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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for almond
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主 Primary (第一 First) - almond
FL/FR2-acetyl 呋喃 furan
 odor: 甜 Sweet 香脂 balsam almond cocoa 焦糖 caramel 咖啡 coffee
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 坚果和烤甜 nutty and roasted with a sweet, 焙烤食品 baked-goods body
FL almond 固体油 butter flavor
FL almond 奶油 cream flavor
FLtoasted almond 奶油 creme flavor
FL almond 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 坚果杏仁 nutty almond
FL苦 bitter almond 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 杏仁苦almond bitter almond
FL烤 roasted almond 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 坚果杏仁 nutty almond
FL烤 roasted almond 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 坚果杏仁 nutty almond
FL almond 提取 extract
FL almond flavor
FL苦 bitter almond flavor
FLburnt burnt almond flavor
FL烤 roasted almond flavor
FLtoasted almond flavor
FL almond 榛子坚果 hazel nut flavor
FL almond 分离物 isolates
 flavor: 坚果杏仁 nutty almond
FL/FR苦 bitter almond 油 oil
 odor: 苦杏仁樱桃 bitter almond cherry
 flavor: 樱桃坑 Cherry pit with a 甜 Sweet 奶油状 奶油 creamy 果味的 fruity 背景 background
樱桃苦杏仁 cherry bitter almond苦 bitter almond 油 oil 替代者 replacer
 odor: 樱桃 cherry
 flavor: 苦杏仁 bitter almond
FL almond 开心果 pistachio flavor
FL almond 奶糖 toffee 紧缩 crunch flavor
FL almond 奶糖 toffee flavor
FL amaretto amaretto 卡布奇诺咖啡 cappuccino flavor
FL amaretto amaretto 奶油 cream flavor
FL amaretto amaretto 提取 extract
 flavor: 甜杏仁香草 sweet almond vanilla
FL amaretto amaretto flavor
FL/FR 苯甲醛 Benzaldehyde
 odor: 强大 strong 尖锐 sharp 甜 Sweet 苦杏仁樱桃 bitter almond cherry
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 油腻的 oily, almond, 樱桃 cherry, 坚果 nutty and 木本 woody
FL/FR 苯甲醛 Benzaldehyde 甘油 glycrol acetal
 odor: 樱桃苦杏仁甜 cherry bitter almond sweet
 flavor: 晕 Faint 霉味 mustiness, 轻度 mild 红 red 果 fruit with a 樱桃 cherry almond 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR2-benzo呋喃 furan 甲醛 carboxaldehyde
 odor: 苦杏仁 bitter almond
 flavor: 坚果苦杏仁汤卡 nutty bitter almond tonka
FL/FR 面包 bread 噻吩 thiophene
 odor: 甜 Sweet, almond, 樱桃 cherry, 糠醛 furfural, 木本 woody and acetophenone
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, almond, 果味的 fruity, Heliotropine 促肾上腺素 heliotropine and 坚果 nutty
FLmaraschino 樱桃 cherry flavor
FL 樱桃 cherry 月桂树 laurel 油 oil
 odor: 强大 strong 甜 Sweet 苦杏仁 bitter almond
 flavor: 苦杏仁 bitter almond
FL 樱桃 cherry 坑 pit flavor
FLalmond 曲奇饼 cookie flavor
FL/FR 促肾上腺素 heliotropin
 odor: 鸡血石 heliotrope 花 flower 甜 Sweet 粉状的 powdery 椰子 coco坚果 nut 香草 vanilla
 flavor: 苯甲醛 Benzaldehyde, 樱桃 cherry, 香草 vanilla and 辣的 spicy
FL/FR4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol
 odor: 果味的 fruity 苦杏仁 bitter almond 甜 Sweet 椰子 coco坚果 nut
 flavor: 苦杏仁 bitter almond
FL phenyl acetone
 flavor: 杏仁状 almond-like
FL/FR 罗丹酰基 rhodinyl propionate
 odor: 玫瑰天竺葵马鞭草 rose geranium verbena
 flavor: almond
FL 甲醛 thenaldehyde
 flavor: 苯甲醛 Benzaldehyde
