Typical G.C. analysis

杏仁油 amyris wood oil
110.70alpha- 二十碳三烯 acoradiene
301.00beta- 二十碳三烯 acoradiene
350.70beta- acorenol
31.00alpha- 琼脂呋喃 agarofuran
141.60beta- 比沙泊烯 bisabolene
260.20delta- cadinol
37<0.10T- cadinol
2tracebeta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
36<0.10  香兰醇 cedranol
173.10ar- 姜黄素 curcumene
240.40alpha-monocyclo -橙花甾醇 nerolidol
220.30gamma-monocyclo -橙花甾醇 nerolidol
210.40gamma-monocyclo -橙花甾醇 nerolidol
200.80 dihydro琼脂呋喃 agarofuran
90.10beta- elemene
410.10  elemol
510.9010-epi-gamma- eudesmol
616.80beta- eudesmol
1<0.10  糠醛 furfural
311.00alpha- 古尔烯 gurjunene
160.40beta- himachalene
15<0.10alpha- humulene
70.504alpha- hydroxydihydro琼脂呋喃 agarofuran
38<0.10  ledol
230.50(E)- -橙花甾醇 nerolidol
10<0.10alpha- santalene
346.40 selin-5-en-7-ol
290.10  selina-3 selina-3,7-二烯 7-diene
193.50  selina-3 selina-3,7(11)-diene
250.20 selina-5-en-11-ol
320.50alpha- selinene
27<0.101,3,7,7-tetramethyl bicyclo(4.4.0)-3-decene
13trace  瓦伦斯 valencene
280.10异 iso瓦伦斯 valencene
822.10  戊醇 valerianol
333.50  姜油烯 zingiberene

B. Corbier, C. Ehret P. m Maupetit, 成分 Constituents inedits de l&rsquo L’essence 精华 de 桑塔尔 Santal 杏仁淀粉 Amyris. in In: 进展 Progress in 萜烯 Terpene 化学 Chemistry. Edit., D. j Joulain, pp. 307-316, Editns 边疆 Frontiers (1986).

p&amp P&F 21, No. 1, 37, (1996)

