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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for yeasty
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主 Primary (第一 First) - yeasty
FL yeast flavor
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - yeasty
FL 啤酒 beer
 flavor: 啤酒 beer
FL/FR 啤酒 beer CO2 提取 extract
 odor: 动物新鲜酵母味苦 animal fresh yeasty bitter
 flavor: 啤酒 beer
cs CS 啤酒 beer 提取 extract
 odor: 啤酒 beer
 flavor: 啤酒 beer
FL propionaldehyde
 odor: 空灵的 Ethereal, 泼辣 pungent, 泥土 chocking with earthy, 酒鬼 alcoholic 葡萄酒 wine 像酒糟 lees-喜欢 like with a 威士忌酒 whiskey and 白兰地 brandy 影响 impact and cocoa 坚果 Nutty and 略 slightly 多肉的 meaty 细微差别 nuance on 干 dryout with a grape 喜欢 like 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 发霉的 Musty, yeasty, 空灵的 Ethereal, 土豆的坚果和植物营养 nutty and vegetative with nuances of potato, 蓝乳酪 blue cheese, grape, 香蕉 banana, 苹果 apple, 西兰花 broccoli, almond and 巧克力 chocolate
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - yeasty
FL 二异戊基 diisoamyl 硫代苹果酸 thiomalate
 odor: 发酵的 fermented 咖啡 coffee yeast 暗 dark 黑麦 rye 面包 bread
 flavor: 咖啡面包酵母发酵 coffee bready yeasty fermented
FL faex 酵母 提取物 提取 extracts
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 肉汤 brothy, yeasty, 多肉的 meaty, 猪肉 pork, 鸡 chicken and ham with a 烤 roasted and 鲜味 umami 注意 note
 flavor: 俗气的 Cheesy, 肉汤 brothy, 强大 strong yeasty 鲜味 umami 注意 note with a 面包 面包 bready and 多肉的 meaty 细微差别 nuance
FL 发酵的 fermented flavor
FL/FR5-methyl 甘菊花 quinoxaline
 odor: 坚果壳 Nut shell, 发霉的 Musty, 烤和类似吡嗪的咖啡 roasted and pyrazine-like with coffee, 榛子坚果 hazel nut and 土豆 potato 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 坚果 Nutty, 烤 roasted, 花生 pea坚果 nut and 类吡嗪 吡嗪 pyrazine-喜欢 like with a yeasty 玉米 corn 芯片 chip 细微差别 nuance
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - yeasty
FL/FR2-acetyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 爆米花坚果玉米片面包皮巧克力榛子咖啡 popcorn nutty corn chip bread crust chocolate hazelnut coffee
 flavor: 烤 roasted, 坚果 Nutty, 面包和酵母 bready and yeasty, with 爆米花 pop玉米 corn and 玉米 corn 芯片 chip 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - yeasty
FL 啤酒 beer flavor
FLbantu 啤酒 beer flavor
FL/FR 肉桂基 cinnamyl cinnamate
 odor: 甜苦瓜花肉桂决明子 sweet balsam floral cassia cinnamyl
 flavor: 辣的 Spicy, 肉桂香脂 cinnamic balsamic, 有花香 with a floral, yeasty 注意 note and a 挥之不去 lingering 辣的 spicy 回味 aftertaste
FL/FR  theobroma cacao cacao 提取 extract
 odor: 可可粉 cocoa bitter powdery brown beany
 flavor: 可可粉 cocoa bitter powdery brown beany
Senary (第六 Sixth) - yeasty
FL 面包 bread crust flavor
FL 面包 bread flavor
FLwheat 面包 bread flavor
FLwhite 面包 bread flavor
FL/FR 肉桂基 cinnamyl alcohol
 odor: 甜苦瓜风信子香辣绿粉状肉桂 sweet balsam hyacinth spicy green powdery cinnamic
 flavor: 绿 Green, 花的 floral, 辣的 spicy and 蜜糖 honey with a 发酵的 fermented yeasty 细微差别 nuance
 odor: 发霉的 Musty, ketonic, 像布鲁和帕尔马干酪,带有泥土和奶制品的细微差别 bleu and parmesan cheese-like with earthy and dairy nuances
 flavor: 乳业 Dairy, 蜡状的 waxy, 起司 cheese, 木本 woody, 蘑菇 mushroom and yeast
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - yeasty
FL 科涅克白兰地 cognac flavor
FL/FRwhite 科涅克白兰地 cognac 油 oil
 odor: 酒发酵绿葡萄 winey fermented green grape fusel
 flavor: 酒鬼 Alcoholic, 脂肪的 fatty, fusel, 威士忌酒 whiskey, 发酵的 fermented, 面包和酵母 bready and yeasty
FL/FR 科涅克白兰地 cognac 油 oil 替代者 replacer
 odor: yeasty 酒鬼 alcoholic fusel 威士忌酒 whiskey 发酵的 fermented木本 woody
 flavor: 醇脂肪杂威士忌发酵面包酵母 alcoholic fatty fusel whiskey fermented bready yeasty
FL/FR ethyl phenyl acetate
 odor: 甜 sweet 花的 floral 蜜糖 honey 玫瑰 rose 香脂 balsam cocoa
 flavor: 强大 Strong 甜 sweet 红润 rosy 蜜糖 honey and 香醋 香脂 balsamic 类椰子 cocoa-喜欢 like with 糖蜜 molasses and yeasty 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL yeast 噻唑啉 thiazoline
 odor: 青坚果皮硫磺烧可可玉米 green nut skin sulfurous burnt cocoa corn
 flavor: 麦芽可可巧克力啤酒花坚果皮肤玉米面酵母肉质 malty cocoa chocolate hops nut skin cornmeal yeasty meaty
Octonary (Eighth) - yeasty