FL/FR 甲苯甲醛 tolualdehydes (混合的 mixed o,m,p) p)
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 樱桃 cherry and 化学的 chemical with a 粉状的 powdery 香豆素 coumarin 喜欢 like 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 樱桃坑 Cherry pit, 香豆素 coumarin, almond, 甜 Sweet, with a 轻微 slight 粉状的 powdery 干草 hay and 香草 vanilla 喜欢 like 细微差别 nuance
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - almond
FL/FR acetophenone
 odor: 甜辛辣山楂含羞草杏仁相思化工 sweet pungent hawthorn mimosa almond acacia chemical
 flavor: 粉状的 Powdery, 苦杏仁樱桃 bitter almond cherry 坑状 坑 pit-喜欢 like with 香豆素 coumarinic and 果味的 fruity 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL3-acetyl-2,5-二甲基噻吩 5-dimethyl thiophene
 odor: 烧烤多肉 burnt roasted meaty
 flavor: 甜榛子杏仁杏仁小杏仁饼 sweet dried hazelnut almond marzipan
FL/FR 苯甲醛 Benzaldehyde dimethyl acetal
 odor: 绿 Green, 酒红 winey, 果味的 fruity and 尖锐 sharp with a 花的 Floral 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 绿 Green, 尖锐 sharp and almondy with a 樱桃 cherry 坑 pit 细微差别 nuance
FL berry almond flavor
FL 固体油 butter almond flavor
FL 樱桃 cherry almond flavor
FL 樱桃 cherry 樱桃 cherry 坑 pit flavor
FL 花栗鼠 chipotle almond flavor
FL 巧克力 chocolate almond flavor
FLtoasted 巧克力 chocolate almond flavor
FLwhite 巧克力 chocolate almond flavor
FL 巧克力 chocolate almond 做傻事 fudge flavor
FLwhite 巧克力 chocolate amaretto amaretto flavor
FL 蜜糖 honey almond flavor
FL 摩卡咖啡 mocha almond 做傻事 fudge flavor
FL/FR 李 prunus cerasus cerasus 果 fruit 油 oil CO2 提取 extract
 odor: 果味樱桃杏仁 fruity cherry almond
 flavor: 果味樱桃杏仁 fruity cherry almond
FL 覆盆子 raspberry almond flavor
 odor: 甜 Sweet 果味的 fruity 樱桃 cherry 苯甲醛 Benzaldehyde 酚醛的 phenolic
 flavor: 甜果味苦杏仁杏仁热带坚果 sweet fruity bitter almond cherry tropical nutty
FR 通卡 tonka ketone
 odor: 甜香豆素花香的橙花热带橙花蜜乳酸金银花蜂蜜 sweet coumarinic floral orangeflower tropical neroli lactonic honeysuckle honey
 flavor: 坚果 nutty, 苦杏仁 bitter almond
FL 香草 vanilla almond flavor
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - almond
FL/FR 苯甲醛 Benzaldehyde 甘油 glycrol acetal
 odor: 樱桃苦杏仁甜 cherry bitter almond sweet
 flavor: 晕 Faint 霉味 mustiness, 轻度 mild 红 red 果 fruit with a 樱桃 cherry almond 细微差别 nuance
FL烤 roasted 板栗 chest坚果 nut almond flavor
FL 巧克力 chocolate 奶糖 toffee almond flavor
FL/FR cyclohexyl cinnamate
 odor: 果味的 fruity 桃子 peach 樱桃 cherry almond
 flavor: 果味樱桃杏仁 fruity cherry almond
FL/FR2,4-dimethyl 苯甲醛 Benzaldehyde
 odor: naphthyl 樱桃 cherry almond 香料 spice 香草 vanilla
 flavor: 萘基 Naphthyl, 樱桃 cherry, almond, 香料 spice and 香草 vanilla
FL/FR methyl benzoate
 odor: 酚醛冬青杏仁花卉依兰 phenolic wintergreen almond floral cananga
 flavor: 酚醛的 Phenolic and 樱桃 cherry 坑 pit with acamphoraceous 细微差别 nuance
 3-(2-呋喃基)丙酸甲酯 methyl 3-(2-furyl) propanoate
 flavor: 辣酒烤杏仁 spicy winey roasted almond
FL/FR 李 prunus amygdalus amara amara 种子 seed 提取 extract
 odor: 樱桃苦杏仁 cherry bitter almond
 flavor: 坚果味的苦杏仁 nutty meaty bitter almond
FL/FR 惕各醛 tiglaldehyde
 odor: 扩散的 Diffusive, 泼辣 pungent, 绿 Green, 精神病 ethareal, 穿透力强 sharp penetrating, 坚果 nutty and 烦 的 anisic
