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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for vanilla
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主 Primary (第一 First) - vanilla
FL/FR 乙酰香草醛 acetovanillone
 odor: 晕 faint 甜 Sweet 香兰素 vanillin
 flavor: 香兰素 vanillin
FL ambrosia flavor
FLvanilla 茴香 anise flavor
FL/FRpara-anisyl 甲 formate
 odor: 果味花香香草淡淡的 fruity floral anisic vanilla seaweed
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, vanilla, 香料 spice, with 果味的 fruity 类海洛因 Heliotropine 促肾上腺素 heliotropine-喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FLvanilla 卡布奇诺咖啡 cappuccino flavor
FLvanilla 咖啡 coffee flavor
FL di香兰素 vanillin
 odor: 果味香草 fruity vanilla
 flavor: 甜奶油牛奶脂肪黄油 sweet creamy milk fat buttery
FL/FR ethyl 香兰素 vanillin
 odor: 甜奶油香草焦糖 sweet creamy vanilla caramel
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 奶油状 creamy, vanilla, 光滑 smooth and 焦糖色 焦糖 caramellic
FL/FR ethyl 香兰素 vanillin isobutyrate
 odor: 激烈 Intense 甜 Sweet, 奶油状 creamy, vanilla with vanilla ice 奶油 cream and 巧克力 chocolate 乳白 milky 细微差别 细微差别 nuances. The 干燥 dry out is 略 轻微 slightly 焦糖色 焦糖 caramellic and 谣言 rumy
 flavor: 甜 Sweet 奶油状 creamy vanilla with 粉状的 powdery and 香醋 balsamic ice 奶油状 creamy and 纸板 cardboard 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR ethyl 香兰素 vanillin propylene glycol acetal
 odor: 甜 Sweet 尖锐 sharp 香兰素 vanillin, 奶油状 creamy with 辣的 spicy 丁香状 丁香 clove-喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 奶油状 creamy, vanilla with 纸板 cardboard 细微差别 细微差别 nuances. it It 传授 i零件 mparts 挥之不去 lingering 甜 Sweetness
FLvanilla 星冰乐 frappuccino flavor
FLvanilla 巧克力 chocolate ice 奶油 cream flavor
FLvanilla ice 奶油 cream flavor
FL/FR4-methyl guaiacol
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 糖果 candy, 香料 spice, 丁香酚 eugenol, vanilla, 皮革 leather, 辣的 spicy, 烟 smoky
 flavor: 瓦尼拉 VaniIla, 香料 spice, 丁香酚 eugenol, 木本 木 woody and 皮革 leather 细微差别 细微差别 nuances with no 剩余的 residual 化学的 chemical 笔记 注意 notes
 odor: 麝香动物粉状天然果味 musk animal powdery natural fruity
 flavor: 香草豆 Vanilla bean, 粉末状的Heliotropine powdery heliotropine, 奶油状 creamy and 甘草 licorice
FL 根 root 啤酒 beer 浮动 float flavor
FLvanilla 香料 spice flavor
FR vanilla
 odor: vanilla
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla almond flavor
FL/FR vanilla aromatica 果 fruit 提取 extract
 odor: 甜香草 sweet vanilla
 flavor: vanilla
FL/FR vanilla bean 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute (vanilla 扁平叶 planifolia)
 odor: 甜香草 sweet vanilla bean 香脂 balsam
 flavor: vanilla
FL/FR vanilla bean 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute (vanilla spp spp.)
