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Flavor 描述符 Descriptors for pear
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主 Primary (第一 First) - pear
FL/FR ethyl (E)-2-decenoate
 odor: 青苹果梨果味糯糯紫瓜肥皂 green apple pear fruity waxy violet melon soapy
 flavor: 果味绿梨油腻瓜蜡质肥皂 fruity green pear oily melon waxy soapy
FL(z)-3 Z)-3-nonen-1-yl acetate
 odor: 多肉梨绿热带草药 fleshy pear green tropical herbal
 flavor: 梨热带绿果味多肉 pear tropical green fruity fleshy
FL/FR(z)-3 Z)-3-octen-1-yl propionate
 odor: 梨水果甜瓜绿皮层甜瓜外皮蜜瓜哈密瓜朝鲜蓟 pear fruity melon green cortex melon rind honeydew cantaloupe artichoke
 flavor: 果味梨绿皮层瓜皮热带葡萄酒 fruity pear green cortex melon rind tropical grape winey
FL pear berry flavor
FL pear 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 果味多汁的热带果肉瓜干果苹果内酯 fruity juicy tropical fleshy melon dried fruit apple lactonic
FL pear 增强剂 enhancers
 flavor: 果味梨 fruity pear
FL/FR pear essence 精华
 odor: pear
 flavor: pear
FL pear flavor
FLasian pear flavor
FLbartlett pear flavor
FLcomice pear flavor
FL pear flavor for 巧克力 chocolate
FL pear 生姜 ginger flavor
FL pear 果汁 juice 浓缩 concentrate
 flavor: pear
FL2-pentyl 2-methyl pentanoate
 odor: pear
 flavor: pear
FL/FR pyrus communis 果 fruit 提取 extract
 odor: pear
 flavor: pear
第二 Secondary (第二 Second) - pear
FL/FR 戊基 amyl acetate
 odor: 空灵的 ethereal 果味的 fruity 香蕉 banana pear 香蕉 banana 苹果 apple
 flavor: 甜 sweet, 果味的 fruity, 梨熟香蕉 pear overripe banana
FL 苹果 apple pear flavor
FL 蓝莓 blueberry pear flavor
FL Cupuacu cupuacu flavor
FL/FR ethyl (z Z)-4-octenoate
 odor: 新鲜 Fresh 多汁的 juicy 菠萝 pineapple
 flavor: 新鲜菠萝 fresh pineapple
FL/FR(z)-3 Z)-3-hexen-1-yl 2-methyl butyrate
 odor: 新鲜的青苹果甜果味梨 fresh green apple sweet fruity pear
 flavor: 新鲜 Fresh 绿 Green 苹果 apple and pear with a 蜡状的 waxy skin 皮 喜欢 like 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR hexyl lactate
 odor: 甜花香绿果味 sweet floral green fruity
 flavor: 淡淡的甜果味梨 faint sweet fruity pear
FL/FR hexyl (E)惕各酸 -tiglate
 odor: 甜 sweet 焦糖 caramel 绿 Green 核桃 walnut 油腻的 oily 萝卜 radish
 flavor: 绿 Green, 甜梨,萝卜的细微差别 sweet pear with vegetative nuances of radish, 土豆 potato and 蘑菇 mushroom
FL 茉莉花 茉莉 jasmine pear flavor
FL 芒果 mango pear flavor
FL香料 spiced pear flavor
FL 覆盆子 raspberry pear flavor
FL 萨拉卡 salacca 扎拉卡 zalacca 果 fruit
 flavor: 苹果 apple, pear, 菠萝和荔枝 pineapple and lychee, 略带涩味 with a bit of an astringent note
FL 蛇 snake 果 fruit flavor
叔 Tertiary (第三 Third) - pear
FLpear 白兰地 brandy flavor
FL 肉桂 cinnamon pear flavor
FL 火龙果 dragon fruit 馏出物 distillates
 flavor: 火龙果 dragon fruit
FL 火龙果 dragon fruit flavor
FL/FR 绿 Green 注意 note propionate
 odor: 绿新鲜水果苹果梨蔬菜瓜香蕉桃 green fresh fruity apple pear vegetable melon banana peach
 flavor: 青苹果梨香蕉香蕉热带水果芒果瓜 green apple pear banana tropical fruity mango melon
FL 番石榴 guava flavor
FL/FR heptyl butyrate
 odor: 果味的 fruity 热带 tropical 洋甘菊 chamomile 绿 Green tea tea 甜 sweet 花的 floral 清洁 clean
 flavor: 绿水果梨猕猴桃热带香蕉皮 green fruity pear kiwi tropical banana peel
FL/FR(z)-3 Z)-3-hexen-1-yl (z)-3 Z)-3-hexenoate
 odor: 绿番茄叶梨瓜金属茴香热带 green tomato leaf pear melon metallic fennel tropical
