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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for peppermint
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主 Primary (第一 First) - peppermint
FL/FR 玉米薄荷 cornmint 油 oil
 odor: 薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty 薄荷 薄荷脑 mentholic 草药 herbal
 flavor: 薄荷凉薄荷薄荷 minty cooling mentholic peppermint
FL/FR 玉米薄荷 cornmint 油 oil 中国 china
 odor: 冷却 Cooling, 薄荷的 minty, 甜甜的薄荷醇 sweet fresh mentholic, peppermint 喜欢 like
 flavor: 薄荷的 minty 冷却 Cooling, 甜 sweet, 似薄荷 薄荷 薄荷脑 mentholic-喜欢 like with a peppermint 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR 玉米薄荷 cornmint 油 oil 印度 india
 odor: 薄荷草药 minty herbal
 flavor: 玉米薄荷 cornmint
FL/FR 玉米薄荷 cornmint 油 oil 日本 japan
 odor: 薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty
 flavor: 薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty
FL/FR 玉米薄荷 cornmint 油 oil 无萜 terpeneless
 odor: mint 油腻的 油 oily peppermint
 flavor: 薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty
FL/FR 薄荷 mentha 胡椒 piperita 提取 extract
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: 薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty
FL/FR 薄荷 mentha 胡椒 piperita 花/叶/干 flower/leaf/ stem 提取 extract
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR 薄荷 mentha 胡椒 piperita tincture
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR(±)-薄荷脑 menthol
 odor: 薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty
 flavor: 薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty
FL/FRdextro-neo薄荷脑 menthol
 odor: 薄荷薄荷甜 mentholic minty sweet
 flavor: 薄荷薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty peppermint
FL/FRdextro,laevo-薄荷脑 menthol
 odor: 薄荷凉爽木质 peppermint cool woody
 flavor: 薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty
FL/FRlaevo-薄荷脑 menthol
 odor: 薄荷冷却薄荷薄荷 peppermint cooling mentholic minty
 flavor: 冷却樟脑薄荷清洁辣 cooling camphoreous minty clean spicy
 odor: 深 deep 薄荷脑 menthol peppermint 草药 herbalcamphor
 flavor: 冷却 Cooling, peppermint, 新鲜的绿 fresh green, 薄荷的 minty with an 草药 herbal 细微差别 nuance
 odor: 薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty
 flavor: peppermint
 odor: 薄荷的 minty
 flavor: 凉爽薄荷木香 cooling mentholic minty woody
 odor: 薄荷的 minty 凉 cool peppermint 甜 sweet
 flavor: 薄荷的 minty, 冷却 Cooling and re新鲜 freshing 薄荷 薄荷脑 mentholic
FL/FR menthyl acetate
 odor: 茶样 Tea-like, 稍微冷却 slightly cooling, 薄荷和果味 minty and fruity
 flavor: 茶样 Tea-like, 凉爽果味 cooling and fruity
FL/FRlaevo-menthyl acetate
 odor: 草药 herbal mint tea tea 果味的 fruity 花的 floral
 flavor: 凉爽薄荷薄荷热带香脂花香木质 cooling mentholic minty tropical balsamic floral woody
FL/FR menthyl 异戊酸 isovalerate
 odor: 果味的 Fruity, 冷却 Cooling, 甜而木质 sweet and woody
 flavor: 果味的 Fruity, 甜 sweet, with a 合奏 tutti frutti frutti 背景 background
FL/FR peppermint 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: 薄荷 Peppermint, 冷却 Cooling, 薄荷的 minty, 绿 green, 新鲜 fresh, 清洁 clean, 绿叶 leafy, 双重薄荷 double-mint and 糖果 candy 甜 sweet
 flavor: 冷却 Cooling, peppermint, 薄荷的 minty, 绿和绿叶与清洁 green and leafy with a clean, 草药 herbal, 双重薄荷 double-mint 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR peppermint cyclohexanone
 odor: 新鲜 fresh mint peppermint 木本 woodycamphor
 flavor: 冷却 Cooling, peppermint and 像薄荷糖 spearmint-喜欢 like
FL/FR peppermint 馏出物 distillates
 odor: 薄荷的 minty
 flavor: 薄荷凉爽绿薄荷药用 minty cooling green mentholic medicinal
FL peppermint flavor
fd FD peppermint 叶 leaf