 odor: 甜香草 sweet vanilla 奶糖 toffee 新鲜 fresh 香脂 balsam
 flavor: vanilla
FL/FR vanilla bean 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute CO2 提取 extract (vanilla 扁平叶 planifolia)
 odor: 甜香草 sweet vanilla 奶糖 toffee 卡仕达酱 custard 奶油状 creamy 美食家 gourmand 香醋 balsamic 粉状的 powdery 棉花糖 marshmallow
 flavor: 甜香草热带奶油蛋奶油 cream奶油葫芦香醋可可苦
FL vanilla bean aromatica
 odor: vanilla
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla bean flavor 键 key
 flavor: vanilla
FL/FR vanilla bean 油 oil (vanilla 大溪地 tahitensis)
 odor: 甜香草 sweet vanilla
 flavor: vanilla
FL/FR vanilla bean 油 oil CO2 提取 extract
 odor: 甜香草 sweet vanilla
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla bean 糊 paste
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla bean 扁平叶 planifolia
 odor: vanilla
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla bean 粉 powder
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla bean 大溪地 tahitensis
 odor: vanilla
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla 固体油 butter 坚果 nut flavor
FL vanilla 焦糖 caramel flavor
FLvanilla chai chai flavor
FL vanilla 浓缩 concentrate
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla 奶油 cream flavor
FL vanilla 卡仕达酱 custard flavor
FL vanilla 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: vanilla
FL/FR vanilla 提取 extract
 odor: vanilla
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla flavor
FLbakers 白 white vanilla flavor
FLbourbon vanilla flavor
FLfrench vanilla flavor
FL vanilla flavor 键 key
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla 做傻事 fudge flavor
FL vanilla 榛子坚果 hazel nut flavor
FL vanilla 澳洲坚果 macadamia 坚果 nut flavor
FL vanilla 摩卡咖啡 mocha flavor
FL vanilla 坚果 nut 奶油 creme flavor
FL vanilla 坚果 nut flavor
FL/FR vanilla oleo树脂 resin bali bali
 odor: 甜 Sweet cocoa 巧克力 chocolate vanilla 奶油状 creamy 果味的 fruity 焦糖 caramel
 flavor: 甜香草干果焦糖 sweet vanilla dried fruit caramel
FL/FR vanilla oleo树脂 resin bourbon
 odor: 甜香草焦糖果味 sweet vanilla caramel fruity
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla 潘丹 pandan flavor
FL/FR vanilla 扁平叶 planifolia 果 fruit 提取 extract
 odor: vanilla
 flavor: vanilla
FL/FR vanilla 扁平叶 planifolia 果 fruit 水 water
 odor: vanilla
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla 粉 powder flavor
FL/FR vanilla 树脂样 树脂 resinoid
 odor: 甜香草 sweet vanilla
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla 檀香 sandal木 wood flavor
FL vanilla 糖 sugar
FL vanilla 漩涡 swirl flavor
FL/FR vanilla 大溪地 tahitensis 果 fruit 提取 extract
 odor: vanilla
 flavor: vanilla
FL vanilla 西瓜 水 watermelon flavor
FL/FR 香兰素 vanillin
 odor: 甜香草奶油巧克力 sweet vanilla creamy chocolate
 flavor: 香草 Vanilla, 香兰素 vanillin, 甜 Sweet, 奶油状 creamy, 辣的 spicy, 酚醛的 phenolic and 乳白 milky
FL/FR 香兰素 vanillin 2,3-丁二醇缩醛 3-butylene glycol acetal
 odor: 香草奶油巧克力粉焦糖乳制奶油食家香醋麦芽糖 vanilla creamy chocolate powdery caramellic dairy custard gourmand balsamic malty
 flavor: 香草巧克力可可脂奶油焦糖粉状蛋奶奶 vanilla chocolate cocoa creamy caramellic powdery custard dairy