 flavor: 绿果味梨瓜热带香蕉皮番茄叶金属 green fruity pear melon tropical banana peel tomato leaf metallic
FR(z)-3 Z)-3-hexenyl methyl ether
 odor: 甜 sweet, 绿 Green, 果味的 fruity, pear, 像青苹果 green apple-like, 像新鲜无花果 fresh fig-like
 flavor: 甜 sweet, 绿 Green, 果味的 fruity, pear, 像青苹果 green apple-like, 像新鲜无花果 fresh fig-like
FL/FR(z)-3 Z)-3-hexen-1-yl propionate
 odor: 青梨苹果新鲜水果糯绿叶 green pear apple fresh fruity waxy leafy
 flavor: 绿 Green, 苹果和梨油腻 apple and pear with an oily, 蜡状的 waxy, 略 轻微 slightly 柑橘类 citrus 注意 note
FL/FR hexyl 2-methyl-3-pentenoate
 odor: 果味的 fruity 热带 tropical 甜 sweet 蜡状的 waxy 辣的 spicy 愈创木 guaiacwood 绿 Green 哈密​​瓜 cantaloupe 果皮 rind
 flavor: 果味热带梨绿甜瓜林迪辣 fruity tropical pear green melon rindy spicy
FL 菠萝蜜 jack果 fruit flavor
 flavor: 果瓜 fruity melon, 梨样 pear-like
FL/FR2-octenyl acetate
 odor: 瓜梨热带土黄 melon pear tropical earthy
 flavor: 绿果味梨 green fruity pear
FL/FR propyl 2,4-decadienoate
 odor: 脂肪的 Fatty, 瓜 melon, 绿 Green, pear with 新鲜 Fresh 蔬菜 vegetable 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 瓜 melon, 绿 Green, pear, with 蜡状的 waxy 热带 tropical 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
四元的 Quaternary (第四 Fourth) - pear
FL/FR benzyl butyrate
 odor: 新鲜水果茉莉花杏洛根莓 fresh fruity jasmin apricot loganberry
 flavor: 果味的 fruity, 甜 sweet, 热带 tropical, 李子 plum, pear, 菠萝 pineapple, 杏 apricot
FL/FR butyl heptanoate
 odor: 绿果味甘草草油性酒杨桃梨热带 green fruity licorice grassy oily winey starfruit pear tropical
 flavor: 果味绿酒香梨杨桃热带木瓜甘草 fruity green winey pear starfruit tropical papaya licorice
FL 杨桃 carambole flavor
FL/FR 肉桂基 cinn戊基 amyl 异戊酸 isovalerate
 odor: 甜 sweet 香料 spice 瓜 melon 樱桃 cherry 绿 Green 苹果 apple
 flavor: 果味的 fruity, 酒红 winey, 梨发酵 fermented with pear, 蜜糖 honey 蓝莓 blueberry 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR cyclohexyl ethyl acetate
 odor: 薄荷 mint 玫瑰 rose 覆盆子 raspberry 像植物 plant-喜欢 like 塑料 plastic 绿 Green
 flavor: 绿花瓣花瓣梨塑料 green floral petal pear plastic
FL/FR ethyl (E,Z)-2,4-decadienoate
 odor: 绿糯梨苹果甜果味热带 green waxy pear apple sweet fruity tropical
 flavor: 绿 Green, 蜡状的 waxy, 植物 vegetative, pear and 瓜 melon with a 热带 tropical 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR(z)-3 Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate
 odor: 新鲜的绿甜果味香蕉苹果草 fresh green sweet fruity banana apple grassy
 flavor: 绿 Green 果味苹果和梨 fruity apple and pear, with 新鲜 Fresh 热带 tropical 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR(z)-3 Z)-3-hexen-1-yl isobutyrate
 odor: 果味绿梨苹果热带芒果番茄叶紫罗兰色叶 fruity green pear apple tropical mango tomato leaf violet leaf
 flavor: 甜果味辣苹果梨绿芦笋绿豆番石榴 sweet fruity spicy apple pear green asparagus green bean guava
FL/FR(z)-3 Z)-3-hexen-1-yl (E)-2-hexenoate
 odor: 绿草如茵的果味热带梨猕猴桃浆果朝鲜蓟 green grassy fruity tropical pear kiwi berry artichoke
 flavor: 果味绿奇异果梨热带草药朝鲜蓟茶 fruity green kiwi pear tropical herbal artichoke tea
FL/FR3-hexenyl 2-methyl butyrate
 odor: 绿 Green, 果味的 fruity, 甜 sweet, 多汁和梨状 juicy and pear-like, with 植物 vegetative 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 绿果味 Green fruity, 菠萝 pineapple, pear and 苹果 apple-喜欢 like with 瓜 melon 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR hexyl 2-furoate
