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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for hazelnut
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主 Primary (第一 First) - hazelnut
2-acetonyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 flavor: 轻微的坚果榛子 slight nutty hazelnut
FL/fr Fr R2-acetyl-3,5-dimethyl pyrazine
 odor: 坚果烤榛子 nutty roasted hazelnut
 flavor: 坚果烤榛子 nutty roasted hazelnut
FL3-acetyl-2,5-二甲基噻吩 5-dimethyl thiophene
 odor: 烧烤多肉 burnt roasted meaty
 flavor: 甜榛子杏仁杏仁小杏仁饼 sweet dried hazelnut almond marzipan
FL3-acetyl-2,5-二甲基噻吩 5-dimethyl thiophene
 odor: 烧烤多肉 burnt roasted meaty
 flavor: 甜榛子杏仁杏仁小杏仁饼 sweet dried hazelnut almond marzipan
FL/fr Fr R3,6-cocoa 吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 土豆可可烤坚果 potato cocoa roasted nutty
 flavor: hazelnut
FL2,5-diethyl-3-methyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 烤 roasted hazelnut 多肉的 meaty
 flavor: 榛子烧 hazelnut burnt
FL2,5-diethyl-3-methyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 烤 roasted hazelnut 多肉的 meaty
 flavor: 榛子烧 hazelnut burnt
FL2,5-diethyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 flavor: 坚果榛子 nutty hazelnut
2,6-diethyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 flavor: 坚果榛子 nutty hazelnut
2,5-dimethyl-3,6-二丙基吡嗪 6-dipropyl pyrazine
 flavor: 榛子呈酸性 hazelnut acidic
FL2-ethyl-6-methyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 烤土豆 roasted potato
 flavor: 烤榛子 roasted hazelnut
FL/fr Fr R 榛子 filbert 庚heptenone
 odor: 生的 raw 坚果皮 nut skin 月桂烯 myrcene ketonic 甜 sweet hazelnut 榛子 filbert
 flavor: 坚果 Nutty, 烤 roasted, 咖啡 coffee, cocoa, 棕色 brown with an 泥土的 earthy 棕色 brown and 多肉的 meaty 细微差别 nuance
FL/fr Fr R 榛子 filbert 庚heptenone B
 odor: 坚果榛子 nutty hazelnut
 flavor: 坚果 Nutty
FL/fr Fr R(-)-(E,r R)-榛子 filbertone
 odor: hazelnut 柔软的 soft 固体油 butter 巧克力 chocolate 金属的 metallic
 flavor: hazelnut
FL/fr Fr R(+)-(E,S)-榛子 filbertone
 odor: hazelnut 金属的 metallic 脂肪的 fatty pyidine
 flavor: hazelnut
FL/fr Fr Reuropean hazelnut 精华/精粹/精萃 absolute
 odor: hazelnut
 flavor: hazelnut
FL hazelnut 卡布奇诺咖啡 cappuccino flavor
FL hazelnut 奶油 cream flavor
FL烤 roasted hazelnut 奶油 cream flavor
FLeuropean hazelnut 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 坚果榛子 nutty hazelnut
FL hazelnut flavor
FL/fr Fr R烤 roasted hazelnut 输液 infusions
 odor: 坚果榛子 nutty hazelnut
 flavor: 坚果榛子 nutty hazelnut
FL/fr Fr R烤 roasted hazelnut 输液 infusions
 odor: 坚果榛子 nutty hazelnut
 flavor: 坚果榛子 nutty hazelnut
FL/fr Fr Reuropean hazelnut 油 oil CO2 提取 extract
FLeuropean hazelnut oleoresin
 flavor: 坚果榛子 nutty hazelnut
FLeuropean hazelnut oleoresin
 flavor: 坚果榛子 nutty hazelnut
FL hazelnut 糊 paste
 flavor: hazelnut
FL hazelnut 果仁糖 praline flavor
FL hazelnut 香草 vanilla flavor
 odor: 高气的 gassy, 热带 tropical, 葡萄柚 grapefruit, 马斯喀特葡萄 muscat grape, 葡萄藤上的grapes on the vine
 flavor: 蘑菇 mushroom, 多肉的 meaty, 烤 roasted, 坚果 Nutty, 烤 roasted, 和榛子 and hazelnut
2-(methoxymethyl)-6-methyl pyridine
 flavor: 烤 roasted, 榛子状 hazelnut-like
2-methyl-3-ethyl 甘菊花 quinoxaline
 flavor: 榛子味烤 hazelnut bitter roasted
2-methyl-3-ethyl 甘菊花 quinoxaline
 flavor: 榛子味烤 hazelnut bitter roasted
2-methyl-3-pentyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 flavor: hazelnut, 像咖啡 coffee-like
FL2-methyl 甘菊花 quinoxaline
 odor: 烤 roasted 咖啡 coffee 坚果 Nutty 果味的 果 fruity
 flavor: 酚醛烧咖啡坚果 phenolic burnt coffee nutty
2-methyl-3-vinyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 flavor: 土质新鲜榛子 fresh hazelnut earthy