FL/FR 香兰素 vanillin propylene glycol acetal
 odor: 甜香草巧克力奶油乳状粉 sweet vanilla chocolate creamy dairy powdery
 flavor: 甜香草 sweet vanilla, with 奶油状 creamy and 略 轻微 slightly 酚醛的 phenolic 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR 香草基 vanillyl acetate
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 奶油状 creamy, 香草样 vanilla-喜欢 like with a 粉末状的Heliotropine powdery heliotropine 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, vanilla, 奶油状 creamy, 粉状的 powdery with a 香醋 balsamic beany beany 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR 香草基 vanillyl isobutyrate
 odor: 甜香草奶油果味焦糖巧克力 sweet vanilla creamy fruity caramel chocolate
 flavor: 甜香草粉状巧克力奶油黄油果味俗气 sweet vanilla powdery chocolate creamy buttery fruity cheesy
FL/FR 藜芦醛 veratr醛 aldehyde
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 奶油状 creamy, 香兰素 vanillin, 粉状的 powdery, 草药 herbal with a 轻微 slight 酚醛的 phenolic 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 甜 Sweet 奶油状 creamy 香草样 vanilla-喜欢 like
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - vanilla
FL amaretto amaretto 提取 extract
 flavor: 甜杏仁香草 sweet almond vanilla
FL/FRpara-anisyl alcohol
 odor: 甜蜜的粉状山楂丁香玫瑰花风信子 sweet powdery hawthorn lilac rose floral hyacinth
 flavor: 樱桃 Cherry, vanilla, 细微差别 creamy nuances, cocoa, 甘草 licorice, 茴香 anise
FL 苹果 apple vanilla flavor
FL 杏 apricot vanilla flavor
FL/FR 安息香 benzoin 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute 替代者 replacer
 odor: vanilla 香醋 balsamic 辣的 spicy aromatic 树脂的 树脂 resinous 酚醛的 phenolic
 flavor: 安息香香草香脂辣树脂果味草药 benzoin vanilla balsamic spicy resinous fruity herbal
FL/FRsumatra 安息香 benzoin 树脂 resin
 odor: 甜 Sweet 辣的 spicy vanilla 香脂 balsam
 flavor: 安息香 benzoin
FL 蓝莓 blueberry vanilla flavor
FL 固体油 butter vanilla flavor
FL 固体油 butter vanilla 坚果 nut flavor
FL 小豆蔻 cardamom vanilla flavor
FL 樱桃 Cherry vanilla flavor
FL 巧克力 chocolate vanilla flavor
FL 肉桂 cinnamon vanilla flavor
FL dihydro香豆素 coumarin
 odor: 甜汤卡香豆素椰子椰子肉桂 sweet tonka coumarin coconut herbal cinnamon
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 奶油状 creamy, vanilla, 椰子和乳白 coconut and milky
FL ethyl 3-(2-hydroxyphenyl) propionate
 odor: 辣的 spicy
 flavor: 甜奶油香草 sweet creamy vanilla
FL 榛子坚果 hazel nut vanilla flavor
 odor: 草本椰子甜香豆素烟草 herbal coconut sweet coumarin tobacco
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 奶油状 creamy, 香草味 vanilla-Iike with 绿 green lactonic 粉状的 powdery 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL 蜜糖 honey vanilla flavor
FL6-methyl 香豆素 coumarin
 odor: 甜椰子 Sweet coconut, vanilla, 奶油状 creamy with a 粉状的 powdery 花的 floral 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 甜椰子 Sweet coconut, vanilla 喜欢 like with a 奶油状 creamy 像蛋糕 cake-喜欢 like 细微差别 nuance
FL 薄荷 mint vanilla flavor
FL 橙子 orange vanilla 奶油 cream flavor
FL 橙子 orange vanilla flavor
FL 石榴 pomegranate vanilla flavor
FL 粉状的 powdery ketone
 odor: 干甜粉状樱桃果味天芥菜杏仁茴香茴香香草 dry sweet powdery cherry fruity heliotrope almond anisic vanilla