 odor: 花的 Floral, 蜡状的 waxy and 绿 Green with 甜 sweet pear 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 绿 Green, 蜡状的 waxy with 果味梨 fruity pear and 苹果 apple 笔记 注意 notes
FL/FR(E)-2-octen-1-yl acetate
 odor: 绿 Green, 脂肪的 fatty and 醛 aldehydic with an 油腻的 oily 蜡状的 waxy 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 绿 Green, 脂肪的 fatty and 果味的 fruity with a 新鲜 Fresh 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR3-octyl 甲 formate
 odor: 绿 Green, 多汁的 juicy, 果味苹果和梨 fruity apple and pear , 蜡状的 waxy, 热带 tropical with 柑橘类 citrus 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 蜡状的 waxy, 果味绿梨 fruity green pear, 香蕉 banana, 金色的 golden 美味的 delicious 苹果 apple and 桃子 peach with 植物 vegetative 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR propyl heptanoate
 odor: 甜 sweet, 成熟 ripe, 果味苹果 fruity apple, pear, 菠萝 pineapple, grape and 草莓 st生的 rawberry 笔记 注意 notes. it It 传授 imparts a 略 轻微 slightly 发酵的 fermented 科涅克白兰地 cognac 细微差别 nuance and 已 has 多汁的 juicy 合奏 tutti frutti frutti and 多汁的 juicy 像水果 果 fruit-喜欢 like 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
 flavor: 甜 sweet, 蜡状的 waxy, 果味菠萝 fruity pineapple, pear, 苹果 apple and 柑橘类 citrus 笔记 注意 notes with a 轻微 slight 绿 Green 草木 grassy 细微差别 nuance
FL 杨桃 star果 fruit flavor
Quinary (第五 Fifth) - pear
FL/FR ethyl (E)-4-decenoate
 odor: 绿果味糯白兰地 green fruity waxy cognac
 flavor: 脂肪的 Fatty, 蜡状的 waxy, 绿 Green, 菠萝 pineapple and pear 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR 香叶基 geranyl acetone
 odor: 新鲜的玫瑰叶花香绿木兰醛果味 fresh rose leaf floral green magnolia aldehydic fruity
 flavor: 花香果味热带绿梨苹果香蕉柑橘 floral fruity tropical green pear apple banana citrus
FL/FR(E)-香叶基 geranyl acetone
 odor: 新鲜的绿水果蜡质玫瑰木本玉兰热带 fresh green fruity waxy rose woody magnolia tropical
 flavor: 花香果味绿热带梨香蕉依兰脂肪 floral fruity green tropical pear banana ylang fatty
FL/FR(E)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate
 odor: 尖锐 sharp 果味的 fruity 绿 Green 皮层 cortex 风信子 hyacinth 水仙 narcissus 拉米 rummy un成熟 ripe 香蕉 banana pear
 flavor: 绿的皮层,未成熟的香蕉,果味的梨,科涅克白兰地,土状叶茂盛 green cortex unripe banana fruity pear cognac earthy leafy weedy
FL/FR(z)-3 Z)-3-hexen-1-yl butyrate
 odor: 新鲜的青苹果果味酒金属黄油 fresh green apple fruity wine metallic buttery
 flavor: 新鲜 Fresh, 绿 Green, 油腻的 oily, 蜡状的 waxy, 苹果 apple and pear 肉 flesh with a 植物 vegetative 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR hexyl isobutyrate
 odor: 绿 Green 果味苹果 fruity apple pear 酸 tart grape 成熟 ripe berry 酒红 winey 桃子 peach
 flavor: 绿果味苹果成熟水果梨香蕉酒象草 green fruity apple ripe fruit pear banana winey grassy
FL 荔枝 lychee flavor
FL/FR methyl nonanoate
 odor: 甜 sweet, 果味的 fruity, 梨样 pear-like, 蜡状的 waxy, 酒红 winey, with a 轻微 slight 热带 tropical 细微差别 nuance
 flavor: 酒红 winey, 蜡状的 waxy, 芹菜和梨 green celery and pear, with an un成熟 ripe 果 fruit 细微差别 nuance
FL/FR 橙皮 neryl acetate
 odor: 花香玫瑰肥皂柑橘露水梨 floral rose soapy citrus dewy pear
 flavor: 花的 Floral, 红润 rosy, 肥皂的 soapy, 果味的 fruity, pear and 热带 tropical