2-methyl-6-vinyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 flavor: hazelnut
2-propyl-3,6-二甲基吡嗪 6-dimethyl pyrazine
 odor: hazelnut
 flavor: hazelnut
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - hazelnut
FL/fr Fr R2-acetyl-3,5(或6)-二甲基吡嗪 5(or 6)-dimethyl pyrazine
 odor: 坚果烤榛子 nutty roasted hazelnut 烤 roasted 花生 peanut 爆米花 pop玉米 corn 玉米 corn 芯片 chip 烤 roasted 粮食 grain nut 肉 flesh 花生 peanut 固体油 butter
 flavor: 坚果烤榛子烤花生爆米花烤谷物坚果肉花生酱 nutty roasted hazelnut roasted peanut popcorn toasted grain nut flesh peanut butter
FL almond hazelnut flavor
FL 巧克力 chocolate hazelnut flavor
FLwhite 巧克力 chocolate hazelnut flavor
FL 肉桂 cinnamon hazelnut 卡布奇诺咖啡 cappuccino flavor
FL 肉桂 cinnamon hazelnut 奶油 cream flavor
FL 肉桂 cinnamon hazelnut flavor
FL 椰子 coconut hazelnut flavor
FL2-ethyl-6-methyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 烤土豆 roasted potato
 flavor: 烤榛子 roasted hazelnut
2-ethyl-3-vinyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 flavor: 烧焦的土质榛子 earthy hazelnut burnt
FL 榛子 filbert flavor
2-(methoxymethyl)-6-methyl pyridine
 flavor: 烤 roasted, 榛子状 hazelnut-like
FL/fr Fr R methyl 苯并 benzoxole
 odor: 烟熏酚醛肉状刺山柑 tobacco burnt phenolic meaty powdery capers
 flavor: 坚果榛子烟草烧肉肉汤烤酚醛 nutty hazelnut tobacco burnt meaty brothy roasted phenolic
FL1-(5-methyl-2-furyl) propan-1-one
 flavor: 绿 green, 榛子状 hazelnut-like
2-methyl-6-propyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 flavor: 榛子烧 hazelnut burnt
FL2-methyl pyridine
 flavor: 收敛性榛子坚果 astringent hazelnut nutty
FL 覆盆子 raspberry hazelnut flavor
2,3,5-trimethyl-6-hexyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 flavor: 脂肪榛子 fatty hazelnut
FL 香草 vanilla hazelnut flavor
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - hazelnut
FL/fr Fr R2-acetyl-3,5-dimethyl pyrazine
 odor: 坚果烤榛子 nutty roasted hazelnut
 flavor: 坚果烤榛子 nutty roasted hazelnut
FL/fr Fr R2-acetyl-3-methyl 吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 坚果 Nutty nut 肉 flesh 烤榛子 roasted hazelnut 烤 roasted 粮食 grain 玉米 corn 芯片 chip 蔬菜 vegetable 坚果皮 nut skin 焦糖色 caramellic
 flavor: 坚果坚果肉烤榛子烤谷物土豆片烤土豆坚果皮蔬菜 nutty nut flesh roasted hazelnut toasted grain potato chip baked potato nut skin vegetable
FL 巧克力 chocolate 肉桂 cinnamon hazelnut flavor
FL2,5-dimethyl-4-ethyl oxazole
 odor: 烧烤 burnt roasted
 flavor: 绿的空灵榛子 green ethereal hazelnut
FL/fr Fr R3-ethyl pyridine
 odor: 烟草 tobacco 橡苔 oakmoss 皮革 leather
 flavor: 焦糖烤榛子 caramellic roasted hazelnut
7-methyl 苯并呋喃 benzofuran
 flavor: 土蘑菇榛子 earthy mushroom hazelnut
FL3-methyl pyridine
 flavor: 绿土榛子 green earthy hazelnut
FL/fr Fr R2,4,5-trimethyl oxazole
 odor: 坚果坚果皮烤芥末贝类芥末蔬菜 nutty nut skin roasted wasabi shellfish mustard vegetable
 flavor: 烧坚果坚果榛子油性坚果皮马铃薯泥土蘑菇 burnt nutty hazelnut oily nut skin potato earthy mushroom
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - hazelnut
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - hazelnut
FL/fr Fr R allyl 2-ethyl butyrate
 odor: nut 果 fruit 桃核 peach-pit 樱桃坑 cherry-pit 空灵的 ethereal
 flavor: 空灵的果味绿坚果榛子去核澳洲坚果果肉 ethereal fruity green nutty hazelnut seedy macadamia nut flesh
FL3,5(6)-cocoa 吡嗪 pyrazine
 odor: 坚果坚果皮肤榛子花生巧克力烤 nutty nut skin hazelnut peanut chocolate roasted
 flavor: 花生 Peanut, 坚果皮 nut skin, 棕色 brown, 烤 roasted, hazelnut, with 咖啡 coffee and 巧克力 chocolate 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
Senary (第六 Sixth) - hazelnut
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - hazelnut
Octonary (Eighth) - hazelnut