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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for beefy
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主 Primary (第一 First) - beefy
FL beef broth broth flavor
FL beef 增强剂 enhancers
 flavor: beefy
FL beef flavor
FLBBQ beef flavor
FLgrilled beef flavor
FLhot 辣的 spicy beef flavor
FLjuicy beef flavor
FL烤 roast beef flavor
FL beef flavor 基础 base
FL beef 生涩的 jerky flavor
FL 肉 meat 风味 flavors
FL 多肉的 meaty 增强剂 enhancers
 flavor: 多肉的 meaty
FLS-(2-methyl-3-furyl) 乙烷 ethane thioate
 odor: 烤 Roasted 肉 meat 含硫的 Sulfureous 蛋黄 蛋 eggy burnt burnt 熟的 cooked 油炸 fried
 flavor: 肉厚鸡肉培根 meaty beefy chicken bacon
FL2-methyl-3-tetrahydrofuran 硫醇 thiol
 odor: 烤 Roasted, 脆皮牛肉和鸡肉 crusted beef and chicken, 多肉的 meaty, 炖肉 pot roast, 含硫的 Sulfureous and 温和地 mildly 胶质的 alliaceous
 flavor: 烤牛肉 Roast beef, 多肉的 meaty, with 肉汤 brothy savory 鸡 chicken and turkey 土耳其 笔记 注意 notes it 已 has a 轻微 slight 脂肪的 fatty 胶质的 alliaceous 洋葱 onion and 大蒜 garlic 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL12-methyl 十三can tridecanal
 odor: 甜 sweet, 脂肪的 fatty, 蜡状的 waxy, 丰富 rich savory animal 脂肪的 fatty with a 柑橘类 citrus and 香菜 cilantro 喜欢 like 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 蜡状的 waxy, 醛柑橘 aldehydic citrus, 蜡烛蜡质和肥皂性 candle waxy and soapy, with a savory 脂肪的 fatty 略 轻微 slightly 馊 rancid 香菜 cilantro 喜欢 like 注意 note and with a 暗示 hint of 芒果 mango and 胡萝卜 carrot
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - beefy
FL烤 roast beef flavor
FL beef 果汁 juice flavor
FL beef tallow flavor
 丙烷亚磺酸苄酯 benzyl propanesulfinate
 odor: 煮的白菜酸菜 cooked cabbage sauerkraut
 flavor: 洋葱 onion-beef broth broth
FL 汉堡包 hamburger flavor
FL2-methyl-3-tetrahydrofuran 硫醇 thiol
 odor: 烤 Roasted, 脆皮牛肉和鸡肉 crusted beef and chicken, 多肉的 meaty, 炖肉 pot roast, 含硫的 Sulfureous and 温和地 mildly 胶质的 alliaceous
 flavor: 烤牛肉 Roast beef, 多肉的 meaty, with 肉汤 brothy savory 鸡 chicken and turkey 土耳其 笔记 注意 notes it 已 has a 轻微 slight 脂肪的 fatty 胶质的 alliaceous 洋葱 onion and 大蒜 garlic 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - beefy
FL beef flavor 基础 base
 flavor: 洋葱金属煮熟的牛肉炖蔬菜 onion metallic cooked beef braised vegetable
FLgrilled 牛扒 steak flavor
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - beefy
FLgrilled beef flavor
FLjuicy beef flavor
FL beef 生涩的 jerky flavor
FL beef 果汁 juice flavor
FL2,3-butane 二硫醇 di硫醇 thiol
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfureous, 多肉的 meaty and 胶质的 alliaceous with a 咖啡 coffee 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 含硫的 Sulfureous, 脂肪和烤牛肉样鸡蛋 fatty and roast beef-Iike with egg, 萨拉米 salami and 猪肉 pork 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL 脆 crisp 增强剂 enhancers
 flavor: 脆皮炸鸡培根牛肉脂肪 crispy fried chicken bacon beef fatty
FL/FR 硫磺基 含硫的 sulfuryl acetate
 odor: 多肉的 meaty beef 果汁 juice beef 砂砾的 gravey
 flavor: 多肉的 meaty, 肉汤 brothy, 面包 bready, 棕色 brown, with a beefy 血腥 bloody and 鸡 chicken 注意 note