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 粉状的 powdery, vanilla, 果味的 fruity, 奶油状 creamy
FL/FR propenyl 瓜特霍尔 guaethol
 odor: 甜香草木本烟草辣酚醛粉状 sweet vanilla woody tobacco spicy phenolic powdery
 flavor: 甜香草 sweet vanilla-喜欢 like, with a 奶油状 creamy 烦 的 anisic 注意 note
FL 覆盆子 raspberry vanilla flavor
FR resorcinol
 odor: 坚果奶油酚醛山楂霉 nutty creamy phenolic hawthorn musty
 flavor: 奶油状 creamy, vanilla, 略 轻微 slightly 酚醛的 phenolic and 发霉的 musty
FL 草莓 strawberry vanilla flavor
FL ube ube flavor
FLchai chai vanilla flavor
FL/FR 香草醛烯 香草基 vanillylidene acetone
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 粉状的 powdery vanilla with 奶油状 creamy 香醋 balsamic 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 香醋香草 Balsamic vanilla, with 甜 Sweet aromatic 辣的 spicy 细微差别 nuance
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - vanilla
FL/FRalpha-angelica lactone
 odor: 甜 Sweet 溶剂 solvent 坚果 nutty 通卡 tonka 香豆素 coumarin 烟草 tobacco
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 奶油状 creamy, 椰子 coconut, vanilla 干草 hay and 香豆素 coumarin-喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FRortho-anis醛 aldehyde
 odor: 甜蜜粉状山楂愈创木酚香草苯乙酮杏仁 sweet powdery hawthorn guaiacol vanilla acetophenone almond
 flavor: 甜粉状的愈创木酚霉霉香草花杏仁 sweet powdery guaiacol musty vanilla floral almond
FL/FRpara-anis醛 aldehyde
 odor: 甜粉状含羞草花山楂香脂 sweet powdery mimosa floral hawthorn balsam
 flavor: 奶油状 creamy, 粉状的 powdery, vanilla and 辣的 spicy with a 典型 typical 棉花糖 marshmallow flavor
FL/FRsumatra 安息香 benzoin 树脂样 树脂 resinoid
 odor: 甜 Sweet 辣的 spicy vanilla 香脂 balsam 树脂的 树脂 resinous
 flavor: 安息香 benzoin
FL 固体油 butter 奶油 cream 结霜 frosting flavor
FL 固体油 butter 坚果 nut vanilla flavor
FL 肉桂 cinnamon vanilla 奶油 cream flavor
FL 糠醛 furfural acetone
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 香醋 balsamic, 坚果 nutty, 奶油状 creamy, 香豆素 coumarin and 香草样 vanilla-喜欢 like with a 粉状的 powdery 烦 的 anisic 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 坚果 nutty, 粉状的 powdery, vanilla and 香豆素 coumarin 奶油状 creamy
FL/FR 促肾上腺素 heliotropin
 odor: 鸡血石 heliotrope 花 flower 甜 Sweet 粉状的 powdery 椰子 coconut vanilla
 flavor: 苯甲醛 Benzaldehyde, 樱桃 Cherry, vanilla and 辣的 spicy
FL 霍恰塔 horchata flavor
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - vanilla
FL/FRpara-anisyl acetate
 odor: 甜蜜的粉状香脂香草果味李子樱桃汤卡 sweet powdery balsam vanilla fruity plum cherry tonka
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 果味的 fruity, 甘草 licorice, 樱桃 Cherry, vanilla, 香豆素 coumarin
 odor: 烟熏酚醛香熏培根粉状木质味 smoky phenolic balsamic bacon powdery woody
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 药用的 medicinal, 奶油状 creamy, 多肉的 meaty, vanilla, 香料 spice
FL/FR ethylene 黄铜酸酯 brassylate
 odor: 粉状甜花香麝香木香 powdery sweet floral ambrette musk woody
 flavor: 麝香 Musky, 甜 Sweet, 粉状的 powdery, 花的 floral, vanilla and 芳香的 perfumey
FL 水果馅饼 flan flavor
FL/FR4-hydroxy苯甲醛 benz醛 aldehyde
 odor: 略 轻微 slightly 坚果 nutty almond, 香醋 balsamic vanilla 喜欢 like with 轻微 slight 棕色 brown 蜜糖 honey 细微差别 nuance. with a 晕 faint 金属的 metallic 字符 character
