玺留香数据库列表 Igreatlife Health Information Listings

Flavoring Listing : E
紫锥菊花卉/叶/茎汁 echinacea purpurea flower/leaf/stem juice CAS: 90028-20-9
EC: 289-808-4

使用 Use(s): 口腔护理剂 oral care agents
蛋奶油味 egg cream flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
蛋c味 egg custard flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
鸡蛋味 egg flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
蛋酒焦糖布丁味 egg nog creme brulee flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
蛋酒口味 egg nog flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
蛋奶拿铁味 egg nog latte flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
蛋黄味 egg yolk flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
茄子 蛋 eggplant flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
浆果味 elder berry flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
接骨浆果汁 elder berry juice 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
浓缩浆果汁 elder berry juice concentrate 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents, 食品添加剂 Food Additives
老花香 elder flower flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
接骨木花馏出物 elderflower distillates 使用 Use(s): 调味剂 flavoring agents
enchilada flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
浓咖啡 espresso n 奶油 creme flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
essence 精华 of 牙买加 jamaica flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
桉树味 eucalyptus flavor 使用 Use(s): 各种调味产品 flavored products of all types
紫丁香果汁 eugenia uniflora fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
洋紫苏果汁 eugenia jambos fruit juice CAS: 90045-96-8
EC: 289-962-2

使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
紫丁香果汁 eugenia uniflora fruit juice 使用 Use(s): 化妆品和调味剂 cosmetic and flavor agents
阿萨伊果、巴西莓木汁 euterpe oleracea juice 使用 Use(s): 皮肤调理化妆品成分 cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning
The Flavoring information is provided to the Internet Community.