柏 cypress 叶 leafoil 阿尔盖蒂安 algetian
32trace  borneol
24trace-0.13  bornyl acetate
25trace异 iso bornyl acetate
360.20-0.76delta-cadinene + gamma-cadinene
44tracealpha- cadinol
45tracedelta- cadinol
40.20-0.50  樟脑 camphene
20trace  樟脑 camphene
719.35-21.13delta-3- carene carene
38trace-0.08trans-carvacrol + (Z)-菖蒲烯 calamenene
260.14-0.35beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
41trace  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
23trace-0.19alpha- cedrene
432.03-3.92  雪松 cedrol
19trace-0.06alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
180.07-0.15alpha- 荜澄茄/山苍子 cubebene
42trace  cubenol
39tracepara- cymen-8-ol
150.21-0.24para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
480.10-0.28  dehydroabietane
30.73-0.81alpha- 芬烯 fenchene
17trace(Z)-3- 己烯-1-醇 hexen-1-ol
30trace-0.23alpha- humulene
102.28-3.31  柠檬烯 limonene
210.07-0.33  linalool
220.11-0.16  乙酸芳樟酯 linalyl acetate
470.12-0.20  氧化锰 manoyl oxide
35trace-0.10alpha- 茂烯 muurolene
34trace-0.32gamma- 茂烯 muurolene
83.11-3.48 myrcene + alpha-芹菜烯 phellandrene
28trace  myrtenal
37trace  myrtenol
13trace(E)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
12trace(Z)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
110.43-0.54beta-芹菜烯 phellandrene + 1,8-cineole
247.00-52.76alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
51.10-1.37beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
29tracetrans- 松香酚 pinocarveol
60.74-0.93  桧烯 sabinene
460.26-0.95  沙op sand andracopimaradiene
270.35-1.01  terpinen-4-ol
90.22-0.26alpha- terpinene
140.41-0.51gamma- terpinene
16trace  terpinolene
334.10-6.47alpha- 乙酸叔戊酯 terpinyl acetate
310.42-1.03alpha- 甲酸叔丁酯 terpinyl formate
10.09-0.11  tricyclene
N. Chanegriha, A. Baaliouamer, B. Y. m Melklati, J. Favre-Bonvin S. Alamercey, 化学的 Chemical 组成 composition of 阿尔盖蒂安 Algetian 柏 cypress 精油 essential oil, j J, 本质 Essent, 油 Oil, Res., 5(6), 671-674 (1993). p&amp P&F 20, 4 No. 4, 29, (1995)
罗勒西药草油波兰 ocimum basilicum herb oil poland
212.18alpha- bergamolene
310.13  牛儿烯、双环吉马烯 bicyclogermacrene
200.67  bornyl acetate
180.70beta- 波旁烯 bourbonene
390.52delta- cadinol
2trace  樟脑 camphene
50.11delta-3- carene carene
251.42beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
90.721,8- 桉树脑 cineole
350.11  citronellol
170.37alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
340.04ar- 姜黄素 curcumene
120.02para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
220.86beta- elemene
380.62  eugenol
360.02  香叶醇 geraniol
330.05  乙酸香叶酯 geranyl acetate
305.07  germacrene D
270.78alpha- humulene
80.11  柠檬烯 limonene
1954.06  linalool
230.06  乙酸芳樟酯 linalyl acetate
261.44  薄荷脑 menthol
160.32异 iso menthone
288.68  甲基查维醇 methyl chavicol
371.02  甲基丁香酚 methyl eugenol
60.08  myrcene
100.02(Z)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
140.11allo- 罗勒烯 ocimene
10.83alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
30.08beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
40.09  桧烯 sabinene
240.40  terpinen-4-ol
70.06alpha- terpinene
110.15gamma- terpinene
290.91alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
130.03  terpinolene
320.85alpha- 乙酸叔戊酯 terpinyl acetate

E. k Kostrzewa K. k Karwowska, 化学的 Chemical 组成 composition of the 精油 essential oil from 甜 sweet 罗勒 basil grown in 波兰 Poland and. Prace 仪器 in Inst. 实验室 Lab. bad Bad. Przem Spoz., 44, 97-107(1991).

p&amp P&F 20, 4 No. 4, 29, (1995)

叶油 piper betle leaf oil
101.18delta- cadinene
161.19delta- cadinol
20.35  樟脑 camphene
220.66  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
150.36alpha- costol
192.87  can decanal
204.23  dodecanal
110.89gamma- elemene
2333.22  eugenol
2410.59异 iso eugenol
182.46  香叶醇 geraniol
210.41  十六烷酸 hexadecanoic acid
121.46  linalool
262.33  苯甲酸甲酯 methyl benzoate
42.16  myrcene
60.70(E)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
50.40(Z)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
90.63allo- 罗勒烯 ocimene
36.13  桧烯 sabinene
256.45  safrole
141.45  terpinen-1-ol
71.60gamma- terpinene
132.30alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
80.50  terpinolene
170.763,7,11,15- tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol
11.90alpha- 丁烯 thujene

A. K. S. r Rawat, R. D. Tripathi, A. J. 可汗 k Khan V. R. Balasubrahmanyam. 必要 本质 Essentialoil 组件 components as 标记 markers for identifiication of Piper 甲壳虫 betle L. cultivars. 生化 Biochem. 系统 Systemat. Ecol., 17, 35-38 (1989).

p&amp P&F 18, 3 No. 3, 61, (1993)