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - beefy
FL/FR 苯并噻唑 benzothiazole
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfureous, 橡胶的 rubbery, 植物 vegetative, 熟的 cooked, 棕色 brown, 坚果 nutty, 像咖啡 咖啡 coffee-喜欢 like and 多肉的 meaty
 flavor: 多肉的 meaty, 植物 vegetative, 棕色 brown, 熟的 cooked, beefy and 像咖啡 咖啡 coffee-喜欢 like
FL2,5-dihydroxy-1,4-二硫 4-dithiane
 odor: 含硫的 sulfury 多肉的 meaty 烤 toasted 面包 bread broth broth 蛋 egg 番茄 tomato
 flavor: 金属的 Metallic, 肉香鸡肉和牛肉 meaty savory chicken and beef, 含硫的 Sulfureous, 蛋黄 蛋 egg-yolk 喜欢 like
 flavor: 洋葱金属煮熟的牛肉炖蔬菜 onion metallic cooked beef braised vegetable
FL/FR methyl furfuryl 二硫化物 disulfide
 odor: 烤咖啡 Roasted coffee, 含硫的熟肉和肝 sulfurous cooked meat and liver, 洋葱 onion and 大蒜 garlic 细微差别 细微差别 nuances. 轻微 Slight 蛋黄 蛋 eggy 底色 undertones
 flavor: 烤咖啡 Roasted coffee, 烤洋葱和大蒜 toasted onion and garlic, with 烤 Roasted beef and 油炸 fried 猪肉 pork 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL2-pyridinyl m乙烷 ethane 硫醇 thiol
 odor: 罗斯塔德 Roastad, 多肉的 meaty, beef, savory, 发脾气的 sufureous, 猪肉 pork, 清洁 clean and 炖肉 pot roast
 flavor: 多肉的 meaty, 烤 Roasted, savory, 脂肪的 fatty, 牛肉和爆米花 beef and popcorn
 odor: 蜡状的 waxy, 浅绿 slight green, 带有肥皂和香菜的香菜和鸡肉,像黄瓜的音符和细微差别 soapy and fatty with cilantro and chicken like notes and nuances of cucumber, 草药 herbs and 柑橘类 citrus 柠檬 lemon
 flavor: 蜡状的 waxy, 绿 green, 绿叶 leafy 植物 vegetative with oxidized and 再加热 reheated beef and 鸡 chicken 脂肪 fat
Senary (第六 Sixth) - beefy
 odor: 硫磺洋葱烤气质多肉 sulfurous onion roasted gassy meaty
 flavor: 烤肉 Roasted meat, 含硫和蒜味,白菜有细微差别 sulfurous and alliaceous with nuances of cabbage, 咖啡 coffee and 炖肉 pot roast with 脂肪的 fatty 滴水 drippings
FL 吡嗪基 pyrazinyl 乙烷 ethane 硫醇 thiol
 odor: 含硫的 Sulfureous, 多肉的 meaty, savory, 烤 Roasted and burnt burnt with beef and 鸡 chicken 笔记 注意 notes
 flavor: 多肉的 meaty, 含硫的 Sulfureous, 炖肉 pot roast and savory with 细微差别 细微差别 nuances 适当 suitable for 鸡 chicken and 猪肉 pork
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - beefy
FL/FR 方法 methional
 odor: 蔬菜 Vegetable 油 oil. 奶油状 Creamy 番茄 tomato, 土豆皮和炸薯条 potato skin and French fry, 发酵母的 yeasty, 面包 bready, 肢动者 limburger 起司 cheese with a savory 多肉的 meaty 肉汤 brothy 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 发霉的 Musty 番茄 tomato, 土豆 potato, 植物 vegetative, 模具成熟的奶酪 mold ripened cheeses, 洋葱 onion, beefy 肉汤 brothy and 蛋 egg and 海鲜 seafood 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
Octonary (Eighth) - beefy
FL/FR4-methoxy-2-methyl butane 硫醇 thiol
 odor: 甜 sweet, 含硫的 Sulfureous, 臭鼬般的猫 skunk-like and catty, 带有像芒果一样的薄荷状热带硫薄荷酮 with a minty tropical thiomenthone like mango, 桃子 peach, 黑 black 黑醋栗 currant and 葡萄柚 grapefruit 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 强大 Strong 含硫的 Sulfureous, 斤 catty, 热带水果味让 联想到芒果 tropical fruity notes reminiscent of mango, 桃子 peach and 薄荷 spearmint. it It 已 has 次要 minor 细微差别 细微差别 nuances of beef and 鸡 chicken