Typical G.C. analysis

菊苣 chicory 根 rootoil
表 Table x X. Comparative chemical 组成 composition (%) of the 挥发物 volatiles 隔离的 isolated by 同时 simultaneous 蒸馏萃取 distillation-extraction (sde SDE) 动态 dynamic 顶空 headspace of 烤 roasted 菊苣 chicory
520.0392- acetyl-5-methyl 呋喃 furan
170.3312,3- butane dione
20.0132- buten-1-al
150.0113- buten-2-one
250.018  cyclopentanone
411.787  dihydro-2-m乙基-3 ethyl-3(2h H)-呋喃酮 -呋喃 furanone
530.067  二氢-2(3h)-呋喃酮 dihydro-2(3H)-furanone
510.2222,6之二(1 6-bis(1,1-dimethyl ethyl)-4-methyl phenol
220.0632,3- di甲基吡嗪 methyl pyrazine
160.1872,5- di甲基吡嗪 methyl pyrazine
180.3102,6- di甲基吡嗪 methyl pyrazine
60.0313,4- 二甲基-2 dimethyl-2,5-呋喃二酮 5-furandione
340.0612,5- dim乙基-3 ethyl-3-(2-methyl propyl) 吡嗪 pyrazine
380.0732,6- dim乙基-3 ethyl-3-(3-methyl butyl) 吡嗪 pyrazine
200.028  乙基吡嗪 ethyl pyrazine
320.0192- 乙基-3 ethyl-3,5-dimethyl pyrazine
300.0092- 乙基-3 ethyl-3,6-二甲基吡嗪 6-dimethyl pyrazine
260.0152- ethyl-5-甲基吡嗪 methyl pyrazine
240.1122- ethyl-6-甲基吡嗪 methyl pyrazine
551.2642- 呋喃 furan 甲醇 methanol
570.0552(2- 呋喃基 呋喃 furanyl methyl)-5-methyl 呋喃 furan
461.3381-(2- 呋喃基 呋喃 furanyl) 乙酮 ethanone
459.4852- 糠醛 furfuraldehyde
400.015N- furfuryl pyrrole
420.023N- furfuryl-2-acetyl pyrrole
430.009N- furfuryl-2-formyl pyrrole
30.057  hexanal
330.0234- hydroxy-3-methyl acetophenone
480.0091- methoxy-4-methylbenzene
390.0242- methoxymethyl 呋喃 furan
500.1063- methyl butyric acid
580.017  十六烷酸甲酯 methyl hexadecanoate
10.0243- methyl pentanal
540.0162- methyl phenol
110.0271-(2-methyl 亚丙基 propylidene) phenyl acetaldehyde
130.074  甲基吡嗪 methyl pyrazine
40.0022- methyl-2-buten-1-al
100.0065-(5-methyl-2-呋喃基 呋喃 furanyl) methyl-2-糠醛 furfuraldehyde
50.0322(5-methyl-2-呋喃基 呋喃 furanyl)-1-propanone
492.0785- methyl-2-糠醛 furfuraldehyde
190.0034- methyl-2-pentanone
140.0565- methyl-2-phenyl-2-hexen-1-al
80.0172-m乙基-3 ethyl-3-beta-furyl 丙烯醛 propenal
70.0462,2-methylene bis-5-methyl 呋喃 furan
210.4252,3- pentane dione
270.0092,4- pentane dione
230.0123- penten-2-one
370.0222- pentyl 呋喃 furan
560.017  phenol
290.0181- phenyl-2-propanone
360.0012-(2- propenyl) 呋喃 furan
120.002  吡嗪 pyrazine
470.005  pyridine
310.0961-(1h H- pyrrol-2-yl) 乙酮 ethanone
440.003  toluene
280.062  tri甲基吡嗪 methyl pyrazine

H. 背部 Back K. R. Cadwallader, 烤 r Roasted 菊苣 chicory 香气 aroma 评价 evaluation by gas 色谱法 chromatography/mass 光谱法 spectrometry/嗅觉测定 olfactometry. J. Food Sci., 63, 234-237 (1998).

p&amp P&F 26, 3 No. 3, 66, (2001)

番石榴果实顶空 guava fruit headspace reunion
180.50  borneol
177.60gamma- butyrolactone
160.70beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
140.10alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
240.30  孜然 cumin alcohol
20.50  丁酸乙酯 ethyl butyrate
150.405- ethyl dihydro-2(5h H)-呋喃酮 -呋喃 furanone
90.40  己酸乙酯 ethyl hexanoate
190.105- ethyl-2(5h H)-呋喃酮 -呋喃 furanone
132.20(E,e)-2 E)-2,4- hexadien-1-al
365.90  hexanal
110.50  hexanol
87.40(E)-2- hexenal
71.00(Z)-2- hexenal
42.00(Z)-3- hexenal
120.70(E)-2- 己烯-1-醇 hexen-1-ol
101.30(Z)-3- 己烯-1-基乙酸酯 hexen-1-yl acetate
10.10  丁酸甲酯 methyl butyrate
60.20  己酸甲酯 methyl hexanoate
210.303- methyl-4-octanone
50.30  myrcene
221.60  phenol
230.105-phenyl propanol
200.303- phenyl-1-propyl acetate
J. of Ess. 油 Oil Res. 12, 2 No. 2, 153, (2000)