 flavor: 零件 mparts a 奶油状 creamy 口 mouth 感觉 feel, 略 轻微 slightly 发霉的 musty 坚果 nutty with vanilla and 蜜糖 honey 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL(E,E)-methyl sorbate
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 果味的 fruity, 棕色 brown, with a 辣的 spicy 绿 green 茴香 anise 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 果味的 fruity, 甜 Sweet, 棕色 brown, vanilla and 坚果 nutty
FL/FR 薄荷 mint lactone
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 奶油状 creamy, 香豆素 coumarinic and 椰子 coconut with a 粉状的 powdery 烟草 tobacco 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 奶油状 creamy, 椰子 coconut, 甜 Sweet, vanilla and 香豆素 coumarin
FL/FR 秘鲁 peru 香脂 balsam 油 oil
 odor: 甜香脂肉桂香草琥珀辣粉状树脂 sweet balsamic cinnamyl vanilla amber spicy powdery resinous
 flavor: 香脂肉桂酸蜡状香草木香辛辣皮革 balsamic cinnamyl waxy vanilla woody spicy leathery
FL/FR styralyl alcohol
 odor: 新鲜 fresh 甜 Sweet acetophenone 梔子花 gardenia 风信子 hyacinth
 flavor: 化学的 Chemical, 药用的 medicinal, 带有香脂香草木香味 with a balsamic vanilla woody nuance
FL/FRgamma-undecalactone (醛 aldehyde C-14 )
 odor: 果味桃奶油脂肪内酯杏酮椰子 fruity peach creamy fatty lactonic apricot ketonic coconut
 flavor: 脂肪的 Fatty, 椰子 coconut, 奶油状 creamy, vanilla, 坚果 nutty, 澳洲坚果 macadamia and 桃子 peach
FL/FRpara-vanillic acid
 odor: 乳业 dairy 乳白 milky 甜 Sweet 奶油状 creamy 粉状的 powdery vanilla bean
 flavor: 奶油状 creamy, 乳白 milky, 甜 Sweet and vanilla with 纸板状 纸板 cardboard-喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FRpara-香草基 vanillyl alcohol
 odor: 甜奶油香草焦糖 sweet creamy vanilla caramellic 椰子 coconut 格雷厄姆 graham 饼干 cracker 通卡 tonka 乳白 milky 粉状的 powdery
 flavor: 甜奶油乳蛋糕香草乳状粉状 sweet creamy custard vanilla milky powdery
FL/FR 香草基 vanillyl ethyl ether
 odor: 酒鬼 alcoholic rum 甜 Sweet 巧克力 chocolate 奶油状 creamy vanilla 辣的 spicy 肉豆蔻 坚果 nutmeg 烟 smoky
 flavor: 甜蜜的拉米巧克力奶油香草 sweet rummy chocolate creamy vanilla
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - vanilla
 odor: 甜山楂茴香粉状香脂相思 sweet hawthorn anisic powdery balsamic acacia
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 烦 的 anisic, 果味樱桃 fruity cherry, with 粉状的 powdery vanilla 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL diacetyl 三聚体 trimer
 odor: 固体油 butter 烤 roasted
 flavor: 脂肪的 Fatty 油腻的 油 oily 奶油 cream 固体油 butter 甜 Sweet 香兰素 vanillin 焦糖 caramel 奶糖 toffee 新鲜 fresh 起司 cheese 夸克 quark
FL/FR2,4-dimethyl 苯甲醛 benz醛 aldehyde
 odor: naphthyl 樱桃 Cherry almond 香料 spice vanilla
 flavor: 萘基 Naphthyl, 樱桃 Cherry, almond, 香料 spice and vanilla
FL/FR4-ethyl guaiacol
 odor: 辣烟熏培根酚丁香 spicy smoky bacon phenolic clove
 flavor: 木本 Woody, 烟熏 smo键 key and 辣的 spicy with a 甜香草 sweet vanilla 背景 background
FL/FR ethyl palmitate
 odor: 蜡状的 Waxy, 果味的 fruity, 奶油状 creamy and 乳白 milky with a 香醋 balsamic 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 蜡状的 Waxy, 果味的 fruity, 奶油和香草发酵 creamy and fermented with a vanilla, 香醋 balsamic 细微差别 nuance
FL 棉花糖 marshmallow flavor
FL/FR 秘鲁 peru 香脂 balsam 树脂样 树脂 resinoid
 odor: 甜香脂肉桂香草琥珀粉末状木本树脂状 sweet balsamic cinnamyl vanilla amber powdery woody resinous