黄连木果油 pistacia lentiscus fruit oil
370.17alpha- amorphene
120.58异 iso 丁酸戊酯 amyl butyrate
210.41异 iso 己酸戊酯 amyl hexanoate
320.06异 iso 辛酸戊酯 amyl octanoate
420.02(E)- 茴香脑 anethole
31trace  芳烃 aromadendrene
351.44  borneol
400.62delta- cadinene
503.89delta- cadinol
440.41  菖蒲烯 calamenene
20.03  樟脑 camphene
430.33cis- carvacrol
391.32  carvone
275.10beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
475.16  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
80.251,8- 桉树脑 cineole
220.07alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
41trace  孜然 cumin alcohol
130.33para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
300.05  癸酸乙酯 ethyl decanoate
528.35  十六烷酸乙酯 ethyl hexadecanoate
11trace  己酸乙酯 ethyl hexanoate
530.51  亚油酸乙酯 ethyl linolenate
540.32  亚油酸乙酯 ethyl linolenate
20trace  辛酸乙酯 ethyl octanoate
250.58alpha- 薄荷醇 fenchyl alcohol
150.04  糠醛 furfural
17trace2- heptanol
160.03(E)-2- 己烯-1-醇 hexen-1-ol
180.31(Z)-3- 己烯-1-醇 hexen-1-ol
330.93alpha- humulene
490.41  humulene oxide
72.33  柠檬烯 limonene
230.06  linalool
480.79  甲基丁香酚 methyl eugenol
510.08  甲基异丁香酚 methyl isoeugenol
360.16  茂烯 muurolene
40.24  myrcene
190.142- nonanone
100.05(Z)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
50.06alpha- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
10.21alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
30.09beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
240.02cis- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene 水合物 hydrate
462.30  piperitenone
452.21异 iso piperitenone
383.75  piperitenone
290.85  terpinen-1-ol
2813.07  terpinen-4-ol
60.04alpha- terpinene
90.02gamma- terpinene
3413.62alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
140.07  terpinolene
262.162- 十一烷酮 undecanone

Z. Fleisher A. Fleisher, 芳香 Aromatic 植物 plants of the 圣 Holy 土地 Land and the 西奈 Sinai Part x X. 挥发物 v Volatiles of the 乳香 m Mastic 树 tree - 黄连 Pistacia 扁豆 lentiscus L. J. 本质 Essent. 油 Oil Res., 4, 663-665 (1992).

p&amp P&F 18, No. 1, 53, (1993)

黄连木叶油 pistacia lentiscus leaf oil
362.74alpha- amorphene
121.12异 iso 丁酸戊酯 amyl butyrate
200.87异 iso 己酸戊酯 amyl hexanoate
310.17异 iso 辛酸戊酯 amyl octanoate
40trace(E)- 茴香脑 anethole
300.06  芳烃 aromadendrene
340.10  borneol
384.34delta- cadinene
453.56delta- cadinol
20.07  樟脑 camphene
262.30beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
413.01  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
80.041,8- 桉树脑 cineole
210.28alpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
39trace  孜然 cumin alcohol
130.11para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
470.23  elemicin elemicin
150.07  (z)-3-己酸乙酯 ethyl (Z)-3-hexenoate
290.06  癸酸乙酯 ethyl decanoate
4810.36  十六烷酸乙酯 ethyl hexadecanoate
110.06  己酸乙酯 ethyl hexanoate
492.50  亚油酸乙酯 ethyl linolenate
5011.30  亚油酸乙酯 ethyl linolenate
190.18  辛酸乙酯 ethyl octanoate
421.97  十四烷酸乙酯 ethyl tetradecanoate
240.14alpha- 薄荷醇 fenchyl alcohol
160.052- heptanol
173.05(Z)-3- 己烯-1-醇 hexen-1-ol
322.89alpha- humulene
44trace  humulene oxide
72.74  柠檬烯 limonene
220.09  linalool
431.97  甲基丁香酚 methyl eugenol
46trace  甲基异丁香酚 methyl isoeugenol
350.18  茂烯 muurolene
40.06  myrcene
181.712- nonanone
10trace(Z)-beta- 罗勒烯 ocimene
5tracealpha- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
10.47alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
30.24beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
230.03cis- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene 水合物 hydrate
370.06  piperitenone
280.10  terpinen-1-ol
275.31  terpinen-4-ol
60.02alpha- terpinene
90.07gamma- terpinene
3313.02alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
140.06  terpinolene
254.752- 十一烷酮 undecanone