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 美国 america
 odor: 干净的薄荷薄荷辛辣 clean peppermint minty pungent
 flavor: 冷却 Cooling, 绿薄荷 green minty, 带有薄荷糖般细腻的糖果味 with a sweet candy menthol-like nuance
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil brazil
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 中国 china
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil CO2 提取 extract
 odor: 薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 脱醇的 de薄荷脑 mentholized
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 英国 england
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 法国 france
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 匈牙利 hungary
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 爱达荷州 idaho
 odor: 薄荷冷却绿薄荷糖 minty cooling green mentholic candy
 flavor: 薄荷凉爽绿薄荷药用 minty cooling green mentholic medicinal
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 印度 india
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 蒙古 mongolia
 odor: 薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil montana
 odor: 干净的薄荷薄荷辛辣 clean peppermint minty pungent
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 摩洛哥 morocco
 odor: 干净的薄荷薄荷辛辣 clean peppermint minty pungent
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 俄国 russia
 odor: 薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 特别 special 分数 fractions
 odor: 薄荷薄荷薄荷凉爽粉状草药辣 peppermint minty mentholic cooling powdery herbal spicy
 flavor: 凉爽薄荷薄荷薄荷辣草药粉 cooling minty mentholic peppermint spicy herbal medicinal powdery
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 塔斯马尼亚 tasmania
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 无萜 terpeneless
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 甜 sweet peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 威拉米特 willamette
 odor: 薄荷凉爽绿薄荷糖药用 minty cooling green mentholic candy medicinal
 flavor: 薄荷凉爽绿薄荷药用 minty cooling green mentholic medicinal
FL/FR peppermint 油 oil 亚基马 yakima
 odor: 薄荷薄荷 cooling mentholic minty
 flavor: peppermint
FL/FR peppermint 水 water
 odor: peppermint
 flavor: peppermint
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - peppermint
 odor: 深 deep 薄荷脑 menthol peppermint 草药 herbalcamphor
 flavor: 冷却 Cooling, peppermint, 新鲜的绿 fresh green, 薄荷的 minty with an 草药 herbal 细微差别 nuance
FL 橙子 orange peppermint flavor
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - peppermint
FL 糖果 candy cane flavor
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - peppermint
FL/FRlaevo-哌啶酮 piperitone
 odor: 辛辣薄荷薄荷 pungent minty peppermint
 flavor: 薄荷凉薄荷薄荷辣辛辣草药 minty cooling mentholic peppermint spicy herbal
 odor: 薄荷凉爽药用木质 minty cooling medicinal woody
 flavor: 薄荷薄荷凉爽薄荷草草本热带 minty cooling mentholic peppermint grassy herbal tropical
FL/FR异 isopulegol
 odor: 薄荷凉爽药用木质绿草草药 minty cooling medicinal woody green grassy herbal
 flavor: 薄荷的 minty 冷却 Cooling, 草本的 herbaceous peppermint 细微差别 nuance
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - peppermint
FL/FR 哌啶酮 piperitone
 odor: 草药 herbal 薄荷的 mintycamphor 药用的 medicinal
 flavor: 薄荷凉爽薄荷香辣薄荷胡椒 minty cooling mentholic spicy peppermint peppery
FL/FRdextro-哌啶酮 piperitone
 odor: 草药 herbal 薄荷的 minty 薄荷 薄荷脑 mentholic peppermint
 flavor: 薄荷凉爽薄荷香辣薄荷胡椒 minty cooling mentholic spicy peppermint peppery
Senary (第六 Sixth) - peppermint
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - peppermint
Octonary (Eighth) - peppermint