 flavor: 新鲜 Fresh, 果味的 fruity, 绿 Green, 稀烂 pulpy and almond 坚果 nutty
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - almond
 odor: 茴香粉状酚醛粉 powdery anisic almond phenolic
 flavor: 粉状的 powdery 发霉的 musty 烦 的 anisic almond
FL/FR2-acetyl 呋喃 furan
 odor: 甜 Sweet 香脂 balsam almond cocoa 焦糖 caramel 咖啡 coffee
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 坚果和烤甜 nutty and roasted with a sweet, 焙烤食品 baked-goods body
FL2-acetyl-5-methyl 噻吩 thiophene
 odor: 甜辣蜂蜜山楂杏仁相思风信子焦糖全麦饼干 sweet spicy honey hawthorn almond acacia hyacinth caramellic graham cracker
 flavor: 甜甜的花香绿坚果杏仁蜂蜜相思焦糖山楂 sweet floral green nutty almond honey acacia caramellic hawthorn
FL/FR 苯甲醛 Benzaldehyde
 odor: 强大 strong 尖锐 sharp 甜 Sweet 苦杏仁樱桃 bitter almond cherry
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 油腻的 oily, almond, 樱桃 cherry, 坚果 nutty and 木本 woody
FL/FR benzyl alcohol
 odor: 花香玫瑰酚醛香脂 floral rose phenolic balsamic
 flavor: 化学果味樱桃杏仁香脂苦 chemical fruity cherry almond balsamic bitter
FL/FR(E)-benzyl tiglate
 odor: 甜 Sweet, 香醋 香脂 balsamic with a 樱桃 cherry / almond 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 香醋 Balsamic, 像香料 香料 spice-喜欢 like with a 坚果杏仁 nutty almond 注意 note
FL/FR 咖啡 coffee furanone
 odor: 甜 Sweet 溶剂 solvent 面包 bread 黄油的 固体油 buttery 坚果 nutty
 flavor: 坚果和涩,略带 Nutty and astringent with a slight, 奶油状 奶油 creamy almond 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR 山楂 hawthorn 甲醇 carbinol
 odor: 甜山楂花香坚果粉 sweet hawthorn floral nutty powdery
 flavor: 甜辣花香醛杏仁坚果皮山楂新割干草葡萄皮 sweet spicy floral aldehydic almond nut skin hawthorn new mown hay grape skin
FL/FR 李 prunus amygdalus amara amara 种子 seed 提取 extract
 odor: 樱桃苦杏仁 cherry bitter almond
 flavor: 坚果味的苦杏仁 nutty meaty bitter almond
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - almond
 odor: 甜蜜粉状山楂愈创木酚香草苯乙酮杏仁 sweet powdery hawthorn guaiacol vanilla acetophenone almond
 flavor: 甜粉状的愈创木酚霉霉香草花杏仁 sweet powdery guaiacol musty vanilla floral almond
FL/FR ethyl 甲基对甲苯基 methyl-para-tolyl 缩水橙花酯 glycidate
 odor: 花的 Floral, 绿 Green, 果味的 fruity, 甜 Sweet, 浆果- berry- and 樱桃 cherry-喜欢 like with 粉状的 powdery 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 甜 Sweet, 花的 Floral, 果味的 fruity and 樱桃 cherry with almond and 香草 vanilla 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL2-methyl 呋喃 furan
 odor: 乙醚丙酮巧克力 ethereal acetone chocolate
 flavor: 空灵绿可可坚果杏仁咖啡 ethereal green cocoa nutty almond coffee
 odor: 果味樱桃深酚 fruity cherry deep phenolic
 flavor: 甜辣肉桂果味苦杏仁 sweet spicy cinnamon fruity bitter almond
Senary (第六 Sixth) - almond
FL/FR phenyl 乙醛 acetaldehyde 二异丁基 diisobutyl acetal
 odor: 甜绿花卉杏仁玫瑰皮质 sweet green floral almond rose cortex
 flavor: 甜绿可可皮质热带水仙杏仁蜂蜜酚类 sweet green cocoa cortex tropical narcissus almond honey phenolic
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - almond
FL/FRortho-methyl acetophenone
 odor: 甜山楂粉状茴香香豆素酚烧坚果蜂蜜 sweet hawthorn powdery anisic coumarinic phenolic burnt nutty honey
 flavor: 甜茴香香豆素酚烧坚果坚果肉杏仁粉 sweet anisic coumarinic phenolic burnt nutty nut flesh almond powdery
Octonary (Eighth) - almond