Z. Fleisher A. Fleisher, 芳香 Aromatic 植物 plants of the 圣 Holy 土地 Land and the 西奈 Sinai Part x X. 挥发物 v Volatiles of the 乳香 m Mastic 树 tree - 黄连 Pistacia 扁豆 lentiscus L. J. 本质 Essent. 油 Oil Res., 4, 663-665 (1992).

p&amp P&F 18, No. 1, 53, (1993)

thymus vulgarisoil 红 red spain
Anoil of T. 欧的 v Vulgaris that was produced for 二 two 分离 separate 季节 seasons in Casolavalsenio, 意大利 Italy, was 服从 subjected to analysis by a 组合 combination of GC GC GC GC/ms m MS (Piccaglia m Marotti, 1993). The 化合物 compounds that were 特色的 characterized 中 during 这个 this analysis were:
19trace  芳烃 aromadendrene
340.44-0.45  borneol
400.04-0.07  bornyl acetate
16tracebeta- 波旁烯 bourbonene
260.11-0.25delta- cadinene
250.06-0.15gamma- cadinene
29trace-0.05alpha- cadinol
28trace-0.09delta- cadinol
30.18-0.46  樟脑 camphene
33trace-0.30  樟脑 camphene
90.07-0.13delta-3- carene carene
420.61-1.72  carvacrol
172.38-4.28beta- 石竹烯 caryophyllene
270.29-0.45  石竹烯氧化物 caryophyllene oxide
131.96-2.621,8- 桉树脑 cineole
44tracealpha- 古巴烯、蒎烯 copaene
43trace-0.08  孜然 cumin alcohol
36tracepara- cymen-8-ol
1118.60-25.34para- 异丙基甲苯、伞花烃 cymene
21trace-0.04(Z)-beta- farnesene
18trace-0.04beta- 古尔烯 gurjunene
200.13-0.23alpha- humulene
120.17-0.30  柠檬烯 limonene
302.42-2.82  linalool
381.43-1.52  甲基百里酚 methyl thymol
220.04-0.07alpha- 茂烯 muurolene
24trace-0.08gamma- 茂烯 muurolene
71.40-2.14  myrcene
60.41-0.671- 辛烯-3-醇 octen-3-ol
80.15-0.19alpha- 芹菜烯 phellandrene
20.49-1.34alpha- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
50.17-0.41beta- 松油萜、蒎烯 pinene
4trace  桧烯 sabinene
350.98-1.10  terpinen-4-ol
101.67-2.34alpha- terpinene
1412.06-12.27gamma- terpinene
370.17-0.26alpha- 松油醇 terpineol
150.18-0.19  terpinolene
10.87-2.10alpha- 丁烯 thujene
310.00-0.51alpha- 崖柏 thujone
320.00-0.15beta- 崖柏 thujone
4116.55-38.24  thymol
39trace  胸腺醌 thymoquinone
23trace-0.10  维地弗洛林 viridiflorene

R. Piccaglia, M. m Marotti, E. Giovanelli, S. G. Deans E. Eaglesham, 抗菌的 Antibacterial 抗氧化剂 antioxidant 属性 properties of 地中海 m Mediterranean aromatic 植物 plants. in Inust. 庄稼 Crops 产品展示 Products, (2), 47-50 (1993).

R. Piccaglia, M. m Marotti, 表征 Characterization of several aromatic 植物 plants grown in 北方 northern 意大利 Italy. Flav. Fragr. J., 8, 115-122 (1993).

p&amp P&F 23, No. 1, 39, (1998)