 flavor: 苦味温香苦瓜肉桂木质香草皮革 bitter warm balsam cinnamon woody vanilla leather
Senary (第六 Sixth) - vanilla
FL4-allyl-2,6-二甲氧基苯酚 6-dimethoxyphenol
 odor: 烟 smoky, 多肉的 meaty, 酚醛的 phenolic, 甜 Sweet, ham and 木本 木 woody
 flavor: 多肉的 meaty, 酚醛的 phenolic, 烟熏和沉闷 smoky and bacony, with 奶油状 creamy vanilla 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL 松柏醛 conifer醛 aldehyde
 odor: 甜 Sweet 格雷厄姆 graham 饼干 cracker 曲奇饼 cookie 面包 bread crust 面包 bread 烤的 baked 烤 toasted 粮食 grain 大麦 barley 烤 roasted 大麦 barley vanilla 卡仕达酱 custard 乳业 dairy
 flavor: 全麦饼干饼干面包烤烤谷物奶油蛋ro烤大麦香草粉 graham cracker cookie bread baked toasted grain custard roasted barley vanilla powdery
FL ethyl 3-oxohexanoate
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 绿 green, 满头大汗 sweaty with 果味的 fruity 笔记 注意 notes
 flavor: 果味的 fruity, 菠萝 pineapple, 绿 green with 甜 Sweet 甘草 licorice and vanilla 笔记 注意 notes
FL/FR ethyl 甲基对甲苯基 methyl-para-tolyl 缩水橙花酯 glycidate
 odor: 花的 floral, 绿 green, 果味的 fruity, 甜 Sweet, 浆果- berry- and 樱桃 Cherry-喜欢 like with 粉状的 powdery 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 花的 floral, 果味的 fruity and 樱桃 Cherry with almond and vanilla 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR guaiacyl acetate
 odor: 甜 Sweet 木本 木 woody 香料 spice 干燥 dry 丁香 clove 粉状的 powdery 烟 smoky
 flavor: 木本 Woody, guaiacol, 烟 smoky, 涩 astringent and 酚醛的 phenolic with 香兰素 vanillin and 香豆素 coumarin 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR guaiacyl phenyl acetate
 odor: 重 heavy 香脂 balsam 酚醛的 phenolic 香料 spice 花的 floral 木本 木 woody 粉状的 powdery 蜜糖 honey 熏制 smoked 香肠 sausage
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 酚醛的 phenolic, 辣茴香 spicy anisic, with 三叶草 丁香 clover 蜜糖 honey and vanilla 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FRpara-methyl anisole
 odor: 萘酚甲酚依兰粉状坚果 naphthyl cresol ylang powdery nutty
 flavor: 萘基 Naphthyl, 酚醛的 phenolic,camphoraceous, 冷却 cooling and 木本 木 woody
FL/FR octahydro香豆素 coumarin
 odor: 甜 Sweet 草药 herbal 香豆素 coumarin 通卡 tonka 木本 木 woody
 flavor: 内酯 Lactonic, 椰子 coconut, 奶油状 creamy, 甜 Sweet, with 乳业 dairy vanilla and 香豆素 coumarin 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL 柑橘 tangerine 马基 maqui berry flavor
FL/FR 甲苯甲醛 tolu醛 aldehydes (混合的 mixed o,m,p) p)
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 樱桃 Cherry and 化学的 chemical with a 粉状的 powdery 香豆素 coumarin 喜欢 like 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 樱桃坑 Cherry pit, 香豆素 coumarin, almond, 甜 Sweet, with a 轻微 slight 粉状的 powdery 干草 hay and vanilla 喜欢 like 细微差别 nuance
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - vanilla
FL/FR ethyl vanillate
 odor: 酚醛愈创木酚烟熏粉状金属 phenolic burnt guaiacol smoky powdery metallic
 flavor: 甜奶油酚醛辣愈创木酚烧木粉状香草 sweet creamy phenolic spicy guaiacol burnt wood powdery vanilla
Octonary (Eighth) - vanilla
FR 愈创木 guaiac木 wood 提取 extract acetate
 odor: 木本 木 woody 香根草 vetiver 香醋 balsamic tea tea 玫瑰 rose
 flavor: 芳香燃烧水果味肉味木质味烟熏涩味香草香豆素 aromatic burnt fruity meaty woody smoky astringent vanilla coumarinic