty 烤 roasted 榛子 hazelnut 烤 roasted 花生 peanut 爆米花 pop玉米 corn 玉米 corn 芯片 chip 烤 toasted 粮食 grain nut flesh 花生 peanut 固体油 butter
 flavor: 坚果烤榛子烤花生爆米花烤谷物坚果肉花生酱 nutty roasted hazelnut roasted peanut popcorn toasted grain nut flesh peanut butter
FL/FRortho-methyl acetophenone
 odor: 甜山楂粉状茴香香豆素酚烧坚果蜂蜜 sweet hawthorn powdery anisic coumarinic phenolic burnt nutty honey
 flavor: 甜茴香香豆素酚烧坚果坚果肉杏仁粉 sweet anisic coumarinic phenolic burnt nutty nut flesh almond powdery
 odor: 甜花香坚果皮肤胡椒草药热带 sweet floral nut skin peppery herbal tropical
 flavor: 柑橘萜热带辣坚果坚果肉 citrus terpenic tropical spicy nutty nut flesh
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - nut flesh
FL(E,e)-2 E)-2,4-nonadienal
 odor: 脂肪的 脂肪 fatty 瓜 melon 蜡状的 waxy 绿 green 紫色 violet 叶 leaf 黄瓜 cucumber 热带 tropical 果 fruit 鸡 chicken 脂肪 fat
 flavor: 脂肪蜡质鸡肉脂肪柑橘皮油腻马铃薯片坚果肉黄瓜 fatty waxy chicken fat citrus rind greasy potato chip nut flesh cucumber
 odor: 新鲜的蜡质清洁布棉质洋菝契 sarsaparilla
 flavor: 蜡质脂肪清洁油腻新鲜的腥坚果肉固体油 waxy fatty clean oily fresh fishy nut flesh tallow
Octonary (Eighth) - nut flesh
FL/FR allyl 2-ethyl butyrate
 odor: nut 果 fruit 桃核 peach-pit 樱桃坑 cherry-pit 空灵的 ethereal
 flavor: 空灵的果味绿坚果榛子去核澳洲坚果果肉 ethereal fruity green nutty hazelnut seedy macadamia nut flesh