FL/FR(E,z)-3 Z)-3,6-nonadien-1-ol
 odor: 脂肪的 fatty 生的 raw 绿 Green 黄瓜 cucumber 绿 Green 胡椒 pepper 果味的 fruity water瓜 melon
 flavor: 新鲜 Fresh 绿 Green 蜡状的 waxy 瓜 melon with 果味梨 fruity pear 笔记 注意 notes
FL/FR3,6-nonadien-1-yl acetate
 odor: 甜糯新鲜的绿瓜果味梨黄瓜瓜 sweet waxy fresh green melon fruity pear cucumber melon
 flavor: 新鲜的绿糯瓜果味梨 fresh green waxy melon fruity pear
Senary (第六 Sixth) - pear
FL/FR citronellyl acetate
 odor: 花香绿玫瑰水果柑橘木质热带水果 floral green rose fruity citrus woody tropical fruit
 flavor: 花的 Floral, 蜡状的 waxy, 醛 aldehydic, with 绿 Green 果味的 fruity 细微差别 细微差别 nuances. 果味的 fruity pear and 苹果 apple 喜欢 like
FL/FR(S)-citronellyl acetate
 odor: 新鲜 Fresh 果味的 fruity 玫瑰 rose 佛手柑 bergamot 玫瑰 rose 甜 sweet
 flavor: 花香绿糯苹果水果梨肥皂 floral green waxy apple fruity pear soapy
FL/FR 科涅克白兰地 cognac heptanone
 odor: 绿 Green, 以太 etherial, 果味的 fruity, ketonic, 金属的 metallic, 发酵的 fermented, 菠萝和香蕉 pineapple and banana
 flavor: 科涅克白兰地 Cognac, 柑橘类 citrus, 果味的 fruity, 菠萝 pineapple, 香蕉 banana, pear and 热带 tropical 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR 法尼醇 farnesol
 odor: 轻度 mild 新鲜 Fresh 甜 sweet linden 花的 floral 当归 angelica
 flavor: 花卉多汁绿热带李子梨桃香菜金属 floral juicy green tropical plum pear peach cilantro metallic
FL/FR(E)-2-hexen-1-yl hexanoate
 odor: 绿天然干邑白兰地蜡质清洁 green natural cognac herbal waxy clean
 flavor: 绿绿苹果苹果热带梨奇异果叶茂盛 green green apple apple tropical pear kiwi leafy
FL/FR(z)-3 Z)-3-hexen-1-yl valerate
 odor: 绿 Green 果味苹果 fruity apple pear 猕猴桃 kiwi un成熟 ripe 香蕉 banana 热带 tropical
 flavor: 绿 Green, 带有新鲜到未成熟的多汁水果味,让 联想到苹果 with fresh to unripe juicy fruity notes reminiscent of apple, pear, 猕猴桃 kiwi, 与热带细微差别 with tropical nuances
FL/FR hexyl 异戊酸 isovalerate
 odor: 甜 sweet 绿 Green 果味苹果 fruity apple un成熟 ripe 果 fruit 苹果 apple skin 皮 草莓 st生的 rawberry
 flavor: 绿 Green, 果味的 fruity, 苹果肉 apple meat, 与成熟 with ripe, 蜡状的 waxy pear 细微差别 细微差别 nuances
FL/FR 瓜 melon 壬烯酸 nonenoate
 odor: 甜绿糯紫梨水果瓜蔬菜 sweet green waxy violet pear fruity melon vegetable
 flavor: 绿 Green, 蜡状的 waxy, 油腻的 oily, 果味的 fruity, 西瓜皮 watermelon rind, 像梨和苹果 pear- and apple-like
FL/FR2-methyl butyl butyrate
 odor: 水果梨梨杏苹果热带醋栗辣拉米 fruity pear apricot apple tropical gooseberry spicy rummy
 flavor: 甜果味合奏 tutti frutti frutti杏醋栗热带
FL/FR methyl 2-methyl butyrate
 odor: 空灵的 ethereal 酯化 estery 果味的 fruity 合奏 tutti frutti frutti 绿 Green 苹果 apple 百合 lily of the 谷 valley 粉状的 powdery 脂肪的 fatty
 flavor: 空灵酯水果苹果绿梨热带花的 ethereal estery fruity apple green pear tropical floral
Septenary (第七 Seventh) - pear
FL/FR hexyl acetate
 odor: 果味绿苹果香蕉甜 fruity green apple banana sweet
 flavor: 果味的 fruity, 绿 Green, 新鲜 Fresh, 甜 sweet, 香蕉皮 banana peel, 苹果 apple and pear
FL/FR(z Z)-6-nonen-1-yl acetate
 odor: 瓜哈密瓜哈密瓜绿热带梨奇异果金属 melon honeydew cantaloupe green tropical pear kiwi metallic
 flavor: 绿热带脂肪甜瓜哈密瓜奇异果梨黄油 green tropical fatty cantaloupe honeydew kiwi pear buttery
Octonary (Eighth) - pear
FL/FR 联苯 diphenyl methane
 odor: 甜绿湿塑料天竺葵 sweet green wet plastic geranium
 flavor: 甜绿油性天竺葵辛辣金属塑料女贞梨 sweet green oily geranium spicy metallic plastic privet pear